02-004827 Baker County Medical Services, Inc., D/B/A W. Frank Wells Nursing Home vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, December 15, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner demonstrated excusable neglect and doctrine of "Equitable Tolling" applied so that 13-day delay in filing license renewal application should generate no fine or late filing fee.





15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case Nos. 02 - 4752

25) 02 - 4827




37Respondent. )



42Pursuant to notice this cause came on for formal proceeding

52before P. Michael Ruff, duly - designated Administrative Law Judge

62of the Division of Administrative Hearings in Tallahassee,

70Florida, on August 13, 2003. The appearances were as follows:


81For Petitioner: John D. Buchanan, Jr., Esquire

88Henry, Buchanan, Hudson,

91Suber & Carter, P.A.

95117 South Gadsden Street

99Tallahassee, Florida 32301

102For Respondent: Tom R. Moore, Assistan t General Counsel

111Agency for Health Care Administration

116Office of the Attorney General

1212727 Mahan Drive, Building III

126Tallahassee, Florida 32308


133The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern

142whether th e Petitioner should be assessed a late fee, pursuant

153to Section 400.111, Florida Statutes, for the late filing of the

164Petitioner's 2001 license renewal application and, if so, the

173amount of the fee.


179This proceeding arose upon the fil ing of two cases later

190consolidated, before the Division of Administrative Hearings

197(DOAH). DOAH Case No. 02 - 4752 is the earlier case concerning

209the late filing of the 2001 application for licensure and the

220related late fee. The issues concerning this ca se are

230delineated above. The later case is DOAH Case No. 02 - 4827

242involving the denial by the Agency for Health Care

251Administration (AHCA) of the 2002 application for license

259renewal filed by W. Frank Wells Nursing Home (Facility).

268A Pre - hearing Stipula tion was filed by the parties

279indicating that the parties had settled the issues regarding the

2892002 licensure denial case, with the exception of an issue

299concerning liability insurance coverage. Upon the convening of

307the formal hearing, the parties announ ced that they had resolved

318that last issue in Case No. 02 - 4827, thus resolving that case in

332its entirety and it has been voluntarily dismissed. In

341conjunction with that announcement the parties modified their

349Pre - hearing Stipulation by striking substantia l portions of it,

360paragraphs 5, 6, 14, 20 through 32, and 35. This removes those

372stipulated findings of fact which pertain to issues resolved by

382the parties, resulting in a simplified stipulation that relates

391only to the remaining 2001 late application, l ate - fee case. The

404original Pre - hearing Stipulation was accepted as Joint Exhibit

414A, and the revised Pre - Hearing Stipulation submitted by the

425parties was denominated as Joint Exhibit B and was accepted.

435Additionally, the parties have agreed that the late fee at issue

446is in a maximum amount of $5,000.00.

454The parties stipulated that certain exhibits could be

462admitted, as relevant to the remaining late - filing fee case at

474issue. Thus, they stipulated that AHCA Exhibits 1 through 5

484should be admitted and that Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 7,

49416, 19, and 20 should be admitted. The stipulation was


505AHCA moved ore tenus , that with the advent of the revised

516Pre - Hearing Stipulation and the admitted exhibits submitted by

526AHCA, that all material facts as to the remaining late

536application, late - filing fee case were established and that

546therefore no genuine issue of material fact remained to be

556determined in this forum. The Respondent thus moved for

565relinquishment of jurisdiction or remand to AHCA for an i nformal


577The Petitioner asserted that the testimony and evidence

585should be heard as to certain remaining disputed facts. The

595Petitioner argued that there were disputed facts concerning

603whether the Petitioner could have secured the required bon d

613within the time necessary to timely file its application;

622whether it had been misled by AHCA concerning the Petitioner's

632misunderstanding of the existence of an AHCA policy that

641applications could be timely filed even if incomplete because of

651a lack of t he required lease bond; and concerning also whether

663AHCA had waived the lease bond requirement because it had

673accepted "unconditional guarantees" in previous years in lieu of

682lease bonds.

684Because there appeared to be some disputes of fact

693remaining to b e resolved, the Motion to Relinquish or Remand was

705denied and testimony and evidence was taken concerning the

714issues referenced next above and as to mitigation of the sought

725$5,000.00 late - filing fee.

731The Petitioner (Facility) presented the testimony of its

739Chief Executive Officer, Dennis R. Markos, and Maria Allen, the

749Petitioner's Chief Financial Officer. The Respondent (AHCA)

756presented the testimony of James A. Kemp, its Health Services

766and Facilities Consultant, and Molly McKinstrey, AHCA's bureau

774C hief of the Bureau of Long Term Care Services. Upon concluding

786the proceeding the parties had the proceedings transcribed and

795in due course timely submitted Proposed Recommended Orders which

804have been considered in the rendition of this Recommended Order.


8171. The parties have agreed in the Pre - hearing Stipulation

828and revised Pre - hearing Stipulation to the following undisputed

838facts. These facts are quoted and numbered in the manner

848numbered in the stipulations. Where numbered paragraphs are

856omitted below the omissions are because the parties have agreed

866that those paragraphs of the stipulations have no relevance to

876the late - filing fee case which is the only remaining disputed

888case between the parties. The following facts are thus found in

899accordance with the parties' stipulations.

9041. BAKER COUNTY MEDICAL is a non - profit

913501(c)3 corporation that leases the land and

920buildings comprising, and operates but does

926not own, a clinic, a hospital and a nursing

935home ( the latter, the W. FRANK WELL S

944NURSING HOME, referenced herein as the

950Facility), in Baker County, Florida. The

956lease is between BAKER COUNTY MEDICAL as the

964lessee and the BAKER COUNTY HOSPITAL

970AUTHORITY [the Authority] as the lessor.

976[The Authority, according to the prospectus

982docum ents, owns the clinic, hospital and

989nursing home buildings, the site (about 8

996acres) and the equipment utilized at the

1003clinic, hospital and nursing home.

1008Petitioner now wishes to assert that it does

1016own the buildings and did own the buildings

1024at all times pertinent to this dispute.]

10312. The Authority and BAKER COUNTY MEDICAL

1038entered into the referenced lease as a

1045condition to the financing by and through

1052the Authority's "Health Care Facilities

1057Revenue Bonds" for the demolition of the old

1065then - existing hos pital building and nursing

1073home and the construction of a new hospital

1081and nursing home. The lease runs to 2025

1089and involves the payoff by Petitioner of the

1097authorized $11,650,000 in revenue bonds by

1105and through the operation of the hospital

1112and nursing h ome by Petitioner during the

1120period of the lease.

11243. The subject nursing home Facility is

1131licensed under Chapter 400, Florida

1136Statutes. The hospital is licensed under

1142Chapter 395, Florida Statutes. AHCA is the

1149state's licensing and regulatory agency fo r

1156both of these facilities under those


11634. On its 2000 license renewal application,

1170Petitioner indicated that the Facility was

1176leased and thereafter filed a lease bond

1183that met the requirements of Section

1189400.179(5)(d), Florida Statutes, (2000).

11937. By letter dated June 4, 2001, AHCA

1201advised Petitioner that its license would

1207expire on October 31, 2001, and that the

1215license renewal application and fees are due

1222and payable ninety (90) days before the

1229expiration date. See AHCA's Exhibit 1.

1235That i s, the annual license renewal cycle

1243for Petitioner's Facility commences each

1248August 1st.

12508. On August 13, 2001, Petitioner signed

1257its 2001 license renewal application. This

1263was submitted to and received by AHCA on

1271August 14, 2001. See AHCA's Exhibit 2.

12789. AHCA, by letter to Petitioner, dated

1285August 22, 2001, informed Petitioner that

1291the "Medicaid Lease Surety Bond submitted

1297for the (2001) license renewal" was

"1303insufficient in the amount" required by the

1310lease bond statute. AHCA Exhibit 3.

131610. Petit ioner's 2001 license renewal

1322application was due on August 1, 2001, and

1330was submitted to AHCA 13 days late.

1337Petitioner's license certificate #6304 shows

1342Petitioner's licensure for the period from

134811/01/2000 to 10/31/2001. See AHCA Exhibit

13544 (license cert ificate, together with AHCA's

1361cover letter of October 3, 2000).


1375LATE FINE, dated August 25, 2001, informed

1382Petitioner of its intent to impose a

1389statutory fee of $5,000.00 for the late

1397filing of the 2001 application , pursuant to

1404§ 400.111, Florida Statutes, AHCA Exhibit 5.

141112. By Petition for Formal Proceeding Under

1418§ 120.57, dated September 12, 2001,

1424Petitioner sought administrative review of

1429the 2001 notice to impose the $5,000.00 late

1438fee. In its petition, Peti tioner asserts as

1446disputed issues of material fact that:

1452(a) "The Petitioner was required to

1458file a bond with its renewal application."

1465(b) "The application could not be

1471filed without the bond."

1475(c) "There is no provision in

1481400.111(1) , [Florida Statutes] Florida

1485Administrative Code or the rules, to submit

1492the application without the bond with an

1499explanation that the bond could not be

1506attached to the application to avoid a


151413. In response to Petitioner's assertions

1520above, AH CA asserts that it has and has had

1530at all times material to this dispute, a

1538uniformly applied policy and practice for

1544processing annual license renewal

1548applications, as follows: (a) that any

1554license renewal application that is filed by

1561its due date, whic h application is not

1569complete in some way, including that the

1576application does not include some item that

1583is necessary to the granting of the

1590application for renewal of the license, is

1597deemed by AHCA as timely filed though

1604incomplete; and (b) that the applicant is

1611thereupon notified by AHCA as to the basis

1619for any determination by AHCA that the

1626application is incomplete.

1629* * *

163215. In years prior to Petitioner's filing

1639of its 2000 license renewal application,

1645AHCA had accepted certain "unconditional

1650guarantees" in lieu of lease bonds from

1657lessees of nursing facilities, including

1662from Petitioner, to establish facilities'

1667compliance with Section 400.179(5)(d),

1671Florida Statutes; however, by the due date

1678of Petitioner's 2000 license renewal

1683application, A HCA had ceased accepting such

1690unconditional guarantees from nursing home

1695applicants. AHCA so informed Petitioner and

1701refused to accept any such unconditional

1707guarantee from Petitioner in lieu of a lease

1715bond to establish compliance with the law as

1723to Peti tioner's 2000 annual license renewal.

173016. Petitioner asserts, and AHCA does not

1737dispute here, that in the summer of 2001,

1745Petitioner had considerable difficulty in

1750securing a lease bond as then required by

1758law of a lessee of a facility, which lease

1767bond Petitioner intended to file with a

1774timely filed 2001 license renewal


178017. Petitioner also asserts, and AHCA does

1787not dispute, that in the summer of 2001,

1795Petitioner did not understand that AHCA

1801treats a license renewal application as

1807timely f iled if it is filed within the

1816deadline for filing, even though the

1822application is incomplete; for example, for

1828not attaching a lease bond.

183318. Petitioner further asserts, and AHCA

1839does not dispute, that Petitioner's filing

"1845only" thirteen (13) days late in 2001 was

1853accomplished by Petitioner due to great

1859effort on Petitioner's part to secure a

1866lease bond from third parties over whom

1873Petitioner asserts that it had no control.

188019. In 2002, the Florida Legislature

1886enacted chapter 2002 - 223, Laws of Florida ,

1894effective May 15, 2002, which among other

1901things (in its section 28) added the

1908language to Section 400.179(5)(d), Florida

1913Statutes, which today appears as the last

1920sentence of subparagraph 6 of that section

1927(numbered as subparagraph 5 in the 2002

1934amendme nt). The pertinent part reads:

1940(d)6 . . . A lease agreement required

1948as a condition of bond financing or

1955refinancing under § 154.213 by a health

1962facilities authority or required under

1967§ 159.30 by a county or municipality is not

1976a leasehold for purposes of this paragraph

1983and is not subject to the bond requirement

1991of this paragraph.

199433. As to the 2002 lease bond matter,

2002Petitioner represents, and AHCA does not

2008dispute based upon documents provided to

2014AHCA by Petitioner in May 2003:

2020(a) t hat the referenced lease between

2027the Authority and Petitioner is identified

2033as an "Amended and Restated Lease Agreement"

2040dated August 1, 1998, in the documents for

2048issuance of the related "Health Care

2054Facilities Revenue Bonds;"

2057(b) that the referenc ed lease was

2064required as a condition of financing through

2071the Authority for the demolition of the old

2079hospital and nursing home and the

2085construction of the new hospital and nursing

2092home operated by Petitioner; and

2097(c) that the lease between the

2103Auth ority and the Petitioner contains the

2110indicia of a lease by a health facilities

2118authority under § 154.213, Florida Statutes.

2124See letter of July 3, 2003, from

2131counsel for Petitioner, outlining the status

2137of the lease as a lease under the statute,

2146atta ched hereto as AHCA's Exhibit 9.

215334. In light of such uncontested

2159representations by Petitioner regarding the

2164status of the Authority's lease to

2170Petitioner, AHCA and Petitioner mutually

2175submit a confession of error as to the

2183existence of a legal requirem ent for

2190Petitioner, even though Petitioner is a

2196lessee of the Facility, to provide a lease

2204bond with its 2002 annual license renewal

2211application. That is, by virtue of the

2218referenced 2002 amendment to the lease bond

2225provisions of the statute, the lease wi th

2233the Authority is accepted by AHCA as within

2241those leases to which the statutory

2247exemption applies, which thus relieves

2252Petitioner from the requirement for filing a

2259lease bond as to its 2002 renewal


22672. The Petitioner submits that admitted or stipulated

2275facts 15 through 34, as quoted above, are relevant and material

2286and should entitle the Petitioner to mitigation or reduction, if

2296not elimination, of the late - filing fee. AHCA, by stipulating

2307to the accuracy to those facts, does not, however , agree that

2318those facts require mitigation as to the amount of the late -

2330filing fee for late - filing of the 2001 renewal application.

23413. AHCA, on or about June 4, 2001, sent a letter to the

2354Petitioner, wherein it was stated:

2359The license to operate the above named

2366Facility expires October 31, 2001. It is a

2374violation of Florida Statutes to operate a

2381nursing home facility without a valid


2388In order to continue to operate the

2395Facility, it is necessary that the enclosed

2402application form(s) be compl eted and

2408returned with the appropriate license

2413fee. . . .

2417The application and fee are due 90 days

2425before the expiration date noted above.

2431Failure to file a renewal application within

2438this time frame will result in the

2445imposition of a late fee as allowe d by

2454Florida Statute. Application without

2458licensure fees will not be accepted, and the

2466application will be returned without

2471processing. . . (Petitioner Exhibit 2 in


24794. The instructions under "number 12" of the instructions

2488accompanying that letter stated:

2492Attach a copy of the surety bond or

2500membership in a self - insurance pool.

25075. There are no instructions in that letter to the effect

2518that an incomplete application could be filed and would be

2528accepted as timely - filed even if incomplete.

25366. Maria Allen is the CFO of Baker County Medical

2546Services, Inc. (Facility). She was designated as the person

2555responsible for filing the nursing home renewal application at

2564issue. Ms. Allen relied upon the instructions in the above -

2575referenced letter and on the form and understood that a

2585completed application had to be filed with the agency. It was

2596Ms. Allen's understanding that the application had to be

2605submitted in complete form including both relevant surety bonds.

2614Thus, she was under the impression t hat the application could

2625only be submitted in complete form. Neither Ms. Allen nor the

2636Facility was ever informed by any personnel of AHCA, verbally or

2647in writing, that an incomplete application could be submitted

2656and would be considered as timely, provi ded the necessary fee

2667was submitted with an incomplete application.

26737. Ms. Allen was aware that the application should be

2683filed by August 1, 2001. She was having difficulties with the

2694surety company because, as shown by Exhibit 20 in evidence, the

2705sur ety company had moved its offices and had misplaced the

2716nursing home's bond application documents. She repeatedly

2723called the surety company or its broker or agent to determine

2734when the surety bond would be ready. The surety bond was

2745promised by the suret y company prior to the deadline. In fact,

2757the surety bond was delayed and was submitted to Ms. Allen some

276911 to 12 days later. When she received the bond, she thereupon

"2781over - nighted" a completed application with the bond

2790accompanying it to the Responden t, such that the application was

2801filed 13 days late. In the fact of the surety bond company's

2813delay, it was unreasonable and impracticable for Ms. Allen to

2823seek an alternative surety bond company or agency because it

2833would take considerably more time to g et a new surety company to

2846issue a surety bond, after starting that process over again.

28568. After she submitted the application 13 days late, she

2866never had any advice from AHCA to the effect that she could have

2879submitted an incomplete application.

28839. Mr. James Kemp is the Health Services and Facilities

2893consultant who reviewed and received renewal applications,

2900including that of the Petitioner. Mr. Kemp maintains that he

2910seldom received a renewal application with the renewal bond

2919attached. He maintain s that only ten percent of applications

2929are first submitted in complete fashion. He stated that the

2939same instructions are sent out to all nursing facilities that

2949are leased. Incomplete applications come in with defects such

2958as typing errors or other erro rs or omissions. AHCA reviews for

2970errors or omissions and informs the applicant as to what is

2981needed to properly complete an application. If a nursing home

2991does not correct the omission within 90 days, the date of

3002license expiration, AHCA will send a not ice of intent to deny.

3014Mr. Kemp stated that there was no fine or penalty for nursing

3026homes if omissions or errors are corrected within 90 days.

303610. The W. Frank Wells Nursing Home only filed a lease

3047bond once before, with its 2000 application. Prior to that time

3058it was not legally required to file a lease bond. The prior

3070lease bond and application filed for the year 2000 was filed on

3082time. Thus, there was no reason at that time for the Facility

3094to have known of any policy which would allow an incom plete

3106application to be submitted on the due date, to be completed

3117within 90 days thereafter. Because neither Mr. Kemp nor any

3127other agency personnel, by letter, written instructions, or

3135verbally, ever informed the Petitioner that AHCA would accept an

3145inc omplete application as timely filed, the only way the

3155Facility could have learned of that policy would be to inquire

3166of the Agency by letter or by phone call. This was not done

3179because the Facility and Ms. Allen had no information that would

3190alert them to that possibility.

319511. Ms. Molly McKinstrey is Bureau Chief for Long Term

3205Care Services. In her testimony she acknowledged that the

3214statute, Section 400.111, Florida Statutes, does not use the

3223modifier "incomplete" or "complete." She also admits that t he

3233language of the letter, Petitioner's Exhibit Two, referenced -

3242above, as well as the application document, references the

3251requirement that the application be completed and returned with

3260the appropriate license fee. She also admits that the Agency

3270has a r egularly - established, unwritten policy that the Agency

3281will accept an incomplete application, filed before the

3289deadline, as a timely application.

329412. There is no evidence that the Respondent Agency makes

3304a practice of giving notice of this policy in any way unless a

3317substantially affected party makes inquiry of the Agency. If

3326Ms. Allen and the Facility had been informed, before the

3336August 1 deadline, of this routinely followed, unwritten policy,

3345the Facility would have filed the application timely and t hen

3356submitted the surety bond at such time thereafter as it was

3367obtained. Further, the evidence establishes that Ms. Allen, in

3376June 2001, soon after receiving the notice letter of June 4,

33872001, began immediate steps to timely obtain the required surety

3397bo nd. The bond was not obtained in time to submit the

3409application with the bond on August 1 due to no fault of the

3422Facility but rather due to the mistakes made by the surety bond

3434company or its agents.


344113. The Division of Administrati ve Hearings has

3449jurisdiction of the subject matter of and the parties to this

3460proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2003).

346814. Pursuant to Section 400.411, Florida Statutes, a

3476skilled nursing facility such as the Petitioner is required to

3486file an annual application for renewal of its license at least

349790 days prior to the expiration of its current license.

350715. In this license renewal statute the Legislature

3515provides for a late - filing fee in the following language:

3526The failure to file a n application within

3534the period established in this subsection

3540shall result in a late fee charged to the

3549licensee by the Agency in an amount equal to

355850 percent of the fee in effect on the last

3568preceding regular renewal date. A late fee

3575shall be levied fo r each and every day the

3585filing of the license application is

3591delayed, but in no event shall such fine

3599aggregate more than $5,000.00.

360416. The use of the word "shall" in the above - quoted

3616statutory authority for the assessment and amount of such fee

3626wou ld appear to be mandatory language. AHCA, however, did not

3637cite any decisional law which would preclude an administrative

3646law judge the authority to mitigate a late - filing fee imposed

3658pursuant to Section 400.411, Florida Statutes. AHCA submitted

3666that it knew of no such authority for the agency itself to

3678reduce the fee amount established by this statute, except

3687through and as a part of settlement of litigation. That

3697acknowledgement, however, is tacit recognition that the

3704statutory requirement to assess th e late fee is waivable by the

3716party which has authority to assess the late fee.

372517. The preponderant evidence culminating in the above

3733Findings of Fact establishes that there are circumstances which

3742should excuse the assessment of the late fee. The Peti tioner

3753had, for many years, not been required to file the subject

3764surety bond but rather was allowed to submit "unconditional

3773guarantees" to AHCA upon filing of the annual renewal

3782applications. That course of dealing between the parties was

3791ended the yea r before when the 2000 renewal application was

3802filed, at which point AHCA began requiring of the Petitioner the

3813filing of a surety bond with its renewal application. The

3823Petitioner did so and filed its application and the bond timely

3834in the year 2000. Th us, it really had no occasion to learn that

3848there was an unwritten policy followed by AHCA which would have

3859permitted it to file an incomplete application on a timely basis

3870without being deemed untimely provided the errors or omission

3879were corrected within 90 days thereafter.

388518. When June 2001 arrived and the June 4, 2001, notice

3896letter regarding the filing date of the application was sent to

3907the Petitioner by AHCA, there still was no notice to the

3918Petitioner of this unwritten policy. Through the entir e

3927application process, and even after the filing date of August 1,

39382001, there was no communication or notice of this unwritten

3948policy to the Petitioner.

395219. While it is true that had the Petitioner started

3962early, perhaps in April or May of 2001, to pre pare its

3974application and take steps to obtain a surety bond, it might

3985have obtained a surety bond on a timely basis so that it could

3998file the entire, completed application on August 1, 2001; that

4008did not occur. Although it did not occur, the evidence show s

4020that, immediately upon receiving the June 4th notice letter from

4030the Agency, the Facility began preparing to file its application

4040and took steps to obtain the surety bond. The surety bond could

4052not be obtained on a timely basis through no reasonable fau lt of

4065the Petitioner because the surety company apparently lost the

4074relevant bond application documents and this rendered the bond

4083incapable of being delivered on or before August 1. The

4093evidence shows that when this became known, late July, it was

4104too la te to get another surety company because that would have

4116entailed even more delay.

412020. The Petitioner had made a number of communications to

4130the surety company to try to speed the bonding process, to no

4142avail. The evidence shows that the Petitioner beg an its

4152application preparation steps, including applying for the surety

4160bond on a reasonable and practicable timely basis. Credible

4169evidence shows that, had it known of that policy, it would have

4181submitted its application by August 1 in incomplete fashion so

4191as to prevent the issue of the late fee arising.

420121. Although the Petitioner could have inquired of the

4210Agency as to an acceptable course of action when it saw that it

4223could not obtain the bond by August 1, there was no

4234communication by the Agency t o the Petitioner which would

4244indicate any basis for it to make such inquiry concerning the

4255excusing of a late or incomplete filing, and certainly the

4265policy which would have allowed such was never communicated to

4275the Petitioner. The fact that the Petition er was unaware of the

4287policy is borne out by the fact the Petitioner was still

4298proceeding with all possible haste, after the deadline, to

4307complete the application by obtaining the bond and submitting

4316it. This is evidenced by the fact that, as soon as the bond

4329reached the hands of the Petitioner, it "overnight - mailed" it

4340with the then - complete application to AHCA.

434822. It certainly seems clear that, although a fair

4357interpretation of the above statute would seem to indicate that

4367the late - filing fee is a mandatory assessment that, as

4378acknowledged by the Respondent in its Proposed Recommended

4386Order, even that legislatively - imposed requirement can be waived

4396in settlement of litigation. This is because, in effect, a

4406party to litigation can waive its statutor y rights if it chooses

4418to do so.

442123. Moreover, the above, preponderantly - proven

4428circumstances show that, in effect, substantial compliance with

4436the above statutory requirement and the filing deadline has been

4446met because of the circumstance of the Petit ioner filing the

4457complete application only 13 days late and because the above

4467facts show "excusable neglect." It is appropriate that

4475excusable neglect, encompassed by the doctrine of "equitable

4483tolling," should excuse the late - filing to the extent that,

4494u nder the peculiar facts and circumstances confined to this

4504case, that the late filing fee should not be assessed. See

4515Machules v. Dept. of Administration , 523 So. 2d 1132 (Fla.

45251988); Broward County Board of County Commissioners v. State

4534Dept. of Environm ental Regulation , 495 So. 2d. 863 (Fla. 4th DCA

45461987). It is so concluded.


4552Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact,

4559Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and

4569demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and argum ents of

4580the parties, it is, therefore,

4585RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by AHCA excusing

4595the Petitioner herein of the payment of the $5,000.00 late fee

4607for the late filing of its 2001 application for its renewal of

4619licensure. It is further

4623RECOM MENDED that, as to DOAH Case No. 02 - 4827, in view of

4637the withdrawal by AHCA of its denial of the 2002 application for

4649licensure renewal and withdrawal of its intent to seek an

4659administrative fine for failure to have professional liability

4667insurance, that C ase No. 02 - 4827 be dismissed.

4677DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 2003, in

4687Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




4696Administrative Law Judge

4699Division of Administrative Hearings

4703The DeSoto Building

47061230 Apalachee Parkway

4709Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4714(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4722Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4729Filed with Clerk of the

4734Division of Administrative Hearing s

4739this 15th day of December, 2003.


4748John D. Buchanan, Jr., Esquire

4753Henry, Buchanan, Hudson,

4756Suber & Carter, P.A.

4760117 South Gadsden Street

4764Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4767Tom R. Moore, Assistant General Counsel

4773Agency for Heal th Care Administration

4779Office of the Attorney General

47842727 Mahan Drive, Building III

4789Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4792Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk

4796Agency for Health Care Administration

48012727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

4807Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4810Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel

4815Agency for Health Care Administration

4820Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

48252727 Mahan Drive

4828Tallahassee, Florida 32308


4837All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

484715 days fr om the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4859to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4870will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/14/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/07/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 13, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/10/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Ruff from T. Moore regarding scivener`s error in AHCA`s proposed recommended order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/29/2003
Proceedings: AHCA`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/26/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order (filed by J. Buchanan via facsimile).
Date: 09/18/2003
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/18/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/13/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/11/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Deposition (of Richard Heath) filed.
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Petitoiner`s Notice of Filing Deposition of Richard Heath filed.
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Deposition (of Molly McKinstry) filed.
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Deposition of Molly McKinstry filed.
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Deposition (of B. Barlow) filed.
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Deposition of Bobbi Barlow filed.
Date: 06/23/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Continued Deposition and for Production of Documents, M. McKinstry (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/11/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Deposition of Richard Corbett, Ph.D (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/10/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 13, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/03/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/03/2003
Proceedings: Notice to Produce at Trial (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/03/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition, R. Corbett, Ph.D (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/14/2003
Proceedings: AHCA`s Response to Baker County`s Request for Admissions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/01/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Cancellation of Deposition, B. Barlow (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/01/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Amended Notice of Taking Deposition, B. Barlow (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/11/2003
Proceedings: W. Frank Wells Nursing Home`s Request for Admissions from AHCA (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 11 and 12, 2003; 10:30 a.m.; Macclenny, FL).
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition, R. Heath (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/04/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition and for Production of Documents, M. Mckinstry (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum to Judge Ruff from T. Aulet enclosing mutual available dates for hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/25/2003
Proceedings: The Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition, B. Barlow filed.
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: W. Frank Wells Nursing Home`s Response to AHCA`s Request for Admissions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/07/2003
Proceedings: AHCA`s Response to Requests for Production in Late Filing Fee Case (02-4827) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/07/2003
Proceedings: AHCA`s Request for Admissions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Corrected Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Request for Service (filed by T. Moore via facsimile).
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order and Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Discovery Request (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/13/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Request for Service (filed by T. Moore via facsimile).
Date: 02/11/2003
Proceedings: Order issued (hearing presently set in case no. 02-4827 is hereby cancelled and the parties are directed to advise the undersigned within seven (7) days of the date of this order of mutuall agreeable dates for hearing) )
Date: 02/07/2003
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 02-004752, 02-004827)
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Second Amended Petition for Formal Proceedings Under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend First Amended Petition (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Consolidation (cases requested to be consolidated 02-4827, 02-4752) (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/03/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner, Baker County Medical Services d/b/a W. Frank Wells Nursing Home`s Motion to Compel (filed via facsimile)
Date: 01/07/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 01/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for March 6, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Macclenny, FL).
Date: 12/24/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/24/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent, Agency for Health Care Administration (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/24/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents to Respondent, Agency for Health Care Administration (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/19/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/13/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Amended Petition for Formal Hearing Under Section 120.57 Florida Statues filed.
Date: 12/13/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Refer Case to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 12/13/2002
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings Under Section 120.57, Florida Statues filed.
Date: 12/13/2002
Proceedings: Re-Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):