03-001228PL Department Of Children And Family Services vs. Rashida Alli
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, June 12, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Family day care home license should be revoked because operator left children at facility unsupervised and then tried to conceal the children from the Department`s inspector.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1228PL




32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

48on May 9, 2003, by video teleconference between sites in Orlando

59and Tallahassee, Florida, before T. Kent Wetherell, II, the

68designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

76Administrative H earings.


80For Petitioner: Richard Cato, Esquire

85Department of Children

88and Family Services

91400 West Robinson Street

95Suite S - 1106

99Orlando, Florida 32801 - 1782

104For Respondent: L. Todd Budgen, Esquire

110Budgen Law Firm, P.L.

1141800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300

119Orlando, Florida 32810


126The issue is whether Respondent's license to operate a

135family day care home should be revoked.


144By certified letter dat ed February 28, 2003, the Department

154of Children and Family Services (Department) informed Respondent

162that her license to operate a family day care home was being

174revoked. The proposed revocation was based upon the results of

184the Department's inspection o f Respondent's home on February 27,

1942003, as well as Respondent's prior history of noncompliance

203with the applicable licensing statutes and rules.

210Respondent disputed the facts underlying Department's

216decision, and on March 20, 2003, she timely requested a formal

227administrative hearing. On April 3, 2003, the Department

235referred the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings

244(Division) for the assignment of an administrative law judge to

254conduct the hearing requested by Respondent. 1

261The final hearing was scheduled for and held on May 9,

2722003. At the hearing, the Department presented the testimony of

282Brandi Blanchard, a family service counselor in the Department's

291day care licensing division, and Patricia Richardson, a

299supervisor in the Department's d ay care licensing division. The

309Department's Exhibits A, C, D, and E were received into

319evidence. Exhibit B was offered but not received. 2

328Respondent testified in her own behalf at the hearing and

338also presented the testimony of her neighbor, Annette Rod gers.

348Respondent proffered the testimony of Wesley McDonald, a

356construction worker who had done work at Ms. Rodgers' home and

367would have testified as to the fencing in Ms. Rodgers' backyard.

378Mr. McDonald was not permitted to testify because he had not

389be en disclosed by Respondent as a potential witness in advance

400of the hearing and because his testimony would have been

410repetitious of that of Respondent's other witnesses. See Binger

419v. King Pest Control , 401 So. 2d 1310, 1313 - 14 (Fla. 1981);

432Section 120.5 69(2)(g), Florida Statutes. Respondent's Exhibits

4391 - A through 1 - F and 2 were received into evidence. 3

453No Transcript of the hearing was filed with the Division.

463The original exhibits introduced by Respondent at the hearing

472were filed with the Division on May 22, 2003. The original

483exhibits introduced by the Department were filed with the

492Division on May 29, 2003.

497The parties were initially given ten days from the date of

508the hearing to file their proposed recommended orders (PROs).

517However, the partie s subsequently requested and were granted an

527extension of time through May 23, 2003, to file their PROs. As

539a result, the parties waived the deadline for entry of this

550Recommended Order. See Rule 28 - 106.216(2), Florida

558Administrative Code. The parties' PROs were timely filed and

567were given due consideration by the undersigned in preparing

576this Recommended Order.


582Based upon the testimony and evidence received at the

591hearing, the following findings are made:

597A. Parties

5991. The Departme nt is the state agency responsible for

609licensing and regulating child care facilities, including family

617day care homes.

6202. The Department routinely conducts inspections of

627licensed family day care homes to determine whether the home is

638in compliance with the applicable statutes and rules. Any

647problems found during the inspection are noted on a report which

658is provided to the home's operator immediately following the

667inspection. When appropriate, the inspection report provides a

675time frame within which th e problems must be corrected.

6853. Regular inspections are conducted approximately twice a

693year. More frequent inspections -- monthly or every six weeks -

704- are conducted on family day care homes which have a

715provisional license rather than a standard licen se.

7234. The Department also conducts inspections in response to

732complaints it receives, and it has the authority to inspect

742family day care homes at any time with or without notice.

7535. Respondent is the owner and operator of a licensed

763family day care home located at 1218 Jordan Avenue in Orlando,

774Florida (hereafter "Respondent's facility" or "the facility").

782Respondent and her husband reside at that address as well.

7926. Respondent has operated day care homes in Florida since

8021992, and she has been inv olved in child care for approximately

81421 years. As a result, she is or should be familiar with the

827rules regulating family day care homes.

8337. Respondent keeps children in the back portion of her

843home. The children also play in Respondent's backyard, whi ch is

854enclosed by an approximately six - foot high wooden fence.

8648. A wooden gate in the fence connects Respondent's

873backyard to the backyard of the house immediately behind

882Respondent's home. That house has been rented by Annette

891Rodgers since November 20 02.

8969. Respondent does not have a pool in her yard.

906Ms. Rodgers' yard does have a pool, which at the time of the

919Department's February 27, 2003 inspection (discussed below),

926was only partially filled with water. Ms. Rodgers' pool is not

937visible from Res pondent's back yard because of the wooden fence

948and gate.

95010. The photographs and videotape received into evidence

958show that Ms. Rodgers' pool is now completely enclosed by a

969series of fences. 4 The evidence does not clearly and

979convincingly establish tha t the fences were not in place on

990February 27, 2003. Indeed, the weeds and high grass which can

1001be seen along the base of and around the posts of the chain - link

1016fence and the discoloration on some of the fence posts indicate

1027that at least that fence has b een in place for quite some time. 5

1042B. Previous Inspections of Respondent's Facility

1048and Actions Taken by the Department

105411. Respondent's facility was inspected on May 28,

1062June 14, and September 30, 2002. Several areas of noncompliance

1072were identified during each of those inspections, including

1080inadequate supervision of children, unsafe storage of chemicals,

1088evidence of roaches in the home, and incomplete enrollment and

1098health records for the children at the home. On each occasion,

1109Respondent was given a period of time within which to correct

1120the areas of noncompliance.

112412. The inadequate supervision for which Respondent was

1132cited in June 14, 2002, involved several children playing

1141unsupervised in Respondent's carport area, which has access to

1150the stre et; several children playing in the backyard under the

"1161supervision" of Respondent's mother, who was not an authorized

1170caregiver; and several children playing unsupervised on the

1178porch area in the vicinity of tools and small screws.

118813. The Department iss ued Respondent a provisional license

1197on October 28, 2002, presumably as part of the license renewal

1208process. The provisional license was based upon Respondent's

1216history of noncompliance with the Department's minimum

1223standards, and it was valid through Apr il 2, 2003, unless

1234Respondent applied for an received a change in license status

1244(which she apparently did not) or "if the license is suspended

1255or revoked by the Department."

126014. A provisional license is issued where the Department

1269has continued concerns regarding the day care home's compliance

1278with the applicable statutes and rules. A provisional license

1287is issued in lieu of denying a license renewal or suspending or

1299revoking the home's license. A provisional license gives the

1308licensee an opportunity to correct the areas of noncompliance,

1317and because such homes are inspected more frequently, the

1326Department has an opportunity to monitor the licensee's


133515. On October 29, 2002, Respondent was assessed an

1344administrative fine of $100.00 based upon deficiencies

1351identified during the May 28 and June 14, 2002, inspections.

1361The fine was based primarily upon the incident described above

1371involving inadequate supervision of the children at the home.

138016. Respondent apparently did not contest the

1387administr ative fine or the issuance of the provisional license

1397rather than a standard license.

140217. Despite the provisional license and the administrative

1410fine, the Department's inspections continued to identify areas

1418of noncompliance at Respondent's facility.

142318. For example, the November 14, 2002, inspection

1431identified "evidence of rodents/vermin in the home" as well as

1441incomplete enrollment and immunization records for the children

1449in the home. The December 18, 2002, inspection identified these

1459same deficienci es, including "live roaches in the children's

1468area and the kitchen," as well as the storage of plastic

1479shopping bags and chemicals which can pose dangers to children

1489in an unlocked cabinet accessible to the children.

149719. These violations were the same as or similar to those

1508for which Respondent had been previously cited and which led to

1519the imposition of the administrative fine and issuance of the

1529provisional license.

153120. The Department did not take immediate action to

1540suspend or revoke Respondent's licen se based upon the results of

1551the November 14 and December 18, 2002, inspections. Instead,

1560the Department continued to give Respondent an opportunity to

1569bring her home into compliance with the minimum standards in the

1580Department's licensing rules and statu tes.

1586C. Inspection of Respondent's Facility

1591on February 27, 2003

159521. The Department next inspected Respondent's facility on

1603February 27, 2003. That inspection was conducted by Department

1612employee Brandi Blanchard.

161522. Ms. Blanchard had been respons ible for inspecting

1624Respondent's facility since at least September 2002, so she was

1634familiar with the layout of the facility and its history of

1645noncompliance. Respondent testified that Ms. Blanchard, unlike

1652the prior inspector, had been "very good to her. "

166123. Ms. Blanchard arrived at Respondent's facility by car

1670between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. As she arrived, Respondent was

1681pulling her car into the driveway/carport at the facility.

1690Ms. Blanchard parked her car directly behind Respondent's car.

169924. Ms. Blanchard got out of her car as Respondent was

1710getting out of hers, and she said, "Hello, Ms. Alli," to

1721Respondent. Upon seeing Ms. Blanchard, Respondent quickly went

1729into the house through the carport door. Ms. Blanchard followed

1739Respondent into the fa cility.

174425. Ms. Blanchard lost sight of Respondent as she went

1754down a hallway towards the back of the house where the children

1766were located. The backdoor of the house was open, and by the

1778time that Ms. Blanchard caught up with Respondent, Respondent

1787was directing the children through the facility's backyard

1795towards the back gate connecting Respondent's yard to

1803Ms. Rodgers' yard. Several of the children, led by Ms. Rodgers'

181414 - year - old son carrying an infant in a car seat and

1828Ms. Rodgers' 13 - year - old son carrying a toddler had already

1841reached Ms. Rodgers' yard.

184526. Ms. Blanchard told Respondent to stop and return to

1855the facility with the children, which she did. Ms. Blanchard

1865went through the open gate onto Ms. Rodgers' property and

1875directed Ms. Rodgers ' sons to return to Respondent's facility

1885with the children, which they did.

189127. While on Ms. Rodgers' property, Ms. Blanchard saw a

1901partially - filled swimming pool and other ongoing construction.

1910Ms. Blanchard did not notice any fencing around the pool and saw

1922one of the children, which she estimated to be three or four

1934years old, walking in the construction area close to the edge of

1946the pool.

194828. After the children had been returned, Ms. Blanchard

1957assessed the situation and commenced her inspection of the

1966remainder of Respondent's facility.

197029. Ms. Blanchard found roach droppings in the bathtub and

1980in other locations in the facility. Respondent acknowledged a

1989roach problem, but claimed that she had an exterminator working

1999on the problem and that he was due to come out and treat the

2013facility. Respondent did not present any documentation to

2021Ms. Blanchard to corroborate her claims regarding the

2029exterminator, nor did she introduce such documentation at the


203930. Ms. Blanchard found plastic bags in an unlocked

2048cabinet accessible to the children. Respondent acknowledged at

2056the hearing that the bags were in the cabinet and further

2067acknowledged the suffocation danger that they posed to young


207731. Ms. Blanchard's review of the facility's r ecords

2086identified missing enrollment and immunization records for the

2094children in the home. However, Ms. Blanchard did not document

2104the children whose records were missing and she did not

2114determine whether, as Respondent claimed at the time and in her

2125tes timony at the hearing, any of the missing records were for

2137students who had enrolled in Respondent's facility within the

2146prior two weeks.

214932. Ms. Blanchard documented the results of her

2157inspection, including the events surrounding the movement of the

2166chil dren to Ms. Rodgers' yard on her inspection report. The

2177inspection report identified each of the violations that she

2186observed, including inadequate supervision based upon

2192Respondent's absence from the facility, unsafe storage of

2200materials dangerous to chi ldren ( i.e. , plastic bags) in a

2211location accessible to the children, evidence of roaches,

2219incomplete enrollment and immunization records, and more than

2227the allowed number of children in the home. Ms. Blanchard also

2238cited Respondent's facility for the dang ers posed by Ms.

2248Rodgers' pool since the children were being taken onto Ms.

2258Rodgers' property.

226033. With respect to the citation for having too many

2270children, Ms. Blanchard's inspection report did not include any

2279detailed information about the children suc h as their names (or

2290initials), ages, or descriptions. The report simply stated that

2299Ms. Blanchard counted seven children at the facility -- i.e. , "3

2310infants, 3 preschool and 1 school age child."

231834. Ms. Blanchard's testimony at the hearing referred to

2327o nly two infants, which was consistent with Respondent's

2336testimony on that issue. As a result, the evidence is not clear

2348and convincing that there were seven children in Respondent's

2357care at the facility rather than the authorized six children.

236735. Durin g the course of her inspection, Ms. Blanchard did

2378not see any adults (other than Respondent, who arrived as Ms.

2389Blanchard was arriving) at the facility. It is undisputed that

2399Respondent's husband, who is the designated substitute

2406caregiver, was not at the facility that morning.

241436. There is no credible evidence that Respondent's 22 -

2424year - old son, Abdel, was at the facility that morning. He did

2437not testify at the hearing, and, if as Respondent claims, Abdel

2448was at the facility that morning, Ms. Blanchard w ould have seen

2460him at some point during the commotion surrounding Respondent's

2469rushing the children out the back door or during her subsequent

2480inspection of the facility.

248437. In any event, Abdel was not the substitute caregiver

2494designated by Respondent. He was not even authorized to watch

2504the children because, although he had been background screened

2513by the Department, he had not taken the Department's mandatory

2523child care training program and was not certified in

2532cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

253538. It is more likely than not that Ms. Rodgers' teenage

2546sons were actually left to supervise the children at

2555Respondent's facility during the time that Respondent was gone

2564on the morning of February 27, 2003. Indeed, that is the most

2576likely explanation of t heir presence at the facility and their

2587involvement in the movement of the children to Ms. Rodgers'

2597yard. However, the evidence on this issue is not clear and


260939. Respondent's explanation of her actions on the morning

2618of the inspection -- i.e . , that she hurried into the house upon

2631her arrival and directed all of the children to Ms. Rodgers'

2642yard so she could convey an important message to Ms. Rodgers --

2654is not credible. Her explanation of the roach droppings that

2664Ms. Blanchard found in the ba thtub -- i.e. , that it was actually

2677dirt from washing one of the children's feet -- is also not


269040. By contrast, Respondent's explanation of the

2697incomplete records -- i.e. , that the missing records were for

2707those children who had enrolled in the facility within the prior

2718two weeks -- is reasonable. Because Ms. Blanchard's inspection

2727report did not identify the children whose records were missing

2737and did not document the date of their enrollment, the evidence

2748is insufficient to prove this violati on.

275541. Respondent admitted at the hearing that she "was

2764taking a chance" by leaving the children at the facility without

2775her husband, the designated substitute caregiver, being present.

2783Respondent testified that she was gone only 15 minutes to drop

2794one of her children off at school, and that she follows that

2806same routine every day although her husband is usually at the

2817facility while she is gone.

282242. After Ms. Blanchard completed her inspection, she

2830discussed the results with Respondent and provided Re spondent a

2840copy of the inspection report. Ms. Blanchard then went back to

2851her office and discussed the results of the inspection with her

2862supervisor, Patricia Richardson.

286543. Based upon the results of the February 27, 2003,

2875inspection and the history of noncompliance at Respondent's

2883facility (both before and after the provisional license),

2891Ms. Richardson determined that Respondent's license should be


290044. Thereafter, on February 28, 2003, Ms. Richardson sent

2909a letter to Respondent informing her that her license was being

2920revoked and advising Respondent of her right to "appeal" that

2930decision through the administrative process.


2938A. Jurisdiction and Burden of Proof

294445. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2951jurisdiction o ver the parties to and subject matter of this

2962proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), 120.60(5),

2969and 402.310(2), Florida Statutes. (All references to Sections

2977are to the 2002 version of the Florida Statutes. All references

2988to Rules are to the current version of the Florida

2998Administrative Code.)

300046. The Department has the burden to prove by clear and

3011convincing evidence the grounds for revocation of Respondent's

3019family day care home license. See Coke v. Dept. of Children &

3031Family Servs. , 704 So. 2d 726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998); Dept. of

3043Banking & Finance v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 935

3056(Fla. 1996). Accord Marcia Edwards Family Day Care Home vs.

3066Dept. of Children & Family Servs. , DOAH Case No. 02 - 3784,

3078Recommended Order, at 20 (Feb. 5, 2003), adopted in toto , Order

3089No. DCF - 03 - 086 - FO (Mar. 4, 2003); Dept. of Children & Family

3105Servs. vs. Dorothy Dempsy Family Day Care Home , DOAH Case

3115No. 02 - 1435, Recommended Order, at 7 (Aug. 7, 2002), adopted in

3128toto , Order No. DCF - 02 - 305 - FO (Nov. 27, 20 02).

314247. The clear and convincing evidence standard has been

3151described as follows:

3154Clear and convincing evidence requires that

3160the evidence must be found to be credible;

3168the facts to which the witnesses testify

3175must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

3181must be precise and explicit and the

3188witnesses must be lacking confusion as to

3195the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

3204such weight that it produces in the mind of

3213the trier of fact a firm belief or

3221conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3227truth of th e allegations sought to be


3236Inquiry Concerning Judge Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994)

3247(quoting Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA

32591983)) (internal brackets omitted). Accord Westinghouse Elec.

3266Corp., Inc. v. Shuler B ros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st

3280DCA 1991) (“Although this standard of proof may be met where the

3292evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to preclude evidence

3304that is ambiguous.”), rev. denied , 599 So. 2d 1279 (Fla. 1992).

3315B. Violations of the Li censing Statutes and

3323Rules at Respondent's Facility

332748. Section 402.310(1)(a) provides that the Department may

"3335deny, suspend, or revoke a license . . . for the violation of

3348any provision of ss. 402.301 - 402.319 or rules adopted


335949. The rul es adopted by the Department to implement

3369Sections 402.301 through 402.319 are codified in Rule Chapter

337865C - 20.

338150. Ms. Blanchard's February 27, 2003, inspection report

3389which served as a basis of the Department's February 28, 2003,

3400revocation letter cited the following rules/statutes which

3407Respondent was allegedly in violation of: Rule 65C - 20.009(3)(a)

3417(relating to supervision of the children); Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(b)

3427and (1)(e) (relating to elimination of potential hazards);

3435Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(f) and (1)(g ) (relating to fencing around

3446swimming pools); Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(n) (relating to vermin

3455and pest control); Rule 65C - 20.011(1), (2)(a), and (4)

3465(relating to maintenance of health and enrollment records);

3473and Section 402.302(7) (relating to the maximum numb er of

3483children allowed at the facility). Each alleged violation

3491will be addressed in turn.

349651. Rule 65C - 20.009(3)(a) provides:

3502At all times, which includes when the

3509children are sleeping, the operator shall

3515remain responsible for the supervision of

3521the c hildren in care and capable of

3529responding to the emergencies and needs of

3536the children. During the daytime hours of

3543operation, children shall have adult

3548supervision which means watching and

3553directing children's activities, both

3557indoors and outdoors, and r esponding to each

3565child's needs.

356752. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes

3574that Respondent was in violation of Rule 65C - 20.009(3)(a). It

3585is undisputed that Respondent was not at the facility when

3595Ms. Blanchard arrived on the morning of Febru ary 27, 2003, and

3607that her husband, the only authorized substitute caregiver, was

3616also not at the facility that morning. Respondent's

3624unsubstantiated testimony that her son, Abdel, was left in

3633charge of the facility and the children that morning is not

3644cr edible and, even if Abdel was there, he was not authorized to

3657supervise the children. As a result, even under Respondent's

3666version of the facts, the children were effectively left

3675unsupervised when Respondent left the facility that morning.

368353. Responden t acknowledged at the hearing that she was

"3693taking a chance" by leaving the children at the facility

3703without her husband being present. Nevertheless, she did so.

3712Respondent had previously been cited and fined for noncompliance

3721in the area of supervision of children, albeit prior to the

3732issuance of the provisional license, so her actions on

3741February 27, 2003, represent a repeat violation.

374854. Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(b) and (1)(e) provides:

3756(b) All areas and surfaces accessible to

3763children shall be free of t oxic substances

3771and hazardous materials. All potentially

3776harmful items including cleaning supplies,

3781flammable products, poisonous and toxic

3786materials must be labeled. These items as

3793well as knives, and sharp tools and other

3801potentially dangerous hazards shall be

3806stored in locations inaccessible to the

3812children in care.

3815* * *

3818(e) Play areas shall be clean, free of

3826litter, nails, glass and other hazards.

383255. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that

3840Respondent violated Rule 65C - 20.01 0(1)(b) and (1)(e) by not

3851storing the plastic grocery bags, which Respondent conceded

3859posed a suffocation hazard to small children, in a location that

3870is inaccessible to children at the facility. Respondent had

3879previously been cited for this violation as well.

388756. Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(f) and (1)(g) provides:

3895(f) The outdoor space shall be fenced, a

3903minimum of 4 feet in height, if the family

3912day care home property borders any of the


3921* * *

39245. lake, ditch, pond, brook, canal or

3931other wat er hazard.

3935Swimming pools shall be fenced, a minimum

3942of 4 feet in height, and locked to keep the

3952water hazard inaccessible to children,

3957except during the time water related

3963activities are being conducted as a program


3971(g) If a family day ca re home uses a

3981swimming pool, it shall be maintained by

3988using chlorine or other suitable chemicals.

3994If the family day care home uses a swimming

4003pool, which exceeds three (3) feet in depth

4011at the family day care home site, one person

4020who has completed a ba sic water safety

4028course such as one offered by the American

4036Red Cross, YMCA or other organization, must

4043be present when children have access to the

4051swimming area. If the family day care home

4059uses swimming pools not at the site of the

4068family day care home, or takes the children

4076to beach or lake areas for swimming

4083activities, the family day care home

4089operator must provide one person with a

4096certified lifeguard certificate or

4100equivalent, who must be present when

4106children are in the swimming area, unless a

4114cert ified lifeguard is on duty.

412057. The evidence fails to establish a violation of

4129Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(f) and (1)(g). It is undisputed that the

4140backyard of Respondent's facility is adequately fenced to keep

4149the children from accessing the pool in Ms. Rodgers ' yard, and

4161the evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish that

4170the gate on the back fence is routinely kept open or unlocked.

4182Moreover, while the evidence establishes that the children were

4191being taken into Ms. Rodgers' yard on the day of Ms. B lanchard's

4204inspection, they were not being taken there to swim and they

4215were generally under Respondent's supervision at the time.

4223Finally, the evidence does not clearly and convincingly

4231establish that the fencing shown in the photographs of

4240Ms. Rogers' y ard was not in place at the time of Ms. Blanchard's


425558. In light of the foregoing determinations, it is

4264unnecessary to address Respondent's contention that

4270Ms. Blanchard violated Section 402.311 by going onto

4278Ms. Rodgers' property without perm ission or a warrant. 6 Nor is

4290it necessary to address whether a day care may be cited for

4302deficiencies existing on property which is not part of the

4312licensed facility.

431459. Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(n) provides:

4320Rodents and vermin shall be exterminated.

4326Pest con trol shall not take place while

4334rooms are occupied by children.

433960. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that

4347Respondent violated Rule 65C - 20.010(1)(n), because Ms. Blanchard

4356found roach droppings at Respondent's facility on February 27,

4365200 3. Respondent has been cited for this violation on prior

4376occasions, both before and after the provisional license, and

4385her unsubstantiated testimony at hearing that she has been

4394through several exterminators in an effort to eliminate the

4403roaches was not c redible.

440861. Rule 65C - 20.011(1), (2)(a), and (4) provides:

4417(1) Immunizations. Within 30 days of

4423enrollment, each child must have on file and

4431keep current a completed DH Form 680,

4438Florida Certification of Immunization, Part

4443A - 1, B, or C (Aug. 1998 or A ug. 2000), or DH

4457Form 681, Religious Exemption from

4462Immunization (May 1999), which is

4467incorporated by reference in Rule 64D -

44743.011(5), F.A.C. . . . . The DH Form 680,

4484Florida Certification of Immunization Parts

4489A - 1, Certification of Immunization for K - 12

4499Excluding 7th Grade Requirements or Part B,

4506Temporary Medical Exemption, shall be signed

4512by a physician or authorized personnel

4518licensed under the provisions of Chapter

4524458, 459, or 460, Florida Statutes, and

4531shall document vaccination for the

4536prevention o f diphtheria, pertussis,

4541tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubeola, rubella,

4545mumps, Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB),

4551and effective July 1, 2001, completion of

4558the varicella vaccination. The DH Form 680,

4565Florida Certification of Immunization Part

4570C, Permanent Me dical Exemptions, shall be

4577dated and signed by a physician licensed

4584under the provisions of Chapter 458 or 459,

4592Florida Statutes.

4594(2) Children's Student Health


4599(a) Within 30 days of enrollment, each

4606child must have on file a completed DH Form

46153040 (Oct. 96), Student Health Examination,

4621which is incorporated by reference, and

4627copies of which are available from the local

4635county health department or the child's

4641pediatrician. The student health

4645examination shall be completed by a person

4652gi ven statutory authority to perform health


4660* * *

4663(4) Enrollment and Medical Authorization.

4668(a) The operator shall obtain enrollment

4674information from the child's custodial

4679parent or legal guardian, prior to accepting

4686the child in c are. This information shall

4694be documented on CF - FSP Form 5219, Dec 97,

4704Child Care Application for Enrollment, which

4710can be obtained from the local Department of

4718Children and Families district service

4723center or the local licensing agency, and is

4731incorporat ed by reference, or an equivalent

4738that contains all the information required

4744by the department's form.

4748(b) Enrollment information shall be kept

4754current and on file for each child in care.

476362. The Department failed to prove a violation of

4772Rule 65C - 20. 011(1) or (2)(a) because Ms. Blanchard's inspection

4783report and her testimony did not clearly and convincingly

4792demonstrate which children's records were missing or that those

4801children were enrolled in the facility for more than 30 days,

4812which is the timefra me allowed by the rule to obtain that

4824information. Similarly, the Department failed to establish a

4832violation of Rule 65C - 20.011(4) because Ms. Blanchard's

4841inspection report and her testimony did not clearly and

4850convincingly demonstrate which children's re cords were missing.

485863. Section 402.302(7) provides in relevant part that:

4866A family day care home shall be allowed to

4875provide care for one of the following groups

4883of children, which shall include those

4889children under 13 years of age who are

4897related to t he caregiver:

4902(a) A maximum of four children from birth

4910to 12 months of age.

4915(b) A maximum of three children from

4922birth to 12 months of age, and other

4930children, for a maximum total of six


4938(c) A maximum of six preschool children

4945if all are older than 12 months of age.

4954(d) A maximum of 10 children if no more

4963than 5 are preschool age and, of those 5, no

4973more than 2 are under 12 months of age.

498264. The Department failed to prove a violation of

4991Section 402.302(7). Indeed, the prepond erance of the evidence

5000establishes that, as allowed by Section 402.302(7)(b),

5007Respondent had a total of six children at the facility on

5018February 27, 2003, consisting of two infants (12 months or

5028younger) and four other children under the age of five.

5038C. A ppropriate Penalty

504265. Section 402.310(1)(b) directs the Department to

5049consider the following factors in determining the appropriate

5057disciplinary action for a violation of Section 402.310(1)(a):

50651. The severity of the violation,

5071including the probabi lity that death or

5078serious harm to the health or safety of any

5087person will result or has resulted, the

5094severity of the actual or potential harm,

5101and the extent to which the provisions of

5109ss. 402.301 - 402.319 have been violated.

51162. Actions taken by the licensee to

5123correct the violation or to remedy


51303. Any previous violations of the


513766. Because Petitioner held a provisional license at the

5146time of the February 27, 2003, inspection, Section 402.309 is

5156also implicated. Subsecti on (4) of that statute provides that:

5166The provisional license may be suspended if

5173periodic inspection made by . . . the

5181department indicates that insufficient

5185progress has been made toward compliance.

519167. Respondent argues that the Department should not

5199and/or could not revoke her license under Section 402.310(1)(a)

5208without giving her a chance to bring her facility in compliance

5219pursuant to Section 402.309(4). Alternatively, Respondent

5225argues that revocation is not appropriate under the

5233circumstances of this case, and that less severe sanctions (such

5243as suspension) were available to the Department.

525068. Section 402.309(4) authorizes the Department to

5257suspend a provisional license if the licensee is making

5266insufficient progress towards compliance with the licensing

5273statutes and rules. However, that statute does not preclude the

5283Department from taking other disciplinary action against the

5291licensee, including revocation under Section 402.310(1) if the

5299circumstances warrant. Indeed, the provisional license issued

5306to Respondent on October 28, 2003, stated that the license would

5317be valid though April 3, 2003, unless it is "suspended or

5328revoked by the Department" (emphasis supplied).

533469. The circumstances of this case involve more than just

"5344insufficient progr ess . . . towards compliance" by Respondent;

5354they involve Respondent's blatant disregard for the safety of

5363the children in her care. Not only did Respondent leave six

5374children under the age of five at her facility without adult

5385supervision, but she active ly attempted to conceal that

5394deficiency from the Department's inspector by moving the

5402children to Ms. Rodgers' yard.

540770. Supervision is a cornerstone of child care. See

5416Section 402.302(1) (defining "child care" to mean "the care,

5425protection, and supervis ion of a child . . ."). Respondent's

5437failure to supervise the children in her care by leaving the

5448facility to take her own child to school is inexcusable and is a

5461serious violation of the licensing statutes and rules. The

5470violation created a real possibi lity of death or serious harm

5481for the children at the facility in light of their young age,

5493the roach droppings in the facility, and the plastic bags which

5504were accessible to the children.

550971. While there is no evidence that any of the

5519children suffered actual harm, such evidence is not required

5528under Section 402.310(1)(b)1. Indeed, it is not necessary for

5537the Department to wait until a child is seriously injured or

5548dies before it revokes a license for statutory or rule


555972. Respondent has a long history of violations, both

5568before and after she received a provisional license, and she has

5579been previously cited for inadequate supervision. The

5586Department has given Respondent ample opportunity to bring her

5595facility into compliance, but she has failed to do so. Indeed,

5606even though Respondent has made some efforts towards compliance

5615over time, she continues to be cited for the same deficiencies,

5626including roaches and the storage of dangerous materials.

563473. Respondent acknowledged at the hearing that she was

"5643taking a chance" when she left the facility and the children

5654unsupervised on the morning of February 27, 2003. Not only was

5665she taking a chance with her license, but she was taking a

5677chance with the lives of the children in her care. Respo ndent

5689is fortunate that her actions that morning did not result in

5700harm to the children, but she is not so fortunate with respect

5712to her license.

571574. Indeed, even under Respondent's version of events, her

5724decision to leave the facility and the children i n her care

5736under the supervision of a person without CPR training and the

5747necessary Department certification is sufficient grounds for

5754revocation of Respondent's license. In light of the

5762undersigned's rejection of Respondent's version of events, it is

5771eve n more evident that revocation is the appropriate penalty in

5782this case.


5785Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

5794of Law, it is

5798RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family

5806Services issue a final order revoking Re spondent's license to

5816operate a family day care home.

5822DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of June, 2003, in

5832Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5842Administrative Law Judge

5845Division of Administrative Heari ngs

5850The DeSoto Building

58531230 Apalachee Parkway

5856Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5861(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5869Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5876Filed with the Clerk of the

5882Division of Administrative Hearings

5886this 12th day of June, 2003.


58931/ The "notice" by which this case was referred to the Division

5905designated Rashada Alli as the Petitioner and the Department as

5915the Respondent. Those designations were changed by the Clerk of

5925the Division as reflected in the case style above. T hat change

5937was presumably based upon the fact that this is a license

5948revocation proceeding in which the Department is the party

5957seeking the affirmative relief.

59612/ Exhibit B summarizes a complaint from an anonymous caller to

5972a Department "hot line" regard ing the operation of Respondent's

5982family day care home. The exhibit was offered to show the

5993reason that Ms. Blanchard went to Respondent's home on

6002February 27, 2003. The exhibit was rejected because the

6011undersigned concluded that the Department had not e stablished

6020the necessary foundation for admission of the document as a

6030business record or a public record pursuant to Sections

603990.803(6) or (8), Florida Statutes, and because the reason that

6049Ms. Blanchard went to Respondent's home was irrelevant. Upon

6058ref lection, the Department did establish the necessary

6066foundation under Section 90.803(6), Florida Statutes, although

6073the statements of the anonymous complainant within the exhibit

6082are still hearsay to the extent they were offered for their

6093truth. See Reiche nberg v. Davis , 2003 WL 21297232, at *1 (Fla.

61055th DCA June 6, 2003); Harris v. Game & Fresh Water Fish Comm'n ,

6118495 So. 2d 806, 808 - 09 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). Nevertheless,

6130Exhibit B is still inadmissible because what it was offered to

6141show is not relevant an d/or because any probative value of the

6153exhibit is outweighed by its prejudicial effect. See Section

6162402.311 (Department may inspect family day care homes at any

6172time with or without notice; it does not need a reason to

6184conduct an inspection); Keen v. Sta te , 775 So. 2d 263, 274 - 76

6198(Fla. 2000) (discussing the immateriality and irrelevance of the

6207substantive aspects of "tips" received by the police which lead

6217to an investigation or arrest); State v. Baird , 572 So. 2d 904,

6229908 (Fla. 1990) ("[W]hen the only pu rpose for admitting

6240testimony relating accusatory information received from an

6247informant is to show a logical sequence of events leading up to

6259an arrest, . . . the better practice is to allow the officer to

6273state that he acted upon a 'tip' or 'information received,'

6284without going into the details of the accusatory information.").

6294Exhibit B is also inadmissible because it is unduly repetitious

6304of Ms. Blanchard's unobjected - to testimony that she went to

6315Respondent's family day care home in response to a comp laint

6326that the Department received. See Section 120.569(2)(g),

6333Florida Statutes.

63353/ Respondent's Exhibit 2 is a videotape which was played at

6346the hearing on a hand - held camcorder. Because the hearing was

6358conducted by video teleconference, the undersign ed was not able

6368to view the videotape during the hearing. As directed at the

6379conclusion of the hearing, Respondent converted the camcorder

6387videotape to a normal, VCR - size videotape for filing with the

6399Division. The undersigned viewed the videotape in cam era in

6409advance of the preparation of this Recommended Order.

64174/ The fences include the wooden fence which runs between

6427Respondent's yard and Ms. Rodgers' yard, an approximately eight -

6437foot high chain - link fence, and a three - to four - foot high metal

6453mesh f ence. The mesh fence is attached to the studs of an

6466addition that is being constructed on the back of Ms. Rodgers'

6477house. The chain - link fence runs from the wooden fence along

6489the back of Respondent's yard to the addition. There is a gate

6501in the chain - l ink fence which must be used to access the pool

6516area. That gate is located at the intersection of the chain -

6528link fence and the wooden fence, near where the gate in the

6540wooden fence is located.

65445/ Respondent testified that the photographs and videotape w ere

6554both taken on February 28, 2003, the day after the Department's

6565inspection. However, a close examination of the photographs and

6574videotape conclusively shows that they were not taken on the

6584same day. Specifically, the level of the pool in the videotap e

6596is considerably higher than it was in the photographs, and

6606several of the trees which can be seen in the background of the

6619photographs without leaves or with brownish - yellow leaves (as

6629would be expected in late February) can be seen in the videotape

6641with green leaves (as would be expected later in the year).

6652These discrepancies undermine Respondent's credibility and also

6659affected the weight given by the undersigned to the photographs

6669and the videotape.

66726/ Section 402.311 provides in relevant part:

6679A licensed child care facility shall accord

6686to the department . . ., the privilege of

6695inspection, including access to facilities

6700and personnel and to those records required

6707in s. 402.305, at reasonable times during

6714regular business hours, to ensure complian ce

6721with the provisions of ss. 402.301 - 402.319.

6729The right of entry and inspection shall also

6737extend to any premises which the department

6744. . . has reason to believe are being

6753operated or maintained as a child care

6760facility without a license, but no such

6767en try or inspection of any premises shall be

6776made without the permission of the person in

6784charge thereof unless a warrant is first

6791obtained from the circuit court authorizing

6797same. . . . .

6802(Emphasis supplied).


6807L. Todd Budgen, Esquire

6811B udgen Law Firm, P.L.

68161800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300

6821Orlando, Florida 32810

6824Richard Cato, Esquire

6827Department of Children and

6831Family Services

6833400 West Robinson Street

6837Suite S - 1106

6841Orlando, Florida 32801 - 1782

6846Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk

6850Department o f Children and

6855Family Services

68571317 Winewood Boulevard

6860Building 2, Room 204B

6864Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

6869Josie Tomayo, General Counsel

6873Department of Children and

6877Family Services

68791317 Winewood Boulevard

6882Building 2, Room 204

6886Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

6891Jerry Regier, Secretary

6894Department of Children and

6898Family Services

69001317 Winewood Boulevard

6903Building 1, Room 202

6907Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


6918All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

692815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6939to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6950will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/23/2003
Proceedings: Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/08/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 9, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/29/2003
Proceedings: Exhibits filed by Petitioner.
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order (filed by R. Cato via facsimile).
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/22/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from T. Budgen enclosing admitted hearing exhibits filed.
Date: 05/20/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time issued. (the parties` proposed recommended orders shall be filed no later than 3:00 p.m. on May 23, 2003)
Date: 05/20/2003
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness and Exhibit List (filed by L. Budgen via facsimile).
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Hearing Exhibits (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Pre-Hearing Instructions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation (filed by L. Budgen via facsimile).
Date: 04/25/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness and Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/11/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for May 9, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/11/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/11/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Revocation of License filed.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing and Appeal filed.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance & Representation (filed by L. Buden).
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 04/03/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):