03-001129 Alan R. Behrens vs. Has-Ben Groves And Southwest Florida Water Management District
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, February 25, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent Water Management District proved that Petitioner signed Petition and Amended Petition for Formal Hearing for an improper purpose pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes; $500 sanctions awarded.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1129






38Respondents. )



43Notice was given, and on November 13, 2003, a final hearing

54was held in this case. Pursuant to the authority set forth in

66Sections 120.569(2)(e) and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, the

73final hearing was conducted by Charles A. Stampelos,

81Ad ministrative Law Judge, by video teleconference with sites in

91Tallahassee and Tampa, Florida.


96For Petitioner: Alan R. Behrens, pro se

1034070 Southwest Armadillo Trail

107Arcadia, Florida 34266

110For Southwest Flori da Water Management District

117Martha A. Moore, Esquire

121Southwest Florida Water

124Management District

1262379 Broad Street

129Brooksville, Florida 34604 - 6899


139Whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District

146proved that Alan R. Behrens signed a pleading, motion, or other

157paper in this proceeding for an “improper purpose,” and, if so,

169whether sanctions should be imposed pursuant to Section

177120.569(2)(e ), Florida Statutes?


184On January 27, 2003, the Southwest Florida Water Management

193District (District) issued a notice of final agency action for

203approval of Water Use General Permit (WUP) No. 20012410.000

212issued to Has - Ben Groves. Has - Ben Groves’ well and property are

226located in Hardee County.

230On February 19, 2003, Alan R. Behrens (Mr. Behrens) filed a

241Petition for Formal Hearing, which the District found to be

251timely, but not in substantial compliance with the requirements

260of Section 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and Florida

267Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.201(2) governing the initiation

276of administrative proceedings. The District issued an Order of

285Dismissal Without Prejudice on February 27, 2003. On March 12,

2952003, Mr. Behrens f iled an Amended Petition for Formal Hearing.

306On March 26, 2003, the District referred the matter to the

317Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for the assignment of

326an administrative law judge.

330After receiving a response to the Initial Order, the case

340was set for final hearing for June 2 - 3, 2003, in Bartow,

353Florida. After granting a joint motion to continue the final

363hearing, the final hearing was re - set for August 14 - 15, 2003, in

378Bartow, Florida.

380On May 23, 2003, the District deposed Mr. Behrens.

389On J une 25, 2003, the District filed a "Motion for Summary

401Recommended Order of Dismissal and for Reasonable Costs and

410Attorney’s Fees," with affidavits and a copy of the Transcript

420of Mr. Behrens’ deposition.

424On June 30, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed a "Notice of Voluntary

435Dismissal" and responded, in part, to the District’s Motion for

445Summary Recommended Order, but not to the District’s request for

455attorney’s fees and costs.

459On June 30, 2003, an “Order Closing File” was issued,

469canceling the final hearing. This O rder also denied the

479District’s motion for reasonable costs and attorney’s fees

487requested pursuant to Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes.

494However, jurisdiction was retained “for consideration of the

502District’s motion for reasonable attorney’s fees and c osts (as a

513sanction) pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes.”

520The District was requested to advise the undersigned within ten

530days from the date of the Order if the District wished to pursue

543the request for sanctions.

547On July 2, 2003, the Dis trict advised that it wished to

559pursue sanctions.

561On July 18, 2003, an Order was issued which clarified the

572“Order Closing File” and gave Mr. Behrens until August 1, 2003,

583to file a response to the District’s request for reasonable

593attorney’s fees and cost s as a sanction.

601On July 30, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed a response and objected

612to the District’s request.

616On November 13, 2003, a final hearing was held by video

627teleconference with sites in Tallahassee and Tampa, Florida.

635The District presented the testimo ny of Michael L. Phillippi,

645professional geologist; Michael K. Balser, Water Use Manager for

654the Bartow Regulation Department; Mary Beth McNeil, Esquire;

662Diane Lee, Administrative Supervisor; and Douglas P. Manson,

670Esquire. The District’s Exhibits 1 - 13 we re admitted into

681evidence. Mr. Behrens testified in his own behalf and his

691Exhibits 1 - 4 were admitted into evidence.

699Official recognition was taken of the recommended and final

708orders in the following administrative cases: DeSoto Citizens

716Against Polluti on, Inc. v. Farmland Hydro Limited Partnership,

725Frank T. Basso, Jr., Redland Growers Exchange, Inc., and

734Southwest Florida Water Management District , Case No. 02 - 0232,

7442002 WL 1592349 (DOAH June 3, 2002; SWFWMD June 25,

7542002)(Basso); Alan Behrens and DeSot o Citizens Against

762Pollution, Inc. v. Michael J. Boran and Southwest Florida Water

772Management District , Case No. 02 - 0282, 2002 WL 31125125 (DOAH

783July 29, 2002; SWFWMD Aug. 27, 2002)(Boran); Alan R. Behrens, et

794al. v. Consolidated Minerals, Inc. and Southwe st Florida Water

804Management District, et al. , Case Nos. 92 - 0953 - 92 - 0957, 1993 WL

819944120 (DOAH April 20, 1993; SWFWMD Nov. 30,(1994)

828(Consolidated). (Transcript (T.), p. 88.)

833The one - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed

844with DOAH on December 3, 2003. After Mr. Behrens was granted an

856extension of time to file his proposed final order, the District

867filed its Proposed Final Order on February 2, 2004, and

877Mr. Behrens filed his Proposed Final Order on February 3 and 9,

8892004, and have been considered in the preparation of this Final



904The Parties

9061. Alan R. Behrens has resided and owned property at 4740

917Southwest Armadillo Trail, Arcadia, DeSoto County, Florida,

924since 1985. There is a two - inch free - flowing artesian well used

938for domestic purposes on this property. Mr. Behrens’ well is

948approximately 150 feet deep and draws water from the

957Intermediate aquifer. The well currently has no pumping

965mechanism, and Mr. Behrens relies on an unaided artesian flow to

976produce water, which at times is inadequate.

9832. In prior administrative cases and the case involving

992Has - Ben Groves, Mr. Behrens is concerned that the withdrawal of

1004water in the amounts requested by others from areas near his

1015property will impair his ability to draw adequate amoun ts of

1026water from his well.

10303. Mr. Behrens stated that his purpose in challenging the

1040Has - Ben Groves WUP “is to receive assurances that any proposed

1052use is not going to adversely impact [his] well. That’s [his]

1063general biggest, main goal.” He feels that he did not receive

1074assurances from the District; therefore, his only option was to

1084request a hearing.

10874. The Southwest Florida Water Management District is the

1096administrative agency charged with the responsibility to

1103conserve, protect, manage, and control wate r resources within

1112its boundaries pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and

1121the rules promulgated thereunder as Chapter 40D, Florida

1129Administrative Code. The District has the statutory duty to

1138review and approve or deny applications requesting consum ptive

1147water use permits.

1150The Has - Ben Groves WUP Application

11575. On January 27, 2003, the District issued a notice of

1168final agency action for approval of Water Use General Permit No.

117920012410.000 issued to Has - Ben Groves.

11866. The WUP authorized annual averag e groundwater

1194withdrawals of 31,100 gallons per day (gpd) to be used for

1206irrigation of Has - Ben Groves’ 40 - acre citrus grove. (Peak

1218monthly withdrawals of 254,300 gpd and withdrawals for crop

1228protection at 1,015,200 gpd were authorized.)

12367. Tomlinson previ ously owned the Has - Ben Groves’ 40 acres.

1248The District previously permitted the well on the Has - Ben Groves

126040 acres when Tomlinson owned the property.

12678. The Tomlinson well was previously permitted for 77,000

1277gpd on an annual basis, but the permit expired . Thus, Has - Ben

1291Groves applied for a new WUP.

12979. The Has - Ben Groves permitted well site is located in

1309Hardee County and is approximately 16 miles from Mr. Behrens’

1319artesian well in DeSoto County, and is expected to draw

1329approximately 94 percent of its water from the Upper Floridan


1340Did Mr. Behrens sign a pleading, motion,or other paper for an

1352improper purpose?

135410. On January 20, 2003, Mr. Behrens, by letter, asked the

1365District to be advised of any agency action regarding five WUP

1376applications, including the Has - Ben Groves application. In this

1386letter, Mr. Behrens also requested, what he characterized as

1395“ public information ,” “what the predicted drawdown to the

1405intermediate and Floridan aquifers are.” He inquired further:

1413“Please make sure the hydrologis t includes this information. I

1423have previously asked for this basic information; please do not

1433force me to take legal action against SWFMD per the Sunshine law

1445& other public information laws.” (Emphasis in original.)

1453Mr. Behrens was copied with the Dis trict’s “Final Agency Action

1464Transmittal Letter” sent to Has - Ben Groves on January 27, 2003.

147611. According to Mr. Behrens, “legal action” meant the

1485filing of a petition requesting an administrative hearing. He

1494felt that it was his only option to receive inf ormation and

1506assurances. In particular, Mr. Behrens wanted the District to

1515create and provide him with drawdown contours and modeling even

1525if the District believed it was unnecessary. See Endnote 1.

153512. By letter dated January 29, 2003, the District, by

1545Pam ela A. Gifford, CLA, Office of General Counsel, responded to

1556Mr. Behrens’ request for ‘predicted drawdown’ information and

1564stated in part: “First, please be advised, the District does

1574not prepare ‘predicted drawdown’ for all water use permits.

1583Second, to ask for ‘predicted drawdown’ for permits, you are

1593making a pubic records request. The District does not accept

1603anticipatory public record requests. In other words, when the

1612District receives a public records request, it will search for

1622existing records responsive to the request as of the date of the

1634public records request. . . . Third, the District will not

1645create a record to respond to a public records request. If a

1657‘predicted drawdown’ exists, it will be provided to you, if it

1668does not, it will not b e created to answer your request.” 1

168113. By letter dated January 31, 2003, Mr. Behrens

1690responded to the District’s January 29, 2003, letter referred to

1700above and expressed his understanding that he could “expect the

1710results of drawdown modeling to be included i n Notices of Agency

1722Action that [he] receive from the District.” Mr. Behrens

1731requested the name of the District office and the hydrologist

1741who reviewed the Has - Ben Groves WUP application; the location of

1753the file; a statement that it was “apparently a new withdrawal”;

1764a request to identify the amount of water coming from the

1775Intermediate and Floridan aquifers; a query as to why the

1785withdrawal would “be cased to only a depth of 120 feet; won’t

1797this mean that much of the water will be drawn from the

1809intermed iate?” Mr. Behrens also requested “a copy of the

1820drawdown modeling results (map).” Mr. Behrens advised that it

1829was “very important that new groundwater withdrawals do not

1838lower [his] well level further, because [he is] relying

1847completely on artesian free - flowing pressure; every inch of

1857level reduction creates further hardship for [him].” (During

1865his deposition, Mr. Behrens felt that the District could produce

1875the information on a “voluntary” basis in order to give him

1886“assurances up front.”)

188914. By letter dated February 10, 2003, the District, by

1899Ms. Gifford, responded to Mr. Behrens’ January 31, 2003, letter

1909and advised him “that drawdown modeling will not be included in

1920Notices of Agency Action that you receive from the District.

1930The only way that you wi ll receive the drawdown modeling is if

1943the District has records related to the modeling at the time you

1955make a specific public records request for same. For example,

1965if you make a public records request today for drawdown

1975modeling, the District will only provide records to you that are

1986in our files as of today. You would have to make a subsequent

1999public records request to get any records that were received or

2010created by the District after today’s date.” (Emphasis in

2019original.) Ms. Gifford also advised Mr . Behrens that he was

2030being provided with “copies of documents that are responsive to

2040[his] public records request dated January 31, 2003.”

204815. Mr. Behrens was provided with a copy of the Has - Ben

2061Groves General Water Use Permit Application which indicated, i n

2071part, that the application was “new” as opposed to a “renewal”

2082or “modification”; the location of the well site; that Has - Ben

2094Groves intended to irrigate 40 acres for citrus; and that the

2105construction date of the well was in “1960.” The word

2115“existing” is written on the line describing, in part, the

2125casing diameter, depth, and pump capacity. See Finding of Fact

213518. The name “Phillippi” is handwritten on page one of the

2146application. (Michael Phillippi is a professional geologist and

2154employed with the D istrict for over nine years. He had a pre -

2168application telephone conversation with the applicant for the

2176Has - Ben Groves WUP.) A “Water Use Permit Evaluation Worksheet”

2187was also enclosed which included, among other information, the

2196names “Lucille” and “Deb orah” and the initials of two persons.

220716. The record does not indicate that Mr. Behrens followed

2217up with the District regarding the Has - Ben Groves application

2228after receiving the District’s February 10, 2003, letter and


223817. On February 19, 2003, Mr. B ehrens filed a Petition for

2250Formal Hearing challenging the District’s preliminary decision

2257to approve the WUP. The District determined that the Petition

2267was timely filed, but not in substantial compliance with the

2277requirements of Section 120.569(2)(c), Fl orida Statutes, and

2285Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.201(2), governing the

2294initiation of administrative proceedings. The District issued

2301an Order of Dismissal Without Prejudice on February 27, 2003.

231118. On March 12, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed an Amended

2321Petition for Formal Hearing. Mr. Behrens alleged that the

2330withdrawal to be authorized by the WUP “would use huge

2340quantities of water from the intermediate aquifer, even though

2349water from the Floridan aquifer is completely suitable for

2358citrus irrigation”; is “very close” to Mr. Behrens’ “property

2367and well”; and the “cone of depression in the Intermediate

2377aquifer that would be caused by the new use will cause a

2389reduction in Petitioner’s water level and pressure and impair

2398the ability of his well to produce water.” (Mr. Behrens also

2409alleged that “[t]he proposed well would be eight inches in

2419diameter, 920 feet deep, and cased to only 120 feet.” See

2430Finding of Fact 15.)

243419. Mr. Behrens also alleged that the District refused to

2444provide certain information, such a s predicted drawdown to area

2454wells. He also raised numerous disputed issues of material


246420. On May 23, 2003, the District deposed Mr. Behrens.

2474During his deposition, Mr. Behrens was asked to identify all

2484facts and documents or sources of information he relied on in

2495making the allegations in the Amended Petition. Mr. Behrens

2504testified that the challenged water use withdrawal “seems like a

2514very excessive amount”; “is [c]lose enough to have an impact on

2525[his] well”; “is going to have a drawdown, is going to have an

2538impact on the aquifer” and he has “a well on the aquifer”; that

2551“these wells are going to have a drawdown and they’re going to

2563draw down [his] well”; and that his position, that the Has - Ben

2576Groves well will have a drawdown impact on his well, is based

2588upon “[s]cience and facts and common sense” and “the evidence is

2599self - evident.”

260221. Mr. Behrens has “done no studies.” Rather, he relies

2612on information, such as the documents he introduced into

2621evidence and his knowledge about the area and the District , to

2632support the allegations in the Petition and Amended Petition.

2641See , e.g. , Findings of Fact 22 - 23. He does not have enough

2654money to hire experts. He relies on the District’s hydrologists

2664for the information he requests and for assurances. Yet,

2673Mr. B ehrens did not contact any District hydrologist to discuss

2684his concerns before he filed the Petition and Amended Petition.

2694See also Findings of Fact 26 - 28.

270222. On June 17, 2003, Mr. Behrens responded to the

2712District’s Interrogatories, which requested Mr. Behrens to

2719identify all facts he relied upon in making his assertions,

2729including all documents prepared or reviewed in connection with

2738such assertions. Mr. Behrens stated that no specific documents

2747were prepared or reviewed in connection with his assertio ns made

2758in paragraph 6 of the Amended Petition, and that the assertions

2769in paragraph 6 were “pure truth – there’s no need to go

2781searching to prove the obvious!” (Paragraph 6 of the Amended

2791Petition alleged: “The proposed new groundwater withdrawal would

2799u se huge quantities of water from the Intermediate aquifer, even

2810though water from the Floridan aquifer is completely suitable

2819for citrus irrigation.”)

282223. During the final hearing, Mr. Behrens claimed that

2831prior to filing his Petition, he relied on his exper ience and

2843the information he maintains regarding the District’s

2850identification of water use problems, and the District’s March

28592000 Horse Creek Draft Resource Evaluation Report, the “Water

2868Resources in Jeopardy” report published during the early 1990’s,

2877an d the 1992 Recommended Order in Alan R. Behrens, et al. v.

2890Consolidated Minerals, Inc. and Southwest Florida Water

2897Management District, et al. , Case Nos. 92 - 0953 - 92 - 0957, 1993 WL

2912944120 (DOAH April 20, 1993; SWFWMD Nov. 30, 1994), in which

2923Hearing Officer Daniel M. Kilbride found that Mr. Behrens was

2933substantially affected by the District’s then proposed renewal

2941and modification of an existing WUP held by Consolidated

2950Minerals. 1993 WL 944120, at *4. (In interrogatory responses,

2959Mr. Behrens also identifie d a 1986 potentiometric surface map of

2970the Intermediate aquifer, among other maps he might identify.)

297924. These documents do not provide information relevant to

2988whether the challenged Has - Ben Groves water withdrawal meets the

2999conditions for issuance of a WUP or would lead a reasonable

3010person to allege that the challenged Has - Ben Groves water use

3022and well would have an adverse impact on Mr. Behrens’ use of his


303625. Before filing his initial Petition and during the

3045interval before he filed his Amended Petition , Mr. Behrens did

3055not contact or speak to District staff who reviewed the Has - Ben

3068Groves WUP application or District staff in the Bartow Service

3078Office (the District service office responsible for permitting

3086matters in Hardee County) to obtain information concerning the

3095Has - Ben Groves permit application or to discuss his concerns

3106regarding whether the proposed water use to be authorized by the

3117WUP would adversely affect his well. But see Finding of Fact

312813, which indicates that on January 31, 2003, Mr. Beh rens posed

3140several questions to the District, prior to filing his Petition,

3150which apparently were left unanswered. It appears Mr. Behrens

3159did not pursue this inquiry until he served the District with

3170Interrogatories on May 29, 2003. Mr. Behrens did not r eview the

3182District’s “work file” after filing his Petition.

318926. In his Proposed Final Order (PFO), Mr. Behrens

3198provided a detailed chronology and analysis of the factors he

3208considered that caused him to file prior challenges to District

3218action and his challeng e to the District’s intent to approve the

3230Has - Ben Groves WUP. He has mistrusted the District over time

3242and has had little faith that the District understands his

3252“unique circumstance” and will protect his well from adverse

3261impacts resulting from the issua nce of WUPs. See , e.g. , (T. 95 -

327496, 98, 100.)

327727. He notes in his PFO that it was not until the Has - Ben

3292Groves case that he “started to have trust in the District

3303staff’s reliance on regional well monitoring data (as its sole

3313source of cumulative impact analys is).” According to

3321Mr. Behrens, the District provided him with information during

3330discovery from which he derived reasonable assurances. He also

3339felt that based on his experience, he “did not contact the

3350permit reviewers in this matter because, from expe rience, he

3360knew he could not trust them to provide the necessary assurances

3371with a few comments over the telephone.” Yet, because of his

3382financial inability to hire experts, Mr. Behrens relies on the

3392expertise of the District’s hydrologists for assurance that his

3401well will not be adversely impacted. See , e.g. , (T. 112)

3411(District Exhibit 13, pp. 41 - 42, 55, 58 - 61.) Stated otherwise,

3424Mr. Behrens wanted the District staff to provide him with proof

3435of reasonable assurance and he filed the Petition and Amended

3445Petition because he felt he did not receive appropriate proof.

345528. If this final hearing went forward, his intent was to

3466ask questions of the District’s hydrologists regarding many of

3475the documents in his possession and to ask “District staff,

3485under oath, a bout specific matters related to the protection of

3496his well and the intermediate aquifer, in general,” presumably

3506as he had done in the Basso and Boran cases, for example. See ,

3519e.g. (District Exhibit 13, p. 59 - 60.) Then, the ALJ, after

3531hearing all of evi dence, would decide whether reasonable

3540assurance was provided.

354329. Prior to and after Mr. Behrens filed his Amended

3553Petition, the District maintained Regional Observation and

3560Monitoring Program (ROMP) wells that provide cumulative

3567monitoring information concer ning the Intermediate and Floridan

3575aquifer water levels throughout the District. ROMP well data

3584are available to the public upon request. (In response to a

3595question posed by Mr. Behrens during the final hearing, Mr.

3605Balser stated that ROMP well data do n ot give absolute assurance

3617or reflect “[e]xactly what is happening in the geology under

3627[Mr. Behrens] property.” Mr. Balser stated that he “would have

3637to do testing of [his] property. But this is the best guess we

3650can make looking at it from a regional v iew.”)

366030. It is more than a fair inference that Mr. Behrens was

3672familiar with ROMP well data and their application in specific

3682cases as a result of his participation in prior administrative

3692cases. See pp. 4 - 5, supra . He did not request ROMP well data

3707avail able from the District prior to filing his Petition and

3718Amended Petition, although he asked for the quantity of

3727groundwater which was expected to be withdrawn from the

3736Intermediate and Floridan aquifers. See Conclusions of Law 48 -


374731. District WUP informat ion and other records are

3756available for public inspection, including the use and

3764permitting history of the water withdrawal challenged by

3772Mr. Behrens in this proceeding.

377732. If Mr. Behrens had inquired of the District prior to

3788filing his Petition and Amended Petition, Mr. Behrens could have

3798learned that the well on the Has - Ben Groves property had been in

3812existence as early as the 1960’s for citrus irrigation, was

3822first permitted around 1974, had previously been authorized by

3831the District for withdrawals of as much as 77,000 gpd, was

3843expected to draw approximately 94 percent of its water from the

3854Upper Floridan aquifer, and there was no reasonable basis to

3864conclude that withdrawals of 31,100 gpd from the Has - Ben Groves

3877well would cause any adverse impact to his well, which draws

3888water from the Intermediate aquifer.

389333. Stated otherwise, at the time he filed his Petition

3903and Amended Petition, Mr. Behrens had no reasonable factual

3912basis to allege that withdrawals of 31,100 gpd from the Has - Ben

3926Groves’ well, located approximately 16 miles from his well,

3935would have an adverse impact on his use of water from his well.

3948(An applicant for a WUP is required to provide, in part,

3959reasonable assurance that the water use “[w]ill not adversely

3968impact an existing legal withdrawa l.” Fla. Admin. Code R. 40D -


398134. On June 30, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed a “Notice of

3992Voluntary Dismissal” and responded, in part, to the District’s

4001Motion for Summary Recommended Order, but not the District’s

4010request for attorney’s fees and costs. Mr. Behrens stated that

4020he withdrew his Amended Petition because he obtained information

4029that he did not have when he filed his Amended Petition and that

4042addressed his concerns about impacts to his well. He claimed,

4052in part, that being informed of the D istrict’s plan to set

4064minimum levels for the Intermediate aquifer had allayed his

4073fears that he would be without an artesian free - flowing water

4085supply. However, the challenged WUP did not address or involve

4095the setting of minimum flow levels.

410135. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Behrens did not make a

4112reasonable inquiry regarding the facts and applicable law.

4120Using an objective standard, an ordinary person standing in

4129Mr. Behrens’ shoes would not have prosecuted this claim if a

4140reasonable inquiry had been conducte d. Stated otherwise,

4148Mr. Behrens did not have a “reasonably clear legal

4157justification” to proceed based on his limited inquiry.

4165Mr. Behrens signed the Petition and Amended Petition for an

4175“improper purpose.”

4177The District’s Request for Sanctions

418236. The Dis trict proved that its lawyers expended

4191approximately 98.8 hours in responding to the challenge brought

4200by Mr. Behrens and that the District incurred $426.25 in costs.

4211An hourly rate of $125.00 per hour is a reasonable rate. The

4223hours expended by District lawyers were reasonable. The costs

4232incurred were reasonable. The District requests that sanctions

4240be imposed in the amount of $12,350.00 for attorney's fees and

4252$426.25 in costs.

425537. For the reasons more fully stated in the Conclusions

4265of Law, based on th e totality of the facts presented, the

4277imposition of a sanction against Mr. Behrens in the amount of

4288$500.00 (for costs and a small portion of fees) is appropriate.



430338. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4310jurisdiction t o consider a motion filed pursuant to Section

4320120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes, notwithstanding that a party,

4327here Mr. Behrens, files a notice of voluntary dismissal and the

4338files at DOAH are closed. See The Corporation of the President

4349of the Church of th e Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints v. St.

4363Johns River Water Management District and the City of Cocoa , 13

4374F.A.L.R. 1014, 1016 - 1018 (DOAH Feb. 8, 1991); Cecile Joyner and

4386Debbie Manning v. Leon County and Department of Environmental

4395Protection , Case No. 00 - 4220 (DOAH Order April 4, 2001). See

4407also Procacci Commercial Realty, Inc. v. Dept. of Health and

4417Rehab. Services , 690 So. 2d 603, 606 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997)(ALJ has

4429the authority to issue a final order on a request for sanctions

4441pursuant to Section 120.569 (2)(e), Florida Statutes.)

4448Improper Purpose

445039. Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes, provides that

4457signatures on pleadings, motions, or other papers certify that

4466the signatory has read the document and that “based upon

4476reasonable inquiry, it is not inter posed for any improper

4486purposes, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay, or

4497for frivolous purpose or needless increase in the cost of

4507litigation.” 2 Section 120.569(2)(e) authorizes the presiding

4514officer to impose an appropriate sanction, includin g a

4523reasonable attorney’s fee, for signatures which are in violation

4532of this subsection.

453540. Section 120.569(2)(e), like its predecessor Section

4542120.57(1)(b)5, Florida Statutes (1995), “is designed to prevent

4550misuse of the administrative process. The statute creates

4558potential liability for costs and attorneys’ fees, which may

4567deter a party who would otherwise initiate a claim or defense

4578for the purpose of delay, to gain an economic advantage, or

4589simply to harass the opposing party.” Friends of Nassau County,

4599Inc. v. Nassau County , 752 So. 2d 42, 56 (Fla. 1st DCA

46112000) (Padovano, J., dissenting).

461541. An objective standard is used to determine whether a

4625party or attorney signed a pleading, motion or other paper for

4636an “improper purpose” and, if so, whether sanctio ns should be

4647imposed under Section 120.569(2)(e). The “determination must be

4655based on an objective evaluation of the circumstances existing

4664at the time the petition was filed.” Id. at 57. (The issue is

4677not whether the party would ultimately prevail on t he merits.)

4688As stated in Friends of Nassau County, Inc., 752 So. 2d at 49 -


4703In the same vein, we stated in Procacci

4711Commercial Realty, inc. v. Department of

4717Health and Rehabilitative Services , 690 So.

47232d 603 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997):

4729The use of an objec tive standard

4736creates a requirement to make

4741reasonable inquiry regarding pertinent

4745facts and applicable law. In the

4751absence of “direct evidence of the

4757party’s and counsel’s state of mind, we

4764must examine the circumstantial

4768evidence at hand and ask, object ively,

4775whether an ordinary person standing in

4781the party’s or counsel’s should would

4787have prosecuted the claim.”

4791Id. at 608 n. 9 (quoting Pelletier v.

4799Zweifel , 921 F. 2d 1465, 1515 (11th Cir.

48071991)). See In re Sargent , 136 F. 3d 349,

4816352 (4th Cir. 1998) (“Put differently a

4823legal position violates Rule 11 if it ‘has

4831“absolutely no chance of success under the

4838existing precedent.”’) Brubaker v. City of

4844Richmond , 943 F. 2d 1363, 1373 (4th Cir.

48521991) (quoting Cleveland Demolition Co. v.

4858Azcon Scrap Corp. , 82 7 F. 2d 984, 988 (4th

4868Cir. 1987)).”

4870* * *

4873Whether [predecessor to Section

4877120.569(2)(e)] section 120.57(1)(b) 5.,

4881Florida Statutes (1995), authorizes

4885sanctions for an initial petition in an

4892environmental case turns . . . on the

4900question whether the sign er could reasonably

4907have concluded that a justiciable

4912controversy existed under pertinent statutes

4917and regulations. If, after reasonable

4922inquiry, a person who reads, then signs, a

4930pleading had “reasonably clear legal

4935justification” to proceed, sanctions a re

4941inappropriate. Procacci , 690 So. 2d at 608

4948n. 9; Mercedes , 560 So. 2d at 278.

495642. Further, in Mercedes Lighting and Electric Supply,

4964Inc. v. Department of General Services , 560 So. 2d 272, 276

4975(Fla. 1st DCA 1990), the court stated that case law construing

4986Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was useful in

4998applying a predecessor statute to Section 120.569(2)(e) and, in

5007this regard, the court stated:

5012The rule’s proscription of filing papers for

5019an improper purpose is designed to

5025discourage dilator y or abusive tactics and

5032to streamline the litigation process. The

5038rule is aimed at deterrence, not fee

5045shifting or compensating the prevailing

5050party. In short, the key to invoking rule

505811 is the nature of the conduct of counsel

5067and the parties, not the outcome.

5073Schwarzer, “Sanctions Under the New Federal

5079Rule 11 -- A Closer Look,” 104 F.R.D. 181, 185


5091A party seeking sanctions under rule 11

5098should give notice to the court and the

5106offending party promptly upon discovering a

5112basis to do so. Advis ory Committee Note to

5121Rule 11. If it may be fairly accomplished,

5129the court should then promptly punish the

5136transgression. In re Yagman , 796 F. 2d

51431165, 1183 (9th Cir. 1986). See also , Ortho

5151Pharmaceutical v. Sona Distributors, Inc. ,

5156117 F.R.D. 170, 173 (S.D. Fla. 1986). If an

5165obvious and recognizable offending pleading

5170is filed, the court at the very least should

5179provide notice to the attorney or party that

5187rule 11 sanctions will be assessed at the

5195end of the trial if appropriate. The

5202purpose of the ru le -- deterring subsequent

5210abuses -- is not well served if an offending

5219pleading is fully litigated and the offender

5226is not punished until the trial is at an

5235end. See In re Yagman , 796 F. 2d at 1184 - 6;

5247and Ortho Pharmaceutical , 117 F.R.D. at 173.

5254One of th e basic tenets of rule 11

5263enforcement appears to be, not surprisingly,

5269that a party is required to take actions to

5278mitigate the amount of resources expended in

5285defense of the offending pleading or motion.

5292In his article, Schwarzer comments:

5297Normally, alt hough not necessarily

5302always, a claim or defense so meritless

5309as to warrant sanctions, should have

5315been susceptible to summary disposition

5320either in the process of narrowing

5326issues under Rule 16 or by motion.

5333Only in the rare case will the

5340offending party succeed in delaying

5345exposure of the baseless character of

5351its claim or defense until trial.

5357Permitting or encouraging the opposing

5362party to litigate a baseless action or

5369defense past the point at which it

5376could have been disposed of tends to

5383perpetuate t he waste and delay which

5390the rule is intended to eliminate. It

5397also undermines the mitigation

5401principle which should apply in the

5407imposition of sanctions, limiting

5411recovery to those expenses and fees

5417that were reasonably necessary to

5422resist the offending paper.

5426Schwarzer, 104 F.R.D. at 198.

5431Id. at 276 - 277.

543643. The District has the burden to show, by a

5446preponderance of the evidence, that Mr. Behrens violated Section

5455120.569(2)(e) and that sanctions should be imposed. Friends of

5464Nassau County, Inc. , 752 S o. 2d at 52. See also

5475§ 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

5479Resolution of the Controversy

548344. This case turns on whether Mr. Behrens made a

5493reasonable inquiry of the facts and law prior to signing and

5504filing the Petition and Amended Petition.

551045. Prior to filing the Petit ion, Mr. Behrens inquired of

5521the District regarding the Has - Ben Groves WUP application. On

5532or about February 10, 2003, the District sent Mr. Behrens a copy

5544of the application. The application provided, in part, the name

5554of the applicant; the name of the applicant’s contact or

5564consultant; the location of the 40 - acre property and the

5575location of the well; the type of crops to be irrigated and

5587method; the depth of the casing and diameter; the pump capacity;

5598the mainline diameter; the withdrawal rate accordin g to “AGMOD”;

5608and the notation “existing.” See Findings of Fact 15 and 18.

5619Mr. Behrens also has access to the first names and initials of

5631persons who may have reviewed the application. Id. After

5640receiving a copy of the actual WUP issued by the District and

5652the Final Agency Action Transmittal Letter of January 27, 2003,

5662Mr. Behrens knew the quantities of water authorized for

5671withdrawal and knew that the WUP was issued most likely out of

5683the District’s Brooksville office, although other office

5690locations a re mentioned. Telephone numbers and street addresses

5699are listed for several offices including the Brooksville office

5708and the Bartow Service office.

571346. Mr. Behrens alleged in his Petition that he received

5723notice of the District’s action on or about February 1 , 2003,

5734which meant that any petition had to be filed on or before

5746February 22, 2003. The Petition was filed on February 19, 2003,

5757but dismissed without prejudice.

576147. On March 12, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed an Amended

5771Petition. However, there is no evidence th at Mr. Behrens made

5782any inquiry of the District after he filed the Petition and

5793before he filed the Amended Petition notwithstanding that he

5802received notice of the proposed District action on or about

5812February 1, 2003, and was aware of the Has - Ben Groves

5824a pplication as of January 20, 2003. See Finding of Fact 10.

5836Thus, Mr. Behrens had approximately 38 days to inquire of the

5847District regarding his concerns before he signed and filed the

5857Amended Petition after he received notice of the agency action.

5867(He h ad 21 days from receipt of the District’s notice of final

5880agency action to file a petition.)

588648. Mr. Behrens is no stranger to administrative

5894proceedings involving challenges to the District’s proposed

5901issuance of WUPs. See DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution , Inc.

5910v. Farmland Hydro Limited Partnership, Frank T. Basso, Jr.,

5919Redland Growers Exchange, Inc., and Southwest Florida Water

5927Management District , Case No. 02 - 0232, 2002 WL 1592349 (DOAH

5938June 3, 2002; SWFWMD June 25, 2002); Alan Behrens and DeSoto

5949Citizen s Against Pollution, Inc. v. Michael J. Boran and

5959Southwest Florida Water Management District , Case No. 02 - 0282,

59692002 WL 31125125 (DOAH July 29, 2002; SWFWMD Aug. 27, 2002);

5980Alan R. Behrens, et al. v. Consolidated Minerals, Inc. and

5990Southwest Florida Water Management District, et al. , Case Nos.

599992 - 0953 - 92 - 0957, 1993 WL 944120 (DOAH April 20, 1993; SWFWMD

6014Nov. 30, 1994). Mr. Behrens prevailed in the Consolidated case,

6024but not in the Basso and Boran cases.

603249. In Basso , Mr. Behrens represented DeSoto Citizens

6040Against Pollution (DCAP), a not - for - profit corporation, in which

6052he served as president. Basso proposed to irrigate 140 acres at

6063454,000 gpd on an annual basis and 1,241,000 gpd, as a peak

6078month quantity. The Basso well was located approximately 18 - 20

6089mi les from Mr. Behrens’ well. The concept of ROMP wells is

6101discussed in detail in the Recommended Order. DCAP did not

6111prove its standing. Also, the evidence demonstrated “that the

6120propose water use will not adversely impact Behrens’ well,”

6130notwithstanding Mr. Behrens claim to the contrary. DeSoto

6138Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. v. Farmland Hydro Limited

6146Partnership, Frank T. Basso, Jr., Redland Growers Exchange,

6154Inc., and Southwest Florida Water Management District , 2002 WL

61631592349, at *2, 4, 6 - 7, 10 - 11 and 14.

617550. In Boran , Mr. Behrens was a named Petitioner and

6185appeared pro se . DCAP was also a Petitioner, but voluntarily

6196dismissed its Petition. The Boran property is a little over

62061,000 acres in size. Boran proposed a modification to his

6217existing WUP and requested to increase his annual average daily

6227quantity by 175,000 gpd, and increase the peak month daily

6238quantity by 423,900 gpd. With the proposed increase, the new

6249annual average daily quantity was expected to be 1,488,000 gpd,

6261and the new peak month daily quantity was expected to be

62723,600,900 gpd. The Boran well was located approximately four

6283miles from Mr. Behrens’ well. ROMP wells are discussed in the

6294Recommended Order. The greater weight of the evidence did not

6304support Mr. Behrens’ view that his well would be adversely

6314impacted by the Boran’s withdrawal of the water as modified.

6324Also, Mr. Behrens did not prove his standing. Alan Behrens and

6335DeSoto Citizens Against Pollution, Inc. v. Michael J. Boran and

6345Southwest Florida Water Management Distri ct , 2002 WL 31125125,

6354at *3, 10, and 17. (Boran’s request, joined in by the District,

6366for attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to Sections 120.569(2)(e)

6375and 120.595(1), Florida Statutes, was denied.)

638151. In this proceeding, the weight of the evidence

6390indica tes that Mr. Behrens made a minimal attempt to gather

6401information from the District, notwithstanding his request to be

6410informed of the disposition of the Has - Ben Groves WUP

6421application and other applications. His January 31, 2003,

6429inquiry raised some of h is concerns, but he did nothing to

6441follow up on this inquiry especially after the District sent him

6452a copy of the Has - Ben Groves application and Evaluation


646452. Although Mr. Behrens appeared pro se in this

6473proceeding, he has experience in dealing wit h and understanding

6483the issues presented. His participation in the cases referenced

6492herein attests to this fact.

649753. Nevertheless, after receiving the Has - Ben Groves WUP

6507application, he did not speak with anyone from the District

6517regarding his concerns or rev iew the “work file” or request any

6529other public records from the District including ROMP well or

6539other data. The documents and information that Mr. Behrens

6548relied on to prepare and sign his Petition and Amended Petition

6559support his concerns about maintain ing the free - flowing nature

6570of his well, but they do not support his assertion that his well

6583would be adversely affected by the Has - Ben Groves water

6594withdrawal or that reasonable assurance had not been provided by

6604Has - Ben Groves. The documents and informa tion possessed by

6615Mr. Behrens alone would not have led an ordinary person to

6626reasonably conclude that a justiciable controversy existed in

6634this matter.

663654. Mr. Behrens asserted, in part, that he did not trust

6647District staff to provide him with reasonable ass urance and,

6657therefore, he did not feel that discussing his concerns with

6667District staff would comfort him. On the other hand, he

6677asserted that he relied on District staff to create and then

6688provide him with modeling and drawdown contours, and then

6697expecte d to rely on his examination of District staff during an

6709administrative hearing to prove his case, or, at the very least,

6720to receive reasonable assurance. This was not a reasonable

6729rationale for not conducting a reasonable inquiry prior to

6738signing and fil ing the Petition and Amended Petition.

674755. To fulfill the obligation to make a reasonable

6756inquiry, a person must investigate the facts, examine the law,

6766and then decide if a pleading is justified. Cleveland

6775Demolition Co., Inc. v. Azcon Scrap Corp. , 827 F.2d 984, 988

6786(4th Cir. 1987).

678956. The District, in issuing its notice of agency action,

6799determined that Has - Ben Groves provided reasonable assurance.

6808(An applicant for a WUP must provide reasonable assurance that

6818several statutory and rule requirements are sa tisfied. See ,

6827e.g. , § 373.223, Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 40D - 2.301.

6839But, absolute assurances are not required. See Basso , 2002 WL

68491592349, at *12.) This preliminary action was subject to

6858challenge and a de novo hearing (if there were disputed i ssues

6870of material fact) because there is no presumption of correctness

6880that attached to the District’s preliminary agency action.

6888Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. ,

6896396 So. 2d 778, 785, 789 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

690657. Mr. Behrens had information at his disposal when he

6916signed the Petition and Amended Petition regarding the effects

6925of water uses in his geographic area and associated problems.

6935See , e.g. , Findings of Fact 23 and 26. It was incumbent on

6947Mr. Behrens to conduct a reasonable inquiry into the facts and

6958law and to decide whether the signing of the Petition, and

6969ultimately the Amended Petition, was justified regarding the

6977Has - Ben Groves WUP. Again, the focus of his attention and

6989inquiry should have been on the Has - Ben Groves WU P, not his

7003general concern with water withdrawal.

700858. Mr. Behrens subjective belief in the merits of his

7018Petition and Amended Petition is insufficient to overcome his

7027lack of a reasonable investigation to ensure that his objections

7037to the Has - Ben Groves WUP ap plication were supported by the

7050facts and the law. Regrettably, it is concluded that

7059Mr. Behrens signed the Petition and Amended Petition for an

7069improper purpose. Notwithstanding this conclusion, the sanction

7076requested by the District is not appropriate.

708359. The District is correct that relevant information was

7092available to Mr. Behrens when he filed his Petition and Amended

7103Petition. This same information was available to the District.

7112Also, the District participated fully in the Basso and Boran

7122cases and w as intimately familiar with the arguments made by

7133Mr. Behrens and the limitation of his proof in these cases.

7144(Mr. Behrens testified in both cases but called no expert

7154witnesses of his own. Rather, he relied on examination of

7164District experts.)

716660. Armed wit h superior knowledge, the District should

7175have raised the “improper purpose” issue sooner in this

7184proceeding, thereby alerting Mr. Behrens to the potential

7192consequences of proceeding further. Mercedes , 560 So. 2d at

7201276 - 277, 279 (duty to mitigate).

720861. Neve rtheless, the District proved that Mr. Behrens

7217signed the Petition and Amended Petition for an “improper

7226purpose.” A sanction in the amount of $500.00 is appropriate.

7236See Findings of Fact 35 and 37. (Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida

7246Statutes, like Rule 11 , Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, “is

7256aimed at deterrence, not fee shifting or compensating the

7265prevailing party.” Department of Health & Rehabilitative

7272Services v. S.G. , 613 So. 2d 1380, 1384 (Fla. 1st DCA

72831993)(quoting Mercedes , 560 So. 2d at 276).)


7291Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusion of

7301Law, it is

7304ORDERED that Alan R. Behrens filed his Petition and Amended

7314Petition for Formal Hearing for an “improper purpose” and should

7324be sanctioned in the amount of $500.00. This a mount shall be

7336paid to the Southwest Florida Water Management District within

734545 days after this Final Order is filed with the Clerk of the

7358Division of Administrative Hearings.

7362DONE AND ORDERED this 25th day of February, 2004, in

7372Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




7381Administrative Law Judge

7384Division of Administrative Hearings

7388The DeSoto Building

73911230 Apalachee Parkway

7394Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7399(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

7407Fax Filing (850) 9 21 - 6847


7415Filed with the Clerk of the

7421Division of Administrative Hearings

7425this 25th day of February, 2004.


74321 / Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, “provides a right of access to

7444inspect and copy an agency’s existing public record s; it does

7455not mandate that an agency create new records in order to

7466accommodate a request for information from the agency,” or “give

7477out information from the records of his or her office.” 22

7488Government - In - The - Sunshine Manual 105 (2000)(Emphasis in

7499origi nal)(Citation omitted.) See also In re Report of the

7509Supreme Court Workgroup on Public Records , 825 So. 2d 889, 898

7520(Fla. 2002)(the custodian of judicial records “is required to

7529provide access to or copies of records but is not required

7540either to provide information from records or to create new

7550records in response to a request.” (Citations omitted.))

7558Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, did not require the District to

7568create the “drawdown contours” requested by Mr. Behrens.

7576Conversely, District staff undertak es groundwater impact

7583analysis modeling and preparation of drawdown contours when

7591annual average quantities of 100,000 gpd or greater are

7601requested, or when evaluation of the proposed water use

7610otherwise demonstrates a need to undertake such analysis for

7619r easonable assurance purposes. The District explained that

7627their experience has demonstrated that quantities below this

7635threshold have minimal - to - no - impact upon the water resource and

7649are indistinguishable from naturally occurring or background

7656fluctuation . Here, District staff felt that because the

7665requested withdrawal was 31,100 gpd and no adverse impacts

7675expected, groundwater modeling or the preparation of drawdown

7683contours were not needed as part of the initial evaluation of

7694the Has - Ben Groves WUP appl ication. Further, groundwater

7704modeling is time - consuming, as a District geologist or

7714hydrologist must expend approximately four to eight hours to

7723complete the modeling process. An additional two hours of

7732professional staff time is generally required to c onvert

7741groundwater - modeling results into a graphical representation of

7750drawdown contours. Nevertheless, after Mr. Behrens’ filed his

7758challenge, Mr. Phillippi undertook groundwater modeling and

7765prepared drawdown contours for the Has - Ben Groves withdrawals of

7776water after the Amended Petition was filed.

77832 / “A frivolous purpose is one which is of little significance

7795or importance in the context of the goal of administrative

7805proceedings.” Burke v. Harbor Estates Associates, Inc. , 591 So.

78142d 1034, 1037 n.1 (F la. 1st DCA 1991)(Citation omitted.)


7827Alan R. Behrens

78304070 Southwest Armadillo Trail

7834Arcadia, Florida 34266

7837Ray Bentley

7839Has - Ben Groves

7843Post Office Box 747

7847Winter Haven, Florida 33882 - 0747

7853Martha A. Moore, Esquire

7857Southwest Florida Water Management District

78622379 Broad Street

7865Brooksville, Florida 34604 - 6899

7870E. D. “Sonny” Vergara, Executive Director

7876Southwest Florida Water Management District

78812379 Broad Street

7884Brooksville, Florida 34604 - 6899


7895A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

7906entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

7915Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

7924of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

7932filing the ori ginal notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

7944Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

7953filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

7963Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

7974the Appellate District whe re the party resides. The notice of

7985appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of this Final


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Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 04/27/2005
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s motion for rehearing en banc, clarification, certification and/or written opinion is denied.
Date: 03/11/2005
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 08/09/2004
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s motion for extension of time denied filed.
Date: 06/02/2004
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 05/26/2004
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s pro se motion for extension of time is granted and the initial brief shall be served by July 2, 2004.
Date: 05/18/2004
Proceedings: Statement of Service for Preparation of Record mailed to filing party.
Date: 05/18/2004
Proceedings: Index filed.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant shall provide a conformed copy of the pertinent order within seven days to this court, with due notification to opposing counsel or parties filed.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case No. 2D04-1250 filed.
Date: 03/25/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 03/25/2004
Proceedings: Certified Notice of Appeal sent to the Second DCA.
Date: 02/25/2004
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 02/25/2004
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held November 13, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/09/2004
Proceedings: Memo to DOAH from A. Behrens regarding re-submission of page 2 of Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2004
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from M. Moore regarding enclosed diskette containing Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Proposed Final Order on the District`s Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 02/03/2004
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/03/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Proposed Final Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 02/02/2004
Proceedings: Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Proposed Final Order on the District`s Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), F.S. (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/02/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Proposed Final Order on the District`s Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), F.S. (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/26/2003
Proceedings: Order. (the parties shall file their proposed final orders by February 2, 2004).
Date: 12/24/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed by Petitioner.
Date: 12/04/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Transcript (filed by SFWMD via facsimile).
Date: 12/03/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 11/13/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/07/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Recording Method (filed by M. Moore via facsimile).
Date: 11/06/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s List of Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/24/2003
Proceedings: Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District`s List of Witnesses for Hearing on District`s Motion for Reasonable Costs and Attorney`s Fees (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/01/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/01/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for November 13, 2003; 1:00 p.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/30/2003
Proceedings: Objection to District`s Motion for Costs and Fees filed by Petitioner.
Date: 07/18/2003
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner may file a response to the District`s motion for reasonable attorney`s fees and costs pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes, on or before August 1, 2003).
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Notice to Pursue Motion for Reasonable Attorney`s Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutues (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/30/2003
Date: 06/30/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Deposition of Allen R. Behrens filed.
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Motion for Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal and for Reasonable Costs and Attorney`s Fees filed.
Date: 06/25/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Service Answers to Behrens` First Set of Interrogatories to the Southwest Florida Water Management District filed by M. Moore.
Date: 06/11/2003
Proceedings: Order. (motion to consolidate Case Nos. 03-1129, 03-1762, and 03-0987 is denied)
Date: 06/06/2003
Proceedings: Respondents` Joint Objection to Petitioner`s Motion to Consolidate (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/04/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Consolidate Hearings (of case nos. 03-1129, 03-0987, 03-1762) filed by A. Behrens.
Date: 05/29/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Behrens` First Set of Interrogatories to Southwest Florida Water Management District filed.
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Settlement Proposal filed by Petitioner.
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent Southwest Florida Water Management District`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner Alan Behrens (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum, A. Behrens filed via facsimile.
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, A. Behrens (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for August 14 and 15, 2003; 1:00 p.m.; Bartow, FL, amended as to date).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for August 13 and 14, 2003; 1:00 p.m.; Bartow, FL).
Date: 04/30/2003
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Continue Hearing (filed by M. Moore via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, A. Behrens (filed by M. Moore via facsimile).
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 2 and 3, 2003; 1:00 p.m.; Bartow, FL).
Date: 04/04/2003
Proceedings: Respondents` Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Final Agency Action Transmittal Letter filed.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Order of Dismissal Without Prejudice filed.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 03/28/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida
Water Management Districts


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):