04-003012PL Department Of Financial Services vs. Robert Wesley Trueblood
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 7, 2004.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent pled guilty to two, third-degree felonies not related to the insurance business and not involving moral turpitude. He failed to timely advise Petitioner of these pleas. Recommend a nine-month suspension of his license.






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 04 - 3012PL




31Respondent. )



36Pursu ant to notice, a hearing was conducted in this case on

48November 2, 2004, by video teleconference at sites in West Palm

59Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly -

70designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

78Administrative Hea rings (DOAH).


83For Petitioner: Philip M. Payne, Esquire

89Department of Financial Services

93Division of Legal Services

97200 East Gaines Street

101612 Larson Building

104Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

109For Respondent: Robert Wesley Trueblood, pro se

116Post Office Box 2023

120Hobe Sound, Florida 33475


128Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the

136Amen ded Administrative Complaint issued against him, as modified

145at hearing, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.


157On July 21, 2004, Petitioner issued a four - count Amended

168Administrative Complaint against Respondent notifying him that

175it "intend[ed] to enter an Order suspending or revoking [his]

185licenses and appointments as an insurance agent or impose such

195penalties as may be provided under [the law]." Count I of the

207Amended Administrative Complaint alleged that Respondent had

214vi olated Sections 626.611(7) and 626.621(8), Florida Statutes,

222based on his having pled guilty on February 20, 2002, in Orange

234County Circuit Court to having violated Section 517.07, Florida

243Statutes. Count II of the Amended Administrative Complaint

251alleged that Respondent had further violated Sections 626.611(7)

259and 626.621(8), Florida Statutes, based on his having pled

268guilty on February 20, 2002, in Orange County Circuit Court to

279having violated Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes. Count III

287of the Amend ed Administrative Complaint alleged that Respondent

296had violated Section 626.621(11), Florida Statutes, by not

304timely informing Petitioner of the guilty pleas referenced in

313the first two counts of the Amended Administrative Complaint.

322Count IV of the Amen ded Administrative Complaint alleged that

332Respondent had violated "Section 626.621(2), Florida Statutes,

339by way of Section 626.551, Florida Statutes, [as a result of

350having] fail[ed] to timely notify [Petitioner] of a change in

360[his] residency address." O n August 19, 2004, Respondent

"369request[ed] a hearing [on the matter] pursuant to Section

378120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to be held before the Division of

388Administrative Hearings." On August 25, 2004, the matter was

397referred to DOAH.

400As noted above, the fina l hearing in this case was held on

413November 2, 2004. Three witnesses testified at the hearing:

422Barry Lanier and Hazel Muhammad (for Petitioner), and Respondent

431(on his own behalf). In addition to these three witnesses'

441testimony, six exhibits (Petitione r's Exhibits 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4,

452and 5) were offered and received into evidence.

460Following the close of the evidence, but before the

469conclusion of the hearing, the undersigned established a

477deadline (December 3, 2004) for the filing of proposed

486recommended or ders. Thereafter, counsel for Petitioner

493announced on the record that Petitioner was voluntarily

501dismissing Count IV of the Amended Administrative Complaint.

509The hearing Transcript (consisting of one volume) was filed

518with DOAH on November 18, 2004.

524Peti tioner filed its Proposed Recommended Order on

532December 2, 2004. To date, Respondent has not filed any post -

544hearing submittal.


549Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as

560a whole, including the parties' prehearing stipulat ion filed

569October 21, 2004, the following findings of fact are made:

5791. Respondent is now, and has been since October 17, 1988,

590licensed as an insurance representative in the State of Florida

600holding 02 - 16, 02 - 18, and 02 - 40 licenses. His licensure

614identi fication number is A268617.

6192. In 2001, criminal charges were filed against Respondent

628in Orange County Circuit Court Case No. CR - 01 - 2309/B.

6403. On or about February 20, 2002, Respondent submitted, in

650Orange County Circuit Court Case No. CR - 01 - 2309/B, a v erified

664Petition to Enter Plea of Guilty, which read as follows:

6741. My name is Robert Trueblood and I

682acknowledge that I am the Defendant charged

689in the above - styled criminal case[].

6962. I am represented by a lawyer, Arthur L.

705Wallace, III.

7073. I wish to withdraw my plea of not guilty

717and plead guilty to: Count 2 - Sale of

726Unregistered Security and Count 3 - Sale of

734Security by Unregistered Agent.

7384. I understand that each of these counts

746is a third degree felony and each is

754punishable by up to five (5) years in the

763Department of Corrections and a $5,000.00


7715. I have told my lawyer all the facts and

781circumstances about the charges against me.

787I believe that my lawyer is fully informed

795on all such matters. My lawyer has

802counseled and advised me on the nature of

810each charge; on any and all lesser included

818charges; on all possible defenses that I

825might have in this cause; and all the

833penalties that might be imposed if

839convicted.[ 1 ]

8426. I understand that I may plead not guilty

851to any offense cha rged against me. If I

860choose to plead not guilty, the Constitution

867guarantees me the right to maintain that

874plea and (a) the right to a speedy and

883public trial by jury; (b) the right to see,

892hear and face in open Court all witnesses

900called to testify agai nst me and to cross -

910examine said witnesses; (c) the right to use

918the power and process of the Court to compel

927the production of any evidence, including

933the attendance of any witnesses in my favor;

941(d) the right to have the assistance of a

950lawyer at all sta ges of the proceedings and

959to have one appointed for me if necessary;

967and (e) also the right to take the witness

976stand at my sole option; and if I do not

986take the witness stand I understand the

993jury, at my request, will be told that this

1002may not be held ag ainst me.

10097. I also understand that by pleading

1016guilty and admitting the truth of the

1023charges against me, I am waiving all of the

1032rights referred to in the above paragraph

1039and the Court may impose the same punishment

1047as if I had ple[]d not guilty, stood trial

1056and been convicted. I know that if I plead

1065guilty there will be no further trial of any

1074kind, which means that by pleading guilty I

1082waive my right to trial.

10878. I understand that some of the charges

1095filed against me in this case may have

1103occurred i n whole or in part in Florida

1112Counties other than Orange. However, I wish

1119to resolve, in Orange County, all the

1126charges filed in case number CR 01 - 2309 and

1136do affirmatively waive my right to venue in

1144other counties where the crimes may have


11529. I am 55 years of age. I have gone to

1163school up to and including 5 y[ea]rs [of]

1171college. I am not under the influence of

1179any alcoholic beverage, drug or medicine at

1186the time I sign this plea agreement. My

1194physical and mental health is presently

1200satisfac tory.

120210. No one has made any promise, assurance

1210or guarantee to me that I would receive any

1219consideration in exchange for pleading

1224guilty other than as set out in this plea


123411. I declare that no one has subjected me

1243to any force, duress, th reats, intimidation

1250or pressure to compel or induce me to enter

1259a plea of guilty.

126312. I am entering this plea with the

1271understanding that I may serve every day of

1279the sentence I am agreeing to in this plea

1288agreement. Although I may have received

1294advice or opinions as to the potential for

1302some type of early release, I hereby

1309acknowledge under oath that I have not

1316relied upon those opinions or that advice as

1324an inducement to enter this plea.

133013. I believe that my lawyer has done all

1339that a competent atto rney could to counsel

1347and assist me. He has answered all my

1355questions about this case to my satisfaction



137514. I understand that if I am not a United

1385States citizen, this criminal proceeding

1390cou ld cause me to be deported to the country

1400of my origin.

140315. I understand that if I fail to pay any

1413fines or costs as ordered by the Court,

1421there will be a lien placed against me.

142916. I understand that I waive my right to

1438appeal any rulings of the Court previously

1445made in this case except as specifically

1452stated herein.

145417. I understand that I have the right to

1463appeal the judgment and sentence of the

1470Court within thirty (30) days from the date

1478of sentence. I understand that any appeal

1485must be in writin g. I understand that if I

1495wish to take an appeal and cannot afford an

1504attorney to help in my appeal, the Court

1512will appoint an attorney to represent me for

1520that purpose.

152218. I request the Court to accept my plea,

1531knowing that upon it being accepted by t he

1540Court that nothing will remain to be done

1548except for the Court to enter its judgment

1556and sentence.

155819. I offer my plea freely and voluntarily

1566and of my own accord and with full

1574understanding of all matters set forth in

1581the Information and in this Peti tion, the

1589Certificate of my lawyer and Plea Agreement

1596which are contained herein.

160020. Though I may have been assisted by my

1609lawyer, I certify that the statement and

1616representations herein above made are my own

1623and have not been suggested directly or

1630indi rectly by him or anyone else, and that

1639the decision to plead guilty was made by me.

1648I further represent that my attorney has

1655advised me of considerations bearing on the

1662choice of which plea to enter and the pros

1671and cons of such plea, the likely results

1679t hereof as well as any possible alternative

1687which may be open to me. I represent to the

1697Court that the plea bargain attached hereto

1704was negotiated by my attorney with my full

1712and complete consent thereto and that the

1719decision to plead guilty was made by me . I

1729fully concur in the efforts of my attorney

1737and agree to the terms of the bargained


17464. The Plea Agreement between Respondent and the

1754prosecutor (which was referenced in Respondent's Petition to

1762Enter Plea of Guilty) read as follows:

1769The Defenda nt, and the State, pursuant to

1777the provisions of Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.171,

1785agree and stipulate to recommend to the

1792Court the following resolution of the above -

1800styled case:

18021. Defendant agrees to plead guilty as

1809charged to Count 2 - Sale of Unregistered

1817Sec urity and Count 3 - Sale of Security by

1827Unregistered Agent.

18292. The State will stand silent as to the

1838issue of adjudication.

18413. The Defendant shall be sentenced to five

1849(5) years of supervised probation with all

1856standard conditions, as well as the

1862follo wing special conditions:

1866a) The Defendant shall testify truthfully

1872when requested by the State, without the

1879necessity of subpoena, in reference to any

1886and all matters related to the facts and

1894circumstances surrounding the Defendant's

1898charges in this case .

1903b) The Defendant shall pay restitution in

1910an amount to be determined. The Defendant

1917agrees the amount of restitution owed is not

1925limited to the transactions to which he is

1933entering this plea.

1936c) Defendant shall pay court costs as

1943directed by the Cou rt.

1948d) Defendant shall be required to pay

1955$3,5000.00 for costs of prosecution to the

1963Office of Statewide Prosecution, Department

1968of Legal Affairs for the State of Florida.

1976e) The Defendant shall pay $500.00 to the

1984Florida Department of Law Enforcement and

1990$500.00 to the Office of Comptroller,

1996Department of Banking and Finance for costs

2003of investigation involved in this case.

2009f) The Defendant shall have no contact,

2016directly or indirectly, with any of the

2023witnesses in this case.

2027[4]. If the Defendant violates any law

2034while awaiting sentencing or if he fails to

2042appear for sentencing as ordered by the

2049Court, the State shall not be bound by this

2058agreement and may recommend any lawful

2064sentence and the Court may impose any

2071sentence permissible under the law . The

2078Defendant shall not be entitled to withdraw

2085his plea of guilty in this case.

2092[5]. The State agrees to nolle prosequi

2099Count 4 - Sale of Unregistered Security,

2106Count 5 - Sale of Security by Unregistered

2114Agent, Count 6 - Sale of Unregistered

2121Security , and Count 7 - Sale of Security by

2130Unregistered Agent.

2132[6]. If the sentence agreed upon in this

2140plea agreement is a departure from the

2147sentencing guidelines, both the State of

2153Florida and the Defendant agree not to

2160appeal this sentence.

2163[7]. Should th e Defendant violate his

2170community control or probation, he

2175affirmatively agrees that he shall be

2181sentenced pursuant to the sentencing


2187[8]. The Defendant affirmatively agrees not

2193to request that the Court impose a sentence

2201lower than the sente nce outlined above.

2208[9]. Both the State and the Defendant

2215understand that the trial judge has the

2222ultimate responsibility for the sentence the

2228defendant actually receives and that the

2234recommendations made above are not binding

2240on the trial judge unless a dopted thereby.

2248The Defendant shall not be entitled to

2255withdraw his pleas of guilty in the event

2263that the trial judge imposes a sentence

2270different from that recommended above.

22755. On February 20, 2002, after Respondent entered his

2284guilty pleas in Orange County Circuit Court Case No. CR - 01 -

22972309/B to Count 2 (alleging the "Sale of Unregistered Security,"

2307in violation of Section 517.07, Florida Statutes) and Count 3

2317(alleging the "Sale of Security by Unregistered Agent," in

2326violation of Section 517.12(1), Fl orida Statutes), the court

2335accepted the pleas, withheld adjudication, and placed Respondent

2343on two concurrent five - year terms of probation, with the special

2355condition that he "serve 1 Day[] in the Orange County Jail, with

23671 Day[]'s credit for time served." Other special conditions,

2376including those described in the Plea Agreement set out above,

2386were also imposed. 2

23906. Respondent failed to notify Petitioner in writing

2398within 30 days after entering his guilty pleas in Orange County

2409Circuit Court Case No. CR - 0 1 - 2309/B that he had entered the


24257. Respondent has previously been disciplined by

2432Petitioner's predecessor, the Department of Insurance (DOI).

24398. By Consent Order issued November 1, 2000, in DOI Case

2450No. 31036 - 00 - AG, Respondent was suspended for a period of three

2464months. The Consent Order approved the parties' Settlement

2472Stipulation for Consent Order, which provided, in pertinent

2480part, as follows:

2483* * *

24863. The Department has caused to be made an

2495investigation of the Respondent and other

2501individuals involved in the marketing and

2507promotion of Legends Sports, Inc. As a

2514result of that investigation, the Department

2520alleges that the Respondent induced

2525individuals to invest in Legends Sports,

2531Inc. and represented that the investment was

2538guaranteed by a surety insurer. However,

2544the investment was not a good investment,

2551the purported surety insurer did not exist

2558or was not authorized to conduct business in

2566this state, and the investment resulted in

2573substantial losses to indi vidual investors.

25794. The investigation resulted in a multi -

2587count criminal information (hereinafter

2591referred to as the "criminal actions") being

2599filed against Respondent and other Legends

2605Sports agents in the Seminole County Circuit

2612Court in Sanford, Flor ida, Case No. 98 -

26214569CFW. Specifically, Respondent was

2625charged with the following felonies: sale

2631of unregistered securities, sale of

2636securities by an unregistered dealer and

2642unlawful transaction of insurance.

2646Respondent has entered or will enter a plea

2654of guilty to lesser included charges which

2661are first degree misdemeanors.

26655. As a result of the plea, the Court in

2675the criminal action, among other things,

2681placed the Respondent on probation. As a

2688condition of probation, the Court ordered

2694the Respondent to pay restitution to the

2701individuals who invested in Legends Sports

2707through the Respondent and suffered

2712financial losses as a direct consequence of

2719such investments. The restitution amount

2724represents the commissions received by the

2730Respondent (hereinaft er referred to as the

"2737restitution order in the criminal action").

2744The Court in the criminal action also

2751ordered that a criminal restitution

2756judgment, that is not dischargeable in

2762bankruptcy, be entered for the full amount

2769of the promissory notes sold by the

2776Respondent, unless a judgment has already

2782been entered in that amount in favor of the

2791Receiver for Legends Sports.

27956. Respondent denies knowingly

2799misrepresenting the Legends Sports


2804* * *

280713. This Settlement S tipulation for Consent

2814Order is subject to the approval of the

2822Insurance Commissioner. Upon his approval,

2827and without further notice, the Insurance

2833Commissioner may issue a Consent Order

2839providing for the following:

2843(a) Incorporation by reference of the terms

2850and conditions of this Settlement

2855Stipulation For Consent Order.

2859(b) Respondent's licensure and eligibility

2864for licensure as an insurance agent within

2871the state are SUSPENDED for a period of

2879three (3) months pursuant to section

2885626.641(1), Florid a Statutes. The

2890suspension shall take effect on 11/1/2000.

2896* * *

28999. Approximately a year earlier, by Consent Order issued

2908July 12, 1999, in DOI Case No. 99 - CE58350, Respondent was fined

2921$250.00 for failure to comply with cont inuing education


293110. Respondent's health has deteriorated in recent years.

2939He has "been in the hospital several times with . . . heart



295611. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this

2966proceeding a nd of the parties hereto pursuant to Chapter 120,

2977Florida Statutes.

297912. " Chapters 624 - 632, 634, 635, 636, 641, 642, 648, and

2991651 constitute the 'Florida Insurance Code.'" § 624.01, Fla.


300113. It is Petitioner's responsibility to "enforce the

3009provis ions of this code." § 624.307, Fla. Stat.

301814. Among its duties is to license and discipline

3027insurance agents.

302915. Petitioner is authorized to suspend or revoke agents'

3038licenses, pursuant to Section 626.611 and Section 626.621,

3046Florida Statutes; to impos e fines of up to $500.00 or, in cases

3059where there are "willful violation[s] or willful misconduct, " up

3068to $3,500, pursuant to Section 626.681, Florida Statutes; to

3078place licensees on probation for up to two years, pursuant to

3089Section 626.691, Florida Statu tes 3 ; and to order licensees to pay

3101restitution, pursuant to Section 626.692, Florida Statutes.

310816. Petitioner may take disciplinary action against a

3116licensee only after the licensee has been given reasonable

3125written notice of the charges and an adequat e opportunity to

3136request a proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57,

3145Florida Statutes.

314717. An evidentiary hearing must be held if requested by

3157the licensee when there are disputed issues of material fact.

3167§§ 120.569(1) and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.

317318. At the hearing, Petitioner bears the burden of proving

3183that the licensee engaged in the conduct, and thereby committed

3193the violations, alleged in the charging instrument.

320019. Proof greater than a mere preponderance of the

3209evidence must be present ed by Petitioner to meet its burden of

3221proof. Clear and convincing evidence of the licensee's guilt is

3231required. See Department of Banking and Finance, Division of

3240Securities and Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern and Company ,

3249670 So. 2d 932, 935 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So.

32612d 292, 294 (Fla. 1987); Pou v. Department of Insurance and

3272Treasurer , 707 So. 2d 941 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998); and §

3283120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat. ("Findings of fact shall be based upon

3294a preponderance of the evidence, except in penal or licensure

3304disciplinary proceedings or except as otherwise provided by

3312statute . . . .").

331820. Clear and convincing evidence "requires more proof

3326than a 'preponderance of the evidence' but less than 'beyond and

3337to the exclusion of a reasonable do ubt.'" In re Graziano , 696

3349So. 2d 744, 753 (Fla. 1997). It is an "intermediate standard."

3360Id. For proof to be considered "'clear and convincing' . . .

3372the evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to which

3384the witnesses testify must be distinctl y remembered; the

3393testimony must be precise and explicit and the witnesses must be

3404lacking in confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3415must be of such weight that it produces in the mind of the trier

3429of fact a firm belief or conviction, without he sitancy, as to

3441the truth of the allegations sought to be established." In re

3452Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994), quoting, with approval,

3463from Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA

34751983). "Although this standard of proof may be met wh ere the

3487evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to preclude evidence

3499that is ambiguous." Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Inc. v.

3507Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 989 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

351921. In determining whether Petitioner has met its burden

3528of p roof, it is necessary to evaluate its evidentiary

3538presentation in light of the specific allegations of wrongdoing

3547made in the charging instrument. Due process prohibits an

3556agency from taking penal action against a licensee based on

3566matters not specificall y alleged in the charging instrument,

3575unless those matters have been tried by consent. See Shore

3585Village Property Owners' Association, Inc. v. Department of

3593Environmental Protection , 824 So. 2d 208, 210 (Fla. 4th DCA

36032002); Hamilton v. Department of Busin ess and Professional

3612Regulation , 764 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000); Lusskin v.

3623Agency for Health Care Administration , 731 So. 2d 67, 69 (Fla.

36344th DCA 1999); Cottrill v. Department of Insurance , 685 So. 2d

36451371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996); and Delk v. Depart ment of

3657Professional Regulation , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA


366822. The charging instrument in the instant case, the

3677Amended Administrative Complaint, as modified at hearing,

3684alleges two violations each of Sections 626.611(7) and

3692626.621(8), F lorida Statutes, one based on Respondent's having

3701pled guilty in Orange County Circuit Court Case No. CR - 01 - 2309/B

3715to having violated Section 517.07, Florida Statutes (Count I of

3725the Amended Administrative Complaint) and the other based on his

3735having pled guilty in that same criminal case to having violated

3746Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes (Count II of the Amended

3755Administrative Complaint). The Amended Administrative

3760Complaint, as modified at hearing, further alleges that

3768Respondent violated Section 626 .621(11), Florida Statutes, by

3776not having timely informed Petitioner of the entry of these

3786pleas (Count III of the Amended Administrative Complaint).

379423. Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, provides as


3802The department shall deny an application

3808for, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew or

3816continue the license or appointment of any

3823applicant, agent, title agency, adjuster,

3828customer representative, service

3831representative, or managing general agent,

3836and it shall suspend or revoke the

3843eligibility to hold a license or appointment

3850of any such person, if it finds that as to

3860the applicant, licensee, or appointee any

3866one or more of the following applicable

3873grounds exist:

3875* * *

3878(7) Demonstrated lack of fitness or

3884trustworthiness to engage in the business of


3892* * *

389524. Section 626.621(8) and (11), Florida Statutes,

3902provides as follows:

3905The department may, in its discretion, deny

3912an application for, suspend, revoke, or

3918refuse to renew or cont inue the license or

3927appointment of any applicant, agent,

3932adjuster, customer representative, service

3936representative, or managing general agent,

3941and it may suspend or revoke the eligibility

3949to hold a license or appointment of any such

3958person, if it finds tha t as to the

3967applicant, licensee, or appointee any one or

3974more of the following applicable grounds

3980exist under circumstances for which such

3986denial, suspension, revocation, or refusal

3991is not mandatory under s. 626.611:

3997* * *

4000(8) Having been found guilty of or having

4008pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a

4015felony or a crime punishable by imprisonment

4022of 1 year or more under the law of the

4032United States of America or of any state

4040thereof or under the law of any other

4048country, withou t regard to whether a

4055judgment of conviction has been entered by

4062the court having jurisdiction of such cases.

4069* * *

4072( 11) Failure to inform the department in

4080writing within 30 days after pleading guilty

4087or nolo contendere to, o r being convicted or

4096found guilty of, any felony or a crime

4104punishable by imprisonment of 1 year or more

4112under the law of the United States or of any

4122state thereof, or under the law of any other

4131country without regard to whether a judgment

4138of conviction ha s been entered by the court

4147having jurisdiction of the case.

415225. It is undisputed, and the record evidence clearly and

4162convincingly establishes, that, as alleged in the Amended

4170Administrative Compliant, on February 20, 2002, in Orange County

4179Circuit Cour t Case No. CR 01 - 2309, Respondent pled guilty to one

4193count of having violated Section 517.07, Florida Statutes, and

4202one count of having violated Section 517.12(1), Florida


421126. Section 517.07, Florida Statutes, provides as follows:

4219(1) It is unl awful and a violation of this

4229chapter for any person to sell or offer to

4238sell a security within this state unless the

4246security is exempt under s. 517.051, is sold

4254in a transaction exempt under s. 517.061, is

4262a federal covered security, or is registered

4269pur suant to this chapter.

4274(2) No securities that are required to be

4282registered under this chapter shall be sold

4289or offered for sale within this state unless

4297such securities have been registered

4302pursuant to this chapter and unless prior to

4310each sale the purc haser is furnished with a

4319prospectus meeting the requirements of rules

4325adopted by the commission.

4329(3) The office shall issue a permit when

4337registration has been granted by the office.

4344A permit to sell securities is effective for

43521 year from the date it was granted.

4360Registration of securities shall be deemed

4366to include the registration of rights to

4373subscribe to such securities if the

4379application under s. 517.081 or s. 17.082

4386for registration of such securities includes

4392a statement that such rights are to be


4401(4) A record of the registration of

4408securities shall be kept by the office, in

4416which register of securities shall also be

4423recorded any orders entered by the office

4430with respect to such securities. Such

4436register, and all information with resp ect

4443to the securities registered therein, shall

4449be open to public inspection.

4454(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of

4460this section, offers of securities required

4466to be registered by this section may be made

4475in this state before the registration of

4482suc h securities if the offers are made in

4491conformity with rules adopted by the


449827. Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes, provides as


4506(1) No dealer, associated person, or issuer

4513of securities shall sell or offer for sale

4521any securities i n or from offices in this

4530state, or sell securities to persons in this

4538state from offices outside this state, by

4545mail or otherwise, unless the person has

4552been registered with the office pursuant to

4559the provisions of this section. The office

4566shall not regi ster any person as an

4574associated person of a dealer unless the

4581dealer with which the applicant seeks

4587registration is lawfully registered with the

4593office pursuant to this chapter.

459828. "Neither Section 517.07(1) nor Section 517.12(1),

4605Florida Statutes, req uires guilty knowledge or 'scienter'

4613associated with securities fraud cases." Department of Banking

4621and Finance v. Denton , Case No. 02 - 1284 , 2002 WL 31668868 *6

4634(Fla. DOAH November 20, 2002)(Recommended Order); see also State

4643v. Houghtaling , 181 So. 2d 63 6 (Fla. 1966); Huff v. State , 646

4656So. 2d 742, 743 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994); Santacroce v. Department of

4668Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and Investor

4676Protection , 608 So. 2d 134, 136 (Fla. 4th DCA 1992); and Jones

4688v. Childers , 18 F.3d 899, 902 n.3 (11t h Cir. 1994). They thus

4701are not crimes involving moral turpitude. See In re Davis , 47

4712B.R. 599, 601 - 602 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1985).

472129. Nonetheless, pursuant to Section 517.302, Florida

4728Statutes, violations of Section 517.07 and Section 517.12(1),

4736Florida Statutes, are third degree felonies.

474230. Therefore, by pleading guilty to having committed

4750these crimes , Respondent violated Section 626.621(8), Florida

4757Statutes, as alleged in Counts I and II of the Amended

4768Administrative Complaint; however, his entry of these pleas does

4777not clearly and convincingly establish a " lack of fitness or

4787trustworthiness to engage in the business of insurance" on his

4797part, in violation of Section 626.611(7), Florida Statutes,

4805given that these crimes were securities violations not

" 4813requir[ing] guilty knowledge or 'scienter' associated with

4820securities fraud cases."

482331. The violation of Section 626.621(11), Florida

4830Statutes, alleged in Count III of the Amended Administrative

4839Complaint was established by the presentation of clear and

4848convincing evidence of Respondent's failure to notify Petitioner

4856in writing within 30 days that he had he had entered the

4868aforementioned guilty pleas in Orange County Circuit Court Case

4877No. CR - 01 - 2309/B.

488332. To determine what disciplinary action should be taken

4892against Respondent for his two violations of Section 626.621(8),

4901Florida Statutes, and his violation of Section 626.621(11),

4909Florida Statutes , it is necessary to consult Petitioner's

"4917penalty guidelines" set forth in Florida Administrative Code

4925R ule Chapter 69B - 231, which impose restrictions and limitations

4936on the exercise of Petitioner's disciplinary authority . See

4945Parrot Heads, Inc. v. Department of Business and Professional

4954Regulation , 741 So. 2d 1231, 1233 (Fla. 5th DCA 1999)("An

4965administrati ve agency is bound by its own rules . . . creat[ing]

4978guidelines for disciplinary penalties."); cf . State v. Jenkins ,

4988469 So. 2d 733, 734 (Fla. 1985)("[A]gency rules and regulations,

4999duly promulgated under the authority of law, have the effect of

5010law."); Bu ffa v. Singletary , 652 So. 2d 885, 886 (Fla. 1st DCA

50241995)("An agency must comply with its own rules."); Decarion v.

5036Martinez , 537 So. 2d 1083, 1084 (Fla. 1st 1989)("Until amended

5047or abrogated, an agency must honor its rules."); and Williams v.

5059Department of Transportation , 531 So. 2d 994, 996 (Fla. 1st DCA

50701988)(agency is required to comply with its disciplinary

5078guidelines in taking disciplinary action against its employees).

508633. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.040 explains

5095how Petitioner goes ab out "[c]alculating [a] penalty" in a

5105disciplinary proceeding. It provides as follows:

5111(1) Penalty Per Count.

5115(a) The Department is authorized to find

5122that multiple grounds exist under Sections

5128626.611 and 626.621, F.S., for disciplinary

5134action against the licensee based upon a

5141single count in an administrative complaint

5147based upon a single act of misconduct by a

5156licensee. However, for the purpose of this

5163rule chapter, only the violation specifying

5169the highest stated penalty will be

5175considered for that count. The highest

5181stated penalty thus established for each

5187count is referred to as the "penalty per


5197(b) The requirement for a single highest

5204stated penalty for each count in an

5211administrative complaint shall be applicable

5216regardless of the numb er or nature of the

5225violations established in a single count of

5232an administrative complaint.

5235(2) Total Penalty. Each penalty per count

5242shall be added together and the sum shall be

5251referred to as the "total penalty".

5258(3) Final Penalty. The final penal ty which

5266will be imposed against a licensee under

5273these rules shall be the total penalty, as

5281adjusted to take into consideration any

5287aggravating or mitigating factors, provided

5292however the Department shall convert the

5298total penalty to an administrative fin e and

5306probation in the absence of a violation of

5314Section 626.611, F.S., if warranted upon the

5321Department's consideration of the factors

5326set forth in rule subsection 69B - 231.160(1),


533534. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.090 is

5344entitled, "Pen alties for Violation of Section 626.621." It

5353provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

5359If it is found that the licensee has

5367violated any of the following subsections of

5374Section 626.621, F.S., for which suspension

5380or revocation is discretionary, the

5385followi ng stated penalty shall apply:

5391* * *

5394(8) Section 626.621(8), F.S. -- see Rule

540169B - 231.150, F.A.C.

5405* * *

5408(11) Section 626.621(11) -- suspension 3


541535. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.150 provides,

5424in pertinent part, as follows:

5429(1) If it is found that a licensee has

5438violated . . . Section 626.621(8) . . ., the

5448following stated penalty shall apply:

5453* * *

5456(d) If the licensee is not convicted of,

5464but has been found guilty of or has pleaded

5473guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony or a

5482crime punishable by imprisonment of 1 year

5489or more under the laws of the United States

5498of America or of any state thereof or under

5507the law of any other country, which does not

5516involve moral turpitude and is not a crime

5524involving breach of trust or dishonesty, the

5531penalties are as follows:

5535* * *

55383. If the conduct is not related to

5546insurance license, the penalty shall be a 3

5554month suspension.

5556* * *

555936. In view of the foregoing provisions of Florida

5568Administrative Code Rules 69B - 231.090 and 69B - 231.150 , 4 the

"5580penalty per count" for each of the three remaining counts of

5591the Amended Administrative Complaint (Counts I through II I) is a

5602three - month suspension and the "total penalty" for all three

5613counts is a nine - month suspension.

562037. The "aggravating/mitigating factors" that must be

5627considered to determine whether any "adjust[ment]" should be

5635made to this "total penalty" are se t forth in Florida

5646Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.160, which provides as follows:

5656The Department shall consider the following

5662aggravating and mitigating factors and apply

5668them to the total penalty in reaching the

5676final penalty assessed against a licensee

5682under this rule chapter. After

5687consideration and application of these

5692factors, the Department shall, if warranted

5698by the Department's consideration of the

5704factors, either decrease or increase the

5710penalty to any penalty authorized by law.

5717(1) For penalt ies other than those assessed

5725under Rule 69B - 231.150, F.A.C.:

5731(a) Willfulness of licensee's conduct;

5736(b) Degree of actual injury to victim;

5743(c) Degree of potential injury to victim;

5750(d) Age or capacity of victim;

5756(e) Timely restitution;

5759(f) Mot ivation of agent;

5764(g) Financial gain or loss to agent;

5771(h) Cooperation with the Department;

5776(i) Vicarious or personal responsibility;

5781(j) Related criminal charge; disposition;

5786(k) Existence of secondary violations in


5793(l) Previous discip linary orders or prior

5800warning by the Department; and

5805(m) Other relevant factors.

5809(2) For penalties assessed under Rule 69B -

5817231.150, F.A.C., for violations of Sections

5823626.611(14) and 626.621(8), F. S.:

5828(a) Number of years that have passed since

5836crim inal proceeding;

5839(b) Age of licensee at time the crime was


5849(c) Whether licensee served time in jail;

5856(d) Whether or not licensee violated

5862criminal probation;

5864(e) Whether or not licensee is still on

5872criminal probation;

5874(f) Whether or no t licensee's actions or

5882behavior resulted in substantial injury to


5889(g) Whether or not restitution was, or is

5897being timely, paid;

5900(h) Whether or not licensee's civil rights

5907have been restored; and

5911(i) other relevant factors.

591538. Examining th e evidentiary record in the instant case

5925in light of these "aggravating/mitigating factors," it does not

5934appear, from the sparse evidence addressing these factors, that

5943either aggravating or mitigating factors preponderate and that

5951either an increase or a decrease of the "total penalty" is

5962warranted. 5

596439. Accordingly, the "final penalty" that Petitioner

5971should impose in the instant case is a nine - month suspension of

5984Respondent's licenses.


5987Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclu sions

5997of Law, it is hereby

6002RECOMMENDED that Petitioner issue a Final Order finding

6010Respondent guilty of twice violating Section 626.621(8), Florida

6018Statutes, as alleged in Counts I and II of the Amended

6029Administrative Complaint, and of violating Section 62 6.621(11),

6037Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count III of the Amended

6047Administrative Complaint, and suspending his licenses for nine

6055months for having committed these violations.

6061DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of December, 2004, in

6071Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




6080Administrative Law Judge

6083Division of Administrative Hearings

6087The DeSoto Building

60901230 Apalachee Parkway

6093Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6098(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

6106Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6113Filed with the Clerk of the

6119Division of Administrative Hearings

6123this 7th day of December, 2004.


61301 Neither Respondent's counsel , nor the trial court, was

6139required to make Respondent aware of any of the possible

6149collateral consequences of his plea, such as the suspension or

6159revocation of his insurance licenses. See Major v. State , 814 So.

61702d 424, 426 (Fla. 2002); and Kratt v. Garv ey , 342 F.3d 475, 485

6184(6th Cir. 2003).

61872 One of these other special conditions of probation required

6197Respondent to pay "victim restitution" in an amount to be

6207determined at a subsequent time. The evidentiary record is

6216silent as to how much "victim resti tution," if any, Respondent

6227was ultimately ordered to pay. (Nor, for that matter, does it

6238reveal what restitution payments, if any, Respondent has made.).

62473 Petitioner may impose a fine or place a licensee on probation

"6259in lieu of" suspension or revocat ion of the licensee's license

" 6270except on a second offense or when . . . suspension [or]

6282revocation . . . is mandatory."

62884 In its Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioner contends that

6297Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.150(1) (c) 3, which

6307provides as follows, not Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B -

6317231.150(1) (d) 3, establishes the "stated penalty" for each of

6327Respondent's violations of Section 626.621(8), Florida Statutes:

6334If the licensee is not convicted of, but has

6343been found guilty of or has plead ed guilty

6352or nolo contendere to, a felony or a crime

6361punishable by imprisonment of 1 year or more

6369under the law of the United States of

6377America or of any state thereof or under the

6386law of any other country, which involves

6393moral turpitude or is a crime invo lving

6401breach of trust or dishonesty, the penalties

6408are as follows:

6411If the conduct is not related to insurance

6419license, the penalty shall be a 6 month


6428The argument has been rejected because it is based on the

6439erroneous premise that the crimes to which Respondent pled

6448guilty " involve[] moral turpitude or are "crime[s] involving

6456breach of trust or dishonesty."

64615 In coming to this conclusion, the undersigned has not

6471overlooked the argument Petitioner makes in its Proposed

6479Recommended Order in s upport of its position that "the

6489appropriate final penalty [in this case] is revocation of

6498Respondent's licensure and eligibility for licensure." The

6505undersigned recognizes, as Petitioner points out in its Proposed

6514Recommended Order: that "only some two and half years have

6524passed since Respondent's pleas of guilty to third degree

6533felonies" (although the undersigned would also note that it is

6543unclear exactly how long it has been since the actual commission

6554of these felonies); that it appears that these fel onies were not

6566the product of "youthful exuberance"; that "Respondent was

6574ordered to serve jail time" (but the undersigned would further

6584observe that it was for only one day, the same amount of time -

6598served credit the court granted Respondent); that "Respon dent

6607was placed on five years probation beginning February 20, 2002,

6617and therefore, would still be on probation" (assuming he has not

6628been granted early termination, an issue to which the

6637evidentiary record does not speak); that Respondent was "ordered

6646to make victim restitution" (in an amount, the undersigned would

6656add, not established by the evidentiary record); and that

"6665Petitioner previously suspended Respondent's licensure and

6671eligibility for licensure as a Florida insurance agent for a

6681period of three months . . . based on Respondent's pleas of

6693guilty to first - degree misdemeanors in Case No. 98 - 4569CFW in

6706the Seminole County Circuit Court" (however, the undersigned

6714would further point out that the evidentiary record does not

6724establish that this suspens ion occurred prior to the commission

6734of the felonies giving rise to the guilty pleas at issue in the

6747instant case). These circumstances upon which Petitioner

6754relies, in the undersigned's view, when considered in their

6763proper context, do not tip the balanc e in favor of the

6775imposition of a "final penalty" more severe than the "total



6789Philip M. Payne, Esquire

6793Department of Financial

6796Division of Legal Services

6800200 East Gaines Street

6804612 Larson Building

6807Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

6812Robert Wesley Trueblood

6815Post Office Box 2023

6819Hobe Sound, Florida 33475

6823Honorable Tom Gallagher

6826Chief Financial Officer

6829Department of Financial Services

6833The Ca pitol, Plaza Level 11

6839Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

6844Pete Dunbar, General Counsel

6848Department of Financial Services

6852The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

6857Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300


6870All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

688015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6891to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6902will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/17/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/16/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 2, 2004). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/07/2004
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/02/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/18/2004
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 11/02/2004
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/21/2004
Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Providing Exhibit List to Respondent filed.
Date: 10/20/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Providing Witness List to Respondent filed.
Date: 10/04/2004
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time.
Date: 09/28/2004
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 09/13/2004
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference (hearing scheduled for November 2, 2004; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to date, video, location, and time).
Date: 09/01/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/01/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 2 through 4, 2004; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 08/30/2004
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/26/2004
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/25/2004
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 08/25/2004
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/25/2004
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (17):