04-002302 Robin Moffitt vs. Sterling Healthcare, Inc., F/K/A Prime Health Services And Gracewood Nursing Center, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, September 21, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner`s claims are time-barred under applicable limitation periods established by the the Pinellas County Code, the Code of the City of St. Petersburg, and Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amented (Title VII).





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 04 - 2302






39Respondents. )



47This matter comes before the undersigned on Respondents'

55Motion for Summary Final Order, treated herein as a Motion for

66Summary Recommended Order (the Motion). 1/ Respondents contend

74that Petitioner's claims are time - barred under the applicable

84limitation periods established by the Pinellas County Code (the

93County Code), the Code of the City of St. Petersburg (the City

105Code), and Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act of

1171964, as amended (Title VII).

122The jurisdictional facts are not in dispute and are set

132forth in this and the next paragraph. Petitioner alleged that

142she suffered sexual harassment and retaliatory conduct in the

151workplace during February 2001, culminating in the lo ss of her

162job on February 16, 2001. She completed a "Complaint of Alleged

173Discrimination Intake Form" with the Human Relations Division,

181Community Affairs Department of the City of St. Petersburg (the

191City) on March 1, 2001. By certified letter dated Mar ch 20,

2032001, the City notified Respondents of Petitioner's charges and

212of the fact that the Complaint had been "dual - filed" on that

225date with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

233(EEOC) under Title VII.

237On May 28, 2003, a "Final Investigat ive Report Memorandum"

247was filed by the City's investigator recommending a finding that

257reasonable cause existed to believe that Respondents violated

265Title VII and Chapter 70 of the County Code, as amended. The

277recipient of this memorandum was Theresa D. Jones, human

286relations officer with the City. Ms. Jones signed off on the

297memorandum on June 2, 2003. On August 4, 2003, the City issued

309an Invitation to Participate in Conciliation to the parties, all

319of whom agreed to engage in discussions. A concilia tion

329conference was scheduled for October 21, 2003. The City filed a

340Complaint on behalf of Petitioner as the "Charging Party" on

350May 18, 2004. The Complaint was forwarded to the Division of

361Administrative Hearings (DOAH) on June 30, 2004.

368In the Motion filed August 16, 2004, Respondents contend

377that the Complaint is time - barred under any and all of the

390jurisdictional statutes and ordinances under which the claim is

399brought. As to the Title VII claim, 42 U.S.C. Section

4092000e - 5(f)(1) provides in relevant part:

416. . . If a charge filed with the Commission

426pursuant to subsection (b) [2/] of this section

434is dismissed by the Commission, or if within

442one hundred and eighty days from the filing

450of such charge or the expiration of any

458period of reference under subs ection (c) [3/]

466or (d) [4/] of this section, whichever is

474later, the Commission has not filed a civil

482action under this section . . . or the

491Commission has not entered into a

497conciliation agreement to which the person

503aggrieved is a party, the Commission . . .

512shall so notify the person aggrieved and

519within ninety days after the giving of such

527notice a civil action may be brought against

535the respondent named in the charge (A) by

543the person claiming to be aggrieved or (B)

551if such charge was filed by a member o f the

562Commission, by any person whom the charge

569alleges was aggrieved by the alleged

575unlawful employment practice. . . .

581As noted above, Petitioner's charges were filed with the

590EEOC on March 20, 2001. As of this writing, more than three

602years after th e charges were filed, there is no record of a

615reasonable cause determination by the EEOC or that the EEOC has

626filed a civil action against Respondents or that Petitioner has

636received a "right to sue" notification from the EEOC.

645Respondents contend that un der no conceivable reading of

65442 U.S.C. Section 2000e - 5(f) can the Complaint filed on May 18,

6672004, be considered timely for purposes of bringing charges

676under the federal statute. Review of the federal statute leads

686the undersigned to agree with Responde nts on this point.

696Respondents' Motion goes on to provide a lengthy analysis

705of Chapter 70 of the County Code, which provides the procedural

716framework and remedies for sexual harassment and retaliation

724claims to demonstrate that the Complaint is time - barr ed under

736the County Code. In a response filed on August 27, 2004, the

748City points out that under the City Code and workshare

758agreements with the County and the EEOC, the procedures of

768Chapter 15 of the City Code, not of Chapter 70 of the County

781Code, appl y in this proceeding. In a reply filed on August 30,

7942004, Respondents concede this point. Thus, there is no further

804need to examine Chapter 70 of the County Code for purposes of

816the Motion.

818Section 15 - 45 of the City Code sets forth the procedure for

831pr ocessing charges of unlawful discriminatory practices and

839provides in relevant part:

843(a) Filing of charge . Any person who has

852been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory

858practice and who wishes to proceed under the

866provisions of this section must file with

873the Human Relations Officer, in writing and

880under oath, a charge of unlawful

886discriminatory practice within 60 days after

892the alleged unlawful discriminatory practice


898(b) Processing of the charge,

903investigation, conciliation and issuance of

908complaint or notice of dismissal . Within

915four working days of receipt of an unlawful

923discriminatory practice charge, the Human

928Relations Officer shall serve upon the

934individual charged with a violation,

939hereinafter referred to as the respondent,

945a cop y of the charge and a written resume

955setting forth the rights of the parties

962including but not limited to the right of a

971fair and full hearing on the matter.

978(1) Upon receipt of the charge, the Human

986Relations Officer shall commence an

991investigation a nd the investigation of the

998charge shall be completed within 60 days.

1005(2) The respondent may make a written or

1013oral response to the charge at any time

1021during the investigation.

1024Upon the completion of the investigation

1030by the Human Relations Office r a

1037determination shall be made as to whether or

1045not there is reasonable cause to believe

1052that there has been a violation of this

1060article. If the Human Relations Officer

1066determines that no violation has occurred, a

1073notice of dismissal shall be issued and

1080served upon the charging party and the

1087respondent within ten days after the

1093completion of the investigation. If the

1099Human Relations Officer finds that there is

1106reasonable cause to believe that a violation

1113of this article has occurred, a memorandum

1120shall b e issued to the parties containing

1128the findings of fact, analysis and

1134conclusions upon which the reasonable cause

1140determination has been based. An intensive

1146conciliation attempt will be made by the

1153Human Relations Officer, such attempt to be

1160completed wit hin 30 days. If at the end of

1170this conciliation attempt, conciliation has

1175not been accomplished, the Human Relations

1181Officer shall issue a complaint and serve

1188the same upon the charging party and the

1196respondent. The complaint shall be issued

1202no later tha n 40 days after the completion

1211of the investigation made pursuant to

1217subsection (b)(1) of this section. . . .

1225Petitioner's March 1, 2001, initial filing with the City

1234was clearly within 60 days of the alleged discriminatory acts

1244and so satisfied the requi rement of Section 15 - 45(a) of the City

1258Code. However, Section 15 - 45(b)(1) of the City Code provides

1269that the City's human relations officer must conduct and

1278complete an investigation of the charge within 60 days of the

1289initial filing. In the instant case , the human relations

1298officer signed the investigative report on June 2, 2003, two

1308years and three months after the initial filing.

1316It might be contended that Respondents waived the late

1325filing of the investigative report by agreeing to participate in

1335the conciliation process after the human relations officer found

1344probable cause. Even assuming such a waiver, Section 15 - 45(b)

1355of the City Code provides that the conciliation must be

1365attempted within 30 days of the issuance of the investigative

1375report, and if the conciliation fails, a complaint must be

1385issued within 40 days of the issuance of the investigative

1395report. In the instant case, the City issued an Invitation to

1406Participate in Conciliation on August 4, 2003, more than two

1416months after the investigati ve report was issued. The

1425conciliation was scheduled for October 21, 2003, more than four

1435months after the investigative report was issued. Finally, the

1444Complaint was filed on May 18, 2004, nearly one year after the

1456investigative report was issued and mo re than three years after

1467the filing of the initial charges by Petitioner.

1475Respondents also point to Section 15 - 49 of the City Code,

1487which provides for limitations of actions under Article II,

1496Chapter 15 5/ of the City Code, as follows:

1505Section 1 - 8 of this Code shall not apply to

1516the provisions of this article. The

1522prosecution of any offense committed against

1528or in violation of any provisions of this

1536article shall be commenced within two years

1543after the offense shall have been committed.

1550Section 1 - 8 of the City Code provides a general limitation of

1563one year for the prosecution of violations of the City Code or

1575ordinances that are not otherwise governed by State law. Even

1585under the more generous two - year period provided by Section

159615 - 49 of the City Code, th e Complaint in this matter is time -


1613In its response to the Motion, the City concedes, as it

1624must, that the time frames in Section 15 - 45 of the City Code

1638were not met. As to Section 15 - 49 of the City Code, the City's

1653response states:

1655This case is no t being prosecuted as a

1664municipal ordinance violation offense. This

1669case is being processed as a complaint of

1677discrimination brought under Title VII,

1682Pinellas County Code Chapter 70 and

1688St. Petersburg City Code Chapter 15.

1694Therefore, Section 15 - 49 does n ot apply to

1704this case and does not require dismissal of

1712this action.

1714This portion of the response is self - contradictory to the

1725extent it is comprehensible at all. Reduced to its essence,

1735without the distracting references to Title VII and the County

1745Code , the City's argument appears to be that the express

1755limitations' provision of Article II, Chapter 15 of the City

1765Code, does not apply because this case is being prosecuted under

1776Article II, Chapter 15 of the City Code. To state the

1787proposition is to refu te it.

1793The City places ultimate reliance on Section 15 - 44 of the

1805City Code, which sets forth procedural rules and provides as

1815follows, in relevant part:

1819(c) Charges, complaints or powers not

1825invalidated by failure to act within

1831specified time . Notwit hstanding any other

1838provisions of this article, if the hearing

1845examiner, Human Relations Officer or the

1851Board, when acting on a charge or complaint,

1859is required to perform some act within a

1867particular time period and the hearing

1873examiner, Human Relations O fficer or the

1880Board fails to do the act within the

1888required time period, that failure will not

1895invalidate further proceedings on such

1900charge or complaint and that failure shall

1907not invalidate any of the powers of the

1915Human Relations Officer or the Board

1921pr ovided that such required act is performed

1929within a reasonable time. (Emphasis added.)

1935Without further explication, the City seems to contend that

1944four separate failures to comply with express deadlines, the

1953cumulative result of which is that this case a rrived at DOAH

1965some three years and four months after the initial Complaint was

1976filed, constitute "a reasonable time" under the quoted


1985Respondents' reply to this proposition cannot be improved

1993upon and is adopted herein:

1998Where a statute does n ot define words of

2007common usage, the words must be given their

2015plain and ordinary meaning. See

2020Southeastern Fisheries Ass. v. Dept. of

2026Natural Resources , 453 So. 2d 1351, 1353

2033(Fla. 1984). Further, a basic rule of

2040statutory construction states that court s

2046should not construe a statute in a manner

2054that leads to an absurd result. Baldwin v.

2062State , 857 So. 2d 249, 251 (Fla. 2d DCA

20712003). Here, the phrase "reasonable time"

2077surely is commonly used, and its plain and

2085ordinary meaning cannot be two years or

2092th ree years, particularly in the context of

2100required action by an investigative body

2106charged with investigating and filing a

2112complaint. Again, the City did not miss its

2120filing deadline by a matter of days or even

2129months, but years, and to strain the plain

2137a nd ordinary meaning of "reasonable time" to

2145that extreme would lead to an absurd result.

2153Section 15 - 44(c) of the City Code must be read as the

2166City's attempt to prevent substantive injustice due to a minor

2176procedural defect in the investigative or prosecu torial

2184processes. A three - year delay is not a minor defect, nor is it

2198a "reasonable time" under the plain and ordinary meaning of that


2210WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, it is

2217RECOMMENDED that the City of St. Petersburg enter a final

2227order d ismissing the Complaint against Respondents filed on

2236May 18, 2004.

2239DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of September, 2004, in

2249Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2257Administrative Law Judge

2260Division of A dministrative Hearings

2265The DeSoto Building

22681230 Apalachee Parkway

2271Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2276(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2284Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2291Filed with the Clerk of the

2297Division of Administrative Hearings

2301this 21st da y of September, 2004.


23091 / Section 15 - 45(f)(4) of the City Code provides that the

2322hearing examiner (in this instance, an Administrative Law Judge

2331of DOAH) shall enter a "recommended adjudicative order" in these


23422/ 42 U.S.C. Sectio n 2000e - 5(b) provides:

2351Whenever a charge is filed by or on behalf

2360of a person claiming to be aggrieved, or by

2369a member of the Commission, alleging that an

2377employer, employment agency, labor

2381organization, or joint labor - management

2387committee controlling app renticeship or

2392other training or retraining, including on -

2399the - job training programs, has engaged in an

2408unlawful employment practice, the Commission

2413shall serve a notice of the charge

2420(including the date, place and circumstances

2426of the alleged unlawful empl oyment practice)

2433on such employer, employment agency, labor

2439organization, or joint labor - management

2445committee (hereinafter referred to as the

"2451respondent") within ten days, and shall

2458make an investigation thereof. Charges

2463shall be in writing under oath or

2470affirmation and shall contain such

2475information and be in such form as the

2483Commission requires. Charges shall not be

2489made public by the Commission. If the

2496Commission determines after such

2500investigation that there is not reasonable

2506cause to believe that t he charge is true, it

2516shall dismiss the charge and promptly notify

2523the person claiming to be aggrieved and the

2531respondent of its action. In determining

2537whether reasonable cause exists, the

2542Commission shall accord substantial weight

2547to final findings and o rders made by State

2556or local authorities in proceedings

2561commenced under State or local law pursuant

2568to the requirements of subsections (c) and

2575(d) of this section. If the Commission

2582determines after such investigation that

2587there is reasonable cause to bel ieve that

2595the charge is true, the Commission shall

2602endeavor to eliminate any such alleged

2608unlawful employment practice by informal

2613methods of conference, conciliation, and

2618persuasion. Nothing said or done during and

2625as a part of such informal endeavors ma y be

2635made public by the Commission, its officers

2642or employees, or used as evidence in a

2650subsequent proceeding without the written

2655consent of the persons concerned. Any

2661person who makes public information in

2667violation of this subsection shall be fined

2674not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not

2683more than one year, or both. The Commission

2691shall make its determination on reasonable

2697cause as promptly as possible and, so far as

2706practicable, not later than one hundred and

2713twenty days from the filing of the charg e

2722or, where applicable under subsection (c)

2728or (d) of this section, from the date upon

2737which the Commission is authorized to take

2744action with respect to the charge.

27503/ 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e - 5(c) provides:

2758In the case of an alleged unlawful

2765employ ment practice occurring in a State, or

2773political subdivision of a State, which has

2780a State or local law prohibiting the

2787unlawful employment practice alleged and

2792establishing or authorizing a State or local

2799authority to grant or seek relief from such

2807practi ce or to institute criminal

2813proceedings with respect thereto upon

2818receiving notice thereof, no charge may be

2825filed under subsection (a) of this section

2832by the person aggrieved before the

2838expiration of sixty days after proceedings

2844have been commenced under the State or local

2852law, unless such proceedings have been

2858earlier terminated, provided that such

2863sixty - day period shall be extended to one

2872hundred and twenty days during the first

2879year after the effective date of such State

2887or local law. If any requiremen t for the

2896commencement of such proceedings is imposed

2902by a State or local authority other than a

2911requirement of the filing of a written and

2919signed statement of the facts upon which the

2927proceeding is based, the proceeding shall be

2934deemed to have been commen ced for the

2942purposes of this subsection at the time such

2950statement is sent by registered mail to the

2958appropriate State or local authority.

29634/ 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e - 5(d) references charges filed by a

2975member of the EEOC, a situation not relevant to this case.

29865/ Chapter 15 of the City Code deals generally with "Human

2997Rights." Article II therein governs "Discrimination" and

3004contains all of the Chapter 15 provisions discussed in this



3018Aram P. Megerian, Esquire

3022Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

3027Bridgeport Center, Suite 750

30315201 West Kennedy Boulevard

3035Tampa, Florida 33609

3038Robin Moffitt

30402009 San Sebastian Way, South

3045Clearwater, Florida 33763

3048Leon Russell, Executive Director

3052Pinellas County Office of Human Rights

3058400 South Fort Harrison Avenue

3063Fifth Floor

3065Clearwater, Florida 33756

3068W. Oliver Melvin, Compliance Officer

3073Pinellas County Office of Human Rights

3079400 South Fort Harrison Avenue

3084Fifth Floor

3086Clearwater, Florida 33756

3089Jeannine S. Williams, Esquire

3093Assistant City Attorney

3096City of St. Petersburg

3100Post Office Box 2842

3104St. Petersburg, Florida 33731


3114All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

312415 days from the date of this Summary Recommended Order of

3135Dismissal. Any ex ceptions to this Summary Recommended Order of

3145Dismissal should be filed with the agency that will issue the

3156final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/22/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Stevenson from A. Megerian regarding Status Report filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed.
Date: 09/23/2004
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed by V. Crawford.
Date: 09/21/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/21/2004
Proceedings: Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/13/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Letter to Judge Stevenson (regarding Order Granting Continuance) via efiling by Aram Megerian.
Date: 09/13/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Letter to Judge Stevenson (regarding Order Granting Continuance) via efiling by Aram Megerian.
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Reply to the City of St. Petersburg`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Summary Final Order (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Reply to the City of St. Petersburg`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Summary Final Order (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/27/2004
Proceedings: City of St. Petersburg`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Final Summary Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/20/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by September 3, 2004).
Date: 08/19/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Emergency Continuance (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Amended Motion for Summary Final Order (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Letter to S. Jackman from R. Moffitt advising that she intend to call the following witnesses during the Hearing filed.
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Motion for Summary Final Order (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/16/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Amended Motion for Summary Final Order (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Request for Production (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Witness List filed.
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Motion for Extension of Discovery Deadline (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 08/12/2004
Proceedings: Defendant`s Motion for Extension of Discovery Deadline (via efiling by Aram Megerian).
Date: 07/30/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/30/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 20, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 07/21/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Stevenson and A. Cole from R. Moffitt (response to Initial Order) filed.
Date: 07/02/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/30/2004
Proceedings: Human Rights filed.
Date: 06/30/2004
Proceedings: Jurisdiction and Venue filed.
Date: 06/30/2004
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida
Contract Hearings
