03-000950 Kenneth Davis vs. Pinellas County Sheriff`s Office
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, August 20, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Sheriff`s Office`s Administrative Review Board suspended, transferred, and reduced rank of deputy Petitioner for alleged sexual harassment of co-worker. Sheriff failed to carry burden of proof. Recommend Petitioner be restored to previous rank and duty.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 03 - 0950





30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice and in accordance with Sections 120.569

44and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, a formal hearing was held in

54this case, on May 16, 2003, in St. Petersburg, Florida, before

65Fred L. Buckine, the designated Administrative Law Judge of the

75Division of Administ rative Hearings.


81For Petitioner: William M. Laubach, Esquire

87Pinellas County Police Benevolent


9214450 46th Street, North, Suite 115

98Clearwater , Florida 33762

101For Respondent: Keith C. Tischler, Esquire

107Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.

1121669 Mahan Center Boulevard

116Tallahassee, Florida 32308


123The issues for deter mination are whether Petitioner,

131Kenneth Davis, made sexually harassing statements and made body

140contact with a female counselor so as to constitute sexual

150harassment and a hostile work environment, in violation of

159Pinellas County Sheriff Office Civil Serv ice Act and the rules

170and regulations of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, and, if

180so, what is the appropriate penalty.


188On March 10, 2003, Respondent, Sheriff Everett S. Rice,

197notified Petitioner, Detention Deputy Kenneth Davis, t hat the

206Administrative Review Board had determined that Petitioner had

214violated the Pinellas County Sheriff Office Civil Service Act

223and the rules and regulations of the Pinellas County Sheriff's

233Office. As the result of the Administrative Review Board's

242determination, Respondent notified Petitioner that he was

249suspended ten days without pay and demoted from the rank of

260detention corporal to the rank of detention deputy. Petitioner

269denied the charges, contested the imposed penalty, and requested

278a formal hearing.

281On March 19, 2003, Petitioner's notice of appeal from the

291above disciplinary action and request for a hearing was referred

301to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

307On March 28, 2003, a Notice of Hearing, scheduling the

317final hearing for May 6 , 2003, in St. Petersburg, Florida, was

328entered. On March 31, 2003, an Amended Notice of Hearing,

338rescheduling the final hearing for May 1 and 2, 2003, was


350On April 15, 2003, an Order was entered granting a

360continuance and rescheduling the final hearing for May 16, 2003.

370On April 22, 2003, Respondent's Disclosure Pursuant to Section

379120.57(1)(d), Florida Statutes, was filed.

384On May 2, 2003, Respondent's Motion in Limine was filed,

394and on May 5, 2003, a (Joint) Pre - Hearing Stipulation was filed.

407On May 8, 2003, a telephonic case status conference was held.

418The hearing was held on May 16, 2003. At the hearing,

429Petitioner testified on his own behalf and also presented the

439testimony of one witness, Detention Deputy Herman Hartfield,

447Petitioner's co - worker, and introduced one exhibit (PBA - A) into

459evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of five witnesses:

467Lori Atwater (sexual harassment complainant), an inmate

474counselor; Jacqueline Hobbs, program service supervisor;

480Detention Deputy Peggy Hender son, Petitioner's co - worker;

489Detention Deputy Linda Miller, Petitioner's co - worker; and Major

499Kirk Bruner, Detention and Correction Bureau commander and

507Petitioner's chain - of - command superior officer. Respondent

516introduced 15 exhibits (R - 1 through R - 15) t hat were accepted

530into evidence; Respondent's exhibits R - 13 and R - 14 were

542withdrawn. The parties submitted the Pinellas County Sheriff's

550Office's Administrative Review Board Complaint Determination as

557a joint exhibit (J - 1) that was accepted into evidence.

568On May 22, 2003, a two - volume Transcript was filed.

579On June 2, 2003, the parties filed a joint motion for an

591extension of time to submit proposed recommended orders, and by

601Order of the same date, the parties' motion was granted,

611extending the filing date until July 15, 2003, thereby waiving

621the time requirement for this Recommended Order. See Rule 28 -

632106.216, Florida Administrative Code.

636Respondent and Petitioner filed proposed recommended orders

643and memoranda of law on July 14 and 16, 2003, respectively , and

655they have been considered by the undersigned in preparation of

665this Recommended Order. (All statutory references are to

673Florida Statutes (2003) unless otherwise stated.)


682Based upon observation of the witnesses and their demeanor

691whi le testifying in person and the documentary materials

700received in evidence, stipulations by the parties, evidentiary

708rulings made pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, and

717the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant and

726material facts are found:

7301. Respondent, Sheriff Everett S. Rice (Sheriff), is a

739constitutional officer of the State of Florida, responsible for

748providing law enforcement and correctional services within the

756geographic boundaries of Pinellas County, Florida.

7622. Petiti oner, Detention Deputy Kenneth Davis (Deputy

770Davis), is a 23 - year employee with the Pinellas County Sheriff's

782Office, having spent his entire career as a detention officer.

792As a result of years of training and experience, Deputy Davis is

804intimately famili ar with the Sheriff's policy regarding sexual

813harassment, detention policies, operations, procedures, and the

820priority of security applicable to detention deputies.

8273. The evidence demonstrates that in the collective

835opinions of those detention deputies w ho worked longest with

845Deputy Davis, all agreed that his personality was that of one

856who "[was] loud and obnoxious -- to pretty much everybody,"

"866play[ed] around a lot," "never insulted anybody," and "[didn't]

875mean any harm."

8784. At all times pertinent to th is cause, Deputy Davis held

890the rank of detention corporal until the Sheriff reduced his

900rank to Deputy and removed him from his position of detention

911corporal on March 10, 2003. Deputy Davis' chain - of - command

923consisted of Major Kirk Brunner, Detention an d Correction Bureau

933commander; Captain Nesbitt; Lieutenant Keith George; and

940Sergeant Buckingham. Deputy Davis did not have authority over

949Lori Atwater (Ms. Atwater), the complainant in this cause. He

959was not in her chain - of - command nor was he one of her bosses in

976the sense that he could assign her tasks.

9845. At all times pertinent to this cause, Deputy Davis

994worked in detention barrack C, North Division. Barrack C is a

1005two - storied structure divided into B block and C block, with

1017each cellblock divided i nto an upper level and lower level.

1028Deputy Davis had four deputies under his supervision in

1037cellblock C.

10396. At all times pertinent to this cause, Control Deputy

1049Salazar worked the control center at barrack C. The control

1059deputy is stationed in a glassed enclosure with clear view of

1070individuals desiring entrance into the waiting room of barrack C

1080and with clear view of inmates desiring to leave the cellblock

1091and enter the waiting room.

10967. On or about March 4, 2002, Ms. Atwater, an African -

1108American and a long - time resident of St. Petersburg, Florida,

1119commenced employment with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

1127as an inmate - counselor. Ms. Atwater has an Associate of Science

1139degree in Computer Technology Engineering and a Bachelor of

1148Science degree in Man agement Information Systems. Her inmate -

1158counselor duties consisted of identifying inmates who had

1166family, legal, and personal issues requiring her intervention.

1174The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) employed

1183Ms. Atwater for ten years befo re she began employment with the

1195Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. While employed with DCFS, she

1204worked in food stamps, Medicaid, protective services, adoptions,

1212and several community recruitment programs. DCFS also has a

1221policy against sexual harassment .

12268. The Sheriff has adopted Pinellas County Sheriff's

1234Office General Order 3 - 4, which defines and prohibits sexual

1245harassment. Pursuant to General Order 3 - 4, sexual harassment is

1256defined as:

12581. All unwelcome or unwanted advances;

1264including sexual adv ances or unwanted sexual

1271attention, whether between person(s) of the

1277opposite or same sex. This includes, but is

1285not limited to, leering, touching, patting,

1291brushing against, hugging, kissing,

1295fondling, any other similar physical

1300contact, or quid pro quo arrangements (i.e.,

1307a situation in which an employee is forced

1315to engage in unwelcomed sexual conduct in

1322order to protect or advance his/her job.)

13292. Unwelcome requests or demands for

1335favors, including sexual favors. This

1340consists of subtle or blatan t expectations,

1347pressures, or request for any type of favor,

1355including sexual favor, including unwelcome

1360requests for dates, whether or not the

1367request is accompanied by an implied or

1374stated promise of preferential treatment or

1380negative consequences.

13823. Inappropriate third party comments or

1388one time comments made which do not

1395constitute a hostile work environment,

1400language not directed at the offended

1406member, jokes (spoken, printed or drawn)

1412that are not directed at the offended member

1420or joint banter of a sexual or offensive

1428nature in which the offended member may or

1436may not be a party.

1441All employees of the Sheriff, including Deputy Davis and

1450Ms. Atwater, received instructions regarding the Sheriff's

1457Sexual Harassment Policy.

14609. The evidence demonst rates that beginning in March of

14702002 and continuing through the months of April and May 2002,

1481Ms. Atwater noticed, without telling him to stop and without

1491reporting her resulting complaint to her supervisor, that

1499Lieutenant George would call her "Ms. Ashw ood." At some

1509unspecified time prior to March of 2002, Ms. Atwater concluded

1519that the name "Ms. Ashwood" was offensive. Ms. Atwater based

1529her conclusion on her interpretation and knowledge of the

1538general reputation of a Ms. Ashwood (no first name given) within

1549the African - American community of St. Petersburg. According to

1559Ms. Atwater, Ms. Ashwood was known throughout the African -

1569American community for engaging in sexual encounters with

1577multiple partners.

157910. As a direct result of her superior, Lieutenan t George,

1590continuously calling her Ms. Ashwood, a name she considered to

1600be sexually offensive, Ms. Atwater chose not to report her

1610sexual harassment complaint against Lieutenant George through

1617the proper protocol. The record contains no evidence that

1626Ms . Atwater asked Lieutenant George what was his intended

1636meaning by calling her Ms. Ashwood. The evidence demonstrates

1645that Lieutenant George, having been involved in both the hiring

1655of Ms. Atwater as well as involved in her performance

1665evaluation, knew he r name to be Ms. Atwater.

1674Alleged statements made by Deputy Davis to Ms. Atwater in the

1685cafeteria during a lunch period.

169011. The evidence demonstrated that Ms. Atwater and Deputy

1699Davis initially enjoyed a rather cordial relationship at work

1708during the pe riod of March through May 2002, at least by outward

1721appearances. Deputy Davis and Ms. Atwater both attended read -

1731off sessions; on occasions, they walked together from the read -

1742off sessions back to barrack A; and on two separate occasions,

1753they were seated at the same table in the compound's buffet -

1765styled cafeteria. They did not have contact with each other

1775beyond what was necessary in the performance of their respective

1785duties. They did not have contact with each other outside the


179712. On some unspecified date during lunch in the compound

1807cafeteria, Ms. Atwater chose to ask Deputy Davis why Lieutenant

1817George kept calling her Ms. Ashwood. According to Ms. Atwater,

1827Deputy Davis came over to the table where she sat and she

1839allegedly initiated the following conversation:

1844Atwater: I really don't appreciate that,

1850him [Lieutenant George] calling me

1855Ms. Ashwood.

1857Davis: He's probably P - U - S - S - Y whipped and

1871you probably remind him of her.

1877Atwater: He just alluded to -- and used the

1886term inside whore.

1889Atwater: What's an inside whore?

1894Davis: That's when you sleep with someone

1901that makes Decisions for your career.

1907Atwater: If I ever get promoted around here

1915it will not be because I've slept with

1923anybody, but based on my own merits.

193013. At the fi nal hearing, Deputy Davis denied the

1940allegations regarding the above statements attributed to him by

1949Ms. Atwater. Thus, the evidence is irreconcilably in conflict

1958as to whether Deputy Davis made those statements attributed to

1968him with the intent of sexual ly harassing Ms. Atwater, and if

1980the statements were, in fact, made, whether his answers were

1990truthful responses to her question.

199514. The compound cafeteria has several long tables seating

2004six to eight persons and several shorter tables seating four to

2015si x persons. It is significant that not a single witness, from

2027among others who were seated at the same table with Ms. Atwater

2039and Deputy Davis in the cafeteria on that unspecified day, was

2050called to corroborate the statements allegedly made by Deputy

2059Davis to Ms. Atwater. With knowledge of the Sheriff's sexual

2069harassment policy coupled with her prior knowledge of DCFS's

2078similar sexual harassment policy, and having been highly

2086offended by Deputy Davis' conversation, it is significant that

2095Ms. Atwater, whos e counseling job included accurate record

2104keeping, made no attempt to record this first incident with

2114Deputy Davis resulting from repeated incidents with Lieutenant

2122George. Additionally, Ms. Atwater chose not to follow protocol

2131and report to her immediate supervisor her complaint of sexual

2141harassment by a relatively new co - worker.

214915. Having carefully weighed and evaluated all the

2157relevant, persuasive, and credible evidence, the undersigned is

2165unable to find that Ms. Atwater's testimony is superior in

2175wei ght and quantity, thus proving by a preponderance of the

2186evidence that Deputy Davis made unwelcome or unwanted sexual

2195comments or advances and/or unwelcome unwanted sexual demands,

2203nor created a hostile work environment as Ms. Atwater has

2213accused him. Thi s determination reflects the fact finder's

2222judgment concerning the weight of the evidence and nothing more;

2232it is not a finding regarding what was said or not said by

2245Ms. Atwater or by Deputy Davis during the alleged conversation

2255that took place on some u nspecified date in the compound


2267Alleged intentional body contact by Deputy Davis with

2275Ms. Atwater in the cafeteria buffet serving line.

228316. Ms. Atwater further testified that on another

2291unspecified day while she was in the cafeteria buffet s erving

2302line fixing her salad, she felt "a brazen -- it felt maybe like

2315his [Deputy Davis] radio or something - it was hard -- and then he

2329went in my ear 'boo.' It made me jumpy and I made a squealing

2343noise - because I didn't expect anything to braze in the back o n

2357my ---- ." Continuing, Ms. Atwater testified that Lieutenant

2366George came in the cafeteria at that time, and she asked him

"2378why don't you tell your friend to just cut it out?" The

2390Sheriff did not call Lieutenant George to testify. No other

2400witness testif ied to corroborate Ms. Atwater's statements.

2408Deputy Davis denied this second allegation of intentionally

2416making body contact with Ms. Atwater and speaking in her ear.

242717. Having carefully weighed and evaluated all the

2435relevant, persuasive, and credible e vidence, the undersigned is

2444unable to find that Ms. Atwater's testimony is superior in

2454weight and quantity and that Deputy Davis engaged in the conduct

2465of which Ms. Atwater has accused him. This determination

2474reflects the fact finder's judgment concerning the weight of the

2484evidence and nothing more; it is not a finding regarding what

2495occurred or did not occur on that unspecified date between

2505Deputy Davis and Ms. Atwater in the buffet serving line in the

2517compound cafeteria.

251918. It is significant that Ms. A twater, whose counseling

2529job required accurate and detailed daily record keeping, made no

2539record of Deputy Davis' second alleged sexual harassment of her

2549person. With firsthand knowledge of the Sheriff's sexual

2557harassment policy plus her ten - year experien ce with a similar

2569sexual harassment policy during her employment with DCFS,

2577Ms. Atwater chose again not to follow proper protocol. She

2587chose not to properly report this second incident to her

2597immediate supervisor. Her second decided refusal to report wh at

2607she considered sexual harassment by the same co - worker is not a

2620defense, if Deputy Davis was guilty of such conduct, and does

2631not absolve him from liability. Having chosen for the second

2641consecutive occasion not to report the alleged sexual harassment

2650by Deputy Davis does present a significant impediment regarding

2659Ms. Atwater's memory, recall, and credibility.

2665Alleged repeated harassing comments by Deputy Davis resulting

2673from Ms. Atwater's frightened squealing.

267819. Concluding, Ms. Atwater testified th at "for months"

2687after the undated cafeteria serving line incident, "every time"

2696she would see Deputy Davis (minimum twice a week in barrack C)

2708he would repeatedly come behind her and say -- "Ewwww, counselor,"

2719and "Counselor, I want to see you." According t o her, these

2731statements allegedly resulted from the cafeteria serving line

2739incident and from a subsequent work related discussion and

2748disagreement between Deputy Davis and Ms. Atwater regarding the

2757form "62" (a form used by inmates requesting to see the

2768co unselor). Ms. Atwater, when confronted with what she

2777considered a third but continuing sexual harassment by Deputy

2786Davis, again chose not to follow protocol and report this third

2797incident to her supervisor. It is significant that according to

2807Ms. Atwater , she was initially and had been continuously

2816sexually offended by Lieutenant George calling her Ms. Ashwood.

2825When she inquired of Deputy Davis why Lieutenant George called

2835her Ms. Ashwood, she was again sexually offended by his alleged

2846answer to her ques tion. She turns then to Lieutenant George,

2857who was continually sexual harassing her and (did not ask him to

2869stop calling her Ms. Ashwood) asks his assistance (not to file a

2881proper complaint) but to have Deputy Davis (whose answer to her

2892question about Lie utenant George she considered sexual

2900harassment) to "just knock it off."

290620. Regarding her third alleged sexual harassment

2913complaint against Deputy Davis (Ms. Atwater with knowledge that

2922Lieutenant George and Deputy Davis were friends and she

2931admittedly i ntended to take advantage of their friendship), she

2941went to Lieutenant George, who (1) had continuously called her

2951Ms. Ashwood; (2) was in her chain - of - command; and (3) was also

2966in Deputy Davis' chain - of - command (but not file a complaint

2979against Deputy Dav is) and asked if he would "talk to his friend

2992[Deputy Davis] -- I don't want to make waves over this - I don't

3006want to make a big to do - if you could talk to him -- just have him

3024knock it off." At the final hearing, Deputy Davis denied her

3035third allegation that he would repeatedly come behind her and

3045say -- "Ewwww, counselor," and "Counselor, I want to see you." It

3057is significant that after months and three separate allegations

3066of sexual harassment by Deputy Davis, Ms. Atwater chose not to

3077follow protocol and make a sexual harassment complaint against

3086Deputy Davis to Lieutenant George, who would have been obligated

3096to initiate a formal investigation. She chose instead to ask a

3107favor from one who had continuously called her the sexually

3117harassing name of Ms. Ashwoo d.

312321. The evidence is irreconcilably in conflict as to

3132whether Deputy Davis continually made the alleged sexual and

3141harassing comments to Ms. Atwater during an unspecified number

3150of months. The Sheriff presented no witness to corroborate Ms.

3160Atwater's a llegations on this issue. Lieutenant George was not

3170called to testify, leaving Ms. Atwater's hearsay testimony

3178regarding this particular issue without corroboration. For the

3186third time, Ms. Atwater chose to not follow protocol and report

3197her third sexual harassment incident. The fact finder

3205acknowledges that her third decided refusal to report sexual

3214harassment by the same co - worker is not a defense, if he were

3228guilty of such conduct, and does not absolve Deputy Davis from

3239liability. Her choosing a thir d time not to report the alleged

3251sexual harassment by Deputy Davis to her immediate supervisor

3260does present a significant obstacle in the evaluation of

3269Ms. Atwater's credibility.

327222. Having carefully weighed and evaluated all the

3280relevant, persuasive, an d credible evidence, the undersigned is

3289unable to find that Ms. Atwater's testimony is superior in

3299weight and quantity that Deputy Davis for months engaged in the

3310conduct of which Ms. Atwater has accused him. This

3319determination reflects the fact finder's judgment concerning the

3327weight of the evidence and nothing more; it is not a finding

3339regarding what occurred or did not occur during unspecified

3348months when Deputy Davis may have been in the presence of

3359Ms. Atwater.

3361Allegations that Deputy Davis intention ally delayed or caused

3370delay of inmates desiring conference with Ms. Atwater.

337823. Regarding her final allegation of sexual harassment by

3387retaliation against Deputy Davis, Ms. Atwater recalled that on

3396one occasion, Deputy Davis intentionally caused a "two - hour"

3406delay in getting inmates on her list from their cells to the

3418conference area where she awaited them. The purported intent of

3428this alleged two - hour delay was to threaten or to produce a

3441negative consequence regarding Ms. Atwater's performance of her


345024. I find that Ms. Atwater's August 9, 2002, memo to her

3462supervisor, Deputy Armsheimer, purporting to be a chronology of

3471events that occurred on August 8, 2002, conclusively

3479demonstrates that Deputy Davis was not the cause, directly or

3489indirectly , for Ms. Atwater's two - hour delay in getting the two

3501inmates she had requested.

350525. The evidence demonstrates that Ms. Atwater gave her

3514form "62" list (inmates to be pulled who had requested a

3525conference with her) to the control deputy, Deputy Salazar, i n

3536barrack C and waited 40 minutes. Returning to the holding area

3547and inquiring as to the whereabouts of her inmates, Deputy Davis

3558and not Deputy Salazar informed Ms. Atwater that the top three

3569inmates on her list were not there. Ms. Atwater asked Deputy

3580Davis of the inmates' whereabouts, but he gave her no further

3591explanation. Ms. Atwater thereafter called Deputy Hartfield,

3598who is in her chain - of - command, to ask if he would look into the

3615matter and Deputy Hartfield promised to get back to her.

3625Ms. Atwa ter waited for Deputy Hartfield's return call. After

3635waiting an unspecified period of time and not receiving Deputy

3645Hartfield's returned message, she called Deputy Hartfield a

3653second time and was told that he had relayed his message to

3665control (Deputy Sal azar) about one and one - half hours ago. In

3678that message, Deputy Hartfield explained that her first

3686requested inmate (no name given) had been moved to maximum

3696security and her second inmate (Brandon) was written up earlier

3706that morning by him. In her Augu st 9, 2002, memo to Deputy

3719Armsheimer, Ms. Atwater wrote, "the conversation concluded with

3727me stating [to Deputy Hartfield] if I had known 1 1/2 hours ago,

3740I would have just left out of here and could have eaten lunch."

375326. It is significant that Ms. Atwa ter authored her

3763August 9, 2002, memorandum to Deputy Armsheimer, for the

3772singular purpose of explaining the exact cause (and persons

3781involved) of her two - hour plus wait for inmates who were not

3794pulled for her. At the final hearing in May 2003, she

3805contr adicts her August 9, 2002, written statements by testifying

3815that Deputy Davis caused her a "two - hour" delay in pulling her

3828inmates. This obvious contradiction is a severe detriment upon

3837her credibility.

383927. Ms. Atwater's memorandum to Sergeant Groff, dat ed

3848October 30, 2002, was written to give a recount of her

3859experiences with Deputy Davis during all times pertinent to this

3869case. She began her memorandum with the statement: "[S]o for

3879the whole story to be clear, I must tell you how we ended up

3893here and start from the beginning." In her first sentence of

3904the second paragraph appears the first conflict in the evidence

3914of record. In that sentence, Ms. Atwater writes, "Shortly after

3924starting to work here, I began to experience unpleasantness from

3934Cpl. Kenn eth Davis. His obnoxious gestures, comments and

3943disposition could not be tolerated any longer." (This

3951conclusion consisted of the three separate allegations against

3959Deputy Davis made herein above.) With this opportunity to

3968formally complain of sexual ha rassment in the work place,

3978Ms. Atwater failed to include the fact that it was she who

3990initially asked Deputy Davis why Lieutenant George called her

3999the sexually offensive name of "Ms. Ashwood." Intentionally

4007choosing to allege that Deputy Davis' answer to her question why

4018Lieutenant George kept calling her "Ms. Ashwood" was the initial

4028sexual harassment that created a hostile work place is

4037contradictory to her testimony.

404128. Continuing, Ms. Atwater wrote -- "I did tell him that I

4053felt he 'played too much, ' and need[ed] to stop moaning and

4065groaning behind me." Even though she recounted moaning and

4074groaning, she specifically omitted her alleged verbatim

4081statements made by Deputy Davis (Finding of Fact 12 hereinabove)

4091when he answered her question "why Lieut enant George calls me

4102Ms. Ashwood."

410429. This is significant in that Ms. Atwater's testimony

4113was that Deputy Davis' alleged verbatim statements when he

4122answered her question were so "sexually harassing" that she was

"4132immediately" offended the moment she he ard them. Yet, she

4142omits any mention that it was Lieutenant George continuously

4151calling her "Ms. Ashwood" that initially and repeatedly offended

4160her. The name Ashwood she considered had such a negative sexual

4171reputation in the community that she was imme diately offended

4181and sexually harassed when Lieutenant George first called her

4190Ms. Ashwood and each time thereafter. She omits any mention

4200that it was her inquiry of Deputy Davis, "why Lieutenant George

4211[sexually harassing her] was calling her the offensi ve name of

4222Ms. Ashwood" that produced the alleged response.

422930. Based upon Ms. Atwater's acknowledgement contained in

4237her October 30, 2002, memorandum to Sergeant Groff, I find that

4248her allegations that Deputy Davis caused a delayed wait of two

4259hours to g et inmates pulled and, thus, "creat[ed] a hostile work

4271environment" to be contrary to her August 9, 2002, memorandum to

4282Sergeant Armsheimer, admitting that had she known her inmates

4291were not in barrack C, she would have left and had lunch "one

4304and one - half " hours prior. Ms. Atwater further admits in

4315writing that from May of 2002 forward, she and Deputy Davis

"4326barely" spoke to one another. If Ms. Atwater's memory is

4336presumed to be accurate and she and Deputy Davis discontinued

4346speaking to one another durin g the March through May 2002

4357period, it was not logical to conclude that Deputy Davis

4367repeatedly and continually moaned and groaned in her ear for

"4377months" thereafter ( i.e. June, July, August, and October). For

4387the fourth time, Ms. Atwater chose not to an d did not report

4400this fourth incident to her immediate supervisor at or near the

4411time it occurred. Her sexual harassment complaint against

4419Deputy Davis was filed after her October 2002 complaint was

4429filed against Lieutenant George. Her fourth decided ref usal to

4439immediately report sexual harassment by the same co - worker is

4450not a defense, if he were guilty of such conduct, and does not

4463absolve Deputy Davis from liability. Her choosing a fourth time

4473not to report the initial alleged sexual harassment by Dep uty

4484Davis during the March through May period, when coupled with the

4495contradiction between her testimony that Deputy Davis was the

4504cause of a two - hour delay in pulling her inmates, and her

4517memorandum wherein she acknowledges that her inmates had been

4526writt en up by Sergeant Hartfield, presents a credibility


453631. Ms. Atwater makes no further mention of Deputy Davis

4546in her October 30, 2002, memoranda, devoting the remainder to

4556Lieutenant George. She recounts in detail their initial

4564friendly relatio nship, turning to a cold and unfriendly

4573relationship, the keeping - your - distance treatment, their many

4583phone conversations at work, their lunch dates away from the

4593work place, and their private phone calls when at home, ending

4604on October 24, 2002, with an i ncident of kissing and Lieutenant

4616George rubbing his groin against her buttocks and her resisting

4626his advances. ( See Joint Exhibit J - 1.)

463532. In her final paragraph, Ms. Atwater relates how,

4644unbeknownst to Lieutenant George, she arranged for a three - way

4655c all between herself, Lieutenant George, and her uncle, a City

4666of St. Petersburg employee. She arranged the three - way call for

4678the purpose of securing a witness to corroborate her statements

4688regarding the Lieutenant George sexual harassment encounter.

469533. Though her alleged initial sexual harassment was

4703initiated by Deputy Davis and continued for months, Ms. Atwater

4713made no similar attempt to corroborate her claims of sexual

4723harassment against Deputy Davis. Knowing that Deputy Davis was

4732not within her cha in - of - command and not in a supervisory

4746position over her, there was no logical reason for Ms. Atwater

4757to fear promotions and job security. Ms. Atwater knew that

4767filing a complaint against a lieutenant within her chain - of -

4779command presented a greater risk t han filing a complaint against

4790Deputy Davis who was not in her chain - of - command. Her choosing

4804not to record (or procure corroboration) the Deputy Davis

4813incidents, when coupled with her delay of many months in

4823reporting her compliant through proper channel s because of fear

4833of reprisal, rings hollow.

483734. It was after the Administrative Review Board had begun

4847an investigation of Ms. Atwater's October 2002 complaint of

4856sexual harassment against Lieutenant George that the Sheriff

4864initiated an investigation of Deputy Davis. Only after her

4873egregious October 24, 2002, incident involving Lieutenant George

4881did she file a subsequent and separate sexual harassment

4890compliant against Deputy Davis.

489435. In the absence of corroboration, Ms. Atwater's

4902testimony of a singl e incident of intentional touching and her

4913testimony of alleged verbatim statements made by Deputy Davis

4922and his unequivocal denial presents a "she said - he said"

4933dilemma. Neither party's testimony is inherently more credible

4941than the other party's testimo ny. Contrary to the opinion of

4952Major Brunner, who sat on the Administrative Review Board, that

4962when the Administrative Review Board questioned Deputy Davis

4970regarding those allegations, Deputy Davis was "in denial." This

4979assumption and by implication pres umed guilt, thereby lending

4988credibility to Ms. Atwater's allegations, is a conclusion not

4997based on fact and is contrary to the evidence adduced during the

5009de novo proceeding. Ms. Atwater's testimony of incidents having

5018occurred over a four - month or more p eriod and the lack of time

5033or specific dates coupled with the contradictions between her

5042testimony during the final hearing and her August 9, 2002,

5052memorandum to her supervisor, creates an unfathomable chasm in

5061the evaluation of her credibility.

506636. The Inspection Bureau of the Administrative Inspection

5074Division investigated Ms. Atwater's complaint and submitted

5081their investigative results to the Administrative Review Board,

5089made up of various employees with the Pinellas County Sheriff's

5099Office. The Adm inistrative Review Board determined that

5107Petitioner, Deputy Davis, had violated the Pinellas County

5115Sheriff's Office Civil Service Act, Laws of Florida, 89 - 404, as

5127amended by Laws of Florida, 90 - 395, Section 6, Subsection 4:

5139violation of provisions of the law or rules, regulations, and

5149operating procedures of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office.

515737. The Administrative Review Board determined that Deputy

5165Davis' conduct was a violation of the rules and regulations of

5176the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Ru les 3 - 1.1 (level five

5188violation) and 5.16, relating to sexual harassment and

5196discrimination as defined in the Sheriff's General Order 3 - 4.

520738. The Administrative Review Board determined that Deputy

5215Davis' available range of discipline was calculated in

5223co nformance with the matrix contained within General Order 10 - 2

5235of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office that allocates a point

5245scale to various violations. The matrix provides that a level

5255five offense, which includes sexual harassment, results in a 50 -

5266poin t assessment. Deputy Davis scored a total of 50 cumulative

5277points with a discipline range of five - day suspension up to and

5290including termination. Demotion is also authorized under the

5298applicable General Order.

530139. After considering the evidence and avai lable

5309sanctions, the Sheriff notified Deputy Davis on March 10, 2003,

5319that he was imposing a ten - day suspension without pay and

5331demoting him from the rank of corporal to the rank of detention


534440. After weighing all the evidence, including the

5352Sher iff's evidentiary presentation of Ms. Atwater's testimony of

5361verbal comments made and intentional body conduct allegedly

5369engaged in by Deputy Davis, this fact finder finds the

5379uncorroborated hearsay evidence insufficient to prove, by a

5387preponderance of the evidence, the allegations that Deputy Davis

5396made sexually harassing verbal comments to Ms. Atwater, and that

5406he made intentional sexually harassing body contact with her, so

5416as to create a hostile work environment.


542641. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

5433jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

5443action pursuant to Sections 120.57(1) and 120.68(8), Florida

5451Statutes, and Chapter 89 - 404, Section 8, Laws of Florida, as

5463amended by Chapters 90 - 395, Section 8, Laws of Florida.

547442. The burden of proof is on the party asserting the

5485affirmative of an issue in an administrative proceeding.

5493Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So. 2d

5503778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). Respondent must prove the allegations

5513in its complaint by a preponderance of the evidence.

552243. The preponderance of evidence standard has been

5530consistently applied in cases involving the termination of

5538employment. See Dalem v. Department of Corrections , 720 So. 2d

5548575 (Fla. 4th DCA 1998). In addition, the District Court of

5559Appeals, First District, held that the imposition of discipline

5568upon a career service employee requires proof by a preponderance

5578of the evidence. Latham v. Florida Commission on Ethics , 694

5588So. 2d 83, n. (Fla. 1st DCA 1997) ; Department of Agriculture

5599and Consumer Services v. Edwards , 654 So. 2d 628 (Fla. 1st DCA

56111995); Fitzpatrick v. City of Miami Beach , 328 So. 2d 578 (Fla.

56233d DCA 1976). The appropriate standard of proof required is a

5634preponderance of the evidence. In or der to prevail, Respondent

5644must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Deputy Davis'

5655conduct (alleged statements and actions) violated the rules,

5663regulations, and operating procedures of the Pinellas County

5671Sheriff's Office.

567344. While Petitioner a rgues that the clear and convincing

5683evidence standard is appropriate given the rationale expressed

5691within In re: Rudy Maloy , DOAH Case No. 02 - 1231EC, the argument

5704provides little assistance since that case involved an alleged

5713violation by a public officia l of the Florida Ethics Code

5724pursuant to Section 112.317(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

573045. This case, however, involves Respondent seeking to

5738discipline an employee for repeated episodes of verbal and

5747physical sexual harassment. Moreover, while Petitioner is not

5755directly within the State of Florida's Career Service System, he

5765is similarly situated within the protected Classified Service

5773System of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and has attained

5783permanent status as an employee. See Chapter 89 - 404, Laws of


579646. Chapter 89 - 404, Section 6, Laws of Florida, authorizes

5807Respondent to suspend, dismiss or demote classified employees

5815for certain offenses. It provides in pertinent part the


5825(4) Cause for suspension, dismissal or

5831demotion shall include, but shall not be

5838limited to: negligence, inefficiency, or

5843inadequate job performance; inability to

5848perform the assigned duties, incompetence,

5853dishonesty, insubordination, violation of

5857the provisions of law or the rules,

5864regulations, and operatin g procedures of the

5871Office of the Sheriff, conduct unbecoming to

5878a public servant, misconduct, or proof

5884and/or admitted use of illegal drugs.

5890(5) The listing of causes for suspension,

5897demotion, or dismissal in this section is

5904not intended to be exclusiv e. The Sheriff,

5912by department rule, may add to this list of

5921causes for suspension, dismissal or


592747. In addition, Chapter 89 - 404, Section 2, Laws of

5938Florida, authorizes Respondent to adopt rules, regulations and

5946policies that establish the stan dard of conduct for employees of

5957the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

596248. Respondent's complaint alleges that Petitioner

5968violated the Pinellas County Sheriff Office Civil Service Act

5977and rules, regulations, and operating procedures of the Pinellas

5986County Sheriff's Office by creating a hostile work environment

5995and engaging in sexually harassing statements and body contact

6004with Ms. Atwater. Respondent did not prove by a preponderance

6014of the evidence that Petitioner repeatedly engaged in

6022inappropriate and u nsolicited sexually harassing verbal comments

6030to Ms. Atwater and did not prove Petitioner physically touched

6040and/or made intentional, sexually intended contact with

6047Ms. Atwater's person. Therefore, Respondent did not meet its

6056burden and did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that

6068Petitioner’s conduct (both verbal and physical) violated the

6076rules, regulations, and operating procedures of the Pinellas

6084County Sheriff's Office. 1

608849. Considering the competent and substantial evidence of

6096record, Peti tioner's ten - day suspension, without pay, and his

6107demotion from the rank of detention corporal to the rank of

6118detention deputy was inappropriately imposed by the Sheriff.


6127Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

6136of Law, it i s hereby

6142RECOMMENDED that the Civil Service Board of the Pinellas

6151County Sheriff's Office enter a final order finding that:

61601. Petitioner did not commit the verbal and physical

6169conduct alleged in the charging document and that there was no

6180violation of th e rules, regulations, and policies of the

6190Pinellas County Sheriff's Office as alleged.

61962. Petitioner's ten - day suspension from his employment as

6206a detention corporal with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

6215was therefore inappropriate.

62183. Petitioner's d emotion from his previous rank of

6227detention corporal to the rank of detention deputy was therefore


62384. Petitioner's ten - day suspension from his employment as

6248a detention corporal with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

6257be restored with ful l detention corporal's pay and benefits.

62675. Petitioner be restored to the rank of detention

6276corporal 2 and given full duties and responsibilities as

6285previously held.

6287DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of August, 2003, in

6297Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6305Administrative Law Judge

6308Division of Administrative Hearings

6312The DeSoto Building

63151230 Apalachee Parkway

6318Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6323(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

6331Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

6337www.doah.s tate.fl.us

6339Filed with the Clerk of the

6345Division of Administrative Hearings

6349this 20th day of August, 2003.


63561/ Section 90.801(1)(c), Florida Statutes, "'[h]earsay' is a

6364statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying

6374at the tri al or hearing, offered in evidence to prove

6385the truth of the matter asserted." Rule 28 - 106.213(3), Florida

6396Administrative Code, limits the use of hearsay evidence

6404supplementing or explaining other evidence, but such hearsay

6412evidence shall not be sufficie nt in itself to support a finding

6424unless the evidence falls within an exception to the hearsay

6434rule as found in Chapter 90, Florida Statutes.

64422/ Counsel for each party agreed to disagree on the issue of

6454whether Deputy Davis' corporal rank was an assignm ent position

6464(when one is assigned to a specific duty - position, the rank (in

6477this case corporal) goes with the duty assignment) or a tested

6488position (a position that required one to pass a test and be

6500promoted to the position not withstanding duty assignme nt, i.e.,

6510corporal). Neither party proffered evidence on this issue.

6518The undersigned intentionally makes no finding of fact nor by

6528the Recommendation imply a decision had been made regarding the

6538issue of "Corporal rank as duty assignment position vs. C orporal

6549rank as a tested position." After completing 23 years of

6559service Deputy Davis earned and occupied both the rank of

6569corporal and the position as detention corporal. The Sheriff

6578inappropriately imposed punishment by taking from Deputy Davis

6586both hi s corporal rank and his barrack C detention position. A

6598just result demands that the Sheriff restore to Deputy Davis

6608exactly what was taken from Deputy Davis. Therefore, full and

6618just restoration shall include his prior rank (corporal) and his

6628prior posi tion (detention barrack C) at the Sheriff's office.


6641William M. Laubach, Esquire

6645Pinellas County Police Benevolent


665014450 46th Street, North, Suite 115

6656Clearwater, Florida 33762

6659Keith C. Tischler, Esquire

6663Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.

66681669 Mahan Center Boulevard

6672Tallahassee, Florida 32308

6675Jean H. Kwall, Esquire

6679Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

6683Post Office Drawer 2500

6687Largo, Florida 33779 - 2500

6692B. Norris Rickey, Esquire

6696Assistant County Attorney

6699315 Court Street

6702Clearwater, Florida 33756


6711All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

672115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6732to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6743will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/01/2003
Proceedings: Order filed.
Date: 11/19/2003
Proceedings: Agency Miscellaneous
Date: 11/10/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 11/04/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/20/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/20/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 16, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/20/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/16/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed by Petitioner.
Date: 07/14/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/02/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (the parties shall have until July 15, 2003, at 5:00 p.m., to file proposed recommended orders)
Date: 06/02/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Prepare Recommended Order (filed Joint via facsimile).
Date: 05/22/2003
Proceedings: Transcript (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 05/16/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 05/08/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Disclosure of Supplemental Witnesses and Exhibits (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/05/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion in Limine (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/22/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Disclosure Pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(d), Florida Statutes filed.
Date: 04/15/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for May 16, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 04/10/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition, K. Davis (filed by K. Tischler via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition, K. Davis filed by K Tischler.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Rescheduling of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Interrogatories of Respondent filed.
Date: 03/31/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 1 and 2, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL, amended as to date).
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by K. Tischler via facsimile).
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order of Respondent, Everett Rice, Sheriff of Pinellas County (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 6, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 03/26/2003
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Violation filed.
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal from Disciplinary Action Petition for Hearing Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 03/19/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):