04-002250RX Ocean Properties, Ltd. vs. Public Service Commission
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, May 20, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: The rule challenge is dismissed because it sought to attack the rule`s application instead of the rule`s facial invalidity.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 04 - 2250RX




29Respondent, )


32and )




42Intervenor. )



48This cause came on for consideration without a formal

57hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida Statutes,

64before Suzanne F. Hood, Administrative Law Judge with the

73Division of Administ rative Hearings.


79For Petitioner: Jon C. Moyle, Jr., Esquire

86Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Kollins,

90R aymond and Sheehan, P.A.

95118 North Gadsden Street

99Tallahassee, Florida 32301

102For Respondent: Richard C. Melson, Esquire

108Florida Public Service Commission

1122540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

116Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0100

121For Intervenors: Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

127Radey Thomas Yon and Clark, P.A.

133301 South Bronough Street, Suite 200

139Tallahassee, Florida 32301

142Kenneth F. Hoffman, Esqui re

147Rutledge, Ecenia, Purnell and

151Hoffman, P.A.

153215 South Monroe Street, Suite 420

159Post Office Box 551

163Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0551


173The issue is whether Florida Administrative Code

180Rule 25 - 6.109(4)(a), constitutes an invalid exercise of

189delegated legislative authority as defined in Sections

196120.52(8)(b) and 120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes.


203O n June 25, 2004, Petitioner Ocean Properties, Ltd. (Ocean

213Properties) filed a Petition for Administrative Determination of

221Invalidity of Existing Rule Pursuant to Section 120.56(3),

229Florida Statutes, with the Division of Administrative Hearings

237(DOAH). Th e petition alleges that Florida Administrative Code

246Rule 25 - 6.109(4)(a) (interest rate rule) , is an invalid exercise

257of delegated legislative authority.

261Specifically, the petition alleges as follows: (a) the

269Florida Public Service Commission (PSC/Commis sion) exceeded its

277grant of rulemaking authority in adopting the interest rate

286rule; and (b) that the interest rate rule enlarges, modifies, or

297contravenes the specific provisions of law it is alleged to


308In a Notice of Hearing dated July 1, 2 004, the undersigned

320scheduled the hearing for July 14, 2004.

327On July 6, 2004, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) filed

338a Petition for Leave to Intervene.

344On July 8, 2004, Ocean Properties, PSC, and FPL filed a

355Joint Motion to Hold Matter in Abeyance, n oting that "[t]he

366issues of the amount of refunds, if any, owed by FPL to Ocean as

380a result of alleged overcharges due to meter error and of what

392interest rate applies to any such refunds are currently pending

402before the Commission . . . . " The parties re quested that the

415instant rule challenge proceeding be held in abeyance until PSC

425could issue a final order pursuant to Sections 120.569 and

435120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

438On July 9, 2004, the undersigned issued two orders: (a)

448Order Granting Continuance a nd Placing Case in Abeyance; and (b)

459Order Granting Florida Power and Light Company's Petition for

468Leave to Intervene.

471The parties filed Status Reports on September 9, 2004, and

481January 13, 2005. Based on the Status Reports, the undersigned

491issued orders continuing the case in abeyance.

498On March 1, 2005, Ocean Properties filed an unopposed

507Status Report and Request to Remove Case from Abeyance. The

517Status Report stated as follows in relevant part:

525On February 1, 2005, the Florida Public

532Service Commis sion considered the issue of

539whether interest to be paid on monies due

547customers, including Petitioner, should be

552calculated pursuant to the statutory rate

558set forth in Section 678.01 (sic), Florida

565Statutes, or pursuant to Rule 25 - 6.109(4),

573Florida Admini strative Code. The Commission

579decided to apply Rule 25 - 6.109(4), the rule

588that is the subject to Petitioner's pending,

595abated rule challenge, to Petitioner and

601other Customers. Accordingly, Petitioner

605desires to move forward with its rule

612challenge at th is time.

617The parties agree that the issues to be

625determined as framed by the Petitioner's

631rule challenge are legal matters, and that a

639hearing is not required. Thus, the parties

646would ask that a schedule be established to

654permit the filing of Proposed F inal Orders

662addressing the issues raised in Petitioner's

668Rule Challenge Petition which provides them

674at least thirty (30) days to prepare and

682file their respective Proposed Final Orders.

688The undersigned issued an Order Granting Request for

696Summary Proc eeding on March 3, 2005. The order advised the

707parties that they had an opportunity to file Proposed Final

717Orders on April 11, 2005.

722On March 17, 2005, Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

730(Progress), Tampa Electric Company (TECO), and Gulf Power

738Company (Gulf) filed a joint Petition for Leave to Intervene.

748The petition stated that Progress, TECO, and Gulf wished to file

759one joint Proposed Final Order in conjunction with FPL. In an

770Order dated March 22, 2005, the undersigned granted the


780PSC filed a Request for Official Recognition of an FPL

790tariff on March 28, 2005. On March 31, 2005, Intervenors filed

801a Request for Official Recognition of four documents filed in

811the case pending before PSC under Sections 120.569 and

820120.57(1), Florida Statutes. Subsequently, Ocean Properties

826filed objections to the recognition of the FPL tariff and to

837three of the four documents referenced by Intervenors.

845After a telephone conference on April 6, 2005, the

854undersigned entered an Order, reserving ruling on the r equests

864for official recognition. The Order provided the parties with

873an opportunity to file stipulated facts.

879On April 11, 2005, the parties filed their Stipulated

888Preliminary Statement and Facts.

892All citations hereinafter shall be to Florida Statu tes

901(2004) unless otherwise specified.


9081. Ocean Properties is one of FPL's commercial retail

917electric customers.

9192. FPL, Progress, TECO, and Gulf are public utilities and

929electric utilities within the meaning of Section 366.02, Florida

938Statutes. They are extensively regulated by PSC.

9453. Ocean Properties has challenged Florida Administrative

952Code Rule 25 - 6.109(4)(a), which provides as follows:

961(4) Interest.

963(a) In the case of refunds which the

971Commission orders to be made w ith interest,

979the average monthly interest rate until the

986refund is posted to the customer's account

993shall be based on the thirty (30) day

1001commercial paper rate for high grade,

1007unsecured notes sold through dealers by

1013major corporation in multiples of $1,00 0 as

1022regularly published in the Wall Street


1029PSC adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 25 - 6.109(4) in 1983

1040and has never amended it.

10454. At the time that Ocean Properties filed the petition at

1056issue here, Ocean Properties was a party to a pro ceeding before

1068PSC concerning alleged inaccuracies in certain thermal demand

1076meters owned and installed by FPL. Ocean Properties and several

1086of FPL's other customers filed complaints with PSC, alleging

1095that that the meters over - registered their electric s ervice

1106demand and that they were overcharged for retail electric

1115service. The customers asked PSC to order FPL to refund the


11275. On November 19, 2003, PSC issued a Proposed Agency

1137Action Order, ordering refunds for the overcharges and stating

1146that the interest rate rule would apply to determine the amount

1157of interest to be paid by FPL to the customers. Ocean

1168Properties, among others, challenged the Proposed Agency Action

1176Order in a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing Pursuant

1185to Sectio ns 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

11936. On June 25, 2004, Ocean Properties filed its rule

1203challenge petition in the instant case.

12097. In a letter dated July 6, 2004, PSC requested the

1220Bureau of Administrative Code to add Section 366.05(1), Flor ida

1230Statutes, as additional Specific Authority and Section 366.07,

1238Florida Statutes, as additional Law Implemented for the interest

1247rate rule.

12498. On July 8, 2004, Ocean Properties, PSC, and FPL filed a

1261motion to place the instant case in abeyance, stating as follows

1272in relevant part:

1275In the event that Ocean chooses to

1282proceed with this rule challenge following

1288the issuance of a final order in Docket No.

1297030623 - EI, and also files with the

1305Commission a timely motion for

1310reconsideration of that final ord er, the

1317Commission will defer ruling on Ocean's

1323motion for reconsideration until after the

1329entry of a final order in this rule

1337challenge proceeding and FPL will not object

1344to such deferral. Without conceding its

1350relevance or potential effect, FPL agrees

1356t hat the Commission is entitled to consider

1364the final order in the rule challenge case

1372in resolving any such motion for

1378reconsideration. The Commission staff

1382agrees to address the potential effect of a

1390final order in the rule challenge case in

1398making its r ecommendation on the motion for


1407By joining in this motion, none of the

1415parties waives any position or argument that

1422is otherwise available to it in this

1429proceeding, in Docket No. 030623 - EI, or on

1438appeal of the final order in either

1445p roceeding; provided, however, that if the

1452Commission's final order applies the

1457challenged rule to Ocean, and the challenged

1464rule is subsequently invalidated in [DOAH]

1470Case No. 04 - 2250RX, neither the Commission

1478nor FPL will assert on appeal that Ocean is

1487ne vertheless bound by the invalidated rule

1494based on the fact that the determination of

1502invalidity came after the Commission's final

1508order as opposed to having been issued in

1516July 2004.

15189. On November 4, 2004, PSC conducted a formal

1527administrative hearing . During the hearing, Ocean Properties

1535argued, among other things, that Section 687.01, Florida

1543Statutes, which governs rates of interest in commercial

1551relationships when there is no contract, should apply to the

1561refunds. Ocean Properties argued that the statutory interest

1569rate should apply because Florida Administrative Code Rule

157725 - 6.109(4)(a) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative


158810. Additionally, Ocean Properties argued to the PSC that

1597Kissimmee Utility Authority v. Better Pla stics, Ins. , 526 So. 2d

160846 (Fla. 1988) should control. In that case, the Florida

1618Supreme Court decided that Section 687.01, Florida Statutes, is

1627applicable when calculating interest on utility overcharge

1634refunds. See Kissimmee Utility Authority v. Better Plastics,

1642Ins. , 526 So. 2d at 47.

164811. In a Final Order Resolving Complaints dated

1656February 25, 2005, PSC ordered FPL to refund to its customers

1667the overcharges that resulted from use of the thermal demand

1677meters. PSC also ordered FPL to pay interest o n the amount

1689refunded based on the interest rate rule. PSC distinguished

1698Kissimmee Utility Authority as involving a municipal utility

1706that was not subject to PSC's broad ratemaking authority under

1716Chapter 366, Florida Statutes.

172012. On March 14, 2005, Oce an Properties and other

1730customers filed a Motion for Reconsideration of PSC's Final

1739Order Resolving Complaints. The motion references the instant

1747case and asks the Commission to reconsider its decision

1756concerning the proper interest to be applied to the r efunds.

176713. On March 21, 2005, FPL filed a Response in Opposition

1778to Customers' Motion for Reconsideration with PSC. The response

1787refers to FPL's current tariff that is titled "Florida Power &

1798Light Company, General Rules and Regulations for Electric

1806S ervice." The tariff referenced in the response is the official

1817and effective tariff on file with PSC.

182414. In a letter dated March 24,2005, PSC requested the

1835Bureau of Administrative Code to add Section 366.04(1), Florida

1844Statutes, as additional Law Imp lemented for the interest rate


185515. FPL's General Rules and Regulations for Electric

1863Service state as follows in pertinent part:


1871These General Rules and Regulations are

1877a part of the Company's Tariff, covering the

1885terms and condi tions under which Electric

1892Service is supplied by the Company to the

1900Customer. They are supplementary to the

"1906Rules and Regulations Governing Electric

1911Service by Electric Utilities" issued by the

1918Florida Public Service Commission.

1922* * *

19258.4 Meter Tests . The Company employs every

1933practicable means to maintain the commercial

1939accuracy of its meters. Meter tests, and

1946billing adjustments for inaccurate meters,

1951are in accordance with the methods and

1958procedure prescribed by the Florida Public

1964Service Commissi on.

196716. Section 7 of FPL's General Rules and Regulations for

1977Electric Service relates to billing. It contains information

1985regarding the following: (a) billing periods; (b) residential

1993budget billing; and (c) non - residential (Pilot) budget billing.

2003T he billing provisions make no reference to "interest" of any


201517. At the beginning of each individual rate schedule in

2025the tariff, the following language appears:

2031Service under this schedule is subject

2037to orders of governmental bodies having

2043j urisdiction and to the currently effective

"2050General Rules and Regulations for Electric

2056Service" on file with the Florida Public

2063Service Commission. In case of conflict

2069between any provision of this schedule and

2076said "General Rules and Regulations for

2082Elec tric service" the provision of this

2089schedule shall apply.

209218. PSC's interest rate rule lists Sections 350.127(2) and

2101366.05(1), Florida Statutes, as specific authority, and the

2109following statutes as the laws implemented: Sections 366.03,

2117366.04(1), 366. 04(2)(f), 366.06(3), 366.07, and 366.071, Florida


212619. As of the date that this Final Order was issued, Ocean

2138Properties' Motion for Reconsideration was still pending before



215020. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2157jurisdiction over this case pursuant to Sections 120.56(1) and

2166120.56(3), Florida Statutes.

216921. Petitioner has the burden to establish by a

2178preponderance of the evidence that the interest rate rule is an

2189invalid exercise of delegated legislative au thority.

2196See § 120.56(3)(a), Fla. Stat.

220122. The first issue to be determined is whether Petitioner

2211has standing to challenge the validity of the interest rate

2221rule. Petitioner's burden in this regard is to show that it is

2233substantially affected by the interest rate rule.

2240See § 120.56(1). Fla. Stat. Petitioner must establish the

2249following: (a) a real and sufficiently immediate injury - in -

2260fact; and (b) that the alleged interest is arguably within the

2271zone of interest to be protected or regulated. Lanoue v.

2281Florida Department of Law Enforcement , 751, So. 2d 94, 96 - 97

2293(Fla. 1st DCA 1999).

229723. PSC and FPL do not argue that Ocean Properties'

"2307substantial interest" is not within the zone of interest to be

2318protected or regulated. Instead, they assert that Ocean

2326Properties has failed to show "injury - in - fact."

233624. Ocean Properties alleges in its petition that it will

2346suffer a direct, immediate injury - in - fact as follows: (a) PSC

2359applied the interest rate rule to determine the amount of

2369interest FPL will pa y on the refund due Petitioner; and (b)

2381interest calculated under the interest rate rule is less than

2391Petitioner would receive under Section 687.01, Florida Statutes.

239925. Section 687.01, Florida Statutes, states as follows:

2407687.01 Rate of intere st in absence of

2415contract. -- In all cases where interest shall

2423accrue without a special contact for the

2430rate thereof, the rate is the rate provided

2438for in s. 55.03.

244226. Section 55.03, Florida Statutes, provides for the

2450determination of the interest rate o n judgments and decrees

2460based on the average federal discount rate plus 500 basis points

2471for the preceding year.

247527. Ocean Properties also relies upon Kissimmee Utility

2483Authority v. Better Plastics, Inc. , 526 So. 2d 46 (Fla. 1988)

2494for the proposition th at Section 687.01, Florida Statutes,

2503applies to determine the interest rate due to retail electric

2513utility customers on refunds of overcharges. In that case, the

2523Court stated as follows in pertinent part:

2530Even though rule 25 - 6.106(2) does not

2538specifi cally authorize the payment of

2544prejudgment interest as part of the

2550overcharge refund due a customer, we agree

2557with the district court that a regulated

2564public utility has the legal obligation to

2571pay interest on overcharge refunds. In

2577light of our decision in Argonaut , it is

2585unnecessary for the Public Service

2590Commission to specifically refer to

2595prejudgment interest in its rules to assure

2602utility customers are fully compensated in

2608the event of an overbilling.

2613* * *

2616. . . . Once liability has been determined

2625and the amount of damages set, it is merely

2634a ministerial duty to add the appropriate

2641amount of interest to the principal amount

2648of damages awarded. . . . Whether an award

2657of prejudgment interest is appropriate in

2663this case does not turn on the Authority' s

2672status as a regulated public utility. In

2679Florida once damages are liquidated,

2684prejudgment interest is considered an

2689element of those damages as a matter of law,

2698and the plaintiff is to be made whole from

2707the date of the loss.


2713. . . The amount of prejudgment interest to

2722be paid absent a controlling contractual

2728provision has been set by the legislature. 4

2736FN4. Section 687.01, Florida Statutes,

2741contains the statutory interest rate set by

2748the legislature that controls prejudgment

2753interest. . . .

27572 8. PSC and FPL argue that the Kissimmee Utility Authority

2768case is distinguishable because it involved a civil proceeding

2777and a municipal utility that was not subject to PSC's broad

2788ratemaking authority. PSC and FPL also argue that Section

2797687.01, Florida Statutes, cannot provide Ocean Properties with

2805grounds to allege an "injury - in - fact" because there is a

2818contract between Ocean Properties and FPL that establishes the

2827applicable interest rate.

283029. In support of their latter argument, PSC and FPL point

2841to Section 8.4 of the FPL tariff, which states that "billing

2852adjustments for inaccurate meters are in accordance with the

2861methods and procedure prescribed by the Florida Public Service

2870Commission." PSC and FPL rely on BellSouth Telecommunications

2878v. Jacob s , 834 So. 2d 855, 859 (Fla. 2002), for the proposition

2891that a validly filed tariff constitutes a "contract of carriage"

2901between Ocean Properties and FPL.

290630. PSC's and FPL's arguments regarding Ocean Properties'

2914lack of standing are without merit for t wo reasons. First, if

2926the interest rate rule is facially invalid, there is no contract

2937pursuant to FPL's tariff that would prohibit the application of

2947Section 687.01, Florida Statutes.

295131. Second, if the interest rate rule is invalid, Ocean

2961Properties would be entitled to interest pursuant Kissimmee

2969Utility Authority , 526 So. 2d at 47. It does not matter whether

2981the utility paying the interest on an overcharge is a municipal

2992utility involved in civil litigation or a public utility

3001involved in an admini strative proceeding. In either

3009circumstance, Section 687.01, Florida Statutes, applies if there

3017is no contract between the parties and if there is no valid

3029administrative rule providing otherwise. Accordingly,

3034Petitioner has standing to challenge the int erest rate rule.

304432. The next issue is whether the petition should be

3054dismissed because Ocean Properties is attempting to bring an "as

3064applied" challenge to the interest rate rule. According to PSC

3074and FPL, the petition should be dismissed pursuant to Ha sper v.

3086Department of Administration , 459 So. 2d 400 (Fla. 1st DCA

30961984)(the remedy for an alleged erroneous application of a rule

3106is a proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes,

3115not a rule challenge proceeding); and Beverly Health & Rehab.

3125S ervs., Inc. v. Agency for Health Care Admin. , 708 So. 2d 616

3138(Fla. 1st DCA 1998)(where the substance of a rule challenge is

3149to attack the application of a rule, dismissal of the petition

3160is appropriate).

316233. Petitioner alleges that PSC has no statutory authority

"3171to establish an interest rate, or to 'pick and choose' which

3182interest rate - including that adopted in Rule 25 - 6.109(4)(a),

3193F.A.C. , - it will apply to determine the amount of interest due

3205on electric utility service overcharges." (Emphasis incl uded)

3213At the same time, Petitioner admits in a footnote to its petition

3225and in its Proposed Final Order that statutory authority exists

3235for the interest rate rule pursuant to Sections 366.06(3) and

3245366.071(2)(a), Florida Statutes. Specifically, the footn ote in

3253the petition states as follows:

3258At most, the statutes can be read to provide

3267authority to the PSC for interest rates

3274involved in rate refunds where rates have

3281gone into effect prior to a Commission order

3289[Section 366.06(3), F.S.], or interim rates

3295are involved [Section 366.071(2)(a), F.S.].

3300Other than these limited circumstances, the

3306statutes cited do not provide specific

3312statute authority to the PSC to establish

3319interest rates.

3321The interest rate rule lists Sections 366.06(3) and

3329366.071(2)(a), F lorida Statutes, as laws implemented.

333634. Section 366.06(3), Florida Statutes, states as follows

3344in relevant part:

3347(3) Pending a final order by the

3354commission in any rate proceeding under this

3361section, the commission may withhold consent

3367to the op eration of all or any portion of

3377the new rate schedules, delivering to the

3384utility requesting such increase, within 60

3390days, a reason or written statement of good

3398cause for withholding its consent. . . . The

3407new rates or any portion not consented to

3415shall go into effect under bond or corporate

3423undertaking at the end of such period, but

3431the commission shall, by order, require such

3438public utility to keep accurate account in

3445detail of all amounts received by reason of

3453such increase, specifying by whom and in

3460w hose behalf such amounts were paid and,

3468upon completion of hearing and final

3474decision in such proceeding, shall by

3480further order require such public utility to

3487refund with interest at a fair rate, to be

3496determined by the commission in such manner

3503as it may direct , such portion of the

3511increased rate or charge as by its decision

3519shall be found not justified. (Emphasis


352635. Section 366.071(2)(a), Florida Statutes, states as

3533follows in pertinent part:

3537(2)(a) In a proceeding for an interim

3544incre ase in rates, the commission shall

3551authorize, within 60 days of the filing for

3559such relief, the collection of rates

3565sufficient to earn the minimum of the range

3573of rate of return calculated in accordance

3580with subparagraph (5)(b)2. The difference

3585between th e interim rates and the previously

3593authorized rates shall be collected under

3599bond or corporate undertaking subject to

3605refund with interest at a rate ordered by

3613the commission . (Emphasis added)

361836. In Florida Power & Light Company v. Public Serv.

3628Comm'n , DOAH Case No. 99 - 4264RX (Final Order, November 3, 1999),

3640Administrative Law Judge Donald R. Alexander stated as follows:

3649. . . Hasper makes clear that FPL's "remedy

3658for an erroneous application of Rule [25 -

366622.036(3)]" is a proceeding pursuant to

3672Sectio ns 120.569 and 120.57, Florida

3678Statutes, and if unsuccessful in that forum,

3685an appeal to the Supreme Court once final

3693agency action has been taken.

369837. In this case, Petitioner alleges and argues that PSC

3708has no statutory authority to apply the intere st rate rule under

3720the narrow facts of this case, i.e. to the refund that FPL owes

3733Ocean Properties as a result of defective electric meters. The

3743gravamen of Petitioner's complaint is that PSC has used the

3753interest rate rule, which is authorized under lim ited

3762circumstances, in an erroneous way. This complaint is more

3771appropriately resolved in the Section 120.57(1), case pending

3779before PSC.


3782Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3792Law, it is


3796That the Petition for Admini strative Determination of

3804Invalidity of Existing Rule Pursuant to Section 120.56(3),

3812Florida Statutes, is dismissed .

3817DONE AND ORDERED this 20 th day of May, 2005, in

3828Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3837Administrative Law Judge

3840Division of Administrative Hearings

3844The DeSoto Building

38471230 Apalachee Parkway

3850Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3855(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3863Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3870Filed with the Clerk of the

3876Divisi on of Administrative Hearings

3881this 20 th day of May, 2005.


3891Jon C. Moyle, Jr., Esquire

3896Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Kollins,

3900Raymond and Sheehan, P.A.

3904118 North Gadsden Street

3908Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3911Richard D. Melson, General Counsel

3916P ublic Service Commission

39202540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3924Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850

3929Mary Andrews Bane, Executive Director

3934Public Service Commission

39372540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3941Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850

3946Kenneth A. Hoffman, Esquire

3950Rutledge, Ecenia, Purnell & Hoffman, P.A.

3956Post Office Box 551

3960Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0551

3965Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

3969Radey, Thomas, Yon & Clark, P.A.

3975301 South Broungh Street, Suite 200

3981Tallahassee, Florida 32301


3990A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

4001entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

4010Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

4019of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

4027filing the original Notice of Appeal with the agency Clerk of

4038the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied

4047by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

4058Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

4069the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

4079appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

4092be reviewed .

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Date: 05/01/2008
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appeal dismissed.
Date: 03/05/2007
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Further proceedings are stayed pending final disposition of the proceedings in case no .1D07-0208 filed.
Date: 08/21/2006
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s unopposed status report and motion to continue case in abeyance is granted.
Date: 02/17/2006
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s unopposed status report and motion to continue case is abeyance is granted.
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Delay in Transmitting the Record to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 08/24/2005
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Proceeding is abated until further notice, counsel for appellant shall file a status report within 180 days of the date of this order.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Statement of Service Preparation of Record filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Ann Cole from Jon Wheeler acknowledging receipt of notice of appeal, DCA Case No. 1D05-2981.
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant is directed to file within 10 days from the date of this order conformed copies of the order(s) of the lower tribunal from which the appeal is being taken.
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Allellant shall, within 30 days from date of this order, either file a certified copy of the lower tribunal`s order or pay sum of $300.00 as filing fee filed.
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. (DCA Case No. 04-2250)
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: appellant is directed to file within 10 days from thre date of this order (Case No: 04-2250) filed.
Date: 06/20/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed and Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: Summary Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order of Respondent, Florida Public Service Commission filed.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order of Intervenors Florida Power and Light Company, Progress Energy, Florida, Inc., Tampa Electric Company, and Gulf Power Company filed.
Date: 04/11/2005
Proceedings: Stipulated Preliminary Statement and Facts filed.
Date: 04/07/2005
Proceedings: Order (on or before April 11, 2005, parties shall have an opportunity to file stipulated facts, if parties do not file stipulated facts that address the documents referenced in the requests for official recognition, Respondent shall have an opportunity to file additional documentation, parties shall have an opportunity to file proposed final orders on April 25, 2005).
Date: 04/06/2005
Proceedings: Ocean Properties, Ltd. Response and Objection to Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 04/06/2005
Proceedings: Intervenors` Request for Telephone Hearing filed.
Date: 04/06/2005
Proceedings: Intervenors` Request for Telephone Hearing filed.
Date: 04/05/2005
Proceedings: Florida Public Service Commission`s Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 04/05/2005
Proceedings: Order Denying Request for Official Recognition.
Date: 04/01/2005
Proceedings: Ocean Properties, LTD. Response and Objection to Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 03/31/2005
Proceedings: Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 03/28/2005
Proceedings: Request for Official Recognition (filed by Respondent).
Date: 03/22/2005
Proceedings: Order (Petition for Leave to Intervene granted).
Date: 03/21/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Withdrawal as Counsel (Natalie F. Smith).
Date: 03/17/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Withdraw as Counsel of Record (filed by N. Smith).
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Leave to Intervene (filed by D. Blanton).
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance on behalf of Florida Power & Light Company (filed by D. Blanton, Esquire).
Date: 03/03/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Request for Summary Proceeding (parties shall have an opportunity to file proposed final orders on April 11, 2005).
Date: 03/01/2005
Proceedings: Status Report and Request to Remove Case from Abeyance (filed by Petitioner).
Date: 01/18/2005
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by March 1, 2005).
Date: 01/13/2005
Proceedings: Status Report (filed by J. Moyle).
Date: 09/15/2004
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by January 10, 2005).
Date: 09/09/2004
Proceedings: Status Report (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/09/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by September 9, 2004).
Date: 07/09/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Florida Power & Light Company`s Petition for Leave to Intervene.
Date: 07/08/2004
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Hold Matter in Abeyance filed.
Date: 07/06/2004
Proceedings: Florida Power & Light Company`s Petition for Leave to Intervene (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/01/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/01/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 14, 2004; 10:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/28/2004
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 06/28/2004
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Ann Cole copying Scott Boyd and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 06/25/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Proposed Agency Action Order Resolving Complaints filed.
Date: 06/25/2004
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of Existing Rule Pursuant to Section 120.56(3), Florida Statues filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Public Service Commission


Related Florida Statute(s) (15):