03-002443 Kay Mcginn vs. Florida Elections Commission
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, January 13, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent, Florida Elections Commission, failed to demonstrate that telephones used by Petitioner had a fair market value which required reporting as an "in kind" contribution.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 03 - 2443




28Respondent. )



33Pursuant to notice, t he Division of Administrative

41Hearings, by its duly - designated Administrative Law Judge,

50Jeff B. Clark, held a final administrative hearing in this case

61on September 5, 2003, in Pompano Beach, Florida.


70For Petitioner: Stuart R. Michelson, Esq uire

77Law Office of Stuart R. Michelson

83200 Southeast 13th Street

87Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

91For Respondent: Eric M. Lipman, Esquire

97Florida Elections Commission

100Collins Building, Suite 224

104107 West Gaines Street

108Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


117Whether Petitioner, Kay McGinn, willfully violated

123Subsection 106.07(5), Florida S tatutes (2001), when she

131certified the correctness of a campaign treasurer's report that

140was incorrect, false, or incomplete because it failed to

149disclose an in - kind contribution by Frank Furman for the use of

162telephones used by Petitioner and her campaign volunteers in

171offices that Mr. Furman owned.


178On May 30, 2003, Respondent, Florida Elections Commission,

186entered an Order of Probable Cause finding "that there is

196probable cause to charge the Respondent [Petitioner herein] with:

205One count of violating Section 106.07(5), Florida Statutes,

213prohibiting a candidate from certifying the correctness of a

222campaign treasurer's report that is incorrect, false, or


231In the Statement of Findings, which is incorporated by

240reference in t he Order of Probable Cause, it is alleged:

2514. Complainant alleged Respondent failed

256to report the in - kind value of telephones

265used in a campaign phone bank. Complainant

272stated Respondent failed to list the name of

280the person who made the in - kind contri bution

290and the value of the contribution.

2965. Specifically, Complainant alleged Frank

301H. Furman contributed the use of his office

309phones for approximately four weeks prior to

316the election day of March 12, 2002.

323Respondent and her campaign workers utili zed

330Mr. Furman's telephones to promote

335Respondent's re - election.

339* * *

34212. Commission staff obtained Mr. Furman's

348actual telephone bills for the months of

355January, February and March of 2002. The

362cost for basic service for Mr. Furman

369averaged $1,482.18 for those months. The

376average daily rate was $49.41. The average

383hourly rate(with the assumption that a day

390consists of eight business hours) is $6.18.

397Respondent utilized Mr. Furman's phones on

403eight occasions for two hours on each

410occasion for a total of 16 hours. Sixteen

418hours at the hourly rate of $6.18 comes to a

428total of $98.88 as a value of the in - kind

439contribution given by Furman to Respondent's


446On June 25, 2003, Petitioner, Kay McGinn, responded to the

456Order of Probable Ca use, by a Request for Formal Hearing Before

468the Division of Administrative Hearings, denying that her actions

477were willful, or reckless, asserting that the use of

486Mr. Furman's telephones had no value, that she had relied on

497Mr. Furman's assessment that t he use of his phones had no value,

510and that Respondent's finding was inconsistent with common

518practice and common sense.

522On July 1, 2003, the case was forwarded to the Division of

534Administrative Hearings. On July 2, 2003, an Initial Order was

544sent to both parties. On July 15, 2003, the case was scheduled

556for final hearing on September 5, 2003, in Pompano Beach,


567The case was presented as scheduled on September 5, 2003.

577Petitioner testified on her own behalf and presented two

586witnesses: Lonnie Ma ier, who was qualified as an expert witness

597on phone services and marketing and sales of call centers and

608phone banks, and Russell Klenet, who was qualified as an expert

619witness on the use of telecommunications in political campaigns.

628Petitioner offered t wo exhibits which were received into evidence

638and marked Petitioner's Exhibits 1 and 2. Respondent called

647Petitioner in its case and presented four additional witnesses:

656Daniel Faust, Mary Chambers, Frank Furman, and Norman Ostrau, who

666was qualified as an expert witness in Florida election law.

676Respondent offered four exhibits which were received into

684evidence and marked Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 4.

692The parties jointly stipulated to extend the time for filing

702proposed recommended orders until Decemb er 15, 2003. The two -

713volume Transcript of Proceedings was filed with the Division of

723Administrative Hearings on October 1, 2003. Both parties timely

732filed Proposed Recommended Orders.


739Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the

749final hearing, the following findings of fact are made:

7581. Petitioner is the Mayor of Pompano Beach, Florida. She

768ran unsuccessfully for Pompano Beach City Commission in 1996.

777Her campaigns for the same office in 1998, 2000, and 2002 were

789succes sful. The alleged offense took place during the 2002

799election campaign.

8012. Petitioner is an intelligent, conscientious public

808servant. She is familiar with the Florida election law and is

819sensitive to her obligation to follow the law and diligent in

830her attempt to do so.

8353. During the 2002 campaign, Frank Furman, a long - time

846Pompano Beach business man who enjoys an excellent reputation,

855offered the use of his business offices to Petitioner for

865campaign activities. Petitioner chose to use Furman's offic e on

875six to eight occasions to make campaign - related local telephone

886calls. Typically, Petitioner and five or six volunteers would

895spend about one hour in the early evening calling Pompano Beach

906voters encouraging them to vote for Petitioner.

9134. Mindful of the election law requiring the reporting of

"923in - kind" contributions, Petitioner asked Mr. Furman the value

933of the use of his telephones for reporting purposes. Furman

943advised Petitioner that the use of his telephones had "no


9545. In reporting "i n - kind" contributions, Petitioner's

963practice was to ask the contributor to provide an invoice

973reflecting the "fair market value" of the "in - kind"

983contribution. Armed with the invoice, she would then report the

"993in - kind" contribution.

9976. "Fair market valu e" is an economic concept used most

1008frequently in reported Florida cases when referring to the value

1018of real property taken in condemnation actions or in determining

1028restitution in criminal cases. Numerous definitions are found.

1036Typically, the definition s involve "a willing buyer and a

1046willing seller, fully informed as to the value of the object of

1058the transaction, neither being under any compulsion to buy or


10697. Respondent's Statement of Findings, which was analyzed

1077by Petitioner's expert witness, offers an amortized cost to

1086Mr. Furman for use by Petitioner and her volunteers of the

1097telephones. This amortized cost is apparently advanced as

1105evidence of "fair market value" or "attributable monetary

1113value." Mr. Furman pays a fixed - rate of slightly less than

1125$1,500.00 per month for the use of 32 to 33 telephone lines.

1138This means that each line costs approximately $46.87 per month.

1148Assuming 30 days per month, the daily cost per line is $1.56.

1160Assuming 24 - hour days, the hourly cost per line is $0.06 5.

1173Further assuming that six volunteers used one telephone for one

1183hour on eight different days, the result is 48 hours of line

1195use. The resulting amortized use cost, given the known use by

1206Petitioner and her campaign volunteers, is $3.12. Amortized use

1215cost is not fair market value.

12218. Neither an "attributable monetary value" nor a "fair

1230market value" of Petitioner's use of Mr. Furman's telephones was

1240established. To the contrary, it was established that there was

1250no "market" for access to six to eigh t telephones for one hour,

1263one night per week. While it is assumed that Petitioner would

1274benefit from telephone calls made by her supporters, whether

1283made from their individual homes or from some group setting, the

1294evidence failed to established that Peti tioner's use of

1303Mr. Furman's telephones had any "attributable monetary value" or

"1312fair market value."

13159. Given that the use of the telephones by Petitioner was

1326during non - working hours when the telephones would normally be

1337idle, it is not surprising that Mr. Furman advised Petitioner

1347that there was no cost associated with the use of his

1358telephones. His monthly telephone bill would be the same

1367whether Petitioner used his telephones or not. Nor is

1376Petitioner to be faulted for relying on the contributor's

1385assessment of the value of the "in - kind" contribution of the use

1398of the telephones.

140110. The real value to Petitioner's campaign was the use of

1412Mr. Furman's office as a meeting place. As a practical matter,

1423each volunteer could have taken a list of the te lephone numbers

1435of Pompano Beach voters to their respective homes and made the

1446telephone calls from their homes.

145111. This was not a professional "phone bank," sometimes

1460used in political campaigns where trained callers use scripted

1469messages designed to el icit voter preferences and where the

1479candidates receives "feed - back" on salient issues. A "fair

1489market value" can be easily established for such services as

1499they are common in the market place.

150612. The evidence suggests that campaign volunteers making

1514te lephone calls to registered voters from their homes or from

1525someone's office is a common practice in political campaigns in

1535Florida. It is also suggested that this common practice is not

1546reported as a campaign contribution.


155410. The Div ision of Administrative Hearings has

1562jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter in this

1572case. §§ 106.25(5), 120.57(1), and 120.569, Fla. Stat. (2003).

158111. Respondent in its Order of Probable Cause asserts

"1590that there is probable cause to charge the Respondent

1599[Petitioner herein] with: One count of violating Section

1607106.07(5), Florida Statutes, prohibiting a candidate from

1614certifying the correctness of a campaign treasurer's report that

1623is incorrect, false, or incomplete."

162812. Subsection 106.07 (5), Florida Statutes (2001), reads

1636as follows:

1638(5) The candidate and his or her campaign

1646treasurer, in the case of a candidate, or

1654the political committee chair and campaign

1660treasurer of the committee, in the case of a

1669political committee, shall certi fy as to the

1677correctness of each report; and each person

1684so certifying shall bear the responsibility

1690for the accuracy and veracity of each

1697report. Any campaign treasurer, candidate,

1702or political committee chair who willfully

1708certifies the correctness of a ny report

1715while knowing that such report is incorrect,

1722false, or incomplete commits a misdemeanor

1728of the first degree, punishable as provided

1735in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

174113. Subsection 106.011(3)(a), Florida Statutes (2001),

1747reads as follows:

1750(3) "Contribution" means:

1753(a) A gift, subscription, conveyance,

1758deposit, loan, payment, or distribution of

1764money or anything of value, including

1770contri butions in kind having an attributable

1777monetary value in any form, made for the

1785purpose of influencing the results of an


179314. Section 106.055, Florida Statutes (2001), reads as


1802Valuation of in - kind contributions. -- Any

1810person who makes an in - kind contribution

1818shall, at the time of making such

1825contribution, place a value on such

1831contribution, which valuation shall be the

1837fair market value of such contribution.

184315. Subsection 106.25(3), Florida Statutes (2001), reads

1850as follows:

1852(3) For the purposes of commission

1858jurisdiction, a violation shall mean the

1864willful performance of an act prohibited by

1871this chapter or chapter 104 or the willful

1879failure to perform an act required by this

1887chapter or chapter 104.

189116. Section 106.37, Flo rida Statutes (2001), reads as


1901A person willfully violates a provision of

1908this chapter if the person commits an act

1916while knowing that, or showing reckless

1922disregard for whether, the act is prohibited

1929under this chapter, or does not commit an

1937ac t while knowing that, or showing reckless

1945disregard for whether, the act is required

1952under this chapter. A person knows that an

1960act is prohibited or required if the person

1968is aware of the provision of this chapter

1976which prohibits or requires the act,

1982unde rstands the meaning of that provision,

1989and performs the act that is prohibited or

1997fails to perform the act that is required.

2005A person shows reckless disregard for

2011whether an act is prohibited or required

2018under this chapter if the person wholly

2025disregards the law without making any

2031reasonable effort to determine whether the

2037act would constitute a violation of this


204517. Subsection 106.265(1), Florida Statutes (2001), reads

2052as follows:

2054(1) The commission is authorized upon the

2061finding of a viola tion of this chapter or

2070chapter 104 to impose civil penalties in the

2078form of fines not to exceed $1,000 per

2087count. In determining the amount of such

2094civil penalties, the commission shall

2099consider, among other mitigating and

2104aggravating circumstances:

2106( a) The gravity of the act or omission;

2115(b) Any previous history of similar acts

2122or omissions;

2124(c) The appropriateness of such penalty

2130to the financial resources of the person,

2137political committee, committee of continuous

2142existence, or political party; and

2147(d) Whether the person, political

2152committee, committee of continuous

2156existence, or political party has shown good

2163faith in attempting to comply with the

2170provisions of this chapter or chapter 104.

217718. The burden of proof, absent a statutory directive to

2187the contrary, is on the party asserting the affirmative of the

2198issue in the proceeding. Respondent has the burden of proof.

2208Department of Banking and Finance v. Osborne Stern and Company ,

2218670. So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996); Department of Tran sportation

2229v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); and

2242Balino v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348

2251So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

225819. The standard of proof imposed on Respondent is to

2268establish the essential eleme nts of a violation by clear and

2279convincing evidence. Diaz de la Portilla v. Florida Elections

2288Commission , 857 So. 2d 913 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2003). Respondent must

2299establish by clear and convincing evidence that Petitioner

2307willfully violated the particular sta tute alleged.

231420. As noted by the Florida Supreme Court:

2322[C]lear and convincing evidence requires

2327that the evidence must be found to be

2335credible; the facts to which the witnesses

2342testify must be distinctly remembered; the

2348testimony must be precise and exp licit and

2356the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

2363as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

2372be of such weight that it produces in mind

2381of the trier of fact a firm belief or

2390conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2396truth of the allegations sought to b e


2405In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994), quoting Slomowitz

2417v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

242821. Respondent has failed to demonstrate that Petitioner's

2436use of Mr. Furman's telephone had any "attributable monetary

2445value" or "fair market value." To the contrary, the evidence

2455clearly showed that there was no "market" for such use.

246522. Respondent failed to demonstrate that Petitioner's

2472reliance on Mr. Furman's assessment that the use of his

2482telephones had no value constituted a willful violation or

2491reckless disregard of her reporting responsibilities under the

2499election law. Section 106.055, Florida Statutes, is the only

2508statutory reference to the valuation of in - kind contributions.

2518This provision clearly indicates that the contributor making the

2527in - kind contribution shall place a value on the contribution,

2538which valuation shall be at the fair market value of the


255023. Whether Petitioner has an affirmative duty to

2558investigate the fair market value of an "in - kind" contribution,

2569rather than rely on the valuation provided by the contributor as

2580suggested by Section 106.055, Florida Statutes, need not be

2589addressed in this case, as the evidence is persuasive that

2599valuation provided by the contributor was appr opriate under the

2609circumstances presented.

261124. Respondent failed to demonstrate that Petitioner's

2618failure to include the use of Mr. Furman's telephones on her

2629campaign treasurer's report was done with the knowledge that in

2639so doing she was creating an in correct, false or incomplete

2650report. To the contrary, the evidence indicates that Petitioner

2659made a good faith effort to ascertain the attributable monetary

2669value of the use of Mr. Furman's telephones, relied on his

2680valuation, and concluded that the use o f the telephones under

2691the circumstances did not require reporting.


2698Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions

2707of Law, it is

2711RECOMMENDED that the Florida Elections Commission enter a

2719final order finding that Petitioner, Kay McGinn, did not violate

2729Subsection 106.07(5), Florida Statutes, as alleged, and

2736dismissing the Order of Probable Cause.

2742DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of January, 2004, in

2752Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2761Administrative Law Judge

2764Division of Administrative Hearings

2768The DeSoto Building

27711230 Apalachee Parkway

2774Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2779(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2787Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2794Filed with the Clerk of the

2800Divisi on of Administrative Hearings

2805this 13th day of January, 2004.


2814Eric M. Lipman, Esquire

2818Florida Elections Commission

2821Collins Building, Suite 224

2825107 West Gaines Street

2829Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

2834Stuart R. Michelson, Esquire

2838Law Of fice of Stuart R. Michelson

2845200 Southeast 13th Street

2849Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

2853Barbara M. Linthicum, Executive Director

2858Florida Elections Commission

2861The Collins Building, Suite 224

2866Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

2871Patsy Rushing, Clerk

2874Florida Elec tions Commission

2878The Collins Building, Suite 224

2883Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


2894All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

290415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2915to thi s Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2927will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/01/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/13/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/13/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 5, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/13/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Florida Elections Commission`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/15/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Proposed Recommended Order filed by E. Lipman.
Date: 12/12/2003
Proceedings: Transcript (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 12/12/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 12/12/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Closing Memorandum filed.
Date: 10/01/2003
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes I and II) filed.
Date: 09/05/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Additional Documents to be Introduced at Trial (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/02/2003
Proceedings: Joint Preharing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/15/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 5, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; Pompano Beach, FL).
Date: 07/14/2003
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/10/2003
Proceedings: Order. (Petitioner must comply with the Initial Order)
Date: 07/09/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Relief from Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Order of Probable Cause filed.
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Request for Formal Hearing Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Pompano Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):