03-000011RX Victor Ortiz vs. Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, April 7, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Board of Medicine`s rule requiring a licensed anesthesiologist to be present during level III office surgeries if anesthesia provider is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist does not constitute invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. )

17) Case No. 03 - 0011RX




32Respondent. )



37This matte r was scheduled to be heard on February 21,

482003. Prior to that date, the parties filed a Pre - Hearing

60Stipulation advising that there were no disputed facts and

69that the case could be resolved without need for a hearing.

80Pursuant to an order issued on Fe bruary 13, 2003, the case

92proceeded in accordance with Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida

99Statutes, and Rule 28 - 106.204(4), Florida Administrative Code,

108for consideration before the Division of Administrative

115Hearings, by its designated Administrative Law Judge , Barbara

123J. Staros.


126For Petitioner: William E. Williams, Esquire

132J. Andrew Bertron, Jr., Esquire

137Huey, Guilday, Tucker, Schwartz

141& Williams, P.A.

144Post Office Box 12500

148Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 2500

153For Respondent: Edward A. Tellechea, Esquire

159Office of the Attorney General

164The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

169Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


178Whether Rule 64B8 - 9.009(6)(b)1.a., Florida Administrative

185Code, is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

193authority pursuant to Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes.


202Petitioner, Victor Ortiz, filed a Petition for

209Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Rule 64B8 -

2189.009, Florida Adm inistrative Code, with the Division of

227Administrative Hearings on January 6, 2003, and was assigned

236to the undersigned on January 8, 2003.

243A Notice of Hearing was issued on January 9, 2003,

253scheduling a formal hearing for February 4, 2003. On

262January 27, 2003, the Respondent filed an unopposed Motion for

272Continuance. The motion was granted and the hearing was

281rescheduled for February 21, 2003.

286On February 10, 2003, a telephonic case management

294conference took place during which the parties informed the

303undersigned that the parties desired to file motions for

312summary final order and that the case should proceed pursuant

322to Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida Statutes, and Rule 28 -

331106.204(4), Florida Administrative Code.

335Pursuant to the telephonic case manag ement conference,

343the parties filed a joint Pre - Hearing Stipulation on

353February 12, 2003. An order was issued on February 13, 2003,

364canceling the February 21, 2003, hearing and setting a

373schedule for filing of motions for final summary order and any

384res ponses.

386On February 21, 2003, the parties each filed a Motion for

397Summary Final Order asserting that there were no disputed

406issues of material fact.

410The parties timely filed Proposed Final Orders which have

419been considered in the preparation of this F inal Order.

429Petitioner also filed a Response in Opposition to Respondent's

438Motion for Summary Final Order on March 5, 2003.


450Stipulated Facts

4521. Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, authorizes

458the Board to adopt rules establishing th e standards of

468practice and care for particular physician practice settings.

4762. The Board is the agency that adopted Rule 64B8 - 9.009,

488Florida Administrative Code, regarding standards of care for

496office surgery.

4983. Petitioner, Victor Ortiz, is a Certifie d Registered

507Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), and is licensed by the Board of

517Nursing pursuant to Chapter 464, Florida Statutes.

5244. Mr. Ortiz is not a member of the Florida Association

535of Nurse Anesthetists or the Florida Nurses Association.

5435. Mr. Ortiz provid es anesthesia care to patients in

553various settings under the supervision of physicians licensed

561pursuant to Chapters 458 and 459, Florida Statutes. Among

570other functions, Mr. Ortiz orders preanesthetic medications;

577administers regional, spinal, and genera l anesthesia under

585protocol and the supervision of a physician; provides life

594support functions; and monitors patient condition during

601surgery and in the recovery room.

6076. Prior to April 15, 2002, the effective date of Rule

61864B8 - 9.009(6)(b)1.a., Florida A dministrative Code (the Rule),

627Mr. Ortiz administered anesthesia under the supervision of

635operating physicians for all types of office surgeries,

643including surgical procedures classified by the Board of

651Medicine as "level III." Mr. Ortiz provided anesthes ia

660services to patients in level III office surgeries under the

670supervision of M.D. or D.O. operating physicians four or five

680days per week on average.

6857. The Rule requires that if the anesthesia provider is

695a CRNA, there must be a licensed M.D. or D.O.

705a nesthesiologist, other than the surgeon, to provide direct

714supervision of the administration and maintenance of the

722anesthesia in level III office surgeries.

7288. Since the adoption of the Rule, the physicians for

738whom Mr. Ortiz previously provided anesthes ia services will no

748longer employ him for level III office surgeries because they

758believe that it is unnecessary and cost - prohibitive to pay Mr.

770Ortiz to provide the actual anesthesia services and an

779anesthesiologist to directly supervise him. Consequentl y, Mr.

787Ortiz' revenues have been reduced and his office practice has

797been substantially and adversely affected.


8059. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

812jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

821proceeding pursuan t to Section 120.56(1) and (3), Florida



83210. The Board argues that Petitioner lacks standing

840because the facts in this case do not show that the rule

852directly regulates the professional conduct of CRNAs or that

861it has a direct effect on his right to earn a living. The

874Board also asserts that if the alleged injury is economic, the

885impact of the rule must be devastating or otherwise equally

895detrimental to legitimate business interests.

90011. These arguments were squarely addressed by the Fi rst

910District Court of Appeal in Florida Board of Medicine v.

920Florida Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Inc ., 808 So. 2d 243, at

932251 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002):

937The fact that the proposed rule would not

945directly regulate CRNA's is not fatal to a

953finding of standing. A challenger to a

960rule may be 'substantially affected' by a

967rule, and thus have standing to challenge

974it, even where the rule or promulgating

981statute does not regulate the challenger's

987profession per se. Ward v. Bd. Of Trs. Of

996Internal Improvement Trust Fund , 651 So.2d

10021236,1238 (Fla. 4th DCA 1995). For

1009instance, we have held that a challenger

1016can be substantially affected by a rule

1023which has a collateral financial impact on

1030the challenger's business. See Televisual

1035Communications, Inc. v. State Dep't o f

1042Labor & Employment Sec. , 667 So. 2d 372

1050(Fla. 1st DCA 1995) . . . . Here, a

1060number of physicians testified that they

1066would not employ CRNA's in level III office

1074surgeries if the presence of an

1080anesthesiologist was required because it

1085would be unnece ssary and cost - prohibitive

1093to pay two anesthesia providers to perform

1100a single surgery. Although the Board and

1107FSA argue that the proposed rule would not

1115completely eliminate the opportunity for

1120CRNA's to participate in office surgeries

1126because it does no t apply to level I and

1136level II office surgeries, this merely goes

1143to the scope of the injury, and not to

1152whether it is real and sufficiently


115912. Petitioner has proven that he has standing to

1168challenge the Rule which is the subject of this dis pute. The

1180parties stipulated that since the adoption of the challenged

1189rule, the physicians for whom he previously provided

1197anesthesia services four or five days a week will no longer

1208employ him for level III office surgeries because they believe

1218that it is unnecessary and cost - prohibitive to pay him to

1230provide the actual anesthesia services and an anesthesiologist

1238to directly supervise him. Consequently, Petitioner's

1244revenues have been reduced and his office practice has been

1254substantially and adversely affected. Petitioner is a person

1262substantially affected by the Rule and entitled to bring a

1272Rule challenge pursuant to Section 120.56(1) and (3), Florida


1282Rule Challenge Analysis

128513. The party attacking an existing agency rule has the

1295burden to prove that the rule constitutes an invalid exercise

1305of delegated legislative authority. Cortes v. State Board of

1314Regents , 655 So. 2d 132 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). The challenger's

1325burden is a stringent one. Id. ; Charity v. Florida State

1335University , 680 So . 2d 463 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996).

134514. The Petition for Administrative Determination of the

1353Invalidity of Rule 64B8 - 9.009, Florida Administrative Code,

1362alleges that the Rule is an invalid exercise of delegated

1372legislative authority within the context of Sectio n

1380120.52(8)(b) and (c), in that it exceeds Respondent's

1388rulemaking authority, and modifies or contravenes the specific

1396provisions of law implemented. 1/

1401Section 120.52(8)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes

140715. Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, reads in

1414p ertinent part as follows:

1419(8) 'Invalid exercise of delegated

1424legislative authority' means action which

1429goes beyond the powers, functions, and

1435duties delegated by the Legislature. A

1441proposed or existing rule is an invalid

1448exercise of delegated legislative authority

1453if any one of the following applies:

1460* * *

1463(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

1471rulemaking authority, citation to which is

1477required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

1481(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

1487contravenes the specific prov isions of law

1494implemented, citation to which is required

1500by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

150316. Petitioner asserts that Rule 64B8 - 9.009, Florida

1512Administrative Code, exceeds its grant of rulemaking authority

1520in violation of Section 120.52(8)(b), Florida Statutes,

1527be cause Section 458.303(2), Florida Statutes, strictly limits

1535the Board's grant of rulemaking authority in Section 458.311,

1544Florida Statutes. Petitioner also asserts that the rule

1552modifies or contravenes Section 458.303, Florida Statutes, in

1560violation of Se ction 120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes, in that

1569it requires supervision by a licensed anesthesiologist as

1577opposed to any licensed physician.

158217. "The authority to adopt an administrative rule must

1591be based on an explicit power or duty identified in the

1602enabling statute . . . [T]he authority for an administrative

1612rule is not a matter of degree. The question is whether the

1624statute contains a specific grant of legislative authority for

1633the rule, not whether the grant of authority is specific

1643enough ." (Emphasis in original) Florida Board of Medicine,

1652supra at 253, quoting Southwest Florida Water Management

1660District v. Save the Manatee Club, Inc. , 773 So. 2d 594, 599

1672(Fla. 1st DCA 2000).

167618. In this instance, the Board's grant of rulemaking

1685authori ty is found in Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes,

1694which reads in pertinent part as follows:

1701458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action;

1706action by the board and department. --

1713(1) The following acts constitute grounds

1719for denial of a license or dis ciplinary

1727action, as specified in s. 456.072(2):

1733* * *

1736v) Practicing or offering to practice

1742beyond the scope permitted by law or

1749accepting and performing professional

1753responsibilities which the licensee knows

1758or has reason to know that he or she is no t

1770competent to perform. The board may

1776establish by rule standards of practice and

1783standards of care for particular practice

1789settings, including, but not limited to ,

1795education and training, equipment and

1800supplies, medications including

1803anesthetics, assista nce of and delegation

1809to other personnel , transfer agreements,

1814sterilization, records, performance of

1818complex or multiple procedures, informed

1823consent, and policy and procedure manuals.

1829(emphasis supplied)

183119. Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, gi ves the

1839Board broad rulemaking authority regarding the establishment

1846of standards of practice and standards of care for particular

1856practice settings. Specifically, it grants authority to the

1864Board to establish standards of practice and standards of care

1874r egarding medications including anesthetics and the assistance

1882of and delegation to other personnel.

188820. This provision of Rule 64B8 - 9.009 was challenged and

1899upheld on different but related grounds in Florida Board of

1909Medicine , supra . In its analysis of the Board's rulemaking

1919authority, the court noted:

1923Section 458.331(1)(v) clearly gives broad,

1928unqualified, rulemaking authority to the

1933Board to establish 'standards of practice

1939and standards of care for particular

1945practice settings.' It does not specify

1951what those standards should be, or how they

1959should be established, leaving such matters

1965to the discretion of the Board. It seems

1973to us relatively clear that level III

1980office surgery is a 'practice setting' . .

1988. .

1990808 So. 2d 243 at 254.

199621. Petitioner argues that the rulemaking authority

2003found in Section 458.331(1)(v) is strictly limited by the

2012language of another statute, Section 458.303, Florida

2019Statutes, which reads in pertinent part:

2025458.303 Provisions not applicable to other

2031practitioners; excepti ons, etc. --

2036(1) The provisions of ss. 458.301,

2042458.303, 458.305, 458.307, 458.309,

2046458.311, 458.313, 458.315, 458.317,

2050458.319, 458.321, 458.327, 458.329,

2054458.331 , 458.337, 458.339, 458.341,

2058458.343, 458.345, and 458.347 shall have no

2065application to:

2067(a) Other duly licensed health care

2073practitioners acting within their scope of

2079practice authorized by statute .

2084* * *

2087(2) Nothing in s. 458.301, s. 458.303, s.

2095458.305, s. 458.307, s. 458.309, s.

2101458.311, s. 458.313, s. 458.319, s.

2107458.321, s. 458.327, s. 458.329, s.

2113458.331 , s. 458.337, s. 458.339, s.

2119458.341, s. 458.343, s. 458.345, or s.

2126458.347 shall be construed to prohibit any

2133service rendered by a registered nurse or a

2141licensed practical nurse, if such service

2147is rendered under the direct supervi sion

2154and control of a licensed physician who

2161provides specific direction for any service

2167to be performed and gives final approval to

2175all services performed . Further, nothing in

2182this or any other chapter shall be

2189construed to prohibit any service rendered

2195b y a medical assistant in accordance with

2203the provisions of s. 458.3485.

2208(emphasis supplied)

221022. Further, Petitioner argues that Section 464.012,

2217Florida Statutes, defines the scope of practice for certified

2226registered nurse anesthetists and that Rule 6 4B8 - 9.009

2236improperly limits the scope of practice for CRNAs. Petitioner

2245argues that under the language of Section 464.012, CRNAs are

2255free to practice under the supervision of any licensed

2264physician regardless of a physician's specialty or area of

2273practice . Section 464.012, Florida Statutes, reads in

2281pertinent part as follows:

2285(3) An advanced registered nurse

2290practitioner shall perform those functions

2295authorized in this section within the

2301framework of an established protocol. A

2307practitioner currently lic ensed under

2312chapter 458 , chapter 459, or chapter 466

2319shall maintain supervision for directing

2324the specific course of medical treatment .

2331. . .

2334* * *

2337(4) In addition to the general functions

2344specified in subsection (3), an advanced

2350registered nurse pract itioner may perform

2356the following acts within his or her


2364(a) The certified registered nurse

2369anesthetist may, to the extent authorized

2375by established protocol approved by the

2381medical staff of the facility in which the

2389anesthetic service is per formed , perform

2395any or all of the following:

24011. Determine the health status of the

2408patient as it relates to the risk factors

2416and to the anesthetic management of the

2423patient through the performance of the

2429general functions.

24312. Based on history, physic al assessment,

2438and supplemental laboratory results,

2442determine, with the consent of the

2448responsible physician , the appropriate type

2453of anesthesia within the framework of the


24613. Order under the protocol preanesthetic


24684. Perform u nder the protocol procedures

2475commonly used to render the patient

2481insensible to pain during the performance

2487of surgical, obstetrical, therapeutic, or

2492diagnostic clinical procedures. These

2496procedures include ordering and

2500administering regional, spinal, and general

2505anesthesia; inhalation agents and

2509techniques; intravenous agents and

2513techniques; and techniques of hypnosis.

25185. Order or perform monitoring procedures

2524indicated as pertinent to the anesthetic

2530health care management of the patient.

25366. Support life functions during

2541anesthesia health care, including induction

2546and intubation procedures, the use of

2552appropriate mechanical supportive devices,

2556and the management of fluid, electrolyte,

2562and blood component balances.

25667. Recognize and take appropriate

2571corrective action for abnormal patient

2576responses to anesthesia, adjunctive

2580medication, or other forms of therapy.

25868. Recognize and treat a cardiac

2592arrhythmia while the patient is under

2598anesthetic care.

26009. Participate in management of the

2606patient whil e in the postanesthesia

2612recovery area, including ordering the

2617administration of fluids and drugs.

262210. Place special peripheral and central

2628venous and arterial lines for blood

2634sampling and monitoring as appropriate.

263923. Section 464.003(3), Florida Stat utes, reads in

2647pertinent part as follows:

2651(3)(c) 'Advanced or specialized nursing

2656practice' means, in addition to the

2662practice of professional nursing, the

2667performance of advanced - level nursing acts

2674approved by the board which, by virtue of

2682postbasic spe cialized education, training,

2687and experience, are proper to be performed

2694by an advanced registered nurse

2699practitioner. Within the context of

2704advanced or specialized nursing practice,

2709the advanced registered nurse practitioner

2714may perform acts of nursing di agnosis and

2722nursing treatment of alterations of the

2728health status. The advanced registered

2733nurse practitioner may also perform acts of

2740medical diagnosis and treatment,

2744prescription, and operation which are

2749identified and approved by a joint

2755committee comp osed of three members

2761appointed by the Board of Nursing, two of

2769whom shall be advanced registered nurse

2775practitioners; three members appointed by

2780the Board of Medicine, two of whom shall

2788have had work experience with advanced

2794registered nurse practitioners ; and the

2799secretary of the department or the

2805secretary's designee. Each committee member

2810appointed by a board shall be appointed to

2818a term of 4 years unless a shorter term is

2828required to establish or maintain staggered

2834terms. The Board of Nursing shall ad opt

2842rules authorizing the performance of any

2848such acts approved by the joint committee.

2855Unless otherwise specified by the joint

2861committee, such acts shall be performed

2867under the general supervision of a

2873practitioner licensed under chapter 458 ,

2878chapter 459, or chapter 466 within the

2885framework of standing protocols which

2890identify the medical acts to be performed

2897and the conditions for their performance .

2904The department may, by rule, require that a

2912copy of the protocol be filed with the

2920department along with the notice required

2926by s. 458.348. (emphasis supplied)

293124. Petitioner's arguments are unpersuasive. Inherent

2937in the medical and nursing statutes examined herein is the

2947recognition of a hierarchy in medicine. That is, even the

2957nurses who obtain certif ication to become a CRNA perform their

2968duties subject to medical supervision and established medical

2976protocol. In delineating the various functions to be

2984performed by a CRNA, Section 464.012(4), Florida Statutes,

2992uses the term "may . . . perform" which de notes a permissive

3005term. Brooks v. Anastasia Mosquito Control District , 148 So.

30142d 64 (Fla. 1st DCA 1963). Moreover, nothing in the statutes

3025cited by Petitioner grants a CRNA the right to perform

3035services in a particular practice setting such as a level III

3046office setting in the manner preferred by the CRNA. The court

3057in Board of Medicine , supra , recognized level III office

3066surgery as a "practice setting" as described in Rule 64B8 -

30779.009, Florida Administrative Code. The court determined that

3085the rule wa s within the authority specified in Section

3095458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, which gives the Board "broad,

3103unqualified, rulemaking authority" regarding standards of care

3110for particular practice settings. Id ., at 254. The court's

3120decision by extension con trols the practice of CRNAs under the

3131supervision of the physician specialist identified in Rule

313964B8 - 9.009. That specialty is anesthesiology, not surgery.

3148Accordingly, the Board has not exceeded its grant of

3157rulemaking authority in enacting the provisio ns of Rule 64B8 -

31689.009, Florida Administrative Code, relating to level III

3176office surgery as it pertains to the rights and opportunities

3186of CRNAs in their practice.

319125. Petitioner's argument that Rule 64B8 -

31989.009(6)(b)1.a., violates Section 120.52(8)(c), Florida

3203Statutes, in that it modifies or contravenes Section 458.303

3212by specifying that supervision must be by an anesthesiologist

3221physician and not the surgeon is equally unpersuasive for the

3231reasons enumerated herein. 2/

323526. The language of Rule 64B8 - 9.0 09, Florida

3245Administrative Code, does not modify or contravene the

3253specific laws implemented as contemplated by Section

3260120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes.


3264Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3273of Law, it is


3278The Petition f or Administrative Determination of the

3286Invalidity of Rule 64B8 - 9.009, Florida Administrative Code, is


3297DONE AND ORDERED this 7th day of April, 2003, in

3307Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3315Admi nistrative Law Judge

3319Division of Administrative Hearings

3323The DeSoto Building

33261230 Apalachee Parkway

3329Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3334(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3342Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3349Filed with the Clerk of the

3355Division of Ad ministrative Hearings

3360this 7th day of April, 2003.


33671/ Section 120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes, creates an

3374opportunity to challenge a rule by alleging that it enlarges,

3384modifies, or contravenes the specific provisions of law

3392implemented, citatio n to which is required by Section

3401120.54(a)1., Florida Statutes. The specific provisions of law

3409implemented are Sections 458.331(1)(g),(t),(w) and 458.351,

3417Florida Statutes. The cited subsections of Section 458.331

3425deal with various grounds for disciplin ary action. Section

3434458.351 deals with reporting requirements of adverse incidents

3442regarding physicians or other licensee under chapter 458,

3450Florida Statutes. Petitioner's challenge is not based on the

3459specific provisions of law implemented but on Sectio n 458.303,

3469Florida Statutes.

34712/ The court noted that the same provision of the rule in its

3484proposed form "has no effect whatsoever on the ability of

3494CRNA's to administer anesthesia in hospitals, ambulatory

3501surgical centers, and level I and II office surg eries." Id. ,

3512at 261.


3517William E. Williams, Esquire

3521J. Andrew Bertron, Jr., Esquire

3526Huey, Guilday, Tucker, Swartz & Williams, P.A.

3533Post Office Box 12500

3537Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 2500

3542Edward A. Tellechea, Esquire

3546Office of the A ttorney General

3552The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

3557Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

3562M. Catherine Lannon, Esquire

3566Lee Ann Gustafson, Esquire

3570Office of the Attorney General

3575The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

3580Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

3585Carroll Webb, Executive D irector

3590Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

3594120 Holland Building

3597Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1300


3608A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

3619entitled to judicial review pursuant to Sectio n 120.68,

3628Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the

3636Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

3644commenced by filing the original notice of appeal with the

3654Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy,

3664accompan ied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

3674District Court of Appeal, First District, or with the District

3684Court of Appeal in the Appellate District where the party

3694resides. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of

3706rendition of the order to be reviewed.

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Date: 10/12/2004
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 10/12/2004
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 10/08/2004
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 07/21/2004
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 06/30/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum to G. Austin from D. Ash received payment for record on appeal filed.
Date: 06/23/2003
Proceedings: Statement of Service Preparation of Record sent out.
Date: 06/20/2003
Proceedings: Index sent out.
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. DCA Case No. 4D03-1763.
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Certified Notice of Administrative Appeal sent out.
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal filed by Petitioner.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Final Order issued. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/05/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 03/05/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 03/05/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response in Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 03/05/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order (filed by M. Lennon via facsimile).
Date: 02/21/2003
Proceedings: Board of Medicine`s Motion for Summary Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/21/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 02/13/2003
Proceedings: Order issued (parties to advise status by March 5, 2003).
Date: 02/12/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/28/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for February 21, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/27/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 01/21/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by E. Tellechea via facsimile).
Date: 01/14/2003
Proceedings: Letter to A. Cole from J. Bertron, Jr. enclosing copy of exhibit "A" to the petition filed.
Date: 01/09/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 01/09/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 4, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/08/2003
Proceedings: Order of Assignment issued.
Date: 01/06/2003
Proceedings: Petition for an Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Rule 64B8-9.009, Florida Administrative Code filed.
Date: 01/06/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud from A. Cole with copy to Carroll Webb and the Agency General Counsel sent out.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Health


Related Florida Statute(s) (28):