02-004826PL Department Of Health, Board Of Osteopathic Medicine vs. Arthur T. Magrann, Iii, D.O.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, August 5, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent exercised influence to engage in sexual activities with patient during the time he treated patient. Recommend one-year suspension of license to practice osteopathic medicine and administrative fine of $2,000.






18Petitioner, )


21vs. ) Case No. 02 - 4826PL




36Respondent. )



41Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

51case on February 27 and 28, 2003, in Sarasota, Florida, before

62Carolyn S. Holifield, a designated Administrative Law Judge of

71the Division of Administrative Hearings.


78For Petitioner: Bruce A. Campbell, Esquire

84Department of Health

874052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

93Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

98For Respondent : Paul Watson Lambert, Esquire

1051203 Governor’s Square Boulevard

109Magnolia Centre, Suite 102

113Tallahassee, Florida 32311 - 2960


122The issues are: (1) Whether Respondent exercised influence

130within a physician - patient relationship for the purpose of

140engaging a patient in sexual activity in violation o f

150Subsection 459.015 (1)(l), Florida Statutes; (2) Whether

157Respondent engaged a patient in sexual activity outside the

166scope of practice or the scope of generally accepted examination

176and treatment of the patient in violation of Section 459.0141,

186Florida S tatutes; and (3) If so, what disciplinary action should

197be taken against his license to practice as an osteopathic



210On or about October 26, 2001, Petitioner, the Department of

220Health, Board of Osteopathic Medicine, issued a two - count

230Administrative Complaint which alleged that Respondent, a

237licensed osteopathic physician, violated provisions of

243Chapter 459, Florida Statutes, between August 1999 and

251October 1999, and that, as a result thereof, his license as an

263osteopathic ph ysician should be disciplined. Count One alleges

272that Respondent violated Subsection 459.015(1)(l), Florida

278Statutes, by exercising influence within a physician - patient

287relationship for the purpose of engaging a patient in sexual

297activity. Count Two alle ges that Respondent violated

305Section 459.0141, Florida Statutes, by using the osteopathic

313physician - patient relationship to engage Patient K.C. in sexual

323activity outside the scope of practice or the scope of generally

334accepted examination and treatment of the patient, while he was

344treating Patient K.C.

347Respondent challenged the allegations and timely requested

354a formal hearing. On or about February 25, 2002, the matter was

366forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (Division)

374and was assigned C ase No. 02 - 0837. The case was assigned to

388Administrative Law Judge Daniel Manry. The final hearing was

397initially scheduled for May 22 and 23, 2002, but was continued

408until the June 5 and 6, 2002, at the request of Respondent.

420However, the Division's fil e was closed without a final hearing

431after the parties filed a Joint Motion to Relinquish

440Jurisdiction for the Purpose of Additional Discovery. The Order

449Closing File provided that either party could later request that

459the Division reopen the case.

464On or about December 9, 2002, the Department of Health

474resubmitted the Administrative Complaint and Respondent's

480Election of Rights form to the Division. The new case number

491assigned to the matter was Case No. 02 - 4826. By Notice issued

504January 8, 2003, the fi nal hearing was scheduled for

514February 18, 2003, but was subsequently rescheduled for

522February 27 and 28, 2003.

527Prior to the final hearing, the parties filed a Pre - hearing

539Stipulation in which they stipulated to certain facts that

548required no proof at hea ring. At the final hearing, Petitioner

559presented the testimony of five witnesses. Petitioner's

566Exhibits numbered 1 through 6, 8, and 9, which included the

577deposition testimony of Charles F. Blake, Paul Kenneth

585Michaels, M.D., and Respondent, were receive d into evidence.

594Respondent testified on his own behalf and presented the

603testimony of six witnesses. Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 5,

612which included the deposition testimony of Andrew Synder and

621William Randolph Klein, were received into evidence. Th e record

631was left open to permit the late - filing of Respondent Exhibit

643numbered 5. To - date, that exhibit has not been filed.

654The hearing Transcript was filed on March 17, 2003. At the

665conclusion of the hearing and at the request of the parties, the

677time for filing proposed recommended orders was set for 45 days

688from the filing of the Transcript. Prior to that time, at

699Respondent's request, the time to file proposed recommended

707orders was extended. The parties timely filed Proposed

715Recommended Orders un der the extended time period which have

725been considered in preparation of this Recommended Order.


7361. Petitioner, the Department of Health, Board of

744Osteopathic Medicine, is the state agency charged with

752regulating the practice of osteopa thic medicine pursuant to

761Chapters 455 and 459, Florida Statutes.

7672. Respondent is and has been at all times material hereto

778a licensed osteopathic physician in the state of Florida, having

788been issued License No. OS - 004450.

7953. Respondent has a bachelo r’s degree and a master’s

805degree in clinical psychology and experimental psychology from

813Temple University, was an assistant professor of psychology at a

823community college before studying osteopathic medicine, and

830taught as an assistant professor of psychi atry in family

840practice at Southeastern Osteopathic Medical School. Respondent

847completed a residency program at Southeastern Osteopathic

854Hospital in North Hollywood, Florida, and also completed a

863three - year family practice residency program. After comple ting

873his residency programs, Respondent moved to Sarasota, Florida,

881and began as a family practice physician.

8884. In December 1998, Patient K.C. (K.C.) was 33 years old,

899married, and the mother of two children, six and two years old.

911Before getting marrie d, K.C. had lived with her parents. She

922had attended community college for two years but did not obtain

933a degree. K.C. had been employed as a sales clerk and clerical

945staff person.

9475. On or about December 29, 1998, K.C. first presented to

958Respondent suf fering from migraine headaches and neck pain,

967chronic conditions she had suffered for approximately ten years.

9766. From December 29, 1998, through or about October 1,

9861999, Respondent provided osteopathic medical treatment for pain

994to K.C. During this pe riod of time, Respondent treated K.C.'s

1005migraine headaches and neck pain with heat, osteopathic

1013manipulation, and prescription medication.

10177. Respondent also diagnosed anxiety and depression for

1025K.C. and prescribed medication, Ativan, for this condition.

1033Throughout the time Respondent saw K.C., he also prescribed up

1043to six tablets per day of a sedative, Fioricet.

10528. During the time that Respondent was treating K.C., he

1062saw K.C. once or twice a month, except for April, August, and

1074September 1999. Respo ndent's records reflect that he saw K.C.

1084four times in April, three times in August, and six times in


10979. There are several manipulation techniques used by

1105Respondent in treating patients. One manipulation technique

1112used by Respondent invo lves traction of the neck and movement of

1124the patient’s head while the patient is lying down on her back.

1136Another technique, while the patient is lying on her back,

1146involves Respondent’s using his chest to exert pressure down on

1156the patient’s crossed arms and body through the spine to

1166Respondent’s hands located behind her neck and thoracic spine.

1175Another technique has the patient roll over to the side with the

1187leg up to the side while Respondent adjusts her pelvic bone.

1198During this procedure, Respondent’s hand and forearm arm are

1207placed on the buttocks to effect a pushing or pulling of the

1219pelvic bone. The last technique Respondent provides is for the

1229upper thoracic and lower neck area. For this, the patient

1239places her hands on top of her head. Responde nt then brings his

1252hands around the torso from behind, placing them at the back of

1264her neck. While the hands provide traction to the neck,

1274Respondent pushes his chest against the spine of the patient to

1285lift the thoracic vertebrae. It is not uncommon dur ing this

1296procedure for Respondent to brush his hands on the patient’s


130710. Respondent’s normal office procedure is to do

1315manipulations on patients in his treatment room with the door

1325closed and no other persons present for 10 to 15 minutes.

133611. Fr om December 1998 until August 12, 1999, Respondent

1346provided adjustments to K.C. and prescribed medication and did

1355not engage in any sexual activity or relationship with K.C.

136512. Prior to August 12, 1999, during his treatments of

1375K.C., Respondent sometimes engaged in "random conversations."

1382For example, during one treatment Respondent asked what kind of

1392car she drove and when she told him, Respondent asked K.C, if

1404her husband cared about her. Respondent told K.C. that a sports

1415utility vehicle (SUV) was a safe vehicle, especially for someone

1425with her condition and indicated that his wife drove an SUV.

1436Respondent then insinuated that if K.C.'s husband cared about

1445her, he should or would buy her an SUV. During another

1456treatment, Respondent told K.C. that sh e had a good body and

1468asked if she had been a cheerleader. During another treatment,

1478Respondent, while engaging in conversation with K.C., made an

1487unrelated statement about how many times per week the average

1497married couple has sex. At another time, whil e treating K.C. at

1509his office, Respondent mentioned that the sex life of people

1519with chronic pain may be affected by their condition and asked

1530if her sex life was so affected. Still, during another

1540treatment, Respondent asked K.C. about her relationship w ith her

1550husband, specifically inquiring as to how they related to one


156113. In the summer of 1999, K.C. traveled by car to Canada

1573to visit her husband's family. For K.C., the trip to Canada was

1585stressful and while there, she was in a lot pain. Be cause of

1598the pain she was experiencing, K.C. called Respondent's office

1607while she was still out - of - town to schedule an appointment for

1621an adjustment upon her return to Sarasota and to request that

1632one of her prescriptions be refilled.

163814. After K.C. retur ned from the trip to Canada, on the

1650morning of August 13, 1999, she went to Respondent's office for

1661her scheduled appointment for an adjustment. When K.C. arrived

1670at Respondent's office, she was in a lot of pain and began to

1683cry. K.C. told the nurse or m edical assistant that she was in a

1697lot of pain and had had a "bad trip to Canada." The nurse then

1711escorted K.C. to an examination room. When Respondent came into

1721to examination room, K.C. was sobbing and could hardly talk.

1731Respondent asked K.C. to expla in why she was so upset.

1742Respondent proceeded to do an adjustment and, again, asked K.C.

1752why she was so upset. K.C. described her feelings to

1762Respondent, who then told K.C. that he used to counsel with

1773patients, that he had helped a girl just like her, a nd that he

1787could help her if she were willing to come back to the office

1800and talk with him. After K.C. agreed to come back and talk to

1813Respondent, he asked K.C. how he could reach her. In response,

1824K.C. gave Respondent her pager number.

183015. After K.C.' s morning appointment on August 13, 1999,

1840Respondent contacted K.C. on her pager and asked if she had made

1852arrangements for her sons to be taken care of so that she could

1865come back to the office to talk with him. K.C. told Respondent

1877that she had made arr angements for her sons and agreed to return

1890to Respondent's office that afternoon.

189516. When K.C. returned to Respondent's office on the

1904afternoon of August 13, 1999, Beverly Carrington (Beverly), a

1913medical assistant in Respondent's office, was vacuuming the

1921office. At Respondent's direction, Beverly took K.C. to an

1930examination room. Several minutes later Respondent came into

1938the examination room and told K.C. that he had to make some

1950calls and that he would be back in a few minutes. Respondent

1962gave K.C . a sandwich that he said he had left over from lunch.

1976After Respondent gave K.C. the sandwich, he left the examination

1986room, closing the door behind him.

199217. Respondent eventually returned to the examination room

2000and sat in a chair next to the chair in w hich K.C. was sitting.

2015Respondent began asking K.C. questions about herself, similar to

2024questions that she had been asked by counselors or

2033psychologists. While Respondent was talking to K.C., Beverly

2041knocked on the door of the examination room and told R espondent

2053that she had finished vacuuming the office. Respondent

2061indicated to Beverly that she could go home and soon thereafter,

2072Petitioner heard Beverly leave the building. 1

207918. After Beverly left the office, Respondent continued to

2088ask K.C. questio ns for the next 15 or 20 minutes. Respondent

2100then asked K.C. to get up from her chair, face the mirror in the

2114room, and look in the mirror. K.C. felt uncomfortable looking

2124in the mirror, so she kept her head down. Respondent then put

2136his hands on K.C.'s face and held her face up so that she was

2150looking in the mirror. While doing this, Respondent asked K.C.,

"2160Don't you know you're beautiful?" Respondent placed his hands

2169on K.C.'s shoulders and brushed his lips against her neck.

2179Respondent began rubbing or massaging K.C.'s neck and while

2188doing so told K.C. that she was "real tight in [her] neck" and

2201that he would like to work on her neck again and see if he could

2216loosen it up and help her relax. Respondent then led her to the

2229examination table and "proc eeded to rub [her] neck and then he

2241started to take off [her] clothes."

224719. While on the examination table, Respondent helped K.C.

2256take off her shirt, shorts, bra, and shoes and the only

2267remaining clothing that she had on was her underwear. After her

2278cl othes were removed, K.C. presumed Respondent would cover her

2288with a towel or give her a robe, but he did not provide K.C.

2302with any covering. Instead, Respondent sat behind K.C.,

2310massaged her neck, and talked to her "soothingly" for about ten

2321minutes. Res pondent then took his hands and rubbed her arms and

2333then moved his hands to her breasts, and then down to her waist

2346and towards her panties. When Respondent moved toward K.C.'s

2355panties, she would "tense up" and then Respondent would "start

2365rubbing up the top part of her again." Respondent's hands again

2376went toward her underwear and he "put his hand to go under

2388[K.C's] underwear." K.C. was nervous about what was going on

2398and told Respondent that she was uncomfortable.

240520. After K.C. told Respondent that she was uncomfortable,

2414he acknowledged that she seemed uncomfortable. Respondent then

2422handed K.C. her clothes, assisted her in sitting up on the

2433examination table, and sat on the table while K.C. dressed

2443herself. After talking to Respondent for about fi ve minutes,

2453K.C. left the doctor's office with a worse headache, feeling


246421. K.C. next saw Respondent a few days later, on a Monday

2476or Tuesday, for an adjustment for a headache and pain.

2486Respondent performed an adjustment on K.C. that day. During

2495this appointment, Respondent, again, told K.C. that he wanted to

2505help and counsel her. He told K.C. about an upcoming gun show

2517and stated that they could talk while driving to the gun show.

252922. Later that week, Respondent paged K.C. and asked her

2539to come to his office. In response to Respondent's request,

2549K.C. went to Respondent's office. Once there, Respondent took

2558K.C. to an examination room and talked to her again about the

2570gun show. Respondent again told her that he would like for her

2582to go to the gun show with him so that they could have time to

2597talk. K.C. was in Respondent's office that day about ten

2607minutes and did not receive a treatment.

261423. A few days later, on Saturday, K.C. met Respondent at

2625his office to go the gun show. When sh e got there, Respondent

2638recommended that she leave her car at the office and ride in his

2651Toyota 4 - Runner so that they could talk. Respondent stated that

2663he and K.C. were going somewhere in Palmetto, Florida, but they

2674actually ended up at the Manatee Civic Center. While Respondent

2684was driving to the gun show, he told K.C. that he hoped that he

2698was not mistaken as to the dates of the gun show. In fact, when

2712Respondent and K.C. arrived at the Manatee Civic Center, there

2722was no one there. Nevertheless, Resp ondent pulled his car into

2733a space in the parking lot on the side of the building.

2745Respondent left the car running and took off his seat belt as he

2758talked to K.C. At some point, Respondent kicked his shoes off

2769and loosened his pants and/or pulled them do wn, reached over

2780toward K.C., took off her seat belt, told K.C. to get more

2792comfortable, and adjusted her power seat in his Toyota 4 - Runner

2804to lean back more. Respondent then touched K.C.'s genitals and

2814proceeded to get on top of her and have intercourse. While on

2826top of her, Respondent pointed out that there were police cars

2837in the back of the parking lot. Once Respondent pointed out the

2849police cars, K.C. observed two or four police cars in the

2860parking lot. Even though there were no policemen in the ca rs,

2872K.C. expressed concern about the police cars to Respondent.

2881Respondent told K.C. that she should not worry because the

2891windows in his vehicle were tinted. Respondent and K.C. were in

2902the parking lot about 20 minutes, although the intercourse was

2912only three to five minutes. After the intercourse, Respondent

2921put his clothes back on or pulled his pants up and drove back to

2935his office. This was the first time that Respondent and K.C.

2946had intercourse.

294824. A few days later, K.C. and Respondent engaged i n

2959sexual activity in Respondent’s vehicle during lunch while they

2968drove to Marina Jack’s. Respondent picked up lunch at the

2978hospital and then returned to the parking lot of his office,

2989where K.C. met him. K.C. left her car in the parking lot and

3002got in R espondent's Toyota 4 - Runner. Respondent gave K.C. her

3014lunch and then "fingered" her while she ate her lunch as he

3026drove to Marina Jack's.

303025. During the period between August and October 1999,

3039K.C. went to Respondent's house on Siesta Key. The house wa s in

3052a gated community, and in order to gain entry, K.C. told the

3064guard at the gate that she was going to Respondent's house and

3076would give the guard her name or another name that Respondent

3087had told her to use. At other times, K.C. would follow

3098Responden t through the gate in her car. Some of these visits

3110were on weekdays during Respondent's lunch break. During some

3119of those visits, K.C. and Respondent would talk and have

3129intercourse. K.C. and Respondent had intercourse at

3136Respondent's house about ten t imes.

314226. One Saturday between August and October 1999, K.C.

3151went to Respondent's house after he invited her to come out and

3163talk to him and go to the beach. That day Respondent met K.C.

3176somewhere in town and drove her to his house. When they arrived

3188a t Respondent's house, K.C. took out a bathing suit and went

3200upstairs to change. It is unclear whether K.C. and Respondent

3210had intercourse or engaged in any sexual activity on this day.

322127 . K.C. contemporaneously reported the sexual

3228relationship with Res pondent to her husband and to a minister

3239who had known and counseled her before she met Respondent. K.C.

3250told her minister that the sexual activities with Respondent had

3260occurred in Respondent's office, vehicle, and home.

326728. K.C. and Respondent had intercourse a couple of times

3277at the home of a friend of Respondent's, Carole, that was on

3289Tangerine Street and at the home of one of Respondent's friends,

3300Jack Kentish.

330229 . One Sunday morning in late September, K.C. went to

3313Respondent’s office. 2 While there, she went into an examination

3323room to change clothes so that she would have attire appropriate

3334to accompany Respondent to a gun show. About that time, K.C.'s

3345husband showed up at Respondent's office, knocked on the office

3355door, expressed his disple asure at the fact K.C. was there, and

3367had a verbal confrontation with Respondent. K.C.'s husband

3375stopped at Respondent's office after he saw his wife's car

3385parked there.

338730 . The incident described in paragraph 29, led to

3397Respondent sending a letter date d September 28, 1999, to K.C.,

3408advising her that his professional relationship with her would

3417terminate within 30 days. The reason for the 30 days was to

3429allow K.C. time to find another physician.

343631. In October 2000, K.C. was admitted to Sarasota

3445Memor ial Hospital suffering from major depression, Fioricet

3453dependence, and chronic pain. At or near the time of her

3464admission and at this proceeding, K.C. acknowledged that she had

3474some loss of memory surrounding the events related to the

3484three - month period in which Respondent engaged in improper

3494sexual conduct with her. 3


350232. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3509jurisdiction of the parties and the subject matter pursuant to

3519Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.

352533. Pursuan t to Subsection 459.015(2), Florida Statutes,

3533t he Board of Osteopathy is empowered to revoke, suspend or

3544otherwise discipline the license of an osteopathic physician for

3553violating the following provisions of Subsection 459.015(1)(l),

3560Florida Statutes:

3562Exer cising influence within a patient -

3569physician relationship for purposes of

3574engaging a patient in sexual activity. . . .

358334. Section 459.0141, Florida Statutes, provides:

3589The osteopathic physician - patient

3594relationship is founded on mutual trust.

3600Sexual misconduct in the practice of

3606osteopathic medicine means violation of the

3612osteopathic physician - patient relationship

3617through which the osteopathic physician uses

3623said relationship to induce or attempt to

3630induce the patient to engage, or to engage

3638or attem pt to engage the patient, in sexual

3647activity outside the scope of the practice

3654or the scope of generally accepted

3660examination or treatment of the patient.

3666Sexual misconduct in the practice of

3672osteopathic medicine is prohibited.

367635. Subsection 459.015(1) (bb), Florida Statutes (1999),

3683now Subsection 459.015(1)(pp), Florida Statutes, provides that a

3691licensed osteopathic physician shall be disciplined for

"3698[v]iolating any provision of this chapter. . . ."

370736. Disciplinary licensing proceedings are penal in

3714nature. State ex rel. Vining v. Florida Real Estate Commission ,

3724281 So. 2d 487 (Fla. 1973). Thus, the burden of proof is on

3737Petitioner to prove the allegations in the Administrative

3745Complaint by clear and convincing evidence. Ferris v.

3753Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987); Department of

3764Banking and Finance v. Osborne Stern and Company , 670 So. 2d

3775932, 935 (Fla. 1996).

377937. The "clear and convincing" standard requires:

3786[T]hat the evidence must be found to be

3794credible; the facts to which the witnesses

3801testify must be distinctly remembered; the

3807testimony must be precise and explicit and

3814the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

3821as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

3830be of such weight that it produces in the

3839mind of the trier of fact a f irm belief or

3850conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3856truth of the allegations sought to be


3864Inquiry Concerning Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994),

3874quoting, with approval from Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797,

3885800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983). The findings in this case were made

3897based on the Ferris standard.

390238. Count One of the Administrative Complaint alleged that

3911during the period of August 1999 through October 1999,

3920Respondent violated Subsection 459.015(1)(l), Florida Statutes,

3926by exerc ising influence within a physician - patient relationship

3936for purposes of engaging K.C. in sexual activity. The evidence

3946established that Respondent, in addition to providing treatment

3954for K.C.'s physical condition, repeatedly offered to help her

3963with her e motional problems. The evidence established that

3972Respondent offered to provide this help by talking and

3981counseling with K.C., typically after office hours, at lunch

3990time, or on the week - end, with such "talk" sessions occurring at

4003his office, in his vehicl e, or at his home. Petitioner has

4015established that during some of these times, Respondent engaged

4024in sexual activity with K.C. The evidence has established by

4034clear and convincing evidence that Respondent exercised

4041influence within a physician - patient re lationship for purposes

4051of engaging K.C. in sexual activity.

405739. Count Two alleges that Respondent violated

4064Section 459.0141, Florida Statutes, by engaging in a sexual

4073activity outside the scope of practice or the scope of generally

4084accepted examination or treatment during the period of

4092August 1999 through October 1999, while treating K.C. The

4101evidence established that Respondent engaged in a relationship

4109with K.C. from August 1999 though or about October 1, 1999, and

4121that during this period of time, he wa s treating K.C. The

4133evidence established that on or about August 13, 1999,

4142Respondent engaged in a sexual activity with K.C. in his office

4153and that on at least two other occasions, Respondent engaged in

4164sexual activity with K.C. in his vehicle. The evide nce

4174established by clear and convincing evidence that during the

4183time in question, Respondent violated Section 459.0141, Florida


419240. The foregoing violations constitute grounds for

4199disciplinary action pursuant to Subsection 459.015 (1)(bb),

4206Flori da Statutes (1999), which allows discipline to be imposed

4216for violating any provision of Chapter 459, Florida Statutes.

422541. The range of penalties for a violation of Subsection

4235459.015(1)(l), Florida Statutes, are from a one - year probation

4245to revocation an d an administrative fine up to $5,000.00.

4256Rule 64B15 - 19.002(13), Florida Administrative Code (as amended

4265February 2, 1998).

426842. The range of penalties for a violation of Subsection

4278459.015(1)(bb), Florida Statutes (1999), now Subsection

4284459.015(1)(pp), F lorida Statutes, are from probation to

4292revocation and an administrative fine up to $5,000.00.

4301Rule 64B15 - 19.002(29), Florida Administrative Code (as amended

4310February 2, 1998).

431343. Here, Petitioner has recommended a penalty of a

4322one - year suspension and an administrative fine of $2,000.00.

4333This recommended penalty is within the prescribed range of

4342penalties for the violations prescribed by Rule 64B15 - 19.002,

4352Florida Administrative Code.


4356Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusi ons of

4367Law, it is

4370RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of

4378Osteopathic Medicine, enter a final order finding that

4386Respondent violated Subsection 450.015(1)(l) and

4391Section 459.0141, Florida Statutes, and Subsection

4397459.015(1)(bb), Florida Statut es (1999), now 459.015(1)(pp),

4404Florida Statutes, and suspending his license to practice

4412osteopathic medicine in the State of Florida for one year and

4423imposing an administrative fine of $2,000.00.

4430DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of August, 2003, in

4440T allahassee, Leon County, Florida.




4450Administrative Law Judge

4453Division of Administrative Hearings

4457The DeSoto Building

44601230 Apalachee Parkway

4463Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4468(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 27 8 - 9675

4477Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4484Filed with the Clerk of the

4490Division of Administrative Hearings

4494this 5th day of August, 2003.


45011/ Beverly Carrington, Respondent's medical assistant for eight

4509years, testified that she work ed part - time and was not always in

4523the office to see patients. However, she did not specify which

4534days and hours she worked in Respondent's office.

45422/ There was conflicting testimony as to whether K.C. "happened

4552by" Respondent's office or was invited th ere by Respondent.

4562K.C. testified that she went to Respondent's office after he

4572paged her that Sunday while she was in church. When she

4583contacted him, he told her that he had a friend at his office

4596and invited her to go to a gun show with them. Responde nt

4609testified that K.C. "happened by the office" and, upon learning

4619Respondent and his friend were going to a gun show, asked if she

4632could go.

46343/ K.C.'s memory may have been affected by some of the

4645medication she was taking, the amount of time that has el apsed

4657since the events occurred, the frequency of the sexual

4666activities, and the number of locations these activities

4674occurred. For example, K.C. could not recall when she last had

4685intercourse with Respondent, that is whether it was before or

4695after Respon dent discharged her as a patient. K.C. testified

4705that she and Respondent had intercourse in an upstairs room and

4716on the balcony of the home of Respondent's friend, Jack Kentish.

4727In fact, Mr. Kentish's house is a one - story house and does not

4741have a balcon y. K.C. testified that she and Respondent had

4752intercourse at the house of Respondent's friend, Carole, which

4761was located on Tangerine Street in Sarasota, Florida. However,

4770when K.C.'s husband investigated the matter, he found that the

4780house on Tangerine Street that had been identified by K.C. as

4791Carole's house, was actually owned by Andrew Synder, who has

4801lived in that house for more than eight years and does not know

4814Carole. No evidence was presented as to how much time elapsed

4825between the sexual activi ties of Respondent with K.C. and the

4836time K.C. apparently showed her husband the house she believed

4846belonged to Respondent's friend, Carole. However, K.C.'s

4853unwavering credible testimony was that she and Respondent had

4862intercourse at a house on Tangerine Street.


4872Bruce A. Campbell, Esquire

4876Department of Health

48794052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

4885Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

4890Paul Watson Lambert, Esquire

48941203 Governor's Square Boulevard

4898Magnolia Centre, Suite 102

4902Tallahassee, Florida 323 11 - 2960

4908William H. Buckhalt, Executive Director

4913Board of Osteopathic Medicine

4917Department of Health

49204052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C06

4926Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

4931R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

4936Department of Health

49394052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

4945Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

4950William W. Large, General Counsel

4955Department of Health

49584052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C06

4964Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


4975All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

498515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4996to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5007will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/25/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/22/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 27 and 28, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/21/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders issued.
Date: 04/18/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 02/27/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 02/27/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 02/27/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law in Support of Admitting Similar Fact Evidence filed by Petitioner.
Date: 02/27/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Introduce Similar Fact Evidence filed by Petitioner.
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/06/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Introduce Similar Fact Evidence (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/06/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Dismissal of Request for Assessment of Costs in the Administrative Complaint (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/06/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, P. Michaels, D.O. (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 01/16/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for February 27 and 28, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL, amended as to Date).
Date: 01/08/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 01/08/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 18, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 01/08/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 12/19/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/09/2002
Proceedings: Election of Rights (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/09/2002
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/09/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral (filed via facsimile).

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Sarasota, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):