02-004406 John M. Williams vs. Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, July 28, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner filed jurisdictional wetlands with "above-ground" septic tank system without a dredge and fill permit from the Department. System must be removed, but a fine is not appropriate as county erred in issuing a septic tank construction permit.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 02 - 4406





31Respondent. )



36This case was heard by David M. Maloney, Administrative Law

46Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings, on

54May 7 and 8, 2003, in Destin, Florida.


63For Petitioner: Parker B. Smith, Esquire

691219 Airport Road, Suite 311

74Destin, Florida 32541

77For Respondent: Robert Stills, Jr., Esquire

83Department of Environmental Protection

873900 Commonwealth Boulevard

90Mail Station 35

93Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000


102Whether Respondent John M. Williams deposited fill in

110waters of the state without a permit from the Department of

121Environmental Protection. If so, what is the appropriate

129corrective action and penalty?


135On November 15, 2002, the Department of Environmental

143Regulation ("DEP" or the "Department"), by a "Request for

154Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of

162Preservat ion of Record," notified the Division of Administrative

171Hearings ("DOAH") that it had received a petition for an

183administrative proceeding. The Secretary of DEP "having decided

191not to act as hearing officer," DEP accordingly requested that

201the matter be a ssigned to an administrative law judge to conduct

213all necessary proceedings.

216Attached to the notification was a document entitled

"224Verified Petition for Administrative Proceeding," submitted by

231counsel for John M. Williams. The petition requested a forma l

242hearing in connection with matters set forth in a Notice of

253Violation and Orders for Corrective Action (the "NOV") served on

264or about July 16, 2002, on Mr. Williams.

272The NOV, attached to the verified petition, charged that

281DEP in February 2001 had dete rmined that Mr. Williams had

292constructed a septic tank in a flood plain wetland, adjacent to

303the Choctawhatchee River, without authorization from the

310Department and in violation of Rule 62 - 312.060(1), Florida

320Administrative Code. The NOV further ordered t hat the septic

330tank be removed and that Mr. Williams pay $1,750 (the sum of an

344administrative fine, economic benefit of non - compliance and

353costs to the Department.)

357The request of DEP was honored. The matter was assigned

367DOAH Case No. 02 - 4406 and an admi nistrative law judge was

380designated to conduct the proceedings. The matter was set for

390hearing in March 2002. In the meantime, the matter was

400transferred to the undersigned administrative law judge and was

409continued to May 7 and 8, 2003.

416At final hearin g, Petitioner testified and presented the

425testimony of two witnesses: David Gurganus and Charles Riley.

434Petitioner offered 15 exhibits marked as P1 - P15. All were

445admitted into evidence. The Department called four witnesses to

454the stand: Gary Woodiwiss ; Jack Wu, P.E.; Rod Maddox; and

464John Tobe, Ph.D., an expert in wetland delineation and

473identification. Twenty one exhibits, marked as R1 through R21

482were offered by DEP. All were admitted into evidence.

491On May 20, 2003, DEP filed a memorandum of law th at states,

"504[i]n summation, Chapter 62 - 312 and 62 - 340 Florida

515Administrative Code are the appropriate provisions for dredge

523and fill activities in surface waters and wetlands located in

533the geographical jurisdiction of the Northwest Florida Water

541Managemen t District . . . ." The Department requested,

551therefore, that the rules and statutes attached to its Request

561for Judicial Notice submitted March 10, 2003, and re - submitted

572March 27, 2003, be officially recognized. In response to the

582memorandum, Petitione r stated that he "agrees with the position

592of the Department (Respondent) concerning the law applicable to

601this case." Petitioner's Submission of Law Applicable to Case ,

610filed June 13, 2003. An O rder was entered on June 16, 2003,

623granting the Department' s request and setting July 1, 2003, as

634the deadline for filing proposed orders.

640The transcript was filed on June 4, 2003. Petitioner filed

650a timely Proposed Final Order. The Department opted not to file

661a proposed order and filed a notice of its intenti on not to do

675so on July 15, 2003. This F inal O rder follows.


689Mr. Williams and the Cowford Subdivision

6951. Petitioner John M. Williams is a retired mechanic. In

7051992, he became acquainted with the Cowford subdivision in

714Walton County, nea r Bruce, Florida. The subdivision fronts the

724Choctawhatchee River.

7262. Mr. Williams purchased lot 29 of the subdivision.

735Three or four years later, he bought lot 30. All told,

746Mr. Williams paid approximately $47,000 for the lots, an

756electric power line and an "above - ground" septic tank. The

767purchase price of the lots was $38,000. Running an electric

778line and installation of an electric light pole cost about

788$4,000. Mr. Williams paid about $5,000 for the septic tank and

801its installation.

8033. Mr. Will iams' ultimate goal in purchasing the lots and

814adding the improvements was to build a house on the property for

826use in his retirement.

830Attempt to Obtain the Necessary Permits

8364. The septic tank was not purchased by Mr. Williams until

847after he had obtained a permit for its construction.

8565. At the county offices where he went to obtain the

867necessary permit, he was "sent over to the power company."

877(Tr. 216). At hearing, he described what happened there:

886I paid my money to get my power and they --

897well, t hey informed me . . . once I got my

909power on I had 6 months to get my septic

919tank in the ground or they would turn my

928lights off.

930So here I had a $3,500 light pole put up and

942I couldn't very well see this thing going

950down. So, I went ahead to the Health


959( Id. ) Mr. Williams' testimony is supported by a Walton County

971Environmental Health Notice dated March 8, 1999, that states,

"980The Walton County Building Department will not be issuing

989approval for power for any residence until final approval o f the

1001septic system is obtained from the Walton County Environmental

1010Health Office." P7, the first page after Page 3 of 3, marked in

1023the upper right hand corner as PAGE 10.

10316. At the Health Department, on April 12, 1999,

1040Mr. Williams applied for an "Onsi te Sewage Treatment and

1050Disposal System" permit on a form bearing the following heading:





1074Authority; Chapter 381, FS &

1079Chapter 10D - 6, FAC

1084P7, page 1 o f 3. According to the form, he paid the $200 fee

1099for the permit on April 29, 1999. The payment was made within a

1112month or so after the installation of the power line.

11227. An attachment to the "Walton County Environmental

1130Health Onsite Sewage Treatment a nd Disposal System Application,"

1139made out by Mr. Williams on April 12, 1999, contains the

1150following warning:


1155As the owner or agent applying for an

1163OSTDS permit it is my responsibility to

1170determine if the proposed development is in

1177co mpliance with the zoning requirements of

1184Walton County. I further assume

1189responsibility to obtain any applicable

1194permits from other State and Local

1200Government Agencies.

1202P15, page 2. (emphasis supplied) ( See also P7, the second page

1214after Page 3 of 3, m arked in the upper right hand corner as PAGE


12308. On May 5, 1999, about three weeks after Mr. Williams

1241submitted the construction permit application, the site where

1249the septic tank would be installed was evaluated by an EH

1260Specialist, an inspector. O n the same day, an Onsite Sewage

1271Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit was issued for

1280an "above - ground" 900 - gallon septic tank.


12909. With county personnel present and under county

1298supervision, the septic tank was installed on a rid ge on

1309Mr. Williams property about 17 feet above mean sea level. Fill

1320dirt was brought onto the site and placed on top of the tank to

1334create a septic tank mound. No dredging of the property was

1345done in connection with the installation.

1351Chance Discovery

13531 0. After a complaint was registered with DEP about dredge

1364and fill activity on one of the lots near Mr. Williams,

1375Gary Woodiwiss, then an environmental specialist in the

1383Department assigned to conduct inspections in Walton and Holmes

1392Counties, visited the Cowford subdivision in July 2000.

140011. During the visit, Mr. Woodiwiss noticed the septic

1409tank mound on Mr. Williams' property and that the mound, in

1420part, consisted of fill dirt. Being of the opinion that the

1431both the fill dirt and the septic tank syst em constituted "fill"

1443and that the fill may have been deposited in jurisdictional

1453wetlands, that is, "waters of the state," Mr. Woodiwiss

1462consulted with DEP personnel about the status of the site and

1473DEP jurisdiction. Ultimately, DEP determined that the s ite of

1483the septic tank mound, within the flood plain of the

1493Choctowhatchee River, was jurisdictional wetlands. The

1499Department took action.

1502DEP Action

150412. On November 16, 2000, Mr. Woodiwiss issued a

1513memorandum to the DEP file with regard to "John Willia ms.

1524Unauthorized Fill in Flood Plain." The memo states:

1532Site is located next to Charles Riley who is

1541the subject of Department action for filling

1548jurisdictional wetlands. Williams was

1552erroneously given a permit by Walton County

1559health Dept. to install a septic system in

15671999, which he subsequently installed. I

1573visited the site with the administrator for

1580the septic tanks program in Walton and she

1588indicated that they would pay for the

1595installation of a new system on a new lot

1604for Mr. Williams.

1607I recommen d that the removal of the system

1616and relocation of the inhabitants of the lot

1624to an area outside of the immediate flood


1633P6. (emphasis supplied)

163613. Five days later, on November 21, 2002, a warning

1646letter was generated by Mr. Woodiwiss under the signature of

1656Bobby A. Cooley, Director of District Management for DEP. The

1666letter advised Mr. Williams as follows:

1672Recent Department survey data established at

1678your property has determined that your

1684entire lot is below the mean annual flood

1692line of the Ch octawhatchee River and is

1700subject to dredge and fill jurisdiction of

1707the Department. Any construction on the

1713property including placement of a mobile

1719home, septic tank and drainfield or other

1726structures must first receive a dredge and

1733fill permit from the Department.

1738Preliminary assessment of your proposed

1743development of the property indicates that

1749you may not meet the public interest

1756criteria of Chapters 403 and 373 Florida

1763Statutes for qualifying for a permit.

1769R5. By this letter the Department informe d Mr. Williams both

1780that he was in violation of the law by not having secured a

1793permit for the filling of the site and warned that, on the basis

1806of a preliminary assessment, it was not likely that he would be

1818eligible for an after - the - fact permit. The ass essment of

1831whether the site was eligible for a permit was re - stated in

1844writing again, but with added certainty in a Compliance

1853Assessment Form (the Form) prepared by DEP personnel. In

1862Section V. of the form, there appears, together with the

1872signature of the "Section Permit Processor and a date of

"188211/09/2000", the following:

1885Project is not permittable due to type of

1893wetland system being impacted and project

1899must not be "Contrary to the Public

1906Interest". The project could affect the

1913public health, safety and welfare and

1919property of others. The project is of a

1927permanent nature.


193014. Although the permit processor entered her assessment

1938on November 9, 2000, and other sections of the form were entered

1950on November 1, 2000, by Mr. Woodiwiss, the Complian ce Assessment

1961Form bears a final date of February 1, 2001. The Form shows the

"1974Event Chronology" that led to the issuance of the NOV. The

1985chronology, consistent with the testimony at hearing, reveals

1993the following:

199525 Jul.00. Complaint inspection for fi ll in

2003wetlands on adjacent lot. Found isolated

2009fill areas in a slough and adjacent to an

2018apparent upland area. Vegetation is 100%

2024jurisdictional but soil is composed of

2030alluvial deposits in ridge like

2035configurations, one of which the respondent

2041wished to live on. Solicited the

2047jurisdictional team for a district assist in

2054determining jurisdiction.

205621 Aug.00. District assist. Hydrologic

2061indicators and vegetation present in

2066sufficient quantities to establish

2070jurisdiction. John Tobe PhD. Requested that

2076t he mean annual flood be established on the

2085site in order to augment his determination.

2092October 11, 2000. District assist by Bureau

2099of Survey and mapping and the establishment

2106of a survey line of the 2.33 year (16.42

2115feet above MSL) mean annual flood elev ation

2123on the adjacent violation site. The whole

2130site is clearly under the MAF, which extends

2138approximately 200 meters up grade towards SR

214520. The elevation of the MAF is consistent

2153with hydrological indicators (porella

2157pinnatta) that indicate such a floo d

2164elevation, as reported in previous studies.

2170November 7, 2000. Met with Crystal Steele

2177and Mike Curry of Walton County DOH to

2185establish why Mr. Williams has a septic tank

2193permit. They indicated that the permit was

2200issued in error and that they would re quire

2209the system to be moved. Ms. Steele stated

2217that the County would pay for Mr. Williams

2225to have a new system installed on another

2233site because of the oversight. There are

2240currently two moveable vehicles on the site,

2247one of which is connected to the sy stem, the

2257other has a contained service for sewage.

2264November 21, 2000. WLI [presumably Warning

2270Letter Issued]

2272November 27, 2000. Call to Mr. Williams.

2279He wants to get money back or swap property

2288for higher. I advised him to approach the

2296owner Mr. Mar tin and make his situation


2305January 22, 2000. Mr. Williams has refused

2312to remove the fill and requests an NOV.

2320P13, (emphasis supplied)

2323MAF and Wetland Delineation

232715. There was considerable testimony introduced at hearing

2335about establishment of the mean annual flood ("MAF") line for

2347the purpose, among others, of its relationship to the elevation

2357of the septic tank mound. The issue stemmed, no doubt, from

2368Dr. Tobe's request that MAF be established in order to "augment

2379his determination" with reg ard to DEP jurisdiction based on

2389employment of the methodology in DEP's wetland delineation rule,

2398see paragraph 13, above.

240216. Resolution of the issue is not necessary to augment

2412the determination that all of lots 29 and 30 of the Cowford

2424subdivision are located in wetlands that constitute "waters of

2433the state." That the septic tank and the fill dirt were

2444deposited on wetlands under the jurisdiction of DEP was clearly

2454established by Dr. Tobe in his testimony at trial and the

2465evidence in support of it. Pe titioner concedes as much in his

2477Proposed Final Order.

2480Environmental Harm and Human Health Exposure

248617. Wetlands whose surface area is covered by the septic

2496tank mound have been filled. The filling has caused

2505environmental damage. An assessment of the d amage was not

2515offered at hearing but it appears from this record that the

2526damage is minimal.

252918. During the time the septic tank has been on

2539Mr. Williams' property, it has never been below the flood waters

2550of the Choctawhatchee River and therefore has not yet caused

2560direct hazard to human health.

2565Corrective Action and Penalty

256919. It will be expensive to remove the septic tank; the

2580expense will be more than the cost of installation. Petitioner

2590fears, moreover, that it will render his property worthless.

25992 0. There is no evidence that Petitioner's violation of

2609Department permitting requirements was willful. He has no

2617history of violations previous to this one.

262421. Options to continued retention of a septic system

2633through use of a portable wheeled waste re mover or use of an

2646upland drain field on another property are either not viable or

2657so problematic as to be impractical.

2663DEP Modification of its Position

266822. At the outset of the hearing, DEP announced that it no

2680longer intended to seek civil penalties of $1,500 as it had

2692intended when the NOV was issued. All that is sought by DEP by

2705way of corrective action or penalty is removal of the septic

2716tank and monetary reimbursement for the cost of the

2725investigation of $250 ( see Tr. 9, lls. 17 - 25, and Tr. 10, lls.

27401 - 5.)


274623. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2753jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

2763proceeding. Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.

277024. "If a person timely files a petition challenging a

2780no tice of violation, . . . [t]he department has the burden of

2793proving with the preponderance of the evidence that the

2802respondent is responsible for the violation. No administrative

2810penalties should be imposed unless the department satisfies that

2819burden. Fo llowing the close of the hearing, the administrative

2829law judge shall issue a final order[ 1 ] on all matters . . . ."

2845Section 403.121(2)(d), Florida Statutes.

284925. The Department has carried its burden of proving by a

2860preponderance of the evidence that the violation charged in this

2870case occurred.

287226. "Unless specifically exempt, permits shall be required

2880for . . . filling . . . or placing of material in, on or over

2896waters of the state listed in Rule 62.312.030, F.A.C." Rule

290662.312.060, Florida Administra tive Code.

291127. "'Filling' is the deposition, by any means, of

2920materials in waters of the state." Rule 62 - 312.020(11), Florida

2931Administrative Code.

293328. Section 403.031(13), Florida Statutes, defines

"2939[w]aters" as "rivers, lakes, streams, springs, impou ndments,

2947wetlands , and all other waters or bodies of waters, including

2957fresh, brackish, saline, tidal, surface, or underground waters."

2965(emphasis supplied)

296729. There is no question that Mr. Williams filled wetlands

2977on Lot 29 of the Cowford Subdivision in Walton County by

2988deposition of a septic tank and dirt fill in the form of a

3001septic tank mound without a permit. This was clearly

3010established by his own testimony and by the testimony of DEP

3021personnel, including Dr. Tobe. The only question is what should

3031be the appropriate corrective action and penalty.

303830. The deposition of the septic tank and the dirt fill

3049would not have been eligible for a permit. Just as Mr. Williams

3061now recognizes that the property filled was wetlands under the

3071jurisdiction of DEP , he recognizes that his "project" would not

3081have been eligible for DEP permitting. The appropriate

3089corrective action since the project could not have been

3098permitted is removal of the septic tank system and all of the

3110dirt fill that constitutes the septic tank mound.

311831. Nonetheless, Mr. Williams argues for a fine rather

3127than an order of removal because of the expense in removing the

3139tank in what has already become an expensive proposition and

3149because of the likelihood, in his view, that without the sept ic

3161tank, he will not be able to use his property at all.

317332. As much sympathy as Mr. Williams' argument produces,

3182particularly since the County issued the septic tank

3190construction permit in error and actually supervised the

3198installation of the tank, it w ould not be appropriate to allow

3210the septic tank to remain. The septic tank and the dirt fill in

3223the mound in which it sits must be removed.

323233. Mr. Williams was shown to be nothing other than a law -

3245abiding citizen who attempted to obtain what he though t was

3256appropriate governmental permission for installation of a septic

3264tank. The septic tank construction permit application that he

3273filled out warned that it was his responsibility to obtain any

3284other necessary state permits. Balancing his failure to

3292di scover that he needed to obtain a permit from DEP for his

3305filling activity, and that he would not be able to obtain such a

3318permit and therefore not be able to install the system, however,

3329is that the septic tank construction permit was issued by

3339government al authorities in error and the error was compounded

3349when the County supervised the installation of the septic tank


336034. Mr. Williams has no past history of violations and the

3371septic tank has not yet imperiled human health. It is

3381appropriate unde r the circumstances for the Department not to

3391seek civil penalties. As was stated at hearing, removal of the

3402septic tank at Mr. Williams' expense is punishment enough. The

3412state is entitled to be reimbursed $250 for the cost of the



3426Wherefore, it is ordered that Mr. Williams remove the

3435septic tank system and all fill dirt associated with it from the

3447lots owned by him in the Cowford Subdivision in Walton County

3458and that he reimburse the Department of Environmental Protection

3467$250 for i ts costs associated with this case.

3476DONE AND ORDERED this 28th day of July, 2003, in

3486Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3494Administrative Law Judge

3497Division of Administrative Hearings

3501The DeSoto Building

35041230 Apalachee Parkway

3507Tallahasse e, Florida 32399 - 3060

3513(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3521Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3528Filed with the Clerk of the

3534Division of Administrative Hearings

3538this 28th day of July, 2003.


35451/ There is uncertainty as to whether this orde r should be a

3558recommended order or a final order. See the last sentence in

3569Section 403.121(2)(d). It may be that DEP's decision not to

3579pursue administrative penalties announced after the commencement

3586of final hearing concomitantly retains DEP's final ord er

3595authority. On the other hand, issuance of a NOV seeking

3605administrative fines may have fixed the status of DOAH

3614proceedings culminating in a final order. In any event, the

3624parties have acquiesced to the issuance of a final order:

3634Mr. Williams by filin g a Proposed Final Order and DEP by not

3647filing any proposed order and by not otherwise asserting

3656retention of final order authority.


3663Parker B. Smith, Esquire

36671219 Airport Road, Suite 311

3672Destin, Florida 32541

3675Robert Stills, Jr., Esq uire

3680Department of Environmental Protection

36843900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3687Mail Station 35

3690Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

3695Kathy C. Carter, Agency Clerk

3700Department of Environmental Protection

37043900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3707Mail Station 35

3710Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

3715Teri L. Donaldson, General Counsel

3720Department of Environmental Protection

37243900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3727Mail Station 35

3730Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000


3741A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order i s

3753entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

3762Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

3771of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3779filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

3790Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

3799filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

3809Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

3820the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

3830appeal must be f iled within 30 days of rendition of the order to

3844be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/28/2003
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 07/28/2003
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held May 7 and 8, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/15/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Intent Not to File Proposed Final Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order filed by P. Smith.
Date: 06/16/2003
Proceedings: Order. (Department`s request is granted, official recognition is taken of those statutes and rules listed in the Department`s request)
Date: 06/13/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Submission of Law Applicable to Case filed.
Date: 06/04/2003
Proceedings: Transcript (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 05/20/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law on Dredge and Fill in Northwest District (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion in Limine to Prohibit Introduction of Testimony and Exhibits (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Maloney from P. Smith regarding scheduled visit at the property (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/28/2003
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/27/2003
Proceedings: Re-Submittal of Attachments A and C of Department`s Request for Judicial Notice of Law Pertinent to Wetland Dredge and Fill in the Northwest District (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/11/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (consent motion for view is granted, the viewing of Mr. Williams` property will commence at 10:00 a.m. (C.S.T.), on May 7, 2003)
Date: 03/11/2003
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for May 7 and 8, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Destin, FL, amended as to time of hearing).
Date: 03/10/2003
Proceedings: Consent Motion for View filed by Petitioner.
Date: 03/10/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 03/10/2003
Proceedings: Department`s Request for Judicial Notice of Law Pertinent to Wetland Dredge and File in the Northwest District (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/03/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for May 7 and 8, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Destin, FL, amended as to dates and venue of hearing).
Date: 02/26/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Informal Teleconference on DEP`s Request for Official Recognition of Law Applicable to the Permitting Decision in this Case (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 02/21/2003
Proceedings: Department`s Request for Official Recognition of Law Applicable to the Permitting Decision in this Case (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Response to Petitioner`s Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Certificate of Service for the Department of Environmental Protection`s First Set of Interrogatories to John M. Williams (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Request for Production of Documents to John M. Williams (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/05/2002
Proceedings: Request for Production of Documents filed by Petitioner.
Date: 12/03/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for March 20 and 21, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 12/03/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Amended Joint Stipulation of Compliance With Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 11/25/2002
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation of Compliance With Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/18/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Violation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Verified Petition for Administrative Proceeding (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/04/1996
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Submission of Law Applicable to Case filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Destin, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):