03-001706 Department Of Highway Safety And Motor Vehicles, Division Of Motor Vehicles vs. Say Ten, Inc., D/B/A Big Daddy`s Auto
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 14, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Resondent`s motor vehicle dealer`s license revoked for repeatedly failing to keep records required by statute and rule.







23Petitioner, )


26vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1706


34SAY TEN, INC., d/b/a )



44Respondent. )



49This cause came on for formal hearing on July 9, 2003, in

61Jacksonville, Florida, before Suzanne F. Hood, Administrative

68Law Judge with the Division of Administrative Hearings.


77F or Petitioner: Michael J. Alderman, Esquire

84Department of Highway Safety

88and Motor Vehicles

91Neil Kirkman Building, Room A432

962900 Apalachee Parkway

99Tallahassee, Florida 32399

102For Respondent: Kenneth Steven Landers


108433 Safer Lane

111Jacksonville, Florida 32211


118The issue is whether Respondent violated Section 320.27,

126Florida Statutes, and if so, what administrative penalty should

135be imposed.


139On or about April 3, 2003, Petiti oner Department of Highway

150Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Motor Vehicles

158(Petitioner) issued an Administrative Complaint against

164Respondent Say Ten, Inc. d/b/a Big Daddy's Auto (Respondent).

173The twelve - count complaint alleged that Respondent had v iolated

184Section 320.27, Florida Statutes, in the following respects:

192(a) Count One, failing to have a title or other proof of

204ownership for a 1991 Lincoln, which was displayed for sale on

215October 10, 2001; (b) Count Two, failing to maintain records to

226ver ify sales of vehicles referenced in the temporary tag log on

238October 10, 2001; (c) Count Three, failing to keep records

248related to proof of purchase, title application, tag and title

258issuance, proof of sale and odometer disclosure on October 10,

2682001; (d) Count Four, failing to complete information on

277temporary tag #D - 872390 and altering/correcting said tag instead

287of voiding it; (e) Count Five, failing to possess titles or

298other indicia of ownership and having no records to show

308application therefore on Ap ril 21, 2002; (f) Count Six, failing

319to maintain records to verify the purchase, sale, exchange, or

329receipt for the purchase of sale of vehicles and having no

340records showing information related to temporary tags, title

348transfers, and descriptions of vehic les on April 21, 2002;

358(g) Count Seven, failing to possess titles or other indicia of

369ownership and having no records to show application therefore on

379October 11, 2002; (h) Count Eight, failing to display buyer's

389guides on two vehicles on October 11, 2002; (i) Count Nine,

400failing to maintain records to verify the purchase, sale,

409exchange, or receipt for the purchase of sale of vehicles and

420having no records showing information related to temporary tags,

429title transfers, and descriptions of vehicles on Octob er 11,

4392002; (j) Count Ten, issuing more than two temporary tags to the

451same person for the same vehicle; (k) Count Eleven, failing to

462timely file an application for a title; and (l) Count Twelve,

473failing to provide required information with a renewal

481appl ication.

483On May 1, 2003, Respondent filed an Election of Rights,

493requesting an administrative hearing. Petitioner referred

499Respondent's request to the Division of Administrative Hearings

507on May 9, 2003.

511On May 12, 2003, the Division of Administrative Hearings

520issued an Initial Order. On May 23, 2003, Petitioner filed a

531Response to Initial Order.

535The undersigned issued a Notice of Hearing dated June 5,

5452003. The notice scheduled the hearing for July 9, 2003.

555On July 1, 2003, Petitioner filed a Mot ion to Strike

566Request for Hearing and Return Jurisdiction. During a telephone

575conference on July 2, 2003, the undersigned reserved ruling on

585the motion pending proof that the Florida Department of State,

595Division of Corporations, had reinstated Respondent as an active


605During the hearing, Respondent again asserted that it had

614filed its application for reinstatement of active corporate

622status, including sending the Florida Department of State a

631certified check.

633Petitioner presented the tes timony of three witnesses and

642offered one composite exhibit, which was accepted into evidence.

651Respondent presented the testimony of one witness and offered

660two exhibits, which were accepted into evidence.

667The Transcript was filed on July 29, 2003.

675On August 8, 2003, Petitioner filed a Notice of Corporate

685Status indicating that Respondent's corporate status with the

693Florida Department of State is active. Accordingly,

700Petitioner's Motion to Strike Request for Hearing and Return

709Jurisdiction is hereby d enied.

714On August 8, 2003, Petitioner filed a Withdrawal of Counts

724of Administrative Complaint. Pursuant to this pleading, Count

732Four and Count Twelve of the Administrative Complaint will not

742be considered in this Recommended Order.

748Petitioner filed a P roposed Recommended Order on August 8,

7582003. As of the date of the issuance of this Recommended Order,

770Respondent had not filed proposed findings of fact and

779conclusions of law.


7851. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating

794the business of buying, selling, or dealing in motor vehicles or

805offering or displaying motor vehicles for sale.

8122. Respondent is, and has been at all times material

822hereto, a licensed independent motor vehicle dealer in Florida,

831having been issued licen se number VI - 29558. Petitioner issued

842the license based upon an application signed by Brenda L.

852Johnson, as President. Respondent's address of record is 3707

861N. Main Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32206.

8673. On or about August 30, 2001, two of Petition er's

878compliance examiners conducted an initial records inspection of

886Respondent's dealership. The purpose of the initial inspection

894was to determine whether the dealership was complying with

903statutory and rule requirements. Because the initial inspection

911was of an educational nature, it gave the compliance examiners

921an opportunity to provide Respondent with guidance in areas that

931needed improvement.

9334. During the August 30, 2001, inspection, the compliance

942examiners found violations of Sections 319.23(6 ), 320.131(7),

950320.27(6), 320.27(7), 320.27(9)(b)16, and 320.27(9)(b)17,

955Florida Statutes. The compliance examiners also found

962violations of Rule 15C - 1.004(3), Florida Administrative Code.

9715. Specifically, the August 30, 2001, inspection, included

979but was not limited to the following violations: (a) titles on

990vehicles not properly filled out; (b) buyer's guides not posted;

1000(c) no titles to prove ownership on vehicles; (d) no proof of

1012purchase for one vehicle; (d) titles not transferred within 30

1022days of sale; and (e) temporary tag log not properly filled out.

10346. The compliance examiners discussed the above - referenced

1043violations with Respondent's general manager, Steve Landers,

1050advising him that Petitioner would conduct a follow - up

1060inspection within 60 days. The inspectors also advised

1068Respondent's president, Barbara Johnson, about the violations

1075via telephone.

10777. On or about October 10, 2001, Petitioner's compliance

1086examiners conducted the 60 - day follow - up inspection of

1097Respondent's records. Dur ing this inspection, Respondent did

1105not provide the examiners with a title or other proof of

1116ownership for a 1991 Lincoln, Vehicle Identification Number

1124(VIN) 1LNCM82W0MY78. The Lincoln was parked in an area where

1134other vehicles were displayed for sale. There is no credible

1144evidence that the Lincoln was Mr. Lander's personal vehicle.

11538. The October 10, 2001, inspection also revealed that

1162Respondent had issued a total of 50 temporary tags. However,

1172there were no records to verify the sale of the vehicle s listed

1185in the temporary tag log.

11909. During the October 10, 2001, inspection, the compliance

1199examiners requested Mr. Landers to take copies of all of

1209Respondent's records to Petitioner's office in Jacksonville,

1216Florida, for a continuation of the follow - up inspection. The

1227examiners also made a request for Mrs. Johnson to accompany

1237Mr. Landers to the Jacksonville office.

124310. On or about October 25, 2001, Petitioner's compliance

1252examiners conducted the continuation of the 60 - day follow - up

1264inspection of R espondent's record at the Jacksonville office.

1273During the inspection, the examiners reviewed a total of 30

1283motor vehicle records, finding the following violations: (a) no

1292proof of purchase for 30 vehicles; (b) no documentation

1301indicating that Respondent had applied for titles for 20

1310vehicles; (c) no copy of registration for tag and title issuance

1321documentation on 26 vehicles; and (d) no documentation

1329indicating the date sold and odometer disclosure for 27


133911. On or about August 21, 2002, Pet itioner's compliance

1349examiners conducted another follow - up records inspection on

1358Respondent's premises. At that time, Respondent did not have a

1368title or other proof of ownership for a blue Pontiac Grand Am,

1380VIN 1G2NE5432NM052548, or a red Dodge Shadow, VI N

13891B3XP24D6PN566374, both of which were displayed for sale. There

1398is no persuasive evidence that Respondent ever had the required

1408proof of ownership for these vehicles.

141412. On August 21, 2002, Respondent's records indicated

1422that it had sold three vehi cles: (a) a 1985 Ford, VIN

14341CLEG25K047; (b) a 1994 Chevrolet, VIN 2C1MR2464R6749435; and

1442(c) a 1989 Buick, VIN 1G4NJ14D1kM026233. Respondent's records

1450relating to the purchase and sale of these vehicles were

1460incomplete. For instance, there was no proof of purchase/sale

1469for two of the vehicles. Additionally, Respondent did not have

1479records of the odometer disclosure at the time of purchase or

1490sale for any of the three vehicles. Finally, Respondent had

1500issued more than two temporary tags for one vehicle.

150913. While the examiners were conducting the August 21,

15182002, inspection, Respondent had six vehicles displayed for

1526sale. None of the vehicles had buyer's guides posted in their


153814. The examiners reviewed Respondent's temporary tag

1545records on August 21, 2002. They found that several such

1555records lacked required signatures and VINs.

156115. On or about October 11, 2002, Petitioner's compliance

1570examiners conducted a third follow - up records inspection on

1580Respondent's premises. At that time, R espondent did not have

1590title or any other proof of ownership for the following: (a) a

16021989 Plymouth, VIN 1P3BA56J8KF504260; (b) a 1992 Toyota, VIN

1611JT2EL46B8N0@@8549; and a 1988 Toyota, VIN 1NYAE82G4JZZ536776.

1618Additionally, the 1989 Plymouth and the 1992 Toyota did not have

1629a buyer's guide properly posted.

163416. The review of Respondent's sales records on

1642October 11, 2002, revealed that Respondent had sold a 1993 Ford,

1653VIN 1FAPP14JPW130409. However, Respondent did not have proof of

1662purchase or an odomet er disclosure statement for this vehicle.

167217. On October 11, 2002, Respondent's temporary tag

1680records indicated that it had issued three temporary tags to

1690L. Smith for the 1993 Ford. Respondent issued these tags on

1701June 26, July 26, and August 24, 2002.

170918. The October 11, 2002, inspection revealed that

1717Respondent sold the 1993 Ford on June 26, 2002, and applied for

1729the title on September 5, 2002. Thus, Respondent failed to file

1740the application for certificate of title by July 26, 2002, or

1751within 30 d ays of June 26, 2002.

175919. At the conclusion of every inspection referenced

1767above, Petitioner's compliance examiners reviewed the

1773deficiencies they found with Mr. Landers. They discussed the

1782statutes and rules that Respondent had violated.


179320. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1800jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1810proceeding. Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 320.27(12),

1816Florida Statutes.

181821. Petitioner has the burden of proving by clear and

1828conv incing evidence that Respondent violated Section 320.27,

1836Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint.

1844Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and

1853Investor Protection , 670 So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v.

1864Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 295 (Fla. 1987).

187422. Section 319.23(6), Florida Statutes, provides in

1881relevant part as follows:

1885(6) In the case of the sale of a motor

1895vehicle or mobile home by a licensed dealer

1903to a general purchaser, the certificate of

1910title s hall be obtained in the name of the

1920purchaser by the dealer upon application

1926signed by the purchaser, and in each other

1934case such certificate shall be obtained by

1941the purchaser. In each case of transfer of

1949a motor vehicle or mobile home, the

1956application f or certificate of title, or

1963corrected certificate, or assignment or

1968reassignment, shall be filed within 30 days

1975from the delivery of such motor vehicle or

1983mobile home to the purchaser. An applicant

1990shall be required to pay a fee of $10, in

2000addition to all other fees and penalties

2007required by law, for failing to file such

2015application within the specified time. A

2021licensed dealer need not apply for a

2028certificate of title for any motor vehicle

2035or mobile home in stock acquired for stock

2043purposes except as prov ided in s. 319.225.

205123. Section 320.131, Florida Statutes, provides as follows

2059in relevant part:

2062(2) The department is authorized to sell

2069temporary tags, in addition to those listed

2076above, to their agents and where need is

2084demonstrated by a consumer co mplainant. . .

2092Except as specifically provided otherwise, a

2098temporary tag shall be valid for 30 days,

2106and no more than two shall be issued to the

2116same person for the same vehicle.

2122* * *

2125(7) Any person authorized by this section

2132to purchase and issue a temporary tag shall

2140maintain records as required by this chapter

2147or departmental rules, and such records

2153shall be open to inspection by the

2160department or its agents during reasonable

2166business hours.

216824. Section 320.27, Florida Statutes, provides as f ollows

2177in pertinent part:

2180(3) APPLICATION AND FEE. -- The application

2187for the license shall be in such form as may

2197be prescribed by the department and shall be

2205subject to such rules with respect thereto

2212as may be so prescribed by it. Such

2220application sha ll be verified by oath or

2228affirmation and shall contain . . . the

2236names and places of residence of the

2243principal officers, if the applicant is a

2250body corporate or other artificial body; the

2257name of the state under whose laws the

2265corporation is organized . . . .

2272* * *


2284licensee shall keep a book or record in such

2293form as shall be prescribed or approved by

2301the department, in which the licensee shall

2308keep a record of the purchase, sale, or

2316exchange, or receipt for t he purpose of

2324sale, of any motor vehicle, the date upon

2332which any temporary tag was issued, the date

2340of the title transfer, and a description of

2348such motor vehicle together with the name

2355and address of the seller, the purchaser,

2362and the alleged owner or ot her person from

2371whom such motor vehicle was purchased or

2378received or to whom it was sold or

2386delivered, as the case may be. Such

2393description shall include the identification

2398or engine number, maker's number, if any,

2405chassis number, if any and such other

2412nu mbers or identification marks as may be

2420thereon and shall also include a statement

2427that a number has been obliterated, defaced,

2434or changed, if such is the fact.


2448each used motor vehicle in the possession of

2456a lice nsee and offered for sale by him or

2466her, the licensee either shall have in his

2474or her possession or control a duly assigned

2482certificate of title from the owner in

2489accordance with the provisions of chapter

2495319, from the time when the motor vehicle is

2504delive red to the licensee and offered for

2512sale by him or her until it has been

2521disposed of by the licensee, or shall have

2529reasonable indicia of ownership or right of

2536possession, or shall have made proper

2542application for a certificate of title or

2549duplicate certif icate of title in accordance

2556with the provisions of chapter 319. A motor

2564vehicle dealer may not sell or offer for

2572sale a vehicle in his or her possession

2580unless the dealer satisfies the requirements

2586of this subsection. Reasonable indicia of

2592ownership sha ll include a duly assigned

2599certificate of title; in the case of a new

2608motor vehicle, a manufacturer's certificate

2613of origin issued to or reassigned to the

2621dealer; a consignment contract between the

2627owner and the dealer along with a secure

2635power of attorney from the owner to the

2643dealer authorizing the dealer to apply for a

2651duplicate certificate of title and assign

2657the title on behalf of the owner; a court

2666order awarding title to the vehicle to the

2674dealer; a salvage certificate of title; a

2681photocopy of a duly assigned certificate of

2688title being held by a financial institution

2695as collateral for a business loan of money

2703to the dealer ("floor plan"); a copy of a

2714canceled check or other documentation

2719evidencing that an outstanding lien on a

2726vehicle taken in trade by a licensed dealer

2734has been satisfied and that the certificate

2741of title will be, but has not yet been,

2750received by the dealer; a vehicle purchase

2757order or installment contract for a specific

2764vehicle identifying that vehicle as a trade -

2772in on a replacement vehicle; or a duly

2780executed odometer disclosure statement as

2785required by Title IV of the Motor Vehicle

2793Information and Cost Savings Act of 1972

2800(Pub. L. No. 92 - 513, as amended by Pub. L.

2811No. 94 - 364 and Pub. L. No. 100 - 561) and by

282449 C.F.R. part 580 bearin g the signatures of

2833the titled owners of a traded - in vehicle.

2842* * *


2851* * *

2854(b) The department may deny, suspend, or

2861revoke any license issued hereunder or under

2868the provisions of s. 320.77 or s. 320.771

2876upon proof that a licensee has committed,

2883with sufficient frequency so as to establish

2890a pattern of wrongdoing on the part of a

2899licensee, violations of one or more of the

2907following activities:

2909* * *

29128. Failure to continually meet the

2918requirement of the licen sure law.

2924* * *

292716. Willful failure to comply with any

2934administrative rule adopted by the


294017. Violation of chapter 319, this chapter,

2947or ss. 559.901 - 559.9221, which has to do

2956with dealing in or repairing motor vehicles

2963or mobile homes. Ad ditionally, in the case

2971of used motor vehicles, the willful

2977violation of the federal law and rule in 15

2986U.S.C. s. 2304, 16 C.F.R. part 455,

2993pertaining to the consumer sales window


3000* * *

3003(12) CIVIL FINES; PROCEDURE. -- In addition

3010to the exercise of other powers provided in

3018the section, the department may levy and

3025collect a civil fine, in an amount not to

3034exceed $1,000 for each violation, against

3041any licensee if it finds that the licensee

3049has violated any provision of this section .

3057. . .

306025. Rule 15C - 1.004, Florida Administrative Code,

3068provides as follows in relevant part:

3074(2) Each temporary tag issued shall be

3081completed by the issuer by filling in the

3089information required on such tag in

3095‘Higgins’ or similar type of waterproof ink.

3102(3) Issuers shall maintain records of all

3109temporary tags purchased and all temporary

3115tags issued, in numerical order, for a

3122minimum of three years from the date of

3130issuance of any such tag. Records shall be

3138maintained so the issuer can account for

3145each temporary tag purchased. Records of

3151temporary tags issued shall include the name

3158and address of the person to whom each

3166temporary tag is issued, the make and

3173vehicle identification number of the vehicle

3179to which the temporary tag is assigned and

3187the date on which the temporary tag was


3196(4) A temporary tag bearing erasures, white

3203out or corrections is void, regardless of

3210the reason why such modification is made and

3218such tag shall be marked ‘VOID’ across the

3226face. Any temporary tag voided by an issuer

3234and marke d ‘VOID’ across the face of the tag

3244shall be maintained as part of the temporary

3252tag records required hereunder.

325626. Rule 15C - 7.002, Florida Administrative Code, provides

3265as follows in pertinent part:

3270(3) Each dealer shall establish and

3276maintain a writ ten record of each vehicle

3284acquired by and disposed of by him.

3291* * *

3294(5) Each dealer shall have either made

3301application for a certificate of title or a

3309duplicate certificate of title as require in

3316Chapter 319, Florida Statutes, or shall have

3323in his p ossession one of the following

3331indicia of ownership or proof of right of

3339possession for each vehicle from the time he

3347acquires each vehicle until the time he

3354disposes of each vehicle:

3358(a) A duly assigned certificate of title,

3365(b) In the case of a ne w vehicle, a

3375Manufacturer's Statement of Origin is issued

3381to or reassigned to the dealer,

3387(c) A consignment contract between the

3393owner and the dealer along with a power of

3402attorney from the owner to the dealer

3409authorizing the dealer to apply for

3415duplicate certificate of title and assign

3421the title on behalf of the owner,

3428(d) A certificate of right of possession

3435issued pursuant to s. 319.36, Florida


3442(e) A court order awarding title of the

3450vehicle to the dealer,

3454(f) A salvage certificate of ti tle,

3461(g) A photocopy of a duly assigned

3468certificate of title being held by a

3475financial institution as collateral for a

3481business loan of money to the dealer (‘floor

3489plan’), or

3491(h) A cancelled check or other

3497documentation evidencing that an outstanding

3502l ien on a vehicle taken in trade by a

3512licensed dealer has been satisfied and that

3519the certificate of title will be but has not

3528yet been received by the dealer.

3534(6) Except as otherwise noted below, the

3541record on each vehicle shall contain the

3548following d ata elements:

3552(a) Vehicle identification number or motor


3559(b) Date acquired

3562(c) Method of acquisition

3566(d) Name and address of seller

3572(e) Manufacturer

3574(f) Year

3576(g) Model

3578(h) Odometer disclosure statement upon

3583acquisition . . .

3587(i) Pr evious jurisdiction of title

3593(j) Title number

3596* * *

3599(m) Temporary tag numbers

3603(n) Temporary tag issue dates

3608(o) Name and address of purchaser

3614* * *

3617(s) Date of disposition of vehicle

3623(t) Method of disposition

3627(u) Odometer disclosure stateme nt upon

3633disposition . . .

3637(v) Date of application for title transfer

3644* * *

3647(9) Dealers shall maintain record of

3653temporary tags purchased and issued. The

3659record shall be arranged by a listing in

3667numerical order of each tag purchased and

3674sold. The re cord shall contain the tag

3682number, the date purchased, the name of the

3690party from whom purchased, the date sold,

3697the name of the party to whom it was sold,

3707the vehicle identification number of the

3713vehicle for which it was issued, the issue

3721date and the exp iration date.

3727(10) Under Section 320.27(9), Florida

3732Statutes . . . the Department is authorized

3740to deny, suspend or revoke a dealer license

3748for failure of any dealer to maintain

3755records in compliance with this rule, or

3762failure of any dealer to provide to the

3770Department reasonable access to records

3775maintained by the dealer, or failure of any

3783dealer to render to the Department any

3790requested assistance in accessing,

3794searching, locating or translating any


380027. Rule 15C - 7.003, Florida Administrat ive Code, states as

3811follows in relevant part:

3815(3) Applications for Motor Vehicle Dealer's


3822* * *

3825(c) All applications shall have attached

3831all documentation and endorsements necessary

3836to substantiate the applicant's compliance

3841with the requiremen ts of section 320.27(3),

3848Florida Statutes, and this rule. Such

3854documentation or endorsements shall include:

3859* * *

38623. If the dealership is to operate in a

3871corporate capacity . . . a certificate of

3879good standing from the state in which the

3887business is i ncorporated.

389128. Dealers offering used vehicles for sale to consumers

3900are required to prepare, fill in as applicable and display on

3911such vehicles a "Buyers Guide." 16 C.F.R. Section


392029. Petitioner has withdrawn the allegations set for th in

3930Count Four and Count Twelve. However, Petitioner has met its

3940burden of proving all other allegations in the Administrative

3949Complaint by clear and convincing evidence.

3955Count One

395730. On October 10, 2001, Respondent violated Sections

3965320.27(7) an d 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida Statutes, by failing to

3974have a title or other proof of ownership for a specified vehicle

3986offered for sale by the dealership.

3992Count Two

399431. On October 10, 2001, Respondent violated Section

4002320.27(9)(b)16., Florida Statutes, and Rules 15C - 7.002(3) and

401115C - 7.002(6), Florida Administrative Code, by failing to

4020maintain proper written records of vehicles acquired and

4028disposed of by the dealership. Specifically, Respondent did not

4037have records to verify the sale of vehicles reference d in the

4049temporary tag log.

4052Count Three

405432. On October 25, 2001, Respondent violated Sections

4062320.27(6), 320.27(9)(b)16., and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida

4067Statutes, and Rules 15C - 7.002(3) and 15C - 7.002(6), Florida

4078Administrative Code, by failing to keep the following records

4087for specified vehicles: (a) proof of purchase; (b) title

4096application; (c) tag registration and title issuance; (d) date

4105of sale; and/or (e) odometer disclosure statement.

4112Count Five

411433. On August 21, 2002, Respondent violated Section s

4123320.27(7) and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida Statutes, by failing to

4131have a title or other proof of ownership for specified vehicles,

4142which were offered for sale by the dealership.

4150Count Six

415234. On August 21, 2002, Respondent violated Sections

4160320.27(6), 320.27(9)(b)16., and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida

4165Statutes, and Rules 15C - 7.002(3) and 15C - 7.002(6), Florida

4176Administrative Code, by failing to keep the following records

4185for specified vehicles: (a) proof of purchase/sale;

4192(b) odometer disclosure statements; and (c) required signatures

4200and VINs in applications for temporary tags. Additionally,

4208Respondent had issued more than two temporary tags for one

4218vehicle. Finally, Respondent did not have buyer's guides

4226properly posted for six vehicles.

4231Count Seven

423335. On October 11, 2002, Respondent violated Sections

4241320.27(7) and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida Statutes, by failing to

4249have a title or other proof of ownership for specified vehicles.

4260Count Eight

426236. On October 11, 2002, Respondent violated Section

4270320.27(9 )(b)17., Florida Statutes, by failing to be in

4279compliance with 16 C.F.R. Section 455.2(a)(2001). Specifically,

4286Respondent did not have a buyer's guide properly posted for

4296specified vehicles.

4298Count Nine

430037. On October 11, 2002, Respondent violated Sect ions

4309320.27(6), 320.27(9)(b)16., and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida

4314Statutes, and Rules 15C - 7.002(3) and 15C - 7.002(6), Florida

4325Administrative Code, by failing to keep the following records

4334for specified vehicles: (a) proof of purchase; and (b) odometer

4344disclosu re statement.

4347Count Ten

434938. On October 11, 2002, Respondent violated Sections

4357320.131(2) and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida Statutes, by issuing

4364more than two temporary tags to the same person for the same


4377Count Eleven

437939. On October 11, 2002, R espondent violated Sections

4388320.23(6) and 320.27(9)(b)17., Florida Statutes, by failing to

4396timely file an application for certificate of title for a

4406specified vehicle.

440840. Petitioner has grounds for disciplining Respondent

4415pursuant to Section 320.27(9)(b ), Florida Statutes. Respondent

4423committed the violations with sufficient frequency to establish

4431a pattern of wrongdoing. The violations were willful because

4440Respondent continued to violate the statutes and rules despite

4449being warned.

445141. Respondent h as shown no persuasive evidence of

4460mitigating circumstances. Therefore, based on Respondent's

4466repeated violations and failure to take corrective action,

4474Petitioner should revoke Respondent's motor vehicle dealer's



4483Based on the f oregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4494Law, it is


4498That Petitioner issue a final order revoking Respondent's

4506motor vehicle dealer's license.

4510DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of August, 2003, in

4520Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4528Administrative Law Judge

4531Division of Administrative Hearings

4535The DeSoto Building

45381230 Apalachee Parkway

4541Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4546(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4554Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

4560www.doah.state .fl.us

4562Filed with the Clerk of the

4568Division of Administrative Hearings

4572this 14th day of August, 2003.


4581Michael J. Alderman, Esquire

4585Department of Highway Safety

4589and Motor Vehicles

4592Neil Kirkman Building, Room A432

45972900 Apalachee Par kway

4601Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4604Kenneth Steven Landers


4608433 Safer Lane

4611Jacksonville, Florida 32211

4614Enoch Jon Whitney, General Counsel

4619Department of Highway Safety

4623and Motor Vehicles

4626Neil Kirkman Building

46292900 Apalachee Parkway

4632Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399 - 0500

4638Carl A. Ford, Director

4642Division of Motor Vehicles

4646Department of Highway Safety

4650and Motor Vehicles

4653Neil Kirkman Building, Room B - 439

46602900 Apalachee Parkway

4663Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0600


4674All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

468415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4695to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4706will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/17/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/14/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/14/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 9, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/14/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/08/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Corporation Status filed by Petitioner.
Date: 08/08/2003
Proceedings: Withdrawal of Counts of Administrative Complaint filed by Petitioner.
Date: 08/08/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 07/29/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 07/09/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/01/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Strike Request for Hearing and Return Jurisdiction (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/18/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 9, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Jacksonville, FL).
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 05/12/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Settlement Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 05/09/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):