03-000627 Everett S. Rice, Pinellas County Sheriff vs. Lendel Bright
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, September 3, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent repeatedly made false statements about his extramarital affair with subordinate and use of Agency property for personal purposes after an investigation concerning these issues. Repeated false statements are bases for termination.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 03 - 0627




32Respondent. )



37Pur suant to stipulation of the parties during a telephonic

47motion hearing on June 10, 2003, this matter was submitted to

58the Division of Administrative Hearings and its duly - designated

68Administrative Law Judge, Carolyn S. Holifield, on undisputed

76facts, witho ut further evidentiary hearing.


83For Petitioner: Keith C. Tischler, Esquire

89Allen, Norton and Blue, P.A.

941669 Mahan Center Boulevard

98Post Office 12186

101Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 2186

106For Respondent: Kenneth J. Afi enko, Esquire

113Kenneth J. Afienko, P.A.

117560 First Avenue, North

121St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


129Whether Respondent was terminated as a deputy sheriff for

138offenses for which he had been previously disciplined and, if

148so, whether the termination is barred by principle of "double



161By interoffice memorandum dated February 10, 2003,

168Respondent, Lendel Bright, was notified by Petitioner,

175Everett S. Rice, Pinellas County Sheriff, that the

183Administrative Review Board determined that Respondent had

190violated the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Civil Service Act

199(Civil Service Act) and rules and regulations of the Pinellas

209County Sheriff's Office. Specifically, Respondent was charged

216with vi olating Pinellas County Sheriff's Office rules relating

225to truthfulness, falsification of Sheriff's Office records,

232bringing discredit to the Sheriff's Office, and the use of

242agency equipment for personal purposes. Based on these charges,

251Respondent was t erminated as an employee of the Pinellas County

262Sheriff's Office.

264Respondent timely challenged the charges and the penalty

272imposed and requested a formal hearing. On or about

281February 25, 2003, the matter was forwarded to the Division of

292Administrative H earings for assignment of an Administrative Law

301Judge to conduct the hearing. By notice issued May 5, 2003, the

313final hearing was set for June 10, 2003.

321On May 30, 2003, prior to the final hearing, Respondent

331filed a Motion for Final Summary Judgment and Waiver of

341Requirements of Pre - Trial Order and Formal Hearing and a

352Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Final Summary

362Judgment. On June 3, 2003, Petitioner filed a response to

372Respondent's motion for summary final order and a cross - motion

383for summa ry final order (Motions). Subsection 120.57(1)(h),

391Florida Statutes, authorizes the issuance of summary final

399orders in cases in which the Administrative Law Judge has final

410order authority. Because this is not such a case, the Motions

421are deemed to be a nd considered a motion for summary recommended

433order and a cross - motion for summary recommended order. On

444June 10, 2003, a telephone hearing on the Motions was held.

455During that proceeding, the parties made legal arguments and

464stipulated that there were no genuine issues of material fact

474regarding the charges against Respondent. The only issues are

483those set forth above.

487All citations are to Florida Statutes (2002) unless

495otherwise indicated.


5001. At all times pertinent to this case, R espondent, Lendel

511Bright (Respondent), was employed by Petitioner, Everett S.

519Rice, Pinellas County Sheriff (Petitioner or the Sheriff), as a

529deputy sheriff or a sergeant.

5342. In May 2000, Petitioner received a complaint from Mark

544Parker, the husband of B elinda Parker, that his wife was having

556an extra - marital relationship with Respondent. At the time this

567complaint was filed, Respondent was a sergeant with the Pinellas

577County Sheriff's Office (Sheriff's Office), assigned to the

585Child Protection Investiga tions Division, and Belinda Parker was

594a civilian employee in the same division and was supervised by


6063. As a result of the May 2000 complaint, Respondent's

616supervisor, Lt. Dennis Fowler, forwarded an Administrative

623Inquiry Form to the Admini strative Investigations Division

631(AID). The inquiry form was subsequently returned to the

640command level for investigation and documentation.

6464. When questioned by Lt. Fowler and Capt. Rodney Steckel,

656Respondent denied having an extra - marital relationshi p with

666Ms. Parker. The allegation was also denied by Ms. Parker.

6765. The May 2000 complaint filed by Mr. Parker was later

687determined to be unfounded based upon several factors. First,

696during the investigation, both Respondent and Ms. Parker made

705stateme nts denying the relationship. Second, Mr. Parker

713retracted his May 2000 complaint and requested that the matter

723be abandoned.

7256. On or about January 31, 2001, Mr. Parker again alleged

736that Respondent was having an extra - marital relationship with

746his wif e. In this instance, the complaint was made to

757Capt. Steckel, who on February 1, 2001, made a second complaint

768to the Sheriff's Office.

7727. As a result of this second complaint, an investigation

782was initiated and conducted by the AID. This matter was

792as signed Administrative Inquiry No. AI - 01 - 009 (AI - 01 - 009).

8078. During the course of the investigation of AI - 01 - 009,

820Respondent, while under oath, denied having an extra - marital

830relationship with Ms. Parker. Respondent also denied utilizing

838his agency cell phone for personal phone calls to Ms. Parker.

8499. At the conclusion of the investigation of AI - 01 - 009,

862the matter was referred to the Administrative Review Board

871(ARB). Thereafter, the ARB convened to conduct a proceeding.

88010. At the ARB hearing, Respon dent, while under oath,

890denied having an extra - marital relationship with Ms. Parker.

900Respondent also denied utilizing his agency cell phone for

909personal phone calls to Ms. Parker.

91511. In making these denials of the existence of an extra -

927marital relations hip with Ms. Parker to the AID investigators

937and to the ARB, Respondent was untruthful.

94412. At the conclusion of the ARB hearing, the ARB

954recommended to Petitioner that Respondent be found guilty of

963violating Sheriff's Office rules and regulations related to

971untruthfulness and performance of duty. The ARB recommended

979that Respondent receive a ten - day suspension for these


99013. On June 19, 2001, after the ARB hearing, at the

1001request of Respondent's attorney, Petitioner agreed to modify

1009the ARB r ecommendation. As part of this agreement, Petitioner

1019did not accept the ARB's recommended finding of untruthfulness

1028against Respondent, but instead found that Respondent was guilty

1037of a single Level Five violation related to duties and

1047responsibilities. For Respondent's part, he agreed to accept a

1056demotion from the rank of sergeant to deputy sheriff and to

1067waive his right to seek review of the discipline under the Civil

1079Service Act.

108114. This agreement was reached to avoid Respondent's

1089jeopardizing his la w enforcement certificate with the State of

1099Florida, Department of Law Enforcement, by having a finding of


111015. Respondent voluntarily entered into the agreement

1117discussed in paragraphs 13 and 14, and he received the benefit

1128of the agreemen t. Pursuant to the agreement, there was no

1139finding of guilt against Respondent as it relates to

1148untruthfulness, and Respondent was demoted from sergeant to

1156deputy sheriff, effective July 15, 2001, and continued to work

1166for the Sheriff's Office. With this resolution, AI - 01 - 009 was

1179closed on or about June 19, 2001.

118616. The Notice of Sustained Complaint, dated June 19,

11952001, to Respondent from the Sheriff, memorialized the agreement

1204between the Sheriff and Respondent that there would be no

1214finding as to unt ruthfulness and that Respondent would be

1224demoted. This Notice of Sustained Complaint concerned AI - 01 - 009

1236and was based on incidents which occurred between "January 2000

1246and February 2001."

124917. Between December 2001 and December 2002, after

1257entering into t he agreement discussed in paragraphs 13, 14,

1267and 15, Respondent wrote a series of memoranda and

1276correspondence to the Sheriff and others within the Sheriff's

1285Office administration. In those written communications,

1291Respondent continued to deny the existenc e of an extra - marital

1303relationship between himself and Ms. Parker. In those

1311communications, Respondent also alleged that the investigation

1318in AI - 01 - 009 was conducted inappropriately, that he was not

1331treated fairly and equally, and that he had not requeste d the

1343demotion that he agreed to in June 2001.

135118. In making the denials described in paragraph 17

1360regarding the extra - marital relationship between himself and

1369Ms. Parker and the manner in which AI - 01 - 009 was conducted and

1384resolved, Respondent was untruth ful.

138919. In February 2002, the AID again received a complaint

1399from Mr. Parker that his wife was continuing to have an extra -

1412marital relationship with Respondent.

141620. As a result of the complaint and additional

1425information provided by Mr. Parker, the AID again initiated an

1435investigation into the allegations of the extra - marital


144521. In July 2002, Ms. Parker provided a sworn statement

1455admitting the existence of an extra - marital relationship between

1465herself and Respondent. Ms. Parker also prov ided additional

1474information regarding the circumstances surrounding that extra -

1482marital relationship.

148422. In December 2002, the Sheriff submitted an interoffice

1493memorandum to the AID notifying Respondent that he was the

1503subject of an administrative investi gation regarding violations

1511related to truthfulness and conduct unbecoming a member of the

1521Sheriff's Office. Petitioner stated in the interoffice

1528memorandum that as a result of Respondent's correspondence, in

1537which he repeatedly denied having an inappropr iate relationship

1546with Ms. Parker and claimed that the prior investigation was

1556unfair, Petitioner "feels obligated to take the extraordinary

1564measure to direct the Administrative Investigations Division to

1572're - examine this particular matter' and present the findings to

1583the ARB."

158523. As a result of the December 2002 interoffice

1594memorandum, the AID conducted an investigation into the actions

1603of Respondent as they related to his conduct, the use of agency

1615equipment, and his testimony and statements previously given to

1624supervisors or in previous investigations. This matter was

1632assigned Administrative Inquiry No. AI - 02 - 082 (AI - 02 - 082).

164624. During the investigation of AI - 02 - 082 that followed,

1658the AID confirmed the statement of Ms. Parker regarding the

1668existence of an extra - marital relationship between her and


167925. As part of the investigation of AI - 02 - 082, on

1692January 22, 2003, Respondent gave a sworn statement, in which he

1703admitted to having an extra - marital relationship with

1712Ms. Parker. Respondent a lso admitted that he had been

1722untruthful in his previous statements regarding the extra -

1731marital relationship.

173326. During the investigation related to AI - 02 - 082, in his

1746January 22, 2003, sworn statement, Respondent admitted to

1754utilizing Sheriff's Office pr operty, a cell phone, for personal

1764purposes without providing reimbursement to the Sheriff's Office

1772for the personal usage. Many of these phone calls were to

1783Ms. Parker and took place after the closure of AI - 01 - 009.

179727. During the investigation related t o AI - 02 - 082, in a

1811sworn statement, Respondent admitted to authoring official

1818Sheriff's Office documents, interoffice memoranda, and

1824correspondence, that contained falsehoods. In one memo, written

1832in or about December 2001, to the chief deputy in the Sheri ff's

1845Office, Respondent stated, "I never had or considered having an

1855affair with Mrs. Parker, there was only a personal friendship"

1865and that he "was truthful at all times." These memoranda were

1876official Sheriff's Office communications that were written an d

1885disseminated by Respondent after the closure of AI - 01 - 009.

189728. Notwithstanding Respondent's repeated and continuous

1903denials in official Sheriff's Office documents, he continued to

1912have an extra - marital relationship with Ms. Parker after

1922AI - 01 - 009 was se ttled and closed. By Respondent's own

1935admission, the extra - marital relationship with Ms. Parker began

1945in January 2000 and did not end until February or March 2002.

195729. After the investigation of AI - 02 - 082 was concluded, an

1970ARB hearing was convened on or about February 10, 2003. During

1981this proceeding, Respondent again admitted to having an extra -

1991marital relationship with Ms. Parker and to his having been

2001untruthful in his previous statements regarding the extra -

2010marital relationship. Respondent also admi tted that he utilized

2019the Sheriff's Office property, a cell phone, for personal

2028purposes without providing reimbursement to the Sheriff's Office

2036for the personal usage. Moreover, Respondent admitted that he

2045wrote and distributed interoffice memoranda and correspondence,

2052referenced above, that contained falsehoods.

205730. Based on its review of the allegations and the

2067evidence related to AI - 02 - 082, the ARB determined that

2079Respondent was guilty of violating the Civil Service Act and the

2090rules, regulations, and operating procedures of the Sheriff's


209931. A February 10, 2003, interoffice memorandum sets forth

2108the violations with which Respondent is charged and the conduct,

2118which is the basis of those violations. The violations and

2128conduct are summarized as follows:

2133a. Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Rule

21393 - 1.1 (Level Five violation), 5.6 related to

2148Truthfulness; to wit: Members are required

2154to be truthful at all times when acting in

2163an official capacity, whether under oath or

2170not, such as when offeri ng testimony in

2178legal proceedings and administrative


2183Synopsis: Respondent was untruthful,

2187repeatedly, to both supervision and the

2193Administrative Investigations Division

2196(while under oath) concerning his

2201involvement in a paramour relatio nship.

2207b. Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Rule

22133 - 1.1 (Level Five Violation), 5.14 related

2221to Conduct Unbecoming Members of the Agency,

2228to wit: Knowingly making false entry or

2235cause false entry to be made in any official

2244record of the Sheriff's Office .

2250Synopsis: Respondent knowingly made false

2255entry on official agency records by

2261repeatedly submitting inter - office

2266memorandums, which he now admits contained

2272both falsehoods and mistruths.

2276c. Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Rule

22823 - 1.3 (Level Three Violation), 3.1 related

2290to Standard of Conduct, to wit: Members

2297shall conduct their private and professional

2303lives in such a manner as to not bring

2312discredit to the Sheriff's Office.

2317Synopsis: Due to Respondent's paramour

2322relationship and his attempt to perpetrate

2328falsehood and mistruths concerning the

2333administrative investigative process, he

2337brought discredit to the Sheriff's Office.

2343d. Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Rule

23493 - 1.1 (Level Three Violation), 3.1 related

2357to Unauthorized Use of Agency Equipment, to

2364wit: Members will not appropriate equipment

2370owned by the agency for their own use.

2378Synopsis: Respondent repeatedly used the

2383agency - issued cellular telephone for

2389personal use and failed to reimburse the

2396agency for those calls.

240032. The vio lations resulted in a cumulative point total

2410of 75, which allows for discipline from a ten - day suspension to


242433. The ARB recommended to the Sheriff's Office that

2433Respondent be terminated. The Sheriff reviewed the

2440recommendation of the ARB an d agreed with the recommendation.

2450In the Notification of Sustained Complaint dated February 10,

24592003, the Sheriff notified Respondent that he was being

2468terminated from employment with the Sheriff's Office. The

2476notification indicated that the complaint wh ich was the basis of

2487the sustained complaint involved incidents that occurred on

"2495June 2000 through [p]resent."

249934. The violations in AI - 01 - 009 and the underlying

2511conduct, which was the basis for those violations, were resolved

2521pursuant to the negotiated settlement agreement between the

2529Sheriff and Respondent. Therefore, that conduct is not

2537actionable in a subsequent disciplinary proceeding. However,

2544the Sheriff is not precluded from imposing discipline for

2553conduct which occurred after AI - 01 - 009 was clo sed.


256835. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2575jurisdiction of the subject matter and the parties to this

2585action pursuant to Sections 120.57 and 120.68(8), Florida

2593Statutes, and Chapter 89 - 404, Section 8, Laws of Florida, as

2605amend ed by Chapter 90 - 395, Section 8, Laws of Florida.

261736. Chapter 89 - 404, Section 6, Laws of Florida, as amended

2629by Chapter 90 - 395, Laws of Florida, authorizes Petitioner to

2640suspend, dismiss, or demote classified employees for offenses

2648enumerated in that prov ision. That section provides, in

2657relevant part, that disciplinary action may be imposed for

2666inefficiency or inadequate job performance; dishonesty;

2672violation of the provision of law or the rules, regulations, and

2683operating procedures of the Sheriff's Offi ce; and conduct

2692unbecoming to a public servant.

269737. Pursuant to Chapter 89 - 404, Laws of Florida, as

2708amended by Chapter 90 - 395, Laws of Florida, deputy sheriffs are

2720civil service or classified employees and are subject to the

2730provisions thereof.

273238. The c harging document filed against Respondent in this

2742proceeding alleges that Respondent violated rules and

2749regulations of the Sheriff's Office related to truthfulness,

2757conduct unbecoming members of the agency, standard of conduct,

2766and unauthorized use of agen cy equipment.

277339. It is well established that the burden is on the party

2785asserting the affirmative of an issue in an administrative

2794proceeding. Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company,

2801Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Balino v. Department

2813of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st

2824DCA 1977). However, that burden is inapplicable in this case

2834because Respondent does not dispute the material factual


284340. Respondent contends that Sheriff's decision to

2850termina te Respondent's employment is barred by the principle of

2860double jeopardy enunciated in Article I, Section 9, Florida

2869Constitution. That section provides, "No person shall be

2877deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of

2887law, or be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, or be

2900compelled in any criminal matter to be a witness against


291141. Respondent argues that the underlying allegations in

2919AI - 02 - 082, which are the basis of his termination, are based on

2934the "exact same offense" t hat he was found guilty of in

2946AI - 01 - 009.

295142. Respondent's contention that his proposed termination

2958from employment by Petitioner is prohibited by the double

2967jeopardy is rejected.

297043. It is a well - established principle that double

2980jeopardy does not apply to administrative proceedings . See

2989Department of Professional Regulation v. Burnstein , Case No. 87 -

29994793 (DOAH February 25, 1988)(Final Order entered on July 11,

30091988), in which the hearing officer declined to apply double

3019jeopardy to an administrati ve proceeding, stating "[w]hile

3027'penal in nature,' administrative proceedings are not criminal

3036actions in which a principle such as double jeopardy would


304744. Although double jeopardy does not apply in

3055administrative proceedings, clearly to discip line Respondent for

3063the same conduct, which was the underlying basis for previous

3073disciplinary action, would violate all notions of fundamental

3081fairness and due process. See School Board of Pinellas

3090County v. James E. Wilkins, Jr. , Case No. 85 - 2267 (DOAH

3102December 2, 1985) (Final Order entered March 12, 1986), in which

3113hearing officer stated that, "while double jeopardy is not

3122specifically applicable to administrative proceedings, the

3128principles on which Article V of the United States Constitution

3138and [Arti cle I] Section 9 of the Florida Constitution are based

3150clearly preclude one receiving an administrative punishment

3157twice for the same offense." Applying that principle to this

3167case, any conduct which was the underlying basis of AI - 01 - 009,

3181cannot be the ba sis for the disciplinary action which is at

3193issue in this proceeding.

319745. Conduct in which Respondent engaged after that time

3206and for which Respondent had not previously been disciplined may

3216be the basis for disciplinary action being sought in this case.

3227However, conduct which occurred prior to June 19, 2001, and for

3238which Respondent has been disciplined may not be used to support

3249the alleged violations in this case.

325546. The complaint in this case alleges that Respondent

3264violated four Sheriff's Office ru les.

327047. First, it is alleged that Respondent violated

3278Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.6 (a Level Five violation)

3289related to truthfulness. That rule requires civil service

3297members be truthful at all times when acting in an official

3308capacity, whether under oath or not, such as when offering

3318testimony in legal proceedings and administrative

3324investigations. The Sheriff alleges that Respondent violated

3331this provision by being untruthful "to both supervision and the

3341Administrative Investigations Division (while under oath)

3347concerning his paramour relationship."

335148. The alleged violation of Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1,

33625.6 is not sustained. It is undisputed that Respondent made

3372untruthful statements to his supervisors and to the AID

3381concerning his relationship with Ms. Parker while he was under

3391oath. However, this conduct was the underlying basis for

3400violations in AI - 01 - 009, a matter that was resolved pursuant to

3414a negotiated settlement and for which Respondent was


342349. Second, it is alleged that R espondent violated

3432Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.14 (a Level Five violation) by

3444knowingly making false entries in official records of the

3453Sheriff's Office. Such actions are deemed to be "conduct

3462unbecoming members of the agency." It is alleged that

3471Res pondent knowingly made false entries on official agency

3480records "by repeatedly submitting inter - office memorandums,

3488which he now admits contained both falsehoods and mistruths."

349750. The violation of Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.14, is sustained. It

3509is undisputed that i n several memoranda deemed to be official

3520records and all written after June 19, 2001, Petitioner

3529repeatedly stated that he had been treated unfairly in the

3539previous proceeding and that he had not agreed to the negotiated

3550settlement in AI - 01 - 009. It is al so undisputed that in or about

3566December 2001, Respondent stated in one of these memoranda that

3576he "never had or considered having an affair with Mrs. Parker,"

3587although at that time he was, in fact, having an affair with

3599her. These statements were false an d known by Respondent to be

3611false at the time he made them. Moreover, this conduct was not

3623conduct for which Respondent had been previously disciplined.

3631Therefore, it is a proper basis to establish the violation of

3642Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.14.

364951. Third, it is alleged that Respondent violated

3657Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 2.1, 3.1 (a Level Three violation) which

3669requires that members conduct their private and professional

3677lives in such a manner as to not bring discredit to the

3689Sheriff's Office. It is al leged that Respondent violated this

3699rule "due to his paramour relationship and his attempt to

3709perpetrate falsehoods and mistruths concerning the

3715administrative process, he brought discredit to the Sheriff's

3723office." This violation is sustained.

372852. It is undisputed that Respondent continued to have an

3738extra - marital affair with Ms. Parker, a civilian employee of the

3750Sheriff's Office, well after June 19, 2001, when AI - 01 - 009 was

3764resolved. Respondent's conduct in this regard brought discredit

3772to the Sheriff 's Office.

377753. Finally, it is alleged that Respondent violated

3785Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 3.1, related to unauthorized use of

3797agency equipment by repeatedly using his agency - issued cellular

3807telephone for personal calls and failed to reimburse the agency

3817for those calls. This violation is sustained.

382454. It is undisputed that after June 19, 2001, Respondent

3834used his agency - issued cellular telephone to make personal calls

3845to Ms. Parker and that he never reimbursed the Sheriff's Office

3856for these calls.

385955. Based on the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of

3868violating Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.14, related to conduct

3879unbecoming members of the agency, a Level Five violation;

3888Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 3.1, related to standard of

3899conduct, a Level Three viol ation; and Sheriff's Office Rule

39093 - 1.1, 3.1, related to unauthorized use of agency equipment, a

3921Level Three violation.


3925Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3934of Law, it is hereby:

3939RECOMMENDED that the Civil Service B oard of the Pinellas

3949County Sheriff's Office enter a final order finding Respondent

3958guilty of violating Sheriff's Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 5.14, related

3969to conduct unbecoming members of the agency; Sheriff's Office

3978Rule 3 - 1.1, 3.1, related to standard of conduct ; and Sheriff's

3990Office Rule 3 - 1.1, 3.1, related to unauthorized use of agency

4002equipment; and upholding Respondent's termination as a deputy

4010sheriff with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office.

4017DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of September, 2003, in

4027Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4035Administrative Law Judge

4038Division of Administrative Hearings

4042The DeSoto Building

40451230 Apalachee Parkway

4048Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4053(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4061Fax F iling (850) 921 - 6847


4069Filed with the Clerk of the

4075Division of Administrative Hearings

4079this 3rd day of September, 2003.


4088Kenneth J. Afienko, Esquire

4092Kenneth J. Afienko, P.A.

4096560 First Avenue, North

4100St. Petersburg, Fl orida 33701

4105Keith C. Tischler, Esquire

4109Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.

41141669 Mahan Center Boulevard

4118Post Office Box 12186

4122Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 2186

4127B. Norris Rickey, Esquire

4131Pinellas County Attorney's Office

4135315 Court Street

4138Clearwater, Florida 34616

4141Jean H. Kwall, General Counsel

4146Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

4150Post Office Drawer 2500

4154Largo, Florida 33779 - 2500


4165All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

417515 days from the date of this Recomm ended Order. Any exceptions

4187to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4198will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/10/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 11/03/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 10, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/09/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Holifield from K. Tischler enclosing case cites filed.
Date: 06/03/2003
Proceedings: Response of Petitioner to Motion for Summary Final Order of Respondent and Cross Motion for Summary Final Order of Petitioner Pursuan to Fla. Admin. Code Section 28-106.204(4) filed.
Date: 05/30/2003
Proceedings: Deposition (of E. Rice) filed.
Date: 05/30/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Exhibits filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/30/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Final Summary Judgment and Waiver of Requirements of Pre-Trial Order and Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 05/30/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Final Summary Judgment filed.
Date: 04/29/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/24/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (the motion for protective order is granted as it relates to questions concerning Respondent`s prior admitted relationship with a subordinate employee)
Date: 04/14/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Second Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/11/2003
Proceedings: Response of Petitioner to Motion for Protective Order of Respondent (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition, L. Bright (filed by K. Tischler via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Ruling or Scheduling of Hearing on Respondent`s Motion for Protective Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Protective Order Regarding Deposition of Lendel Bright (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s First Request to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Taking Deposition, E. Rice, D. Wiggins (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/26/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 03/26/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 03/26/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Interrogatories of Petitioner filed.
Date: 03/26/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/13/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by K. Tischler).
Date: 03/07/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 03/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 10, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Largo, FL).
Date: 03/05/2003
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 02/26/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Violation of Rules and Regulation filed.
Date: 02/25/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal Request for Civil Service Board Review filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Largo, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):