03-001966 Steven A. Ramunni vs. Department Of Management Services, Division Of Retirement
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, September 3, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Part-time city attorney who also maintained private law firm serving general public per Rule 60S-6.001(33) was an independent contractor and not eligible to participate in the Florida Retirement System.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 03 - 1966






35Respondent. )



40Pursuant to notice and in accordance with Section 120.569

49and Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, a final hearing was

58held in this case, on July 30, 2003, in LaBelle, Florida, before

70Fred L. Buckine, the designated Administrative Law Judge of the

80Division of Administrative Hearings.


85For Petitioner: Steven A. Ramunni, Esquire

91Post Office Box 1118

95LaBelle, Florida 33975

98For Respondent: Thomas E. Wright, Esquire

104Department of Management Services

108Division of Retirement

1114050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260

116Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


125The issue for determination is whethe r Petitioner,

133Steven A. Ramunni, owner of Steven A. Ramunni, P.A., employed by

144the City of Moore Haven, Florida, as the part - time city

156attorney, is entitled to participate in the Florida Retirement

165System from November 25, 1986, through the present.


176By letter dated March 21, 2003, Respondent, Department of

185Management Services, Division of Retirement, informed

191Petitioner, Steven A. Ramunni, that Respondent had reconsidered

199its prior determination that Petitioner was ineligible for

207part icipation in the Florida Retirement System. After

215consideration of all supporting documentation provided,

221Respondent again reviewed Petitioner's request and determined

228for a second time that the relationship between Petitioner and

238the City of Moore Haven, Florida, was that of an independent

249contractor and, as such, Petitioner was excluded from Florida

258Retirement System participation. Petitioner was advised that

265the independent contractor relation determination was final

272agency action.

274On May 27, 2003, Pet itioner's Petition for Review and

284Formal Request for Administrative Hearing, the Final Agency

292Action, and the Agency Referral were received at the Division of

303Administrative Hearings.

305On June 5, 2003, the Initial Order was entered, and on

316June 13, 2003, a Notice of Hearing was entered scheduling the

327final hearing for July 30, 2003, in LaBelle, Florida.

336At the final hearing, Petitioner testified in his own

345behalf and offered three exhibits (P - A through P - C), which were

359accepted in evidence. Respondent pres ented the testimony of two

369witnesses: Cathy Brantley, Benefits Administrator, Division of

376Retirement; Maxine Brantley, City Clerk, City of Moore Haven,

385Florida; and Petitioner. Respondent offered seven exhibits (R - 1

395through R - 7), which were accepted in e vidence.

405At the request of the parties, official recognition was

414taken of Subsections 121.021(22), (24), (50), (52), and (53) and

424Subsection 121.051(1)(d)2., Florida Statutes; Rule 60S -

4311.004(3)(g), (5)(b), and (5)(d) and Rule 60S - 6.001(6)(b),

440(16)(b), (33) , (52), and (63), Florida Administrative Code; and

449Sections 6.01 and 7.01 of the City of Moore Haven Charter. All

461citations are to Florida Statutes (2002) unless otherwise


470No transcript was requested, and the parties were allowed

479ten days to f ile their proposed recommended orders. On

489August 11 and 21, 2003, Respondent and Petitioner, respectively,

498filed their Proposed Recommended Orders, and they have been

507considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


518Based upon o bservation of the witnesses and their demeanor

528while testifying in person and the documentary materials

536received in evidence, stipulations by the parties, evidentiary

544rulings made pursuant to Section 120.57, and the entire record

554compiled herein, the follo wing relevant and material facts are


5651. The City of Moore Haven, Florida (City), is a Florida

576Municipal Corporation classified as a local agency and

584participates in the Florida Retirement System (FRS).

5912. The city attorney part - time position is es tablished by

603Article IV of the City of Moore Haven Charter.

6123. The City has no legal department. The cost for legal

623services rendered by its part - time city attorney is included in

635the City's annual budget.

6394. Petitioner, Steven A. Ramunni (Mr. Ramunni), owner of

648Steven A. Ramunni, P.A., was hired November 25, 1986, as the

659City's part - time city attorney. His immediate supervisors are

669the mayor and the City Council of Moore Haven (City Council).

6805. Mr. Ramunni's primary legal duties consist of mandatory

689appearances at two regularly scheduled monthly meetings and

697attendance at special meetings at the discretion of the City

707Council. He performs the legal duties and services needed or

717required by the City Council. He represents the City in all

728litigation a nd official business. He provides legal

736advice/opinions to the mayor, the City Council, and to all city

747department heads. Mr. Ramunni, by virtue of a monthly retainer,

757is obligated to be available as needed by his retainer client on

769a daily basis, if nec essary.

7756. The City provides administrative assistance to

782Mr. Ramunni when he is engaged in legal projects for the City.

794However, the City hires and supervises the administrative staff.

803Additionally, Mr. Ramunni has authority and does use his private

813l aw firm's administrative staff to assist him in performing

823legal services for the City. The City is billed separately from

834the monthly retainer agreement for other legal services. The

843City pays for those legal seminars attended by Mr. Ramunni that

854are re lated to local agencies as that term is defined in

866Subsection 121.021(52)(b). Mr. Ramunni is responsible for

873attending and making payment for additional seminars necessary

881to comply with mandatory Florida Bar requirements.

8887. Mr. Ramunni has held the pos ition of part - time city

901attorney for the City and has continuously performed legal

910services as the part - time city attorney continually since

920November 25, 1986.

9238. There was no formal contract of employment entered into

933by Mr. Ramunni and the City on N ovember 25, 1986, and no formal

947contract of employment presently exists.

952Reimbursement for legal services rendered to the City

9609. For attending City Council meetings twice a month,

969Mr. Ramunni is on a fixed monthly retainer. Other than

979attending the two monthly City Council meetings, Mr. Ramunni has

989no other established legal duties as the part - time city

1000attorney. He is available and he does provide requested legal

1010counsel and engages in litigation when needed only on those

1020issues determined by the City Council and/or the mayor.

102910. Other than his fixed monthly retainer for attending

1038City Council meetings, any and all other legal services

1047performed for the City require additional compensation, billed

1055by the hour, plus cost, to be paid to Mr. Ramunni. This hourly

1068billing rate plus expenses is separate and apart from his fixed

1079monthly retainer for attending City Council meetings as part -

1089time city attorney.

1092Reporting income paid Mr. Ramunni for services rendered

110011. Mr. Ramunni asserts that he has not received an

1110Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1099 or a Form W - 2

1122reflecting annual compensation paid him by the City from

1131November 25, 1986, to the present. The Department of Management

1141Services, Division of Retirement's (the Agency), ERQ - 1 form,

1151dated October 3, 2002, question 15, page 3, completed with the

1162assistance of Maxine Brantley, City Clerk, and submitted to the

1172Agency, answered the question, "How did the worker report the

1182earnings for income tax purposes?" to the contrary.

119012. Answering the a bove question regarding how monies paid

1200to Mr. Ramunni are reported to state and federal agencies for

1211income tax purposes, the ERQ - 1 form confirms that the City does

1224not report annual earned income payments made to Mr. Ramunni as

"1235Wages" for income tax pur poses by Form W - 2. The City chose to

1250report, and Mr. Ramunni acquiesced, annual earned income paid to

1260Mr. Ramunni by the City as "self employed income" for tax

1271purposes by using Form 1099.

127613. The City chose, and Mr. Ramunni acquiesced, not to

1286withhold federal income taxes and federal social security

1294deductions from Mr. Ramunni's payment for services rendered.

130214. The City chose, and Mr. Ramunni acquiesced, not to

1312withhold medicare deductions from Mr. Ramunni's annual pay.

132015. The City chose, and Mr. Ramunni acquiesced, not to

1330make matching contributions for Mr. Ramunni's federal social

1338security or medicare payments.

134216. The City chose, and Mr. Ramunni acquiesced, not to

1352provide statutorily required workers' compensation coverage for

1359Mr. Ramunni .

136217. The City is insured by its Public Risk Management Self

1373Insurance coverage, to include legal work performed on behalf of

1383the City by Mr. Ramunni. This coverage is not insurance

1393coverage for legal malpractice claims that may be made against

1403Mr. Ramu nni, personally.

140718. Mr. Ramunni maintains a law firm, Stevens A. Ramunni,

1417P.A., with offices in LaBelle and Fort Myers, Florida, offering

1427legal services to the general public. Mr. Ramunni does not have

1438office equipment or office space on the City's pre mises. The

1449City makes remittance of the monthly retainer and of fees

1459charged by Mr. Ramunni to Steven A. Ramunni, P.A., and not Mr.

1471Ramunni personally. The City's remittance checks are deposited

1479in the Steven A. Ramunni, P.A., law firm's account and not Mr.

1491Ramunni's personal banking account.

149519. Mr. Ramunni, at his sole discretion, uses the

1504administrative staff of his private law firm to assist him with

1515the City's legal projects. The cost for use of the

1525administrative staff of his private law firm is an integrated

1535portion of his hourly total billing totals to the City.

154520. Although Mr. Ramunni may terminate his independent

1553relationship with the City as city attorney without personal

1562financial liability, he continues to have a professional and

1571ethical duty to assist in the transition of ongoing litigation

1581to a new attorney. As part - time city attorney, Mr. Ramunni may

1594not substitute another attorney to provide legal services

1602assigned to him by the City without expressed authority and

1612approval of the pr oposed new attorney from the City Council and

1624the mayor.

162621. Based upon the Findings of Fact herein above, the

1636evidence demonstrates that Mr. Ramunni's relationship as the

1644part - time city attorney is not that of an "employee" of the City

1658as that term is de fined by rule of the Agency, for participation

1671in the FRS.

167422. Based upon the Findings of Fact herein above,

1683Mr. Ramunni has failed to prove that his part - time city attorney

1696relationship with the City is and always has been an employer -

1708employee relations hip as that term is defined by rule of the

1720Agency and that he is eligible for participation in the FRS.


173423. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1741jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of these

1752proceedings pursuan t to Section 120.569 and Subsection


176124. The FRS is codified in Chapter 121. Section 121.051

1771provides for compulsory participation in the FRS for all

1780employees hired after December 1, 1970. Subsection 121.021(11)

1788defines employee as any person receiving salary payment for work

1798performed in a regularly established position and, if employed

1807by a city or special district, employed in a covered group.

181825. Subsection 121.021(52)(b) defines a regularly

1824established position as follows:

1828In a local age ncy (district school board,

1836county agency, community college, city, or

1842special district), the term means a

1848regularly established position which will be

1854in existence for a period beyond 6

1861consecutive months, except as provided by


186826. Herein, the dut y to go forward and the burden of proof

1881by a preponderance of the evidence is upon Petitioner. See

1891Subsections 120.57(1)(j) and (k), Florida Statutes (2000); Young

1899v. Department of Community Affairs , 625 So. 2d 831 (Fla. 1993);

1910Florida Department of Trans portation v. J.W.C. Company , 396 So.

19202d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); and Balino v. Department of Health

1932and Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

194327. Petitioner has not proffered evidence that he was

1952employed in any capacity other tha n that of an independent

1963contractor on a month - by - month retainer basis and that he would

1977handle, at an additional hourly rate, plus cost, travel and

1987other expenses, all other legal matters assigned.

199428. At hearing, Petitioner asserted, notwithstanding his

2001private law firm's serving the general public, the personal

2010legal service he provides his private clientele, the absence of

2020an employment contract with the City, and the City's method of

2031payment for his services, that he is and always has been an

"2043employe e" of the City. However, Petitioner offered nothing in

2053support of his assertion.

205729. Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2065of Law submit that "[A]lthough Petitioner works for other

2074persons or organizations, this is based upon Moore Haven 's needs

2085for a part - time rather than full - time attorney." However, this

2098is not what the evidence shows. ( See Findings of Fact 11

2110through 17)

211230. Petitioner's proposals advanced the legal theory that

2120he is " subject to the control and direction of the May or and/or

2133City Council " not only as to what duties are assigned him but

2145also as to how those assigned duties shall be done by him.

2157Citing as an example of this subjection and control Petitioner

2167maintains that "the Mayor and/or City Council can direct

2176Peti tioner to proceed with a foreclosure action instead of a

2187demand letter or some lesser form of collection." This

2196argument, advancing the theory that an attorney representing a

2205client in the judicial system in Florida is subjected to,

2215controlled and directe d by that client, defeats professional

2224legal independence of counsel and is without merit.

223231. Pursuant to Subsection 121.021(50) an "independent

2239contractor" is defined as follows:

"2244Independent contractor" means an individual

2249who is not subject to the con trol and

2258direction of the employer for whom work is

2266being performed, with respect not only to

2273what shall be done but to how it shall be

2283done. If the employer has the right to

2291exert such control, an employee - employer

2298relationship exists, and, for purposes of

2304this chapter, the person is an employee and

2312not an independent contractor. The division

2318shall adopt rules providing criteria for

2324determining whether an individual is an

2330employee or an independent contractor.

233532. Factors to be considered by the fact f inder in

2346determining whether one is an Independent Contractor are found

2355in Rule 60S - 6.001(33), Florida Administrative Code, which



2370individual who is not subject to the control

2378and direction of the employer for wh om work

2387is being performed, with respect not only to

2395what shall be done but to how it shall be

2405done. If the employer has the right to

2413exert such control, an employee - employer

2420relationship exists and the person is an

2427employee and not an independent contrac tor.

2434The Division has adopted the following

2440factors as guidelines to aid in determining

2447whether an individual is an employee or an

2455independent contractor. The weight given

2460each factor is not always the same and

2468varies depending on the particular

2473situatio n.

2475(a) INSTRUCTIONS: An employee must comply

2481with instructions from his employer about

2487when, where, and how to work. The

2494instructions may be oral or may be in the

2503form of manuals or written procedures which

2510show how the desired results is to be

2518accomp lished. Even if no actual

2524instructions are given, the control factor

2530is present if the employer has the right to

2539give instructions.

2541(b) TRAINING: An employee is trained to

2548perform services in a particular manner.

2554This is relevant when the skills and

2561experience which would be used as in

2568independent contractor were gained as a

2574result of previous employment. Independent

2579contractors ordinarily use their own methods

2585and received no training from the purchasers

2592of their services.

2595(c) INTEGRATION: An employee's services

2600are integrated into the business operations

2606because the services are critical and

2612essential to the success of continuation of

2619an agency's progress/operation. This shows

2624that the employee is subject to direction

2631and control.


2639employee renders services personally. This

2644shows that the employer is interested in the

2652methods as well as the results. Lack of

2660employer control may be indicated when a

2667person has the right to hire a substitute

2675without the employer's knowledge or


2681(e) HIRING ASSISTANTS: An employee works

2687for an employer who hires, supervises, and

2694pays assistants. An independent contractor

2699hires, supervises, and pays assistants under

2705a contract that requires him or her to

2713provi de materials and labor and to be

2721responsible only for the results.


2731has a continuing relationship with an

2737employer. A continuing relationship may

2742exist where work is performed at frequently

2749recurring, although irregular intervals.

2753(g) SET HOURS OF WORK: An employee

2760usually has set hours of work established by

2768an employer. An independent contractor is

2774the master of his or her own time and works

2784on his own schedule.


2798e mployee may work either full - time or part -

2809time for an employer. Full - time does not

2818necessarily mean an 8 - hour day or a 5 or 6 -

2831day week. Its meanings may vary with the

2839intent of the parties, the nature of the

2847occupation and customs in the locality.

2853These conditions should be considered in

2859defining "full - time." An independent

2865contractor can work when and for whom he or

2874she chooses.

2876(i) WORK DONE ON PREMISES: An employee

2883works on the premises of an employer, or

2891works on a route or at a location design ated

2901by an employer. The performance of work on

2909the employer's premises is not controlling

2915in itself; however, it does imply that the

2923employer has control over the employee.

2929Work performed off the employer's premises

2935does indicate some freedom from contr ol;

2942however, it does not in itself mean the

2950worker is not an employee.


2962employee generally performs services in the

2968order or sequence set by an employer. This

2976shows that the employee is subject to

2983direction and co ntrol of the employer.

2990(k) REPORTS: An employee submits oral or

2997written reports to an employer. This shows

3004that the employee must account to the

3011employer for his or her actions.

3017(l) PAYMENTS: An employee is usually

3023paid by the hour, week, or mon th. An

3032independent contractor is paid periodically

3037(usually a percent of the total payment) by

3045the job or on a straight commission.

3052(m) EXPENSES: An employee's business

3057and/or travel expenses are paid by an

3064employer. This shows that the employer is

3071in a position to control expenses and

3078therefore the employee is subject to

3084regulations and control.

3087(n) TOOLS AND MATERIALS: An employee is

3094furnished significant tools, materials, and

3099other equipment by an employer. An

3105independent contractor usually provides his

3110own tools, materials, etc.

3114(o) INVESTMENT: An employee is usually

3120furnished the necessary facilities. An

3125independent contractor has a significant

3130investment in the facilities he or she uses

3138in performing services for someone else.

3144(p) PROFIT OR LOSS: An employee performs

3151the services for an agreed upon wage and is

3160not in a position to realize a profit or

3169suffer a loss as a result of his services.

3178An independent contractor can make a profit

3185or suffer loss. Profit or loss implies the

3193use of capital by the individual in an

3201independent business of his own.


3214FIRM: An employee usually works for one

3221organization. However, a person may work

3227for a number of people or organizations and

3235still be an em ployee of one or all of them.

3246An independent contractor provides his or

3252her services to two or more unrelated

3259persons or firms at the same time.


3272An independent contractor makes his or her

3279services available to t he general public.

3286This can be done in a number of ways:

3295Having his/her own office and assistants,

3301hanging out a "shingle", holding business

3307licenses, having listings in business

3312directors and telephone directories, and

3317advertising in newspapers, trade j ournals,



3330employee can be fired by an employer. An

3338independent contractor cannot be fired so

3344long as he or she produces a result that

3353meets the specifications of the contract.

3359An independent contractor can b e terminated

3366but usually he will be entitled to damages

3374for expenses incurred, lost profit, etc.

3380(t) RIGHT TO QUIT: An employee can quit

3388his or her job at any time without incurring

3397liability. An independent contractor

3401usually agrees to complete a sp ecific job

3409and is responsible for its satisfactory

3415completion, or is legally obligated to make

3422good for failure to complete it.

342833. Applying Rule 60S - 6.001(33)(a), (b), (e), (g), (h),

3438(i), (j), (k)(1), (n), (o), (q), (r) and (t), of the above

3450criteria to the Findings of Fact hereinabove, it is evident that

3461Petitioner is not an "employee" of the City, and the City is not

3474his "employer."

347634. First, regarding subsection (a) of the rule -- the City

3487cannot instruct Petitioner on where and how to practice law.

3497Venue, for example, is determined by statute, not the City. The

3508City can only instruct him on the legal problem -- leaving the

3520legalities necessary to resolve the problem to his independent

3529professional expertise.

353135. Second, regarding subsection (c) -- Peti tioner's legal

3540training, skills, and legal expertise were gained as a result of

3551law school, and his legal experiences were acquired prior to

3561being appointed part - time city attorney.

356836. Third, regarding subsection (e) -- Petitioner hires,

3576supervises, and pa ys his law firm's administrative assistants,

3585the City provides him only with City letterhead for


359537. Fourth, regarding subsection (g) -- Petitioner manages

3603and bills his own time. Dividing his time and his billing for

3615servicing other clien ts and for servicing the City evidences

3625that Petitioner is the master of his own schedule, subject only

3636to judicial rules and constraints.

364138. Fifth, regarding subsection (h) -- Petitioner can work

3650for whom he chooses and when he chooses from among his gene ral

3663public clients -- with the City having priority only on his

3674presence during their twice a month meetings. Petitioner can

3683choose what legal action to file first, when to file, how to

3695prepare, how to proceed, and how to resolve each legal matter

3706submitted for his attention.

371039. Sixth, regarding subsection (i) -- Petitioner does a

3719majority, if not all, of his legal preparation work off the

3730City's premises in his office at Steven A. Ramunni, P.A.

374040. Seventh, regarding subsection (j) -- the City cannot

3749order t he sequence of legal functions before the courts,

3759notwithstanding counsel who is representing the City.

376641. Eighth, regarding subsection (l) -- Petitioner is paid a

3776monthly retainer for a specific function - attending meetings. He

3786is paid periodically, usual ly at the conclusion, for all other

3797legal work determined by the City Council to be performed.

380742. Ninth, regarding subsections (n) and (o) -- Petitioner

3816provides his own legal tools and materials and has a significant

3827investment in the facilities of his la w firm, all of which he

3840uses to perform legal services for the City and for his general

3852public clients.

385443. Tenth, regarding subsection (q) -- Petitioner provides

3862his legal services to the City. He provides his legal services

3873to more than two general publi c persons or firms, who are not

3886related to each other nor related to the City, at the same time.

389944. Eleventh, regarding subsection (r) -- Petitioner makes

3907his services available to the general public by means of

3917advertisement in the phone book.

392245. Twelft h, regarding subsection (t) - - although

3931Petitioner can quit his part - time city attorney position at any

3943time without incurring liability, he is, however, professionally

3951obligated to complete the City's ongoing legal matters entrusted

3960in his care and/or effe ctuate a transfer of unfinished legal

3971matters to another attorney, only with the advice and consent of

3982the City Council or by order of the courts.

399146. Based upon the Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of

4002Law herein above, Petitioner has failed to carry the burden of

4013proof and demonstrate by a preponderance of evidence that the

4023City is his "employer" and that he, as the part - time city

4036attorney performing only professional legal services to the

4044City, a retainer client, as the City's "employee." The evide nce

4055demonstrated that Petitioner's professional legal relationship

4061with the City is that of an "independent contractor" as defined

4072by applicable elements of Rule 60S - 6.001(33), Florida

4081Administrative Code.


4084Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4094Law, it is

4097RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services,

4104Division of Retirement, enter a final order denying Petitioner's

4113request to participate in the Florida Retirement System from

4122November 25, 1986, through the present.

4128DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of September, 2003, in

4138Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4146Administrative Law Judge

4149Division of Administrative Hearings

4153The DeSoto Building

41561230 Apalachee Parkway

4159Tallahass ee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4165(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4173Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4180Filed with the Clerk of the

4186Division of Administrative Hearings

4190this 3rd day of September, 2003.


4199Steven A. Ramunni, Esquire

4203Post Office Box 1118

4207LaBelle, Florida 33975

4210Thomas E. Wright, Esquire

4214Department of Management Services

4218Division of Retirement

42214050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260

4226Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950

4231Erin Sjostrom, Director

4234Division of Retirement

4237Department of Managem ent Services

4242Cedars Executive Center, Building C

42472639 North Monroe Street

4251Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1560

4256Monesia Taylor Brown, Acting General Counsel

4262Department of Management Services

42664050 Esplanade Way

4269Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1560


4280All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

429015 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

4301to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

4312will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/06/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/30/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/03/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 30, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/21/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/11/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/11/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from T. Wright enclosing Respondent`s Exhibit 1 and 7 filed.
Date: 07/30/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/18/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/20/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Buckine from S. Ramunni (response to Initial Order) filed.
Date: 06/13/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/13/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 30, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; LaBelle, FL).
Date: 06/05/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from T. Wright in reply to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/28/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Final Agency Action (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Petition for Review and Formal Request for Administrative Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Agency Referral (filed via facsimile).

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
LaBelle, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):