05-000319CON Select Specialty Hospital - Escambia, Inc. vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, June 17, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner established need for a proposed 54-bed, long-term care hospital in Escambia County. Recommend that the Certificate of Need application be approved.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 05 - 0319CO N





37Respondent. )



42Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

53on March 1 - 2, 2005, in Tallahassee, Florida, before T. Kent

65Wetherell, II , the designated Administrative Law Judge of the

74Division of Administrative Hearings.


79For Petitioner: Mark A. Emanuele, Esquire

85Brett Frankel, Esquire

88Panza, Maurer, & Maynard, P.A.

93Bank of America Building, Third Floor

993600 North Federal Highway

103Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

107For Respondent: Kenneth W. Gieseking, Esquir e

114Agency for Health Care Administration

1192727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station No. 3

126Tallahassee, Florida 32308


133The issue is whether the Agency for Health Care

142Administration should approve Petitioner’s application for a

149C ertificate of Need to establish a 54 - bed freestanding long - term

163care hospital in Escambia County.


170Petitioner, Select Specialty Hospital - Escambia, Inc.

177(Select - Escambia), filed Certificate of Need (CON) applications

186in the second batching cycle of 2003 (CON 9701), the first

197batching cycle of 2004 (CON 9746), and the second batching cycle

208of 2004 (CON 9800), each of which proposed the establishment of

219a long - term care hospital (LTCH) in Escambia County.

229Respondent, Agency for Health Care Administ ration (Agency),

237denied each of the applications, and Select - Escambia timely

247petitioned the Agency for administrative hearings on the


256The Agency referred the petitions to the Division of

265Administrative Hearings (Division) , where they were assign ed

273DOAH Case Nos. 04 - 0455CON (CON 9701), 04 - 3148CON (CON 9746), and

28705 - 0319CON (CON 9800). DOAH Case No. 04 - 0455CON was

299consolidated with DOAH Case No. 04 - 0462CON, which was SemperCare

310Hospital of Pensacola, Inc.’s (SemperCare - Pensacola) challenge

318to the Agency’s denial of its co - batched CON application in the

331second batching cycle of 2003 . DOAH Case No. 04 - 3148CON was

344consol idated with DOAH Case No. 04 - 313 7CON, which was

356SemperCare - Pensacola’s challenge to the Agency’s denial of its

366co - batched CON applic ation in the first batching cycle of 200 4 .

381SemperCare - Pens acola voluntarily dismissed its challenges ,

389a nd the Division’s files in DOAH Case Nos. 04 - 0 462CON and 04 -

40531 3 7CON were closed through Orders dated December 2, 2004.

416Thereafter , the three cases inv olving Select - Escambia’s

425applications were consolidated through an Order dated

432February 3, 2005.

435At the outset of the final hearing, Select - Escambia

445voluntarily dismissed its petitions challenging the Agency’s

452denial of CON 9701 and CON 9746 , and withdrew those

462applications. The hearing proceeded on CON 9800 only, and the

472Division’s files in the cases involving the other applications -

482- DOAH Case No. 04 - 0455CON and 04 - 3148CON - – were closed through

498an Order dated March 3, 2005.

504At the hearing, Select - Escam bia presented the testimony of

515Gregory Sassman, who was accepted as an expert in LTCH

525development; Marsha Webb - Medlin, who was accepted as an expert

536in nursing, LTCH nursing, intensive care unit (ICU) nursing, and

546LTCH operations; and Sharon Gordon - Girvin, who was accepted as

557an expert in health care planning. Select - Escambia also

567presented the deposition testimony of Jeffrey Gregg (Exhibit P5)

576and Karen Rivera (Exhibit P6). Select - Escambia’s Exhibits P1

586through P6 were rece ived into evidence. The Agency presented

596the testimony of Jeffrey Gregg, who was accepted a s an expert in

609health planning . The Agency’s Exhibits A - 1 through A - 3 were

623received into evidence.

626Official recognition was taken of pages 48916 and 49191

635through 49214 of the Federal Register , as published on

644August 11, 2004 1 ; the Recommended and Final Orders in Kindred

655Hospitals, LLC v. Agency for Health Care Administration , Case

664No. 01 - 2712CON (DOAH July 23, 2002; AHCA Nov. 1, 2002) ; Select

677Specialty Hospital - Sarasota, Inc. v. Agency for Healt h Care

688Admininstration , Case No. 03 - 2484CON (DOAH Mar. 15, 2004; AHCA

699May 20, 2004) (hereafter “ Select - Sarasota ”) ; Select Specialty

710Hospital - Marion, Inc. v. Agency for Health Care Administration ,

720Case Nos. 03 - 2483CON and 03 - 2810CON (DOAH July 14, 2004; AHC A

735Sep. 15, 2004) (hereafter “ Select - Marion ”); and the State Agency

748Action Report (SAAR) for CON 9596 and CON 9597 , through which

759the Agency approved the LTCH in Panama City .

768The two - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed on

780March 16, 2005. The p arties initially requested and were given

79120 days from that date to file their proposed recommended orders

802(PROs). However, t he filing deadline for the PROs was

812subsequently extended to May 20 , 2005, upon the parties’

821motions . The parties' PROs were time ly filed and have been

833given due consideration.


839A. Parties

8411. Select - Escambia is a subsidiary of Select Medical

851Corporation (Select), which has been in the business of

860operating LTCHs since the 1980’s.

8652. Select currently operates 9 9 LTCHs in 27 states,

875including three in Florida.

8793. Select’s Florida LTCHs are located in Orlando, Miami,

888and Panama City. The Orlando and Panama City LTCHs were

898formerly operated by SemperCare, Inc. (SemperCare), which Select

906acquired in January 2005 .

9114. Three other Select LTCHs – - in Tallahassee, Orlando,

921and Alachua County -- have been approved by the Agency, but are

933not yet operational. The Tallahassee LTCH, which was also

942formerly a SemperCare facility, was originally projected to open

951in 2006, but that date is no longer certain.

9605. The Agency is the state agency responsible for

969administering the CON program and for licensing LTCHs and other

979health care facilities.

982B. Application Submittal and Review

987and Preliminary Agency Action

9916. In the s econd batching cycle of 2004 for hospital beds

1003and facilities, Select - Escambia filed with the Agency an

1013application for a CON to establish a 54 - bed freestanding LTCH in

1026Escambia County.

10287. There were no co - batched applications comparatively

1037reviewed by the Agency with Select - Escambia's application, CON


10488. Select - Escambia’s application was complete, and it

1057satisfied the applicable submittal requirements in the statutes

1065and the Agency 's rules.

10709. The Agency’s review of Select - Escambia’s application

1079complied with the applicable statutory and rule requirements .

108810. The Agency’s review culminated in a SAAR issued on

1098December 10, 2004. The SAAR recommended denial of CON 9800,

1108primarily based upon Select - Escambia’s failure to demonstrate to

1118the Agency’ s satisfaction that there is a need for the proposed

1130Escambia County LTCH.

113311. The determination in the SAAR that Select - Escambia

1143failed to adequately demonstrate need for its proposed LTCH was

1153largely based upon a 2004 report by MedPAC, which is an

1164organ ization that advises Congress on issues related to

1173Medicare. The MedPAC report concluded that LTCH patients need

1182to be better defined so as to ensure that the patients treated

1194at LTCHs are of the highest severity and cannot be more cost -

1207effectively treate d in other care settings.

121412. The Agency formally published notice of its intent to

1224deny CON 9800 in the Florida Administrative Weekly , and Select -

1235Escambia thereafter timely filed a petition challenging the

1243Agency’s denial of its application.

124813. The Age ncy reaffirmed its opposition to Select -

1258Escambia’s application at the hearing through the testimony of

1267Jeffrey Gregg, the bureau chief over the Agency’s CON program.

1277C. LTCHs

1279(1) Generally

128114. An LTCH is defined by statute and Agency rule as “a

1293hospita l licensed under chapter 395 which meets the requirements

1303of 42 C.F.R. s. 412.23(e) and seeks exclusion from the Medicare

1314prospective payment system for inpatient hospital services.”

132115. LTCHs provide extended medical and rehabilitative care

1329to patients w ith multiple, chronic, and/or clinically complex

1338acute medical conditions . T hey serve a patient population whose

1349average length of stay (ALOS) exceeds 25 days.

135716. There are two types of LTCHs: hospital - within - a -

1370hospital (HIH) and freestanding. Both typ es are accepted in the

1381industry, and both types are found in Florida and nationwide.

139117. HIH LTCHs are located in the same building or on the

1403same campus as a traditional acute care hospital, which is

1413referred to as the “host hospital . ” HIH LTCHs contrac t with the

1427host hospital for ancillary services such as laboratory and

1436radiology services.

143818. HIH LTCHs get the vast majority of their admissions

1448from the host hospital, whereas freestanding LTCHs tend to get

1458their admissions from a number of different hospitals.

146619. LTCHs fit into the continuum of care between

1475traditional acute care hospitals and traditional post - acute care

1485facilities such as nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities

1493(SNFs), hospital - based skilled nursing units (SNUs), and

1502comprehensiv e medical rehabilitation (CMR) facilities.

150820. LTCHs are designed to serve patients that would

1517otherwise have to be maintained in a traditional acute care

1527hospital ( often in the ICU ) where the reimbursement rates may be

1540insufficient to cover the costs ass ociated with a lengthy stay,

1551or be moved to a traditional post - acute care facility where the

1564patient may not receive the level of care needed.

157321. Patients with co - morbidities, complex medical

1581conditions, or frailties due to age are typically appropriate

1590LTCH patients, particularly if the patient would otherwise

1598remain in the ICU of a traditional acute care hospital. For

1609such patients, an LTCH is likely the most appropriate setting

1619from both a financial and patient - care standpoint.

162822. There is a distinc t population of patients who,

1638because of the complexity or severity of their medical

1647condition, are best served in an LTCH . H owever, there is an

1660overlap between the population of patients that can be served in

1671an LTCH and the population of patients that c ould also be well -

1685served in the ICU of an acute care hospital or a traditional

1697post acute care setting with ventilator capability. Indeed, as

1706noted in the MedPAC report, “[i]n the absence of LTCHs,

1716clinically similar patients are principally treated in ac ute

1725hospitals or in freestanding SNFs that are equipped to handle

1735patients requiring a high level of care.”

174223. Because of the overlap in patients, it is important

1752for LTCHs to adopt detailed admission criteria to ensure that

1762the LTCH (rather than a SNF, SNU, or CMR) is the most

1774appropriate care setting for the patient .

178124. InterQual, which is a private organization that

1789establishes standards for quality of care for a variety of

1799health care settings, has developed model admission criteria for


180925. The Interqual criteria are designed to ensure that the

1819LTCH is the most appropriate care setting for the patient, and

1830they are referenced in the MedPAC report as an example of the

1842type of admission criteria that LTCHs should adopt to ensure

1852that they are not treating patients that should be treated in

1863another setting.

186526. Mr. Gregg and Karen Rivera, the supervisor of the CON

1876program, acknowledged in their deposition testimony that an

1884LTCH’s use of the InterQual criteria would, at least to some

1895degree, ad dress the Agency’s concern that LTCH s might be serving

1907patients that should be served in a more t raditional, less -

1919intensive ( and /or less - costly ) , post - acute care setting.

193227. Select utilizes the InterQual criteria as part of its

1942admission process at its e xisting LTCHs, and it intends to

1953utilize those criteria at its proposed Escambia County LTCH.

1962Specifically, Select ’s nurses screen patients prior to admission

1971and, again, shortly after admission to ensure they are LTCH -

1982appropriate patients . Additionally, Select’s n urses and care

1991teams periodically evaluate each patient to ensure that the LTCH

2001is still the most appropriate care setting for the patient and

2012to determine whether the patient is ready for discharge, either

2022to a traditional post - acute care setti ng or to home.

203428. Select also utilizes a third - party organization to

2044review and assess the patient - outcomes achieved at each of its

2056LTCHs. T his is a quality assurance/improvement tool because it

2066allows Select to compare and “benchmark” the performance o f its

2077L TCHs against each other and against other LTCHs nationwide and

2088it helps to identify functions or services that need


209829. LTCH services are most highly utilized by persons in

2108the 65 and older (65) age cohort because those persons are m ore

2121likely to have complex and/or co - morbid medical conditions that

2132require long - term acute care. In calendar year 2003, for

2143example, approximately 77 percent of LTCH patients in Florida

2152were in the 65 age cohort and approximately 51 percent were in

2164the 75 and older (75) age cohort.

217130. The typical LTCH patient is still in need of

2181considerable acute care, but a traditional acute care hospital

2190may no longer be the most appropriate or lowest cost setting for

2202that care.

220431. The vast majority of LTCH admis sions are patients

2214transferred directly from a traditional acute care hospital. It

2223is not uncommon for an LTCH patient to be transferred on life

2235support from a critical care unit or ICU after the patient has

2247been diagnosed and stabilized.

225132. Nursing hom es, SNFs, SNUs, CMR facilities, and home

2261health care are not appropriate for the typical LTCH patient

2271because the patient's acuity level and medical/therapeutic needs

2279are higher than those generally treated in those settings.

2288Indeed, unlike traditional po st - acute care settings, which

2298typically do not admit patients who still require acute care,

2308the core patient - group served by LTCHs are patients who require

2320considerable acute care through daily physician visits and

2328intensive nursing care in excess of eight hours of direct

2338patient care per day.

234233. LTCH patients are often discharged to a traditional

2351post - acute care facility such as a nursing home, SNF, CMR

2363facility, or home health care. Thus, those facilities cannot be

2373considered as "substitutes" for LTCHs , even though there is some

2383overlap between the services provided to lower acuity LTCH

2392patients and higher acuity patients in those traditional post -

2402acute care facilities.

240534. The family of a patient in an LTCH is generally

2416encouraged to be more involved in the patient’s care than it

2427would be if the patient was in the ICU of a traditional acute

2440care hospital. For example, the visiting hours at LTCHs are

2450typically more liberal than the visiting hours of the ICU at a

2462traditional acute care hospital .

246735. Medicare reimbursements are the primary source of

2475revenue for LTCHs because , on average , 75 to 85 percent of LTCH

2487patients are covered by Medicare. In this case, Select - Escambia

2498projected that approximately 77 percent of the patient days at

2508its proposed E scambia County LTCH would be generated by Medicare


252036. In 2002, the federal government adopted a Medicare

2529prospective payment system (PPS) specifically for LTCHs. That

2537system recognizes the LTCH patient population as being distinct

2546from the pat ient populations treated by traditional acute care

2556hospitals and post - acute care facilities such as nursing homes,

2567SNFs, SNUs, and CMR facilities, even though there may be some

2578overlap between the patient populations served by LTCHs and

2587those other types o f facilities.

259337. Under the LTCH PPS, services are reimbursed by

2602Medicare at a predetermined rate that is weighted based upon the

2613patient's diagnosis and acuity, regardless of the cost of care.

2623This reimbursement system is similar to, but uses Diagnosis

2632Related Groups (DRGs) that are different than the DRGs used in

2643the PPS for traditional acute care hospitals.

265038. The Medicare reimbursement rates for services to long -

2660stay patients in an LTCH are generally higher than the

2670reimbursement rates for the same services to long - stay patients

2681at a traditional acute care hospital. As a result, there is a

2693financial incentive for hospitals to transfer their long - stay

2703patients to an LTCH.

270739. In August 2004, the federal regulations governing

2715Medicare reimbursements for LTCHs were substantially amended.

2722One significant change in the regulations is that the number of

2733admissions that a n HIH LTCH can receive from its host hospital

2745and still qualify for reimbursement under the LTCH PPS is

2755generally capped at 25 percent. The effect of that change is

2766that new HIH LTCHs will not be viable in most instances.

2777(2) LTCHs in Florida

278140. At the time CON 9800 was filed, there were 12 LTCHs

2793operating in Florida with a total of 799 licensed beds . T here

2806were an additional four app roved but not yet licensed LTCHs,

2817including the three Select facilities referenced above.

282441. There are no licensed or approved LTCHs in District 1,

2835which consists of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton


284542. There is at least one licens ed or approved LTCH in

2857each health planning district, except for District s 1 and 9. 2

286943. The closest Florida LTCH to Escambia County is the

2879former SemperCare (now Select) facility in Panama City, which is

2889in District 2. That facility, which opened in ea rly 2003, is a

290230 - bed HIH LTCH, and is approximately 100 miles and a two - hour

2917drive from Pensacola.

292044. There is or soon will be an LTCH in Mobile, Alabama,

2932which is approximately 60 miles from Pensacola. There was no

2942evidence presented regarding the ty pe, size, utilization, or

2951quality of care at that facility.

295745. The existing F lorida LTCHs are well - utilized.

2967According to the SAAR , the overall occupancy rate for the

2977Florida LTCH beds was approximately 68 percent in 2003 , and

2987several of the facilities had occupancy rates in excess of 80


299946. The newer facilities - – Select’s Miami LTCH, which

3009opened in December 2002, and the former SemperCare (now Select)

3019LTCH in Orlando, which opened in June 2003 -- had considerably

3030lower occupancy rates , whic h as discussed in the Select - Marion

3042Recommended Order (page 23) , is to be expected . If the beds and

3055patient days for those facilities are excluded from the

3064calculation in the SAAR , the overall occupancy rate for the

3074Florida LTCH beds in 2003 would have be en slightly above 71


308747. The existing Florida LTCHs receive a majority of their

3097admissions from the county in which they are located, which is

3108consistent with the comment in the MedPAC Report that proximity

3118to an LTCH “quadruples the likelihood that a [patient] will use

3129a long - term care hospital.”

313548. Florida LTCHs served patients in 174 of the 527 DRGs

3146in calendar year 2003 , but 50 of the DRGs accounted for 91

3158percent of the cases and 93 percent of the patient days . B y

3172far, the most commonly treated DRG is No. 475, which is

3183“respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support.”

3189(3) Select - Escambia’s Proposed LTCH

319549. Select - Escambia’s proposed LTCH will be a 54 - bed

3207freestanding facility in 54,090 square feet of new construction.

321750. The precise location of the proposed LTCH is not yet

3228known. However, Select - Escambia conditioned approval of its CON

3238application on the facility being located in Escambia County ,

3247and the application states that the facility will be located

"3257proximate to the area acute care hospitals."

326451. The service area for the proposed LTCH is Escambia

3274County and a 40 - mile radius around Pensacola. Th e service area

3287extends into Alabama on the west and into Santa Rosa and

3298Okaloosa Counties on the east . It excludes Walto n County .

331052. The service area is reasonable based upon the facts

3320discussed in Part D(2)(a) below, particularly the concentration

3328of the population and the acute care beds in Escambia County,

3339the large elderly population in Escambia County, and the larg e

3350in - migration to (and small out - migration from) Escambia County

3362for acute care services.

336653. The bed complement at the proposed LTCH will be 35

3377private rooms (five of which are ICU - level), 8 semi - private

3390rooms, and three isolation rooms (one of which is ICU - level).

3402The facility will also include a surgical suite, a gym for

3413physical and occupational therapy, a pharmacy, and laboratory

3421and x - ray facilities.

342654. The total project cost is approximately $17.1 million.

3435That cost will be funded by Select from its net cash flow from

3448operations and through borrowings from Select’s bank.

345555. The services at the proposed LTCH will include the

3465same “core” services found at other Select LTCH s . Those

3476services are the treatment of pulmonary and ventilator patients,

3485neuro - trauma and stroke patients, medically complex patients,

3494and wou n d care.

349956. Select - Escambia has not negotiated patient transfer

3508agreements with any of the area hospitals, but the CON

3518application does include letters of support from Sacred Heart

3527Hosp ital - Pensacola in Escambia County and North Okaloosa Medical

3538Center in Okaloosa County. It is not unusual for patient

3548transfer agreements not to have been negotiated at the CON - stage

3560of the development of a new LTCH.

356757. The proposed LTCH was projected t o open approximately

3577two years after approval of the CON, or in November 2006. That

3589date has been delayed as a result of this proceeding , but the

3601two - year construction period is reasonable .

360958. The need projections in the application focus on the

3619first t wo years of the facility’s operation, 2007 and 2008, as

3631do the utilization and financial projections.

363759. Select - Escambia projects that its proposed LTCH will

3647have 8,819 patient days in its first year of operation, and

365914,054 patient days in its second ye ar of operation. Those

3671patient days equate to utilization rates of 45 percent in the

3682first year and 71 percent in the second year. Those projections

3693are reasonable and attainable.

369760. Select - Escambia projects that its proposed LTCH will

3707generate a net l oss of approximately $2.18 million in the first

3719year of operation, and a net profit of approximately $1.19

3729million. Those projections are reasonable and attainable based

3737upon the utilization projected.

374161. In addition to the letter of support from the tw o

3753hospitals referenced above, the CON application includes letters

3761of support from physicians, local politicians and businesses,

3769the operator of rehabilitation clinics in Pensacola, and the

3778medical director of several nursing homes in Pensacola.

378662. The l etters of support attest to the general

3796unavailability of LTCH services in Escambia County and, as

3805discussed below, several of the letters specifically state that

3814the traditional post - acute care settings in the area are

3825inadequate for patients in need of l ong - term acute care.

3837D. Statutory and Rule Criteria

384263. The statutory criteria applicable to the review of

3851Select - Escambia’s application are in the 2004 version of Section

3862408.035, Florida Statutes. 3

386664. The Agency’s rules do not contain any specific

3875c riteria relating to LTCHs.

388065. The general criteria in Florida Administrative Code

3888Rule 59C - 1.008(2)(e)2. are applicable because the Agency does

3898not publish a fixed need pool or a need methodology for LTCHs.

3910That rule requires the applicant to demonstrat e that there is a

3922need for its proposed facility or service.

3929(1) Stipulated Criteria

393266. The parties’ Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation includes

3941the following stipulations relating to the statutory criteria 4 :

3951With respect to compliance with Section

3957408.035 (3), Florida Statutes, it is agreed

3964that Select - Escambia has the ability to

3972provide quality programs based on the

3978description of their programs in their CON

3985application and based on the operational

3991facilities of the applicant and/or of the

3998applicant's pare nt facilities which are

4004JCAHO certified.

4006With respect to compliance with Section

4012408.035(4), Florida Statutes, it is agreed

4018that Select - Escambia has the ability to

4026provide the necessary resources including

4031health personnel, management personnel and

4036funds for capital operating expenditures,

4041for project accomplishment and operation.

4046With respect to compliance with Section

4052408.035(6), Florida Statutes, it is agreed

4058that the immediate financial feasibility of

4064the Select - Escambia project is not in

4072dispute. It is further agreed by all

4079parties that the long term financial

4085feasibility of Select - Escambia is not in


4094The parties agree that, if the projected

4101levels are realized ( i.e. , need) with

4108respect to compliance there is no disputed

4115issue with respect t o compliance with

4122Section 408.035(7), Florida Statutes, in

4127that the project will foster competition

4133that promotes quality and cost


4139The parties agree there are no disputed

4146issues with respect to compliance with

4152Section 408.035(8), Florida St atutes, which

4158relates to an applicant's proposed costs and

4165methods of proposed construction for the

4171type of project proposed.

4175The parties agree there is no disputed

4182issues with respect to compliance with

4188408.035(9), Florida Statutes, as it relates

4194to Medi caid patients in that Select's

4201Medicaid provision (conditions - Schedule C)

4207exceeds the state average.

4211Section 408.035(10), Florida Statutes, is

4216not at issue with respect to a review of the

4226CON application filed by Select - Escambia.

423367. In light of thos e stipulations, the only statutory

4243criteria still at issue are those relating to “need” – - Section

4255408.035(1), 5 (2), and (5), Florida Statutes -- and the charity

4266care component of Section 408.035(9), Florida Statutes.

427368. The issue of “need” was identif ied as the dispositive

4284issue in this case . Mr. Gregg acknowledged in his testimony at

4296the hearing and in his deposition that other than the issue of

4308“need” there is no basis to deny Select - Escambia’s application.

4319(2) Criteria Related to “Need”

432469. The statutory criteria in Section 408.035(1), (2), and

4333(5), Florida Statutes – - i.e. , need for the proposed service;

4344availability, quality of care, accessibility, and extent of

4352utilization of the service in the district; and the extent to

4363which the proposed se rvice will enhance access in the district -

4375- encompass essentially the same factors that are enumerated in

4385Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C - 1.008(2)(e)2.

439270. Mr. Gregg testified at the hearing that where there is

4403no LTCH in a district (as is the case in District 1), the Agency

4417presumes that there is some amount of need fo r LTCH services in

4430the district . However, Select - Escambia has the burden to

4441demonstrate the extent of that need .

4448(a) Demographic, Market, etc. Factors Showing Need

445571. Each of the four counties in District 1 is relatively

4466long and narrow . The counties extend from the Gulf of Mexico to

4479the south and the Florida - Alabama line to the north.

449072. Escambia County is the westernmost county in District

44991, and Walton County is the easternm ost county in the district.

4511Santa Rosa County is immediately to the east of Escambia County,

4522and Okaloosa County is between Santa Rosa and Walton Counties.

453273. A 40 - mile radius around Pensacola, which is the

4543largest city in Escambia County, encompasses a ll of Santa Rosa

4554County and almost all of Okaloosa County. Although much of

4564Walton County is outside of that radius, it (and all of District

45761) is within an hour and a half drive of Pensacola.

458774. Walton County is bordered on the east by Washington

4597and B ay Counties, which are in District 2. Panama City, which

4609currently has an LTCH, is in southern Bay County.

461875. District 1 had a population of 670,283 in July 2004,

4630with approximately 45.6 percent of that population located in

4639Escambia County.

464176. Appr oximately 13.4 percent of the July 2004 population

4651in District 1 was in the 65 age cohort, and 5.98 percent of

4664that population was in the 75 age cohort. Those percentages

4674were lower than the statewide averages of 17.8 percent in the

468565 age cohort and n ine percent in the 75 age cohort.

469777. The population of District 1 and the percentages of

4707the population in the 65 and 75 age cohorts are almost the

4719same as the population and percentages in District 2, which has

4730one operational (Panama City) and one approved (Tallahassee)


473978. The population of District 1 is projected to grow

4749approximately 6.91 percent to 716,585 by July 2009, which is

4760five - year planning horizon applicable to this case.

476979. The five - year growth rate in District 1 is lower th an

4783the 7.93 percent rate that the state as a whole is projected to

4796grow over the same period . H owever, the projected five - year

4809growth rate in the 65 and 75 age cohorts, which most heavily

4821utilize LTCH services, are higher than the statewide growth

4830rates in those age cohorts.

483580. Specifically, the 75 age cohort in District 1 is

4845projected to grow 13.85 percent by July 2009, which is a higher

4857percentage than any other health planning district in the state

4867and nearly twice the statewide rate of 6.33 perce nt . T he 65

4881age cohort in District 1 is projected to grow 11.36 percent by

4893July 2009, which is higher than the 9.94 percent statewide rate

4904and higher than all but three of the other health planning


491681. Walton County is projected to grow at a higher rate,

4927both as a whole and in the 65 and 75 age cohorts, over the

4941applicable five - year planning horizon than any of the other

4952counties in District 1 . T he higher growth rate is due in large

4966part to the fact that Walton County is considerably smalle r than

4978the other District 1 counties.

498382. From a raw population perspective, there will be

4992considerably more growth in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties

5001than in Walton County over the applicable five - year planning

5012horizon. The population of Walton Count y is expected to

5022increase by only 7,400 persons over that period, while the

5033population of Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties are expected to

5043increase by almost 27,000 persons.

504983. As of December 2003, there were approximately 1,800

5059acute care beds in Distr ict 1 at 11 hospitals. For calendar year

50722003, the district - wide average occupancy of those beds was 52.4


508584. The three largest hospitals in District 1 are located

5095in Escambia County. Those hospitals -- Baptist Hospital, Sacred

5104Heart Hospital - P ensacola , and West Florida Regional Medical

5114Center -- are all similar in size and account for approximately

51251,135 (or 62.6 percent) of the acute care beds in District 1.

513885. Sacred Heart Hospital - Pensacola provided a letter of

5148support for Select - Escambia 's proposed LTCH, as did two

5159hospitals in Okaloosa County ( i.e. , Sacred Heart Hospital of the

5170Emerald Coast and North Okaloosa Medical Center).

51778 6 . The data presented in the CON application (at pages

5189000118 to 000121) shows that between 62.4 and 68.4 pe rcent of

5201the “long - stay patients” in District 1 were in the three

5213Escambia County hospitals; that those hospitals had a relatively

5222high (28.8 to 31.6 percent) in - migration rate of long - stay

5235patients from outside of Escambia County; and that there is very

5246l ittle (1.3 to 3.6 percent) out - migration of Escambia County

5258long - stay patients to other District 1 hospitals.

526787. Only one District 1 resident was admitted to a Florida

5278LTCH in calendar year 2003, which is a strong indication that

5289LTCH services are not r easonably accessible to District 1

5299residents even with the establishment of the Panama City LTCH in

5310early 2003.

531288. The Panama City LTCH, which is approximately 100 miles

5322from Pensacola, is too far away from Escambia County to be a

5334reasonable alternative for residents of that county. The same

5343is true for the other counties in District 1, except for Walton

5355County which is geographically closer to Panama City than it is

5366to Pensacola.

536889. T he Panama City LTCH was not expected to serve

5379District 1. Accordin g to the SAAR that recommended approval of

5390that LTCH, t h e facility was projected to get 60 percent of its

5404admissions from its host hospital, Bay Medical Center , and only

5414two of the potential LTCH referrals were projected to come from

5425a District 1 hospital . Those referrals were projected to come

5436from Santa Rosa Medical Center in Santa Rose County, and n one of

5449the referrals to the Panama City LTCH were projected to come

5460from Escambia County.

546390. Those projections are consistent with the experience

5471of the Panama City LTCH since it opened in early 2003. Only

5483f ive or six patients from Escambia County have been referred to

5495the Panama City LTCH, and none have chosen to be admitted to the

5508facility .

551091. There are no LTCHs or “like services” in District 1

5521bec ause, as more fully discussed in Part C(1) above, the

5532traditional post - acute care settings such as SNFs, CMRs, and

5543hospital - based SNUs are not substitutes for LTCHs.

555292. T he data presented in the CON application shows that

5563in calendar year 2003 there were 500 patients treated in

5573District 1 hospitals with LTCH - appropriate DRGs who were in the

5585hospital for a collective 13,942 days beyond the geometric mean

5596length of stay (GMLOS), 6 which corresponds to an average of 27.9

5608days beyond the GMLOS. It is reasonab le to expect that that

5620those patients would have been discharged to a post - acute care

5632setting if they no longer needed acute care, and because there

5643were available CMR, SNU, and SNF beds in the d istrict, 7 it is

5657reasonable to infer that the patients were st ill in need of

5669long - term acute care and/or that the available post - acute care

5682facilities did not offer the requisite level of intensive care.

569293. This inference is corroborated by the letters of

5701support from local physicians that were included in the CO N

5712application. For example, the October 7, 2003, letter to Mr.

5722Gregg from Dr. Donna Jacobi states that:

5729Our skilled nursing facilities and subacute

5735units have had difficulty in managing

5741complex, more unstable patients . . . . One

5750facility was equipped an d staffed for

5757ventilator patients when it opened; now that

5764ward is for routine SNF care. Our

5771rehabilitation institute is not the place

5777for these patients either – they may be too

5786ill for three hours of therapy daily.

5793Currently some of these patients rema in in

5801acute care much longer than necessary and

5808are subjected to iatrogenic [sic] risks,

5814depression, and possible further decline in

5820functional status while becoming more

5825medically stable. Others bounce back and

5831forth between nursing home and hospital, an d

5839a few leave our area of the state to find

5849care elsewhere – far from their family and

5857friends who are very important to their

5864recovery. A LTA C H [sic] would provide the

5873opportunity for them to remain here in a

5881supportive environment. [ 8 ]

588694. Letters of s upport such as Dr. Jacobi’s and those

5897quoted in Endnote 8 , with detailed information about the

5906inability to place patients in existing facilities , are the type

5916that the Mr. Gregg identified in Select - Marion (page 60, endnote

59285) as being the most useful to the Agency in “validating” the

5940applicant’s numeric need projections.

594495. In sum, the demographic and market conditions

5952described above, coupled with the letters of support from local

5962physicians and two of the acute care hospitals in District 1 ,

5973support th e establishment of an LTCH in the district , and more

5985specifically, in Escambia County.

5989(b) Quantification of the Need / Numeric Need

599796. Select - Escambia presented two different methodologies

6005in its application to quantify the need for LTCH beds in

6016Distri ct 1. The methodologies are similar, but not identical to

6027the methodology recently accepted by the Agency in Select -

6037Marion . 9

604097. The methodologies presented in the application each

6048define the potential patients for Select - Escambia’s proposed

6057LTCH as the “long - stay patients” in the existing District 1

6069acute care hospitals with “LTCH - appropriate DRGs.” That

6078approach is reasonable from a health planning perspective

6086because, as discussed in Part C(1) above, an LTCH is likely the

6098most appropriate setting for such patients from a financial and

6108patient - care standpoint.

611298. The methodologies differ in their definition of what

6121constitutes a “long - stay patient,” but they both use the GMLOS

6134as the starting point, which is reasonable from a health

6144planning perspecti ve.

614799. Both methodologies define the “LTCH - appropriate DRGs”

6156as the 50 DRGs that are most commonly treated in the existing

6168Florida LTCHs. The focus on the “top 50” DRGs was reasonable

6179from a health planning perspective because those DRGs account

6188for more than 91 percent of the cases and 93 percent of the

6201patient days at the existing Florida LTCHs.

6208(i) GMLOS Methodology

6211100. The first methodology presented in the application – -

6221“the GMLOS methodology” – - identified all of the patients

6231treated in the District 1 hospitals with LTCH - appropriate DRGs

6242whose length of stay was at least 15 days longer than the GMLOS

6255for the DRG. A similar definition of long - stay patients was

6267accepted by the Agency in Select - Marion .

6276101. There were a total of 500 po tential LTCH patients

6287identified through Select - Escambia’s GMLOS methodology.

6294According to the dat a included in the CON application (at page

6306000120), 30 of those patients were Walton County residents and

631655 resided outside of District 1.

6322102. Selec t - Escambia calculated a total of 19,409

6333potential LTCH patient days that would be generated by the 500

6344identified long - stay patients, which equates to an average daily

6355census ( ADC ) of 53.

6361103. According to Select - Escambia's health planner

6369(Transcript, at 131), t he 19,409 patient - days included all of

6382the days in the patient’s hospital stay as potential LTCH

6392patient days, and not just that portion of the stay that

6403exceeded the GMLOS. T he inclusion of all of the days in the

6416patient’s hospital stay as potenti al LTCH patient days is not

6427reasonable because the vast majority of LTCH patients are

6436transferred from an acute care hospital at some point during the

6447patient’s hospital stay, typically at or after the GMLOS.

6456104. The effect of including all of the days in the

6467patient’s hospital stay as potential LTCH patient days rather

6476than just the days after the GMLOS is an overstatement of the

6488potential LTCH patient days and the ADC calculated under the

6498GMLOS methodology in Select - Escambia’s application.

6505105. If only the days beyond the GMLOS were included (as

6516was done in Select - Marion ), the result would be 13,941 potential

6530LTCH patient days . I f the 875 days attributable to Walton

6542County residents and the 1,596 days attributable to non - District

65541 residents were excluded ( see Exhibit P2, at 000121), then the

6566total would be 11,471 potential LTCH patient days .

6576106. The ADC of 53 calculated by Select - Marion under the

6588GMLOS methodology is not reliable because it was based upon

6598the 19,409 patient days. Using the 13,941 or 11,471 patient

6611days referenced above would result in an ADC of 38.2 or 31.4,


6624107. Based upon an 80 occupancy standard, those ADCs would

6634translate into a projected need for 40 to 48 LTCH beds in

6646District 1. If a 75 percent occupan cy standard was used, the

6658projected LTCH bed need would be 42 to 51 beds. The lower

6670numbers in each of those ranges reflect the exclusion of the

6681patient days attributable to Walton County residents and non -

6691District 1 residents; the higher numbers in those ranges reflect

6701the inclusion of those residents.

6706108. An 80 percent occupancy standard was accepted by the

6716Agency in Select - Marion and was also used by Select in Select -

6730Sarasota . As stated in the Recommended Order in Select - Marion

6742(at page 37), the 80 percent occupancy standard “better reflects

6752the lower bed turn - over by LTCH patients than does the 75

6765percent occupancy standard typically applied to traditional,

6772‘short - term’ acute care hospitals.”

6778(ii) GMLOS Methodology

6781109. The second methodology presented in the application -

6790– “the GMLOS methodology” – - uses a broader definition to

6801identify the potential LTCH patients in District 1 . I t includes

6813all of the patients with LTCH - appropriate DRGs who were treated

6825in the District 1 hospitals and whos e lengths of stay were at

6838least seven days longer than the GMLOS.

6845110. The broader definition of long - stay patients in the

6856GMLOS methodology resulted in 1,498 potential LTCH patients

6865( see Exhibit P2, at 000117 (Table 1 - 16(b)), 000120), as compared

6878to th e 500 potential LTCH patients identified through the

6888GMLOS methodology.

6890111. The Agency did not expressly take issue with the

6900broader definition used in the GMLOS methodology to identify

6909the potential LTCH patients, and it cannot be said based upon

6920the record evidence in this case that the definition is

6930inherently unreasonable.

6932112. In calculating the potential LTCH patient days under

6941the GMLOS methodology, Select - Escambia only included the days

6951that the patient stayed in the hospital beyond the GMLOS, which

6962are referred to in the application as “excess days.” See

6972Tr anscript, at 132. A similar approach was used in the

6983methodology accepted by the Agency in Select - Marion .

6993113. The following table, which is derived from the data

7003in Table 1 - 16(a) in the CON application , summarizes the number

7015of excess days generated by patients in the District 1 hospitals

7026based upon the patient’s county of residence:

7033Escambia County 11,434

7037Okaloosa County 5,634

7041Santa Rosa County 3,194

7046Subtotal: Dis trict 1

7050Residents except for

7053Walton County 20,262

7057Walton County 1,410

7061Subtotal: All

7063District 1

7065residents 21,672

7068Outside of District 1 2,340

7074Total 24,012

7077114. Select - Escambia then converted the excess days int o

7088“forecasted LTCH cases” by dividing the most conservative figure

7097– - the 20,262 days, which excluded Walton County residents and

7109non - District 1 residents -- by the 33.6 ALOS at Select’s

7121existing freestanding LTCHs. The result – - 603 cases – - was

7133then inf lated based upon the projected growth rate in District 1

7145to determine the number of forecasted LTCH cases in 2007 and

71562008, which were projected to be the first two years of

7167operation for Select - Escambia’s proposed LTCH. The forecasted

7176cases were then con verted into “forecasted LTCH days” by

7186multiplying the number of cases by the same 33.6 ALOS.

7196115. The conversion of the excess days into forecasted

7205LTCH cases and then back into forecasted LTCH days based upon a

721733.6 ALOS is not reasonable because, accor ding to the CON

7228application, 10 the initial calculation of the excess days is

7238intended to reflect the number of days that patients would

7248likely spend in the LTCH rather than the short - term acute care

7261hospitals in District 1 if an LTCH was available in the a rea.

7274The ALOS experienced by Select at its other facilities is

7284irrelevant to that issue.

7288116. The effect of the conversion step in Select -

7298Escambia’s GMLOS methodology is an overstatment of the

7306forecasted LTCH patient days, as can be seen through a

7316comp arison of the data in Tables 1 - 16(a) and 1 - 16(b) in the CON


7334117. Table 1 - 16(b) shows the number of cases associated

7345with the excess days calculated in Table 1 - 16(a). The 1,498

7358total cases identified on Table 1 - 16(b) correlate to the 24,012

7371total excess days identified on Table 1 - 16(a). As a result,

7383there is an average of only 16.03 excess days per case.

7394118. Stated another way, the long - stay patients identified

7404through the GMLOS methodology are staying in the hospital an

7414average of 16.0 3 days longer than the GMLOS. It is those 16.03

7427days/case that make up the potential LTCH patient days , but the

7438conversion described above appears to assume that those same

7447patients would stay in Select - Escambia’s proposed LTCH for 33.6

7458days. There is no logic or reason to t hat assumption, and as a

7472result, the patient days, ADC, and bed need reflected in Table

74831 - 17 of the application are not reliable.

7492119. The most reliable projection of bed need that can be

7503calculated based upon the data presented in co nnection with the

7514GMLOS methodology is derived from the Table 1 - 16(a), to wit:

7526Excess Bed Need

7529Days ADC (at 80%)

7533Escambia only 11,434 31.3 40

7539District 1

7541excluding Walton

7543and non - District 1 20,262 55.5 70

7552District 1

7554including Walton;

7556excluding non -

7559District 1 21,672 59.4 75

7565120. Accordingly, the GMLOS methodology projects a need

7573for 70 to 75 LTCH beds , depending upon whether Walton County

7584residents are included in the calculation, with 40 of th e beds

7596attributable to the excess days generated by Escambia County

7605residents alone.

7607(iii) Ultimate Findings Regarding Numeric Need

7613121. Using the most conservative figures produced by the

7622respective need methodologies presented in the application,

7629ther e is a need for between 40 ( see Finding of Fact 107 ) and 70

7646( see Finding s of Fact 119 and 120 ) LTCH beds in District 1.

7661122. It is reasonable to expect that the “actual” bed need

7672is towards the mid - point of that range -- 55 beds -- because

7686Select - Escambia ’s proposed LTCH will likely get some of the

7698potential LTCH admissions from Walton County , as well as some of

7709the potential LTCH admissions from outside of District 1 ;

7718because as many as seven percent of the facility's patient days

7729will be attributable to patients whose diagnoses are not within

7739the “top 50” DRGs used in the methodologies to identify the

7750potential LTCH patients ; and because the methodologies and the

7759fiqures reflected in the preceeding paragraphs do not take into

7769account the growth in admissi ons and patient days between 2003

7780(the period used in the methodologies) and 2007 (when Select -

7791Escambia's proposed LTCH is projected to open) that is expected

7801as the population of District 1 grows, particularly in the 65

7812and 75 age cohorts.

7816123. Acco rdingly, the preponderance of the evidence

7824establishes that there is a numeric need for the 54 LTCH beds

7836proposed by Select - Escambia.

7841(3) Other Disputed Criteria

7845124. Section 408.035(9), Florida Statutes, requires

7851consideration of the “ applicant's past and proposed provision of

7861health care services to Medicaid patients and the medically


7871125. The statutory reference to “the medically indigent”

7879encompasses what are typically referred to as charity patients.

7888126. Select - Escambia conditioned t he approval of its CON

7899application on the provision of two percent of the patient days

7910at its proposed LTCH to Medicaid patients and 0.8 percent of the

7922patient days to charity patients.

7927127. It was stipulated that Select - Escambia’s commitment

7936to Medicaid patients exceeds the statewide average for LTCHs,

7945which according to the SAAR is 1.24 percent of patient days.

7956128. Select - Escambia’s commitment to charity patients is

7965slightly lower than the statewide average for LTCHs, which is

79750.94 percent of patient d ays. 1 1

7983129. When viewed collectively, Select - Escambia’s

7990commitment to Medicaid and charity patients -- 2.8 percent of

8000patient days -- exceeds the statewide average for LTCHs of 2.18

8011percent of patient days.

8015130. The commitments to Medicaid and charity pa tients in

8025Select - Escambia’s CON application were based upon Select’s

8034experience at its other LTCHs, and they are reasonable and

8044attainable in District 1.

8048131. The fact that Select - Escambia’s commitment to charity

8058patients is slightly lower than the statew ide average for LTCHs

8069is not significant under the circumstances of this case.

8078Indeed, Mr. Gregg conceded at the hearing that it is not an

8090independent basis to deny Select - Escambia’s application, and

8099that the Agency will accept Select - Escambia’s proposed charity

8109commitment of 0.8 percent of patient days if the CON is

8120ultimately approved.


8125132. The Division has jurisdiction over the parties to and

8135subject matter of this proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569,

8144120.57(1), and 408.039(5), Florida Statutes.

8149133. Select - Escambia has the burden to prove by a

8160preponderance of the evidence that its CON application should be

8170approved. See , e.g. , Boca Raton Artificial Kidney Center, Inc.

8179v. Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Servs. , 475 So. 2d 26 0, 263

8192(Fla. 1st DCA 1985); Select - Marion , supra , at 56; Select -

8204Sarasota , supra , at 21.

8208134. Generally, the review of a CON application requires a

8218balanced consideration of the applicable statutory and rule

8226criteria in which the appropriate weight to be g iven to each

8238criterion is not fixed, but rather varies based upon the facts

8249of the case. See , e.g. , Morton F. Plant Hospital Ass’n, Inc. v.

8261Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Servs. , 491 So. 2d 586, 589

8272(Fla. 1st DCA 1986) (quoting North Ridge General Hospi tal, Inc.

8283v. NME Hospitals, Inc. , 478 So. 2d 1138, 1139 (Fla. 1st DCA

82951985)); Select - Marion , supra .

8301135. In this case, however, the parties’ stipulations have

8310made the issue of “need” the dispositive criterion. If Select -

8321Escambia establishes need for its proposed LTCH – - numerically

8331and based upon the criteria in Florida Administrative Code Rule

834159C - 1.008(2)(e)2. -- then the balancing of the remaining

8351statutory and rule criteria tilt in favor of granting the

8361application, but if it does not establish need then the balanc e

8373tilts in favor of denying the application. Accord Select -

8383Sarasota , supra , at 21 - 22.

8389136. Because the Agency does not publish a fixed need pool

8400for LTCHs or a formula or methodology for projecting need for

8411LTCH beds, the determination of need for new LTCH beds is

8422governed by Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C - 1.008(2)(e)2.

8431That rule provides:

8434(e) . . . . If an agency need

8443methodology does not exist for the proposed


8451* * *

84542. . . . the applicant will be

8462responsible f or demonstrating need through a

8469needs assessment methodology which must

8474include, at a minimum, consideration of the

8481following topics, except when they are

8487inconsistent with the applicable statutory

8492and rule criteria:

8495a. Population demographics and dyn amics;

8501b. Availability, utilization and quality

8506of like services in the district,

8512subdistrict or both;

8515c. Medical treatment trends; and

8520d. Market conditions.

8523137. The criteria in that rule encompass essentially the

8532same issues as are containe d in the statutory criteria that have

8544not been stipulated to by the parties . See § 408.035(1), (2),

8556(5), Fla. Stat. Thus, to the extent that Select - Escambia

8567establishes “need” based upon the rule criteria, it has also

8577done so under the statutory criteria .

8584138. Select - Escambia met its burden to establish “need”

8594for its proposed LTCH in accordance with the statutory and rule

8605criteria. Specifically, as more fully discussed in Part D(2) of

8615the Findings of Fact, the preponderance of the evidence

8624establishes that the population of District 1 and Escambia

8633County are growing, particularly in the 65 and 75 age cohorts

8644that most heavily utilize LTCH services; that the existing LTCH

8654in Panama City does not serve Escambia County and, because of

8665its distance, it is not a reasonable alternative for District 1

8676residents in need of LTCH services except for those residents in

8687Walton County; that there is support for Select - Escambia’s

8697proposed LTCH from physicians and hospitals in District 1; that

8707the traditional post - ac ute care settings in District 1 do not

8720provide reasonable alternatives to the proposed LTCH because

8728they are not currently being utilized by long - stay patients with

8740LTCH - appropriate DRGs and, according to the letters of support,

8751the post - acute care facilit ies cannot accommodate ventilator

8761patients, which make up a large percentage of the LTCH patient

8772population ; that Select - Escambia’s proposed LTCH will utilize

8781admission criteria designed to ensure that its facility is only

8791used by patients for whom other c are settings are not medically

8803appropriate; and that, even excluding Walton County residents, a

8812numeric need has been shown for the 54 LTCH beds that Select -

8825Escambia has proposed.

8828139. Therefore, in light of the parties’ stipulations

8836regarding the other r eview criteria, Select - Escambia’s CON

8846application sh ould be approved.


8852Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions

8861of law, it is

8865RECOMMENDED that the Agency issue a final order approving

8874Select - Escambia’s application, CON 9800.

8880DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of June , 2005, in

8890Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



8899Administrative Law Judge

8902Division of Administrative Hearings

8906The DeSoto Building

89091230 Apalachee Parkway

8912Talla hassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8918(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

8926Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


8933Filed with the Clerk of the

8939Division of Administrative Hearings

8943this 17th day of June, 2005.


89501/ Official recognition of the Federal Regi ster pages was taken

8961through an Order issued in DOAH Case No. 04 - 0455CON on August

897419, 2004, which was prior to the consolidation of that case with

8986this case. The parties agreed at the hearing that those

8996materials should be part of the record of this case , even though

9008the file in DOAH Case No. 04 - 0455CON was subsequently closed.

9020See Transcript, at 6 - 7.

90262/ A Recommended Order was recently issued recommending

9034approval of two LTCHs with a total of 130 beds in District 9.

9047See Select Specialty - Hospital - Palm Beach, Inc. v. Agency for

9059Health Care Admin. , Case Nos. 03 - 2486CON and 03 - 2854CON (DOAH

9072Apr. 18, 2005).

90753/ Unless otherwise indicated, all statutory references in this

9084Recommended Order are to the 2004 version of the Florida


90954/ The Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation cited the 2003 version of

9107Section 408.035, Florida Statutes, but the parties agreed at the

9117hearing that the 2004 version of the statute applies to CON

91289800. See Transcript, at 9 - 10. Accordingly, the citations to

9139the 2003 version of t he statute in the stipulations quoted from

9151the Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation have been replaced with the

9162corresponding citations to the 2004 version of the statute.

9171Brackets are omitted for ease of reading.

91785/ The Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation indicated that the

9188criteria in Section 408.035(1), Florida Statutes (2003), were

9196not applicable because there are no local health plan

9205preferences related to LTCHs. The reference to the local health

9215plan preferences in that subsection was deleted by Chapter 2004 -

92263 83, Laws of Florida, and the subsection now more generally

9237requires consideration of “[t]he need for the health care

9246facilities and health services being proposed.” See §

9254408.035(1), Fla. Stat.

92576 / The GMLOS is a statistically - adjusted value calculated b y

9270the federal government for each DRG that takes into account

9280certain types of cases that could skew an arithmetic ALOS. In

9291essence, the GMLOS is the length of time that the “typical”

9302patient would be expected to spend in the hospital for a

9313particular ill ness/injury.

93167 / Table 1 - 10 of the CON application indicates that the 2003 -

93312003 occupancy rates in District 1 were 61.76 percent for CMR

9342beds, 58.49 percent for hospital - based SNU beds, and 91.84

9353percent for SNF beds. See Exhibit P2 at 000078. Similarly , the

9364SAAR identifies occupancy rates of 63.63 percent for CMR beds,

937447.65 percent for hospital - based SNU beds, and 83.64 percent for

9386SNF beds for calendar year 2003. See Exhibit A - 2, at 7.

93998 / See Exhibit P2, at 000020. Other letters are in accord.

9411See , e.g. , October 1, 2003, letter to Mr. Gregg from Dr. F.

9423James Fleischhauer (Exhibit P2, at 000009 and 000021), which was

9433“reaffirmed” through his letter dated March 23, 2004 ( id. at

9444000008), and which identifies 24 patients treated by his group

9454“who wo uld likely be candidates for admission into an LTACH

9465[sic] if one were conveniently located in Pensacola” and who

9475were otherwise required to remain in the short - term acute care

9487setting since they were too ill to be discharged to a SNF or

9500other traditional post - acute care setting; September 18, 2003,

9510letter to Mr. Gregg from Pensacola Lung Group ( id. at 000007 and

9523000022), which was “reaffirmed” through a letter dated March 23,

95332004 ( id. at 000006), and which states that “ventilator

9543supported patient[s] must be sent out of the area for current

9554long - term care”; October 7, 2003, letter to Mr. Gregg from Dr.

9567Barbara H. Wade ( id. at 000025 and 000027), which identifies six

9579patients treated by her group “who would likely be candidates

9589for admission into LTACH [sic ] if one were conveniently located

9600in Pensacola”; October 8, 2003, letter to Mr. Gregg from Tina

9611Craft and Sue Kearney, the managers of case management and

9621social services, respectively, at Sacred Heart Hospital ( id. at

9631000026), which states that “[s]kille d nursing facilities in our

9641community are not able to meet the needs of our patients who

9653require ventilator support.”

96569 / The methodology used by Kindred Hospitals East, LLC

9666(Kindred) and accepted by the Agency in Select - Marion was more

9678conservative than either of the methodologies presented in

9686Select - Escambia’s application. Kindred’s methodology defined

9693long - stay patients as those with lengths of stay at least 17

9706days longer than the GMLOS, and in calculating the potential

9716LTCH days generated by those pa tients, Kindred excluded the days

9727before the GMLOS as well as the first seven days after the

9739GMLOS. See Select - Marion , supra , at 34. The purpose of

9750excluding the first seven days after the GMLOS was to “take[]

9761into account the fact that hospitals typical ly do not consider

9772the transfer of patients to an LTCH until after the GMLOS and

9784that it typically takes several days for the transfer to be

9795coordinated once the patient has been identified as a potential

9805LTCH patient.” Id. Neither of the methodologies p resented in

9815Select - Escambia’s application take into account the delay - in -

9827transfer issue discussed in Select - Marion , but the Agency did

9838not argue in the SAAR, at the final hearing, or in its PRO that

9852the methodologies are deficient for that reason.

98591 0 / Se e Exhibit P2, at 000097 (stating that the calculation of

9873the excess days “identifies the days acute care hospitals

9882incurred [] for treating long - stay patients” and the calculation

9893“provide[es] an estimate of the potential long - term care

9903hospital patient da ys”).

99071 1 / In making this finding, the undersigned did not overlook

9919the data in the CON application that purports to show that

9930charity patients represented only 0.02 percent of patient days

9939in the Florida LTCHs in calendar year 2003 . S ee Exhibit P2, at

99530 00288 . H owever, Select - Escambia’s health planner testified at

9965the hearing that the statewide average for charity patients was

9975“under one percent, it might be .9 or .94 or something like

9987that” (Transcript, at 125), which is consistent with the

9996percentage i dentified in the SAAR. See Exhibit A - 2, at 20 - 21.


10014Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk

10018Agency for Health Care Administration

100232727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

10029Tallahassee, Florida 32308

10032William Roberts, Acting General Counsel

10037Agency for Hea lth Care Administration

10043Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

100482727 Mahan Drive

10051Tallahassee, Florida 32308

10054Alan Levine, Secretary

10057Agency for Health Care Administration

10062Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116

100672727 Mahan Drive

10070Tallahassee, Florida 32308

10073Mark A. Emanuele, Esquire

10077Panza, Maurer, & Maynard, P.A.

10082Bank of America Building, Third Floor

100883600 North Federal Highway

10092Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

10096Kenneth W. Gieseking, Esquire

10100Agency for Health Care Administration

101052727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

10111Tallahassee, Flor ida 32308


10121All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

1013115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

10142to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

10153will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/14/2005
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 07/11/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/17/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/17/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 1-2, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/17/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: The Agency for Health Care Administration`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order of Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc. filed.
Date: 05/13/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Joinder filed.
Date: 05/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time and Establishing Deadline for Filing Proposed Recommended Orders (proposed recommended orders shall be filed on or before May 20, 2005).
Date: 05/13/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (parties` proposed recommended orders shall be filed on or before May 13, 2005).
Date: 05/06/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/28/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (parties` proposed recommended orders shall be filed on or before May 6, 2005) .
Date: 04/27/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s Joint Motion for a One Week Enlargment of Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 04/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (parties` shall file proposed recommended orders on or before April 29, 2005).
Date: 04/13/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to file Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/01/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (parties` proposed recommended orders shall be filed on or before April 15, 2005).
Date: 03/31/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc. Motion for a Ten Day Enlargement of Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 03/16/2005
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes I-II) filed.
Date: 03/01/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/25/2005
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation of Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc. and Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 02/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Response to Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia`s Request for Admissions (filed by Respondent).
Date: 02/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia`s First Set of Interrogatories (filed by Respondent).
Date: 02/21/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Petitioner`s Discovery (filed by Respondent).
Date: 02/18/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner, Select-Escambia`s Third Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/16/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner, Select-Escambia`s Second Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/16/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner, Select-Escambia`s Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/09/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (as to day) filed.
Date: 02/08/2005
Proceedings: Order on Motion to Shorten Time to Respond to Discovery (the Agency shall serve its complete response to Petitioner`s discovery requests on or before February 21, 2005; parties shall file their pre-hearing stipulation on or before 3:00 p.m. on February 28, 2005).
Date: 02/04/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 02/03/2005
Proceedings: The Agency for Health Care Administration`s Objection to Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time for Discovery filed.
Date: 02/03/2005
Proceedings: Order Consolidating Cases (consolidated cases are 04-0455, 04-3148CON, and 05-0319CON).
Date: 02/02/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 02/02/2005
Proceedings: Amended Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s Motion to Consolidate Cases filed.
Date: 02/02/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s Motion to Shorten Time to Respond to Discovery filed.
Date: 02/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Docments to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s First Request for Admissions to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.s Notice of Service of First Request for Admissions to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Select Specialty Hospital-Escambia, Inc.`s Notice of Service of First Request for Production of Documents to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 02/01/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 01/26/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/25/2005
Proceedings: Select Speciality Hospital - Escambia, Inc. Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):