04-001591F Vanessa Brown vs. Capital Circle Hotel Company, D/B/A Sleep Inn
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 23, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner`s attorney is entitled to a reasonable fee for 129 hours of time expended at $300.00 per hour, in addition to a multiplier of 1.5 for a sum of $56,900, plus costs and expert witness fee.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 04 - 1591F



28d/b/a SLEEP INN, )


33Respondent. )



43A formal hearing was held before Daniel M. Kilbride,

52Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

60Hearings on October 6, 2004, Orlando, Florida. The following

69appearances were entered:


73For Petit ioner: Tricia A. Madden, Esquire

80Tricia A. Madden, P.A.

84500 East Altamonte Drive, Suite 200

90Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701

94For Respondent: Stephen F. Baker, Esquire

100Stephen F. Baker, P.A.

104800 First Street, South

108Winter Haven, Florida 33 880


117What amount of attorney's fees is to be paid to Petitioner

128pursuant to the award of fees in the Final Order Awarding

139Affirmative Relief from Unlawful Public Accommodation


146What amount of costs is to be paid to Petitioner pursuant

157to the award of costs in the Recommended Order and Final Order.


171A Final Order Awarding Affirmative Relief from Unlawful

179Public Accommodation Discrimination was entered by the Florida

187Commission on Human Relation s (FCHR) on February 20, 2003. FCHR

198adopted the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact,

206Conclusions of Law, and Recommendations for the remedy of

215discrimination. The Final Order confirmed the award of

223attorney's fees and costs to Petitioner, Vanessa Brown. The

232parties were unable to reach an agreement on the reasonable

242amount of attorney's fees and costs, and Respondent, Capital

251Circle Hotel Company, d/b/a Sleep Inn (Sleep Inn), had not yet

262paid to Petitioner the monetary amount awarded to Petitione r in

273paragraph 2 under affirmative relief in the Final Order when

283Petitioner filed a Notice of Failure of Settlement.

291Prior to this hearing, Respondent had paid the amount

300awarded to Petitioner in paragraph 2. An Agreement had not been

311reached on the rea sonable amount of attorney's fees or costs.

322At the hearing, Petitioner's attorney, Tricia A. Madden,

330Esquire, testified and presented the expert testimony of

338George F. Indest, III, Esquire. Petitioner presented seven

346exhibits: a copy of amended time she ets; a copy of amended

358costs; the contingency contract; the resume of Tricia A. Madden;

368a letter from Respondent's counsel, Stephen F. Baker, dated

377January 28, 2002; a copy of the Rule Regulating Florida Bar

3884 - 1.5; and the resume of George F. Indest, III, Esquire.

400Official recognition was taken of all pleadings and previous

409filings with the clerk, including specifically, the Recommended

417Order and Final Order and all exhibits entered into evidence at

428the hearing on the issue of discrimination held on Septem ber 4,

4402002. Mr. Baker testified, offered one exhibit, and presented

449the expert testimony of Neil F. Young, Esquire. Mr. Indest and

460Mr. Young were accepted as expert witnesses on attorney's fees

470and costs without objection by the parties.

477The hearing wa s recorded, but a transcript was not ordered.

488The parties were permitted 14 days to file memoranda of law or a

501proposed order. Each party timely filed post - hearing

510submittals, which have been carefully considered.

516At the hearing, Respondent offered as a defense to the

526attorney's fees and costs that the award of same in the

537Recommended Order and Final Order was contrary to law and

547objected to by Respondent. This defense was untimely.

555Respondent did not correctly present his Exceptions to the

564Recommended Order and filed no appeals to the Final Order. The

575only issue remaining for determination by the Administrative Law

584Judge is the amount of reasonable attorney's fees and costs to

595be awarded to Petitioner.


6021. A Recommended Order was en tered by Daniel M. Kilbride,

613Administrative Law Judge, on October 17, 2002, awarding

621affirmative relief as follows:

625a. Finding that Respondent discriminated against

631Petitioner based on her race (African - American);

639b. Awarding Petitioner $500 in compen satory


647c. Issuing a Cease and Desist Order prohibiting

655Respondent from repeating this practice in the future;


664d. Awarding a reasonable attorney's fee as part

672of the costs.

6752. Respondent filed Exceptions to the Administrative Law

683Judge's Recommended Order, but did not file a transcript of the

694hearing as required in administrative proceedings. As a result

703of the failure, FCHR ordered the Exceptions stricken.

7113. FCHR's Final Order adopted the Recommended Order's

719Findings of Facts, Conclus ions of Law, and remedies for the


7314. No appeal was filed by Respondent.

7385. Respondent filed statement of defenses to the Motion

747for Hearing on Attorney's Fees and Costs in which Respondent

757denied that its action in the underlying procee ding was not

768justified and contended that the award requested by Petitioner

777would be unjust.

7806. The amount of reasonable attorney's fees and costs was

790sought pursuant to Section 509.092, Florida Statutes (2003),

798unfair discrimination by the operator of a public lodging

807establishment. Section 509.092, Florida Statutes (2003), which

814establishes a right of action pursuant to Section 760.11,

823Florida Statutes (2003), specifically states that an award of

832attorney's fees should be interpreted in a manner consis tent

842with federal case law involving a Title VII action.

8517. Petitioner testified in the prior hearing that she was

861badly hurt by the treatment received at the Sleep Inn. When she

873was discriminated against, she threatened a suit against the

882hotel that ni ght because she wanted them to give her a room.

895When she did not receive a room, she felt she had been treated

908in a humiliating fashion and was emotionally injured. She

917sought counseling professionally, then continued counseling with

924her sister, who was a licensed psychologist.

9318. Petitioner determined that the Sleep Inn was not going

941to apologize to her or do anything except back - up its staff

954member. She felt she had to leave it to legal remedies to

966secure relief for herself and others. When an offe r was

977received from Respondent's attorney in a letter dated

985January 28, 2002, offering a sum to save costs of litigation,

996but denying any liability on the part of Respondent, Petitioner

1006wanted to go forward with the matter to receive public

1016acknowledgement that she had been discriminated against by Sleep

1025Inn. Thus, Petitioner was satisfied with the Recommended Order

1034and the Final Order of FCHR, even though the dollar amount

1045awarded to Petitioner was only $500.00.

10519. Petitioner was aware that there were financial

1059differences in damages for filing an administrative proceeding

1067versus a civil action in circuit court. Petitioner understood

1076that monetary damage for pain and suffering could not be awarded

1087in the administrative procedures. Only documented econ omic

1095damages could be awarded to Petitioner along with affirmative

1104relief declaring that she was discriminated against and

1112directing Respondent to stop condoning discriminating acts.

111910. Petitioner retained Tricia A. Madden, Esquire, on

1127June 13, 2000, t o represent her in seeking relief from the

1139discriminatory act and signed a contingency contract. The

1147contract states that Petitioner's attorney will be paid the

1156greater of a reasonable attorney's fee awarded through the

1165administrative process or a percent age fee from the total

1175recovery. The contract further states that if the client

1184prevails or if the contract is terminated, the client must pay

1195the costs listed on the contract to include all costs in

1206investigation, research, and litigating the claim, incl uding,

1214but not limited to, telephone charges, copying costs, postage,

1223and transportation charges.

122611. A charge of discrimination was filed on October 18,

12362000, with FCHR. When the charge could not be quickly

1246identified as received by FCHR, a second charg e was filed on

1258May 23, 2001. Determination of Cause in favor of Petitioner was

1269received after an investigation was conducted by FCHR.

1277Respondent continued to deny liability and made no offers to

1287accept liability or provide any relief to Petitioner.

1295Ther eafter, Petitioner's Petition for Relief was timely filed.

130412. An attorney appeared for Respondent and filed a Motion

1314to Dismiss. It was withdrawn after discussions with

1322Petitioner's counsel when Respondent's counsel was made aware

1330that the specific moti on was inapplicable to a public lodging

1341discrimination case.

134313. Stephen F. Baker, Esquire, was substituted as counsel

1352for Respondent on January 6, 2002. He filed a Motion for

1363Summary Judgment on grounds which were not applicable to a

1373public lodging esta blishment case and outside the jurisdiction

1382of the Administrative Law Judge. The Motion for Summary

1391Judgment was denied by the Administrative Law Judge.

139914. Petitioner's counsel has practiced law for 20 years

1408and has practiced in the area of discriminati on law in various

1420types of cases, including public lodging establishment cases,

1428employment discrimination cases, Americans with Disabilities Act

1435cases, and education cases for disabled children in civil court

1445and in administrative proceedings. She regular ly takes such

1454cases on a contingency basis, believing it is necessary in order

1465to give Petitioner access to the courts. Petitioner's counsel

1474said that although she had a very capable paralegal and staff to

1486assist her in other cases, her paralegal and staf f were not

1498qualified to provide more than secretarial assistance in

1506handling discrimination cases; and she has never been able to

1516find a paralegal who was knowledgeable in discrimination cases.

1525Therefore, all of the legal work, including directing the

1534inv estigation, contact with witnesses, and all pleadings were

1543handled by her in discrimination cases. Her time on the case

1554covered three and a - half years, when the Final Order was

1566entered, and Mr. Indest was attorney - of - record for 13 months.

157915. Mr. Indest testified on behalf of Petitioner as an

1589expert on attorney's fees and costs and provided his curriculum

1599vitae. Mr. Indest testified to extensive experience in teaching

1608seminars and classes and writing publications on the subject of

1618attorney's fees and the law, standards, and method of

1627determining the reasonable amount of fees and costs. Mr. Indest

1637is familiar with Florida Patients Compensation Fund v. Rowe ,

1646472 So. 2d 1145 (Fla. 1985); Standard Guaranty Insurance Company

1656v. Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d 828 (Fla. 1990); and the Rule

1667Regulating Florida Bar 4 - 1.5 and testified to each factor

1678identified in the rule. Mr. Indest had a previous opportunity

1688to observe Ms. Madden's skills when they were opposing counsel

1698in a nursing home case and when Ms. Madden testifie d for him as

1712an expert witness on issues, not attorney's fees, in an

1722administrative hearing case where he represented a Petitioner

1730versus the Department of Children and Family Services. He

1739testified that Ms. Madden had a reputation in the community of

1750bei ng a very skilled and aggressive attorney with 20 years'

1761experience representing plaintiffs and petitioners. He further

1768testified she was the only attorney that he was aware of who

1780took discrimination cases on a contingency basis and one of only

1791three att orneys he knew that regularly took discrimination cases

1801on behalf of an employee. Mr. Indest testified he had

1811specifically surveyed other attorneys in the Orlando area as to

1821the fees charged in administrative proceedings and

1828discrimination cases. He test ified the range of fees for

1838handling discrimination cases and administrative cases in the

1846Orlando metropolitan area is from $250.00 to $450.00 per hour

1856for one attorney who had only 15 years of experience and from

1868$400.00 to $500.00 for one attorney with 3 0 years of

1879experience. Other attorneys with 20 years of experience charge

1888fees from $300.00 to $450.00 per hour. Mr. Indest charges

1898$350.00 per hour and is raising his fee as of January 1, 2005,

1911to $400.00 per hour. Mr. Indest said Ms. Madden had only

1922requested $300.00 per hour in this case and should raise her

1933fees to be commensurate with her skills, knowledge of the area

1944of law, and the fees usually charged in the Central Florida

1955area. It was his opinion that $300.00 per hour was a very

1967reasonable fe e in the local market for this case.

197716. Mr. Indest reviewed the taxable costs submitted on the

1987amended costs list and said that with exception of the Westlaw

1998figures, which Ms. Madden had withdrawn, all costs were

2007reasonable and had to be paid by Petitio ner. They were less

2019than he and others would have charged, were applicable, and

2029should be awarded to Petitioner.

203417. Mr. Indest testified he had spent eight hours prior to

2045the day of hearing and approximately two more hours before the

2056hearing reviewing t he file on the Vanessa Brown case and asking

2068questions on the case and proceedings. He stated he had

2078reviewed the file, but had not read the depositions in detail,

2089although he had scanned the six depositions. He noted

2098Ms. Madden's time for preparation an d attendance included travel

2108time, depositions, research, investigation of the witnesses, and

2116the trial of the case. He had read the Recommended Order and,

2128in his opinion, the necessary testimony to support the case was

2139detailed. It was his opinion that it took a high level of skill

2152to prosecute the case successfully. He stated the 122 hours

2162claimed by Petitioner's counsel were very reasonable and that he

2172would have probably had to spend closer to 200 hours preparing

2183the case. He said Petitioner's couns el demonstrated her

2192expertise and efficiency in handling the case by the fact that

2203she prepared for and tried the case at hearing with successful

2214results of her client with only 122 hours of work.

222418. Mr. Indest noted Respondent's counsel billed no

2232prepar ation time for depositions and hearings. He found that

2242unusual and puzzling, and stated that preparation time was

2251certainly necessary for a petitioner's counsel. He said

2259Petitioner had to carry the burden of proof and had to marshall

2271the evidence and wit nesses. Mr. Indest stated he could accept

2282that Ms. Madden put in 11 hours or more on any given day at

2296times on this case since he often had to work more than 11 hours

2310a day. Mr. Indest observed that the Proposed Order prepared by

2321Petitioner's counsel was well prepared.

232619. Respondent's attorney testified he had been an

2334attorney since 1976 and had been retained by Respondent sometime

2344in December 2001. Respondent's attorney said he felt the case

2354was always a money case from his initial involvement. In th e

2366Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioner had asked for $15,000.00

2375as a monetary consideration. However, the monetary award was

2384only $500.00. He agreed that the court costs claimed were

2394reasonable. He would have discussed an apology if that was what

2405Pet itioner wanted with his client, who was a businessman.

2415However, contrary to this suggestion that his client would have

2425admitted liability, settlements normally do not admit liability

2433or fault on the part of the defendant.

244120. Respondent's attorney said he spent 44 hours on this

2451case with six depositions and two witnesses at trial. He argued

2462that Petitioner's counsel claimed that she had 140 other active

2472cases and could not possibly have spent three weeks' preparation

2482time on this case.

248621. Mr. Young testified that he has practiced since 1976

2496and has handled a variety of cases. He said he has been

2508involved in discrimination cases as the attorney for the City of

2519Davenport and later the City of Winter Haven. He stated on

2530cross - examination that he has n ot gone to trial on a

2543discrimination case; that they were always settled before

2551litigation. He reviewed Respondent's file to prepare his

2559Affidavit for an hour and a - half. He spent another hour and a -

2574half the day of the hearing to review Respondent's file to

2585refresh his memory and review Petitioner's counsel's hours. He

2594testified that the outcome of the case should have been apparent

2605from the first, and it was a routine case. He did not read the

2619depositions, but he read the Recommended Order and felt it was a

2631simple case of limited complexity. He said in his opinion the

2642case could have been done in five days of work altogether, with

2654one - half day for all pleadings and one day to both prepare and

2668try the case. It was a straight - forward presentation and st ory,

2681and the fee should only be $200.00 per hour. He had not

2693surveyed any other attorneys who had litigated discrimination

2701cases or who represented plaintiffs/petitioners in

2707discrimination cases. He said in Central Florida, fees are all

2717over the block; a nd they had attorneys in Winter Haven who

2729charged up to $450.00 per hour. He said litigation should be a

2741last resort, and it was a public interest case with no monetary

2753recovery. He was of the opinion that 40 hours at $200.00 was

2765reasonable, and he had r educed the fee to $6,000 based on

2778results obtained.

278022. The expert witness for Respondent alleged that the

2789delay in response to interrogatories and a Request to Produce

2799were demonstrations that Petitioner's attorney had not performed

2807her role efficiently, had wasted the time of Respondent's

2816counsel, and time for such actions should not be billed or

2827awarded to Petitioner. Respondent wasted Petitioner's counsel

2834time also with two erroneous motions, but Respondent's counsel

2843billed his client for his motion as noted in his time statement.

2855Urging clients to complete discovery is a known time requirement

2865of attorneys, and the delay was caused by Petitioner's personal

2875problems, not by Petitioner's counsel. Ms. Madden voluntarily

2883withdrew the entry of eight hours on her item slips listed as

2895time spent proofing the attorney's fees time delineation.

2903Entitlement to attorney's fees and costs had already been

2912established by this tribunal in the Recommended Order and Final

2922Order. Petitioner's counsel also voluntarily deleted $356.35

2929for Westlaw research, as a cost not chargeable to Respondent.


294223. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2949jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

2959procedure pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 509.0 92 and

2968Subsections 120.57(1) and 760.11(4), Florida Statutes (2004).

297524. Section 509.092, Florida Statutes (2003), provides:

2982Public lodging establishments and public

2987food service establishments; rights as

2992private enterprises. -- Public lodging

2997establish ments and public food service

3003establishments are private enterprises, and

3008the operator has the right to refuse

3015accommodations or service to any person who

3022is objectionable or undesirable to the

3028operator, but such refusal may not be based

3036upon race, creed, color, sex, physical

3042disability, or national origin. A person

3048aggrieved by a violation of this section or

3056a violation of a rule adopted under this

3064section has a right of action pursuant to

3072s. 760.11.

307425. Subsection 760.11(6), Florida Statutes (2003),

3080pr ovides, in pertinent part:

3085(6) Any administrative hearing brought

3090pursuant to paragraph (4)(b) shall be

3096conducted under ss. 120.569 and 120.57. The

3103commission may hear the case provided that

3110the final order is issued by members of the

3119commission who di d not conduct the hearing

3127or the commission may request that it be

3135heard by an administrative law judge

3141pursuant to s. 120.569(2)(a). If the

3147commission elects to hear the case, it may

3155be heard by a commissioner. If the

3162commissioner, after the hearing, fi nds that

3169a violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act

3177of 1992 has occurred, the commissioner shall

3184issue an appropriate proposed order in

3190accordance with chapter 120 prohibiting the

3196practice and providing affirmative relief

3201from the effects of the practice, including

3208back pay. If the administrative law judge,

3215after the hearing, finds that a violation of

3223the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 has

3231occurred, the administrative law judge shall

3237issue an appropriate recommended order in

3243accordance with chapter 120 prohibiting the

3249practice and providing affirmative relief

3254from the effects of the practice, including

3261back pay. Within 90 days of the date the

3270recommended or proposed order is rendered,

3276the commission shall issue a final order by

3284adopting, rejecting, or m odifying the

3290recommended order as provided under

3295ss. 120.569 and 120.57. The 90 - day period

3304may be extended with the consent of all the

3313parties. An administrative hearing pursuant

3318to paragraph (4)(b) must be requested no

3325later than 35 days after the date of

3333determination of reasonable cause by the

3339commission. In any action or proceeding

3345under this subsection, the commission, in

3351its discretion, may allow the prevailing

3357party a reasonable attorney's fee as part of

3365the costs. It is the intent of the

3373Legisla ture that this provision for

3379attorney's fees be interpreted in a manner

3386consistent with federal case law involving a

3393Title VII action.

339626. The court in University Community Hospital v.

3404Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 493 So. 2d 2

3414(Fla. 2d DCA 1986), stated when attorney's fees are to be

3425awarded under administrative law in Florida, the standards and

3434methods in Florida Patients' Compensation Fund v. Rowe , 472

3443So. 2d 1145 (Fla. 1985), are to be applied. Rowe has since been

3456reviewed and mod ified to some extent by Standard Guaranty

3466Insurance Company v. Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d 828 (Fla. 1990).

347627. In Weaver v. School Board of Leon County , 624 So. 2d

3488761, 763 - 764 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993), the court found the case

3501against a state agency was a vindicat ion of both public and

3513private wrongs and a case involving partially public policy.

3522However, the legal proceedings resulted in personal and economic

3531benefit to Petitioner, but no dollar award. The court found the

3542case to be a vindication of a private wro ng. The court

3554considered the three general categories of cases relevant to the

3564application of a contingency fee multiplier as discussed in

3573Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d at 833, and determined p etitioner's

3583discrimination case was closer to a Category II case -- tort and

3595contract -- and applied a contingency risk factor. The court also

3606found that even if it had been only a public interest case

3618against a public agency and even though there was no award of

3630dollars for economic damages for lack of evidence of

3639quantitative economic damages, a contingency factor was

3646appropriate because without an adjustment for risk, petitioner

3654would have faced substantial difficulties in finding counsel in

3663the local or other relevant market. Weaver , 624 So. 2d at 763.

3675See also Franklin Co unty School Board v. Page , 540 So. 2d 891

3688(Fla. 1st DCA 1989) (Contingency enhancement ordinarily not

3696applicable under federal standards for determining amount of

3704attorney's fees in civil rights actions may be applicable when

3714such entitlement is necessary to secure competent counsel.) See

3723also Lane v. Head , 566 So. 2d 508, 513 (Fla. 1990), Justice

3735Overton specially concurring.

373828. FCHR may award pre - litigation fees as long as those

3750hours do not duplicate time charged later. In Terry v. Carlton

3761Manufactur ing, Inc. , 610 So. 2d 703, 704 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992),

3773the First District Court of Appeal determined fees may be

3783awarded to the prevailing party for time charged in the

3793administrative proceedings that included fact - findings conducted

3801before FCHR in an age dis crimination case. The court also

3812awarded expert witness fees to attorneys who appeared at the

3822evidentiary hearing on the attorney's fees and costs. Although

3831the court in Terry did not reverse the trial court's failure to

3843use the contingency multiplier, t here was no discussion of facts

3854and reasons; therefore, Terry is not applicable on that issue in

3865this case. See Ramsey v. Chrysler First, Inc. , 861 F.2d 1541,

38761545 (11th Cir. 1988). In Ramsey , citing federal cases awarding

3886fees for pre - litigation service s under Title VII of the Civil

3899Rights Act and ADEA, the Eleventh Circuit Court held that a

3910strong case could be made for awarding fees for pre - litigation

3922services in an ADEA case, even though the language in the fee

3934provision of ADEA was different from tha t in Title VII.

394529. The court may award attorney's fees in excess of the

3956percentage arrangement in a contingency contract if language in

3965the contract permits recovery of a reasonable attorney's fee, if

3975awarded by the court, and if greater than the agreed percentage

3986of the total gross award to the client. Kaufman v. MacDonald ,

3997557 So. 2d 572 (Fla. 1990). Petitioner's contract with counsel

4007contained the required language.

401130. Petitioner is entitled to the costs listed in the sum

4022of $4,115.19, which repres ents the costs listed, less the cost

4034of Westlaw research of $356.35. Mr. Indest's opinion was that

4044the costs met the guidelines as specified in Rule Regulating

4054Florida Bar 4 - 1.5(b)(2). Respondent's only objection to the

4064costs was to the Westlaw fee, whic h sum was voluntarily

4075withdrawn by Petitioner's counsel at the beginning of the


408531. Petitioner is also entitled to costs for her expert

4095witness, Mr. Indest. Pursuant to Section 92.231, Florida

4103Statutes (2003), an expert witness shall be allowed a witness

4113fee which shall be taxed as costs. Mr. Indest said he spent ten

4126hours reviewing the file and his time at the hearing. The

4137hearing lasted approximately two hours. Mr. Indest said he

4146charged $350.00 per hour to Petitioner. Respondent offered n o

4156objection to that hourly fee or to the number of hours

4167Mr. Indest stated he spent reviewing the case file, questioning

4177Ms. Madden on the case, and researching fees in the local

4188market. The costs to be awarded to Petitioner for payment to

4199Mr. Indest is t he sum of 12 hours times $350.00, which is

4212$4,200.00 to be paid by Respondent to Petitioner.

422132. Mr. Indest testified specifically to the factors

4229addressed in Rowe , supra ; Quanstrom , supra; and Rule Regulating

4238Florida Bar 4 - 1.5. Each of those factors h as been considered in

4252making the determination of the appropriate fee. Boyle v.

4261Boyle , 485 So. 2d 879 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1986). The Recommended

4272Order in paragraph 30 specifically stated that in this case the

4283issue of discrimination was a close question. Cont rary to

4293Mr. Young's testimony, it was not a simple, straight - forward

4304story in which the outcome should have been apparent from the

4315first. Clearly, Respondent and his counsel did not agree with

4325that appraisal since Respondent, through counsel, denied

4332Respo ndent was responsible for unlawful discrimination even in

4341the latest pleadings on the amount of attorney's fees and costs

4352to be awarded. Mr. Young spent only three hours on the file,

4364but his testimony demonstrated that he was not familiar with and

4375read no ne of the depositions, even briefly, and did little

4386research on fees in the market area to compare cases or discuss

4398the case in any detail with counsel.

440533. The formulary in determining fees in a discrimination

4414case is a complex combination of the factors and methods

4424considered in Rowe , supra ; Quanstrom , supra ; and Rule Regulating

4433Florida Bar 4 - 1.5 and must be consistent with case law in Title

4447VII actions. Mr. Indest's testimony is accepted as it relates

4457to Petitioner's counsel's experience and skill in t he

4466prosecution of discrimination cases, his evaluation of the

4474difficulties of the case, and the necessity of solicitation of

4484detailed evidence to prevail. The time expended by Petitioner's

4493counsel produced such evidence, and the level of detail of time

4504sp ent is evidenced by the extensive findings and case law

4515produced in the Proposed Recommended Order for the hearing in

4525September 2002. The likelihood that the acceptance of

4533Petitioner's case precluded other employment is relevant only to

4542the extent that Pe titioner's counsel could process other types

4552of tort cases with less expenditure of her own time and more of

4565her staff's time.

456834. Mr. Indest's testimony is accepted in regard to a

4578reasonable fee based on the work he expended to survey the rate

4590of fees cu stomarily charged in the locality of similar types of

4602cases. Mr. Young testified he had made no such evaluation of

4613the local market area and no attempt to determine such fees.

4624Mr. Indest's testimony is accepted that the fee for Ms. Madden

4635is reasonable f or the case and for an attorney with her

4647experience and skill in the Central Florida/Orlando area.

465535. Based on the evidence presented, it is determined that

4665$300.00 per hour is a reasonable hourly rate and 122 hours was a

4678reasonable amount of time to ex pend in the litigation of this

4690case. Therefore, $36,600.00 is a reasonable lodestar fee for

4700Petitioner. Weaver , supra ; Quanstrom , supra .

470636. Issues of discrimination are always significant, as

4714has been stated by courts, legislative bodies, and Congress. As

4724stated by the Florida Supreme Court, issues of discrimination

4733are significant as they:

4737encourage meritorious civil rights claims

4742because of the benefits of such litigation

4749for both the named plaintiff and for society

4757at large, irrespective of whether the action

4764seeks monetary damages.

4767Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d at 832. The major purpose of fee - shifting

4780statutes is to encourage private enforcement of statutes. The

4789court has determined that a contingency adjustment has a strong

4799public - interest factor when a case is taken with a risk of

4812nonpayment. Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d at 833. The amount of

4822damages is not controlling in public interest cases because

4831plaintiffs would not, and could not, pursue such cases if their

4842attorney's fees were not included in the po tential award or

4853remedy. Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d at 833 - 834.

486237. The mandates of Section 509.092 and Subsection

4870760.11(6), Florida Statutes (2003), provide that the intent of

4879the Legislature in the provision of attorney's fees be

4888interpreted in a manner consistent with federal case law

4897involving Title VII actions. It is determined that a

4906contingency multiplier is appropriate in this case. The case

4915vindicated a public policy and a private wrong of serious

4925concern to Petitioner. Using the Quanstrom categ ories as in

4935Weaver , the case falls into a Category II type case. This was a

4948wrong to a private person by a private company, not a public

4960agency. The case was a close question, and Petitioner's counsel

4970expended extensive time and took a significant risk o f

4980nonpayment without any means to mitigate that risk except to

4990prevail at hearing. Success was unlikely at the outset of the

5001case. Petitioner could not have secured competent counsel

5009without her counsel's willingness to take a contingency risk.

501838. The multiplier effect for cases with success

5026considered likely even at the outset, the range is 1.5 to 2.0;

5038and for cases with success considered unlikely at the outset,

5048the range is 2.0 to 2.5. Quanstrom , 555 So. 2d at 834. Taking

5061the low end of the range o f the two evaluations of the possible

5075outcomes at the outset, a multiplier factor of 1.5 will be

5086applied and Petitioner awarded attorney's fees in the amount of



5099Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of

5109Law, i t is

5113RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered:

51201. Awarding attorney's fees to Petitioner in the sum of

5130$54,900.00; and

51332. Awarding costs to Petitioner in the sum of $8,315.79,

5144which includes $4,200.00 to be paid to Petitioner for payment of

5156Petitione r's expert witness, George F. Indest, III, Esquire.

5165DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of November, 2004, in

5175Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5183Administrative Law Judge

5186Division of Administrative Hearing s

5191The DeSoto Building

51941230 Apalachee Parkway

5197Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5202(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5210Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5217Filed with the Clerk of the

5223Division of Administrative Hearings

5227this 23rd day of November, 2004.


5236Stephen F. Baker, Esquire

5240Stephen F. Baker, P.A.

5244800 First Street, South

5248Winter Haven, Florida 33880

5252Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

5256Florida Commission on Human Relations

52612009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5266Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5269Tricia A. Madden, Esquire

5273Tricia A. Madden, P.A.

5277500 East Altamonte Drive, Suite 200

5283Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701

5287Cecil Howard, General Counsel

5291Florida Commission on Human Relations

52962009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5301Tallahassee, Florida 32301


5311All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

532115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5332to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5343will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Final Order Awarding Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 01/31/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/13/2004
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 11/23/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/23/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order for Attorney`s Fees and Costs cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/23/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order for Attorney`s Fees and Costs (hearing held October 6, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/22/2004
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order (filed by T. Madden).
Date: 10/22/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Memorandum of Law Statement of the Case and Facts filed.
Date: 10/06/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/05/2004
Proceedings: Notice of filing Amended Time Sheets (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 09/17/2004
Proceedings: Letter to American Court Reporting from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 09/14/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 6, 2004; 1:30 p.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 09/10/2004
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/08/2004
Proceedings: Letter to American Court Reporting from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 07/06/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 15, 2004; 1:00 p.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 06/30/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Continuation of Hearing on Attorney Fees and Costs (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 06/03/2004
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for July 7, 2004; 1:00 p.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 05/24/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Reschedule Hearing on Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/07/2004
Proceedings: Letter to American Court Reporting from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 05/06/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/06/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 20, 2004; 1:00 p.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 04/28/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit as to Attorney`s Fees (of Neal Young) filed.
Date: 04/28/2004
Proceedings: Statement of Denfeses to Motion for Hearing on Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/28/2004
Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Date: 04/28/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/16/2004
Proceedings: Final Order Awarding Affirmative Relief from Unlawful Public Accommodation Discrimination filed.
Date: 04/16/2004
Proceedings: Transmittal to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 04/05/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Hearing on Attorney Fees and Costs (formerly DOAH Case No. 04-1162F) filed by Petitioner.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):