02-004439BID Growadot, Inc. vs. Escambia County Utilities Authority
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 17, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent acted within its discretion and within the requirements of the Request for Proposals when it selected a vendor to provide credit card services who had the lowest convenience fee with no start-up costs to Respondent.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 02 - 4439BID





30Respondent. )



35A for mal hearing was conducted in this case on December 2,

472002, in Pensacola, Florida, before Suzanne F. Hood,

55Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



65For Petitioner: Archibald Hovanesian, Jr., Esquire

7121 East Garden Street, Suite 201

77Pensacola, Florida 32501

80For Respondent: Bradley S. Odom, Esquire

86Stephen G. West, Esquire

90Kievit, Kelly & Odom

9415 West M ain Street

99Pensacola, Florida 32501


106The issue is whether Respondent properly awarded a contract

115for automated payment options to E - Commerce Group, a non - party.


130On or about August 7, 2 002, Petitioner Growadot, Inc.

140(Petitioner), filed a bid protest with Respondent Escambia

148County Utilities Authority (ECUA/Respondent). The protest

154challenged Respondent's award of a contract for services to

163enable Respondent's customers to pay monthly ut ility bills using

173credit cards to E - Commerce Group, a non - party. On November 18,

1872002, Respondent referred the case to the Division of

196Administrative Hearings.

198A Notice of Hearing dated November 19, 2002, scheduled the

208hearing for December 2, 2002.

213Th e parties filed Pre - Hearing Statements and Stipulation on

224December 2, 2002.

227Before the hearing commenced, Petitioner filed a Trial

235Memorandum and Statement of the Case. During the hearing,

244Petitioner presented the testimony of one witness and offered

253on e exhibit (P1), which was admitted into evidence.

262After Petitioner presented its case - in - chief, Respondent

272filed a Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner's Bid

282Protest and in Support of Respondent's Motion for Directed

291Verdict. The undersigned de nied the Motion for Directed

300Verdict. Respondent then presented the testimony of three

308witnesses and offered one composite exhibit, consisting of eight

317sections (R1, A - H), which was admitted into evidence.

327The parties did not file a transcript of the pro ceeding

338with the Division of Administrative Hearings. The parties filed

347their proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law on

357December 11, 2002, and December 12, 2002, respectively.


3681. Respondent is a local governmental body, corp orate and

378politic, organized pursuant to Chapter 2001 - 324, Laws of

388Florida. Respondent is responsible for providing certain water,

396wastewater, and sanitation services in Escambia County, Florida.

4042. Petitioner is a Florida for - profit corporation. It is

415organized and authorized to do business under Florida Law.

4243. Currently, Respondent offers its utility customers

431several different types of payment options, including the

439following: (a) over - the - counter payments; (b) drive - in payment;

452(c) mail - in pay ments; (d) automatic bank drafts; and

463(e) in - person payments.

4684. In May 2002, Respondent released Request for Proposal

477(RFP) 2002 - 36. Through the RFP, Respondent was seeking the

488lowest and most responsible proposal for automated payment

496optio ns for Respondent's utility customers. According to the

505RFP, the vendors needed to be capable of providing Internet and

516telephone payment options so that Respondent's customers could

524use their credit cards to pay their utility bills. The RFP

535stated that the sealed bids would be opened on June 27, 2002.

5475. Section 1, the administrative section of the RFP,

556provides the following information regarding Respondent's

562operations as of September 30, 2001: (a) Respondent served

57185,000 water customers; (b) Respo ndent served 55,800 sewage

582collection and treatment system customers; (c) Respondent served

59059,900 solid waste customers; (d) Respondent generates

598approximately $64,000,000 in revenue per year; and

607(e) Respondent's average residential bill is $ 60.

6156. Section 2 of the RFP discusses Respondent's current

624management information system. This section states that

631Respondent needed to "know about and understand all the costs

641and changes necessary to implement the solution proposed."

6497. Section 3 of the RFP requests information about the

659vendor. This section includes a vendor questionnaire and

667request for information about the vendor's prior customers.

6758. Section 4 of the RFP sets forth the project

685requirements. Of particular note is the foll owing reference to

695a convenience fee in Section 4.1:

701Convenience Fee

703Since the convenience fee is the method

710the vendor will [use to] generate

716compensation for this service, ECUA requires

722the rate (fixed or sliding) to be fixed for

731the duration of the c ontract. You may

739propose a sliding scale for lowering or

746raising the fee based upon use of the

754solution once a preliminary period has

760expired (the preliminary period to be set in

768vendor's contract).

7709. Section 4.3 of the RFP sets forth the project

780cons iderations. A cost - effective and timely solution is listed

791as one of six considerations.

79610. Section 5 of the RFP sets forth the requirements for

807vendor responses. Section 5.3 includes the following evaluation


816These criteria are to be util ized in the

825evaluation of qualifications for development

830of the shortlist of those vendors to be

838considered by interviews and/or potential

843negotiations. Individual criteria may in

848all probability be assigned varying weights

854at the ECUA's discretion to ref lect relative

862importance. Vendors are required to address

868each evaluation criteria in the order listed

875and to be specific in presenting their

882qualifications. (Emphasis added)

885a) Experience/qualifications of Vendor.

889Vendors (sic) proposed staff, expe rience

895with contracts for services similar in


902b) Capabilities, features, etc. of the

908proposed services and the degree to which

915the proposed services meet the needs of the


924c) References of only similar contracts.

930The Vendor must have a d emonstrative history

938of professional, reliable and dependable


944d) Demonstrated quality assurance

948procedures and schedule to insure a timely,

955effective and professional provision of


961e) Costs.

96311. Section 5.4 of the RFP discusses th e process for

974scoring responses. It provides as follows in relevant part:

983Selection Procedure

985Selection shall be made of two or more

993vendors deemed to be fully qualified and

1000best suited among those submitting

1005proposals. The selection will be made on

1012t he basis of the factors involved in the

1021Request for Proposal, including price if so

1028stated in the Request for Proposal.

1034Selected vendors will then conduct a

1040presentation to the selection committee.

1045After all presentations are made the

1051selection committee will select the vendor

1057which, in its opinion has made the best

1065proposal and make a recommendation to ECUA's

1072Board. ECUA's Board will award a contract

1079to that vendor. Should the ECUA determine

1086that only one vendor is fully qualified or

1094that one vendor is clearly more highly

1101qualified than the others under

1106consideration, the presentation phase may be

1112skipped. (Emphasis added)

1115* * *

1118Basis for Award

1121Information and/or factors gathered during

1126the interviews and any reference checks, in

1133addition to the evaluation criteria stated

1139in the RFP, and any other information or

1147factors deemed relevant by the ECUA, shall

1154be utilized in the final award.

116012. Section 6 of the RFP sets forth the functional

1170requirements. This section is not at issue here.

117813. S ection 7 of the RFP is entitled "Cost Summary."

1189Section 7.1 includes the proposal form, which states as follows

1199in relevant part:

1202ITEM A - Customer Convenience Fee: ___


1210ITEM B - Set Up Cost: ________________

1217____ ___________________________________

1219ITEM C - Other (explain): ____________


122614. The RFP does not have a section for definitions. It

1237does not define the term "cost" other than as set forth above.

124915. The followin g four vendors submitted timely proposals

1258to Respondent: (a) E - Commerce Group; (b) Petitioner;

1267(c) Link2Gov Corp.; and (d) BillMatrix.

127316. The proposals were as follows:

1279Vendor Name Customer Setup Cost Other

1285Convenience Fee

1287E - Commerce $2.95* for $1 - $500 None N/A

1297Group pymt. Optional E

1301Bills fee $.35

1304per bill**

1306Petitioner $2.50* per I/O, $3,750 Development

1313IVR & Web Trans. hourly rate --


1321$125 per unit

1324swipe device

1326Link2Gov Corp. $2.49 None $95.00 hosting

1332Internet/$2.89 IVR fee per mont h

1338BillMatrix $3.95 Per Credit None N/A

1344Card Trans.

1346E - Commerce Group: *If average payment more than $60, or if

1358American Express payments to be accepted in addition to other

1368major credit card associations, the convenience fee would be

1377higher; no costs t o ECUA for software use. **No other costs for

1390using software, but if ECUA would like billing services, the fee

1401per bill presented would be $0.35.

1407Petitioner: *Will request review of convenience fee if average

1416payment is more than $60 for three consecuti ve months. **To be

1428charged only upon request from ECUA for specialized development

1437tasks or if implementation requirements exceed est. setup costs,

1446but only upon negotiation between parties.

145217. The proposals were initially reviewed by Respondent's

1460fi nance department. In reviewing them, the director of finance

1470recognized that the number of users of the automated payment

1480option was unknown. However, Respondent's experience with other

1488alternate payment options had generated very limited customer

1496partic ipation. Therefore, the director of finance concluded

1504that it would be best if Respondent did not absorb a high set - up

1519cost for a service that might have very limited use.

1529Additionally, the director of finance believed it was in

1538Respondent's best interes t if the customers electing to use the

1549automated payment option bore the fees and costs associated with

1559those services, rather than having all ratepayers absorb this

1568expense regardless of whether they were using it. Accordingly,

1577the director of finance de cided to recommend that Respondent

1587select E - Commerce Group's proposal, as it was the lowest bid

1599with no cost to Respondent.

160418. The director of finance's recommendation was presented

1612to Respondent's finance advisory committee on July 16, 2002.

1621The financ e advisory committee is composed of members who are

1632not Respondent's employees.

163519. After receiving the director of finance's

1642recommendation, the committee members discussed which of the

1650proposals were best for Respondent. Respondent's finance

1657advisory committee decided to recommend that Respondent "select

1665E - Commerce Group, the lowest bidder when considering there is no

1677set - up cost to ECUA, as the vendor to provide these automated

1690payment solutions, and enter into a one - year contract with an

1702optional on e - year extension."

170820. On July 25, 2002, Respondent considered the finance

1717advisory committee's recommendation. During the meeting,

1723Respondent's director of finance stated that approximately

173013,000 people per year used credit card payment services to pay

1742the Escambia County tax collector. There is no evidence that

1752the director of finance had sufficient additional information to

1761calculate the percent of the tax collector's customers that used

1771credit cards.

177321. One of Petitioner's employees, John Parkin , also spoke

1782at Respondent's July 25, 2002, meeting. He confirmed the number

1792of people that pay the Escambia County tax collector using a

1803credit card payment option provided pursuant to a contract

1812between the tax collector and Petitioner. However, Mr. Pa rkin

1822did not provide Respondent with any information about the

1831percentage of taxpayers who availed themselves of this service.

1840He provided no information to show how bills paid to Respondent

1851and the tax collector were similar or dissimilar.

185922. During the meeting, Mr. Parkin stated that Petitioner

1868would waive its $3,750 set - up costs. He did not otherwise

1881attempt to explain how Petitioner's set - up costs could be

1892amortized or recaptured over the first year of operation.

190123. Respondent did not allow Pe titioner to amend its

1911proposal to eliminate the $3,750 set - up costs. Instead,

1922Respondent accepted the finance advisory committee's

1928recommendation, awarding the contract to E - Commerce Group.

193724. Petitioner filed a timely protest. The finance

1945advisory com mittee considered the protest in an informal

1954hearing. During this proceeding, Petitioner had an opportunity

1962to demonstrate why it should have been considered the lowest


197325. Respondent considered Petitioner's protest on

1979October 24, 2002, in a regularly scheduled meeting. During the

1989meeting, Respondent voted to refer the case to the Division of

2000Administrative Hearings.

200226. Respondent acted within the requirements of the RFP

2011when it determined that E - Commerce Group was the lowest

2022responsible bi dder primarily because there was no cost to

2032Respondent to start the program. Respondent's RFP clearly

2040indicated that set - up costs would be considered as one of the

2053evaluation criteria. The RFP did not require Petitioner to

2062designate any part of its propo sed costs as set - up costs.

207527. Petitioner's set - up cost amortized over the estimated

2085first year's transactions is approximately $2.63 per

2092transaction. Additionally, it would take Respondent

2098approximately 108 days (and over 8,000 transactions) to

2107recapt ure the set - up costs by passing them along to the

2120ratepayers. However, the RFP did not require Respondent to

2129recalculate Petitioner's proposed costs using projected customer

2136usage to amortize or recapture Petitioner's set - up costs before

2147making a decision . In fact, Petitioner's proposal on its face

2158did not indicate that Petitioner intended for Respondent to make

2168such recalculations.


217328. The Division of Administrative Hearing has

2180jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter o f this

2191proceeding. Sections 120.569, 120.57(3), and 120.65(7), Florida


219929. Petitioner has the burden of proving by a

2208preponderance of the evidence that Respondent's proposed action

2216is contrary to Florida law, Respondent's rules or policies, or

2226the RFP terms/specifications. Section 120.57(3)(f), Florida


223330. Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, states as


2241(f) In a competitive - procurement protest,

2248no submissions made after the bid or

2255proposal opening amending or supplemen ting

2261the bid or proposal shall be considered.

2268Unless otherwise provided by statute, the

2274burden of proof shall rest with the party

2282protesting the proposed agency action. In a

2289competitive - procurement protest, other than

2295a rejection of all bids, the administ rative

2303law judge shall conduct a de novo proceeding

2311to determine whether the agency's proposed

2317action is contrary to the agency's governing

2324statutes, the agency's rules or policies, or

2331the bid or proposal specifications. The

2337standard of proof for such pro ceedings shall

2345be whether the proposed agency action was

2352clearly erroneous, contrary to competition,

2357arbitrary, or capricious. In any bid -

2364protest proceeding contesting an intended

2369agency action to reject all bids, the

2376standard of review by an administrati ve law

2384judge shall be whether the agency's intended

2391action is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or


239831. In this case, Petitioner has not met its burden of

2409proving that Respondent violated its governing statutes, rules

2417or policies, or the proposa l specifications. The RFP clearly

2427required vendors to itemize all costs, including set - up costs.

2438Therefore, Petitioner had notice that Respondent would consider

2446each vendor's set - up costs in evaluating the proposals. The RFP

2458also gave notice to all vend ors that Respondent retained the

2469discretion to weigh the various aspects of each proposal. There

2479was no "ex post facto" change to the RFP when Respondent chose

2491E - Commerce Group primarily because it had the lowest convenience

2502fee with no start - up costs to Respondent.

251132. Respondent had no obligation to engage in the analysis

2521advocated by Petitioner. Rather, Respondent acted within its

2529discretion in deciding that customers who elected to pay by

2539credit card should bear all of the associated fees and cost s.

2551Respondent's decision to award the contract to E - Commerce Group

2562was not clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary,

2570or capricious.


2573Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2583Law, it is


2587That Resp ondent enter a final order awarding the contract

2597to E - Commerce Group.

2602DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of December, 2002, in

2612Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2620Administrative Law Judge

2623Division of Administr ative Hearings

2628The DeSoto Building

26311230 Apalachee Parkway

2634Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2639(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2647Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2654Filed with the Clerk of the

2660Division of Administrative Hearings

2664this 17th day of Dec ember, 2002.


2674Archibald Hovanesian, Jr., Esquire

267821 East Garden Street, Suite 201

2684Pensacola, Florida 32501

2687Bradley S. Odom, Esquire

2691Stephen G. West, Esquire

2695Kievet, Kelly & Odom

269915 West Main Street

2703Pensacola, Florida 32501

2706Linda Iv erson, Board Secretary

2711Escambia County Utilities Authority

2715Post Office Box 15311

2719Pensacola, Florida 32514


2728All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

273810 days from the date of this Recommended Orde r. Any exceptions

2750to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2761will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/18/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 01/30/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held December 2, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 12/12/2002
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 12/12/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/11/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Findings (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Trial Memorandum and Statement of the Case filed.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner`s Bid Protest and in Support of Respondent`s Motion for Directed Verdict filed.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Statements and Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/25/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/19/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 11/19/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for December 2, 2002; 10:00 a.m.; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 11/18/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Protest filed.
Date: 11/18/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by B. Odom).
Date: 11/18/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Protest filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Pensacola, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):