02-004357 In Re: Petition For Rule Amendment - Fiddler`s Creek Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, February 25, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petition to expand and contract Community Development District and change name. Report summarized hearing and pointed out some differences between hearing record and apparent statutory provisions.




14AMENDMENT - FIDDLER'S CREEK ) Case No. 02 - 4357






42On January 23, 2003, a local public hearing was conducted

52in this matter in Naples, Florida, before J. Lawrence Johnston,

62Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) of the Division of Administrative

71Hearings (DOAH).


74For Petitioner: Kenza van Assenderp, Esquire

80Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe

84& Anderson, P.A.

87225 South Adams Street, Suite 200

93Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1833

98For Collier County: Patrick White, Esquire

104Collier County Attorney's Office

1083301 Tamiami Trail East

112Naples, Florida 34112

115For Landowners: Mark J. Woodward, Esquire

121Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.

1263200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200

132Naples, Florida 34103


139At "issue" in this hearing was a petition to amend Rule

15042X - 1, Florida Administrative Code , to expand the boundaries of

161the Fiddler's Creek Community Development District (CDD) by

169approximately 137 acres and simultaneously contract the

176boundarie s by approximately 137 acres (for approximately no net

186change in overall total acreage), and to change its name by

197adding the numeral 1.


203On October 18, 2002, Fiddler's Creek CDD filed with the

213Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Co mmission (FLAWAC) a

222Petition for Rulemaking to Amend the Boundaries and Amend the

232Name of the Fiddler's Creek Community Development District

240(Petition). Although the Petition asked FLAWAC to forward it to

250the CDD's Board of Supervisors for a local public hearing under

261Section 190.046(1)(d)4, Florida Statutes, FLAWAC instead

267referred the Petition to DOAH on November 6, 2002, for

277assignment of an ALJ to conduct a local public hearing under

288Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes. The local public

295hearing be fore the ALJ was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on

306January 23, 2003, in the Collier County Courthouse in Naples,


317Collier County, in whose unincorporated land area the CDD

326exists, entered into a Prehearing Stipulation with Petitioner as

335to all matters to be presented by Petitioner at the local public

347hearing, including the Resolution of the Board of County

356Commissioners of Collier County supporting the Petition. The

364Prehearing Stipulation was presented at the local public hearing

373and became a part of J oint Composite Exhibit 1, which was

385received in evidence (Tr. 33).

390The witnesses who testified during the local public hearing

399are identified in Appendix A to this Report; the Joint Composite

410Exhibits received during the local public hearing are described

419in Appendix B to this Report. After the local public hearing,

430Petitioner filed a proposed Report and Conclusions, with

438Recommendation to FLAWAC, which has been considered in the

447preparation of this Report.


454A. Petition and Related M atters

4601. The 1,389 - acre Fiddler's Creek CDD was established in

4721996 by adoption of Rule 42X - 1, Florida Administrative Code . It

485was part of a master plan for eventual development of a 3,900 -

499acre luxury golf course community. Subsequently, it was decide d

509to establish a second CDD using the Fiddler Creek name and to

"521square off" the boundaries of the two CDDs to make them more

533logical and easier to develop and manage. As part of the

544implementation of that decision, Collier County granted a

552petition to es tablish Fiddler's Creek CDD 2 on land in

563unincorporated Collier County which includes 137.38 acres that

571also are part of the original Fiddler's Creek CDD but not yet

583developed. The Petition at issue in this case seeks to amend

594Rule 42X - 1 to contract out t hose 137.38 acres; to add a

608different 137.38 acres to "square off" the original CDD and

618include all of a golf course and some development sites that

629currently are partially outside the boundaries of the original

638CDD; and to add the numeral 1 to the name of the original CDD so

653as to distinguish it from Fiddler's Creek CDD 2, which has been

665established by Collier County. The Petition alleges that, after

674the boundary amendments, the CDD would continue to serve

683approximately 1,389 acres.

6872. Joint Composite Ex hibit 1, B, is a copy of the

699Petition, with exhibits. However, for several reasons, the

707Petition Exhibits are clearer and more accurate than the copies

717furnished as part of Joint Composite Exhibit 1, B. As a result,

729the actual Petition Exhibits also are being furnished along with

739this Report.

7413. The numbering of the Petition Exhibits in Joint

750Composite Exhibit 1, B, is somewhat confusing since the Petition

760itself was identified as Joint Composite Exhibit 1, B - 1. As a

773result, Petition Exhibits 1 throug h 7 are identified as Joint

784Composite Exhibit 1, B - 2 through B - 8 (together with exhibit

797subparts where applicable.) Then, to confuse matters more, B - 8

808is repeated to also identify Petition Exhibit 8; as a result,

819Petition Exhibits 9 and 10 are identified as Joint Composite

829Exhibit 1, B - 9 and B - 10.

8384. The Petition alleges that the "expansion parcel" and

"847contraction parcel" are described on location maps,

854respectively Exhibit "1 - A" and Exhibit "1 - B" to the Petition.

8675. The Petition also alleges that the metes and bounds

877legal description of the boundaries of the existing CDD is set

888forth in Petition Exhibit "2 - A"; the metes and bounds legal

900description of the expansion parcel is set forth in Petition

910Exhibit "2 - B"; the metes and bounds legal descripti on of the

923contraction parcel is set forth in Petition Exhibit "2 - C"; and

935the proposed boundaries of the CDD after the proposed rule

945amendment is set forth in Petition Exhibit "2 - D". However, the

958copies furnished as Joint Composite Exhibit 1, B - 3, are not

970clearly labeled, are incomplete, and are difficult to read.

9796. The Petition alleges that there is no real property

989within the proposed amended boundaries of the CDD to be excluded

1000from the jurisdiction of the CDD. However, it does appear that

1011enclaves exist within the existing CDD and will continue to

1021exist within the proposed amended CDD. The larger enclaves are

1031part of the "Marco Shores Unit 30 Golf Course," the plat of

1043which is recorded in Plat Book 17 at pages 98 through 103 in the

1057Public Records of Collier County. There also are other, smaller

1067enclaves -- one owned by the Collier County School Board (O.R.

1078Book 1495, pages 384, 385, and 387), and one owned by Collier

1090County (O.R. Book 1755, page 361). It does not appear from the

1102evidence that these enclaves have adversely affected the

1110existing CDD or that they would adversely affect the CDD

1120proposed to result from rule amendment.

11267. The Petition alleges that Petition Exhibit "3 - A",

1136subsections (1) through (3), contains documentation constituting

1143written consent of all landowners of the expansion parcel --

1153namely, GB Peninsula, Ltd., DY Land Associates, Ltd., and 951

1163Land Holdings, Ltd. These consents are worded in such a way

1174that it is not clear whether all three jointly own all of the

1187expansion p arcel or whether the three own parts of the expansion

1199parcel which, when combined, constitute the entire expansion


12088. The Petition alleges that Petition Exhibit "3 - B"

1218contains Resolution 2002 - 01 of the Board of Supervisors of the

1230existing CDD c onsenting to deletion of the contraction parcel.

12409. The Petition did not allege that all landowners within

1250the existing CDD consented in writing to the proposed

1259simultaneous expansion and contraction. However, consent of the

1267owners of the contraction p arcel, GB Peninsula, Ltd., and 951

1278Land Holdings, Ltd., was put on the record of the local public

1290hearing represented orally by attorney for the parcel owners at

1300the hearing and was supplemented by written consent filed and

1310offered on February 4, 2003, as Joint Composite Exhibit 2.

132010. Paragraph 9 of the Petition sets forth the names of

1331the five persons who have been duly and validly elected to the

1343Board of Supervisors and who currently serve on the Board of

1354Supervisors of the existing CDD.

135911. The Pe tition provides a variety of information, also

1369as required by Section 190.005(1), Florida Statutes, dealing

1377with existing facilities; the proposed timetable and estimated

1385cost of construction of additional systems, facilities, and

1393services to be provided b y the CDD to the expansion parcel

1405(Petition Exhibit "5"); absence of any services or facilities

1415currently being provided by the CDD to the contraction parcel;

1425and various allegations about consistency with the Collier

1433County plan.

143512. The Petition allege s that Petition Exhibit "7" is the

1446Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) required by

1454Sections 120.541 and 190.005(1)(a)8, Florida Statutes. The

1461Petition also acknowledges that any existing interlocal

1468agreements between the existing CDD and the Co llier County Water

1479Sewer District will be maintained, honored, applied to the

1488expansion parcel, but no longer to the contraction parcel.

149713. The Petition attaches as Petition Exhibit "9" written

1506discussions of planning and engineering aspects of the

1514con traction and expansion by a qualified engineer and a

1524qualified planner.

152614. The Petition states that, after expansion, and if

1535applicable, the CDD Board of Supervisors may petition Collier

1544County to consent to the CDD's exercise of certain special

1554powers under Section 190.012(2), Florida Statutes.

156015. The Petition alleges that copies, together with a

1569filing fee of $1,500, were sent to Collier County on October 16,

15822002, and alleges that none of the property is in the

1593jurisdiction of any municipality.

159716. The Petition asked FLAWAC to forward it to the CDD's

1608Board of Supervisors for a local public hearing under Section

1618190.046(1)(d)4, Florida Statutes. Instead, FLAWAC referred the

1625Petition to DOAH for assignment of an ALJ to conduct a local

1637public he aring under Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes.

1645B. Additional Information from Local Public Hearing

165217. The local public hearing on the Petition was noticed

1662for January 23, 2003, in the Collier County Courthouse, an

1672accessible location, in Naple s, Florida. Notice of the hearing

1682was advertised on January 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2003, in the Naples

1695Daily News , a newspaper of general paid circulation in the

1705county, and of general interest and readership in the community,

1715not one of limited subject matter , pursuant to Chapter 50,

1725Florida Statutes. The published notices gave the time and place

1735for the hearing; a description of the area to be included in the

1748CDD, including a map showing clearly the area to be covered by

1760the CDD; and other relevant informati on. The advertisements

1769were not placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal

1780notices and classified advertisements appear.

178518. The hearing was commenced fifteen minutes after the

1794noticed and scheduled time in order to give any persons who

1805wante d to attend ample time to do so (Tr. 4). Appearances were

1818made then by counsel for the petitioning CDD, for Collier

1828County, and for the owners of the expansion and contraction

1838parcels -- 951 Land Holdings, Ltd., G.B. Peninsula, Ltd., and DY

1849Land Associates, Ltd. (Tr. 4 - 5). No one else attended the local

1862public hearing except for witnesses for Petitioner.

186919. The attorney representing Collier County explained

1876that, in deciding to support the Petition, the County was

1886specifically aware that a filing fee of $1,500 was paid. The

1898County accepted the $1,500 filing fee as sufficient for three

1909reasons. First, the County thought that $1,500 was the

1919applicable filing fee under Section 190.046(1), Florida

1926Statutes, because the simultaneous expansion and contractio n was

1935a net "wash" in acreage. Second, the County thought Petitioner

1945could have proceeded in two separate petitions, one for

1954expansion and the other for contraction, each without tripping

1963the statutory threshold. As argued by Petitioner in its

1972proposed R eport, "therefore, and accordingly, in order to save

1982time, costs and space, to enter into the two separate expansion

1993and contraction processes by being one process is the legal

2003equivalent of each of the separate processes." (However, under

2012this rationale two fees of $1,500 would be required, one for the

2025expansion and one for the contraction.) Third, the County

2034believed that $1,500, together with the $15,000 filing fee for

2046the original establishment of the CDD in 1996, was more than

2057enough to adequately co mpensate the County for the work of its

2069staff in connection with both original establishment and the

2078pending Petition.

208020. Mark Woodward, Esquire, attorney representing 951 Land

2088Holdings, G.B. Peninsula, and DY Land Holdings, was sworn and

2098testified th at the landowners he represents, owned not only the

2109approximately 137.38 - acre expansion parcel (for which written

2118consents were included in the Petition), but also the

2127approximately 137.38 - acre contraction parcel. Woodward

2134confirmed his clients' consent t o contraction as well as

2144expansion (Tr. 6 - 9). Woodward represented that he would obtain

2155from his clients their written consent to contraction after the

2165hearing and provide the written consent to Petitioner. This was

2175done, and Petitioner filed the written consent on February 4,

21852003, as Joint Composite Exhibit 2.

219121. Woodward testified that the land proposed to be

2200contracted out of the existing Fiddler's Creek CDD is included

2210already in Fiddler's Creek Community Development District 2,

2218recently establis hed by Collier County ordinance. He also

2227explained that the proposed expansion would pick up portions of

2237a golf course and development sites partially inside and

2246partially outside the existing CDD so that the proposed new CDD

2257boundaries would "square - up," be consistent, have an entire golf

2268course within its boundaries, and not have any development sites

2278straddling the boundary (Tr. 15).

228322. The next witness was James Ward, vice president of

2293Operations for Severn Trent Services and, in that capacity,

2302man ager of the existing Fiddler's Creek CDD. Ward concurred

2312with Woodward's explanation of the purposes of the proposed

2321simultaneous expansion and contraction. (Tr. 18). Ward also

2329concurred that it is appropriate to "square - off" the boundaries

2340for those re asons (Tr. 21, 32 - 33). Ward confirmed the payment

2353of $1,500 to Collier County for the processing fee, as alleged

2365in the Petition, and testified that, to the best of his

2376knowledge, all procedural requirements were met. Ward also was

2385tendered and accepted as an expert capable of giving opinion

2395testimony on management of CDDs and delivery of infrastructure

2404to them (Tr. 31 - 32). Based on Ward's testimony, Joint

2415Composite Exhibit 1 was received in evidence (Tr. 33).

242423. The next witness was William Terry C ole, a civil

2435engineer and a vice president of Hole Montes, Inc. (Tr. 34 - 35).

2448Cole was tendered and accepted as an expert capable of giving

2459opinion testimony, from an engineering perspective, on different

2467alternatives for the provision of infrastructure, i ncluding the

2476alternative of a community development district (Tr. 36 - 38). He

2487summarized and adopted his engineering "white paper," which is

2496included in Petition Exhibit 9 - A (also identified as Joint

2507Composite Exhibit 1, B - 9). In testimony as well as in h is

"2521white paper," Cole addressed the six factors listed under

2530Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, from an engineering

2537perspective (Tr. 35). Cole testified that he had reviewed the

2547Petition with its attached exhibits and that, to his best

2557knowledge fr om an engineering perspective, the information is

2566true and correct (Tr. 39). He then testified to reviewing the

2577State Comprehensive Plan and the County Comprehensive Plan,

2585specifically as to the proposed amendments of the boundaries of

2595the existing CDD, b y both expansion and contraction, as to

2606whether such amendments would be inconsistent with the plans.

2615His conclusion as an engineer was that they were in fact

2626consistent with those plans (Tr. 39). With regard to the

2636expansion parcel, and then the total l and area to be serviced by

2649the proposed expanded CDD, he determined that the land area of

2660proposed CDD would be of sufficient size, sufficient

2668compactness, and sufficient contiguity to be developed as one

2677functional interrelated community (Tr. 39 - 40). He then

2686testified that he did not find the expanded parcel, and the

2697entire land area as expanded, to be incompatible with any

2707existing community development systems, services, or facilities

2714in the land area as proposed to be amended by the rule (Tr. 40).

2728He t hen testified that the land area proposed to be serviced by

2741the CDD after the expansion would be amenable to separate CDD

2752governance and that he had not discovered any problem with

2762regard to this particular expansion parcel or related matters

2771(Tr. 41). He then testified that, as a result of his evaluation

2783of the statutory factors, he did not discover any problem that

2794needed to be pointed out to the ALJ or FLAWAC (Tr. 41).

280624. The next witness was Carey Garland, who was tendered

2816and accepted as an exper t witness capable of giving opinion

2827testimony on SERCs and financial aspects of CDDs (Tr. 45).

2837Garland then summarized the statutorily required elements of the

2846SERC (Exhibit 7 to the Petition, and also identified as Joint

2857Composite Exhibit 1, B - 8), which was prepared by his colleague,

2869Dr. Henry Fishkind, but reviewed and approved by Garland (Tr.

287945). Garland specifically referred to the SERC's Table 1,

2888noting that there will be, as a net result of the proposed

2900simultaneous expansion and contraction, a tot al of eight

2909additional dwelling units (Tr. 46). He indicated that the costs

2919to state and local governmental entities as a result of this

2930rule amendment will be marginal at best, quite small in relation

2941to the overall budget of these governmental entities (Tr. 46 -

295247). He pointed out that the SERC makes a good faith estimate

2964of the number of individuals and entities likely to be required

2975to comply with such a rule amendment (Tr. 46). He indicated

2986that there should be no impact on state and local revenues

2997b ecause the CDD has its own source of revenues (Tr. 46). He

3010discussed the SERC's good faith estimate of the transactional

3019cost to be incurred by individuals and entities within the CDD,

3030as amended.

303225. Garland pointed out that approximately $3.8 million

3040dollars of capital improvements are planned within the expansion

3049area if the CDD boundary is amended; however, at the same time,

3061approximately $11.9 million dollars of capital improvement

3068programs currently planned for the contraction parcel would not

3077hav e to be undertaken (Tr. 47). The net result is a reduction

3090of infrastructure of approximately $8 million dollars. Garland

3098then summarized the CDD's assessment methodology and how the

3107assessments would be used to pay off the bonds, testifying that

3118the CDD 's assessment report properly and fairly determines and

3128apportions assessments based on land use categories. He pointed

3137out that additional units coming into the expansion area would

3147be subject to the already - adopted assessment methodology for the

3158existin g, petitioning CDD (Tr. 47). As a result, new homeowners

3169in the land area within the CDD, as amended, would pay an

3181assessment equal to the assessments of like - situated persons,

3191within each land use category (Tr. 48).

319826. Garland testified that, althoug h there will be a net

3209$8 million reduction in capital improvements, there probably

3217would not be any addition or reduction in the assessment to any

3229of the property of the homeowners within the CDD, as amended,

3240because there is such a low number of net new u nits (Tr. 49).

3254However, the evidence was not clear, for comparison purposes, as

3264to the total capital costs for the CDD, as amended (Tr. 51).

3276There also was no exact evidence as to the total number of

3288dwelling units expected for the CDD, as amended. But there was

3299evidence that more than 3,000 dwelling units are expected to be

3311developed within the 3,000, plus, acres in the master - planned

3323Fiddler's Creek Community Development, consisting of both the

3331CDD 1, as amended, and the County - established CDD 2 (SERC p.1,

3344Joint Composite Exhibit 1, B - 8, Petition Exhibit 7). (There

3355also was evidence that the precise total acreage of the master -

3367planned community is 3,921 acres. See page 2 of Petition

3378Exhibit 9 - B, also identified as Joint Composite Exhibit B - 9a.)

3391If de nsity in the proposed amended CDD is proportionate, there

3402would be approximately 1,389 units in the CDD.

341127. Garland testified that, while developers on occasion

3419will "buy down" a bond when assessments are too high, he did not

3432expect that to happen in t he case of this CDD, as amended (Tr.


344728. Garland acknowledged that his comments addressed only

3455the infrastructure capital side, not the maintenance side. He

3464stated that the CDD's Manager, James Ward, could opine as to how

3476the amendment would affec t the maintenance side. However, Ward

3486did not testify on the subject.

349229. Garland also testified that the SERC assessed the

3501impact on small businesses as being a positive impact since the

3512CDD has to bid its projects out in the public, giving small

3524busi nesses the opportunity to bid and get work (Tr. 51 - 52).

3537Garland stated that Collier County is not a small county so that

3549the requirement to assess impact on small counties is not

3559applicable to this Petition (Tr. 52). Garland concluded by

3568stating that he had not discovered any problems from a

3578financial, economic, or estimated regulatory cost standpoint

3585that would arise from this proposed expansion or contraction

3594(Tr. 52).

359630. The last witness to testify was Mr. Michael Redd, who

3607was accepted as an exper t capable of giving opinion testimony on

3619alternative ways to deliver infrastructure to planned community

3627developments from a land use planning perspective. He adopted

3636his planning "white paper" in Petition Exhibit 9 - B (also

3647identified as Joint Composite E xhibit 1, B - 9a). He also

3659testified from his planning perspective as to the six factors

3669listed in Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes. As to the

3678first factor, he stated that he had reviewed the Petition and

3689its attachments and determined that they wer e correct and true

3700(Tr. 56). He then testified that he had compared and reviewed

3711the proposed amendments in the light of the state comprehensive

3721plan and the county comprehensive plan and concluded that they

3731would not be inconsistent with either of the pl ans (Tr. 57). He

3744determined from a planning perspective that the land area was of

3755sufficient size, sufficient compactness, and sufficient

3761contiguity to function as an interrelated functional community,

3769even and expressly after the proposed simultaneous ex pansion and

3779contraction (Tr. 57 - 58). He then testified that the proposed

3790CDD, as amended, was very compatible with existing local and

3800regional community development services (Tr. 58). He also

3808testified that the proposed amended CDD would be amenable to

3818s eparate CDD government (Tr. 58). He saw no problems that

3829needed to be pointed out as to any of those factors. He

3841concluded, based on consideration of those factors, that the

3850CDD, as amended, would be the best alternative for delivery of

3861services (Tr. 59) .


386731. Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, creates a local unit of

3877special - purpose government called a "community development

3885district," which has the power to function specifically as

3894prescribed by statute for the delivery of urban community

3903d evelopment systems, facilities and services.

390932. Section 190.005(1), Florida Statutes, provides:

3915The exclusive and uniform method for the

3922establishment of a community development

3927district with a size of 1,000 acres or more

3937shall be pursuant to a rule, adopted under

3945chapter 120 by the Florida Land and Water

3953Adjudicatory Commission, granting a petition

3958for the establishment of a community

3964development district.

3966(a) A petition for the establishment of a

3974community development district shall be

3979filed by the petitioner with the Florida

3986Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. The

3992petition shall contain:

39951. A metes and bounds description of the

4003external boundaries of the district. Any

4009real property within the external boundaries

4015of the district which is to be excluded from

4024the district shall be specifically

4029described, and the last known address of all

4037owners of such real property shall be

4044listed. The petition shall also address the

4051impact of the proposed district on any real

4059property within the external bound aries of

4066the district which is to be excluded from

4074the district.

40762. The written consent to the establishment

4083of the district by all landowners whose real

4091property is to be included in the district

4099or documentation demonstrating that the

4104petitioner has con trol by deed, trust

4111agreement, contract, or option of 100

4117percent of the real property to be included

4125in the district, and when real property to

4133be included in the district is owned by a

4142governmental entity and subject to a ground

4149lease as described in s. 190.003(13), the

4156written consent by such governmental entity.

41623. A designation of five persons to be the

4171initial members of the board of supervisors,

4178who shall serve in that office until

4185replaced by elected members as provided in

4192s. 190.006.

41944. The propo sed name of the district.

42025. A map of the proposed district showing

4210current major trunk water mains and sewer

4217interceptors and outfalls if in existence.

42236. Based upon available data, the proposed

4230timetable for construction of the district

4236services and th e estimated cost of

4243constructing the proposed services. These

4248estimates shall be submitted in good faith

4255but shall not be binding and may be subject

4264to change.

42667. A designation of the future general

4273distribution, location, and extent of public

4279and privat e uses of land proposed for the

4288area within the district by the future land

4296use plan element of the effective local

4303government comprehensive plan of which all

4309mandatory elements have been adopted by the

4316applicable general - purpose local government

4322in compli ance with the Local Government

4329Comprehensive Planning and Land Development

4334Regulation Act.

43368. A statement of estimated regulatory

4342costs in accordance with the requirements of

4349s. 120.541.

4351(b) Prior to filing the petition, the

4358petitioner shall:

43601. Pay a f iling fee of $15,000 to the

4371county and to each municipality the

4377boundaries of which are contiguous with, or

4384contain all or a portion of the land within,

4393the external boundaries of the district.

43992. Submit a copy of the petition to the

4408county and to each mu nicipality the

4415boundaries of which are contiguous with, or

4422contain all or a portion of, the land within

4431the external boundaries of the district.

4437(c) Such county and each such municipality

4444may conduct a public hearing to consider the

4452relationship of the pe tition to the factors

4460specified in paragraph (e). The public

4466hearing shall be concluded within 45 days

4473after the date the petition is filed unless

4481an extension of time is requested by the

4489petitioner and granted by the county or

4496municipality. The county o r municipality

4502holding such public hearing may by

4508resolution express its support of, or

4514objection to the granting of, the petition

4521by the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

4528Commission. A resolution must base any

4534objection to the granting of the petition

4541upon the factors specified in paragraph (e).

4548Such county or municipality may present its

4555resolution of support or objection at the

4562Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

4567Commission hearing and shall be afforded an

4574opportunity to present relevant information

4579i n support of its resolution.

4585(d) A local public hearing on the petition

4593shall be conducted by a hearing officer in

4601conformance with the applicable requirements

4606and procedures of the Administrative

4611Procedure Act. The hearing shall include

4617oral and written comments on the petition

4624pertinent to the factors specified in

4630paragraph (e). The hearing shall be held at

4638an accessible location in the county in

4645which the community development district is

4651to be located. The petitioner shall cause a

4659notice of the hear ing to be published in a

4669newspaper at least once a week for the 4

4678successive weeks immediately prior to the

4684hearing. Such notice shall give the time

4691and place for the hearing, a description of

4699the area to be included in the district,

4707which description sha ll include a map

4714showing clearly the area to be covered by

4722the district, and any other relevant

4728information which the establishing governing

4733bodies may require. The advertisement shall

4739not be placed in that portion of the

4747newspaper where legal notices and classified

4753advertisements appear. The advertisement

4757shall be published in a newspaper of general

4765paid circulation in the county and of

4772general interest and readership in the

4778community, not one of limited subject

4784matter, pursuant to chapter 50. Whenever

4790possible, the advertisement shall appear in

4796a newspaper that is published at least 5

4804days a week, unless the only newspaper in

4812the community is published fewer than 5 days

4820a week. All affected units of general -

4828purpose local government and the general

4834publ ic shall be given an opportunity to

4842appear at the hearing and present oral or

4850written comments on the petition.

4855(e) The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

4862Commission shall consider the entire record

4868of the local hearing, the transcript of the

4876hearing, re solutions adopted by local

4882general - purpose governments as provided in

4889paragraph (c), and the following factors and

4896make a determination to grant or deny a

4904petition for the establishment of a

4910community development district:

49131. Whether all statements contai ned within

4920the petition have been found to be true and


49302. Whether the establishment of the

4936district is inconsistent with any applicable

4942element or portion of the state

4948comprehensive plan or of the effective local

4955government comprehensive plan.

49583. Whether the area of land within the

4966proposed district is of sufficient size, is

4973sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

4978contiguous to be developable as one

4984functional interrelated community.

49874. Whether the district is the best

4994alternative available fo r delivering

4999community development services and

5003facilities to the area that will be served

5011by the district.

50145. Whether the community development

5019services and facilities of the district will

5026be incompatible with the capacity and uses

5033of existing local and regional community

5039development services and facilities.

50436. Whether the area that will be served by

5052the district is amenable to separate

5058special - district government.

5062(f) The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

5069Commission shall not adopt any rule which

5076wou ld expand, modify, or delete any

5083provision of the uniform community

5088development district charter as set forth in

5095ss. 190.006 - 190.041, except as provided in

5103s. 190.012. A rule establishing a community

5110development district shall:

51131. Describe the external b oundaries of the

5121district and any real property within the

5128external boundaries of the district which is

5135to be excluded.

51382. Name five persons designated to be the

5146initial members of the board of supervisors.

51533. Name the district.

5157(g) The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

5164Commission may adopt rules setting forth its

5171procedures for considering petitions to

5176establish, expand, modify, or delete uniform

5182community development districts or portions

5187thereof consistent with the provisions of

5193this section.

5195Most of the rules of procedure adopted by FLAWAC have been

5206repealed, and none of those remaining specifically address

5214expansion, contraction, or modification of a CDD. Subsection

5222(2) of the statute provides for a method of establishing CDDs of

5234less than 1,000 acres by county ordinance.

524233. Section 190.046(1), Florida Statutes, provides in

5249pertinent part:

5251The board may petition to contract or expand

5259the boundaries of a community development

5265district in the following manner:

5270(a) The petition shall contain t he same

5278information required by s. 190.005(1)(a)1.

5283and 8. In addition, if the petitioner seeks

5291to expand the district, the petition shall

5298describe the proposed timetable for

5303construction of any district services to the

5310area, the estimated cost of construc ting the

5318proposed services, and the designation of

5324the future general distribution, location,

5329and extent of public and private uses of

5337land proposed for the area by the future

5345land use plan element of the adopted local

5353government local comprehensive plan. If the

5359petitioner seeks to contract the district,

5365the petition shall describe what services

5371and facilities are currently provided by the

5378district to the area being removed, and the

5386designation of the future general

5391distribution, location, and extent of pu blic

5398and private uses of land proposed for the

5406area by the future land element of the

5414adopted local government comprehensive plan.

5419(b) For those districts initially

5424established by county ordinance, the

5429petition for ordinance amendment shall be

5435filed with the county commission. If the

5442land to be included or excluded is, in whole

5451or in part, within the boundaries of a

5459municipality, then the county commission

5464shall not amend the ordinance without

5470municipal approval. A public hearing shall

5476be held in the sam e manner and with the same

5487public notice as other ordinance amendments.

5493The county commission shall consider the

5499record of the public hearing and the factors

5507set forth in s. 190.005(1)(e) in making its

5515determination to grant or deny the petition

5522for ordina nce amendment.

5526(c) For those districts initially

5531established by municipal ordinance pursuant

5536to s. 190.005(2)(e), the municipality shall

5542assume the duties of the county commission

5549set forth in paragraph (b); however, if any

5557of the land to be included or e xcluded, in

5567whole or in part, is outside the boundaries

5575of the municipality, then the municipality

5581shall not amend its ordinance without county

5588commission approval.

5590(d) 1. For those districts initially

5596established by administrative rule pursuant

5601to s. 19 0.005(1), the petition shall be

5609filed with the Florida Land and Water

5616Adjudicatory Commission.

56182. Prior to filing the petition, the

5625petitioner shall pay a filing fee of $1,500

5634to the county and to each municipality the

5642boundaries of which are contiguous w ith or

5650contain all or a portion of the land within

5659the district or the proposed amendment, and

5666submit a copy of the petition to the county

5675and to each such municipality. In addition,

5682if the district is not the petitioner, the

5690petitioner shall file the pet ition with the

5698district board of supervisors.

57023. The county and each municipality shall

5709have the option of holding a public hearing

5717as provided by s. 190.005(1)(c). However,

5723such public hearing shall be limited to

5730consideration of the contents of the

5736pet ition and whether the petition for

5743amendment should be supported by the county

5750or municipality.

57524. The district board of supervisors shall,

5759in lieu of a hearing officer, hold the local

5768public hearing provided for by s.

5774190.005(1)(d). This local public he aring

5780shall be noticed in the same manner as

5788provided in s. 190.005(1)(d). Within 45

5794days of the conclusion of the hearing, the

5802district board of supervisors shall transmit

5808to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

5815Commission the full record of the local

5822hearing, the transcript of the hearing, any

5829resolutions adopted by the local general -

5836purpose governments, and its recommendation

5841whether to grant the petition for amendment.

5848The commission shall then proceed in

5854accordance with s. 190.005(1)(e).

58585. A rule amending a district boundary

5865shall describe the land to be added or


5874(e) In all cases, written consent of all

5882the landowners whose land is to be added to

5891or deleted from the district shall be

5898required. The filing of the petition for

5905expansion or contraction by the district

5911board of supervisors shall constitute

5916consent of the landowners within the

5922district other than of landowners whose land

5929is proposed to be added to or removed from

5938the district.

5940(f) 1. During the existence of a district

5948initia lly established by administrative

5953rule, petitions to amend the boundaries of

5960the district pursuant to paragraphs (a) - (e)

5968shall be limited to a cumulative total of no

5977more than 10 percent of the land in the

5986initial district, and in no event shall all

5994such p etitions to amend the boundaries ever

6002encompass more than a total of 250 acres.

60102. For districts initially established by

6016county or municipal ordinance, the

6021limitation provided by this paragraph shall

6027be a cumulative total of no more than 50

6036percent of th e land in the initial district,

6045and in no event shall all such petitions to

6054amend the boundaries ever encompass more

6060than a total of 500 acres.

60663. Boundary expansions for districts

6071initially established by county or municipal

6077ordinance shall follow the pr ocedure set

6084forth in paragraph (b) or paragraph (c).

6091(g) Petitions to amend the boundaries of

6098the district which exceed the amount of land

6106specified in paragraph (f) shall be

6112considered petitions to establish a new

6118district and shall follow all of the

6125pro cedures specified in s. 190.005.

6131There is no statutory (or rule) authority for changing the name

6142of an existing CDD except by merger under Section 190.046(3),

6152Florida Statutes.


616234. Although the Peti tion appeared to request processing

6171under Section 190.046(1)(a) - (e), Florida Statutes, and

6179specifically requested that FLAWAC forward the Petition to the

6188CDD's Board of Supervisors for a local public hearing under

6198subparagraph (d)4. of that statute, FLAWAC declined the request,

6207but instead referred the Petition to DOAH for assignment of an

6218ALJ to conduct a local public hearing under Section

6227190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes. Petitioner now concedes that

6234its Petition to expand the 1,389 - acre Fiddler's Creek C DD by 137

6249acres and simultaneously contract it by 137 acres exceeds the

6259limitation in Section 190.046(1)(f) - (g), Florida Statutes, for

6268petitions to amend the boundaries of a CDD pursuant to

6278paragraphs (a) - (e) of that statute.

628535. Not only does Section 1 90.046(1)(f) - (g), Florida

6295Statutes, require that the local public hearing on boundary

6304amendment petitions exceeding the statutory threshold be held

6312before an ALJ under Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, it

6321also clearly provides that "petitions to ame nd the boundaries of

6332the district pursuant to paragraphs (a) - (e) shall be limited" to

6344boundary amendment petitions within the statutory threshold and

6352that boundary amendment petitions exceeding the threshold "shall

6360be considered petitions to establish a ne w district and shall

6371follow all of the procedures specified in s. 190.005."

6380(Emphasis added.)

638236. Notwithstanding the seemingly clear statutory

6388language, FLAWAC has granted petitions for boundary amendments

6396exceeding the Section 190.046(1)(f) - (g), Flor ida Statutes,

6405limits where, as in this case, consent of all landowners of the

6417proposed amended CDD was not provided, as required under Section

6427190.005(1)(a)2, Florida Statutes. See In Re: Petition to

6435Contract the Gateway Services District , DOAH Case No. 0 2 - 1334,

6447WL (DOAH Report August 9, 2002)(Rule adopted November 12, 2002);

6457In Re: Petition to Contract Tampa Palms Open Space and

6467Transportation Community Development District , DOAH Case No. 96 -

64764213, 1997 WL 1052656 (DOAH Report January 29, 1997)(Rule

6485adopte d July 31, 1997). In the Gateway case, the apparent

6496rationale was that filing of a petition to expand or contract

6507the boundaries of a CDD constitutes "consent of the landowners

6517within the district other than of landowners whose land is

6527proposed to be adde d to or removed from the district," as

6539provided under Section 190.046(1)(e), Florida Statutes, although

6546subparagraphs (g) - (f) state that subparagraph (e) does not apply

6557when the acreage limitations are exceeded. The Tampa Palms case

6567was decided before the 1999 rule amendment adding that language

6577to subparagraph (e).

658037. Similarly, FLAWAC has granted petitions for boundary

6588amendments exceeding the Section 190.046(1)(f) - (g), Florida

6596Statutes, limits where, as in this case, the local government

6606did not req uire payment of the full $15,000 filing fee under

6619Section 190.005(1)(b)2, Florida Statutes. See In Re: Petition

6627to Contract the Circle Square Woods Community Development

6635District , DOAH Case No. 02 - 1118, 2002 WL 1592404 (DOAH Report

6647June 24, 2002)(Rule ado pted October 1, 2002)(County waived the

6657filing fee). In this case, Collier County accepted $1,500 as

6668payment in full, waiving any additional fee, because of the net

"6679wash" of expansions and contraction acreage and because that

6688amount more than paid for Co unty staff work in connection with

6700this CDD.

670238. In its proposed Report, Petitioner also argued the

6711following justification for limiting the required fee to $1,500

6721in this case:

6724Because the District was established

6729initially by administrative rule by FLAWAC,

6735pursuant to Section 190.005(1), Florida

6740Statutes, the District, as the Petitioner,

6746was required to pay a processing or filing

6754fee to the Collier County for its staff to

6763process the amendment petition. The

6768procedure in Section 190.005(1)(b), requir es

6774a filing fee to be paid to the county. The

6784amount of the filing fee for establishment

6791of a district of [sic] $15,000.00 under this

6800subsection. However, the filing fee in fact

6807submitted is $1,500.00 because, though

6813proceeding under the establishment

6817pr ocedures, (because it was assessed as

6824exceeding the threshold for the abbreviated

6830process), the process is not "establishment"

6836but rather "amendment", so that the fee paid

6844was $1,500.00, substantively, under Section

6850190.046(1)(d)2, Florida Statutes.

6853Petit ioner also pointed out the County's rationale for not

6863requiring the full $15,000. See paragraph 19, supra .

687339. Except as to written consent and addressing the

6882impacts on the enclaves, the Petition met the content

6891requirements of Section 190.005(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

689740. Except for payment of a $15,000 filing fee, Petitioner

6908met the pre - filing requirements of Section 190.005(1)(b),

6917Florida Statutes.

691941. Collier County exercised the option under Section

6927190.005(1)(c), Florida Statutes, of holding a public hearing to

6936consider the Petition and resolved to support the Petition.

694542. All procedural and notice requirements for local

6953public hearings under Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes,

6960were met.

696243. As for factor 1 under Section 190.005(1 )(e), Florida

6972Statutes, the evidence was that all statements in the Petition

6982were true and correct, except for the statement: "There is no

6993real property within the proposed amended boundaries of the

7002District which is to excluded from the jurisdiction of t he

7013District." While that is true of the expansion parcel, it is

7024not true as to the existing CDD. However, those "enclaves" are

"7035specifically described," and "the last known address of all

7044owners of such real property" is "listed," i.e. , reflected on

7054the metes and bounds description. Section 190.005(1)(a)1,

7061Florida Statutes. While the Petition does not "address the

7070impact of the proposed district on any real property within the

7081external boundaries of the district which is to be excluded from

7092the district ," there does not appear to be any impact on those

7104properties by the CDD, either existing or as proposed. Id.

711444. As for factor 2 under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7123Statutes, the evidence was that "establishment of the district

7132is [not] inconsistent wi th any applicable element of the

7142effective local government comprehensive plan."

714745. As for factor 3 under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7156Statutes, the evidence was that "the area of land within the

7167proposed district is of sufficient size, is sufficient ly

7176compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one

7186functional interrelated community."

718946. As for factor 4 under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7198Statutes, the evidence was that "the district is the best

7208alternative available for deliveri ng community development

7215services and facilities to the area that will be served by the


722847. As for factor 5 under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7237Statutes, the evidence was that "the community development

7245services and facilities of the distric t will be incompatible

7255with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional

7265community development services and facilities."

727048. As for factor 6 under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7279Statutes, the evidence was that "the area that will be served by

7291th e district is amenable to separate special - district



730349. Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, provides that

7310the local public hearing "shall be conducted . . . in

7321conformance with the applicable requirements and procedures of

7329the Administrative Procedure Act." However, this is not a

7338quasi - judicial, adversarial proceeding under Sections 120.569

7346and 120.57, Florida Statutes, for resolution of factual

7354disputes. Rather, it is a quasi - legislative, information -

7364gathering hearing tha t is part of the rulemaking process.

7374Section 120.54(8), Florida Statutes, describes the Rulemaking

7381Record as including: "(c) A written summary of hearings on the

7392proposed rule." For these reasons, a recommended order with

7401findings of fact and conclusio ns of law is not appropriate.

7412Instead, the ALJ files a report which constitutes the hearing

7422summary portion of the rulemaking record under Section

7430120.54(8)(c), Florida Statutes. Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida

7436Statutes, states that FLAWAC "shall consider the entire record

7445of the local hearing, the transcript of the hearing, resolutions

7455adopted by local general - purpose governments," and the factors

7465listed in that subparagraph.

7469REPORT SUBMITTED this 25th day of February, 2003, in

7478Tallahassee, Leon Count y, Florida.



7487Administrative Law Judge

7490Division of Administrative Hearings

7494The DeSoto Building

74971230 Apalachee Parkway

7500Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7505(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

7513Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7520Filed with the Clerk of the

7526Division of Administrative Hearings

7530this 25th day of February, 2003.


7539Donna Arduin, Secretary

7542Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

7548The Capitol, Room 2105

7552Tallahassee , Florida 32399 - 0001

7557Barbara Leighty, Clerk

7560Growth Management and Strategic Planning

7565The Capitol, Room 2105

7569Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

7574Raquel Rodriguez, Esquire

7577Office of the Governor

7581The Capitol, Room 209

7585Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

7590Kenza v an Assenderp, Esquire

7595Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Anderson, P.A.

7602225 South Adams Street, Suite 200

7608Tallahassee, Florida 32301

7611Patrick White, Esquire

7614Collier County Attorney's Office

76183301 Tamiami Trail East

7622Naples, Florida 34112 - 4961

7627Mark J. Woodwa rd, Esquire

7632Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.

76373200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200

7643Naples, Florida 34103


7648Petitioner’s Witnesses:

7650Mark J. Woodward

7653Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.

76583200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200

7664Naples, Florida 34103

7667Jim Ward

7669Severn Trent Services

7672210 North University, Suite 702

7677Coral Springs, Florida 32817

7681W. Terry Cole, P.E.

7685Hole Montes

7687950 Encore Way

7690Naples, Florida 34110

7693Carey Garland

7695Fishkind & Associates, Inc.

769911869 Hi Tech Avenue

7703Orlando, Florida 32817

7706Micha el T. Redd, ASLA

7711Michael Redd & Associates, PA

7716631 US Highway One, Suite 300 - A

7724North Palm Beach, Florida 33408



7732Joint Composite Exhibit 1

7736(Received into record January 23, 2003)

7742Exhibit A:

7744General Location Map and the Collier Co unty Comprehensive

7753Plan Future Land Use Map

7758Exhibit B:

7760Petition for Rulemaking to Amend the Boundaries and Amend

7769the Name of the Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District

7778Exhibit C:

7780Miscellaneous Transmittal Documents

7783a. Xeroxed Copy of the D ocument of Receipt of the $1,500

7796Check to Constitute Filing and Processing Fee Paid by Petitioner

7806b. Receipt of Service FLAWAC

7811c. Receipt of Service Collier County

7817Exhibit D:

7819Official signed, dated and certified Collier County

7826resolution supporting the Petition of the Board of County

7835Commissioners supporting the Petition to amend the boundaries of

7844the CDD and changing the name of the existing CDD.

7854Exhibit E:

7856Affidavit of Ken van Assenderp executed on January 20,

78652003, stating his law firm serves a s Petitioner for the

7876Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District; and on

7883October 18, 2002, stating the firm filed a copy of the petition

7895with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and

7904submitted a copy to Collier County on October 16, 2002.

7914Exhibit F:

7916FLAWAC Secretary Donna Arduin letters

7921a. Letter of notification from Secretary Arduin and to

7930General Counsel Roth of Florida Department of Community Affairs

7939b. Letter of notification from Secretary Arduin to

7947Executive Director Paltry of t he Southwest Florida Regional

7956Planning Council

7958c. Letter of notification from Secretary Arduin to

7966Director of the Division of Administrative Hearings

7973Exhibit G:

7975Miscellaneous documents.

7977a. Order dated November 12, 2002, signed by Sharyn Smith,

7987Chief Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings, assigning the

7995case to an Administrative Judge and summarizing procedures.

8003b. Compliance Response to Initial Order signed and

8011submitted to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

8020on December 9, 2002, by Ken van Assenderp

8028Exhibit H:

8030Notice of Hearing

8033a. Notice of hearing signed on November 27, 2002, by the

8044ALJ, stating time, date and location of hearing

8052b. Affidavit of Publication from the “Naples Daily News”

8061constituting proof of publication f or the first week through

8071fourth week of notice

8075Exhibit I:

8077Official copy of the Collier County Comprehensive Plan

8085Exhibit J:

8087Copy of most recent codification of the State Comprehensive

8096Plan as it appears codified in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes,

8106(20 01)

8108Exhibit K:

8110White Papers

8112a. White paper of Michael Redd, Planner and land use

8122expert with vita sheet.

8126b. Pre - filed testimony of W. Terry Cole, Professional

8136Engineer and civil engineering expert with vita sheet

8144Joint Composite Exhibit 2:

8148Landow ner’s Consent to Contract District9

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/07/2003
Proceedings: Statement of Transmittal and Filing of Supplemental Information filed by K. van Assenderp.
Date: 03/18/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Secretary D. Arduin from Judge Johnston enclosing copies of the corrected pages 29-30 of the Administrative Law Judge`s Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, submitted on February 25, 2003.
Date: 03/13/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from K. Van Assenderp regarding request for amendment to your report filed.
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge`s Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission issued (hearing held January 23, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Transcript oif Proceedings filed.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Report and Conclusions, With Recommendation to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission filed by Petitioner.
Date: 01/28/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/23/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 12/10/2002
Proceedings: Compliance Response to Initial Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 11/27/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for January 23, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Compliance Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 11/12/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 11/06/2002
Proceedings: Petition for Rulemaking to Amend the Boundaries and Amend the Name of the Fiddler`s Creek Community Development District filed.
Date: 11/06/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):