03-001113VR Robert A. Mason vs. Clay County
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, May 23, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant entitled to Vested Rights Certificate where he acted in good faith and reasonably relied on acts of County in approving prior development activity.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1113VR




28Respondent. )



33Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings,

41by its designated Administrative Law Judge, Richard A. Hixson,

50held a final hearing in the above - styled case on April 23, 2003,

64in Green Cove Springs, Florida.


70For Petitioner: Dale S. Wilson, Esquire

76Post Office Box 1808

80Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043

85For Respondent: Mark Scruby, County Attorney

91Clay County

93Post Office Box 367

97Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 - 0367


109The issue for determination in this matter is whether

118Petitioner, Robert A. Mason, has demonstrated, pursuant to the

127Vested Rights Review Process of Clay County, Florida, that a

137vested rights certificate to undertake development of cert ain

146real property located in Clay County should be issued by Clay

157County, notwithstanding that part of such development will not be

167in accordance with the Clay County Comprehensive Plan.


177On or about March 5, 2003, an Application for V ested

188Property Certificate for Claims of Equitable Vested Rights

196Pursuant to Future Land Use Policy 1.8, Clay County Comprehensive

206Plan, was filed with the Clay County Department of Planning and

217Zoning by Petitioner, Robert A. Mason, as owner of a developm ent

229named Cypress Landing. Petitioner also filed supporting

236documentation with the Application. On or about March 25, 2003,

246Respondent, Clay County, referred the Application and supporting

254documentation to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the

263assignment of an administrative law judge.

269Pursuant to written notice, a hearing was held on April 23,

2802003, to afford Petitioner the opportunity to offer the

289A pplication and supporting documentation into evidence and to

298supplement the record with addition al evidence. The hearing also

308afforded the Respondent an opportunity to be heard and provide

318evidence to supplement the record. Finally, the hearing was held

328to give the undersigned an opportunity to ask questions

337concerning the Application.

340The hearin g was conducted in accordance with the Vested

350Rights Review Process of Clay County, Florida, as adopted by Clay

361County Ordinance 92 - 18, and as amended by Ordinances 92 - 22, 92 -

37629, 93 - 26, 94 - 25, and 96 - 21. At the hearing, Petitioner offered

392six exhibits whi ch were accepted into evidence without objection:

402Exhibit 1 is the composite Application and supporting

410documentation which consist of the Application and 18 supporting

419documents; Exhibit 2 is a survey of the property prepared by

430McKee, Eiland & Mullis, i dentifying specific trees on the Cypress

441Landing property; Exhibit 3 is Petitioner's summary of expenses

450related to Cypress Landing; Exhibit 4 is a 1950 plat of the

462Hollywood Forest Subdivision; Exhibit 5 is a copy of pictures

472which appeared in Southern Li ving magazine; and Exhibit 6 is a

484composite of two pictures of the Cypress Landing sign.

493Petitioner presented the testimony of Keith Joseph McCammon,

501a certified arborist and member of the International Society of

511Arborculture; Petitioner, Robert A. Mason; and Petitioner's wife,

519Marilyn Mason. Respondent presented the testimony of

526Shawanda Watson, Planner II with the Clay County Department of

536Planning and Zoning. Also in attendance at the hearing was

546Thad Crowe, Planning Director with the Clay County Depa rtment of

557Planning and Zoning.

560No transcript of the hearing was ordered by the parties. On

571May 8, 2003, Petitioner filed a Motion for Extension of Time in

583which to file a Proposed Final Order, which motion was granted

594without objection. On May 19, 2003, Petitioner and Respondent

603filed J oint Post Hearing Stipulations. On May 19, 2003,

613Petitioner filed a Proposed Final Order. The Proposed Final

622Order and Joint Post Hearing Stipulations have been fully

631considered in entering this Final Order. Respondent d id not file

642a Proposed Final Order; however, at the conclusion of the

652presentation of the evidence at hearing, the Respondent stated

661that Clay County did not object to the approval of Petitioner's

672Application for Equitable Vested Rights.


680A. The Property

6831. The Applicant, Petitioner Robert A. Mason, is the owner

693of real property located in Clay County, Florida. The

702Applicant's property is known as "Cypress Landing," containing

7105.977 acres, which consists of a rectangular tract 200 feet by

721approximately 841 feet in the Hollywood Forest Subdivision,

729bounded on the east by the west shore of the St. Johns River, and

743on the west by the right - of - way for Peters Avenue, now known as

759Harvey Grant Road.

7622. The Applicant acquired the property on July 25, 1958, by

773warranty deed from Victor M. and Ruth C. Covington recorded in

784Official Records Book 3, page 250, public records of Clay County,

795Florida. The property was the south 1/2 of Lot 12, Lot 12 - A, and

810Lot 13, and the north 1/2 of Lot 14 of Holl ywood Forest, a

824platted subdivision on Fleming Island in Clay County. At the

834time Petitioner acquired the property, the applicable zoning

842district permitted the development of the property for single -

852family residential at a maximum density of three units per acre.

8633. When the Applicant originally acquired the property in

8721958, he and his wife had intended at some future time to live on

886the property and use the property for their own purposes,

896including recreation, keeping horses, and retirement. At the

904time the Applicant acquired the property there was an existing

914dock extending from the property into the river.

9224. Due to subsequent changes in his employment

930circumstances, the Applicant did not build a residence on the

940property. The Applicant is a reg istered forester who retired

950from the Georgia Forestry Commission after 32 years of service.

960The Applicant and his wife currently reside in Georgia.

9695. Cypress Landing contains a multitude and variety of

978trees, including magnolia, Florida holly, live oak and cypress,

987many of which are more than 200 years old and have diameters in

1000excess of 36 inches. The Applicant has taken great care and

1011followed specific conservation measures to identify and preserve

1019the historic trees on the property.

1025B. Development o f the Property

10316. In 1982 - 1983, the Applicant prepared a development plan

1042for the Cypress Landing property which comprised a single - family

1053residential development. The planned development consisted of a

1061total of seven single - family lots, two of which fa ced the river,

1075and the other five which were 122 feet by 200 feet and lay side

1089by side between the road and the waterfront lots. The

1099development plan included an easement (the " R oad E asement") for

1111ingress, egress, drainage and utilities along the northern

1119waterfront lot into the southern waterfront lot. From the east

1129end of the R oad E asement, an additional pedestrian easement was

1141provided along the northern ten feet of the southern waterfront

1151lot for pedestrian access to the river.

11587. The A pplicant e mployed a surveyor, McKee, Eiland &

1169Mullis, Land Surveyors Inc., of Orange Park, Florida. The

1178Applicant instructed the surveyor to plat the property in

1187accordance with the development plan and all existing codes. The

1197property was thereafter subdivided in to seven lots, identified as

1207Lots A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Lots A through E are the inland

1223lots and each measure 122 feet by 200 feet with a 30 feet non -

1238exclusive easement for ingress, egress, drainage and utility

1246purposes. Lots A through E are inland lo ts. Lots F and G are

1260the waterfront lots which are slightly larger than the other five

1271lots and not as uniform in configuration. Lot F has

1281approximately 116 feet of water frontage and Lot G has

1291approximately 97 feet of water frontage.

12978. In 1984, relyi ng on the applicable zoning regulations,

1307the Applicant contracted with Robert Bray to install a roadway

1317which is 30 feet in width and 866 feet in length running along

1330Lots A through E and ending at Lot F. The roadway was

1342constructed with specific concern for the protection and

1350preservation of the trees on the property. A pre - cast concrete

1362curb running the entire length of the roadway was installed to

1373protect the trees from runoff. Porous rock was used as the

1384foundation of the roadway to promote proper dr ainage. The

1394roadway was also constructed with an ellipsis at Lot C to protect

1406a historic tree. The design of the roadway, as well as the

1418materials used in building the roadway, met all Clay County code

1429requirements at the time of construction.

14359. In 19 84, the Applicant reconstructed the dock on the

1446property. The dock had previously been damaged due to storms.

1456The dock was reconstructed by Duke Marine Construction in

1465accordance with all appropriate regulations. Covenants have been

1473executed to allow for use of the dock as a community dock for all

1487lot owners. The community dock is 300 feet in length.

149710. Also in 1984, the Applicant erected a sign indicating

1507the entrance to Cypress Landing. The sign was later vandalized

1517and removed.

151911. In 1988, the Applicant contracted with Jacksonville

1527Electric Authority for the installation of an underground

1535electric distribution system in Cypress Landing. The underground

1543utilities distribution system was designed specifically to

1550protect and preserve the existing trees on the property, and was

1561installed by boring under the trees to place a conduit to protect

1573the established roots. The underground electrical distribution

1580system was installed in accordance with the Clay County code at

1591that time.

159312. On May 29, 198 7, the Applicant sold Lot A to Robert M.

1607and Mary Wasdin. Clay County issued a building permit for the

1618construction of a residence on Lot A. A house has been

1629constructed on Lot A.

163313. On September 1, 1989, the Applicant sold Lot E to

1644Robert G. and Marv a Lou Widhalm. Clay County issued a building

1656permit for the construction of a residence on Lot E. A house has

1669been constructed on Lot E.

1674C. Applicant's Expenses

167714. The applicant expended approximately $4,609.45 on

1685topographical surveys, tree location surveys, and engineering

1692plans which were prepared for the mapping and platting of Cypress

1703Landing. The surveying expenses were paid prior to the adoption

1713of the Clay County 2001 Comprehensive Plan.

172015. The Applicant incurred significant expenses in th e

1729design and construction of the roadway. Additional costs were

1738incurred by the Applicant for the construction of the roadway in

1749an environmentally sensitive manner which protected and preserved

1757the historic trees on the property. The total amount expend ed in

17691984 by the Applicant for the construction of the roadway was

1780$6,880, all of which was paid prior to the adoption of the Clay

1794County 2001 Comprehensive Plan.

179816. The Applicant expended $19,540 for the reconstruction

1807of the community dock in 1984, which was paid prior to the

1819adoption of the Clay County 2001 Comprehensive Plan.

182717. The Applicant expended $7,101.87 for the installation

1836of the underground electrical distribution system in 1988 and

18451989. This amount included an additional cost of $1, 209.87 paid

1856to JEA, which was the difference in cost between the underground

1867system and an equivalent overhead electrical distribution system.

1875This amount also included a cost of $5,502 paid to Allstate

1887Electrical Contractors, Inc. of Jacksonville, Florid a, for the

1896boring and installation of the PVC conduits to protect the

1906historic trees on the property. The expenses were paid prior to

1917the adoption of the Clay County 2001 Comprehensive Plan.

192618. The Applicant expended $363.58 for costs associated

1934with t he Cypress Landing entrance sign and a security fence. The

1946expenses were paid prior to the adoption of the Clay County 2001

1958Comprehensive Plan.

1960D. Rights that will be Destroyed

196619. In 1991 Clay County originally adopted the Clay County

19762001 Comprehensi ve Plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida

1987Statutes. The Clay County 2001 Comprehensive Plan is now known

1997as the Clay County 2015 Comprehensive Plan. Under the

2006Comprehensive Plan, Cypress Landing was designated with a land

2015use designation in the p lan of "Rural Fringe."

202420. Policy 2.10 of the Clay County 2015 Comprehensive Plan

2034provides that if land is divided into three or more lots, any

2046three of which are 9.9 acres or less in size, then such land must

2060be platted in accordance with the County's r egulations, and all

2071lots must be provided access to a road improved to meet County

2083paved road standards. The County's Subdivision Regulations were

2091amended after 1990. Section 16(1)(d)1.a.i. thereof now requires

2099a minimum width for subdivision streets of 60 feet. The

2109regulations further require that such streets be paved. The

2118Cypress Landing Road Easement is only 30 feet wide. Moreover,

2128new surface water runoff requirements require retention areas for

2137rainwater. To comply with the post - 1991 Clay County land use

2149regulations would require a reconfiguration of the lots in

2158Cypress Landing. Reconfiguration is not possible because two of

2167the lots have been sold to new owners.

217521. Policy 2.9 of the Clay County 2015 Comprehensive Plan

2185restricts any easement that provides access to multiple lots to a

2196length of 1,000 feet, and limits to five the number of lots that

2210may utilize the same for access. While the Cypress Landing Road

2221Easement is less than 1,000 feet in length, the number of lots

2234within the Cypress Landing development exceeds the maximum that

2243can access the Road Easement.

224822. The Petitioner would be precluded from selling or

2257developing the remaining lots within the Cypress Landing

2265development without reconfiguration and loss of one or more lots.

2275M oreover, because Lots "A" and "E" have already been sold, the

2287Petitioner cannot add additional right - of - way width to the Road

2300Easement in order to comply with the County's Subdivision

2309Regulations regarding minimum right - of - way width.

231823. The Applicant would have been entitled to statutory

2327vested rights if 50 percent of the lots had been sold prior to


2341E. Procedural Requirements

234424. The procedural requirements of Vested Rights Review

2352Process of Clay County, adopted by Clay County Ordinance 92 - 18,

2364as amended, have been met.


2372A. Jurisdiction .

237525. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2382jurisdiction of the parties to and the subject matter of this

2393proceeding. Section 120.65(9), Florida Statutes (1997), and Clay

2401County Ordinan ce 92 - 18, as amended by Clay County Ordinances 92 -

241522, 92 - 29 and 94 - 25, and 96 - 21.

2427B. General Requirements of Article VIII of the Clay

2436County Land Development Code .

244126. Pursuant to Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, Clay

2449County was required to prep are a comprehensive plan governing the

2460use and development of land located within Clay County. In

2470compliance with Section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, Clay County

2478adopted its Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance 92 - 03 on January 23,


249127. In order to ensur e that existing rights to develop

2502property of Clay County property owners created by the

2511Constitutions of the State of Florida and the United States are

2522not infringed upon by the application of the Comprehensive Plan,

2532Clay County promulgated Article VIII o f the Clay County Land

2543Development Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Code.") The

2553intent of Clay County in adopting Article VIII of the Code is

2565included in Section 20.8 - 3(b) of the Code:

2574(b) It is the intent of this Article to

2583provide the standards an d administrative

2589procedures for determining whether a person

2595has a vested right to undertake development

2602activities, notwithstanding the fact that all

2608or part of the development is not in

2616accordance with the requirements of the Clay

2623County 2001 Comprehensi ve Plan or land

2630development regulations.

263228. There are two general types of circumstances pursuant

2641to which vested rights to develop property may be found to exist

2653pursuant to Article VIII of the Code: (1) "statutory vested

2663rights" pursuant to Section 2 0.8 - 6 of Article VIII of the Code;

2677and (2) "equitable vested rights" pursuant to Section 20.8 - 7 of

2689Article VIII of the Code.

269429. Applications to determine if development rights are

2702vested are initially reviewed for technical correctness by the

2711Clay County Planning and Zoning Department. Section 20.8 - 8(c)(1)

2721and (d)(1) of Article VIII of the Code.

272930. In the case of an application for equitable vesting no

2740determination on the merits is made by Clay County. The Director

2751of the Planning and Zoning Departme nt, after determining that an

2762application for equitable vesting is complete, is required to

2771coordinate a hearing to consider the application. Section 20.8 -

27818(d)(3) of Article VIII of the Code. Hearings on equitable

2791vesting applications are to be held with in 60 days after the

2803Director of the Planning and Zoning Department determines that

2812the application is complete. Id.

281731. Pursuant to a contract entered into between Clay County

2827and the Division of Administrative Hearings, administrative law

2835judges of the Division of Administrative Hearings may be

2844authorized by Clay County to conduct hearings to consider appeals

2854on applications of statutory vesting and to make the initial

2864decision on applications for equitable vesting. Section 20.8 -

28739(b) of Article VIII of the Code.

288032. The manner in which hearings are to be conducted is

2891governed by Section 20.8 - 10 of Article VIII of the Code. At the

2905conclusion of a hearing, the administrative law judge is required

2915to issue a written decision approving, denying, or approv ing with

2926conditions the application. Section 20.8 - 10(a)(4) of Article

2935VIII of the Code.

2939C. Equitable Vested Rights .

294433. Section 20.8 - 7 of Article VIII of the Code governs the

2957determination of whether an applicant’s development rights in

2965property have be en vested pursuant to the equitable vested rights

2976definition of Article VIII of the Code. The criteria for

2986determining whether the property is equitably vested are as


2996(b) Criteria For Determining Equitable

3001Vested Rights . Developments shall be d eemed

3009to have Equitable Vested Rights pursuant to

3016this Section if it is shown by substantial

3024competent evidence that a property owner or

3031other similarly situated person:

3035(1) has acted in good faith and in

3043reasonable reliance;

3045(2) upon a valid, un expired act or

3053omission of the government; and

3058(3) has made such a substantial change in

3066position or incurred such extensive

3071obligations and expenses that it would be

3078inequitable or unjust to destroy the

3084rights such person has acquired.

3089Sec tion 20.8 - 7(b) of Article VIII of the Code.

3100D. Cypress Landing/Robert Mason's Application .

310634. Equitable vesting under Article VIII of the Code

3115contains the same elements of proof required for the doctrine of

3126equitable estoppel to apply. The doctrine o f equitable estoppel

3136has been described as follows:

3141The doctrine of equitable estoppel will limit

3148a local government in the exercise of its

3156zoning power when a property owner (1)

3163relying in good faith (2) upon some act or

3172omission of the government (3) has made such

3180a substantial change in position or incurred

3187such excessive obligations and expenses that

3193it would be highly inequitable and unjust to

3201destroy the rights he has acquired.

3207Smith v. Clearwater , 383 So. 2d 681, 686 (Fla. 2d DCA 1980). See

3220also Ke y West v. R.L.J.S. Corporation , 537 So. 2d 641 (Fla. 3d

3233DCA 1989); and Harbor Course Club, Inc. v. Department of

3243Community Affairs , 510 So. 2d 915 (Fla. 3d DCA 1987). The

3254undersigned has been guided in this case by the case law applying

3266the doctrine of eq uitable estoppel. See Section 20 - 8.10(a)(5) of

3278Article VIII of the Code.

328335. The Applicant presented substantial competent evidence

3290demonstrating that all of the elements of equitable estoppel and,

3300therefore, equitable vesting as defined in Article VIII of the

3310Code exist in this case.

331536. Based upon the evidence presented in this matter, the

3325Applicant in the development of Cypress Landing has acted in good

3336faith to comply with the appropriate Clay County Code

3345requirements. The subdivision was surveyed a nd platted, the

3354roadway was constructed, the underground utilities were

3361installed, the dock was reconstructed, two of the lots were sold,

3372two building permits were issued, and two houses were constructed

3382on the property. Each development action was approv ed and

3392carried out in compliance with applicable code requirements. The

3401Applicant relied on the continuous approval of each development

3410activity over a period of years. See Equity Resources, Inc. v.

3421County of Leon , 643 So. 2d 1112 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994). I t is

3435therefore concluded that the first two criteria for equitable

3444vesting have been proven: the Applicant acted in good faith and

3455in reasonable reliance upon a valid, unexpired act or omission of

3466Clay County.

346837. Substantial competent evidence was prese nted at hearing

3477to conclude that the Applicant has made extensive expenditures to

3487develop Cypress Landing in an environmentally responsible manner

3495which complied with all requirements prior to the adoption of the

3506Clay County Comprehensive Plan. In light o f the extensive

3516expenditures of the Applicant and the adverse impact of complying

3526with the Comprehensive Plan, it is concluded that the third

3536criterion for equitable vesting has also been proven: the

3545Applicant has made a substantial change in position or incurred

3555such extensive obligations and expenses that it would be highly

3565inequitable or unjust to destroy the rights the Applicant has


357638. Based upon a review of the evidence presented at the

3587hearing held before the undersigned on April 23, 2003 , it is

3598concluded that the Applicant has proved that the elements of

3608equitable vesting apply.


3612Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3622Law, it is

3625ORDERED that the Application for Vested Property

3632Certification for Claims of Equitab le Vested Rights dated

3641March 5, 2003, is APPROVED. A Vested Property Certificate should

3651be issued to Robert A. Mason for the remaining five lots of

3663Cypress Landing which are owned by Robert A. Mason.

3672DONE AND ORDERED this 23rd day of May, 2003, in Tallaha ssee,

3684Leon County, Florida.



3691Administrative Law Judge

3694Division of Administrative Hearings

3698The DeSoto Building

37011230 Apalachee Parkway

3704Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 3060

3710(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3718Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3725Filed with the Clerk of the

3731Division of Administrative Hearings

3735this 23rd day of May, 2003.


3743Dale S. Wilson, Esq uire

3748Post Office Box 1808

3752Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043

3757Mark Scruby, County Attorney

3761Clay County

3763Post Office Box 367

3767Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 - 0367

3774Shawanda Watson, Planner

3777Clay County Vested Rights Coordinator

3782Clay County

3784Post Office Box 3 67

3789Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 - 0367

3796Thad Crowe, AICP, Planning Director

3801Clay County

3803Post Office Box 367

3807Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 - 0367


3820This Final Order is subject to judicial review in the Circuit

3831Cour t, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Clay County, Florida.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: Final Order issued (hearing held April 23, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/19/2003
Proceedings: Post-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/19/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Final Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time issued. (the parties shall have up to and including May 19, 2003, by which to file their proposed final orders)
Date: 05/08/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Present Proposed Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 04/23/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from S. Watson enclosing Clay County Vested Rights Ordinances filed.
Date: 03/31/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for April 23, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Green Cove Springs, FL).
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Notice that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings sent out.
Date: 03/27/2003
Proceedings: Return for Transfers of Interest in Florida Real Property filed.
Date: 03/27/2003
Proceedings: Application for Vested Property Certificate for Claims of Equitable Vested Rights Pursuant to Future Land Use Policy 1.8, Clay County Comprehensive Plan filed.
Date: 03/27/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Contract Hearings


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):