03-001332 Department Of Financial Services, Division Of Workers&Apos; Compensation vs. H. H. Hudson &Amp; Sons, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, November 10, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent conceded that it did not provide its employees with workers` compensation insurance and did not dispute the amount of the assessed penalty.







20Petitioner, )


23vs. ) Cas e No. 03 - 1332


32H. H. HUDSON & SONS, INC., )


40Respondent. )



45A formal hearing was conducted in this case on

54September 23, 2003, in Ocala, Florida, before Suzanne F. Hood,

64Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



74For Petitioner: Eric Lloyd, Esquire

79Department of Financial Services

83200 East Gaines Street

87Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

92For Respondent: Larry Collins, Esquire

97202 South Magnolia, Su ite 3

103Ocala, Florida 34474


110The issue is whether Respondent is subject to assessed

119penalties as set forth in the Amended Stop Work and Penalty

130Assessment Order dated March 11, 2003.


138O n March 11, 2003, Petitioner Department of Financial

147Services, Division of Workers' Compensation (Petitioner), issued

154an Amended Stop Work and Penalty Assessment Order. The Order

164directed Respondent H. H. Hudson & Sons, Inc. (Respondent), to

174cease and des ist from all business operations until it complied

185with the workers' compensation law, including the payment of the

195total assessed penalty in the amount of $434,545.57.

204On March 25, 2003, Respondent filed a Petition for Formal

214Administrative Hearings. Pe titioner referred the Petition to

222the Division of Administrative Hearings on April 15, 2003.

231A Notice of Hearing dated April 22, 2003, scheduled the

241hearing for June 18, 2003.

246On June 5, 2003, Respondent filed a Motion and Memorandum

256for Protective Ord er. On June 11, 2003, Petitioner filed

266Division's Combined Motion to Compel Discovery, to Extend Time

275for Responding to the Order of Pre - Hearing Instructions, and for

287Expedited Ruling.

289The undersigned heard oral argument on the pending motions

298in a tele phone conference on June 11, 2003. At the conclusion

310of the conference, the undersigned reserved ruling on the

319motions based on representations by the parties that they could

329resolve the discovery dispute.

333On June 12, 2003, Petitioner filed a Motion fo r

343Continuance. After a telephone conference on June 16, 2003, the

353undersigned issued an Order Granting Continuance and

360Re - Scheduling Hearing to be heard on July 18, 2003.

371On July 17, 2003, Petitioner filed an unopposed Motion for

381Continuance due to a medical emergency affecting Petitioner's

389counsel. The undersigned issued an Order Granting Continuance

397dated July 21, 2003.

401A Notice of Hearing dated August 7, 2003, scheduled the

411hearing for September 23, 2003.

416During the hearing, Petitioner pr esented the testimony of

425one witness and offered one composite exhibit that was accepted

435into the record as evidence. Respondent did not present any

445witnesses or offer any exhibits. The parties agreed that all

455pending discovery motions were moot.

460The Tr anscript of the proceeding was filed on October 7,

4712003. Petitioner filed a Proposed Recommended Order on

479November 5, 2003. As of the date of the issuance of this

491Recommended Order, Respondent had not filed a proposed findings

500of facts and conclusions of law.

506All references are to Florida Statutes (2002) except as

515otherwise noted.


5201. Petitioner is the agency charged with enforcing

528statutory requirements that employers secure the payment of

536workers' compensation for their employees.

5412. Respondent is a Florida corporation, Federal Employer

549Identification No. 592489849, located in Ocala, Florida, that

557provides livestock transportation services.

5613. Henry Hayes Hudson, III, is Respondent's president.

569Martha Hudson is Respondent's vi ce president. Henry and Martha

579Hudson are Respondent's only officers and shareholders.

5864. On or about March 3, 2003, Petitioner received a

596complaint alleging that Respondent did not carry workers'

604compensation coverage. That same day, Petitioner's

610inve stigator, William Pangrass, conducted a compliance

617inspection at Respondent's principal place of business, 5879

625West County Road 326, Ocala, Florida.

6315. During the investigation, Mr. Pangrass interviewed

638Martha Hudson and Respondent's bookkeeper, Kelly Hadsock. The

646investigation revealed that Respondent had no proof of workers'

655compensation for the prior three years.

6616. Petitioner personally served Respondent with a Stop

669Work and Penalty Assessment Order, No. 03 - 191 - D1, on March 3,

6832003. The Order r equired Respondent to cease all business

693activities. The Order also assessed the minimum statutory

701penalty in the amount of $100.00 under Section 440.107(5) and

711$1,000.00 under Section 440.107(7)(b). Martha Hudson refused to

720sign the Order.

7237. Next, Pe titioner personally served a Request for

732Business Owner Affidavit and Production of Business Records on

741March 3, 2003. Martha Hudson also refused to sign this


7528. Respondent subsequently provided Petitioner with copies

759of its payroll records. The records included Respondent's

767payroll from March 3, 2000, through March 3, 2003. For all or

779part of that period, Respondent employed 52 individuals.

787Petitioner used the payroll records to calculate the penalty

796assessment for the three - year period o f time that Respondent did

809not provide its employees with workers' compensation.

8169. On March 11, 2003, Petitioner issued the Amended Stop

826Work and Penalty Assessment Order, No. 03 - 191 - D1 - 2. The Amended

841Order required Respondent to cease all business o perations and

851to pay a penalty in the amount of $109,500.00, pursuant to

863Section 440.107(5), and a penalty in the amount of $325,045.57,

874pursuant to Section 440.107(7)(a). The total assessed penalty

882was $434,545.57.

88510. In a telephone conference on July 11, 2003, the

895parties stipulated that Respondent had no workers' compensation

903coverage for the period of time at issue here. They also

914stipulated that the only remaining issue involved the accuracy

923of the assessed penalty.

92711. During the hearing, Petit ioner presented competent

935evidence to support the accuracy of the assessed penalty. More

945importantly, Respondent stipulated to the accuracy of the

953assessed penalty.


95812. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

965jurisdiction over th e parties and the subject matter of this

976proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

984Statutes (2003).

98613. Petitioner must prove by a preponderance of the

995evidence that Respondent failed to provide its Florida employees

1004with workers' c ompensation insurance and that the penalties

1013assessed are correct. See Department of Employment and Labor

1022Security, Division Of Workers' Compensation v. Eastern Personnel

1030Services, Inc. , DLES Case No. 99 - 275, (Final Order, October 12,

10421999), adopting in t oto Case No. 99 - 2048 (DOAH October 12, 1999)

1056(Although violations of Chapter 440 can result in a substantial

1066fine, which may even render an employer insolvent, the employer

1076nonetheless does not have a license or property interest at

1086stake so as to raise th e standard of proof to clear and

1099convincing evidence.)

110114. Section 440.015 states as follows in relevant part:

1110440.015 Legislative intent. -- It is the

1117intent of the Legislature that the Workers'

1124Compensation Law be interpreted so as to

1131assure the q uick and efficient delivery of

1139disability and medical benefits to an

1145injured worker and to facilitate the

1151worker's return to gainful reemployment at a

1158reasonable cost to the employer.

116315. Section 440.03 states as follows:

1169440.03 Application. -- Every empl oyer and

1176employee as defined in s. 440.02 shall be

1184bound by the provisions of this chapter.

119116. Section 440.02 states as follows in pertinent part:

1200(15)(a) "Employee" means any person

1205engaged in any employment under any

1211appointment or contract of hire or

1217apprenticeship, express or implied, oral or

1223written, whether lawfully or unlawfully

1228employed, and includes, but is not limited

1235to, aliens and minors.

1239* * *

1242(16) "Employer" means . . . every person

1250carrying on any employment. . . .

1257* * *

1260(17)(a ) "Employment," subject to the

1266other provisions of this chapter, means any

1273service performed by an employee for the

1280person employing him or her.

1285(b) "Employment" includes:

1288* * *

12912. All private employment in which four

1298or more employees are empl oyed by the same

1307employer. . . .

131117. Section 440.10(1)(a) states as follows in relevant


1320(1)(a) Every employer coming within the

1326provisions of this chapter shall be liable

1333for, and shall secure, the payment to his or

1342her employees, or any physi cian, surgeon, or

1350pharmacist providing services under the

1355provisions of s. 440.13, of the compensation

1362payable under ss. 440.13, 440.15, and


136918. Section 440.38 requires employers to secure payment of

1378compensation for their employees. The statu te allows employers

1387to insure the payment of such compensation through an insurance

1397carrier or by acting as a self - insurer. See Section 440.38(1).

140919. The Legislature has determined that "the failure of an

1419employer to comply with the workers' compensati on coverage

1428requirements . . . poses an immediate danger to public health,

1439safety, and welfare." Section 440.107(1). Petitioner has the

1447duty of enforcing the employer's compliance with the

1455requirements of the workers' compensation law.

1461Section 440.107(1 ).

146420. Section 440.107(5) states as follows:

1470(5) Whenever the department determines

1475that an employer who is required to secure

1483the payment to his or her employees of the

1492compensation provided for by this chapter

1498has failed to do so, such failure shall be

1507deemed an immediate serious danger to public

1514health, safety, or welfare sufficient to

1520justify service by the department of a stop -

1529work order on the employer, requiring the

1536cessation of all business operation at the

1543place of employment or job site. . . . The

1553order shall take effect upon the date of

1561service upon the employer, unless the

1567employer provides evidence satisfactory to

1572the division of having secured any necessary

1579insurance or self - insurance and pays a civil

1588penalty to the division, to be deposit ed by

1597the department into the Workers'

1602Compensation Administration Trust Fund, in

1607the amount of $100 per day for each day the

1617employer was not in compliance

1622with this chapter.

162521. Section 440.107(7) states as follows in pertinent


1634(7) In additio n to any penalty, stop - work

1644order, or injunction, the department shall

1650assess against any employer, who has failed

1657to secure the payment of compensation as

1664required by this chapter, a penalty in the

1672following amount:

1674(a) An amount equal to at least the

1682amount that the employer would have paid or

1690up to twice the amount the employer would

1698have paid during periods it illegally failed

1705to secure payment of compensation in the

1712preceding 3 - year period based on the

1720employer's payroll during the preceding

17253 - y ear period; or

1731(b) One thousand dollars, whichever is


1738Any penalty assessed under this subsection

1744is due within 30 days after the date on

1753which the employer is notified, except that,

1760if the department has posted a stop - work

1769order or obtained i njunctive relief against

1776the employer, payment is due, in addition to

1784those conditions set forth in this section,

1791as a condition to relief from a stop - work

1801order or an injunction. Interest shall

1807accrue on amount not paid when due at the

1816rate of 1 percent per month. The division

1824shall adopt rules to administer this


183122. In this case, the preponderance of the evidence

1840indicates that Respondent was an employer for each day of the

1851period between March 3, 2000, and March 3, 2003. The evidence

1862also i ndicates that Respondent did not have workers'

1871compensation insurance in place during this period of time.

1880Therefore, Respondent failed to abide by the coverage

1888requirement of the workers' compensation law.

189423. Respondent owes $109,500.00 under Section 440.107(5)

1902and $325,045.57 under Section 440.107(7). The total assessed

1911penalty in the amount of $434,545.57 is the minimum statutory

1922penalty based upon Respondent's payroll.

192724. During the hearing, Respondent did not dispute the

1936facts showing that it had not complied with Sections 440.10(1)

1946and 440.38 or the penalty assessed pursuant to Sections

1955440.107(5) and 440.107(7). Instead, Respondent took the

1962opportunity to preserve constitutional arguments on the record

1970because an Administrative Law Judge do es not have jurisdiction

1980over constitutional issues. See Communications Workers Local

19873170 v. City of Gainesville , 697 So. 2d 167, 170 (Fla. 1st

1999DCA 1997).


2002Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2012Law, it is


2016That Petitioner enter a final order affirming the Amended

2025Stop Work Penalty Assessment Order and directing Respondent to

2034pay a penalty in the amount of $434,545.57.

2043DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2003, in

2053Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2061Administrative Law Judge

2064Division of Administrative Hearings

2068The DeSoto Building

20711230 Apalachee Parkway

2074Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2079(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2087Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2093www.doah. state.fl.us

2095Filed with the Clerk of the

2101Division of Administrative Hearings

2105this 10th day of November, 2003.


2114Larry Collins, Esquire

2117202 South Magnolia, Suite 3

2122Ocala, Florida 34474

2125Eric Lloyd, Esquire

2128Department of Financial Service s

2133200 East Gaines Street

2137Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

2142Honorable Tom Gallagher

2145Chief Financial Officer

2148Department of Financial Services

2152The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2157Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

2162Mark Casteel, General Counsel

2166Department of Financial Services

2170The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2175Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300


2186All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

219615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2207to this Recommende d Order should be filed with the agency that

2219will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 07/23/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/10/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/10/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 23, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/10/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/05/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/07/2003
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/23/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/16/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 23, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Ocala, FL).
Date: 08/05/2003
Proceedings: Division`s Response to Order Granting Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/21/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 4, 2003).
Date: 07/17/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner.
Date: 07/10/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Telephone Conference. (July 11, 2003 at 10:00 a.m.)
Date: 06/17/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for July 18, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Ocala, FL).
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Division`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/11/2003
Proceedings: Division`s Combined Motion to Compel Discovery, to Extend Time for Responding to the Order of Pre-Hearing Instructions, and for Expedited Ruling filed.
Date: 06/09/2003
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed by Respondent.
Date: 06/09/2003
Proceedings: Response to Request for Admissions filed by Respondent.
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Motion and Memorandum for Protective Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/08/2003
Proceedings: Certificate of Service of Division`s First Set of Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/22/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/22/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 18, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Ocala, FL).
Date: 04/21/2003
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 04/15/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/15/2003
Proceedings: Amended Stop Work and Penalty Assessment Order filed.
Date: 04/15/2003
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 04/15/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ocala, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):