03-000404PL Department Of Health, Board Of Hearing Aid Specialists vs. Donald Stephens
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 25, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to timely refund money for hearing aids which had been returned.






19Petitioner, )


22vs. ) Case Nos. 03 - 0404PL

29) 03 - 0405PL



37Respondent. )



42Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

53on May 5, 2003, in Lakeland, Florida, before Susan B. Kirkland,

64a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

73Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


78For Petitioner: Diane L. Guillemette, Esquire

84Office of the Attorney General

89The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

94Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

99For Respondent: E. Raymond Shope, II, Esquire

1061404 Goodlette Road, North

110Naples, Florida 34102


117Whether Respondent violated Subsections 484.051(2),

122484.056(1)(g), 484.056(1)(h), 484.056(1)(k), 484.053(1)(f),

126484.053(3), 455.624(1)(j), and 484 .0512(l), Florida Statutes, 1

134and Rule 64B6 - 6.010, Florida Administrative Code, and, if so,

145what discipline should be imposed.


152On April 25, 2001, Petitioner, Department of Health

160(Department), filed a four - count Administrative Compla int

169against Respondent, Donald Stephens (Stephens), 2 alleging that

177Stephens violated Subsections 484.0512(1), 484.056(1)(h),

182484.051(2), and 484.056(1)(k), Florida Statutes, and Rule 64B6 -

1916.010, Florida Administrative Code. 3 The Department also filed a

201th ree - count Administrative Complaint against Stephens on

210April 25, 2001, alleging that Stephens violated

217Subsections 484.056(1)(g), 484.053(1)(f), 484.053(3),

221484.056(1)(h), and 455.624(1)(j), Florida Statutes. Stephens

227filed an Answer to Complaint, answeri ng the allegations

236contained in both Administrative Complaints. The cases were

244forwarded to DOAH, where the cases were assigned DOAH Case

254Nos. 04 - 0404PL and 04 - 0405PL, respectively. By Order of

266Consolidation dated February 17, 2003, the cases were

274consol idated.

276The final hearing was scheduled for April 1, 2003. On

286March 18, 2003, Respondent filed Respondent's Motion for

294Continuance, which was granted. The final hearing was

302rescheduled for May 5, 2003.

307The parties filed a Pre - Trial Stipulation and stipu lated to

319certain facts in section (e) of the Pre - Trial Stipulation.

330Those facts have been included in this Recommended Order.

339At the final hearing, Petitioner called Joseph Stephen

347Wright, J.F., and O.G. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 17 were

357admitted i n evidence. Respondent testified on his own behalf.

367Respondent's Exhibit 2 was admitted in evidence.

374Respondent proffered Respondent's Exhibit 1, relating to

381Respondent's discharge in bankruptcy. The parties briefed the

389issue of whether the discharge i n bankruptcy could be considered

400in this proceeding. An order was entered on May 27, 2003,

411admitting Respondent's Exhibit 1 in evidence and allowing the

420testimony given at the final hearing on the issue of

430Respondent's discharge in bankruptcy.

434Neither par ty ordered a transcript of the final hearing.

444At the final hearing the parties agreed to file their proposed

455recommended orders on or before June 2, 2003. Respondent filed

465his Proposed Recommended Order on June 2, 2003. Petitioner

474filed its Proposed Rec ommended Order on June 10, 2003, and did

486not request an extension of time to file its Proposed

496Recommended Order. On June 12, 2003, Respondent filed a Motion

506to Strike Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order as being

514untimely filed. The Motion to Strike is GRANTED.


5251. Stephens is and has been, at least since March 1999, a

537licensed Hearing Aid Specialist. His license number is AS


5472. On April 26, 1999, O.G. purchased a pair of hearing

558aids from Stephens. The total price of the hearing aids was

569$3200. O.G. paid $1600 using his Visa credit card on April 26.

581The hearing aids were delivered by Stephens to O.G. on May 14,

5931999, at which time O.G. paid the remaining $1600 by Visa credit


6063. O.G. was not happy with the hearin g aids and returned

618to Stephens' place of business, Hearing World, sometime in

627June 1999. Stephens convinced O.G. to try a different pair of

638hearing aids instead of getting a refund. O.G. agreed, and

648Stephens ordered a new pair of hearing aids, which Ste phens

659delivered on June 30, 1999.

6644. O.G. was not happy with the second pair of hearing aids

676and again returned them to Hearing World. Stephens persuaded

685O.G. to try another set of hearings aids. By letter dated

696July 26, 1999, Stephens advised as follow s:

704This letter is to confirm that:

710When you receive your remade instruments on

717or before August 15, 1999, you will have 30

726days to try them without penalty. Should

733you decide that you wish to return them for

742a refund you may do so and receive a full

752re fund of your investment.

757Further, should you need an extension of the

765trial it will be granted based on your

773request before the original trial expires.

779O.G. agreed to Stephens' proposition. The third set was

788delivered on August 14, 1999.

7935. The third s et of hearing aids was also unacceptable to

805O.G. Stephens ordered a fourth pair and delivered them to O.G.

816on October 1, 1999. O.G. was not satisfied with the fourth pair

828and asked for a refund. On November 19, 1999, O.G. received a

840letter from Stephens stating:

844We are in receipt of your request for

852cancellation. I do accept this letter as

859your notice. We are very sorry that we were

868not able to satisfy your hearing needs. We

876are having a very difficult time financially

883at this time and will not be abl e to refund

894your money as timely as you would like.

902However, we do owe you a refund and will

911take care of it as soon as we are

920financially able to do so. The refund time

928is running about 8 weeks.

9336. O.G. did receive $300 from Stephens as part of the

944re fund. Stephens made no further payments to O.G.

9537. On February 15, 1999, Joseph Wright (Wright) applied to

963the Department for admittance to the hearing aid specialist

972training program and was approved for the training program

981period March 12, 1999, throu gh September 11, 1999. The notice

992from the Department to Wright advising him that he was approved

1003for the training program stated: "A trainee may continue to

1013function as a trainee until receipt of the examination grade


10248. Stephens was Wright's sponsor. As part of the training

1034program, Stephens taught Wright, using text books and hands - on

1045training. Stephens showed Wright how to make molds and do

1055fittings. As Wright progressed, he was allowed to make the

1065molds and do fittings by himself. Wrig ht would show the molds

1077to Stephens after Wright completed them. If Wright had trouble

1087fitting a client, Stephens would come and assist Wright.

1096Generally Stephens was in the office when Wright did fittings.

11069. After completing the six - month training pro gram, Wright

1117took the Hearing Aid Specialist Examination in September 1999.

1126Wright did not pass the examination. On October 29, 1999, the

1137Department mailed Wright the notice that he had not passed the

1148examination. The evidence did not establish when Wri ght

1157received the notification that he had failed the examination.

1166Nor did the evidence establish when Stephens became aware that

1176Wright had failed the examination.

118110. At least by April 14, 2000, Wright was aware that he

1193had failed the examination becaus e on that date he again applied

1205with the Department to enter the hearing aid specialist program

1215under Stephens' sponsorship. Stephens was also aware by

1223April 14, 2000, that Wright had failed the examination because

1233Wright's application included a signed s tatement from Stephens

1242dated April 14, 2000, indicating that he would be Wright's

1252sponsor. The Department admitted Wright to the training program

1261for the period April 22, 2000, through October 21, 2000. The

1272dates for his examination were January 19 and 2 0, 2001.

128311. In February 2000, J.F. received an advertisement from

1292Hearing World, advertising free hearing examinations. On

1299March 2, 2000, J.F. went to Hearing World for the free

1310examination. He did not see Stephens and was helped by Wright.

1321J.F. sig ned a written purchase agreement to purchase two hearing

1332aids from Hearing World for $5,700. Wright performed the

1342examination, made the molds for the hearing aids, and signed the

1353purchase agreement on behalf of Hearing World. J.F. gave Wright

1363a check for $5,700 on March 2, 2000, as payment in full for the

1378hearing aids.

138012. On March 23, 2000, Wright delivered the hearing aids

1390to J.F. and signed the purchase agreement as having delivered

1400the hearing aids. Stephens was not physically present in the

1410room wi th Wright and J.F. at the time the delivery was made.

1423The purchase agreement did not contain the signature and license

1433number of Stephens. The written purchase agreement provided:

1441The purchaser agrees to wear the hearing

1448aid(s) for a period of 30 days fr om the date

1459of delivery. In the event that the

1466purchaser decides to return the hearing

1472aid(s), they must be returned to the

1479specialist of record in new working order,

1486on or before the 30th day of possession.

1494Upon receipt of the hearing aid(s) Hearing

1501Wor ld will refund the purchase price, less

1509mold and dispensing fees (mold fee $150 for

1517one aid, $200 for a set. In addition, a 5%

1527of the purchase price - dispensing fee may be


153713. J.F. tried wearing the hearing aids but experienced

1546vertigo when us ing them. He talked to Wright on April 3 and

1559explained the problem he was having with the hearing aids and

1570indicating he wanted to return the hearing aids for a refund.

1581Wright explained to J.F. that only Stephens had the authority to

1592make a refund. J.F. met with Stephens on April 12, 2000.

1603Stephens explained that he had a cash flow problem and could not

1615make a full refund at that time. It was agreed that J.F. would

1628return one of the hearing aids and try to wear the other one.

164114. On April 14, 2000, J. F. returned to Hearing World and

1653explained to Stephens that the use of one hearing aid did not

1665solve the vertigo problem that he was experiencing. J.F.

1674returned the other hearing aid and asked for a complete refund.

1685Stephens told J.F. that he did not hav e the funds to make a full

1700refund and gave J.F. $100. Stephens made no further payments to

1711J.F. for the refund on the hearing aids.

171915. Stephens filed a petition for bankruptcy on

1727September 27, 2000. A Discharge of Debtor was entered on

1737January 8, 2001, in In Re: Stephens, Donald Lane ,

1746Case No. 00 - 14949 - 8W7, United States Bankruptcy Court Middle

1758District of Florida, Tampa Division. J.F. and O.G. were listed

1768as creditors holding unsecured nonpriority claims.


177716. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

1787subject matter of this proceeding. Sections 120.569 and 120.57,

1796Florida Statutes.

179817. The Department has the burden to establish the

1807allegations in the Administrative Complaints by clear and

1815convincing evidence. Department o f Banking and Finance v.

1824Osborne Stern and Company, Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).

183518. In Count I of Case No. 03 - 0404PL, the Department

1847alleges that Stephens violated Subsection 484.056(1)(h), Florida

1854Statutes, which provides that a licensee is subject to

1863disciplinary action for a violation of any part of Part II of

1875Chapter 484, Florida Statutes, by violating Subsection

1882484.0512(1), Florida Statutes, by failing to refund the money

1891O.G. paid for his hearing aids within 30 days of delivery of the

1904hearing aids.

190619. Section 484.0512(1), Florida Statutes, provides:

1912A person selling a hearing aid in this

1920state must provide the buyer with written

1927notice of a 30 - day trial period and money -

1938back guarantee. The guarantee must permit

1944the purchaser to cancel the purchase for a

1952valid reason as defined by rule of the board

1961within 30 days after receiving the hearing

1968aid, by returning the hearing aid or mailing

1976written notice of cancellation to the

1982seller. If the hearing aid must be

1989repaired, remade, or adjusted dur ing the 30 -

1998day trial period, the running of the 30 - day

2008trial period is suspended 1 day for each 24 -

2018hour period that the hearing aid is not in

2027the purchaser's possession. A repaired,

2032remade, or adjusted hearing aid must be

2039claimed by the purchaser within 3 working

2046days after notification of availability.

2051The running of the 30 - day trial period

2060resumes on the day the purchaser reclaims

2067the repaired, remade, or adjusted hearing

2073aid or on the fourth day after notification

2081of availability.

208320. The Department has established by clear and convincing

2092evidence that Stephens violated Subsection 484.0512(1), Florida

2099Statutes. O.G. had four different sets of hearing aids. Each

2109time a new set of hearing aids was delivered, Stephens extended

2120the refund time for anot her 30 days. O.G. received the last set

2133of hearing aids on October 1, 1999, and returned them to

2144Stephens the same month. Stephens acknowledged in a letter

2153dated November 19, 1999, that O.G. had returned the hearing aids

2164and was due a refund. O.G. recei ved $300 from Stephens and

2176never received any further payment. Stephens failed to refund

2185all monies to O.G. within 30 days of O.G.'s return of the

2197hearing aids.

219921. In Count II of the Administrative Complaint in

2208Case No. 03 - 0404PL, the Department alleges that Stephens

2218violated Subsection 484.051(2), Florida Statutes, by failing

2225to direct O.G. to the Department for any complaints.

2234Subsection 484.051(2), Florida Statutes, provides that at the

2242time of delivery, any person who fits and sells hearing aids

2253sh all provide the purchaser with a receipt stating that any

2264complaints, if not reconciled with the licensee from whom the

2274hearing aid was purchased, should be directed by the purchaser

2284to the Department.

228722. In his Proposed Recommended Order, Stephens conce des

2296that the Department established the violation in Count II by

2306clear and convincing evidence. Stephens violated Subsection

2313484.051(2), Florida Statutes.

231623. In Count III of the Administrative Complaint in Case

2326No. 03 - 0404PL, the Department alleges that Stephens violated

2336Subsection 484.056(1)(k), Florida Statutes, by using a guarantee

2344in a misleading, untruthful, and deceitful way.

2351Subsection 484.056(1)(k), Florida Statutes, provides that a

2358licensee may disciplined for the following:

2364Using, or causin g or promoting the use of

2373any advertising matter, promotional

2377literature, testimonial, guarantee,

2380warranty, label, brand, insignia, or other

2386representation, however, disseminated or

2390published, which is misleading, deceiving,

2395or untruthful.

239724. The Depart ment has failed to establish by clear and

2408convincing evidence that Stephens violated Subsection

2414484.056(1)(k), Florida Statutes. The evidence does not

2421establish that Stephens was attempting to be deceitful,

2429misleading, or untruthful. Each time that O.G. was not happy

2439with his hearing aids, Stephens tried to get a pair of hearing

2451aids that would work for O.G., and, each time he delivered a new

2464pair, Stephens gave O.G. another 30 - day trial period and

2475promised a refund if the hearing aids were not satisfacto ry.

2486Stephens did pay $300 to O.G. but was unable to pay the

2498remaining amount because he did not have the money. Eventually,

2508Stephens' money problems led to his bankruptcy.

251525. In Count IV of the Administrative Complaint in Case

2525No. 03 - 0404PL, the Depart ment alleges that Stephens violated

2536Rule 64B6 - 6.010, Florida Administrative Code, and thereby

2545violated Subsection 484.056(1)(h), Florida Statutes, by failing

2552to provide the address of the Department on the sales receipt.

2563Rule 64B6 - 6.010(1), Florida Admini strative Code, provides:

2572The receipt required by Section 484.051(2),

2578F.S., shall contain the address and

2584telephone number of the Department of

2590Health, Consumer Unit, 4052 Bald Cypress

2596Way, Bin C#75, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399 -

26033275, (888)419 - 3456. Failure to provide

2610this address on the receipt shall be a

2618violation of this rule subject to

2624disciplinary action.

262626. The Department has established by clear and convincing

2635evidence and Stephens has conceded in his Proposed Recommended

2644Order that Stephens violat ed Rule 62B6 - 6.010, Florida

2654Administrative Code, and Subsection 484.056(1)(h), Florida

2660Statutes, by failing to include the address and telephone number

2670of the Department on the sales receipt given to O.G.

268027. In the Administrative Complaint in Case No. 03 - 0405PL,

2691the Department alleges that Stephens allowed Wright, an

2699unlicensed person, to practice hearing aid dispensing from

2707March 2000 until April 22, 2000, in that Wright was neither a

2719licensed hearing aid specialist or a licensed trainee.

2727Additionally, the Department alleges that Stephens did not

2735provide a sales receipt to J.F.

274128. In Count I of the Administrative Complaint in Case

2751No. 03 - 0405PL, the Department alleges that Stephens allowed an

2762unlicensed person to practice hearing aid dispensing and

2770vi olated Subsection 484.056(1)(g), Florida Statutes, which

2777provides that a hearing aid specialist may be disciplined if

2787there is "[p]roof that the licensee is guilty of fraud or deceit

2799or of negligence, incompetency, or misconduct in the practice of

2809dispensi ng hearing aids."

281329. The Department has failed to establish by clear

2822and convincing evidence that Stephens violated

2828Subsection 484.056(1)(g), Florida Statutes. It was not

2835established that Stephens knew at the time that Wright fitted

2845and delivered the hearing aids to J.F. that Wright was no longer

2857a trainee.

285930. In Count II of the Administrative Complaint in Case

2869No. 03 - 0405PL, the Department alleges that Stephens violated

2879Section 484.056(1)(h), Florida Statutes, which provides that a

2887licensee may be d isciplined for a violation of Part II of

2899Chapter 484, Florida Statutes. It further alleges that Stephens

2908violated Subsection 484.053(1)(f), Florida Statutes, by

2914knowingly employing an unlicensed person in the practice of

2923dispensing hearing aids and Subsec tion 484.053(3), Florida

2931Statutes, which provides for a penalty for a licensee who allows

2942a sale of a hearing aid by an unlicensed person who is not a

2956trainee or who fails to comply with the supervision requirements

2966of Subsection 484.0445(2), Florida Statu tes.

297231. The Department has failed to establish by clear and

2982convincing evidence that Stephens is guilty of a violation of

2992Subsection 484.053(1)(f), Florida Statutes. Wright, as a

2999trainee, was allowed to continue as a trainee until he received

3010his exam ination results. The evidence does not establish that

3020when Wright fitted J.F. for hearing aids and delivered the

3030hearing aids to him that Wright had received the examination

3040results or that Stephens was aware that Wright had received the

3051examination resul ts.

305432. Subsection 484.0445(2), Florida Statutes, provides

3060that a trainee shall perform the functions of a trainee only

3071under the direct supervision of licensed hearing aid specialist.

3080Direct supervision means that the sponsor must give final

3089approval of the work performed by the trainee and that the

3100sponsor must be physically present at the time the hearing aid

3111is delivered to a client.

311633. Rule 64B6 - 8.001, Florida Administrative Code, provides

3125that a sponsor of a hearing aid specialist trainee is

3135res ponsible for the direct supervision of the trainee. Rule

314564B6 - 8.001(3), Florida Administrative Code, defines "direct

3153supervision" as follows:

3156A relationship in which the sponsor is

3163responsible for all work being done and

3170gives final approval to work perfo rmed by

3178the trainee. The sponsor or hearing aid

3185specialist designated by the sponsor must be

3192physically present in the same room at the

3200time a hearing aid is delivered to the

3208client, and the receipt required by Section

3215484.051, Florida Statutes, must have the

3221signature and license number of the sponsor

3228or hearing aid specialist designated by the


323634. Stephens was not physically present in the room when

3246Wright delivered the hearing aids to J.F. and did not sign and

3258place his license number on the sales receipt. These acts are

3269violations of Subsection 484.053(3), Florida Statutes; however,

3276these activities were not included in the Administrative

3284Complaint and cannot now form the basis for discipline against

3294Stephens. See Marcelin v. Dept. of Busin ess and Professional

3304Regulation , 753 So. 2d 745 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2000); Ghani v. Dept.

3316of Health , 714 So. 2d 1113 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998).

332635. In Count III of the Administrative Complaint in Case

3336No. 03 - 0405PL, the Department alleges that Stephens aided an

3347unl icensed person to practice hearing aid dispensing in

3356violation of Subsection 455.624(1)(j), Florida Statutes, which

3363provides that a licensee may be disciplined for:

3371Aiding, assisting, procuring, employing,

3375or advising any unlicensed person or entity

3382to practice a profession contrary to this

3389part, the chapter regulating the profession,

3395or the rules of the department or the board.

340436. The Department has failed to establish by clear and

3414convincing evidence that Stephens violated Subsection

3420455.624(1)(j), Florida Statutes. No evidence was presented to

3428establish that either Wright or Stephens knew that Wright had

3438failed the examination and was no longer eligible for trainee

3448status. The Administrative Complaint did not allege that

3456Stephens allowed Wright to deliver hearing aids when Stephens

3465was not present or that Stephens failed to sign and place his

3477license number on the sales receipt.

348337. Rule 64B6 - 7.002, Florida Administrative Code, sets the

3493guidelines for the disposition of disciplinary cases for hear ing

3503aid specialists. It provides that the penalty for a violation

3513of Subsection 484.051(2), Florida Statutes, ranges from a

3521reprimand to six months' suspension and an administrative fine

3530from $500 to $1,000. The penalty range for a violation of

3542Subsectio n 484.056(1)(h), Florida Statutes, is reprimand to

3550revocation and an administrative fine of $500 to $1,000.


3561Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3571Law, it is

3574RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered:

35811. In Case No. 03 - 0404PL, finding that Donald Stephens

3592violated Subsections 484.0512(1) and 484.056(1)(h), Florida

3598Statutes, as set forth in Count I of the Administrative

3608Complaint; Subsection 484.051(2), Florida Statutes, as set

3615forth in Count II of the Administrative Com plaint; and

3625Subsection 484.056(1)(h), Florida Statutes, and Rule 64B6 - 6.010,

3634Florida Administrative Code, as set forth in Count IV of the

3645Administrative Complaint.

36472. In Case No. 03 - 0404PL, dismissing Count III of the

3659Administrative Complaint.

36613. In Case No. 03 - 0404PL, issuing a reprimand and imposing

3673administrative fines of $1,000 for the violations set forth in

3684Count I, $500 for the violations set forth in Count II, and $500

3697for the violations set forth in Count IV.

37054. In Case No. 03 - 0405PL dismissing the Administrative


3716DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of June, 2003, in

3726Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3735Administrative Law Judge

3738Division of Administrative Hearings

3742The DeSoto Building

37451230 Apalachee Parkway

3748Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3753(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3761Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3768Filed with the Clerk of the

3774Division of Administrative Hearings

3778this 25th day of June, 2003.


37851/ All references t o the statutes in Chapters 455 and 484,

3797Florida Statutes, are to the 1999 version.

38042/ The style of the Administrative Complaint identified the

3813Respondent as Don Stephens. Based on the evidence presented at

3823the final hearing Don Stephens and Donald Steph ens are the same


38363/ In the Administrative Complaint, the Department alleged that

3845Stephens violated Rule 64B6 - 010, Florida Administrative Code, by

3855failing to provide the address of the Department of Health,

3865AHCA, on the sales receipt. It is c lear from reading the

3877Administrative Complaint that such citation was a scrivener's

3885error and the correct citation should be Rule 64B6 - 6.010,

3896Florida Administrative Code, which requires the address of the

3905Department of Health to be placed on a sales receip t.


3919Diane L. Guillemette, Esquire

3923Office of the Attorney General

3928The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

3933Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

3938E. Raymond Shope, II, Esquire

39431404 Goodlette Road, North

3947Naples, Florida 34102

3950R. S. Power, Agency Cler k

3956Department of Health

39594052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

3965Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

3970William W. Large, General Counsel

3975Department of Health

39784052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

3984Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

3989Susan Foster, Executive Director

3993Board of Hea ring Aid Specialists

3999Department of Health

40024052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C08

4008Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


4019All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

402915 days from the date of this Recommended Order . Any exceptions

4041to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4052will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 08/13/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/11/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 5, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Strike filed by Respondent.
Date: 06/10/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Amended Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Correct Scrivener`s Error and Filing of Amended Proposed Recommended Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 06/02/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Order on Bankruptcy Evidence issued. (the testimony dealing with the discharge in bankruptcy is admitted; Respondent composite exhibit 2 is admitted)
Date: 05/14/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum in Support of Bankruptcy Evidence (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Memorandum (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/05/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 05/01/2003
Proceedings: Response to Request for Admissions filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/24/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-Trial Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: DOH`s Supplemental Response to Respondent`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for May 5, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Lakeland, FL).
Date: 03/18/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 02/24/2003
Proceedings: DOH`s Response to Respondent`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/19/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for April 1, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Lakeland, FL).
Date: 02/19/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 03-000404PL, 03-000405PL)
Date: 02/05/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Answer to Complaint filed.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Referral for Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lakeland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):