03-001958 Sarasota County School Board vs. Mark Cook
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, January 7, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent`s unilateral resignation without Petitioner`s approval is ineffective. Furthermore, Petitioner proved just cause to terminate Respondent.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1958




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

45on September 24, 2003, in Sarasota, Florida, before William R.

55Pfeiffer, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division

64of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


69For Petitioner: Robert K. Robinson, Es quire

76Bowman, George, Scheb, Toale

80& Robinson, P.A.

832750 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 3

88Sarasota, Florida 32437

91For Respondent: Andrew Froman, Esquire

96Brown, Clark, Christopher & Demay

101Sarasota City Center, Suite 1100

1061819 Main Street

109Sarasota, Florida 34236


116The issues in this case are whether Petitio ner provided

126reasonable notice to Respondent of its intent to suspend without

136pay and terminate Respondent's employment, and whether

143Respondent could unilaterally resign to retire while the

151Superintendent's pending recommendation to terminate Respondent

157wa s before Petitioner.


163Petitioner contractually employed Respondent as a teacher

170and elementary school principal for 29 years. On May 2, 2003,

181Respondent was found guilty of two counts of Sexual Battery upon

192a Child by a jury in Saraso ta, Florida, and was immediately

204taken into custody.

207On May 5, 2003, Petitioner's Superintendent sent Respondent

215a letter to his home address attempting to notify him that she

227intended to recommend suspension without pay and eventual

235termination of his e mployment based upon his recent criminal

245conviction involving moral turpitude. Petitioner's letter

251further sought to advise Respondent that he had a right to

262contest the proposed termination.

266On May 7, 2003, Respondent's wife, the holder of

275Respondent's power of attorney, signed the acknowledgement of

283receipt for Petitioner's letter. On May 9, 2003, Respondent's

292wife tendered Respondent's written resignation and retirement

299from employment. Petitioner refused to accept his resignation

307and declined to pa y him $60,000 in sick leave.

318On May 19, 2003, Respondent filed a petition to challenge

328Petitioner's action to terminate and requested a hearing.

336Petitioner forwarded the request to DOAH to assign an

345Administrative Law Judge.

348At the final hearing, Petition er presented the testimony of

358one witness, and introduced Exhibits 3 through 9 and 13

368through 15, all of which were admitted into evidence.

377Respondent presented the testimony of one witness, and

385introduced Exhibits 1 through 5 and 7 through 11, which were

396admitted into evidence.

399The transcript of the hearing was not filed. Both parties

409timely filed their Proposed Recommended Orders, which have been

418duly considered.


4231. Petitioner, the Sarasota County School Board, employed

431Respondent as a teacher and principal of Garden Elementary

440School in Venice, Florida, for 29 years.

4472. Respondent was employed under an annual contract

455throughout each year of employment, the last of which began

465July 1, 2002, scheduled to end June 30, 2003.

4743. In February 2002, Respondent was arrested and charged

483with seven counts of Sexual Battery by a Person over Eighteen

494(18) Years of Age upon a Child Eleven (11) Years or Younger.

5064. On March 5, 2002, Respondent was suspended with pay by

517Petitioner. While s uspended with pay, Respondent's annual

525contract expired on June 30, 2002, and was renewed by Petitioner

536for the 2002 - 2003 school year. Respondent remained suspended

546with pay and did not perform any services for Petitioner during

557the 2002 - 2003 school year.

5635. On or about April 28, 2003, Respondent completed, but

573did not file, an application to retire from the Florida State

584Retirement System and executed a Durable Family Power of

593Attorney to his wife, Mrs. Cook. The power of attorney

603empowered Mrs. Cook to make decisions on behalf of Respondent

613for all personal, legal, and financial matters.

6206. On May 2, 2003, Respondent was found guilty of two

631counts of Sexual Battery by a Person over Eighteen (18) Years of

643Age upon a Child Eleven (11) Years or Younge r by a jury in the

658Circuit Court for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, in and for

668Sarasota County, Florida. Respondent was immediately taken into

676custody and placed in the Sarasota County Jail.

6847. Three days later, on May 5, 2003, notwithstanding

693Responden t's incarceration in the Sarasota County Jail,

701Superintendent Hamilton misdirected a certified letter to

708Respondent's home address, attempting to advise him of her

717intent to recommend to Petitioner on the following day, May 6,

7282003, that Respondent be susp ended without pay. Hamilton's

737letter further sought to notify Respondent that she intended to

747recommend that he be terminated from his employment at the

757School Board meeting scheduled for May 20, 2003, due to his

768recent conviction.

7708. On May 6, 200 3, Petitioner suspended Respondent without


7819. On the following day, May 7, 2003, Mrs. Cook received

792Superintendent Hamilton's certified letter dated May 5, 2003,

800but did not open it nor become fully aware of its contents until

813a later time. Respon dent was and remains incarcerated. There

823is no evidence that he ever received actual notice of the

834Superintendent's certified letter of May 5, 2003.

84110. In addition to the untimely and misdirected notice,

850the Superintendent's certified letter failed to advise

857Respondent that he could contest the proposed suspension without

866pay. Respondent's wife credibly testified that if she had

875received notice of Petitioner's intent prior to the School

884Board's meeting of May 6, 2003, she would have attended the

895meeti ng and attempted to submit Respondent's resignation.

90311. On May 7, 2003, Petitioner mailed a follow - up letter

915to Respondent's home address, via standard U.S. mail, attempting

924to notify him that the Board had suspended him without pay.

935Respondent remained incarcerated and did not receive this

943letter. It is unknown whether Mrs. Cook ever received the

953letter or when she became aware of its contents.

96212. On May 9, 2003, Mrs. Cook invoked her power of

973attorney on behalf of Respondent and submitted his resi gnation

983from employment to Petitioner, effective immediately, in order

991to retire. On that day, Mrs. Cook attempted to hand - deliver

1003Respondent's retirement/resignation letter to Petitioner's

1008personnel office, along with Respondent's previously executed

1015ret irement papers, however, the personnel office staff refused

1024to accept the paperwork. Instead, Mrs. Cook was immediately

1033directed to speak with Allen Wilson, Executive Director of Human

1043Resources and Labor Relations for Petitioner, but he was


105313. Later that same day, Mrs. Cook met with Mr. John

1064Zoretich, Petitioner's Director of Instruction/Curriculum.

1069Mr. Zoretich agreed to receive Respondent's letter of

1077resignation/retirement from Mrs. Cook, but instructed her to

1085deliver Respondent's exec uted retirement papers to the payroll

1094department. Mrs. Cook complied, but again, payroll staff

1102refused to accept the retirement papers and instructed her to

1112contact Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Cook's repeated efforts to communicate

1121with Mr. Wilson were unsuccessful .

112714. Petitioner's personnel and payroll departments refused

1134to accept Respondent's executed retirement papers due to

1142Petitioner's pending consideration of Superintendent Hamilton's

1148termination recommendation.

115015. The parties agree that the amount of terminal pay at

1161issue, based upon Respondent's effective daily rate of pay, is

1171approximately $60,000.00.

117416. On May 12, 2003, Mrs. Cook forwarded Respondent's

1183previously executed retirement application by facsimile and U.S.

1191Mail to the Florida Retirement System. The Florida Retirement

1200System acknowledged its receipt in correspondence dated June 18,

12092003, indicating a date of receipt of May 13, 2003, an

1220employment termination date of May 3, 2003, and a retirement

1230date of June 2003.


1237Juri sdiction

123917. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1246jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of these

1257proceedings pursuant to Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and

1264120.60(5), Florida Statutes (2003). 1

126918. Petitioner, pursuant to Section 1012.23(1), Florida

1276Statutes, has the authority, except as provided by law or the

1287State Constitution, to adopt rules governing personnel matters.

1295Discharge of Employment

129819. Pursuant to Section 1012.33(6)(b), Florida Statutes,

1305any member of the district administrative staff may be suspended

1315or dismissed at any time during the term of the contract for the

"1328conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude." The

1336evidence demonstrates that Respondent's conviction sufficiently

1342and horrifically serves as just cause for his termination.

1351Notice of Intent to Suspend Without Pay and Terminate

136020. Pursuant to Section 6.37 of the Sarasota School Board

1370Rules, a suspended employee is entitled to a hearing if the

1381suspension is without pay. In the case of a dismissal action,

1392the employee "shall be entitled to a hearing on the merits of

1404the case in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 120,

1414Administrative Procedures Act." Id.

141821. In both instances, the School Board shall provide the

1428affected employee with reasona ble notice and further advise the

1438employee "that in the event that a written request for a hearing

1450is not received by the Superintendent within ten (10) days after

1461receipt of said notice, that the employee waives his/her right

1471to a hearing." Id. In addit ion, in the event reasonable notice

1483is not provided by the Superintendent, "the employee shall be

1493deemed to have requested a hearing." Id.

150022. A county school board is a state agency falling within

1511the Administrative Procedure Act for purposes of quasi - j udicial

1522administrative orders. Sections 120.50 and 120.57, Florida

1529Statutes. Where an employee can only be suspended or terminated

1539for cause, they are deemed to have a contractual property

1549interest in their job. See Sublett v. District School Board of

1560S umpter County , 617 So. 2d 374, 377 (Fla. 5th DCA 1993).

157223. Section 6.37 of Petitioner's Rules specifically

1579provides Respondent the right to a procedural hearing before he

1589can be suspended without pay or terminated and has attached a

1600protected property interest and a right to due process in such

1611an event. Accordingly, there must be adherence to established

1620procedures to effectuate a change of status of a contract holder

1631under terms of a continuing contract as a school board employee.

1642Burns v. School Bo ard of Palm Beach County , 283 So. 2d 873, 874

1656(Fla. 4th DCA 1973).

166024. Petitioner was obligated to provide Respondent with

1668reasonable notice of its intended suspension without pay and

1677termination, the basis for its action, his right to a hearing on

1689the r ecommended action, and a reasonable time frame in which to


170225. The evidence establishes that Petitioner's

1708notification was plagued with irregularities and failed to

1716provide Respondent with reasonable notice of its intention to

1725suspend him witho ut pay. First, Petitioner's notice of the

1735suspension without pay action was untimely. Respondent's wife

1743received notice of Petitioner's intent to suspend one day after

1753Petitioner had already acted. Respondent was denied the

1761opportunity to address Petiti oner and formally contest the

1770Superintendent's suspension recommendation.

177326. Second, Petitioner's notice relating to suspension was

1781inadequate in that it failed to fully inform Respondent of his

1792rights to request a hearing on the Superintendent's

1800recomm endation to suspend him without pay and the respective

1810time frame. In other words, Respondent was not provided a

"1820clear point of entry into the administrative process." See

1829Steinman v. The Florida State University Board of Regents , 414

1839So. 2d 1102, 1104 (Fla. 1st DCA 1982)(actual notice of agency

1850action which does not inform petitioner of his right to request

1861a hearing and the time limits for doing so is inadequate to

1873trigger commencement of the administrative process).

187927. Finally, the evidence demonstr ates that Petitioner's

1887notice to suspend was misdirected. Petitioner's notice was

1895incorrectly sent to Respondent's home address and not to the

1905location of his incarceration. There is no evidence that

1914Respondent actually received the written notice. Peti tioner's

1922mistake does not relieve it from its responsibility to provide

1932proper service and reasonable notice. See Brooks v. Department

1941of Professional Regulation , 578 So. 2d 381 (Fla. App. 1st Dist.

1952(1991))(Department of Professional Regulation failed to give

1959adequate notice prior to revoking licenses of a nurse who

1969indicated a desire to attend and present evidence on her own

1980behalf; nurse was imprisoned at time of hearing and there was no

1992evidence she was provided any notice prior to the meeting).

200228. While Respondent ultimately became aware of the notice

2011and timely requested a hearing to contest his termination, he

2021was denied that same right to contest his suspension without pay

2032due to Petitioner's mistake. Petitioner's suggestion at hearing

2040that Resp ondent could have, after the fact, appealed his

2050suspension without pay within 30 days of that action is not


2062Terminal Pay

206429. Pursuant to Section 6.912 of the Sarasota County

2073School Board Rules, "The Board will provide terminal pay to an

2084empl oyee at early or normal retirement or to his/her beneficiary

2095if service is terminated at death." Terminal pay shall include

"2105one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's accumulated leave

2114days, not to exceed 180 days . . ." Furthermore, the "employee

2126mus t leave the employment of the School Board directly into the

2138Florida Retirement System in either early or normal retirement


2148The Tendered Resignation

215130. Petitioner's right to terminate its employee and

2159Respondent's right to resign to retire emplo yment are at issue

2170in this case.

217331. Respondent argues that he cannot be terminated since

2182he timely and properly resigned to retire from his employment

2192before being notified of Petitioner's intent to terminate him

2201and is therefore entitled to his te rminal pay. Petitioner, on

2212the other hand, contends that any flawed notice is immaterial

2222since Respondent's resignation was not approved by the Board, is

2232ineffective, violates his employment contract, and is tantamount

2240to abandoning his job. Petitioner a rgues that Respondent is not

2251entitled to his terminal pay.

225632. Pursuant to Section 6.52 of the Sarasota County School

2266Board Rules, "Any administrative or instructional staff member

2274who wishes to resign shall submit his/her resignation in writing

2284addressed to the School Board. The letter of resignation shall

2294state the reasons for the resignation and the desired effective

2304date." A resignation for the existing school year "may be

2314accepted during the contractual period of service; provided that

2323an acceptable reason is given and a qualified and satisfactory

2333replacement is available." Id. A resignation for the ensuing

2342school year "shall be accepted without question if submitted

2351prior to June 20 of the current school year." Id.

236133. While Petitioner's policy on retirement does not

2369specify the precise method or manner in which employees must

2379execute their retirement, Section 6.62 makes a clear distinction

2388between the Board's acceptance of an immediate resignation and

2397an ensuing resignation.

240034. In addition, the parties' employment contract

2407specifically provides:

24093. The Employee agrees to perform the

2416obligations attaching to the position for

2422which employed as prescribed by the School

2429Board for the full period of service for

2437which this contract is made, in no event to

2446be absent from duty without leave or to

2454leave his/her position without first being

2460released from this contract by the School

2467board, to observe and to enforce faithfully

2474the laws, rules, regulations, and policies

2480lawfully prescribed by legally cons tituted

2486school authorities insofar as such laws,

2492rules regulations, and policies are

2497applicable to the position held by him.

250435. Respondent tendered his resignation on May 9, 2003,

2513during the contractual period of service, stating:

2520I, Mark Cook, hereby r etire from my

2528employment with the School Board of Sarasota

2535County effective immediately. I am no

2541longer at liberty to perform my duties as a

2550school administrator.

255236. Pursuant to Section 6.52 of Petitioner's Rules and the

2562parties' contractual obligati ons, Respondent's resignation

2568required Board action and approval to be effective. In fact,

2578courts have generally held that an employee, under contract,

2587having tendered a written resignation to his principal or

2596superintendent, may regard it as ineffective or at least

2605avoidable until it is acted upon by the school board. See Hart

2617v. School Board of Wakulla County , 340 So. 2d 121 (Fla. 1st DCA


263137. Similarly, the Sarasota County School Board may regard

2640Respondent's resignation as ineffective until it acts upon it.

2649Respondent's tendered resignation for the existing school year

2657constituted an offer to resign and required Petitioner's action.

2666Petitioner possessed the contractual right to accept or deny

2675Respondent's offer whether or not Respondent's r eason for

2684resignation was acceptable and there was a satisfactory

2692replacement, and it was required to take formal action.

270138. In sum, Respondent was arrested and charged with

2710multiple counts of sexual battery upon a minor. For an entire

2721year, Responden t was suspended with pay. Eventually, Respondent

2730was tried, convicted, and imprisoned. Upon his conviction,

2738Respondent was unable to complete the terms of his employment

2748contract so he attempted to resign and collect $60,000 worth of

2760sick pay. Petitione r refused to accept Respondent's resignation

2769and sought termination.

277239. Accordingly, Petitioner scheduled consideration of

2778Respondent's termination and resignation tender for the May 20,

27872003 public meeting agenda for action. Notwithstanding the

2795misdi rected notice relating to termination, Respondent timely

2803requested and was provided an administrative hearing on the


281340. Petitioner has clearly demonstrated just cause to

2821terminate Respondent's employment. Respondent's acts were

2827depraved. His con viction involved moral turpitude and he

2836materially violated the terms of his employment contract.

2844Petitioner is not obligated to accept, nor has it accepted

2854Respondent's resignation. Accordingly, it is ineffective and

2861without force.


2864Base d on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2875Law, it is

2878RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter an order finding:

28851. Respondent has materially violated the terms of his

2894employment contract.

28962. Petitioner has just cause to terminate Respondent's

2904emp loyment.

29063. Respondent's offer to resign has not been accepted by

2916Petitioner and is ineffective until accepted or denied by


29264. Respondent is not entitled to terminal pay.

29345. Petitioner failed to provide Respondent with reasonable

2942notice of i ts intent to consider the Superintendent's suspension

2952recommendation at the public meeting, and Respondent was

2960deprived his substantive right to contest the recommendation and

2969the Board's determination.

29726. Respondent is entitled to remain on paid suspensi on

2982from May 6, 2003, the date of the effective suspension, through

2993May 20, 2003, the date of Petitioner's properly noticed public

3003meeting to terminate him.

3007DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of January, 2004, in

3017Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3025Administrative Law Judge

3028Division of Administrative Hearings

3032The DeSoto Building

30351230 Apalachee Parkway

3038Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3043(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3051Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

3057www.doah.state.fl .us

3059Filed with the Clerk of the

3065Division of Administrative Hearings

3069this 7th day of January, 2004.


30761/ All citations are to Florida Statutes (2003) unless

3085otherwise indicated.


3090Andrew Froman, Esquire

3093Brown, Clark, Christophe r & Demay

3099Sarasota City Center, Suite 1100

31041819 Main Street

3107Sarasota, Florida 34236

3110Robert K. Robinson, Esquire

3114Bowman, George, Scheb, Toale

3118& Robinson, P.A.

31212750 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 3

3126Sarasota, Florida 32437

3129Gene Witt, Superintendent

3132Sarasota County School Board

31361960 Landings Boulevard

3139Sarasota, Florida 34231 - 3304

3144Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel

3149Department of Education

3152325 West Gaines Street

31561244 Turlington Building

3159Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3164Honorable Jim Horne, Commissioner of E ducation

3171Department of Education

3174325 West Gaines Street

3178Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3182Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3193All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

320315 days from the date of this Re commended Order. Any exceptions

3215to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3226will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/08/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 03/02/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 24, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/31/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s, Sarasota County School Board, Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/30/2003
Proceedings: Proposed Order, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/24/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/18/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Pre-Hearing Statement (with exhibits) filed.
Date: 09/17/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 09/17/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Pre-Hearing Statement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/17/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Pre-Hearing Statement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/12/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 24, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL, amended as to Hearing Room Location).
Date: 07/31/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 24, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 07/29/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/18/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 15, 2003).
Date: 07/16/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 07/14/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Unopposed Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/07/2003
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 24, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL, amended as to Room location).
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 24, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 06/12/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/04/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Pfeiffer from C. Giuffra requesting subpoenas for depositions and final hearing filed.
Date: 06/02/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Suspension filed.
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Application for Service Retirement filed.
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance/Request a Hearing (filed by A. Froman).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Sarasota, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):