04-001136 Ada Pelt-Washington vs. Bma Starke
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, April 11, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: The filing of a Petition for Relief is 180 days, where no determination has been made. If a Petition for Relief has never been filed with the Commission, the case cannot be heard at the Division of Administrative Hearings.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 04 - 1136




29Respondent. )

31_____ )


37This cause came o n for resolution upon Respondent's "Motion

47to Dismiss, or, in the Alternative, Motion for Summary

56Judgment," and Petitioner's Response thereto. Oral argument was

64heard by telephonic conference call on June 23 and 25, 2004.


76For Petitione r: Samuel A. Mutch, Esquire

83Mutch & Levine, P.A.

872114 Northwest 40th Terrace, Suite A - 1

95Gainesville, Florida 32605 - 3592

100For Respondent: Carlos J. Burruezo, Esquire

106Fisher & Phillips, LLP

1101250 Lincoln Plaza

113300 South Orange Avenue

117Orlando, Florida 32801


124Whether this case is properly before the Division of

133Administrative H earings.


138On June 15, 2004, Respondent filed its "Motion to Dismiss,

148or, in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Judgment." In a

158telephonic conference on June 23, 2004, the undersigned offered

167Petitioner a continuance of the final he aring scheduled for

177June 30 through July 1, 2004, in order to allow time for

189Petitioner to file a written response to the pending Motion.

199Instead, Petitioner elected to file a Response immediately, and

208did so on June 24, 2004. Oral argument by telephonic conference

219was held on the Motion and Response on June 25, 2004.

230The Motion has been treated as a motion for a recommended

241order of dismissal.

244The material facts as found herein are not in dispute.


2571. On or about April 2, 2004, the Florida Commission on

268Human Relations (Commission) forwarded a packet of papers, as

277more fully described below, to the Division of Administrative

286Hearings (Division). At the request of the parties, a disputed -

297fact hearing was scheduled for June 30, 2004 through July 1,


3092. The Charge of Discrimination in this cause bears a

319signature date of April 23, 2002. It states that the most

330recent alleged discrimination occurred in December 2001, and

338alleges race, color, and religious discrimination and

345r etaliation.

3473. The copy of the Charge sent to the Division in the

359Commission's referral packet bears a Commission date - stamp of

369December 2, 2002. However, Respondent has provided a copy of

379the Charge, showing that it was first filed with the Commission

390o n November 19, 2002, and the parties are in agreement that

402November 19, 2002, was the date of actual filing of the Charge

414with the Commission. The Charge filed with the Commission was

424accompanied by a cover letter dated November 14, 2002, and a

"435confident ial" affidavit also dated November 14, 2002.

4434. On December 6, 2002, Respondent received the

451Commission's Notice of Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination.

458Thereafter, Respondent submitted its position statement with

465attachments to the Commission.

4695. The parties subsequently engaged in settlement

476discussions but were unable to come to terms. 1/ On November 20,

4882003, the law office representing Petitioner notified the

496Commission that settlement was not possible and that

504Petitioner's attorney wante d to be advised of the Equal

514Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) case number assigned to

522the same allegations of discrimination by the EEOC, pursuant to

532the Commission's work - sharing agreement with that Federal


5426. On January 21, 2004, Pe titioner's attorney's law office

552again wrote to the Commission requesting the EEOC case number

562and stating, "[W]e may take our client's issues up in the

573judicial arena." 2/

5767. Petitioner filed with the Commission on February 10,

5852004, an Election of Righ ts signed by her attorney on

596February 9, 2004, on which the following option had been


607More than 180 days have elapsed since I

615filed my charge of discrimination. I wish

622to withdraw my charge and file a Petition

630for Relief to proceed with an admin istrative

638hearing as provided for under Florida

644Statutes Section 760.11(4)(b) and (8).

6498. On February 16, 2004, the Commission sent a letter to

660Petitioner's attorney confirming its receipt of the Election of

669Rights on February 10, 2004, and reciting the foregoing reason

679stated therein. The Commission attached to its letter a blank

689petition for relief with instructions that the petition should

698be completed and returned to the Commission within 20 days.

708Twenty days from the Commission's February 16, 2004, letter

717would have been March 8, 2004.

7239. By a letter dated March 16, 2004, Petitioner's attorney

733wrote the Commission advising that for purposes of the EEOC

743claim, "March 23, 2002," should be used as the last date of

755discrimination. March 23, 2002, is a date four months after the

766date alleged in the Charge of Discrimination which had been

776filed with the Commission. ( See Finding of Fact No. 3.)

78710. Apparently, the Commission filed the EEOC complaint

795with that federal agency on March 18, 2004.

80311. By a March 18, 2004, form letter, the Commission

813advised Petitioner, via her attorney, that the EEOC claim had

823been filed and given a number. The Commission's form advises

833that Petitioner need do nothing with the EEOC until the

843Commission has made its final fi ndings in the case before the


85612. The March 18, 2004, EEOC complaint is virtually

865identical in all respects to the Charge filed by Petitioner with

876the Commission on November 19, 2002, except for the date of

887alleged discrimination. ( See Find ing of Fact No. 9.)

89713. On March 29, 2004, Petitioner's attorney signed a

906second Election of Rights, checking the same reasons as were

916given in the February 10, 2004, Election of Rights. ( See

927Finding of Fact No. 7.) The second Election of Rights was fil ed

940with the Commission on March 31, 2004.

94714. On April 1, 2004, the Commission sent a second letter

958to Petitioner via her attorney, confirming receipt of

966Petitioner's second Election of Rights dated March 29, 2004, and

976stating that it had been filed on March 30,[sic] 2004. This

988Commission letter again reiterated the option requested by the

997Petitioner. ( See Finding of Fact Nos. 7 and 13.)

100715. The April 1, 2004, letter from the Commission attached

1017a second blank petition for relief for Petitioner to c omplete,

1028and further advised:

1031The initial letter dated February 16, 2004

1038included the Petition for Relief to be filed

1046with the Commission within 20 days of the

1054dated letter. We have not received the

1061P etition for R elief to date; therefore I am

1071enclosing another P etition for R elief to be

1080completed. Forward the original P etition

1086for R elief to the Division of Administrative

1094Hearings and mail a copy to the Division.

1102The E lection of R ights F orm will be

1112forwarded to the Division of Administrative

1118Hearings for case assignment as requested.

112416. On April 1, 2004, the Commission filled out a

1134Transmittal of Petition form, which it forwarded to the

1143Division, attaching only the Commission's April 1, 2004, letter

1152to Petitioner's attorney, a copy of the original Ch arge of

1163Discrimination incorrectly date - stamped as filed with the

1172Commission on December 2, 2003 ( see Finding of Fact No. 3), and

1185a copy of Petitioner's Election of Rights, dated March 29, 2004,

1196which had been signed by her attorney. ( See Finding of Fact

1208No. 13.)

121017. Petitioner admits that at no time within 20 days of

1221either the Commission's February 16, 2004, letter or the

1230Commission's April 1, 2004 letter, did Petitioner file a

1239Petition for Relief either with the Commission or the Division.

124918. Not until after Respondent had moved to dismiss before

1259the Division on June 15, 2004, did Petitioner file a Petition

1270for Relief. On June 24, 2004, that Petition for Relief was

1281filed with the Division, without prior leave of an

1290Administrative Law Judge of the Division. The Petition was not

1300on a Commission form. As of June 25, 2004, the date of oral

1313argument on the Motion to Dismiss and Response thereto, the

1323free - form Petition for Relief had only been filed with the

1335Division and had never been filed with the Commission. On the

1346basis of the record before the Division, it appears that

1356Petitioner has never filed with the Commission a Petition for

1366Relief, also known as a request for administrative hearing.

137519. It is undisputed that no Petition for Relief or

1385re quest for administrative hearing was filed by Petitioner with

1395the Commission within 215 days of filing the Charge of

1405Discrimination with the Commission, which would have been 180

1414days plus 35 days; nor within 35 days of February 16, 2004, the

1427date of the C ommission's first letter advising Petitioner to

1437timely file a Petition for Relief with the Commission; or within

144835 days of April 1, 2004, the date of the Commission's second

1460letter advising Petitioner to timely file a Petition for Relief

1470with the Commissi on.


147720. For the reasons set out hereafter, the Division of

1487Administrative Hearings does not have jurisdiction of this

1495cause, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) and

1503Chapter 760, Florida Statutes.

150721. The following statutes are important in reaching the

1516foregoing conclusion. Only the pertinent parts have been


1525760.11 Administrative and civil

1529remedies; construction --

1532* * *

1535(4) In the event that the commission

1542determines that there is reasonable cause to

1549believe that a discriminatory practice has

1555occurred in violation of the Florida Civil

1562Rights Act of 1992, the aggrieved person may


1571(a) Bring a civil action against the

1578person named in the complaint in any court

1586of competent jurisdiction; or

1590(b) Request an adm inistrative hearing

1596under ss. 120.56 and 120.57.

1601The election by the aggrieved person of

1608filing a civil action or requesting an

1615administrative hearing under this subsection

1620is the exclusive procedure available to the

1627aggrieved person pursuant to this act.

1633* * *

1636(6) . . . An administrative hearing

1643pursuant to paragraph (4)(b) must be

1649requested no later than 35 days after the

1657date of determination of reasonable cause by

1664the commission. . . .

1669* * *

1672(8) In the event that the commission

1679fails to concil iate or determine whether

1686there is reasonable cause on any complaint

1693under this section within 180 days of the

1701filing of the complaint, an aggrieved person

1708may proceed under subsection (4), as if the

1716commission determined that there was

1721reasonable cause.

172322. Petitioner filed a Charge of Discrimination with the

1732Commission on November 19, 2002.

173723. One hundred and eighty days passed without the

1746Commission reaching a determination of reasonable cause or no

1755reasonable cause.

175724. Section 760.11(8), Florida Statutes, provided

1763Petitioner with two options at the end of 180 days: (1) to

1775bring a civil action pursuant to Subsection (4)(a), or (2) to

1786request an administrative hearing, pursuant to Subsection

1793(4)(b), Florida Statutes.

179625. An administrative heari ng pursuant to Subsection

1804(4)(b) must be requested no later than 35 days after the date of

1817determination of reasonable cause by the Commission.

1824See § 760.11(6), Fla. Stat.

182926. The same 35 - day filing requirement exists for the

1840filing of a Petiti on for Relief with the Commission after a

1852determination of no reasonable cause. See §§ 760.11 (7),

1861Fla. Stat. Any filing after the 35 days has run has been

1873consistently barred by the statute and case law. See Clardy v.

1884Department of Corrections , DOAH Ca se No. 04 - 1020 (RO: May 6,

18972004); Wayne v. Pagliara v. Marion County Fire - Rescue

1907Department , DOAH Case No. 04 - 0096 (RO: February 5, 2004; FO:

1919June 30, 2004); Garland v. Dept. of State , DOAH Case No. 00 - 1797

1933(RO: July 24, 2000; FO: February 8, 2001); McGill v. U.S. Marine

1945/Bayliner Marine Corp., DOAH Case No. 95 - 6018 (RO: March 18,

19571996); FO approved); Hall v. Boeing Aerospace Operation , DOAH

1966Case No. 94 - 6976 (RO: March 29, 1995; FO approved); Wright v.

1979HCA Central Florida Regional Hospital, Inc. , DOAH Case No. 94 -

19900070 (RO: July 27, 1995; FO: January 26, 1995); Pusey v. Knapp ,

2002DOAH Case No. 96 - 3321 (RO: November 25, 1996; FO: October 16,


201627. For a very long time, the case law uniformly held that

2028someone in Petitioner's situation has 35 days, from the one

2038hundred and eightieth day, in which to file a Petition for

2049Relief with the Commission. Under this line of cases,

2058Petitioner herein would have had until May 19, 2003, plus 35

2069days, in which to file her Petition for Relief with the

2080Commission. Clearly, Petitioner did not file a Petition for

2089Relief by that date. This flaw was long considered

2098jurisdictional and fatal. The Legislature has clearly directed

2106that an aggrieved person has 35 days within which to file a

2118request for administrative hearing, and an appellate court has

2127clearly directed that the filing period begins to run

2136immediately upon the expiration of the 180 - day period, if the

2148Commission has taken no action. See Milano v. Moldmaster, Inc.

2158703 So. 2d 1093 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997), which decision w as departed

2171from, in part, in Joshua v. City of Gainesville , 768 So. 2d 432

2184(Fla. 2000).

218628. Petitioner's reliance on Joshua v. City of

2194Gainesville , supra is misplaced. That case involved a four - year

2205statute of limitations being extended to a civil actio n brought

2216in circuit court by a petitioner where there had been at least a

2229modicum of misleading information provided by the Commission.

223729. The decision in Woodham v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield

2248of Florida, Inc. , 829 So. 2d 891 (Fla. 2002), leads to the

2260conclusion that the Florida Supreme Court now recognizes that

2269when the Commission fails to make an agency determination within

2279the 180 - day time limit in Section 760.11(3), Florida Statutes,

2290the parties are to rely on the legislative determination of

2300re asonable cause which occurs by operation of Section 760.11(8),

2310Florida Statutes, and the legislative determination of

2317reasonable cause enables Petitioner to request an administrative

2325hearing pursuant to Sections 760.11(4)(b), 120.569, and

2332120.57(1), Florid a Statutes.

233630. The undersigned is not unmindful of the Commission's

2345decisions in Miller v. Leesburg Medical Center , FCHR Remand

2354Order 99 - 1480, entered January 2, 2003, and Saunders v. Hangar

2366Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. , FCHR Final Order 01 - 0872,

2376entered March 20, 2002, wherein the Commission as much as said

2387that when it fails to make a determination of reasonable or no

2399reasonable cause within the 180 days mandated by the statute,

2409the complainant automatically receives an unlimited period of

2417time from the date of the last alleged discriminatory offense

2427(not just the four years provided for a circuit court action,

2438which was the holding in Joshua ) in which to file his or her

2452Petition for Relief with the Commission. The Commission's Order

2461in Saunders adopts Prentice v. North American Realty Corp. d/b/a

2471North American Acquisition Corp. , FCHR Order 00 - 021 (FCHR

2481January 9, 2001) and Wilson v. Scotty's, Inc. , FCHR Order No.

249298 - 032 (FCHR 1998). The Commission's Order in Prentice purports

2503to overrule the A rticle V appellate court in Milano v.

2514Moldmaster , 703 So. 2d 1093 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997), for Section

2525760.11(4)(b) purposes, as Joshua did for Section 760.11(4)(a)


253431. However, the case at bar differs from Miller and

2544Saunders . At least in each o f those cases, the Petitioner had

2557filed a Petition for Relief with the Commission. Herein, the

2567record only reflects that the Petition was filed with the

2577Division. Also herein, the Petitioner did not timely comply

2586with the two letters of instruction issue d by the Commission,

2597each of which equates procedurally with a "right to sue" letter.

260832. In the instant case, there has been no materially

2618misleading or absent information attributable to the Commission

2626which would have affected the timely filing of a Pe tition for

2638Relief. Rather, herein, the Commission twice advised Petitioner

2646to file a Petition for Relief, and twice Petitioner did not do

2658so within 35 days of either letter of instruction.

266733. A generous reading of the combined statutory schemes

2676estab lished by Chapters 120 and 760, Florida Statutes, would be

2687that the blank Petition for Relief form sent by the Commission

2698to Petitioner is not a mandatory document. Therefore, if

2707Petitioner had not utilized the Commission's form, but had filed

2717a request f or hearing which was adequate under Chapter 120,

2728Florida Statutes, and Chapter 28 - 106, Florida Administrative

2737Code (The Model Rules), and that free - form request had been

2749appropriately and timely filed with the Commission, within 35

2758days of the Commission's first acknowledgment that Petitioner

2766wished to file for an administrative hearing (the first

2775Commission letter instructing when to file the Petition with the

2785Commission), and finally , after the Commission's review, that

2793free - form request for hearing had b een transmitted by the

2805Commission to the Division, then jurisdiction would lie in the

2815Division. In other words, if some appropriate request for an

2825administrative hearing had been filed with the Commission within

283435 days of the Commission's February 16, 20 04, acknowledgment

2844that Petitioner wished to file for an administrative hearing,

2853jurisdiction would rest in the Division, once the Commission had

2863assessed the free - form request 3/ for sufficiency under the

2874statutes and Model Rules and had then transmitted t he request to

2886the Division. However, that scenario did not occur. Petitioner

2895did not file within 35 days of either the Commission's

2905February 16, or April 1, 2004, acknowledgment/instructional


291334. Petitioner did not comply with the statutory time

2922frame for filing and did not comply with the statutory

2932requirement of filing a petition/request for hearing with the

2941referring agency, in this case, the Commission. The latter flaw

2951also puts this case outside the prerequisites of Sections

2960120.569 and 120 .57(1), Florida Statutes, which statutory

2968requirements are incorporated into Chapter 760, Florida

2975Statutes, by Sections 760.11 (6) and (7), Florida Statutes, and

2985by the Commission's own rules.

299035. The Commission's 180 days to take action on

2999Petitioner's i nitial complaint/Charge of Discrimination ran out

3007on May 19, 2003. The thirty - fifth day following May 19, 2003,

3020was June 23, 2003. Petitioner did not timely file a Petition

3031for Relief but eventually elected an administrative hearing on

3040February 9, 2004, more than 266 days after the expiration of the

3052180 - day time period. Petitioner attempted to cure this fatal

3063flaw by filing a second Election of Rights with the Commission,

3074apparently in reliance on the date the EEOC claim was filed with

3086that other agency. There is no precedent for counting days in

3097the State forum based on the Federal forum. The second Election

3108of Rights was more than 314 days after the expiration of the

3120State's 180 - day time limit.

312636. As discussed previously, the Election of Rights

3134d ocuments herein cannot be considered as petitions or requests

3144for hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), and Chapter

3153760, Florida Statutes. 4/

315737. On February 16, 2004, Petitioner was notified by the

3167Commission that she must file a Petition for Relief within 20

3178days. Petitioner did not meet that filing date or file within

318935 days of February 16, 2004, either. On April 1, 2004,

3200Petitioner was notified by the Commission to file a Petition for

3211Relief. While the April 1, 2004, letter erroneously told

3220Petitioner she could file simultaneously with the Commission and

3229the Division, Petitioner was not materially misled, because her

3238Petition was already jurisdictionally time - barred. Assuming

3246arguendo , but not ruling, that the Commission's April 1, 2004

3256notification could have reactivated Petitioner's 35 - day filing

3265period, she still did not file within 35 days of April 1, 2004,

3278either, and she never filed with the Commission at all.

328838. An interpretation of Section 760.11(8), Florida

3295Statutes, that allo ws Petitioner to request an administrative

3304hearing after the expiration of the 35 - day time limit would

3316reduce to a nullity the time limits imposed by the Legislature.

3327This case should be dismissed as jurisdictionally time - barred.


3338Upon the f oregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,

3349it is

3351RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations

3359dismiss this case, which exists only by the Charge of

3369Discrimination, and a late - filed petition before the Division of

3380Administrative Hearin gs.

3383DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of July, 2004, in

3393Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3402Administrative Law Judge

3405Division of Administrative Hearings

3409The DeSoto Building

34121230 Apalachee Parkway

3415Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3421(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3429Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3436Filed with the Clerk of the

3442Division of Administrative Hearings

3446this 29th day of July, 2004.


34531/ On March 25, 2003, the attorney for Petit ioner wrote to

3465Respondent's attorney stating that there would be further

3473advices about a settlement. On September 3, 2003, Respondent

3482notified the Commission that no settlement was possible.

34902/ Note that this language (notice of a planned civil action in

3502a court of competent jurisdiction) may have been sufficient to

3512permit a dismissal by the Commission, pursuant to Florida

3521Administrative Code Rule 60Y - 5.006(5).

35273/ This Recommended Order of Dismissal makes no assessment of the

3538sufficiency, vel non , of the Petition for Relief filed with the


35504/ The statutory scheme here differs from that in many Chapter

3561120, Florida Statutes, cases where an agency prosecutes, and a

3571citizen need only elect to contest the allegations of the

3581agency. Here, the agency (the Commission) is not technically a



3595Cecil Howard, General Counsel

3599Florida Commission on Human Relations

36042009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3609Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3612Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

3616Florida Commission on Human Relations

36212009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3626Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3629Samuel A. Mutch, Esquire

3633Mutch & Levine, P.A.

36372114 Northwest 40th Terrace, Suite A - 1

3645Gainesville, Florida 32605 - 3592

3650Carlos J. Burruezo, Esquire

3654Fisher & Phillips, LLP

36581250 Lincoln Plaza

3661300 South Orange Avenue

3665Orlando, Florida 32801


3674All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

368415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3695to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3706will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/11/2005
Proceedings: Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/08/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Request for Hearing and Request of Notice of Right to Sue filed.
Date: 04/06/2005
Proceedings: Respondent BMA Starke`s Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 04/06/2005
Proceedings: Respondent BMA Starke`s Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 01/27/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 01/25/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 12 and 13, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 01/21/2005
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 01/13/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Davis from S. Mutch regarding submittal of pre-hearing stipulations filed.
Date: 12/13/2004
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 12/13/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/09/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 1 and 2, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 12/06/2004
Proceedings: Order Reopening File. CASE REOPENED.
Date: 10/22/2004
Proceedings: Order Remanding Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: Remanded from the Agency
Date: 07/29/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/29/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/25/2004
Proceedings: Petition for Relief (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/25/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss and to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss and to Respondent`s Alternative Motion for Summary Judgement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/24/2004
Proceedings: Petition for Relief (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/23/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Leave to Take Testimony Telephonically and Out of Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/21/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition and Notice of Cancellation of Depositions (C. Clark) filed.
Date: 06/17/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Continuance of Deposition of Ada Pelt-Washington (filed by D. Hill-Henderson via facsimile).
Date: 06/17/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (S. Williams, M.D., C. Clark, M.D., L. Jackson, Ph.D.) filed via facsimile.
Date: 06/17/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Opposition and Response to Respondent`s Supplemental Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/15/2004
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance.
Date: 06/15/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss, or, in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Judgment (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/14/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Supplemental Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/14/2004
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/09/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/02/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/24/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (A. Pelt-Washington) filed.
Date: 04/23/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Advantage Court Reporters from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 04/21/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/21/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 30 and July 1, 2004; 10:00 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 04/19/2004
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from S. Mutch regarding agreed dates for the hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/12/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/09/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/02/2004
Proceedings: Charge of Discrimination filed.
Date: 04/02/2004
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 04/02/2004
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.
Date: 04/02/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Gainesville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):