04-001762 Kamal Assily vs. Memorial Hospital Of Tampa
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, March 16, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner alleged discrimination as an employee of the hospital. Petitioner was not an "employee," but at all times was an independent contractor. Recommend that petition be dismissed.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 04 - 1762




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice, t his cause came on for final hearing

45before Fred L. Buckine, a duly - designated Administrative Law

55Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings, on October 28,

652004, by video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee and Tampa,



77For Peti tioner: Kamal Assily, pro se

84Post Office Box 3446

88Tampa, Florida 33601 - 3446

93For Petitioner: Robert W. Horton, Esquire

99Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC

104315 Deaderick Street, Suite 2700

109Nashville, Tennessee 37238


116The issue for determination is whether Respondent violated

124the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as amended, by

134discriminating against Petitioner by denying Petitioner

140opp ortunities to establish an employment relationship afforded

148other workers of different national origin and by subjecting

157Petitioner to disparate treatment because of his national

165origin, as alleged in the Petition for Relief.


175On Febru ary 12, 2003, Petitioner, Kamal Assily, filed a

185Charge of Discrimination with the Florida Commission on Human

194Relations (Commission or FCHR) alleging that Respondent,

201Memorial Hospital of Tampa, had discriminated and retaliated

209against him in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of

2201992, as amended, Sections 760.01 through 760.11, Florida

228Statutes (2000). The alleged discrimination was based on

236national origin.

238On April 13, 2004, the Commission issued a letter of

248Determination: No Jurisdiction. The determination was based on

256the Commission's investigation and resulting memorandum

262submitted to the Office of the General Counsel who concurred

272with the conclusion of no jurisdiction.

278On April 27, 2004, Petitioner filed a request for

287reconsideration of the determination with the Commission, and,

295on May 6, 2004, the Commission directed Petitioner to refute its

306determination of no jurisdiction by filing a petition for relief

316with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). On May 17,

3262004, Petitioner's P etition for Relief, claiming discrimination

334on the basis of his national origin, was filed with the


346On May 19, 2004, the Commission referred the Petition for

356Relief, Notice of Determination, and the Employment Charge of

365Discrimination to DOAH, requesting assignment of an

372Administrative Law Judge to conduct all necessary proceedings.

380On June 18, 2004, the Notice of Hearing, scheduling the

390final hearing for July 20, 2004, and Order of Pre - hearing

402Instructions were entered. By Order of June 28, 20 04, the final

414hearing was rescheduled for August 27, 2004.

421On August 9, 2004, Petitioner filed a Motion to Recuse

431Judge, and, by Order of August 16, 2004, Petitioner's Motion to

442Recuse Judge was denied.

446On August 24, 2004, an Order granting Respondent's Mo tion

456for Continuance was entered, rescheduling the final hearing for

465September 17, 2004.

468By Order dated August 31, 2004, Respondent's Motion to

477Confirm Qualified Representative was granted.

482On September 2, 2004, Respondent filed a second Motion to

492Continue , and, by Order dated September 17, 2004, the final

502hearing was rescheduled for October 28, 2004.

509On September 23, 2004, Petitioner filed a Motion to Remand

519the proceeding to FCHR and to direct FCHR to issue a final order

532that Petitioner was an employee of Respondent, and the motion

542was heard via telephonic conference on October 1, 2004. By

552Order dated October 5, 2004, Petitioner's Motion to Remand was

562denied, and, by Order of the same date, Petitioner was required

573to comply with all outstanding discovery and make himself

582available for deposition no later than 14 days before the final

593hearing scheduled for October 28, 2004. Petitioner did not

602respond to Respondent's discovery and failed to comply with the

612October 5, 2004, Order.

616By Order dated October 11, 2004, Petitioner was required to

626show cause within ten days why DOAH did not have jurisdiction

637after FCHR's determination of no jurisdiction, and both parties

646responded on October 21, 2004.

651On October 19, 2004, an Amended Notice of Video

660Teleconference, sc heduling the hearing via video teleconference

668with sites in Tallahassee and Tampa, Florida, on October 28,

6782004, was entered.

681The final hearing took place on October 28, 2004, via video

692teleconference with the parties located in Tampa, Florida, and

701the und ersigned in Tallahassee, Florida.

707At the final hearing, the parties were advised that all

717pending motions, motions for reconsideration of previously ruled

725upon motions, motions and counter motions for dismissal, motions

734for remand, and all other motions no t previously heard and ruled

746on would be taken under advisement pending the conclusion of the

757final hearing.

759The undersigned took official recognition, identified and

766accepted as Court's (DOAH) exhibits: A - 1, Respondent's

775confirmation of U.S. Postal Servi ce tracking number of a

785September 2, 2004, confirmed delivery of discovery request to

794Petitioner's address of record, Post Office Box 3446, Tampa,

803Florida 33601 - 3446; A - 2, Respondent's confirmation of U.S.

814Postal Service tracking number of delivery of disc overy request

824to Petitioner's address of record July 16, 2004, post to

834Petitioner's address of record; and A3, Respondent's

841confirmation of U.S. Postal Service tracking number of a

850July 22, 2004, delivery of discovery request to Petitioner's

859address of re cord.

863At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on his own

872behalf but was precluded from introducing into evidence any and

882all exhibits which were not provided to Respondent as directed

892by the Order of October 5, 2004.

899Respondent presented the testimony o f Robert Mitchell,

907director of the Respiratory Care Department for Respondent, and

916offered 28 exhibits, all of which were accepted into evidence.

926All outstanding motions of Petitioner and Respondent were

934denied at the commencement of the final hearing. The parties

944were given leave to renew any motion for the record during the

956conclusion phase of the hearing. Petitioner renewed his

964October 7, 2004, answer/motion titled: Answer to Respondent's

972Motion to Dismiss and Petitioner's Second Motion to Dismiss

981Respondent's Representative and Motion to Strike and to

989Sanction. Respondent renewed its October 15, 2004, motion

997titled: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss. Rulings on those

1005motions are made infra .

1010The one - volume Transcript was filed on November 10, 2004,

1021and the parties were provided ten days after receipt of the

1032Transcript to file their proposed recommended orders.

1039On November 24, 2004, Petitioner requested an extension of

1048time to file his proposed recommended order, and, by Order of

1059November 29, 2004, t he time for filing proposed recommended

1069orders was extended to December 10, 2004. Each party filed a

1080Proposed Recommended Order on December 13, 2004, and each

1089party's proposal was given thoughtful consideration by the

1097undersigned Administrative Law Judge.


1104Based upon the observation of the witnesses and their

1113demeanor while testifying; stipulations by the parties;

1120documentary materials received in evidence; evidentiary rulings

1127made pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes

1136( 2003); and the entire record of this proceeding, the following

1147relevant and material findings of fact are determined:

1155Relationship Between Petitioner and Respondent

11601. At all times material, Petitioner, Kamal Assily, was an

1170electroencephalogram (EEG) tech nician, and on June 1, 1996,

1179Petitioner signed a written agreement, as an "independent

1187contractor," between Respondent, Memorial Hospital of Tampa, and

1195Town and Country Hospital, working as an on - call EEG technician

1207to provided EEG services when needed. 1 The term "on - call"

1219obligated Petitioner to respond and provide services when called

1228by Respondent, and, given the time and date, Petitioner would

1238make himself available to provide EEG services. Petitioner was

1247free to offer and provide EEG services to both Respondent and to

1259Town and Country Hospital, another hospital located in Tampa,

1268Florida. Each "independent contractor" agreement was for a

1276one - year (365 days) duration. Petitioner performed EEG services

1286under the independent contractor's contract(s), i nvoiced

1293Respondent, and was paid for services rendered. By admission,

1302Petitioner acknowledged that Respondent: (1) did not withhold

1310taxes (federal, state income) from compensation paid for his

1319services, (2) did not provide health insurance benefits to

1328Pe titioner, (3) required Petitioner to secure and maintain

1337personal liability insurance for work performed for Respondent,

1345and (4) did not direct, control, or supervise Petitioner's

1354actual work and performance when he was engaged in performing

1364service as an EEG technician.

1369Professional Liability Insurance Coverage

13732. As an independent contractor, Petitioner was required

1381by Respondent to secure, and Petitioner did secure, personal

1390professional liability (EEG) insurance in the amount of one

1399million dollars per occurrence and three million dollars

1407aggregate throughout the duration of each yearly contract.

14153. Petitioner continued his independent contractor

1421relationship with Respondent from 1996 to 1997 through 1999 by

1431signing yearly independent contracts. On De cember 29, 2000,

1440Petitioner entered into and signed a written agreement, as an

"1450independent contractor," with Respondent effective from

1456December 29, 2000, until December 29, 2001. 2

1464Billing and Payments for EEG Services

14704. By invoice dated February 1, 200 0, Petitioner invoiced

1480Respondent for EEG services performed on four patients: M.F.,

1489November 2, 1999; D.C., December 1, 1999; R.G., December 20,

14991999; and M.B., January 31, 2000, at a rate of $200.00 per

1511client for a total of $800.00. Respondent approve d this invoice

1522for pay on February 22, 2000. Respondent withheld no income

1532taxes, and no social security was withheld from payment to

1542Petitioner for EEG services rendered. It is noted, and found,

1552that Petitioner worked year after year with the aforesaid yearly

1562written agreement, as an "independent contractor," with

1569Respondent from 1996 to 1997 through 1999 to 2000. Petitioner

1579signed every written agreement as an "independent contractor,"

1587and neither did Petitioner request Respondent to, nor did an

1597agent for Respondent, "sign" the yearly agreements. Having

1605repeatedly entered into and signed each written agreement year

1614after year and not requiring Respondent's agent's signature each

1623year nullifies Petitioner's at - hearing argument that the

1632agreements were n ot signed by Respondent and thus not binding

1643nor sufficient to establish his relationship as that of an

"1653independent contractor" and by inference established an

"1660employer - employee relationship."

16645. On April 1, 2000, Petitioner invoiced Respondent for

1673EEG services performed on nine patients during the month of

1683March 2000, at the rate of $200.00 per EEG for a total of

1696$1,800.00. Respondent approved that invoice for payment on

1705April 17, 2000.

17086. On January 1, 2001, Petitioner invoiced Respondent

1716$800.00, fo r EEG services performed on January 1, 2001;

1726February 1, 2001; September 1, 2000; and November 1, 2000.

1736At all times material, Respondent did not provide Petitioner

1745with health insurance benefits. Respondent withheld no income

1753taxes, and no social secu rity was withheld from payment to

1764Petitioner for EEG services rendered under the written agreement

1773as an "independent contractor" and invoiced on January 1, 2001.

1783Federal Taxes Withheld from Payment to Petitioner for EGG

1792Services Rendered

17947. At the end o f each year Petitioner worked for

1805Respondent, from 1996 to 1997 through December 29, 2000,

1814Petitioner received an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1099

1822income tax form from Respondent identifying and reporting the

1831total income paid for services during the pr eceding tax year as

"1843non - employee compensation." At no time during the 1996 through

18542000 contractual relationship did Respondent provide, or

1861Petitioner request, an IRS W - 3 form, summarizing total wages

1872paid during the preceding year and the amount of fede ral income

1884taxes withheld from the employee's total wages as reported to

1894the IRS. Petitioner's at - hearing, after - the - fact, argument that

1907Respondent provided him "benefits" in the form of discount food

1917in the hospital cafeteria is unworthy of serious consi deration.

1927Limitation of Services and Equipment Provided

19338. Petitioner was limited to providing EEG technician

1941services only on an "as needed" basis and, when not working for

1953Respondent, remained "on - call" subject to the schedule of

1963Respondent's needs. D uring the times Petitioner was not

1972providing EEG technician services to Respondent, he was free to

1982provide his EEG technician services to Town and Country


19929. Respondent provided the EEG equipment, the work

2000facility location, and schedule of serv ices. Petitioner was

2009responsible, with respect to his EEG work product, to the

2019physician requesting EEG services for his patients. Petitioner

2027was responsible, with respect to notice of his work schedule,

2037for maintenance and upkeep of EEG equipment and fo r reporting

2048protocol and resolution of complaint to the director of

"2057Hospital Manager of Respiratory Care." Petitioner was not

2065permitted to subcontract or hire - out any EEG services provided

2076Respondent under their written agreement.

2081Supervision of Petition er's Performance of EEG services

208910. As director of "Hospital Manager of Respiratory Care,"

2098Ronald Mitchell was responsible for the overall functions of the

2108equipment and operators of the EEG equipment. Included in his

2118overall responsibilities were assur ing compliance with hospital

2126protocol; at the request of physicians, providing EEG reports

2135and EEG test results; entering EEG test results into the

2145patients' charts; and cleaning and maintaining EEG machinery

2153after each use. Mr. Mitchell was Petitioner's contact person

2162with the hospital, but in no wise managed the "means and

2173methods" in which Petitioner performed his EEG services and


2183Complaints Received From Hospital Staff and Patients About


219211. During mid - year of 2000, Mr. Mitchel l became concerned

2204about the overall services Petitioner was providing Respondent.

2212One major concern was Petitioner's habit of placing a copy of

2223the EEG test results on the requesting physician's desk but not

2234ascertaining that the physician's report had b een accurately

2243transcribed. A second concern was Petitioner's failure to place

2252the EEG test results on the patients' medical charts.

2261Mr. Mitchell conferred with Petitioner regarding these matters,

2269requesting that in the future Petitioner would correct t he

2279situation. Petitioner, relying on his independent contractual

2286document, refused to comply with Mr. Mitchell's request without

2295an agreement for additional compensation being paid to him over

2305and above the amounts charged for the EEG testing. Respondent

2315refused Petitioner's additional compensation request, insisting

2321that the requested services were part and parcel of Petitioner's

2331contractual obligations.

233312. Mr. Mitchell also began to receive complaints from

2342patients and some staff nurses regarding Peti tioner's rude and

2352abusive conduct toward them. In August of 1998, one nurse

2362reduced her concerns to writing detailing Petitioner's rude

2370conduct to a long - time patient who relayed her complaints to the

2383nurse. Mr. Mitchell spoke to the patient, the patient 's husband

2394and the nurse involved. These three persons confirmed

2402experiencing rude and unprofessional conduct by Petitioner.

2409Thereafter the complaining patient refused to permit Petitioner

2417to do another test on her person. When Petitioner was

2427confronted by Mr. Mitchell and given an opportunity to respond,

2437Petitioner suggested the complaining patient suffered with

"2444mental confusion."

244613. On January 29, 2001, Petitioner wrote a letter to

2456Connie Hawthorn, chief executive officer (CEO) of Respondent.

2464The f irst two sentences stated:

2470I am a service provider of

2476Electroencephalographic procedures (EEG) who

2480is known to Memorial Hospital. Certain

2486unsettling and growing concerns that involve

2492your employee Director Ron Mitchell, have

2498prompted me to seek your atten tion.

2505In the first sentence above, Petitioner identified himself and

2514his relationship with the hospital, not as an "employee" as he

2525identified Mr. Mitchell, but rather as one who independently

2534provided services. A fair and unbiased reading of Petitioner' s

2544letter supports a reasonable inference that Petitioner did not

2553consider himself, as he considered Mr. Mitchell, as an

"2562employee," but rather as an independent contractor.

2569Care and Maintenance of EEG Machinery

257514. As the user/operator of the EEG machine, it was the

2586responsibility of Petitioner to maintain the EEG machine in

2595proper operating condition. This required the operator, after

2603each use, to clean, care, adjust, and maintain the EEG machine

2614used. In 1998, Mr. Mitchell received reports from other

2623h ospital staff responsible for the "routine" maintenance of

2632hospital equipment that the EEG machine used by Petitioner was

2642left in a "mess," resulting from improper wipe - down, clean - up,

2655and after - use care. When confronted by Mr. Mitchell with this

2667issue, a s he had in the past, Petitioner denied responsibility

2678for the condition of the EEG machine and suggested that the

2689condition of the EEG machine was the result of improper service

2700by the hospital's maintenance department.

2705Full - Time EEG Service Provider Hire d by Respondent

271515. In 1999 to 2000, Respondent hired an employee, Terry

2725Pinkley, to provide full - time EEG services to the hospital.

2736When Dr. Tyler (no first name in the record), a staff physician,

2748became aware of the new EEG provider, he requested that

2758Petitioner be allowed to continue providing intra - operative EEG

2768services for his patients when he performed surgery, and

2777Respondent acquiesced to Dr. Tyler's request. Petitioner was

2785thereafter restricted to on - call intra - operative EEG services by

2797request of only Dr. Tyler.

2802Purchase of New EEG Machine

280716. In the fall of 1999, an outside service provider was

2818called to provide overhaul maintenance service on the EEG

2827machine at Respondent's facility. During the maintenance

2834process the service provider determ ined that the adjustment

2843mechanisms on Respondent's EEG machine were inoperative. In

2851early 2000, Respondent purchased a new EEG machine. The

2860company's representative advised and cautioned Respondent that

2867the new EEG machine should not be used during surg ery because of

2880the possibility of monitor failure. The "no surgery"

2888restriction on the new EEG machine further reduced, to the point

2899of eliminating, the need for Petitioner's intra - operative EEG

2909services at the request of Dr. Tyler when one of his patient s

2922was going into surgery.

2926Contracting Out EEG Services

293017. In May of 2000, Respondent determined that there was

2940an insufficient demand for EEG testing to keep its EEG employee

2951on staff. The EEG service was again offered to independent

2961contract services for bid. Petitioner was informed of the bid

2971offering, but failed to enter his bid in a timely manner. The

2983independent contractor bid was awarded to Protech Neurology

2991Services (Protech). By this time, Petitioner's dwindling

2998workload that was previously r estricted to intra - operative EEG

3009services only when requested by Dr. Tyler, dwindled even


301918. In mid 2000, Mr. Mitchell told Petitioner that the

3029hospital required a new independent contract that accurately

3037reflected his restricted EEG services t o intra - operative EEG

3048services only when requested by Dr. Tyler. Petitioner submitted

3057several proposed independent contracts, none of which was found

3066acceptable by Respondent. Petitioner's last independent contact

3073offer included an "exclusive non - compete status" clause that

3083Respondent refused to accept. Petitioner's proposed "exclusive

3090non - compete status" clause evidenced the intent of an

3100independent contractor, not the intent of an employee seeking to

3110retain his employment.

3113Last Independent Contractor E mployment with Respondent

312019. In January 2001, Mr. Mitchell met with Dr. Tyler,

3130discussing with him Petitioner's refusal to enter into a new

3140independent contractor's contract reflecting Petitioner's

3145limited EEG service as intra - operative EEG services only when

3156requested by Dr. Tyler. Dr. Tyler agreed to discontinue

3165requesting and using Petitioner's EEG services. Having no

3173further need for EEG services previously provided by Petitioner,

3182Respondent, in February 2001, finalized and terminated its

3190contractua l relationship with Petitioner, by noting on

3198Petitioner's February 2001 invoice that: " Kamal is no longer a

3208service provider for Memorial Hospital. This is the last bill. "

3218Thereafter, Respondent never again called Petitioner to perform

3226work as an EEG te chnician.

323220. Prior to expiration of the Protech Neurology Services'

3241May 2001 contract, Respondent, as was the past practice,

3250requested bids from potential EEG providers, to include

3258Petitioner. Petitioner refused to submit a bid for the May 2001

3269contract ual EEG work with Respondent. Petitioner gave his

3278reason for not bidding as follows:

3284[O]ngoing pre - existing open and documented

3291employment interest in Memorial Hospital of

3297Tampa . . . essentially precedes and

3304supercedes the invitation - to - bid letter.

3312Peti tioner's apparent intention of the above phrase, "[O]ngoing

3321pre - existing open and documented employment interest," without

3330providing an explanation of record, was an attempt to establish,

3340by inference, the basis of an "employee - employer" relationship.

3350An "employee - employer" relationship, not by circumstances or by

3360after - the - fact, self - serving statements of Petitioner, is not

3373inferred by the undersigned. The May 2001 - 2002 EEG technician

3384contract was awarded to Protech.

3389After - Termination Activities by Petit ioner

339621. From May 29, 2001, until the filing of his initial

3407complaint with the Commission on February 12, 2003, Petitioner

3416engaged in an ongoing telephoning and letter - writing campaign

3426with the CEO of the facility, with the division president of the

3438owne r of Respondent's facility, and with the operations counsel

3448for the owners. Petitioner presented a written proposed

"3456settlement agreement" to resolve his disputed "ongoing pre -

3465existing open and documented employment interest that precedes

3473and supercedes t he invitation to bid letter." On September 6,

34842001, operations counsel of the owner of Respondent's facility

3493wrote Petitioner informing him, as Respondent had repeatedly

3501done so in the past, that there is no issue to settle and no

3515desire for continued com munication with him.

3522Filing of Charge of Discrimination by Petitioner

352922. More than two years after Petitioner last billed for

3539EEG services provided in February 2001 (when Respondent

3547terminated its contractual relationship with Petitioner noting

3554on Petiti oner's February 2001 bill that "Kamal is no longer a

3566service provider for Memorial Hospital"), Petitioner

3573acknowledged, by itemizing those events he claimed in his Charge

3583of Discrimination as: (1) the hiring of Mr. Pinkley in 1999,

3594(2) the contracting wi th Protech in May 2000 and June 2001,

3606(3) the conversation he had with Respondent's director in

3615January 2001, and (4) termination of his service as intra -

3626operative EEG technician for Respondent.

3631National Origin or Ancestry of Petitioner

363723. Petitioner, a Title VII complainant, did not offer nor

3647is there present in the record, evidence of Petitioner's racial

3657minority status, either by establishing his national origin or

3666his ancestry, as that term is defined in Subsection 760.02(5),

3676Florida Statutes (2003). Petitioner did not offer nor is there

3686present in the record, evidence that the national origin or

3696ancestry or racial status of Mr. Pinkley, who was hired by

3707Respondent in 1999 as a full - time EEG technician, was different

3719from that of Petitioner. The fai lure of Petitioner to establish

3730his national origin or his ancestry or racial minority status

3740resulted in an inability to satisfy the first prong of a prima

3752facie case burden of proof requirement. Petitioner's failure is


376224. The evidence is clear that during all times material,

3772starting in 1996 until February 2001, when Respondent terminated

3781his services, Petitioner performed EEG technician services for

3789Respondent as an independent contractor.

379425. The evidence is clear that the operative, factual, and

3804legal relationship existing between Petitioner and Respondent,

3811starting in 1996 and continuing, year after year by separate

3821yearly written contracts, through February 2001, was at no time

3831an "employer - employee" relationship.

383626. The evidence is clear that during all times material,

3846Respondent was an "employer" as that term is defined in

3856Subsection 760.02(7), Florida Statutes (2003).

386127. The evidence is clear that during all times material,

3871Petitioner was an "aggrieved person" as that term is defined in

3882Subsection 760.02(10), Florida Statutes (2003).

388728. The evidence is clear that Petitioner did not

3896establish his national origin or his ancestry, as that term is

3907defined in Subsection 760.02(5), Florida Statutes (2003).

391429. All the evidence of record, viewed most favorably,

3923clearly demonstrated that Petitioner failed on the initial

3931burden of establishing a prima facie case of discrimination.

3940By the Findings of Fact hereinabove, all other motions raised by

3951Petitioner and Respondent and taken under advise ment are moot.


396430. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3971jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this

3982proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsections 120.57(1)

3990and 760.11(7), Florida Statutes (2004).

399531. Petitioner is a "person" within the meaning of

4004Subsection 760.02(6), Florida Statutes (2003).

400932. Petitioner is an "aggrieved person" within the meaning

4018of Subsection 760.02(10), Florida Statutes (2003).

402433. Respondent is an "employer" within the meanin g of

4034Subsection 760.02(7), Florida Statutes (2003).

403934. Petitioner has made allegations under the Florida

4047Civil Rights Act of 1992. This act was patterned after Title

4058VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, Title 42 U.S.

4071Code, Section 2000, et seq . See Florida Department of Community

4082Affairs v. Bryant , 586 So. 2d 1205 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991); School

4094Board of Leon County v. Hargis , 400 So. 2d 103 (Fla. 1st DCA


410835. Petitioner has the burden of proving by the

4117preponderance of the evidence that Re spondent committed an

4126unlawful employment practice. Florida Department of

4132Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st

4143DCA 1981).

414536. The United States Supreme Court set forth the

4154following burden of proof that must be met by a Title VII

4166plaintiff in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green , 411 U.S. 792,

417693 S. Ct. 1817, 36 L. Ed. 2d (1973): The complainant must carry

4189the initial burden of establishing a prima facie case of race

4200discrimination. This may be done by showing that

4208(1) complain ant belongs to a racial minority; (2) complainant

4218applied and was qualified for a job for which the employer was

4230seeking applicants; (3) despite complainant's qualifications,

4236complainant was rejected; and (4) after rejection, the position

4245remained open and the employer continued to seek applicants from

4255persons of complainant's qualifications. After the complainant

4262satisfies this burden, the burden shifts to the employer to

4272articulate some legitimate, non - discriminatory reason for the

4281employee's rejection. If the employer articulates such a

4289reason, the complainant must then be afforded a fair opportunity

4299to show that the employer's stated reason was in fact, a

4310pretext. In Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine ,

4319450. U.S. 248, 101 S. Ct. 1089, 67 L. Ed. 2d 207 (1981), the

4333U.S. Supreme Court reiterated that the plaintiff always retains

4342the burden of persuasion. Once the plaintiff has established a

4352prima facie showing of discrimination, the defendant need only

4361articulate -- it need not prove -- the exis tence of a legitimate,

4374non - discriminatory reason for its actions. The plaintiff then

4384retains the burden of persuading the court that the offered

4394reason is a pretext and that a discriminatory reason likely

4404motivated the employer in its actions.

441037. In thi s proceeding, Petitioner failed to adduce

4419evidence in the record establishing the threshold burden of his

4429national origin or ancestry to prove that by his national origin

4440or ancestry he belonged to a racial minority. That failure is

4451fatal to a Title VII c omplaint.

445838. Title VII protects only employees, and not independent

4467contractors. See Broussard v. L. H. Bossier, Inc. , 789 F.2d

44771158, 1160 (5th Cir. 1986). Likewise, independent contractors

4485are not protected under Chapter 760, Florida Statutes.

449339. Th e Eleventh Circuit has deemed the following economic

4503reality factors relevant in determining whether one is an

4512independent contractor or an employee: (1) the kind of

4521occupation, with reference to whether the work is usually done

4531under the direction of a s upervisor or is done by a specialist

4544without supervision; (2) the skill required in the particular

4553occupation; (3) the source of the tools and equipment; (4) the

4564location of the work; (5) the method of payment; (6) the manner

4576in which the work relationship is terminated; (7) the provision

4586of employee benefits; (8) whether the work is an integral part

4597of the business of the "employer"; (9) the tax treatment of the

4609hired party; and (10) the intention of the parties. See

4619Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. v. Darden , 503 U.S. 318, 323 - 24, 112

4632S. Ct. 1344, 117 L. Ed. 2d 581 (1992); 4139 Mgmt., Inc. v. DOL &

4647Empl. , 763 So. 2d 514, 517 (Fla. 5th DCA 2000).

465740. Applying the factors identified in the cases cited

4666above to the totality of circumstances established by the

4675evi dence of this case, the preponderance of the evidence clearly

4686demonstrated that Petitioner qualifies as an independent

4693contractor and not an "employee" of Respondent.

470041. First, on June 1, 1996, Petitioner voluntarily entered

4709into a written agreement iden tifying himself as an "independent

4719contractor" with both Respondent and Town and County Hospital to

4729specifically provide only electroencephalographic (EEG)

4734technical services on an on - call basis.

474242. Second, the intent of the parties to treat their

4752workin g relationship as that of an independent contractor.

4761Petitioner performed, on - call, technical EEG tests for

4770Respondent's patients on a per case basis and billed Respondent

4780for his services on a per case, per patient basis. These

"4791services on a per case, per patient basis" were continued for

4802the duration of the parties' relationship, from June 1, 1996,

4812through February 2001.

481543. Third, Respondent used an IRS 1099 form to pay

4825Petitioner for his "services on a per case, per patient basis."

4836Petitioner di d not request, and Respondent did not withhold

4846federal taxes, states taxes, social security taxes or workers'

4855compensation taxes from Petitioner's pay.

486044. Fourth, benefits afforded Petitioner by Respondent

4867consisted only of a discount for food consumed i n Respondent's

4878onsite cafeteria and flu inoculations.

488345. Fifth, Petitioner was required to, and did, secure and

4893maintain personal independent professional liability insurance.

489946. Sixth, Petitioner, as a specialist, performed EEG

4907technical services with out direct supervision by Respondent.

491547. Seventh, at all times material, Petitioner was

4923eligible to perform EEG technical services for other hospitals

4932or customers. Indeed, the 1996 contract included, as another of

4942Petitioner's client, Town and Country Hospital of Tampa,


495148. Eighth, Respondent provided the EEG equipment for

4959Petitioner to perform his EEG technical services.

496649. Ninth, the work relationship was terminated by

4974Respondent only after complaints were received from patients and

4983nursin g staff and the lack of proper maintenance and upkeep of

4995Respondent's EEG equipment. Thereafter, Petitioner was afforded

5002an opportunity to bid anew for the independent contract work and

5013refused to do so.

501750. Tenth, after Petitioner's refusal to bid, Resp ondent

5026retained the services of another specialist to perform EEG

5035technical services on EEG equipment owned by Respondent.

504351. Petitioner failed to establish, by evidence in the

5052record, that at any time material that he was an "employee" of


506552 . Having failed to establish, by the evidence of record,

5076a prima facie case of discrimination, Petitioner's Petition for

5085Relief must be dismissed, and the dismissal rendered moot all

5095other pending motions of the parties.


5102Based on the forego ing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5113Law, it is

5116RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations

5124enter an Order DISMISSING the Petition for Relief filed by

5134Petitioner, Kamal Assily.

5137DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of March, 2005, in

5147Tallahasse e, Leon County, Florida.



5156Administrative Law Judge

5159Division of Administrative Hearings

5163The DeSoto Building

51661230 Apalachee Parkway

5169Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5174(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5182Fax Fil ing (850) 921 - 6847


5190Filed with the Clerk of the

5196Division of Administrative Hearings

5200this 16th day of March, 2005.


52071/ The 1996 agreement provided, in material part:

5215This Agreement entered this 1st day of June 1996, by and between

5227the KAMAL ASSILY, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR,"

5236and MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF TAMPA, Tampa, Florida, hereinafter

5244referred to as the "HOSPITAL," and TOWN & COUNTRY HOSPITAL,

5254Tampa, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "HOSPITAL."

52621. C ontractor shall be Responsible for the following:

5271A. Perform EEG procedures.

5275B. Document performance of the EEG.

5281C. Utilize hospital equipment and supplies.

5287D. Provide thirty (30) days written advance notice upon

5296terminating this agreement.

52992. The H ospital shall be responsible for the following.

5309A. Provide contractor exclusive non - compete status.

5317B. Apply a basic fee schedule as proposed by the contractor,

5328herewith, and agree to accept charges for any additional and all

5339services provided by contra ctor.

5344C. Compensate contractor within reasonable time.

5350Deat this agreement and its terms confidentially.

5357E. Provide thirty (30) days written advance notice upon

5366terminating this agreement.


5372This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance

5382with the laws of the State of Florida.


5393This agreement shall apply to and bind the parties hereto,

5403together with their respective heirs, successors, and assigns.


5413Any modifications, additions, o r deletions from this agreement

5422must be in writing and signed by both parties.


5433Disputes arising out of this agreement shall be addressed to

5443binding arbitration.


5450This agreement shall be in effect for twelve mo nths from the

5462date first written above.

5466IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this

5475agreement to be executed on the day herein above first written.



5499By: /s/ (Petit ioner's signature)

5504By: (blank - no signature)


5519fiscal year 1996 - 1997)

5524Routine EEG ------------------------------------ $35.00

5528Wknd, holiday, stat, before & aftr hrs EEG ------ $45.00

5538Intra - op erative EEG ----------------------------- $200.00

5545Death recordings & EEG requiring meds/sedations -- $45.00

5553* * *


5559/S/_Kamal Assily

55612/ In 2000, the identical agreement provided, in material part,

5571this Agreement entered this 29th day of December 2000, by and

5582between the KAMAL ASSILY, hereinafter referred to as the


5599hereinafter referred to as the "HOSPITAL," but, restricted

5607performance to only intra - operative EEG at compen sation rate of

5619$200.00 per case. It is noted that each written agreement

5629contained only the signature of Petitioner and none contained a

5639signature of Respondent's Agent. It is also noted that

5648Petitioner accepted each such agreement as binding, without th e

5658signature of Respondent's agent, performed thereunder, invoiced

5665Respondent, and was paid for services rendered. By his conduct,

5675Petitioner accepted the documents as binding agreements and

5683cannot now disavow his past performance and acceptance of the

5693ter ms and conditions thereof.


5701Kamal Assily

5703Post Office Box 3446

5707Tampa, Florida 33601 - 3446

5712Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

5716Florida Commission on Human Relations

57212009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5726Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5729Robert W. Horto n, Esquire

5734Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC

5739315 Deaderick Street, Suite 2700

5744Nashville, Tennessee 37238

5747Cecil Howard, General Counsel

5751Florida Commission on Human Relations

57562009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5761Tallahassee, Florida 32301


5772All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

578215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5793to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5804will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/02/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 28, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/16/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from K. Assily requesting correction to transcript filed.
Date: 12/13/2004
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (proposed recommended orders due December 10, 2004).
Date: 11/24/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from K. Assily requesting extension of time to file PRO filed.
Date: 11/22/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/22/2004
Proceedings: Letter to G. Lee from R. Horton enclosing exhibits for final hearing filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 11/10/2004
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 10/28/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/27/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Presentation Petitioner`s Exhibits Hearing October 28, 2004 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/27/2004
Proceedings: Letter to G. Lee from R. Horton enclosing 2 exhibits (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/26/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answer to Respondent`s Response to Show Cause Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/26/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/26/2004
Proceedings: Letter to G Lee from R Bushong transmitting Respondent`s Exhibits for Final Hearing filed (Respondent`s Exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 10/26/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Request for Review by the Chief Judge (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/25/2004
Proceedings: Answer to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss (filed by Petitioner via facsimile)
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit on Petitioner`s Answer to Show Cause (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answer to Order to Show Cause (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: Copy of agency court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Show Cause Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit on Petitioner`s Answer to Respondent`s Responses (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answer to Respondent`s Responses (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit of Petitioner`s Request for Review by the Chief Judge (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Horton, Esquire, via facsimile).
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Request for Review by the Chief Judge (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 10/19/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference (hearing scheduled for October 28, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Type of hearing and location).
Date: 10/15/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Reconsideration of Petitioner`s Motion to Remand (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/15/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Second Motion to Dismiss Respondent`s Representative and Motion to Strike and to Sanction (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/15/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/11/2004
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause. (granted ten (10) days from the date of this Order to show cause, in writing why the Division has jurisdiction in light of the Florida Commission on Human Relations` "Determination: No Jurisdiction")
Date: 10/07/2004
Proceedings: Answer to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss and Petitioner`s Second Motion to Dismiss Respondent`s Representative and Motion to Strike and to Sanction (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 10/07/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit on Motion for Reconsideration of Petitioner`s Motion to Remand (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/07/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Reconsideration of Petitioner`s Motion to Remand (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2004
Proceedings: Order. (Petitioner`s Motion to Remand this matter to the FCHR and direct the FHCR to issue a final order that Petitioner was an employee of Respondent is denied, Petitioner shall comply with all outstanding discovery demands, including making himself available for deposition upon notice, not later than 14 days before the final hearing)
Date: 10/01/2004
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from R. Horton regarding scheduling of hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/30/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss and Response to Plaintiff`s Motion to Remand (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/24/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Bay Park Reporting Services from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 09/23/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Remand (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 09/17/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 28, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 09/02/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request to Lift Order for a Hearing and for an Indefinite Stay (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/02/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/02/2004
Proceedings: Amended Order (Respondent`s Motion to Confirm Qualificaton of Respondent`s Representative granted, and Petitioner relieved from all prior orders).
Date: 09/02/2004
Proceedings: Order (R. Horton authorized to appear as Qualified Representative of Respondent).
Date: 08/31/2004
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner`s Motion to Confirm Qualification of Respondent`s Representative granted, and Petitioner relieved from all prior orders).
Date: 08/31/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Bay Park Reporting Service from D. Crawford confirming the request for Court Reporter services filed via facsimile.
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit of Robert W. Horton (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request to be Represented by Qualified Representative (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answer to Respondent`s Motion to Confirm Qualifications of Respondent`s Representative (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/27/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 08/27/2004
Proceedings: Affidavit on Motion to Dismiss Respondent`s Representative and Motion to Strike and to Sanctions for Relief from Order (filed by K. Assily via facsimile).
Date: 08/27/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Affidavit and Verfied Motion to Dismiss Respondent`s Representative and Motion to Strike and to Sanction and for Relief from Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/26/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Confirm Qualification of Respondent`s Representative (filed by R. Horton via facsimile).
Date: 08/24/2004
Proceedings: Order (Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss denied; Petitioner shall comply with discovery demands by August 31, 2004; and Petitioner shall be available for deposition by Respondent September 3, 2004).
Date: 08/24/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 17, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 08/23/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Petitioner, Kamal Assily (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/20/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 08/19/2004
Proceedings: Letter to K. Assily from R. Horton requesting that she contact my office upon receipt of this letter to schedule the conference call as instructed by the court (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/18/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answer to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/17/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner`s Motion to Recuse Judge denied).
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion to Recuse (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/09/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Recuse Judge (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 08/04/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 07/26/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from K. Assily regarding an associaiton of a "personal" nature exists between the Respondent`s attorney and the Judge (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Bay Park Reporting Service from D. Crawford requesting the service of a court reporter (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 27, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 06/24/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Bay Park Reporting from D. Crawford confirming services a court reporter (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/18/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/18/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 20, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 06/08/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Horton, Esquire, via facsimile).
Date: 05/26/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Employment Charge of Discrimination filed.
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 05/19/2004
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):