04-001096PL Department Of Health, Board Of Denistry vs. Robert H. Barr, D.M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, September 8, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent violated the standard of care by failing to properly document his root canal treatment.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 04 - 1096PL




34Respondent. )



39A formal administrative hearing was conducted in this case

48on June 10, 2005, and July 15, 2005, in Tallahassee, Florida,

59before Suzanne F. Hood, Administrative Law Judge with the

68Division of Administrative Hearings.


73For Petition er: Paula A. Willis, Esquire

80Department of Health

834052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

91Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

96For Respondent: Fred M. Johnson, Esquire

102Steven E . Oole, Esquire

107Fuller, Johnson & Farrell, P.A.

112111 North Calhoun Street

116Tallahassee, Florida 32302


123The issue is whether Respondent violated Section

130466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes, and if so, what discipline

138should be imposed.


143On January 8, 2004, Petitioner Department of Health, Board

152of Dentistry (Petitioner) issued an Administrative Complaint

159against Respondent Robert H. Barr, D.D.S. (Resp ondent). The

168complaint alleged that Respondent had violated Section

175466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2001), by failing to meet the

184minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment,

192when measured against generally prevailing peer performance, or

200being guilty of dental malpractice in the care and treatment of

211M.K's Tooth 15. On January 29, 2004, Respondent requested an

221administrative hearing to contest the charge against him. On

230March 29, 2004, Petitioner referred the case to the Division of

241Adm inistrative Hearings.

244On April 13, 2004, Administrative Law Judge Charles C.

253Adams issued a Notice of Hearing, scheduling the hearing for

263June 16, 2004. Later on April 13, 2004, the parties filed a

275Joint Motion for Continuance of Hearing.

281On April 14, 2004, Judge Adams issued an Order Granting

291Continuance and Re - scheduling Hearing. The hearing was re -

302scheduled for June 25, 2004.

307On April 20, 2004, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss

317Administrative Complaint. The motion alleged that Petitioner

324viola ted the statutory deadlines imposed by Section 456.073,

333Florida Statutes (2001), in a manner that impaired the

342correctness or fairness of the proceeding. On May 10, 2004,

352Petitioner filed a response in opposition to the motion. On

362May 13, 2004, Petition er filed a reply to Petitioner's response.

373Judge Adams denied the motion in an Order dated May 13, 2004.

385On May 28, 2004, Respondent filed an unopposed Motion for

395Second Continuance of Final Hearing. In an order dated June 1,

4062004, Judge Adams granted t he motion and rescheduled the hearing

417for August 27, 2004.

421On August 10, 2004, the parties filed a Notice of Appellate

432Proceeding and Request to Re - schedule Final Hearing. In an

443order dated August 12, 2004, Judge Adams placed the case in

454abeyance and req uired the parties to file a status report on or

467before November 12, 2004.

471On November 12, 2004, the parties filed a status report,

481requesting that the case remain in abeyance pending final

490determination of appellate proceedings. That same day, Judge

498Adam s granted the request and required the parties to file a

510status report on or before February 15, 2005.

518On February 14, 2005, the parties filed a Status Report,

528requesting that the case be rescheduled for hearing. On

537February 22, 2004, Judge Adams issued a Notice of Hearing,

547scheduling the hearing for June 10, 2005.

554On February 23, 2005, Respondent filed a Second Motion for

564Summary Dismissal. The motion renewed Respondent's argument

571that Petitioner violated the statutory deadlines imposed by

579Section 456. 073, Florida Statutes (2001), in a manner that

589impaired the correctness or fairness of the proceeding.

597Petitioner filed a response in opposition to the motion on

607March 7, 2005. On March 9, 2005, Judge Adams denied the motion.

619On March 17, 2005, Petitio ner filed a Motion to Take

630Deposition of Non - party Witness for Use in Final Hearing. On

642March 30, 2005, Judge Adams granted the motion. On April 25,

6532005, Petitioner filed the deposition of Paul A. Russell,

662D.D.S., in lieu of live testimony at hearing.

670On April 28, 2005, Petitioner filed a Notice of Providing

680Supplemental Discovery Response. Specifically, Petitioner

685stated that it intended to call James Guttuso, D.D.S, as an

696expert witness during the hearing. On May 12, 2005, Respondent

706filed Objecti ons to Supplementary Discovery Response and Motion

715for Protective Order to Prevent Testimony of James Guttuso,

724D.D.S. Petitioner filed a response in opposition to the motion

734on May 19, 2005. In an Order dated May 20, 2005, Judge Adams

747ruled that Petition er could call Dr. Guttuso as a witness.

758On May 20, 2005, Respondent filed a Motion to Resolve

768Objections to the Deposition of Dr. Paul. On June 1, 2005,

779Petitioner filed a response in opposition to the motion.

788On May 24, 2005, Petitioner filed a Motio n to Take Official


801On June 7, 2005, Respondent filed a Motion to Take Official

812Recognition. That same day, the Division of Administrative

820Hearings transferred the case to the undersigned.

827On June 8, 2005, Petitioner filed a second Motion t o Take

839Official Recognition and a Motion in Limine. The undersigned

848ruled on all pending motions on the record during the hearing.

859On June 9, 2005, the undersigned issued an Order Resolving

869Objections to Deposition.

872During the hearing, Petitioner pre sented the testimony of

881its investigator, K.L. Redfearn, Patient M.K., and Richard J.

890Chichetti, D.M.D. Petitioner also presented the expert

897testimony of Victoria A. Bong - Krueger, D.D.S., and James

907Guttuso, D.D.S. Petitioner offered 15 exhibits, which we re

916admitted into evidence.

919Respondent testified on his own behalf and presented the

928deposition testimony of Russell A. Paul, D.D.S., in lieu of live

939testimony. Respondent also presented the expert testimony of

947Louis Beall, D.D.S. Respondent offered si x exhibits that were

957accepted into the record as evidence.

963During the hearing, Respondent proffered 26 exhibits in

971order to create a record relative to his prior motions to

982dismiss. Petitioner proffered two exhibits relative to those

990motions. The unde rsigned has not made any findings of fact or

1002conclusions of law based on the tendered exhibits. The

1011proffered exhibits, which are located in the file of the instant

1022case, are not a part of the record here. 1

1032The court reporter filed a copy of the first tw o volumes of

1045transcript on June 23, 2005. The third volume of transcript was

1056filed on August 2, 2005. The parties filed their Proposed

1066Recommended Orders on August 12, 2005.

1072Pursuant to the agreement of the parties, the hearing

1081exhibits are hereby seale d and not available for public

1091inspection in order to protect M.K.'s right to privacy.


11031. Petitioner is the state agency responsible for

1111regulating the practice of dentistry in Florida pursuant to

1120Section 20.43, Florida Statutes, and C hapters 456 and 466,

1130Florida Statutes.

11322. Respondent received his license to practice dentistry

1140in Florida on August 1, 1975. He has actively maintained his

1151license and practiced general dentistry in Tallahassee, Florida,

1159since that time.

11623. Respond ent began employment with Coast Dental Services,

1171P.A. (Coast Dental) in 1987 when it purchased a dental practice

1182owned by Dr. Travis Goss. Coast Dental assumed Respondent's

1191employment contract with Dr. Goss. After the contract expired,

1200Respondent continu ed working for Coast Dental pursuant to the

1210same terms until early 2001. At that time, Coast Dental

1220proposed a new employment contract that included a non - compete

1231agreement. Respondent was unwilling to sign the new agreement

1240unless Coast Dental gave him increased control over the

1249facility's operations and staffing.

12534. M.K. is a Registered Nurse and an Advanced Registered

1263Nurse Practitioner. She admits that she is conscious of cost

1273and does not like to spend money unnecessarily. At all times

1284relevant here, Respondent accommodated M.K.'s reluctance to

1291spend money by providing conservative treatment that was

1299economical for her means. M.K.'s cost - consciousness clearly

1308impacted her decisions regarding her care and treatment in this


13195. M.K. was Re spondent's patient for about 10 to 12 years,

1331from early 1992 until April 2002. She was satisfied with his

1342services until he performed root canal treatment on Tooth 15 in


13546. Tooth 15 is the upper left second molar, the tooth next

1366to the upper left wisdom tooth known as the maxillary second

1377molar. Tooth 15 typically has three roots and three root

1387canals: the distal canal, the palatal canal, and the

1396mesiobuccal canal. However, Tooth 15 can have as few as two

1407root canals or as many as four or five root canals.

14187. As one ages, or if there is decay in or trauma to a

1432tooth, the pulp chamber recedes and the root canals get smaller.

1443In such a case, the root canals may become calcified, making it

1455much more difficult to access the root canal during tre atment.

14668. A dentist performs a root canal treatment by drilling

1476through the enamel and dentin and accessing the chamber part of

1487the pulp anatomy, or the pulp cavity. The dentist then uses a

1499small instrument/file to penetrate into each root canal to

1508re move the tissue. After shaping the canal, the dentist fills


15209. The standard of care for performing a root canal

1530treatment remains the same regardless of whether a general

1539dentist or a specialist, such as an endodontist, performs the

1549treatment. The only variable is the tooth being treated. If

1559the root canals are fairly straight, a general dentist may

1569decide to perform the treatment. If the root canal is not so

1581straight, a general dentist may decide to refer the patient or

1592attempt the procedure and refer the patient to an endodontist if

1603complications, such as anatomical problems, develop.

160910. On June 25, 2001, M.K. had an appointment in

1619Respondent's office for a routine dental cleaning and dental

1628examination. At that time, Respondent informed M. K. that she

1638had a deep cavity in Tooth 15 and that it needed to be filled.

165211. On June 30, 2001, M.K. had an appointment with

1662Respondent. At that time, Respondent filled the deep cavity in

1672Tooth 15.

167412. M.K. experienced pain in Tooth 15 after it was filled.

1685She tolerated the pain for a few days then called Respondent's

1696office for another appointment.

170013. On August 5, 2001, M.K. presented at Respondent's

1709office complaining of heat, cold, and pressure sensitivity to

1718Tooth 15. Respondent evaluated the situation and referred M.K.

1727for a root canal treatment. M.K. did not accept the root canal

1739referral at least in part because of the cost involved.

174914. On August 7, 2001, M.K. returned to Respondent's

1758office complaining of pain associated with Too th 15. Respondent

1768took an X - ray of Tooth 15. Respondent's records indicate that

1780the X - ray was of the whole tooth, root and crown.

179215. During the August 7, 2001, appointment, Respondent

1800once again informed M.K. that she needed root canal treatment on

1811T ooth 15. Respondent explained the procedure, including the

1820need for a pulpectomy, and, with M.K.'s permission, performed a

1830pulpectomy on Tooth 15. Respondent placed formocresol and an

1839IRM filling in the tooth and prescribed an antibiotic and a pain

1851relie ver.

185316. A pulpectomy is palliative/emergency treatment that

1860relieves pain. It is usually the first step in performing a

1871root canal treatment when the patient has acute pain.

188017. Respondent recorded on August 7, 2001, that M.K.

1889complained of pain as sociated with Tooth 15. He did not

1900specifically diagnose the source of the pain or the need for

1911root canal treatment as being pulpitis, abscess, trauma, or

1920decay. However, it is apparent from the record as a whole that

1932Tooth 15 had a filling due to a dee p cavity.

194318. During the August 7, 2001, office visit, Respondent

1952referred M.K. to another general dentist in his office to

1962complete the root canal treatment. The other dentist's schedule

1971would have permitted sooner completion of the treatment. The

1980co st of services by the other dentist would have been covered by

1993M.K.'s dental plan. M.K. refused that referral, requesting that

2002Respondent complete the treatment. She did not want someone she

2012did not know to treat her. M.K. did not experience any pain in

2025Tooth 15 after the pulpectomy.

203019. On September 11, 2001, M.K. returned to Respondent's

2039office. At that time, she was not experiencing any pain and did

2051not believe she needed further treatment on Tooth 15. After

2061being informed for the second time tha t further treatment was

2072necessary following a pulpectomy, M.K. once again refused a

2081referral to another general dentist in Respondent's office,

2089insisting that Respondent proceed with the treatment.

209620. After removing the temporary filling and the

2104medica tion, Respondent located the distal and palatal canals,

2113determined their length, and penetrated them. Respondent

2120believed that the mesiobuccal canal existed in Tooth 15, but he

2131could not penetrate it due to calcification.

213821. On September 11, 2001, Res pondent informed M.K. that

2148he could only penetrate two canals. At some point during the

2159office visit, Respondent advised M.K. that she might only have

2169two root canals, unlike the average person who has three root

2180canals in Tooth 15. He also advised her t hat he could not find

2194the third canal because he could not penetrate it.

220322. On September 11, 2001, Respondent told M.K. that her

2213options were re - medication of the tooth with a later attempt to

2226penetrate the third canal, referral to an endodontist, fill ing

2236the two canals and monitoring the tooth, or as a last

2247alternative, extraction of the tooth. M.K. chose not to see an

2258endodontist, but to treat the tooth conservatively.

226523. Consistent with M.K.'s decision, Respondent re -

2273medicated and sealed the too th. Respondent hoped that the

2283medicine in the tooth would help to soften any calcification in

2294the third canal, making it easier to penetrate on the next

2305visit. Respondent scheduled a follow - up appointment.

231324. On September 11, 2001, Respondent documen ted that he

2323intended to find the third root canal on M.K.'s next visit. He

2335did not document that he believed the third canal existed but

2346could not penetrate it due to calcification. He did not

2356document his discussions with M.K. regarding her options.

23642 5. On October 11, 2001, M.K. returned to Respondent's

2374office. Respondent was once again unable to penetrate the third

2384canal and discussed this with M.K. Respondent provided M.K.

2393with the options of filling the two canals and monitoring the

2404third for sym ptoms, sending her to an endodontist, or extracting

2415the tooth. M.K. again chose to take the wait - and - see approach

2429by filling the two canals and monitoring the third canal for


244126. Respondent filled the two canals with Thermafil, a

2450material app roved by the American Dental Association (ADA) for

2460filling canals. Respondent then closed the tooth.

246727. Respondent was unable to fill one of the root canals

2478to the end of the root due to calcification. Respondent filled

2489the canal within one millimete r of the ideal length.

249928. If a canal is partially calcified, it may not be

2510possible to fill it to the end of its root. In such a case, a

2525general dentist could refer the patient to an endodontist or

2535treat the canal to the extent possible and wait to se e if

2548complications develop. If a canal is fully calcified, it may

2558not be possible to penetrate and fill it at all. A fully

2570calcified canal usually never causes a problem; thus, it is

2580appropriate to either refer the patient to an endodontist or to

2591close t he tooth and wait to see if the tooth continues to be


260629. For the October 11, 2001, office visit, Respondent

2615noted in his records that he had finished the root canal

2626treatment, meaning only that he had filled the two canals and

2637closed the t ooth. Respondent should have documented his

2646inability to penetrate and fill the third canal, his discussion

2656with M.K. about the untreated third canal, and M.K.'s decision

2666to take the wait - and - see approach.

267530. Respondent also noted that that he would p lace a post

2687and crown on M.K.'s next visit. Respondent did not document the

2698type of material that he used to fill the two root canals.

271031. At no time during the root canal treatment did

2720Respondent use a rubber oral dam in M.K. mouth. During a root

2732can al treatment, use of a rubber dam is not required provided

2744that the tooth being treated is properly isolated using another

2754method, such as cotton rolls. In this case, Respondent did not

2765document the method of isolation.

277032. M.K. began experiencing pain in Tooth 15 after the

2780anesthesia wore off. She returned to Respondent's office on

2789October 15, 2001, complaining of pain. Respondent told M.K. the

2799pain could be associated with her gingival tissue, though he did

2810not document that diagnosis. Respondent a lso told M.K. that it

2821was not unusual to experience some discomfort within four days

2831after completion of a root canal. He prescribed a seven - day

2843course of antibiotic treatment.

284733. On October 15, 2001, Respondent documented that M.K.

2856needed to wait two weeks and that he would re - treat, refer to an

2871endodontist, or extract if Tooth 15 was not better. After

2881completing the antibiotic treatment, M.K. no longer experienced

2889pain in Tooth 15.

289334. On December 11, 2001, M.K. had a routine dental

2903cleaning in R espondent's office. She did not see Respondent

2913during the visit. She did not complain of pain or sensitivity

2924associated with Tooth 15.

292835. On January 31, 2002, M.K. had an appointment with

2938Respondent. He prepared Tooth 15 for a crown but did not plac e

2951a post, which would have made it more difficult to retreat the

2963tooth if such re - treatment became necessary. During the visit,

2974M.K. did not complain of any pain or discomfort with Tooth 15.

298636. On March 20, 2002, M.K. returned to Respondent's

2995office. At that time, Respondent seated a crown on Tooth 15.

3006The placement of the permanent crown was necessary because

3015temporary fillings last only a few weeks or months; they are not

3027designed to last a long time. M.K. did not report that she

3039continued to have pain or discomfort with the tooth during her

3050March 20, 2002, office visit.

305537. The seating of the crown completed permanent

3063restoration of Tooth 15, barring further symptoms of discomfort.

3072The seating of the permanent crown would not prevent treatment

3082of the third canal if such became necessary.

309038. On March 28, 2002, M.K. returned to Respondent's

3099office, complaining of pain on the upper left side of her mouth.

3111Although he initially thought the pain was related to Tooth 15,

3122upon further examination , Respondent determined that the pain

3130was due to problems with Tooth 16, the upper left wisdom tooth

3142next to Tooth 15. This was the last treatment that Respondent

3153provided to M.K.

315639. On March 28, 2002, Respondent prescribed a course of

3166antibiotic trea tment for M.K. Respondent documented that he

3175would extract the Tooth 16 if the pain continued. He had

3186intended to extract Tooth 16 at some point in time, regardless

3197of the outcome on Tooth 15. Respondent would not have

3207recommended an extraction for Toot h 15, which he planned to

3218continue to monitor.

322140. Contract negotiations between Respondent and Coast

3228Dental stalled in April 2002. Respondent gave Coast Dental two

3238weeks notice of his intent to resign. A week later, Coast

3249Dental terminated Respondent 's employment during the middle of

3258patient care, told him to get his personal items, and ushered

3269him out of the office. He was not permitted to talk to the

3282staff or take any records, including patient lists. Thus,

3291Respondent was unable to directly contac t his former patients,

3301including M.K.

330341. Within three weeks of his discharge, Respondent

3311obtained office space from another dentist and began his private

3321practice. To obtain patients, Respondent advertised in the

3329newspaper, established contacts with var ious dental plans,

3337obtained his own provider number, notified dental plans that he

3347would accept new patients, and obtained permission for his

3356former patients to transfer to him from Coast Dental.

336542. In order to transfer and be treated by Respondent,

3375fo rmer patients had to individually contact their insurance

3384provider and change their designated provider to Respondent.

3392Respondent estimates that he treats approximately 80 - 90 percent

3402of the patients he originally treated while at Coast Dental.

341243. Some time before April 10, 2002, M.K. began waking up

3423at night with pain. She believed that the pain originated in

3434Tooth 15. She decided to seek a second opinion from another


344644. M.K. made an appointment with Richard Chichetti,

3454D.M.D., on April 11 , 2002. Dr. Chichetti is a general dentist

3465who practices in Tallahassee, Florida.

347045. On April 11, 2002, M.K. presented with pain to the

3481upper right side and the upper left side of her mouth.

3492Dr. Chichetti took four X - rays and performed a clinical

3503exa mination to determine the origin of M.K.'s pain.

3512Dr. chichetti suspected that M.K.'s upper right wisdom tooth,

3521Tooth 1, had a pulpal inflammation. He also suspected that

3531M.K.'s Tooth 15 had a pulpal inflammation.

353846. Dr. Chichetti determined that ther e were three roots

3548in Tooth 15, that only two of them had been filled, and that the

3562unfilled root canal could be one of M.K.'s problems.

3571Dr. Chichetti referred M.K. to Russell Paul, D.D.S, an

3580endodontist in Tallahassee, Florida, for evaluation and

3587treatme nt of Tooth 15 and Tooth 1.

359547. Dr. Chichetti noticed spaces between crowns, which

3603could contribute to M.K.'s discomfort if she was packing food in

3614the spaces. Dr. Chichetti recommended that M.K. return to

3623Respondent to correct any problem with the spa ces between the


363548. On May 7, 2002, M.K. had an appointment with Dr. Paul.

3647M.K. was not experiencing acute pain with Tooth 15 at the time

3659of the visit. Dr. Paul performed a percussion test on Tooth 15,

3671confirming that it was sensitive. He als o took an X - ray of the

3686tooth using equipment that was not available to Respondent.

3695Dr. Paul determined that Tooth 15 did not require immediate


370649. Dr. Paul informed M.K. that Respondent had treated

3715only two of three root canals in Tooth 15. He recommended that

3727the third root canal be treated if it continued to cause

3738discomfort. Dr. Paul recommended that the two treated root

3747canals be retreated because it appeared to him that the palatal

3758canal had not been treated to the end of its root. Dr . Paul

3772gave M.K. the option of waiting to see if Tooth 15 continued to

3785cause discomfort.

378750. Dr. Paul sent Dr. Chichetti a letter dated May 8,

37982002. The letter stated as follows in pertinent part:

3807I saw [M.K.] on May 7 2002, regarding the

3816two teeth m entioned above. The patient

3823stated she was having some slight discomfort

3830with tooth No. 15. She was concerned about

3838the results of the endodontic treatment that

3845was recently performed by Dr. Bob Barr. My

3853observation is the canal(s) in the

3859mesiobuccal ro ot had not been treated. This

3867is obviously a case where a high degree of

3876mineralization has taken place. I would

3882also question whether the palatal canal has

3889been prepared and obdurated to the apical

3896area of that root. [M.K.] has an increased

3904response to occlusal percussion of No. 15 as

3912compared to the surrounding teeth. My

3918recommendation to her was if this tooth gave

3926her enough of a problem such that it was

3935uncomfortable, then I would proceed with

3941retreatment. I feel it is probably a matter

3949of time as to when this tooth will become

3958more acute.

396051. M.K. had an appointment with Respondent's office on

3969June 11, 2002, for routine dental cleaning. She intended to

3979speak to Respondent at that time about Dr. Paul's

3988recommendation. Prior to the office visit , M.K. saw an

3997announcement in the newspaper announcing the opening of

4005Respondent's practice at another location. The day before her

4014appointment, M.K. called Coast Dental to get Respondent's new

4023telephone number.

402552. M.K. called Respondent's office. Sh e was informed

4034that Respondent could not see her that day and that she would

4046have to contact her insurance company to change her dental care

4057provider from Coast Dental to Respondent. M.K. left a message

4067for Respondent to call her. Respondent did not retu rn M.K.'s

4078call because, for whatever reason, his staff never gave him the


409053. When M.K. did not receive a call from Respondent, she

4101sent him a certified letter dated June 8, 2002. M.K. had

4112intended to give Respondent a copy of the letter on Ju ne 11,

41252002. In the letter, M.K. threatened to sue Respondent if he

4136did not pay her the following costs: (a) for having a root

4148canal treatment on Tooth 15 by Dr. Paul; for having two crowns

4160replaced by Dr. Chichetti; and (c) for consultations with Drs.

4170C hichetti and Paul. Respondent did not reply to the letter,

4181which he considered threatening.

418554. M.K. wrote a letter dated September 1, 2002, to

4195Petitioner, complaining about Respondent's services. She

4201attached the letter to a formal complaint that she filed with

4212Petitioner on or about September 16, 2002.

421955. M.K. did not seek further treatment for Tooth 15 until

4230she returned to Dr. Paul's office on April 8, 2003. At that

4242time, Dr. Paul conducted a re - evaluation of M.K.'s teeth. M.K.

4254reported inter mittent pain associated with Tooth 15. It had

4264been approximately one year and a - half since Respondent

4274performed the root canal procedure. Dr. Paul once again

4283determined that treatment was not immediately necessary.

429056. On July 7, 2003, Dr. Paul retrea ted the two root

4302canals formerly treated by Respondent. Dr. Paul could not

4311remove all of the material placed in the root canals by

4322Respondent. Dr. Paul also located and treated the third root

4332canal. In both instances, Dr. Paul used a softer material to

4343fill the root canals. He performed the treatment and re -

4354treatment through the crown seated by Respondent. During this

4363procedure, Dr. Paul had the advantage of using a lighted

4373miniature microscope to assist in penetrating the calcified

4381third canal.

438357. In September 2003, M.K. returned to Dr. Paul's office

4393complaining of pain on the upper left side of her mouth. M.K.

4405described the pain as "uncomfortable but is not painful."

4414M.K.'s complaint was similar to her prior complaints after

4423Respondent's root ca nal treatment. Dr. Paul determined that any

4433discomfort was related to problems with the erosion of the

4443gingival tissue surrounding Tooth 13 and not from Tooth 15.

445358. In December 2003, Petitioner's investigator

4459interviewed Respondent at his office. Du ring the interview,

4468Respondent asked the investigator to inform M.K. that he would

4478be happy to see her, at his cost, to look at her complaints, and

4492determine what, if anything could be effectuated. The

4500investigator delivered the message to M.K. on Decembe r 4, 2003.

4511M.K. indicated that she would consider his offer.

451959. As of the time of the hearing, M.K. had not had the

4532crown on Tooth 15 refitted or replaced by any dentist. She had

4544at least seven additional office visits with Dr. Chichetti after

4554Dr. Pa ul completed his treatment in September 2003. On one of

4566the visits, Dr. Chichetti extracted Tooth 1. On another visit,

4576Dr. Chichetti put a permanent alloy filling in Tooth 15.

458660. Dr. Paul saw M.K. for the last time in May 2004. M.K.

4599was still compla ining of intermittent sensitivity that she

4608associated with Tooth 15. She was not having acute pain but was

4620aware that it was there. Dr. Paul advised M.K. that he believed

4632her problem was non - endodontically related.

4639Expert Testimony

464161. Petitioner presen ted the expert testimony of Victoria

4650Bong - Krueger, D.D.S. Dr. Bong - Krueger is licensed as a general

4663dentist. She has not maintained a practice since 1994. She has

4674never practiced dentistry in Tallahassee, Florida.

468062. Prior to her retirement, Dr. Bon g - Krueger routinely

4691performed and documented root canal treatments. At the time of

4701her testimony, Dr. Bong - Krueger provided dental and clinical

4711consulting to her husband, a licensed practicing dentist.

471963. Dr. Bong - Krueger and her husband are co - owners of a

4733dental practice known as Krueger and Bonb - Krueger, P.A.

4743Dr. Bong - Krueger reviews and teaches proper documentation in her

4754dental office. She has remained current on the standards of

4764care relative to patient documentation and root canal therapy.

4773Dr. Bong - Krueger was accepted as an expert in the area of record

4787documentation relative to root canal treatment.

479364. Early in 2003, Petitioner retained Dr. Bong - Krueger to

4804review the relevant records in this case. On February 6, 2003,

4815Dr. Bong - Krueger issue d a written opinion, finding that

4826Respondent had violated Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes,

4833by failing to keep written dental records and medical history

4843records to justify the course of treatment. Dr. Bong - Krueger

4854specifically found that Responden t and M.K. discussed the

4863problems with the root canal treatment on September 11, 2001,

4873and October 11, 2001, but that Respondent failed to document the

4884problems or the options discussed. Dr. Bong - Krueger did not

4895find that Respondent had violated the stand ard of care contrary

4906to Section 466.028(1)(X), Florida Statutes, in regard to his

4915treatment of M.K.'s Tooth 15.

492065. On December 12, 2003, Petitioner's Probable Cause

4928Panel decided to charge Respondent with a violation of Section

4938466.028(1)(x), Florida S tatutes. The Probable Case Panel made a

4948specific decision not to charge Respondent with a record - keeping

4959violation pursuant to Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes.

496666. In December 2003, Petitioner requested Dr. Bong -

4975Krueger to render another writte n opinion related specifically

4984to whether Respondent met the standard of care in the treatment

4995of M.K.'s Tooth 15. Petitioner did not provide Dr. Bong - Krueger

5007with any new information to consider in her "supplemental


501767. In a report dated Dec ember 19, 2003, Dr. Bong - Krueger

5030concluded that Respondent had violated the standard of care due

5040to his failure to document certain actions with regard to Tooth

505115. Specifically, Dr. Bong - Krueger opined that "[t]here is no

5062notation of finding a third cana l, no notation of possible

5073complication, no notation of an immediate or future referral to

5083a specialist, and no notation that there were any problems with

5094inadequate fill on the two canals, which were found." Dr. Bong -

5106Krueger concluded that Respondent vio lated the standard of care

5116because "the records do not indicate that he addressed the

5126problems [with M.K.] while he was working on the tooth in

5137September and October of 2001."

514268. In May of 2004, Petitioner requested Dr. Bong - Krueger

5153to complete a third report with regard to standard of care. In

5165a report dated May 28, 2004, Dr. Bong - Krueger reviewed the exact

5178same records and stated as follows in relevant part:

51871. On 8/7/01, the patient presents

5193complaining of pain of #15 and a periapical

5201radiograph is taken. Then Dr. Barr

5207recommends a root canal treatment and as

5214treatment for the pain, he does a pulpotomy

5222on the tooth, places an IRM temporary,

5229prescribes antibiotics and pain medication,

5234and refers to Dr. Waldeman for a root canal.

5243All of this is wi thin the standard of care

5253and proper record keeping.

52572. On 9/11/01, the records indicate a root

5265canal was done on #15 and two canals were

5274found which Dr. Barr indicates were B and P

5283(indicating buccal and palatal locations).

5288The length of each canal is noted as well as

5298the landmark used to measure. Written last

5305is the note that "NV (next visit) Find M".

5315This indicates that Dr. Barr knows there is

5323at least one more canal to find in this

5332tooth. At this point, ideally there should

5339have been notes to indi cate a conversation

5347with the patient that a complication was

5354occurring with this root canal. There is no

5362notation to this effect. However, since

5368there is to be at least one more visit to

5378work on this complication, there is no

5385strong violation of the stan dard of care at

5394this point.

53963. On 10/11/01, there should be very

5403detailed and concise notes regarding

5408treatment rendered during the root canal,

5414and any conversation now occurring with the

5421patient about any possible complications if

5427the work is being co mpleted. Instead, very

5435brief notations occur. "#15Finished RCT"

5440and "N.V. (next visit) #15 P Crown."

5447There is nothing to indicate the third canal

5455was located. There is nothing to indicate

5462the patient was informed only two canals

5469were located. There is nothing to indicate

5476a referral or retreatment was necessary for

5483this tooth. There is nothing to indicate

5490what could happen if the extra canal(s) was

5498not treated. This is below the standard of

5506care if the patient was not informed that

5514the tooth is susc eptible to complication by

5522not finding the canal(s) and what could be

5530done to remedy the solution. It is also a

5539records keeping violation if any

5544conversation about complications did take

5549place and was not recorded. In addition,

5556there is no notation about what type of

5564filler material was used to fill the two

5572canals. This is a very obvious record

5579keeping violation and practicing below the

5585standard of care by not recording the

5592filling material. It helps to know the

5599filler material when re - treatment is

5606nece ssary since different fillers are

5612removed different ways.

56154. On 10/15/01 the patient shows up at the

5624office 4 days after the fill and has an exam

5634for pain with #15. Dr. Barr records a

5642prescription for an antibiotic (Keflex) and

5648records the patient is taking Tylenol. It

5655then says "Wait 1 - 2 weeks. Retreat/refer to

5664Endo/or extract if not better." The records

5671indicate here is where a conversation

5677occurred that something is wrong with #15.

5684Dr. Barr appears to redeem himself for the

5692omission 4 days earli er. Even though

5699complications of not doing more work on this

5707tooth are not recorded, Dr. Barr records the

5715patients is given three choices with this

5722tooth - retreat, refer to an endodontist, or

5730extract the tooth. However, after a

573612/11/01 visit with the hyg ienist where

5743nothing is recorded about #15, two more

5750visits occur with Dr. Barr which reaffirms

5757treatment below the standard of care.

57635. On 1/31/02, Dr. Barr does a crown

5771preparation on tooth #15. There is no

5778discussion about the recommendations

5782reg arding the 10/15/01 visit where re -

5790treatment, referral to an endodontist, or

5796extractions were listed as the correct

5802options. Dr. Barr did not do the re -

5811treatment, and nothing is noted about a

5818referral visit, instead the crown prep is

5825just done. This is m ost definitely below

5833the standard of care treatment to do a crown

5842prep on a tooth with the intent to

5850permanently cement a crown on a tooth that

5858has an incomplete root canal fill.

58646. On 3/20/02 the permanent crown is seated

5872on #15.

587469. During the fina l hearing, Dr. Bong - Krueger primarily

5885testified about Respondent's inadequate record - keeping, which in

5894her opinion was so severe as to amount to a violation of the

5907standard of care. According to Dr. Bong - Krueger, patient

5917documentation is an essential part of treatment and diagnosis

5926because a second dentist who provides follow - up dental care

5937needs to be aware of the following: (a) a prior diagnosis; (b)

5949the type of treatment performed based on that diagnosis; (c) the

5960type of materials used in a prior treat ment/procedure; and (d)

5971whether any complications developed during the


597870. Dr. Bong - Krueger's written opinions seemed to find

5988more standard of care violations every time she reviewed the

5998same records. In some respects, her testimon y during the

6008hearing contradicts her prior written opinions. For example, in

6017her February 2003 written opinion, Dr. Bong - Krueger found no

6028standard of care or record - keeping violations regarding M.K.'s

6038August 7, 2001, office visit. In the December 2003 wr itten

6049opinion, Dr. Bong - Krueger once again found no fault with

6060Respondent's treatment or record - keeping on August 7, 2001. In

6071the May 28, 2004, written opinion, Dr. Bong - Krueger specifically

6082stated that Respondent did not violate the standard of care and

6093that he kept proper records for the August 7, 2001, office

6104visit. These written opinions are contrary to her hearing

6113testimony that Respondent violated the standard of care on

6122August 7, 2001, because he did not document a specific

6132diagnosis, explaining th e need for the pulpectomy and root canal


614471. However, the crucial dates at issue here are the

6154office visits in September and October of 2001. In her February

61652003 report, Dr. Bong - Krueger did not find a standard of care

6178violation related to documentation deficiencies on either date.

6186In her December 2003 report, Dr. Bong - Krueger found a standard

6198of care violation related to record - keeping on both dates. In

6210her May 2004 report, Dr. Bong - Krueger found "no strong violation

6222of the standard of ca re" for the September 2001 office visit,

6234but an "obvious record keeping violation and practicing below

6243the standard of care" for the October 2001 office visit. During

6254the hearing, Dr. Bong - Krueger testified that Respondent's

6263deficient record - keeping absol utely violated the standard of

6273care on both dates. Dr. Bong - Krueger's opinion testimony is

6284credible only as it relates to the October 2001 office visit,

6295about which she has consistently found a record - keeping standard

6306of care violation since writing her s econd report on

6316December 19, 2003.

631972. Petitioner also offered the expert testimony of James

6328Guttuso, D.D.S., a retired endodontist. Dr. Guttuso practiced

6336endodontics from 1962 until 1996, first in New York and then

6347Florida. Dr. Guttuso taught endodont ics treatment at the State

6357University of New York at Buffalo. From 1997 to 2004,

6367Dr. Guttuso taught endodontics at Nova University in Florida.

6376Dr. Guttuso was accepted an expert in endondontic treatment and

6386its associated standard of care.

639173. In many ways, Dr. Guttuso's testimony supports a

6400finding that Respondent did not violate the standard of care in

6411performing a root canal procedure on M.K.'s Tooth 15.

6420Dr. Guttuso stated that pain after the completion of a deep

6431filling in a cavity is not a violati on of the standard of care,

6445but is normal, based on the pressure build - up created by the

6458placing of the filling. Dr. Guttuso did not find a standard of

6470care violation associated with Respondent's filling the cavity

6478in Tooth 15.

648174. Dr. Guttuso further testified that as a person gets

6491older, or after there has been decay to a tooth, the tooth's

6503pulp chamber shrinks and becomes calcified, making it more

6512difficult to penetrate the tooth. According to Dr. Guttuso,

6521Respondent was unable to penetrate the mesi obuccal canal,

"6530mainly because of the tremendous amount of calcification or

6539mineralization that had occurred."

654375. Dr. Guttuso testified that failing to fill a canal is

6554not the ideal means to treat a root canal. However, he agreed

6566that there are situati ons in which a dentist in not able to

6579accomplish what he intends. Dr. Guttuso opined that it was not

6590below the standard of care per se for a dentist to "miss" a

6603canal in a tooth or to subsequently place a crown on that tooth,

6616but it was below the standard of care if the dentist did not

6629inform the patient about the consequences of not having the

6639third canal filled. In this case, the most persuasive evidence

6649indicates that Respondent discussed the problem with M.K. and

6658that she elected to take a wait - and - se e approach.

667176. Dr. Guttuso agreed that a crown is needed following a

6682root canal to protect the tooth. He agreed that a root canal

6694treatment can be completed through a permanent crown.

670277. During direct examination, Dr. Guttuso opined that

6710Responden t violated the standard of care. On cross - examination,

6721Dr. Guttuso testified as follows: (a) if one finds only two

6732canals, it is appropriate to fill the two canals and take a

6744wait - and - see approach to monitor the tooth; (b) failing to treat

6758a canal to the apex is not necessarily below the standard of

6770care; (c) placing a permanent crown on a tooth does not prevent

6782a dentist or endodontist from continuing root canal treatment on

6792the tooth; and (d) placing a crown on M.K.'s Tooth 15 was of no

6806consequence. Dr . Guttuso's testimony is not deemed credible,

6815given its equivocal nature.

681978. In response to Petitioner's allegations, Respondent

6826presented the expert testimony of Lewis Beall, D.D.S. Dr. Beall

6836is a recently retired dentist who practiced general dentis try in

6847Tallahassee, Florida for over 40 years. Dr. Beall obtained his

6857license to practice dentistry in Florida in 1962. Dr. Beall's

6867practice consisted of general dentistry, reconstruction, and

6874cosmetics. During his career, Dr. Beall routinely performed

6882root canals. He was accepted as an expert in general dentistry.

689379. Dr. Beall testified that a calcified canal is

6902difficult to spot. Dr. Beall stated that a dentist can take a

6914burr and cut to the spot where the root canal opens, but he has

6928to be caref ul not to go too far. Dr. Beall explained that if a

6943dentist goes out of the root, the tooth will be ruined and

6955require extraction.

695780. Dr. Beall opined that Respondent used appropriate

6965material and created a good seal when he filled two of the

6977canals. Dr. Beall stated that one of the canals treated by

6988Respondent did not extend to the end. According to Dr. Beall,

6999it is not an uncommon occurrence and not below the standard of

7011care to be unable to fill a canal to its absolute apex.

702381. Dr. Beall testi fied that Respondent was unable to

7033penetrate the third canal due to calcification. Dr. Beall

7042stated as follows: (a) if the canal is fully calcified, there

7053is no need to penetrate the canal as it is not likely to cause a

7068problem; and (b) if the canal is p artially calcified, a dentist

7080may attempt to drill further and risk problems, refer the

7090patient to an endodontist, or leave the partially calcified

7099canal alone and monitor for problems.

710582. Dr. Beall opined that it was more prudent to treat a

7117partially calcified canal to the extent possible than to

7126immediately refer the patient to an endodontist for the

7135following reasons: (a) the endodontist may also fail to

7144penetrate the canal to its apex; (b) there may be no further

7156problems; and (c) one can always go back an retreat if problems

7168develop later.

717083. Dr. Beall's opinion was that Respondent's wait - and - see

7182approach was acceptable, was within the standard of care, and

7192was what he personally would have done. Dr. Beall supported his

7203opinion in part with th e following facts: (a) it was a year and

7217a - half before M.K.'s Tooth 15 needed to be filled; (b) a

7230temporary crown or filling would not have lasted that long; and

7241(c) a dentist can always continue root canal treatment through a

7252permanent crown.

725484. As t o the standard of care, Dr. Beall testified that

7266waiting and not insisting that M.K. see an endodontist was

7276conservative treatment in this case. Dr. Beall stated that the

7286conservative approach was an attempt to save M.K. money and not

7297below the standard o f care. Additionally, Dr. Beall opined that

7308if a dentist could not find all the canals for a given tooth,

7321but filled only two, and the tooth is not symptomatic, it is

7333above the standard of care to place a crown on the tooth without

7346locating or treating th e final canal. Finally, Dr. Beall did

7357not believe Respondent had violated the standard of care because

7367he did not use a rubber dam, as opposed to some other method to

7381isolate the area being treated.

738685. Ultimately, Dr. Beall testified that Respondent

7393p rovided M.K. with diagnosis and treatment that met the

7403acceptable minimum standard of performance in diagnosis and

7411treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer

7418performance. Dr. Beall's testimony provides the most credible

7426and persuasive evide nce that Respondent's root canal diagnosis

7435and treatment did not violate the standard of care and that M.K.

7447suffered no harm from Respondent care and treatment.

7455Prior Disciplinary History

745886. The Board of Dentistry currently functions under the

7467umbrell a of the Department of Health. At times in the past, the

7480Board of Dentistry has functioned as part of the Department of

7491Business and Professional Regulation and the former Department

7499of Professional Regulation.

750287. On November 29, 1983, the Board of De ntistry issued a

7514Final Order in Department of Professional Regulation v. Robert

7523H. Barr, D.D.S. , DPR Case No. 0031230. The Final Order

7533indicates that the Board of Dentistry conducted an

7541administrative proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida

7548Stat utes (1983), finding that Respondent failed to make records

7558available to a patient in a timely manner. The Board of

7569Dentistry resolved the case by reprimanding Respondent and

7577imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000.

758788. The Board of Den tistry issued a Closing Order in

7598Department of Professional Regulation Case No. 90 - 001989 on

7608September 10, 1990. The Closing Order indicates that the Board

7618of Dentistry resolved the case by issuing a letter of guidance

7629to Respondent concerning his alleged failure to make records

7638available to a patient in a timely manner.

764689. The Board of Dentistry issued a Final Order in

7656Department of Business and Professional Regulation v. Robert H.

7665Barr, D.D.S , DBPR Case No. 94 - 01828, on November 17, 1994. The

7678Final Order adopts and incorporates a Stipulation. In the

7687Stipulation, Respondent neither admits or denies the matters of

7696fact alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint, which

7704charged a violation of Section 466.028(1)(y), Florida Statutes

7712(1992). In the Stipulation, Respondent agreed to pay an

7721administrative cost in the amount of $500, to receive a

7731reprimand, and to be placed probation for one year.


774390. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

7750jurisdiction over the parties and th e subject matter of this

7761case pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

7769Statutes (2005).

777191. Petitioner must establish that Respondent violated

7778Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2001), by clear and

7786convincing evidence. See Department of Banking and Finance,

7794Division of Securities and Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern

7803and Company , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington ,

7814510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

782092. Section 466.028(1), Florida Statutes (2001), states as

7828follows in rel evant part:

7833(1) The following acts constitute

7838grounds for denial of a license or

7845disciplinary action, as specified in s.


7852* * *

7855(m) Failing to keep written dental

7861records and medical history records

7866justifying the course of treatme nt of the

7874patient including, but not limited to,

7880patient history, examination results, test

7885results, and X rays, if taken.

7891* * *

7894(x) Being guilty of incompetence or

7900negligence by failing to meet the minimum

7907standards of performance in diagnosis and

7913treatment when measured against generally

7918prevailing peer performance, including, but

7923not limited to, the undertaking of diagnosis

7930and treatment for which the dentist is not

7938qualified by training or experience or being

7945guilty of dental malpractice. For p urposes

7952of this paragraph, it shall be legally

7959presumed that a dentist is not guilty of

7967incompetence or negligence by declining to

7973treat an individual if, in the dentist's

7980professional judgment, the dentist or a

7986member of her or his clinical staff is not

7995q ualified by training and experience, or the

8003dentist's treatment facility is not

8008clinically satisfactory or properly equipped

8013to treat the unique characteristics and

8019health status of the dental patient,

8025provided the dentist refers the patient to a

8033qualified dentist or facility for

8038appropriate treatment. As used in this

8044paragraph, "dental malpractice" includes,

8048but is not limited to, three or more claims

8057within the previous 5 - year period which

8065resulted in indemnity being paid, or any

8072single indemnity paid in excess of $5,000 in

8081a judgment or settlement, as a result of

8089negligent conduct on the part of the


809793. Petitioner charged that Respondent violated Section

8104466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2001), in one or more of the

8114following ways:

8116a) the Respondent did not properly document

8123in Patient M.K.'s treatment plan for the

8130September 11 and October 11, 2001,

8136procedures that he had difficulties locating

8142all of the root canals for tooth number 15

8151and treatment was not completed.

8156b) the Respondent did not complete

8162attempted root canals performed on Patient

8168M.K. on September 11 and October 11, 2001,

8176which included a failure to properly

8182complete standard mesial buccal fill of the

8189canals, and/or patient referral to an

8195appropriate specialist for comple tion of the

8202attempted procedures.

820494. Neither party cites persuasive authority for the

8212proposition that record - keeping deficiencies alone can or can

8222not, as a matter of law, violate the standard of care. However,

8234the record here indicates that, under some circumstances,

8242inadequate record keeping alone can be so severe as to violate

8253Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2001).

825895. In this case, Dr. Bong - Krueger's testimony presents

8268clear and convincing evidence that Respondent violated the

8276stand ard of care on October 11, 2001, by failing to document the

8289following: (a) his failure to find and penetrate the third

8299canal in Tooth 15; (b) the treatment options provided to M.K.;

8310(c) the type of material used to fill two of the canals; and (d)

8324M.K.'s d ecision to take the wait - and - see approach regarding the

8338third canal. There is no persuasive evidence to the contrary.

834896. Not only did Respondent fail to document these

8357matters, but his October 11, 2002, notation that he had finished

8368the root canal was misleading. The misleading notation was

8377exacerbated by Respondent's only other October 11, 2001,

8385notation regarding his intent to place a post and crown on Tooth

839715 on the next visit. It is possible, and at times appropriate,

8409to treat or retreat root ca nals through a crown, but unless

8421otherwise explained, placing a crown usually means the dentist

8430has completed his treatment, not that he is taking a wait - and

8443see - approach.

844697. The most persuasive evidence indicates that

8453Respondent's diagnosis and treatm ent, apart from the severe

8462documentation deficiencies on October 11, 2001, was appropriate.

8470Respondent did not violate the standard of care by failing to

8481locate and fill the third canal on September 11 and October 11,

84932001. Respondent advised M.K. that o ne of her alternatives was

8504a referral to an endodontist for further treatment. M.K.

8513decided to accept another appropriate alternative, which was to

8522wait - and - see if problems developed. M.K.'s Tooth 15 did not

8535require further endodontic treatment until Jul y 7, 2003. Other

8545than the record - keeping violations, the evidence is not clear

8556and convincing that Respondent violated the standard of care.

856598. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B5 - 13.005 states as

8575follows in relevant part:

8579(3) When the Bo ard finds an applicant

8587or licensee whom it regulates under Chapter

8594466, F.S., has committed any of the acts set

8603forth in Section 466.028, F.S., it shall

8610issue a Final Order imposing appropriate

8616penalties within the ranges recommended in

8622the following disci plinary guidelines:

8627* * *

8630(bb) Being guilty of incompetence.

8635The usual action of the Board shall be to

8644impose a period of probation, restriction of

8651practice, suspension, and/or revocation. . .


8658(cc) Being guilty of negligence or

8664dental malpractice. The usual action of the

8671Board shall be to impose a period of

8679probation, restriction of practice, and/or

8684suspension. . . .

8688* * *

8691(4) Based upon consideration of

8696aggravating or mitigating factors, present

8701in an individual case, the Board may deviate

8709from the penalties recommended in

8714subsections (2) and (3) above. The Board

8721shall consider as aggravating or mitigating

8727factors the following:

8730* * *

8733(b) the length of time since the


8741(c) the number of times the licens ee

8749has been previously disciplined by the


8756(d) the length of time the licensee

8763has practiced;

8765(e) the actual damage, physical or

8771otherwise, caused by the violation and the

8778reversibility of the damage.

8782* * *

8785(j) Attempts by the l icensee to

8792correct or stop the violation or refusal by

8800the license to correct or stop the


8808(m) Any other relevant mitigating or

8814aggravating factor under the circumstances.

881999. In this case, it has been at least four years since

8831the viola tion. During that time, the X - rays taken by Respondent

8844at Coast Dental's office became unavailable. Additionally,

8851Respondent's termination from Coast Dental meant that he could

8860no longer monitor M.K.'s tooth because she never designated him

8870as her dental care provider or made an appointment for

8880continuing care. Instead, M.K. wrote a threatening letter when,

8889for whatever reason, Respondent did not receive her message to

8899return her telephone call. Respondent eventually offered to see

8908if he could help M.K even though his care and treatment had not

8921caused her any harm. It has been approximately ten years since

8932Respondent's license has been disciplined.

8937100. On the other hand, Respondent has practiced dentistry

8946since 1975. He should have known that his d ocumentation on

8957October 11, 2001, was misleading. In fact, he admitted as much

8968during the hearing.


8972Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

8982Law, it is


8986That Petitioner enter a final order, reprimanding

8993Re spondent, requiring him to pay an administrative fine in the

9004amount of $2,500, and requiring him to complete appropriate

9014continuing education requirements.

9017DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of September, 2005, in

9027Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



9035Administrative Law Judge

9038Division of Administrative Hearings

9042The DeSoto Building

90451230 Apalachee Parkway

9048Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

9053(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

9061Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

9067www.doah.state.fl .us

9069Filed with the Clerk of the

9075Division of Administrative Hearings

9079this 8th day of September, 2005.


90861/ In Barr v. Department of Health, Board of Dentistry , 890 So.

90982d 1239 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005), the court denied Respondent's

9108Petition for Writ o f Prohibition, holding that Respondent "has

9118an adequate remedy at law" and citing Carter v. Department of

9129Professional Regulation , 613 So. 2d 78 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993). The

9140court has thus identified the manner in which Respondent may

9150pursue his claim that Pe titioner violated the statutory

9159deadlines imposed by Section 456.073, Florida Statutes (2001),

9167in a manner that impaired the correctness or fairness of the

9178proceeding. The decision here to give the parties an

9187opportunity to proffer evidence and thereby pr eserve the record

9197was based on the undersigned's understanding of the Court's

9206opinion in Barr , 890 So. 2d at 1239.


9217Paula A. Willis, Esquire

9221Department of Health

92244052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

9232Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

9237Fred M. Johnson, Esquire

9241Steven E. Oole, Esquire

9245Fuller, Johnson & Farrell, P.A.

9250Post Office Box 1739

9254Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1739

9259R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

9264Department of Health

92674052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A - 02

9275Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

9280Susan Foster, E xecutive Director

9285Board of Dentistry

9288Department of Health

92914052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 08

9299Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


9310All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

932015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

9331to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

9342will issue the final order in this case .

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Date: 10/17/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2007
Proceedings: Petition for an Award of Attorneys` Fees filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 07-1948F ESTABLISHED)
Date: 12/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 12/01/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/03/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Objections to Petitioner`s Motion to Strike Respondent`s Untimely Exceptions filed.
Date: 10/28/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Objections to Petitioner`s Amended Motion to Assess Costs filed.
Date: 09/23/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 10 and July 15, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/12/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/12/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/02/2005
Proceedings: Final Hearing (transcript vol III) filed.
Date: 07/15/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/23/2005
Proceedings: Final Hearing (transcript volumes I - II) filed.
Date: 06/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for July 15, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/10/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to July 15, 2005.
Date: 06/09/2005
Proceedings: Order Resolving Objections to Deposition.
Date: 06/09/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Trial Subpoenas filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents (without attachments) filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/06/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 06/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Trial Subpoenas, Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed.
Date: 06/06/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/02/2005
Proceedings: Subpoena ad Testificandum (3) filed.
Date: 06/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Trial Subpoenas filed.
Date: 06/01/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Objections to the Deposition of Dr. Paul filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/24/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/24/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: Defendant`s Motion to Resolve Objections to the Deposition of Dr. Paul filed.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: Order (James Guttoso, D.D.S., may be called as a witness).
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Protective Order to Prevent Testimony of James Guttuso, D.D.S. filed.
Date: 05/18/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Corrections to Deposition Transcript.
Date: 05/12/2005
Proceedings: Objection to Supplemental Discovery Response and Motion for Protective Order to Prevent Testimony of James Guttuso, D.D.S. filed.
Date: 05/11/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Releasing Wayne Mitchell from Trial Subpoena filed.
Date: 04/28/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Providing Supplemental Discovery Response filed.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Deposition filed.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript in Lieu of Live Testimony filed.
Date: 04/22/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Expert filed.
Date: 03/30/2005
Proceedings: Order (Motion to Take Deposition of Non-party Witness for use at Final Hearing granted).
Date: 03/17/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum for Use in Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/17/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Take Deposition of Non-party Witness for Use in Final Hearing (filed by Petitioner).
Date: 03/09/2005
Proceedings: Order (Second Motion for Summary Dismissal denied).
Date: 03/07/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Second Motion for Summary Dismissal filed.
Date: 02/23/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Appendix to Second Motion for Summary Dismissal) filed by Respondent.
Date: 02/23/2005
Proceedings: Second Motion for Summary Dismissal (filed by Respondent).
Date: 02/22/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/22/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 10, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/14/2005
Proceedings: (Joint) Case Status Report filed.
Date: 11/12/2004
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by February 15, 2005).
Date: 11/12/2004
Proceedings: (Joint) Case Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by November 12, 2004).
Date: 08/10/2004
Proceedings: (Joint) Notice of Appellate Proceeding and Request to Re-Schedule Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Documents to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/24/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Second Supplemental Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/01/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 27, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/28/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Second Continuance of Final Hearing filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/17/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Subpoena a Non-party filed by S. Oole.
Date: 05/13/2004
Proceedings: Order. (motion to dismiss denied)
Date: 05/13/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Supplemental Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/13/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Rebuttal to Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Answers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Certificate and Notice of Service of Respondent`s Answers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Date: 05/12/2004
Proceedings: Certificate and Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 05/10/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/03/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to file Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/20/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Administrative Complaint filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/16/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Certificate of Serving Interrogatories, Request for Production of Documents and Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/15/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Scrivener`s Error (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 04/14/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 25, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/13/2004
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/13/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/13/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 16, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/30/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 03/29/2004
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):