04-000341 Sarasota County School Board vs. Nancy Jones
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 19, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent struck unruly, disobedient student(s) riding her bus. School Board policy prohibits corporeal punishment in any form. Recommend that Respondent be terminated.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 04 - 0341




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice a nd in accordance with Section 120.569

44and Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2003), this cause

52came on for final hearing on May 14, 2004, in Sarasota, Florida,

64before Fred L. Buckine, a duly - designated Administrative Law

74Judge of the Division of Admin istrative Hearings.


83For Petitioner: Robert K. Robinson, Esquire

89Bowman, George, Scheb, Toale

93& Robinson

952750 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 3

100Sarasota, Florid a 34237

104For Respondent: No appearance


112The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated

121Sarasota County School Board policy and the Code of Professional

131Conduct of Non - Instructional Support Staff employed by the

141Sarasota C ounty School District and, if so, whether Respondent's

151employment with the Sarasota County School Board should be



163By letter dated January 5, 2004, Gene Witt (Mr. Witt)

173superintendent of schools for Petitioner, Sarasota Cou nty School

182Board (School Board), notified Respondent, Nancy Jones

189(Ms. Jones), that probable cause had been found for her

199termination. Mr. Witt advised Ms. Jones that he would recommend

209at the February 3, 2004, School Board meeting that she be

220terminated effective February 4, 2004, and informed her of her

230right to challenge her termination by requesting a hearing

239pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes (2003).

246Ms. Jones, by letter dated January 21, 2004, requested an

256administrative hearing, and on Janua ry 29, 2004, the matter was

267referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

274On February 5, 2004, the parties' Joint Response to Initial

284Order was filed. On February 10, 2004, a Notice of Hearing,

295scheduling the final hearing for April 7, 2004, in Sar asota,

306Florida, and an Order of Pre - hearing Instructions were entered.

317On February 18, 2004, Mr. Witt notified Ms. Jones by letter

328that insubordination and misconduct in office were additional

336causes in support of her termination.

342On February 23, 2004, Ms. Jones' attorney, Anthony D.

351Demma, filed a motion to withdraw as counsel of record, and on

363March 2, 2004, an Order allowing withdrawal of Attorney Demma as

374counsel of record was entered.

379On March 29, 2004, the School Board filed a Motion for

390Continuanc e of the final hearing, and on March 31, 2004, an

402Order continuing and rescheduling the final hearing to May 14,

4122004, was entered.

415At the final hearing on May 14, 2004, the undersigned

425delayed the proceeding for 45 minutes awaiting appearance of

434Ms. Jone s, but she failed to appear. In Ms. Jones' absence, the

447School Board presented the testimony of seven witnesses: L.J.,

456M.N., N.K., J.M., Susan Rae Snyder, Jody Dumas, and John Lempe

467and offered 22 exhibits (P - 1 through P - 22), which were admitted

481into evi dence. Ms. Jones was provided written notice of both

492her termination by the School Board and of this proceeding. She

503elected not to attend this proceeding, and she did not otherwise

514notify the Division of Administrative Hearings of reasons for

523her absenc e.

526The one - volume Transcript of this proceeding was filed on

537June 16, 2004. Ms. Jones did not file a proposed recommended

548order. The School Board's Proposed Recommended Order was filed

557on June 16, 2004, and has been considered in preparation of this

569Reco mmended Order.


5751. The School Board is a political subdivision and an

585administrative agency of the State of Florida charged with the

595duty to operate, control, and supervise all public schools and

605personnel in the Sarasota County School D istrict. Mr. Witt is

616the superintendent of schools for the Sarasota County School


6262. At all times relevant, Ms. Jones was employed with the

637School Board by contract as a school bus driver. In that

648capacity, Ms. Jones was classified as a non - pr ofessional and

660non - administrative contract employee of the School Board's

669transportation department. She agreed to accept the contractual

677appointment (school bus driver) to perform such duties and

686services as may be required to comply with all laws of the State

699of Florida and rules and regulations made by the School Board.

7103. The School Board's transportation department operated a

718bid policy for its school bus drivers. Under the School Board's

729bid policy, each school bus driver was afforded an opportun ity

740to bid (make a written selection of a particular school bus

751route) on the school bus route for the forthcoming school year.

762At the start of the 2003 - 2004 school year, Ms. Jones bid upon

776and was awarded the Oak Park School (Oak Park) bus route. Oak

788Pa rk was attended by elementary through high school - aged

799exceptional students or exceptional student education ("ESE")

808students, as defined under Section 4.12 of the School Board's

818policies manual. Ms. Jones was assigned bus number 9615.

8274. The first res ponsibility of the school bus driver is

838the safe operation of the school bus, and the second

848responsibility is providing discipline to those who are


8575. In October of the 2003 - 2004 school year, Susan Snyder

869(Ms. Snyder) was assigned to work on school bus number 9615 as

881the school bus attendant. A school bus attendant's primary

890responsibilities are to ensure the safety of and provide care to

901the students that are being transported on the bus and to

912minimize distractions to the school bus driv er caused by the

923students while being transported. The students who were being

932transported by Ms. Jones to Oak Park have behavioral issues, are

943physically handicapped, and/or have been unsuccessful at other

951schools within the Sarasota County School Distri ct.

9596. At various times during the 2003 - 2004 school year,

970between eight and 12 students between the ages 14 and 17 rode

982the bus driven by Ms. Jones. Four of those students were L.J.,

994M.N., N.K., and J.M. The collective testimonies of these four

1004witnesse s established that they frequently used profanity on the

1014bus in their daily conversations with each other and in their

1025daily conversation, in the context of discipline, with

1033Ms. Jones. The students would routinely yell among themselves

1042and at Ms. Jones, and she, in return, would yell at them.

10547. When Ms. Jones told the students to do something, "sit

1065down," "stop playing around," or "don't open the windows on the

1076bus," the students refused to obey, and Ms. Jones would threaten

1087the students with physical v iolence. Those threats would elicit

1097like - kind responsive threats from the students. The evidence is

1108inconclusive for the purpose of identifying specific profanity

1116uttered by a specific student. However, the evidence is clear

1126that an exchange of profanit y occurred between Ms. Jones and the

1138students identified in paragraph 4 hereinabove.

11448. At some unspecified time, but prior to December 9,

11542003, Ms. Jones had previously and repeatedly instructed the

1163students to leave the bus windows up while traveling. As they

1174were traveling down Interstate 75 (I - 75), N.K., ignoring

1184Ms. Jones' previous instructions to leave the windows up, began

1194lowering the window. Ms. Jones observed N.K.'s actions and

1203repeated her instructions to leave the window up. She was

1213unable to stop on the interstate, but when she reached the

1224Fruitville, I - 75 exit, Ms. Jones exited the interstate and

1235stopped the bus. She then turned off the engine, got up from

1247the driver's seat, and went to N.K.'s seat where she pushed

1258N.K., and N.K. pushed h er back. The shoving back and forth

1270between Ms. Jones and N.K. ended with Ms. Jones slapping N.K.

1281At the end of her bus run for that day, Ms. Jones reported the

1295incident by a Student Discipline Referral Report. N.K. told his

1305mother of the incident, and she informed Oak Park

1314administration. After consideration of all the facts, Oak Park

1323administration disciplined N.K. for his conduct on the bus. It

1333is found that Ms. Jones willfully violated the School Board's

1343policy by slapping N.K.

1347The "Yugioh" playing cards incident

13529. The students would play a card game known as "Yugioh."

1363The cards belonged to L.J. Ms. Jones had previously instructed

1373the students not to play "Yugioh" on the bus because of the

1385disturbance the game caused, and she specifically instru cted

1394L.J. not to bring his "Yugioh" cards on the bus. On December 9,

14072003, L.J. and other students, with disregard of Ms. Jones'

1417previous instruction not to play "Yugioh" on the bus, were again

1428playing "Yugioh." Ms. Jones asked them to stop, and they

1438ign ored her. She asked L.J. to bring the cards to her, and he

1452refused to obey her request.

145710. When she reached the stop sign at the intersection of

1468South Briggs Avenue and Bahia Vista Street, in Sarasota County,

1478Florida, Ms. Jones stopped the bus, turned off the engine, and

1489approached L.J. where he was seated. An argument ensued, which

1499was accompanied by Ms. Jones' attempt to take the cards from

1510L.J. and his refusal to relinquish his cards.

151811. During this altercation, Ms. Jones struck L.J. about

1527his head, shoulders, and face. She pinched his cheeks. L.J.

1537and Ms. Jones exchanged vulgar insults back and forth.

1546Ms. Jones told M.N., another student, to grab L.J.'s "titties"

1556and pinch them, and he did so.

156312. It was noted that L.J. has a large body with an

1575extraordinary fleshly chest. After the "tittie" - pinching

1583incident, L.J. asked to be let off the bus at that location,

1595which was not his usual bus stop, and Ms. Jones, as she returned

1608to the driver's seat, initially refused to do so. After sitting

1619in the driver's seat, Ms. Jones granted L.J.'s request to exit

1630the bus at the intersection of South Briggs Avenue and Bahia

1641Vista Street.

164313. It is found that Ms. Jones did not violate the School.

1655Board's policy by permitting L.J. to get off the bus at a

1667location other than his normal pick up and exit stop. Drivers

1678are not allowed to prevent a student from getting off the bus;

1690they can only call transportation dispatch and report the

1699student by name and the location the student got off the bus.

171114. It is found that Ms. Jones did, however, violate the

1722School Board's policy when she struck L.J. and when she

1732requested and encouraged another student to inappropriately

1739touch L.J.'s chest.

174215. When he arrived home, L.J. reported the bus incident

1752to his pa rents, and they immediately registered a complaint

1762against Ms. Jones with Oak Park administration. Two days later,

1772December 11, 2003, L.J.'s father, L.J., Sr., filed a police

1782report with the Sarasota County Sheriff's Department. An

1790officer investigated t he matter on December 19, 2003, by

1800interviewing only L.J. and Ms. Snyder. Based upon those two

1810interviews, the investigating officer recommended that the

1817charge of battery be filed against Ms. Jones. There is no

1828further evidence of record regarding the b attery charge

1837recommendation made by the investigating officer.

184316. The School Board's transportation dispatcher was

1850informed of L.J.'s parents' complaint, and he radioed Ms. Jones

1860and Ms. Snyder instructing them, upon completing the evening bus

1870run, to r eport directly to his office and to give written

1882reports of the L.J. incident. In her written report given

1892immediately following the incident, Ms. Jones acknowledged that

1900there was an exchange of profanity between her and the students

1911involved, but she de nied hitting L.J. or telling other students

1922to pinch L.J.'s titties.

192617. The evidence of record reflects that Ms. Snyder did

1936not dispute Ms. Jones' version of the incident. Ms. Snyder also

1947executed a written incident report immediately following the

1955in cident containing her version of what occurred. According to

1965the School Board, Ms. Snyder's initial written incident report

1974was inexplicably lost. At the hearing, the School Board

1983introduced an unsigned document (the School Board's Exhibit P - 9)

1994that was not sworn to by Ms. Snyder, purporting it to be a

2007second revised report written by Ms. Snyder. This document is

2017found to be unreliable.

202118. Later on the evening of December 9, 2003, after giving

2032her written report that was somehow lost, Ms. Snyder called her

2043Union representative and gave a description of what took place

2053on the bus on December 9, 2003. A meeting was arranged with the

2066director of transportation, Jody Dumas (Dumas). At the meeting,

2075Ms. Snyder gave a version of the December 9, 2003, bus inc ident

2088that was contrary to her earlier confirmation of Ms. Jones'

2098December 9, 2003, written incident report.

210419. Ms. Snyder's recall of the December 9, 2003, incident

2114alleged that Ms. Jones slapped and verbally abused and

2123humiliated L.J. She went on to i nclude a claim that

2134Ms. Jones intimidated her and the students by telling everyone

2144on the bus that they were to say nothing happened on December 9,


215820. Mr. Dumas conducted his investigation of Ms. Snyder's

2167allegations by interviewing M.N. and J.M. on December 12, 2003.

2177During the initial interview, M.N. confirmed Ms. Jones' version

2186of the incident. Under the pressure of Mr. Dumas' continuous

2196questioning, coupled with the promise that he would not be

2206required to ride Ms. Jones' bus anytime in the f uture, M.N.

2218capitulated and confirmed the "tittie" - pinching version of the

2228incident and agreed with Ms. Snyder's "say nothing happened on

2238December 9, 2003," addition to her version of the incident.

224821. It is found that Ms. Jones did in fact instruct

2259an other student to pinch L.J.'s titties, and the student, for

2270reasons of his own, complied with the request while L.J. sat

2281there humiliated. The evidence of record in support of

2290Ms. Snyder's allegation that Ms. Jones intimidated her and all

2300the students on the bus by telling them "say nothing happened on

2312December 9, 2003," is unreliable and rejected by the


232222. On December 10, 2003, Mr. Dumas suspended Ms. Jones

2332with pay pending further investigation of the December 9, 2003,

2342incident. Mr. Duma s, after his review of Ms. Snyder's version

2353of what occurred and his interviews with unnamed students, met

2363with Ms. Jones and confronted her with the "slapping and verbal

2374abuse of [L.J.]" allegations. Ms. Jones denied slapping and

2383verbally abusing L.J., a t which time Mr. Dumas advised

2393Ms. Jones that he would recommend her termination to the School


240523. It is found that the suspension of Ms. Jones by

2416Mr. Dumas was appropriate and in accordance with the School

2426Board's policy.

242824. On December 19, 2003, in his memorandum to Scott Lempe

2439(Mr. Lempe), director of human resources, Mr. Dumas set forth

2449specific factual bases in support of his recommended termination

2458of Ms. Jones: (1) Ms. Jones slapped L.J. at least two times in

2471the face; (2) Ms. Jon es told another student on the bus, M.N.,

2484to go over to L.J. and pinch his titties; and (3) on at least

2498one other occasion, Ms. Jones told one student to slap another

2509student because he was putting a window down.

251725. Mr. Lempe prepared a notice of termina tion on

2527January 5, 2004, containing his detailed explanation of the

2536grounds for the termination based upon Ms. Jones' violations of

2546Section 5.30(2)(c) of the Sarasota County School Board policies

2555manual, regarding corporal punishment and the Policy Manual ,

2563Code of Professional Conduct of Non - Instructional Support Staff,

2573and Sections 1012.22 and 1012.27, Florida Statutes (2003),

2581insubordination and misconduct in office. On February 18, 2004,

2590the School Board terminated the employment of Ms. Jones with its

2601transportation department as a school bus driver.

260826. The School Board proved, by a preponderance of

2617credible evidence, that Ms. Jones violated the School Board's

2626policy and the Code of Professional Conduct of Non - Instructional

2637Support Staff employed by t he Sarasota County School District,

2647as alleged in the notice of termination dated February 18, 2004.


266127. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2668jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this

2679proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. (2003).

268728. The School Board has the burden of proof in this non -

2700instructional employee dismissal hearing. The standard of proof

2708in this proceeding is by a preponderance of the evidence.

2718McNeill v. Pinellas County School Board , 678 So. 2d 476, 477

2729(Fla. 2nd DCA 1996); Dileo v. School Board of Dade County , 569

2741So. 2d 883, 884 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1990).

274929. Because Ms. Jones is not classified as instructional

2758or administrative personnel, Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes

2765(2003), is in applicable. Ms. Jones falls within the "other

2775school employees" category as that term is found in Subsections

27851012.22(1)(f) and 1012.27(5), Florida Statutes.

279030. The School Board is authorized to discipline "other

2799school employees" under Subsection 1012. 22(1)(f), Florida

2806Statutes (2003), that provides:

2810Suspension, dismissal, and return to annual

2816contract status. -- The district school board

2823shall suspend, dismiss, or return to annual

2830contract members of the instructional staff

2836and other school employees; however, no

2842administrative assistant, supervisor,

2845principal, teacher, or other member of the

2852instructional staff may be discharged,

2857removed, or returned to annual contract

2863except as provided in this chapter.

286931. The School Board is authorized to direc t the work of

2881its employees and to discipline those employees under Section

28901012.27(5), Florida Statutes (2003) that provides:

2896SUSPENSION AND DISMISSAL. -- Suspend members

2902of the instructional staff and other school

2909employees during emergencies for a perio d

2916extending to and including the day of the

2924next regular or special meeting of the

2931district school board and notify the district

2938school board immediately of such suspension.

2944When authorized to do so, serve notice on the

2953suspended member of the instruction al staff

2960of charges made against him or her and of the

2970date of hearing. Recommend employees for

2976dismissal under the terms prescribed herein

298232. Section 5.30(2)(c) of the School Board policy

2990precludes and prohibits corporate punishment in all forms by all

3000employees. Violation of this prohibitive principle will subject

3008the violator to disciplinary action under Subsections

30151012.22(1)(f) and 1012.27(5), Florida Statutes (2003). Section

30225.30(2)(c) of the School Board policy provides:

3029The teacher, other members of the

3035instructional staff or bus drivers shall

3041assume such authority for the control and

3048supervision of students as they maybe

3054assigned by the principal or the principal's

3061designated representative and shall keep

3066order in the classroom or other pl aces when

3075in charge of students. Corporate punishment

3081shall not be administered in the Sarasota

3088County School System.

309133. The School Board maintains a Code of Professional

3100Conduct for Non - Instructional Support Staff employed by the

3110Sarasota County Schoo l District, which provides:

3117The following shall constitute the

3122principles of professional conduct and ethics

3128for non - instructional support staff employed

3135by the School Board of Sarasota County.

3142Violation of any of these principles shall

3149subject the indi vidual to suspension,

3155termination and/or other penalties as

3160provided by law.

3163Obligation to the student requires that the


3171(a) Shall make reasonable effort to

3177protect the student from conditions harmful

3183to learning and/or to the student's me ntal

3191and/or physical health and/or safety.

3196* * *

3199(c) Shall not intentionally expose a

3205student to unnecessary embarrassment or


321134. Ms. Jones, as a non - instructional or administrative

3221employee under contract, is subject to the a bove - cited Florida

3233Statutes and the School Board's policy and Code of Professional

3243Conduct for Non - Instructional Support Staff employed by the

3253Sarasota County School District.

325735. Undisputed evidence of record clearly demonstrated

3264that Ms. Jones violated the School Board's policy and Code of

3275Professional Conduct of Non - Instructional Support Staff.

3283Ms. Jones struck students on her bus on or about December 9,

32952003. She used profanity in talking to students on her bus with

3307the intent to, and did, humiliate and embarrass those students to

3318whom she spoke.

332136. The School Board has proven, by a preponderance of the

3332evidence, that Ms. Jones' violation of the School Board's policy

3342and Code of Professional Conduct for Non - Instructional Support

3352Staff employed by t he Sarasota County School District justified

3362her termination.


3365Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3374of Law, it is, therefore,

3379RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Sarasota County School Board,

3386enter a final order terminating the contractual employment of

3395Respondent, Nancy Jones.

3398DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of August, 2004, in

3408Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3416Administrative Law Judge

3419Division of Administrative Hearings

3423The DeSoto Building

34261230 Appalachia Parkway

3429Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3434(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3442Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3449Filed with the Clerk of the

3455Division of Administrative Hearings

3459this 19th day of August, 2004.


3468Robert K. Robinson, Esquire

3472Bowman, George, Scheb, Toale

3476& Robinson

34782750 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 3

3483Sarasota, Florida 34237

3486Nancy Jones

34881280 Highland Street

3491Sarasota, Florida 34234

3494Gene Witt, Superintendent

3497Sarasota County School Board

35011960 Landings Boulevard

3504Sarasota, Florida 34231 - 3304

3509Honorable Jim Horne

3512Commissioner of Education

3515Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3519325 West Gaines Street

3523Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3528Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel

3533Department of Education

3536325 We st Gaines Street, Room 1244

3543Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3554All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

356415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3575to this Recommended Order sh ould be filed with the agency that

3587will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/06/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Witt from Judge Buckine enclosing copies of Petitioner`s Exhibits numbered P-1 through P-22.
Date: 09/27/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/21/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/19/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/19/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 14, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/19/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/16/2004
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings on 5/14/04 filed.
Date: 06/16/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/14/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/19/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Amended Witness and Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/31/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 14, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 03/30/2004
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Statement (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/25/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 7, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL; amended as to location).
Date: 03/02/2004
Proceedings: Order (Anthony Demma, Esquire, is allowed to withdraw as counsel of record for Respondent).
Date: 02/23/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Withdraw from Representation (filed by A. Demma via facsimile).
Date: 02/10/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/10/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 7, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 02/05/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Holifield from C. Giuffra requesting subpoenas (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/05/2004
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/29/2004
Proceedings: Termination of Employment filed.
Date: 01/29/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance, Requesting a Hearing filed.
Date: 01/29/2004
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 01/29/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Sarasota, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):