03-001614PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Jose Rosado, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, October 1, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner practiced below the standard of care of a prudent physician. A fine, reprimand, and additional medical education recommended.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1614PL




33Respondent. )



39Administrative Law Judge Don W. Davis of the Division of

49Administrative Hearings (DOAH) held a formal hearing in the

58above - styled case on August 13, 2003, in Tavares, Florida.


70For Petitioner: Kim M. Kluck, Esquire

76Department of Health

79Prosecutorial Services Unit

824052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

90Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

95For Respondent: William M. Furlow, Esquire

101Katz, Kutter, Alderman & Bryant, P.A.

107Post Office Box 1877

111Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1877


120The issue in this case is whether Jose Rosado, M.D.,

130(Respondent), violated Section 458.331(1)(t), and, if so, what

138penalty should be imposed.


144By Administrative Complaint filed on November 13, 2002, the

153Department of He alth (Petitioner) alleged that Respondent failed

162to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and

172treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar

181physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and

189circumstances. Specifically, it is alleged that Respondent

196failed to contact an infectious disease specialist for a

205consultation during treatment of a patient and/or failed to

214treat that patient for a resistant strain of staphylococcus with

224the minimum treatment of ten to fourteen da ys of intravenous

235antibiotics. Petitioner has alleged Respondent's action

241constitutes a violation of Section 458.331(1)(t).

247Respondent disputed the allegations of the Administrative

254Complaint and requested formal administrative proceedings. The

261matter w as transferred to DOAH on May 2, 2003.

271At the final hearing, Respondent testified on his own

280behalf and presented the deposition testimony of Felipe Ortiz,

289M.D. In addition, Respondent offered three medical journal

297articles into evidence as Respondent’s Exhibits A, B, and C.

307Petitioner objected on the grounds of hearsay and relevance to

317all three exhibits and ruling was reserved at that time. The

328journal articles have not been established as authoritative

336treatises and were not established as such throu gh Respondent's

346expert witness. It is determined that the journal articles are

356not admissible. Petitioner presented the deposition testimony

363of Carlos Sotolongo, M.D. The parties also presented three

372joint exhibits.

374A Transcript of the final hearing wa s filed on August 27,

3862003. The parties requested and were granted leave to file

396Proposed Recommended Orders more than ten days after the filing

406of the transcript.

409Both Respondent and Petitioner filed Proposed Recommended

416Orders, which have been reviewe d in conjunction with the

426preparation of this Recommended Order and addressed to the

435extent possible.

437All citations are to Florida Statutes (2002) unless

445otherwise indicated.


4501. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating

459the practice of medicine pursuant to Florida law.

4672. At all times material to these proceedings, Respondent

476has been a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having

487been issued license number ME 0068035.

4933. Respondent is board - certified in internal me dicine and

504cardiovascular diseases.

5064. On March 10, 1997, Patient W.B.C., a 72 - year - old man,

520arrived at the Leesburg Regional Medical Center (LRMC) emergency

529room. He complained of a sudden onset of weakness in his left

541hand and arm with numbness and ti ngling.

5495. Respondent was Patient W.B.C.'s primary care physician.

557Respondent admitted Patient W.B.C. with a diagnosis of

565cerebrovascular accident, mitral regurgitation, sick sinus

571syndrome and a history of myocardial infarction. Respondent

579ordered th at Patient W.B.C. undergo a head CT scan, carotid

590Doppler, 2 - D echocardiogram, an electroencephalogram, and a

599neurological consultation.

6016. Based on the test results and the consultation,

610Respondent diagnosed Patient W.B.C. with right cerebrovascular

617acc ident, mitral regurgitation, sick sinus syndrome, and history

626of myocardial infarction. Respondent then discharged the

633patient with Ticlid, a medication to prevent further

641cerebrovascular accidents and aspirin.

6457. On March 16, 1997, Patient W.B.C. was a dmitted to LRMC

657complaining of weakness, dizziness and a fever. His vital signs

667revealed a temperature of 103.0 F, a pulse of 118, and a blood

680pressure of 139/75. The emergency room physician ordered a

689chest x - ray, EKG, and urine and blood cultures.

6998. The chest x - ray revealed no acute cardiopulmonary

709abnormality. Urine tests revealed features consistent with the

717possibility of urosepsis. Blood work showed a white blood count

727of 9.15, elevated but within the normal range.

7359. Also on March 16, Responde nt ordered that antibiotics

745be given prophylactically until the blood cultures came back

754from the laboratory.

75710. The cultures came back positive for staphylococcus

765aureus (staph). Staph is a notoriously “bad bug” and

774Staphylococci aureus bacteremia has a high mortality rate.

782Staph aureus can originate from several possible sources

790including infections through the urinary tract system, IV sites,

799aspiration into the lungs, and pneumonia (although not very


80911. Staphylococci in the bloodstream is known as

817bacteremia. Bacteremia can lead to endocarditis which is an

826infection of the inner lining of the heart and the heart valves.

838Endocarditis is a life - threatening condition that can quickly

848damage the heart valves and lead to heart failure or even death.

86012. Patients with certain cardiac conditions such as

868mitral valve regurgitation have a higher risk of developing

877endocarditis. Patient W.B.C. had such a history.

88413. On March 17, 1997, Patient W.B.C. was started on

894intravenous antibiotics by Resp ondent. Patient W.B.C. continued

902to receive the intravenous antibiotics for four days from

911March 17, 1997, through March 20, 1997.

91814. Respondent then switched Patient W.B.C. to oral

926antibiotics and kept the patient in the hospital one more day

937prior to discharging him with instruction to continue on the

947oral antibiotics for another ten days.

95315. Patient W.B.C. was discharged on March 21, 1997. He

963was not referred to an infectious disease specialist nor had

973Respondent obtained a consultation with any s pecialist to

982determine the length of time that the patient's infection should

992be treated. Respondent felt that he was adequately qualified to

1002treat this patient, and the treatment appeared to work.

1011Respondent thought the bacteria growing in the patient's blood

"1020likely" originated from a lung infection.

102616. An infectious disease specialist should have been

1034consulted to give guidance as to how long to treat the

1045infection. The standard of care for treating a staph aureus

1055infection where there is a known so urce of infection requires 14

1067days of intravenous antibiotics. Where the source is not known,

1077then four to six weeks of antibiotics is recommended. In this

1088case, the infection, a resistant staph infection found in the

1098patient's blood, could have originat ed from several sources.

1107While such staph could have sprung from a source in the lung,

1119this is by no means likely and the infection could have

1130originated from another source.

113417. The standard of care required that Respondent contact

1143an infectious disease specialist for an evaluation and/or that

1152he treat Patient W.B.C.’s staphylococcus with a minimum of 10 to

116314 days of intravenous antibiotics.

116818. On or about April 11, 1997, Patient W.B.C., presented

1178to the emergency room at LRMC complaining of congestion ,

1187shortness of breath, fever of 100.3° F, and a cough. The

1198emergency room physician performed a physical exam which

1206revealed vital signs of a temperature of 101.3° F, a pulse of

1218104, and a blood pressure of 90/54. A chest x - ray, blood work

1232and a urine cu lture were ordered.

123919. Patient W.B.C. was then admitted on April 11, 1997,

1249with a diagnosis of pneumonia, an old cerebrovascular accident

1258and coronary artery disease. The ER physician started Patient

1267W.B.C. on a plan of treatment which included intraven ous

1277antibiotics, Vancomycin, IV fluids, and blood cultures. A

1285physical examination on the patient revealed a temperature of

1294101.3° F, a pulse of 104 and blood pressure of 91/53. The

1306attending physician diagnosed him with probable sepsis with


131520. On April 12, 1997, the blood cultures came back

1325positive for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia .

133121. On April 15, 1997, Patient W.B.C. was afebrile

1340(without fever) and his white blood cell count was 10.23, which

1351is within the normal range of 4.0 to 11. 0. The patient

1363continued in this condition through April 18, 1997, despite

1372suffering from sepsis.

137522. On April 18, 1997, Respondent approved Patient W.B.C.

1384for transfer to another institution for consideration for urgent

1393mitral valve replacement. On Apr il 19, 1997, Patient W.B.C.

1403arrested and was pronounced dead at 5:53 a.m.

141123. Petitioner’s expert, Carlos Sotolongo, M.D., is board -

1420certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease and

1427nuclear cardiology. As established by Dr. Sotolongo's

1434testimony , Respondent practiced below the standard of care by

1443failing to treat Patient W.B.C. with a sufficient number of days

1454of intravenous antibiotics and by failing to consult an

1463infectious disease specialist. According to Dr. Sotolongo,

1470there is a difference in the way that an uncomplicated pneumonia

1481is treated as opposed to a pneumonia complicated by bacteremia.

1491The latter must be treated more aggressively.

149824. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section

1506458.331(1)(t), by failing to practice medici ne with that level

1516of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably

1527prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar

1535conditions and circumstances.


154125. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1548jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

1557proceeding, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1).

156426. Pursuant to Section 458.331(2), Petitioner, Board of

1572Medicine is empowered to revoke, suspend or otherwise discipline

1581the license of a physician for the following violation of

1591Section 458.331(1):

1593(t) Failing to practice medicine with that

1600level of care, skill, and treatment which is

1608recognized by a reasonably prudent similar

1614physician as being acceptable under similar

1620conditions and circumstances.

162327. License disciplinary proceedings are penal in nature.

1631State ex rel. Vining v. Florida Real Estate Commission , 281 So.

16422d 487 (Fla. 1973). In this disciplinary proceeding, Petitioner

1651must prove the alleged violations of Section 458.331(1)(t),

1659Florida Stat utes, by clear and convincing evidence. Ferris v.

1669Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987).

167828. Petitioner in this case has demonstrated, by clear and

1688convincing evidence, that the Respondent failed to practice

1696medicine with that level of care, skil l, and treatment which is

1708recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being

1717acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances.

172329. The disciplinary guidelines of the Board of Medicine,

1732found at Rule 59R - 8.001, Florida Administrative Code, provide a

1743range of penalties for violations of the provisions of Section

1753458.331(1)(t), as follow:

1756(t) Failure to practice medicine with that

1763level of care, skill, and treatment which is

1771recognized by a reasonably prudent physician

1777as being acceptable und er similar conditions

1784and circumstances -- From two(2) years

1790probation to revocation or denial, and an

1797administrative fine from $250.00 to



1805Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that a Final

1815Order be entered finding that Respon dent violated Section

1824458.331(1)(t), and imposing a penalty which includes a formal

1833reprimand, payment of an Administrative Fine in the amount of

1843$5,000.00 within 180 days, and eight hours of Continuing Medical

1854Education (CME) to be completed within the ne xt 12 months

1865dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of infections and/or

1874risk management.

1876DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of October, 2003, in

1886Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1894Administrative Law Judge

1897Div ision of Administrative Hearings

1902The DeSoto Building

19051230 Apalachee Parkway

1908Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1913(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1921Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1928Filed with the Clerk of the

1934Division of Administrative Hearings

1938thi s 1st day of October, 2003.


1948William M. Furlow, Esquire

1952Katz, Kutter, Alderman, Bryant & Yon, P.A.

1959Post Office Box 1877

1963Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1877

1968Kim M. Kluck, Esquire

1972Department of Health

19754052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

1983Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399 - 3265

1989R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

1994Department of Health

19974052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2003Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2008Larry McPherson, Executive Director

2012Board of Medicine

2015Department of Health

20184052 Bald Cypress Way

2022Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


2033All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

204315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2054to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2065will issue t he final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/12/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/11/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/07/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/01/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/01/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 13, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/01/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/15/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/09/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 08/27/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 08/14/2003
Proceedings: Deposition (of Carlos Sotolongo, M.D.) filed.
Date: 08/13/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/08/2003
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/24/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony, Dr. F. Ortiz, M.D. filed.
Date: 07/15/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony, C. Sotolongo, M.D. (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 13, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Tavares, FL).
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Formal Hearing filed by Respondent.
Date: 06/20/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Responses to Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/28/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Serving of Petitioner`s Firs Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and First Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/22/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 05/22/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 9, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Tavares, FL).
Date: 05/15/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed by K. Kluck via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Request for Formal Proceedings (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by W. Furlow via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by K. Kluck via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Agency Referral (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/02/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tavares, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):