02-004418 Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Woodland Field, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, May 29, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Evidence showed one uncorrected Class III deficiency; no medication training using state-approved curriculum; $500 fine.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 02 - 4418




32Respondent. )



37A formal hearing was conducted in this case on February 20,

482003, in Jacksonville, Florida, before the Division of

56Administrative Hearings by its Administrative Law Judge, Diane



66For Petitioner: Michael O. Mathis, Esquire

72Agenc y for Health Care Administration

782727 Mahan Drive

81Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431

87Tallahassee, Florida 32308

90For Respondent: Harriett Wallace, Administrator

95Woodland Field, Inc.

988236 Moncrief - Dinsmore Road

103Jacksonville, Florida 32219


110The issue for consideration in this proceeding is whether

119Respondent's license as an adult living facility should be



131The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA or

139Petitioner) filed an Ad ministrative Complaint against

146Respondent, Woodland Field, Inc. (Respondent), an assisted

153living facility, located at 8236 Moncrief - Dinsmore Road,

162Jacksonville, Florida. The Administrative Complaint alleged

168that Respondent violated Sections 400.423(3) and 400.452(5),

175Florida Statutes; and Rules 58A - 5.0191(4)(a)4 and

18358A - 5.0191(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code, by failing to

192ensure that a staff member trained in first - aid and CPR was in

206the facility at all times when residents were present; fai ling

217to maintain a written work schedule that reflects the facility's

22724 - hour staffing pattern for a given time period; and failing to

240ensure that an unlicensed person providing assistance with

248self - administered medications received the required minimum

256o f 24 hours of training prior to assisting with such


268Respondent filed a petition for a formal administrative

276hearing. The petition was forwarded to the Division of

285Administrative Hearings .

288At the hearing, AHCA presented the testimony of thre e

298witnesses and offered 15 exhibits into evidence. Respondent

306presented the testimony of one witness and offered one composite

316exhibit into evidence.


3221. Respondent, Woodland Field, Inc., holds a license to

331operate an adult living facil ity (ALF) effective December 8,

3412001, through December 7, 2003. Respondent is a small ALF. In

352addition to the administrator/owner, Respondent employs two

359staff persons to assist the residents of the ALF.

3682. On June 7, 2002, AHCA conducted a survey of

378R espondent's facility. The facility's administrator was not

386present when the surveyors arrived. There was one person, Lisa

396Phoenix, on duty at the facility when the survey began. The

407person on duty was assisting with self - administered medication.

417She ha d some medication training but did not have the four hours

430of training required pursuant to Section 400.2456, Florida

438Statutes (2002). Several violations were found during the


4473. The violations relevant here were that the duty person

457at the tim e did not have documentation or training in first - aid

471and CPR (Tag A525); there was no posted staffing schedule for

482the facility available for review (Tag A528); and the person on

493duty at the time did not have medication training as required by

505Florida Sta tutes (Tag A1106). All four citations were

514classified as Class III deficiencies.

5194. The violations were to be corrected immediately and,

528but for the posting of a schedule satisfactory to AHCA, the

539violations were corrected by Respondent.

5445. On July 23, 2002, a follow - up visit and moratorium

556visit was conducted by AHCA. Again, there was one person,

566Ronella Jones, on duty at the facility. Ms. Jones had had

577first - aid and CPR training in the past but her documentation of

590such training had expired prior to the July 23, 2002, survey.

601While at the facility, the surveyor did review what he described

612as a sheet of paper, titled, "work schedule" dated March 1,

6232002. However, the surveyor felt that not enough information

632was contained on the schedule to enab le it to comply with

644Rule 58A - 5.0191(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code. The

652surveyor cited three uncorrected deficiencies, related to Tags

660A525 (first - aid training), A528 (work schedule), and A1106

670(medication training).

6726. On July 24, 2002, AHCA recei ved a copy of the expired

685first - aid card for Ms. Jones from Petitioner. The card was

697later updated and the technical deficiency timely corrected.

705AHCA also received a copy of Ms. Jones' medication training

715certificate. The certificate was dated July 8, 2002, prior to

725the survey and signed by Erma Thompson, R.N. The certificate

735was not in Respondent's files because it had not been received

746by the facility at the time of the July survey. Additionally,

757AHCA received a copy of a generic work schedule for P etitioner's

769facility. Petitioner had also faxed a similar schedule to AHCA

779in June. The work schedule was dated March 1, 2002. It did not

792reflect a specific time period that the schedule would be

802effective. However, given the size of the facility, it i s

813reasonable to conclude that the schedule was effective until

822changed. The schedule also did not list the names of individual

833staff. The schedule looked as follows:


841Weekly Schedule

843Staff on Duty 6:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

850Staff on Duty 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m.


858(Staff will alternate)

861Staff on Duty 6:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

868Staff on Duty 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m.

875The generic schedule, while not listing specific individuals,

883does reflect the general staffing pattern of Respondent since it

893shows the time periods during which staff will be on duty at the

906facility and a reasonable person can determine the scheduling

915pattern for staff therefrom.

9197. Copies of similar schedules were submitted into

927evidence with names of facility employees hand - writte n on these

939schedules. However, the relation of these schedules to one

948another or anything about them regarding their development was

957not shown by the evidence, except that since Respondent’s

966facility was very small, scheduling of specific employees was

975ac complished on a more or less ad hoc basis.

9858. Because, Ms. Jones indicated to AHCA surveyors that she

995had not received any medication training, the surveyors

1003questioned the authenticity of Ms. Jones' medication training

1011card .

10139. On August 12, 2002, Erma Thompson, R.N., mailed AHCA a

1024letter referencing the medication training she gave to

1032Respondent's staff. Although the communication is somewhat

1039non - specific as to when Nurse Thompson performed such training

1050or to when she trained Respondent’s staff, the evidence showed

1060that Nurse Thompson's communication was in reference to the

1069on - going surveys of Petitioner's facility and the training of

1080Ms. Jones and Ms. Phoenix.

108510. On August 23, 2002, AHCA conducted a third follow - up

1097visit and moratorium monitorin g visit of Respondent's facility.

110611. The surveyor found that Tags A528 (work schedule) and

1116A1106 (medication training) were not corrected.

112212. Both employees of Respondent had medication training

1130certificates. As indicated earlier, the certificate for

1137Ms. Jones was dated July 7, 2002, and signed by Erma

1148Thompson, R.N. However, Petitioner had continued to question

1156the validity of Ms. Jones' medication training. Therefore,

1164Respondent sent AHCA a copy of the administrative guide used as

1175a curriculum for training its employees. The curriculum was

1184dated September 1992. Unfortunately, the curriculum was out of

1193date as of 1999 when the only official and required curriculum

1204changed. The 1992 requirements for medication training differed

1212somewhat from the st ate’s current requirements for medication


122213. The evidence did not demonstrate the extent of the

1232differences between the two curriculums. However, they were

1240different, and the older version used by Nurse Thompson was not

1251the version recognized b y Petitioner as the curriculum meeting

1261its rule on medication training. Ms. Phoenix's medication

1269training certificate was dated March 27, 2002, and was signed by

1280an L.P.N. The course was given by Nurse Thompson, who was

1291an R.N. The same nurse/L.P.N. who had signed the facility's

1301administrator's certification had signed Ms. Phoenix’s

1307medication training card. The facility administrator met all of

1316Respondent's certification requirements. The Rule does not

1323specifically require that the medication training card be signed

1332by the R.N. giving the course. Therefore, as long as an R.N.

1344teaches the course the training is valid. However, as indicated

1354earlier, the curriculum used by Nurse Thompson in her training

1364was out of date for Ms. Phoenix, as well. Therefo re,

1375technically, even though Respondent had made a good faith effort

1385to comply with the Rule’s medication training requirements,

1393Tag A528 remained uncorrected.

139714. During the August 23, 2002, survey, there was a

1407schedule available for review at the facili ty. The schedule was

1418the generic work schedule similar to the schedule noted above.

1428It did not have the employees who would be on duty at a given

1442time. However, it did reflect the staffing pattern of

1451Respondent's facility. The evidence was clear that R espondent's

1460administrator/owner was confused as to what information the

1468surveyors wanted on the facility's work schedule since this

1477generic schedule reflected staffing patterns; there were only

1485two employees other than herself at the facility, and the

1495admi nistrator desired to maintain flexibility in utilizing those

1504employees. Further, the surveyors' complaints about the

1511schedule were at best de minimus , given the size of the facility


152415. On September 5, 2002, a fourth moratorium monitoring

1533visit was conducted at Respondent's facility. Again, the

1541facility was cited for Tag A528 (work schedule) and Tag A1106

1552(medication training).

155416. On October 3, 2002, AHCA conducted a fifth follow - up

1566visit and moratorium monitoring visit. The same citations we re

1576given. The surveyor was able to review a work schedule similar

1587to the generic work schedule noted above. However, the document

1597was dated September 5, 2002. A paragraph was added listing the

1608names of the administrator and her two employees and indicat es

1619they will be assigned on an ad hoc basis. The work schedule

1631also indicates the staff signs in daily with specific hours and

1642personnel listed on the daily time sheet. Again the facility

1652was cited for Tag A528 (work schedule) and Tag A1106 (medication

1663t raining). The schedule complied with the requirements of

1672Rule 59A - 0191(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code. However,

1680neither employee’s medication training had been updated under

1688the current curriculum. Therefore, the deficiency related to

1696the medication training of Respondent’s employee’s remained



170717. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1714jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

1725proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

173018. Tag A525 i s based on Rule 58A - 5.0191(4)(a), Florida

1742Administrative Code. The Rule requires that at least one staff

1752member who is trained in first - aid and CPR, shall be within the

1766facility at all times when residents are in the facility. See

1777also Rule 58A - 5.0191(4) , Florida Administrative Code. The

1786deficiency was timely corrected.

179019. Tag A528 is based on Rule 58A - 5.0191(4)(c), Florida

1801Administrative Code. The Rule states that the facility shall

1810maintain a written schedule which reflects the facility's

181824 - hou r staffing pattern for a given time period. Importantly,

1830for purposes of analyzing the language of Rule 58A - 5.0191(4)(c),

1841Florida Administrative Code, the Rule requires facilities larger

1849than Petitioner's to maintain time sheets for all staff.

1858Rule 58A - 0 19(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code, only requires a

1869generic schedule which functions as a model for how staff will

1880be scheduled and maintained by the facility; the Rule does not

1891require specific staff be listed such as would be listed on a

1903time sheet. The Rule only requires that the pattern of staffing

1914be reflected by the schedule. Therefore, the generic schedule

1923of Respondent complied with the Rule. The deficiency was timely

1933corrected after the first survey and remained corrected


194220. Tag A1106 relates to Section 400.452(5), Florida

1950Statutes, and Rule 58A - 5.0191(5), Florida Administrative Code.

1959Section 400.452(5), Florida Statutes (2002), and the Rule

1967requires unlicensed staff involved with the management of

1975medications and assisting with the self - administration of

1984medications under Section 400.4256, Florida Statutes, must

1991complete a minimum of four hours of training pursuant to a

2002curriculum developed by the department and provided by a

2011registered nurse, licensed pharmacist or department s taff.

2019Rule 58A - 5.0191(5), Florida Administrative Code, states:



2037Unlicensed persons who will be providing

2043assistance with self - administered

2048medications as described in Rule 58A - 5. 0185,

2057F.A.C., must receive a minimum of 4 hours of

2066training prior to assuming this

2071responsibility. Courses provided in

2075fulfilment [sic] of this requirement must

2081meet the following criteria:

2085(a) Training must cover state law and rule

2093requirements with res pect to the

2099supervision, assistance, administration, and

2103management of medications in assisted living

2109facilities; procedures and techniques for

2114assisting the resident with self -

2120administration of medication including how

2125to read a prescription label; provid ing the

2133right medications to the right resident;

2139common medications; the importance of taking

2145medications as prescribed; recognition of

2150side effects and adverse reactions and

2156procedures to follow when residents appear

2162to be experiencing side effects and ad verse

2170reactions; documentation and record keeping;

2175and medication storage and disposal.

2180Training shall include demonstrations of

2185proper techniques and provide opportunities

2190for hands - on learning through practice


2198(b) The training must be provide d by a

2207registered nurse, licensed pharmacist, or

2212department staff who shall issue a training

2219certificate to a trainee who demonstrates an

2226ability to:

22281. Understand a prescription label;

22332. Provide assistance with self -

2239administration in accordance with Se ction

2245400.4256, F.S., and Rule 58A - 5.0185, F.A.C.,


2254a. Assist with oral dosage forms, topical

2261dosage forms, and topical ophthalmic, otic

2267and nasal dosage forms;

2271b. Measure liquid medications, break scored

2277tablets, and crush tablets in accordanc e

2284with prescription directions;

2287c. Recognize the need to obtain

2293clarification of an "as needed" prescription


2300d. Recognize a medication order which

2306requires judgement or discretion, and to

2312advise the resident, resident’s health care

2318provider or fac ility employer of inability

2325to assist in the administration of such


2333e. Complete a medication observation


2339f. Retrieve and store medication; and

2345g. Recognize the general signs of adverse

2352reactions to medications and report such


2359The evidence did not demonstrate that the out - of - date curriculum

2372complied with the Rule's criteria for medication training.

2380Therefore, the training received by Respondent’s employees did

2388not comply with the current medication training requirement of

2397the Rule. The deficiency was not timely corrected and,

2406therefore, is subject to an administrative fine.

241321. Section 400.419(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2002),

2419requires that Class III violations are those conditions or

2428occurrences related to the operation mainte nance of a facility

2438or to the personal care of residents which the agency determines

2449indirectly or potentially threaten the physical or emotional

2457health, safety, or security of facility residents, other than

2466Class I or Class II violations. A Class III vio lation is

2478subject to an administrative fine or not less than $500 and not

2490exceeding $1,000 for each violation. A citation for a Class III

2502violation must specify the time within which the violation is

2512required to be corrected. If a Class III violation is corrected

2523within the time specified, no fine may be imposed, unless it is

2535a repeated offense. In this case, Respondent made good faith

2545attempts to comply with the medication training requirement and

2554did provide some training, which while out of date, had been

2565approved previously by Petitioner. Given this effort, a fine of

2575$500.00 is reasonable.


2579Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of

2589Law, it is


2593That the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a

2602final order imposing a fine of $500.00 for one uncorrected

2612deficiency related to medication training.

2617DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of May, 2003, in

2627Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2634Administrative Law Judg e

2638Division of Administrative Hearings

2642The DeSoto Building

26451230 Apalachee Parkway

2648Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2653(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2661Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2668Filed with the Clerk of the

2674Division of Administrative Hearin gs

2679this 29th day of May, 2003.


2688Michael O. Mathis, Esquire

2692Agency for Health Care Administration

26972727 Mahan Drive

2700Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431

2706Tallahassee, Florida 32308

2709Harriett Wallace, Administrator

2712Woodland Field, Inc.

27158236 Moncrief - Dinsmore Road

2720Jacksonville, Florida 32219

2723Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk

2727Agency for Health Care Administration

27322727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

2738Tallahassee, Florida 32308

2741Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel

2746Agency for Health Care Administrat ion

27522727 Mahan Drive

2755Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

2760Tallahassee, Florida 32308


2769All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

277915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2790to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2801will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/28/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/27/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/29/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/29/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held February 20, 2003) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/29/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 04/10/2003
Proceedings: Agency`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/27/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 03/04/2003
Proceedings: Woodland Field, Inc. Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/20/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 12/27/2002
Proceedings: Woodland Field, Inc. Response to Pre-Hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 12/19/2002
Proceedings: Agency Response to Pre-Hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 12/10/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 12/10/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 20, 2003; 11:00 a.m.; Jacksonville, FL).
Date: 11/21/2002
Proceedings: Joint Response to ALJ`s Initial Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 11/14/2002
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/14/2002
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint Dispute Allegations/Request Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 11/14/2002
Proceedings: Election of Rights for Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/14/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):