04-000625RX Keith Luther Fernandez vs. Department Of Financial Services
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, August 13, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: The rule, as promulgated, does not exceed enabling legislation, but as applied by the Respondent, exceeds the grant of rulmaking authority and enlarges or modifies specific terms of enabling legislation.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 04 - 0625RX





31Respondent. )



36Adminis trative Law Judge (ALJ) Daniel Manry conducted the

45administrative hearing in this proceeding on behalf of the

54Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), on May 27, 2004, in

64Orlando, Florida.


67For Petitioner: Keith Luther Fernandez, pro se

743667 Oakhill Drive

77Titusville, Florida 32780

80605 Casa Park Court M

85Winter Springs, Florida 32708

89For Respondent: Dana M. Wiehle, Esquire

95Departm ent of Financial Services

100612 Larson Building

103200 East Gaines Street

107Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333


116The issue is whether Florida Administrative Code

123Rule 69B - 211. 042(6), (8), and (14) is an invalid exercise of

136delegated legislative authority within the meaning of

143Subsections 120.52(8)(b), (c), and (e), Florida Statutes (2002).


153On February 3, 2004, Petitioner challenged Florida

160Administrative Code Rule 68B - 211.042(6), (8), and (14) pursuant

170to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (2003). The ALJ

178consolidated the rule challenge with DOAH Case No. 03 - 4495, in

190which Petitioner challenges the proposed denial of his

198application to be licensed in Florid a as a resident insurance

209adjuster. The ALJ addresses the issues raised in DOAH Case

219No. 03 - 4495 in a separate Recommended Order issued on the same

232date as this Final Order (the Recommended Order).

240At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of eig ht

250witnesses, including Petitioner, and submitted seven exhibits

257for admission into evidence. Respondent presented the testimony

265of two witnesses and submitted 11 exhibits for admission into

275evidence. The identity of the witnesses and exhibits and the

285ru lings regarding each are reported in the one - volume Transcript

297of the hearing filed with DOAH on June 24, 2004.

307Pursuant to Petitioner's unopposed request to extend the

315deadline for filing proposed final orders (PFOs), the parties'

324respective PFOs were to be filed with DOAH no later than

335July 16, 2004. Each party timely filed a PFO on July 16, 2004.


3511. Respondent is the state agency responsible for

359licensing insurance agents in the State of Florida, pursuant to

369Chapter 626, Florida Statut es (2002). On April 3, 2003,

379Petitioner applied for a license as a resident company employee

389property and casualty adjuster (resident adjuster license).

396Petitioner truthfully answered all questions on the application,

404including those questions pertaining to Petitioner's criminal

411history and guilty plea to a felony charge in Georgia.

4212. On September 25, 2003, Respondent issued a Notice of

431Denial of Petitioner's license application. Respondent based

438the denial, in relevant part, on the grounds that Flori da

449Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(6) and (14) prohibit

458Respondent from granting the application while Petitioner is on

467probation or in a pre - trial intervention program; and that

478Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(8) requires

486Petitioner to w ait five years after the plea dated May 14, 2002,

499before applying for a license.

5043. On a date not disclosed in the record, Respondent

514issued a Second Amended Notice of Denial (the Amended Notice of

525Denial). The record does not disclose a first amended notice of

536denial. The Amended Notice of Denial, in relevant part, deletes

546grounds for the proposed denial that are not relevant to this

557Final Order.

5594. On May 14, 2002, Petitioner pled guilty to a single

570felony charge of possession of cocaine. A Geor gia court

580sentenced Petitioner under Georgia's First Offender Act. If

588Petitioner successfully completes probation, Georgia will

594dismiss the felony charge. If Petitioner does not successfully

603complete probation, the Georgia court may revoke Petitioner's

611p robation, adjudicate Petitioner guilty as charged, and sentence

620Petitioner to the maximum sentence authorized under Georgia law.

6295. Petitioner challenges the following provisions in

636Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042:

643(6) Probation. The Depart ment shall not

650grant licensure to any person who at the

658time of application or at any time during

666the pendency of the application is serving a

674probationary term on any felony crime, or

681any misdemeanor crime, except for those

687crimes specified in Chapter 316 , F.S., which

694are not punishable by imprisonment. The

700Department shall not substantively consider

705an application until the applicant has

711successfully completed his or her

716probationary term.

718* * *

721(8) Required Waiting Periods for a Single

728Felony Cri me. The Department finds it

735necessary for an applicant whose law

741enforcement record includes a single felony

747crime to wait the time period specified

754below (subject to the mitigating factors set

761forth elsewhere in this rule) before

767licensure. All waiting periods run from the

774trigger date.

776(c) Class C Crime. The applicant will not

784be granted licensure until 5 years have

791passed since the trigger date.

796* * *

799(14) Pre - Trial Intervention: Specific


806(b) The Department will not grant licensure

813to any person who at time of application is

822participating in a pre - trial intervention

829program. The Department finds it necessary

835to the public welfare to wait until the pre -

845trial intervention is successfully completed

850before licensure will be considered.

8556. Petitioner challenges the foregoing provisions in

862Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 on the grounds that

873each provision violates Subsections 120.52(8)(b), (c), and (e),

881Florida Statutes (2002). Petitioner alleges that each

888challenged provi sion of the rule, respectively, exceeds the

897grant of rulemaking authority; enlarges, modifies, or

904contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented; or is

913arbitrary or capricious within the meaning of

920Subsections 120.52(8)(b), (c), and (e), Florida S tatutes (2002).

9297. The challenged provisions of the rule may reasonably be

939construed in a manner that preserves the validity of the rule.

950The express terms of the rule do not mandate an interpretation

961that violates Subsections 120.52(8)(b), (c), and (e ), Florida

970Statutes (2002). However, Respondent interprets the challenged

977provisions of the rule in a manner that, if accepted, would

988violate Subsections 120.52(8)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes


9968. The enabling legislation for Florida Administrativ e

1004Code Rule 69B - 211.042 is Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes

1014(2002). Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002),

1020authorizes Respondent to adopt rules establishing specific

1027waiting periods that Respondent must apply after Respondent

1035denies, suspe nds, or revokes Petitioner's license pursuant to

1044specifically enumerated Florida statutes. In relevant part,

1051Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002), provides that


1059. . . shall adopt rules establishing

1066specific waiting periods for applic ants to

1073become eligible for licensure following

1078denial, suspension, or revocation . . . .

1086(emphasis supplied)

10889. Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002),

1094prescribes a statutory prerequisite to the imposition of any

1103waiting period pursuant to Florid a Administrative Code

1111Rule 69B - 211.042. The statutory prerequisite is that Respondent

1121must first deny, suspend, or revoke an existing license based on

1132statutory provisions enumerated in the enabling legislation;

1139enumerated provisions that are independent of any waiting

1147periods. Thereafter, Respondent may impose relevant waiting

1154periods to any application that follows Respondent's denial,

1162suspension, or revocation of a license.

116810. The express terms of Florida Administrative Code

1176Rule 69B - 211.042 do n ot mandate the imposition of waiting

1188periods without first satisfying the statutory prerequisite

1195prescribed in the enabling legislation. The challenged

1202provisions of the rule may reasonably be construed as

1211authorizing the imposition of waiting periods fol lowing

1219Respondent's denial, suspension, or revocation of an existing


122811. Respondent interprets the challenged provisions of the

1236rule as authorizing Respondent to impose waiting periods without

1245satisfying the statutory prerequisite in the enabli ng

1253legislation. The waiting period that Respondent proposes to

1261impose against Petitioner does not follow Respondent's denial,

1269suspension, or revocation of a license within the meaning of

1279Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002).

128412. When Georgia authorities arrested Petitioner for

1291possession of cocaine on November 4, 2001, Petitioner held a

1301Florida nonresident company all - lines adjuster license pursuant

1310to license number A082918 (a nonresident adjuster license).

1318Petitioner voluntarily cancelled t he nonresident adjuster

1325license on October 21, 2002.

133013. Respondent did not deny an application for renewal of

1340the nonresident adjuster license. Nor did Respondent suspend or

1349revoke Petitioner's nonresident adjuster license.

135414. The application for a resident adjuster license at

1363issue in this proceeding indicates that no administrative action

1372was ever taken against Petitioner's nonresident adjuster

1379license. Respondent stipulated that Petitioner answered all

1386questions on the application truthfully. The Florida licensure

1394file that Respondent maintains shows that Respondent took no

1403administrative action against Petitioner's nonresident adjuster


141015. Respondent proposes to impose a waiting period against

1419Petitioner that that does not follow denial, suspension, or

1428revocation of either Petitioner's previous nonresident adjuster

1435license or the resident adjuster license that Petitioner seeks

1444in this proceeding. The second page of the application that

1454Petitioner submitted states that Respondent w ill not consider

1463the application while Petitioner is under probation or in a pre -

1475trial intervention program. In relevant part, the second page

1484of the application provides:






1526TERMINATED. (For other than minor traffic

1532violations, the rules of the Department

1538prohibit the approval of licensure for an

1545individ ual who is currently serving a

1552probationary term or participating in a pre -

1560trial intervention program. . . .)

1566(emphasis not supplied)

156916. After receiving the application for a resident

1577adjuster license, Respondent issued a letter dated April 7,

15862003, st ating Respondent's intent to deny the application. In

1596relevant part, the letter stated:

1601[W]e are in receipt of the certified

1608documents, however, a review of the

1614documents indicate[s] that you are still on

1621probation. The rules of the Department

1627prohibit t he approval of licensure for an

1635individual who is currently serving a

1641probationary term. Please write and let us

1648know if we need to close or withdraw your


165817. The express terms of Subsection 626.207(1), Florida

1666Statutes (2002), require a n interpretation of Florida

1674Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 that limits the imposition

1684of relevant waiting periods to periods that follow Respondent's

1693denial, suspension, or revocation of a license. The waiting

1702periods begin on "trigger dates" define d in Florida

1711Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.041(11). The express terms of

1721the enabling legislation do not authorize the imposition of

1730waiting periods unless the waiting periods follow a denial,

1739suspension, or revocation of a license by Respondent in

1748acc ordance with Florida law.

175318. If Respondent were to deny Petitioner's application

1761for a resident adjuster license on the grounds that Petitioner

1771violated one of the statutes enumerated in the enabling

1780legislation, Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statut es (2002),

1787would authorize Respondent to apply the challenged provisions of

1796Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 to prevent

1805Petitioner from applying for a license before the expiration of

1815the applicable waiting period. Similarly, if Respondent wer e to

1825have suspended or revoked Petitioner's nonresident adjuster

1832license, Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002), would

1839have authorized Respondent to apply the relevant waiting period

1848to prevent Petitioner from applying for another nonresident

1856adju ster license; or arguably to prevent Petitioner from

1865applying for the resident adjuster license at issue in this



187919. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject

1888matter of this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.56, Fl a. Stat.

1899(2002). DOAH provided the parties with adequate notice of the

1909administrative hearing.

191120. Petitioner bears the ultimate burden of proving the

1920invalidity of the challenged provisions in Florida

1927Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042. Florida Boar d of

1937Medicine, et. al v. Florida Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Inc.,

1947et al. ; 808 So. 2d 243 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002). Petitioner must

1959show by a preponderance of the evidence that the challenged

1969provisions of the rule are invalid as promulgated.

197721. Petiti oner did not show that the challenged provisions

1987of Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 are invalid as

1998promulgated. The express terms of the rule do not mandate an

2009interpretation that invalidates the rule.

201422. Petitioner showed that the chall enged provisions of

2023Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 are invalid as

2033applied by Respondent. The enabling legislation in

2040Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes (2002), authorizes

2046Respondent to promulgate rules establishing waiting periods that

2054follow Respondent's denial, suspension, or revocation of a

2062license based on violations of enumerated statutes. Nothing in

2071the express terms of the enabling legislation authorizes

2079Respondent to impose waiting periods unless the waiting periods

2088follow the requisite denial, suspension, or revocation of a

2097license under Florida law. Respondent's proposed interpretation

2104of its rule would effectively amend the specific terms of the

2115enabling legislation to authorize Respondent to impose waiting

2123periods that do n ot follow the requisite denial, suspension, or

2134revocation of an existing license.

213923. Respondent argues that its interpretation of Florida

2147Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(6), (8), and (14) is

2157reasonably related to the purpose of Subsection 621.207(1) ,

2165Florida Statutes (2002), and to a policy of deference to courts

2176exercising jurisdiction over persons in probation or in pre -

2186trial intervention programs. That may be. However, no agency

2195has authority to adopt a rule solely because the rule is

2206reasonably related to the purpose of the enabling legislation.

2215Respondent must interpret Florida Administrative Code

2221Rule 69B - 211.042(6), (8), and (14) in a manner that implements

2233the specific powers granted in Subsection 621.207(1), Florida

2241Statutes (2002). § 12 0.52(8), Fla. Stat. (2003).


2250Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2260Law, it is

2263ORDERED that the challenged provisions in Florida

2270Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 are valid as promulgated.

2280DONE AND ORDERED this 13th day o f August, 2004, in

2291Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2298Administrative Law Judge

2301Division of Administrative Hearings

2305The DeSoto Building

23081230 Apalachee Parkway

2311Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2316(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2324Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2331Filed with the Clerk of the

2337Division of Administrative Hearings

2341this 13th day of August, 2004.


2350Keith Luther Fernandez

2353605 Casa Park Court M

2358Winter Springs, Florida 3270 8

2363Keith Luther Fernandez

23663667 Oakhill Drive

2369Titusville, Florida 32780

2372Dana M. Wiehle, Esquire

2376Department of Financial Services

2380612 Larson Building

2383200 East Gaines Street

2387Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

2392Honorable Tom Gallagher

2395Chief Financial Officer

2398D epartment of Financial Services

2403The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2408Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

2413Pete Dunbar, General Counsel

2417Department of Financial Services

2421The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2426Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

2431Scott Boyd, Executive Director/General Counsel

2436Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

2440120 Holland Building

2443Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1300


2454A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

2465entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

2474Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

2483of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

2491filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

2502Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

2511fi ling fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

2522Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

2533the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

2543appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

2556be revie wed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/29/2005
Proceedings: Consent Order filed.
Date: 08/13/2004
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 08/13/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (in DOAH Case No. 03-4495; hearing held May 27, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/13/2004
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held May 27, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/13/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter in DOAH Case No. 03-4495 identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/16/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 07/16/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/16/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/16/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/07/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension (Proposed Recommended Orders due July 16, 2004).
Date: 07/06/2004
Proceedings: Extension of Time to File Recommended Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/24/2004
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 06/04/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibit filed by D. Wiehle.
Date: 05/27/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/24/2004
Proceedings: Pre-Hearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/20/2004
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to file Prehearing Stipulation (filed by D. Wiehle via facsimile).
Date: 04/20/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Re-schedule Hearing (hearing set for May 27, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 04/15/2004
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Reschedule Hearing (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 03/24/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 25, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 03/22/2004
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 02/23/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/23/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 1, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 02/23/2004
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation. (consolidated cases are: 03-004495, 04-000625RX)
Date: 02/18/2004
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 02/18/2004
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Ann Cole copying Scott Boyd and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 02/17/2004
Proceedings: Rule Challenge Petition (filed via facsimile).

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida
Department of Financial Services


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):