04-000905 Department Of Business And Professional Regulation vs. Luis A. Taboada, Jr.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 14, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to disclose fully his criminal history on his application for a yacht salesperson`s license. His plea to a felony and his absence of candor showed a lack of good moral character.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 04 - 0905






43HOMES, )


46Respondent. )



51Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

62before Larry J. Sartin, an Administrative Law Judge of the

72Division of Administrative Hearings, on May 4, 2004, by video

82teleconferencing between West Palm Beach and Tallahassee,



91For Petitioner: Luis A. Taboada, Jr., pro se

999924 Orange Park Trail

103Boca Raton, Florida 33428

107For Respondent: Joseph S. Garwood, Esquire

113Department of Business and

117Pro fessional Regulation

120The Augusta Building, Suite 100

1258685 Northwest 53rd Terrace

129Miami, Florida 33166


136The issue in this case is whether an application for a

147yacht salesperson license filed by Petitioner, Luis A. Taboada,

156Jr., s hould be granted by Respondent, the Division of Florida

167Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes, Department of

175Business and Professional Regulation.


181On December 15, 2003, Petitioner filed an application for a

191yacht salesperson's li cense. The application was found to be in

202order and, therefore, a temporary salesperson's license No. 5344

211was issued by Respondent. Respondent subsequently concluded,

218during its review for "good moral character,” that Petitioner

228lacked good moral charac ter. This conclusion was based upon

238Respondent's determination that Petitioner had failed to provide

246a full and complete disclosure of information requested on the

256application and that Petitioner's criminal history included a

264plea of nolo contendere to a felony. On February 11, 2004, the

276Respondent issued a Notice of Intent to Deny License


286In response to the Notice of Intent to Deny License

296Application, Petitioner filed a letter with Respondent

303requesting a formal administration hearing to co ntest the

312allegations of the Notice of Intent to Deny License.

321On March 18, 2004, Respondent filed the Notice of Intent to

332Deny License and Petitioner's request for hearing with the

341Division of Administrative Hearings. Respondent requested

347assignment of t he matter to an administrative law judge. The

358matter was designated DOAH Case No. 04 - 0905 and was assigned to

371Administrative Law Judge Robert E. Meale. The case was

380subsequently transferred to the undersigned to conduct the final


390At the final he aring, Respondent agreed to present its case

401first. Respondent presented the testimony of Victoria

408Mergenthal, an investigator employed by Respondent, and Robert

416Badger, head of the yacht sales section of Respondent.

425Respondent also had one exhibit admit ted. Petitioner testified

434on his own behalf, but offered no exhibits.

442At the close of the final hearing, Respondent agreed to

452allow Petitioner to file affidavits after the conclusion of the

462hearing that would support his claim of rehabilitation.

470Petition er has not filed any affidavits of the date of this

482Recommended Order.

484By Notice of Filing of Transcript issued June 3, 2004, the

495parties were informed that the Transcript of the final hearing

505had been filed on June 2, 2004. The parties, pursuant to

516agree ment, therefore, had until June 14, 2004, to file proposed

527recommended orders. On June 14, 2004, Respondent filed

535Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order. Petitioner did not

542file a post - hearing pleading. The post - hearing submittal of

554Respondent has been fully considered.


5621. Respondent, the Division of Florida Land Sales,

570Condominiums, and Mobile Homes, Department of Business and

578Professional Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the

"585Division"), is charged with the responsibility for, among other

595things, licensing yacht salespersons and brokers in the State of

605Florida pursuant to the "Yacht and Ship Brokers' Act," Chapter

615326, Florida Statutes (2003), and Florida Administrative Code

623Chapter 61B - 60.

6272. At the times pertinent to this mat ter, Petitioner, Luis

638A. Taboada, Jr., was an applicant for a yacht salespersons'

648license, having filed an Application for a Yacht and Ship

658Employing Broker, Broker or Salesperson's License (hereinafter

665referred to as the "Application") with the Division o n

676December 15, 2003.

6793. Consistent with Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B -

68860.003(2), the Division reviewed the Application and found it to

698be in "acceptable form." The Division, therefore, issued a

707temporary salesperson's license, license number 5344, to

714Mr. Taboada.

7164. As required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B -

72660.003(3), the Division proceeded to "evaluate the application

734and make appropriate inquiry to determine [Mr. Taboada's] moral


7445. As a part of its review, the Division no ticed that

756Mr. Taboada had answered question 14 of the Application with a

"767yes" but had not provided information concerning his answer,

776which the Application directed him to do. In particular, the

786Application instructed Mr. Taboada to "attach your complet e

795signed statement of the charges and facts, together with the

805dates, name and location of the court in which the proceedings

816were held or are pending" if he answered "yes" to question 14.

8286. Question 14, which Mr. Taboada answered affirmatively,

836requeste d the following criminal history information:

84314. CRIMINAL HISTORY: Have you ever been

850convicted of a crime, either pled or been

858found guilty, or entered a plea of nolo

866contendere (no contest), even if

871adjudication was withheld?

874NOTE: This question appl ies to any

881violation of the laws of any municipality,

888county, state, or nation, including traffic

894offense (but not parking, speeding,

899inspection or traffic signal violations),

904without regard to whether you were placed on

912probation, had adjudication withhel d,

917paroled, or pardoned. Your answer to this

924question will be checked against local and

931state records. Failure to answer this

937question accurately could cause denial of

943licensure. (Emphasis added).

9467. Mr. Taboada was contacted by Victoria Mergenthal, a n

956investigator for the Division, and requested to provide the

965missing explanation. In response to this request, on or about

975December 11, 2003, Mr. Taboada filed the following signed

984statement with the Division:


990I was arrested for possesion [s ic] of

998fraudelent [sic] I.D. and fraudulent [sic]

1004credit cards.

1006I did 1 1/2 years probation.

1012This happen [sic] in 1999 - 2000 in Broward

1021(Deerfield Beach).

10238. After receiving Mr. Taboada's statement and in

1031furtherance of the Division's review process, Ms . Mergenthal

1040obtained a criminal history report on Mr. Taboada (hereinafter

1049referred to as the "Criminal History Report") from the Florida

1060Department of Law Enforcement. The Criminal History Report was

1069received on or about December 31, 2003.

10769. The Crimi nal History Report disclosed that Mr. Taboada

1086had an extensive criminal history, including matters not

1094reported to the Division in his December 11, 2003, statement.

1104Those arrests and the charges included the following:

1112a. Arrest for retail theft on Janua ry 16, 1995;

1122b. Arrest for shoplifting on September 7, 1995;

1130c. Arrest for burglary on November 7, 1995; and

1139d. Arrest on September 15, 2000, for possession of blank

1149fictitious unlawfully issued driver license; fraudulent - illegal

1157use of credit cards; an d possession of stolen property.

116710. As to the September 15, 2000, arrest, some of details

1178of which Mr. Taboada had disclosed in his December 11, 2003,

1189statement, the Criminal History Report showed that Mr. Taboada

1198had pled nolo contendere to unauthorized possession of

1206unlawfully issued driver license I.D. cards in violation of

1215Section 322.212, Florida Statutes, a felony; and forgery of a

1225credit card in violation of Section 817.60(6)(a), Florida

1233Statutes, a felony. Adjudication was withheld on these offen ses

1243and Mr. Taboada was sentenced to one and a half years’ probation

1255beginning April 6, 2001.

125911. The foregoing arrests, and their judicial outcome,

1267were not fully and completely disclosed to the Division by

1277Mr. Taboada.

127912. On February 11, 2004, the Div ision issued a Notice of

1291Intent to Deny License Application. The Division's action was

1300based upon its conclusion that Mr. Taboada lacked good moral

1310character. This conclusion was premised upon the fact that he

1320had pled nolo contendere to a felony and the fact that he had

1333failed to provide full and complete disclosure, or accurate

1342information pertaining to his criminal history, on the



1354A. Jurisdiction .

135713. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1364jurisdiction over the su bject matter of this proceeding and of

1375the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1384Florida Statutes (2003).

1387B. The Burden and Standard of Proof .

139514. Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B - 60.003(2)

1403provides that when an application for a yacht salesperson

1412license is filed and "determined to be in acceptable form" the

1423Division "shall issue a temporary 90 - day license." That was

1434done in this case.

143815. Although Mr. Taboada possessed a temporary license,

1446Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B - 60.003(3) requires that the

1456Division "evaluate the application and make appropriate inquiry

1464to determine the applicant's moral character." Once that review

1473is completed, if it is found that the applicant does not posses

1485good moral character, "the divisio n shall issue a notice of its

1497intent to deny the application." That is also what occurred in

1508this case.

151016. Based upon the foregoing, Mr. Taboada, by seeking a

1520license as a yacht salesperson, had the burden of proof. See

1531Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 107.003; Department of Banking and

1542Finance, Division of Securities and Investor Protection v.

1550Osborne Stern and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); See also

1562Espinoza v. Department of Business and Professional Regulation ,

1570739 So. 2d 1250 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1999). Mr. Taboa da was required

1583to meet his burden by proving by a preponderance of the evidence

1595that he is entitled to the license he seeks.

1604C. The Division's Grounds for Denial of Mr. Taboada's

1613License .

161517. In its Notice of Intent to Deny, which the Division

1626was r equired by Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 107.003 to

1638provide to Mr. Taboada, the Division notified Mr. Taboada of the

1649grounds for its proposed denial of his Application. The

1658Division notified Mr. Taboada that the following constituted the

1667factual bas is for its decision:

1673On December 15, 2003, the Division received

1680an application for a yacht salesperson's

1686license from you. The application was found

1693to be in correct form and temporary

1700salesperson's license no. 5344 was issued.

1706On the application, quest ion number

1712fourteen, relating to criminal history, was

1718answered "yes." Along with your

1723application, you included a brief statement

1729explaining that you had been arrested for

1736possession of fraudulent identifications and

1741credit cards and had served 1 1/2 yea rs

1750probation for these crimes. A criminal

1756background report from the Florida

1761Department of Law Enforcement revealed that

1767you had a prior arrest record, which

1774included theft and burglary charges along

1780with a conviction involving the possession

1786of fraudulen t identifications and credit

1792cards. These charges were not disclosed on

1799your application. It was also noted that

1806you served 1 1/2 years probation that ended

1814in October 2002.

181718. The Division notified Mr. Taboada that, legally, it

1826was denying his Appl ication pursuant to Section 326.004(6)(a),

1835Florida Statutes. That provision provides, in pertinent part,

1843the following:

1845(6) The division may deny a license to

1853any applicant who does not:

1858(a) Furnish proof satisfactory to the

1864division that he or she is of good moral


187419. The Division also notified Mr. Taboada that its

1883conclusion that he had failed to provide proof satisfactory to

1893the Division that he was of good moral character was based upon

1905Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B - 60.003(3) (a)1 and 6, which

1916provide "factors" to consider in determining whether an

1924applicant has good moral character:

1929. . . . For the purposes of this rule, the

1940following factors bear upon good moral


19471. The completion of a criminal history

1954check by the Florida Department of Law

1961Enforcement that reveals no convictions of a

1968felony, no convictions of a misdemeanor

1974involving moral turpitude, and no pleas of

1981nolo contendere, pleas of guilty, or

1987verdicts of guilty to a felony charge or of

1996any non - feloniou s offense involving moral

2004turpitude, fraud, theft, dishonesty, assault

2009and battery, or false statement; and

2015. . . .

20196. Failure of the applicant to provide

2026full and complete disclosure, or to provide

2033accurate information, on the application for

2039lice nsure.

2041. . . .

204520. The facts proved in this proceeding support the

2054Division's conclusion that Mr. Taboada had failed to satisfy the

2064Division of his good moral character. Mr. Taboada's criminal

2073history disclosed that he had pled nolo contendere to two

2083felonies. This fact bears on Mr. Taboada's moral character

2092pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B - 60.003(3)(a)1.

2101Mr. Taboada also failed to provide full and complete disclosure,

2111or to provide accurate information on his Application. This

2120fact also bears on Mr. Taboada's moral character pursuant to

2130Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B - 60.003(3)(a)6.

213721. Mr. Taboada failed to offer any proof to overcome the

2148factors relied upon by the Division in concluding that he lacked

2159good moral character.


2164Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2174Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the

2186Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes,

2195Department of Business and Professional Regulation, denying the

2203application for a yacht salesperson license filed by Luis A.

2213Taboada, Jr.

2215DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of July, 2004, in

2225Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2233Administrative Law Judge

2236Division of Administrative Hearings

2240The DeSoto Building

22431230 Apalachee Parkway

2246Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2251(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2259Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2266Filed with the Clerk of th e

2273Division of Administrative Hearings

2277this 14th day of July, 2004.


2285Luis A. Taboada, Jr.

22899924 Orange Park Trail

2293Boca Raton, Florida 33428

2297Joseph S. Garwood, Esquire

2301Department of Business and

2305Professional Regulation

2307The Au gusta Building, Suite 100

23138685 Northwest 53rd Terrace

2317Miami, Florida 33166

2320Ross Fleetwood, Division Director

2324Division of Florida Land Sales,

2329Condominiums, and Mobile Homes

2333Department of Business and

2337Professional Regulation

2339Northwood Centre

23411940 Nor th Monroe Street

2346Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792

2351Leon Biegalski, General Counsel

2355Department of Business and

2359Professional Regulation

2361Northwood Centre

23631940 North Monroe Street

2367Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


2378All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

238815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2399to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2410will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 08/13/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/14/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/14/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 4, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/14/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/14/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/03/2004
Proceedings: Notice of filing of Transcript (Proposed Recommended Orders due June 14, 2004).
Date: 06/02/2004
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 05/04/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/29/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference (hearing scheduled for May 4, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Video and Locations of Hearing).
Date: 04/07/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 4, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL; amended as to Date of Hearing).
Date: 04/06/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 5, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 04/05/2004
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from J. Garwood in reply to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/18/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/18/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny License Application filed.
Date: 03/18/2004
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/18/2004
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):