05-000402RX Florida Academy Of Cosmetic Surgery, Inc. vs. Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, August 8, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Florida Administrative Code Rules 64B8-9.0092 (4)(a) and 64B8-9.0092 (4)(c) are invalid because they are vague and leave Respondent with unbridled discretion.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 05 - 0402 RX





38Respondent. )



43A formal hearing was conducted in this case on April 26,

54200 5 , in Tallahassee, Florida, before Suzanne F. Hood,

63Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



73For Petitioner: Alfred W. Clar k, Esquire

80Post Office Box 623

84Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0623

89For Respondent: Edward A. Tellochea, Esquire

95Office of the Attorney General

100Department of Legal Affai rs

105The Capitol, P laza L evel 01

112Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


121The issue is whether Florida Administrative Code Rules 64B -

1319.0092(2)(f), 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a), and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c)

139consti tute invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority

147as defined by Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes (2004).


157On July 12, 2004, Petitioner Florida Academy of Cosmetic

166Surgery (FLACS) filed an application for approval as an offi ce

177surgery accrediting organization pursuant to Section 458.309,

184Florida Statutes (2004) and Florida Administrative Code Rule

19264B8 - 9.0092. On August 20, 2004, Respondent Department of

202Health (DOH), Board of Medicine (Board), issued a Notice of

212Intent to D eny the application.

218On or about September 2, 2004, FLACS filed a Petition for

229Formal Administrative Proceedings pursuant to Sections 120.569

236and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2004). On September 17, 2004,

245the Board referred the petition to the Division of

254Administrative Hearings (DOAH). DOAH assigned the case DOAH

262Case No. 04 - 3249.

267On September 28, 2004, the undersigned issued a Notice of

277Hearing, scheduling DOAH Case No. 04 - 3249 for hearing on

288December 13, 2004. Pursuant to the Board's unopposed Moti on for

299Continuance dated December 1, 2004, the undersigned rescheduled

307DOAH Case No. 04 - 3249 for hearing on February 23 and 24, 2005.

321On February 4, 2005, FLACS filed a Petition for an

331Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Florida

338Administra tive Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092. DOAH assigned the rule

349challenge DOAH Case No. 05 - 0402RX.

356On February 4, 2005, FLACS filed an unopposed Motion to

366Consolidate DOAH Case Nos. 04 - 3240 and 05 - 0402RX. An Order of

380Consolidation dated February 15, 2005, granted t he motion.

389On February 14, 2005, the Board filed an unopposed

398Motion for Continuance. An Order Granting Continuance and

406Re - scheduling Hearing was entered on February 17, 2005,

416rescheduling the hearing for April 25 and 26, 2005.

425By letter dated April 18, 2005, the parties advised the

435undersigned that they required only one day for hearing and

445requested that the hearing commence on April 26, 2005. The

455undersigned granted the parties' request via telephonic


463During the hearing, the parties offered one joint exhibit,

472which was accepted as evidence. FLACS presented the testimony

481of two witnesses and offered four exhibits that were accepted as

492evidence. The Board presented the testimony of two witnesses

501and offered five exhibits that were acc epted as evidence. At

512the conclusion of the hearing, the parties agreed to file late -

524filed depositions and exhibits in lieu of testimony during the


535During the final hearing, the parties also agreed to file

545separate proposed orders for DOAH Case Nos. 04 - 3249 and 05 -

5580404RX. Accordingly, the cases are hereby deconsolidated. 1

566On May 13, 2005, the court reporter filed the Transcript of

577the proceedings.

579On May 17, 2005, the Board filed the deposition of

589Charles E. Grapper, M.D., D.D.S.

594On May 19, 2 005, the undersigned issued an Order Granting

605Agreed Motion for Extension of Time to file proposed orders.

615On May 27, 2005, FLACS filed the deposition of R. Gregory

626Smith, M.D.

628The Board filed the deposition of Jerry A. Cohen, M.D. and

639Rina A. Palladino on May 31, 2005, and June 1, 2005,


651On June 13, 2005, the Board filed an unopposed Motion for

662Extension of Time to file p roposed Orders.

670FLACS filed its Proposed Final Order on June 21, 2005. The

681Board filed its Proposed Final Order on June 22, 2005.

691All citations hereinafter shall refer to Florida Statutes

699(2004) unless otherwise indicated.


7061. In Florida, physicians who perform certain surgical

714procedures in their offices are required to register the office

724with DOH. Addit ionally, DOH must inspect such offices unless a

735nationally recognized accrediting agency or an accrediting

742organization approved by the Board inspects and accredits the

751offices every three years. See § 458.309(3), Fla. Stat. and

761Fla. Admin. Code R . 64B8 - 0 .0091.

7702. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092, entitled

"779Approval of Physician Office Accrediting Organizations,"

785establishes requirements that FLACS must meet in order to

794achieve the Board's approval to operate as an accrediting

803organization. F LACS is the only organization that the Board has

814ever approved as an accrediting organization.

8203. FLACS is a not - for - profit corporation, organized for

832the following purposes: (a) to promote office safety through

841its accreditation activities; (b) to pro mote cosmetic surgery;

850and (c) to provide continuing education courses related to

859office surgery. FLACS was formed in 1999 and, since that time,

870has participated actively in office surgery issues considered by

879the Board.

8814. FLACS began operating as an approved office surgery

890accrediting organization early in 2001. In January 2003 FLACS

899filed a complete renewal application, seeking the Board's

907approval to continue operating as an office surgery accrediting

916organization. The Board denied the applicatio n and, after a

926formal administrative hearing, entered a Final Order denying

934FLACS's application. See Florida Academy of Cosmetic Surgery,

942Inc. v. Board of Medicine , Case No. DOH - 04 - 0661 - FOF - MQA (Final

959Order, June 18, 2004)(adopting Recommended Order in DO AH Case

969No. 03 - 3349, April 15, 2004.)

9765. FLACS filed a new application for approval as an office

987surgery accrediting organization on July 12, 2004. The Board

996never advised FLACS whether its application was complete or

1005incomplete. There is evidence that a member of the Board's

1015staff, Melinda Grey, reviewed the application, finding it

1023incomplete in many respects.

10276. On August 5, 2004, Ms. Grey prepared a spreadsheet

1037entitled "Board of Medicine Staff Issues Regarding FLACS

1045Application." The spreadshee t compared the application with the

1054requirements of the applicable provisions of the Florida

1062Administrative Code, including Florida Administrative Code Rule

106964B8 - 9.0092.

10727. Larry McPherson, the Board's Executive Director, was

1080aware that Ms. Grey was re viewing FLACS's application. She did

1091not tell Mr. McPherson that the application was incomplete.

1100Instead, she informed the Board's legal counsel that FLACS had

1110filed the application. Subsequently, Ms. Grey placed the

1118application on the Board's next sche duled meeting agenda.

11278. On August 7, 2004, the Board voted to deny the new

1139application. On August 23, 2004, the Board entered an Notice of

1150Intent to Deny FLACS's new application on the following grounds:

11601. When participating in accrediting

1165ac tivities in the past, the applicant

1172violated Section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida

1176Statutes, by failing to comply with rules of

1184the Board in the following manner:

1190a. The applicant failed to provide

1196copies of accreditation reports and

1201corrective action plan s to the Board office

1209within 30 days of completion of accrediting

1216activities in violation of Rule 64B8 -

12239.0092(4)(e), Florida Administrative Code.

1227b. The applicant failed to immediately

1233report to the Department conditions in

1239physicians' offices that p osed a potential

1246immediate threat to patients in violation of

1253Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(f), Florida

1258Administrative Code.

1260c. When inspecting and accrediting

1265facilities the applicant ignored its written

1271accreditation standards and failed to

1276provide the Board office with accreditation

1282standards under which it was actually

1288operating. Such facts reveal that the

1294applicant operated in violation of Rule

130064B8 - 9.0092(4)(g), Florida Administrative


1306d. When inspecting the facilities, the

1312applicant operated with inadequate or

1317applied inconsistently its quality assurance

1322program in violation of Rule 64B8 -

13299.0092(4)(a), Florida Administrative Code.

13332. The applicant failed to provide

1339evidence of an adequate quality assurance

1345program as required by Rule 64B8 -

13529.0092(4)(a), Florida Administrative Code.

13563. The applicant failed to provide

1362evidence of an adequate ongoing anesthesia

1368related accreditation and quality assurance

1373processes as required by Rule 64B8 -

13809.0092(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code.

13844 . The applicant failed to submit

1391copies of all incident reports filed with

1398the state that originated at FLACS

1404accredited facilities as required by Rule

141064B8 - 9.0092(4)(f), Florida Administrative


1416Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(2)(f) -- Incident Reports

14239. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(2)(f)

1431requires an application for approval as an office surgery

1440accreditation organization to include copies of all incident

1448reports filed with the state. The incident reports are defined

1458by Section 458.351(4), Florid a Statutes, which reads as follows:

1468(4) For purposes of notification to

1474the department pursuant to this section, the

1481term "adverse incident" means an event over

1488which the physician or licensee could

1494exercise control and which is associated in

1501whole o r in part with a medical

1509intervention, rather than the condition for

1515which such intervention occurred, and which

1521results in the following patient injuries:

1527(a) The death of a patient.

1533(b) Brain or spinal damage to a


1541(c) The perfo rmance of a surgical

1548procedure on the wrong patient.

1553(d) 1. The performance of a wrong -

1561site surgical procedure;

15642. The performance of a wrong surgical

1571procedure; or

15733. The surgical repair of damage to a

1581patient resulting from a planned surgical

1587procedure where the damage is not a

1594recognized specific risk as disclosed to the

1601patient and documented through the informed -

1608consent process if it results in: death;

1615brain or spinal damage; permanent

1620disfigurement not to include the incision

1626scar ; fracture or dislocation of bones or

1633joints; a limitation of neurological,

1638physical or sensory function; or any

1644condition that required transfer of the


1651(e) A procedure to remove unplanned

1657foreign objects remaining from a surgical

1663procedur e.

1665(f) Any condition that required

1670transfer of a patient to a hospital licensed

1678under Chapter 395, Florida Statutes, from

1684any facility or any office maintained by a

1692physician for the practice of medicine which

1699is not licensed under Chapter 395, Flori da


170810. The incident reports are further defined by Florida

1717Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.001(1)(a), which states as

1726follows in relevant part:

1730. . . an event over which the physician or

1740other licensee could exercise control and

1746which is asso ciated in whole or in part with

1756a medical intervention, rather than the

1762condition for which such intervention

1767occurred, and which results in the following

1774patient injuries:

17761. The death of a patient.

17822. Brain or spinal damage to a


17903. The performance of a surgical

1796procedure on the wrong patient.

18014. The performance of a wrong - site

1809surgical procedure, the performance of a

1815wrong surgical procedure; or the surgical

1821repair of damage to a patient resulting from

1829a planned surgical p rocedure where the

1836damage is not a recognized specific risk as

1844disclosed to the patient and documented

1850through the informed - consent process and if

1858one of the listed procedures in the

1865paragraph results in: death; brain or

1871spinal damage; permanent disfigure ment not

1877to include the incision scar; fracture or

1884dislocation of bones or joints; a limitation

1891of neurological, physical or sensory

1896function; or any condition that required

1902transfer of the patient.

19065. A procedure to remove unplanned

1912foreign object s remaining from a surgical


19206. Any condition that required

1925transfer of a patient to a hospital licensed

1933under Chapter 395, Florida Statutes, from

1939any facility or any office maintained by a

1947physician for the practice of medicine which

1954is no t licensed under Chapter 395, Florida


196311. FLACS understood that the "incident reports"

1970referenced in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(2)(f)

1979are the same as the "reports on adverse incident" defined by

1990Section 458.351, Florida Statut es. FLACS's application

1997specifically references adverse incident reports as defined by

2005Section 458.351, Florida Statutes. FLACS filed two such adverse

2014incident reports with it s new application.

202112. FLACS has several methods to use in collecting

2030incide nt reports. First, FLACS requires its accredited

2038physicians and office surgery facilities to attest and

2046acknowledge that they are required to provide FLACS with any and

2057all adverse incident reports related to or following surgery in

2067the accredited offices . Second, FLACS requires the staff of

2077accredited offices to perform self - evaluation surveys after the

2087first and second year of accreditation, said surveys to include

2097such incident reports. Third, FLACS watches for information

2105about adverse incidents as r eported by news media or complaints

2116from the public.

211913. Most important, FLACS can make quarterly public record

2128searches even though the state system of record keeping for

2138adverse incident reports is not computerized. There is no

2147persuasive evidence th at FLACS ever made an oral or written

2158public records request for copies of incident reports related to

2168its accredited practices.

217114. There is no statutory or rule requirement for

2180physicians to file copies of incident reports with their

2189accrediting organ ization. However, at least two of the

2198nationally recognized accrediting agencies, Joint Commission on

2205Accreditation of Healthcare Organization s (JACHO) and American

2213Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities

2220(AAAASF), have provisions in their accreditation manuals related

2228to adverse incidents.

223115. JACHO's "Accreditation Manual for Office - Based Surgery

2240Practices," Second Edition (2005), defines a "sentinel event" as


2250A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence

2257involving de ath or serious physical or

2264psychological injury, or the risk thereof.

2270Serious injury specifically includes loss of

2276limb or function. The phrase "or risk

2283thereof" includes any process variation for

2289which a recurrence would carry a significant

2296chance of a serious adverse outcome.

2302Such events are called "sentinel" because

2308they signal the need for immediate

2314investigation and response.

2317The terms "sentinel event" and "medical

2323error" are not synonymous; not all sentinel

2330events occur because of an error, and not

2338all errors result in sentinel events.

234416. JACHO requires each accredited practice to define

"2352sentinel event" for its own purposes in establishing mechanisms

2361to identify, report, and manage these events. JACHO encourages,

2370but does not require, its cl ients to report "sentinel events" to

2382the accrediting agency within 45 days of the event or of

2393becoming aware of the event. The report should include a root

2404cause analysis and an action plan. If JACHO becomes aware of an

2416unreported "sentinel event," JACHO will advise the accredited

2424practice to prepare and submit the report within a certain time

2435frame. If the accredited practice fails to file an appropriate

2445report within that time frame, JACHO will not revoke

2454accreditation, but will place the accredited pr actice on an

"2464Accreditation Watch" list.

246717. AAAASF's "Standards and Checklist for Accreditaion of

2475Ambulatory Surgery Facilities" contains forms for accredited

2482surgery facilities to use in reporting "unanticipated sequela."

2490The forms refer one to AAAASF' s "Quality Assurance and Peer

2501Review Manual" for questions relative to their completion. The

2510record indicates that "unanticipated sequela" are the equivalent

2518of adverse incident reports, including but not limited to,

2527events that result in unplanned hospit al admissions.

253518. In Florida, physicians are required to file adverse

2544incident reports with DOH's Consumer Services Unit (CSU), which

2553is part of DOH's Medical Quality Assurance Program. On at least

2564a quarterly basis, the Board's staff requests CSU to provide it

2575with copies of adverse incident reports filed during a certain

2585time frame.

258719. The staff of the CSU has access to medical consultants

2598who review the incident reports to determine whether there might

2608have been a violation of law or a violation of a standard of

2621care. If so, the matter is referred for further investigation,

2631determination of probable cause, and possible disciplinary

2638prosecution by the Board.

264220. The Board's staff places the incident reports in

2651physician registration files and in office surgery

2658inspection/accreditation files. The Board's staff also places

2665copies of incident reports involving physicians or facilities in

2674the respective file of their accrediting agency or accrediting


268421. The Board's staff provide s copies of adverse incident

2694reports to DOH's state inspectors before they make office

2703inspections of non - accredited facilities or facilities formerly

2712accredited by a national agency or FLACS. The state

2721inspector/risk manager uses the incident reports dur ing

2729inspections to recommend improvements so that such incidents can

2738be avoided in the future.

274322. The Board's Surgical Care Committee, uses the incident

2752reports for statistical purposes. The Surgical Care Committee

2760reviews the reports to determine whe ther changes need to be made

2772in administrative rules, including but not limited to, rules

2781related to standard of care or physician registration.

278923. It is important for FLACS to be aware of adverse

2800incident reports filed by its accredited physicians and office -

2810surgery facilities. Such reports are an essential part of any

2820accreditation program. Without such knowledge, FLACS cannot be

2828assured that its accredited physicians and offices are taking

2837steps to prevent such incidents from occurring in the futur e.

2848Moreover, if FLACS is not aware of the adverse incidents

2858occurring in the offices it inspects, FLACS cannot implement

2867changes in its policies to improve the accreditation process.

287624. The Board has no policy or practice for routinely

2886sharing inciden t reports with accrediting organizations.

2893Nevertheless, requiring FLACS to file copies of incident reports

2902with the Board could alert the Board to incidents that were

2913known to FLACS but never reported to the state and vice versa.

2925As stated above, FLACS could make routine public records

2934requests for copies of reports filed with the Board but not

2945reported directly to FLACS.

2949Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a) -- Quality Assurance Program

295725. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a)

2965requires an accrediting orga nization to "have a mandatory

2974quality assurance program approved by the Board of Medicine."

2983Though it is not apparent on the face of the rule, this

2995provision relates to an "internal" quality assurance program

3003used by the accrediting organization, not a qu ality assurance

3013program implemented at a physician's office.

301926. The rule does not define a quality assurance program

3029or describe the required contents of a quality assurance program

3039necessary to achieve the Board's approval. There are no forms

3049or inst ructions to provide guidance in designing an such a


306127. Mr. McPherson testified that FLACS could have used the

3071quality assurance programs of national accrediting agencies as a

3080reference when designing its own program. The greater weight of

3090the evidence indicates that the "internal" quality assurance

3098programs of national agencies are proprietary and not available

3107to the public.

311028. Public information from JACHO and AAAASF relates to

3119the ways that they monitor the quality assurance programs of t he

3131offices they inspect. For example, JACHO's manual discusses

3139quality management issues for accredited practices, including

3146standards, elements of participation, and the rationale that

3154supports each. There is no evidence to show what internal steps

3165the national agencies take to assure the quality of their

3175programs apart from monitoring the programs of the accredited

3184practices. Therefore, the Board could not have compared FLACS's

"3193internal" quality assurance program and processes with the

"3201internal" qual ity assurance programs and processes of the

3210national accrediting agencies.

321329. During the hearing, the Board presented expert

3221testimony about quality assurance programs in general. The

3229expert testified that a generic quality assurance program for

3238healthc are providers requires the following: (a) identification

3246of positive outcomes that one desires; (b) identification of

3255undesired negative outcomes based on the service and risk

3264profile of the facility; (c) evaluation of accrued adverse

3273incidents to identif y trends; and (d) identification of ways to

3284prevent future problems.

328730. The Board's quality assurance expert based his

3295testimony on the standards published by the Center for Medicare

3305and Medicaid Services (CMS). The description of a quality

3314assurance program in the CMS document forms a skeleton for

3324national accreditation programs such as the AAAASF, JACHO, and

3333the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care

3340(AAAHC). The rule does not reference CMS, JACHO, AAAASF, or

3350AAAHC as having establishe d models for an "internal" mandatory

3360quality assurance program that the Board would approve.

336831. FLACS's office quality improvement plan compares

3375favorably to the one established by AAAASF in some respects.

3385For instance FLACS requires its accredited ph ysicians and

3394offices to perform a random chart screen of five cases on a

3406quarterly basis. AAAASF requires a minimum of six cases per

3416surgeon utilizing a facility or two percent of all cases in a

3428group practice every six months.

343332. AAAASF requires its clients to engage in a peer review

3444process at least every six months. The review is done by a

3456recognized peer review organization or a medical doctor other

3465than the operating room surgeon. FLACS does not require peer

3475review evaluations due to concerns th at peer review documents

3485would be subject to discovery in legal proceedings in Florida.

3495Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) -- Ongoing Anesthesia - related

3504Accreditation and Quality Assurance Processes Involving the

3511Active Participation of Anesthesiologists

351533. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c)

3523requires an accrediting organization to have "ongoing

3530anesthesia - related accreditation and quality assurance processes

3538involving the active participation of anesthesiologists." The

3545Board did not base its denial on FLACS's anesthesia - related

3556accreditation standards and quality assurance processes required

3563by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(b). Instead,

3572the denial is based upon the requirement for "active

3581participation of anesthesiologists."

358434. T he Board has no standards that describe or define the

"3596active participation of anesthesiologists." There is no

3603evidence that shows how the Board applied this requirement to

3613FLACS's application. There are no forms or instructions to

3622provide guidance for a n applicant attempting to show the ongoing

3633active participation of anesthesiologists. There is no evidence

3641regarding the participation of anesthesiologists in ongoing

3648anesthesia - related accreditation and quality assurance processes

3656of national accreditati on agencies.

366135. FLACS has an Anesthesia Review Committee, which is

3670made up of three participating anesthesiologists, FLACS's

3677inspectors, and FLACS's Executive Director. The committee meets

3685quarterly to discuss current issues involving office surgery

3693a nesthesia, any anesthesia incidents involving FLACS's

3700accreditees, new pharmacological agents available for outpatient

3707anesthesia and, when available, additional information such as

3715incident reports involving anesthesia mishaps of physicians who

3723are not FL ACS's accreditees.

372836. The Anesthesia Review Committee keeps written minutes.

3736FLACS's Board of Directors reviews the minutes during regularly

3745scheduled meeting.

374737. The Anesthesia Review Committee is responsible for

3755updating FLACS's Anesthesis Param eters of Care on an annual

3765basis. They also attend FLACS's educational meeting to update

3774members on current practice in outpatient/office surgery


378238. The Board's quality assurance expert testified that he

3791could not determine exactly how FLACS 's anesthesiologists

3799participated, i.e . what they did and how they came to

3810conclusions. The expert could not say whether the participation

3819of FLACS's anesthesiologists resembled the participation of

3826anesthesiologists in the programs of national accreditat ion

3834agencies. The expert acknowledged that for a relatively small

3843number of physician's offices with a small number of anesthesia -

3854related problems occurring within those offices, an evaluation

3862of such problems on a quarterly basis might be quite adequate.


387639. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3883jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

3893proceeding pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (2005).

390140. FLACS has the burden of proving, by a preponderance of

3912th e evidence, that Florida Administrative Code Rules 64B8 -

39229.0092(2)(f), 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a), and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) are

3931invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority as to the

3940objection raised. See § 120.56(3)(a), Fla. Stat.

394741. Section 120.56(1)(e), F lorida Statutes, provides in

3955pertinent part that "[h]earings held under this section shall be

3965de novo in nature."

396942. The parties have agreed and the facts establish that

3979FLACS has standing to bring this rule challenge. FLACS's

3988application was denied in part based on the Board's reliance

3998upon the challenged rules.

400243. Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, provides as

4009follows in relevant part:

4013(8) "Invalid exercise of delegated

4018legislative authority" means action which

4023goes beyond the powers, functio ns, and

4030duties delegated by the Legislature. A

4036proposed or existing rule is an invalid

4043exercise of delegated legislative authority

4048if any one of the following applies:

4055* * *

4058(b) The agency has exceeded its grant

4065of rulemaking authority, citation t o which

4072is required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

4077(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

4083contravenes the specific provisions of law

4089implemented, citation to which is required

4095by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

4098(d) The rule is vague, fails to

4105establish adequate standar ds for agency

4111decisions, or vest unbridled discretion in

4117the agency;

4119(e) The rule is arbitrary or

4125capricious. A rule is arbitrary if it is

4133not supported by logic or the necessary

4140facts; a rule is capricious if it is adopted

4149without thought or reason or is irrational.

4156* * *

4159A grant of rulemaking authority is necessary

4166but not sufficient to allow an agency to

4174adopt a rule; a specific law to be

4182implemented is also required. An agency may

4189adopt only rules that implement or interpret

4196the specific power s and duties granted by

4204the enabling statute. No agency shall have

4211authority to adopt a rule only because it is

4220reasonably related to the purpose of the

4227enabling legislation and is not arbitrary

4233and capricious or is within the agency's

4240class of powers and duties, nor shall an

4248agency have the authority to implement

4254statutory provision setting forth general

4259legislative intent or policy. Statutory

4264language granting rulemaking authority shall

4269be construed to extend no further than

4276implementing or interpreting the specific

4281powers and duties conferred by the same


428944. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of Subsection 120.58, Florida

4298Statutes, are somewhat similar, but have been held to impose

4308different requirements upon agency rulemaking. Paragraph (8)(b)

4315relate s to the adequacy of the grant of rulemaking authority,

4326while paragraph (8)(c) and the "flush left" language relate to

4336the limitations imposed by an agency's enabling statutory

4344authority, which is being implemented. See St. Johns Water

4353Management District v. Consolidated - Tomoka Land Company , 717

4362So. 2d 72, 81 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998); The Sierra Club v. St. Johns

4376Water Management District , DOAH Case No. 01 - 0583RP at p. 19

4388(Final Order, June 16, 2001). The "flush left" language has

4398been described as "a set of general standards to be used in

4410determining the validity of a rule in all cases." See Southwest

4421Florida Water Management District v. Save the Manatee Club , 773

4431So. 2d 594, 597 - 598 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000).

444145. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.0092 sta tes as

4452follows in pertinent part:

4456(1) Definitions.

4458* * *

4461(b) "Approved accrediting agency or

4466organization" means nationally recognized

4470accrediting agencies: American Association

4474for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery

4479Facilities (AAAASF), Ac creditation

4483Association for Ambulatory Health Care

4488(AAAHC) and Joint Commission on

4493Accreditation of Healthcare Organization

4497(JACHO). Approved organizations also

4501include those approved by the Board after

4508submission of an application for approval

4514pursuant t o this rule.

4519* * *

4522(2) Application. An application for

4527approval as an accrediting organization

4532shall be filed with the Board office at 4052

4541Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C)#, Tallahassee,

4547Florida 32399 - 3252, and shall include the

4555following information an d documents:

4560* * *

4563(f) Copies of all incident reports

4569filed with the state.

4573* * *

4576(4) Requirements. In order to be

4582approved by the Board, an accrediting

4588organization must comply with the following


4595(a) The accrediting age ncy must have a

4603mandatory quality assurance program approved

4608by the Board of Medicine.

4613(b) The accrediting agency must have

4619anesthesia - related accreditation standards

4624and quality assurance processes that are

4630reviewed and approved by the Board of

4637Medi cine.

4639(c) The accrediting agency must have

4645ongoing anesthesia - related accreditation and

4651quality assurance processes involving the

4656active participation of anesthesiologists.

4660Petitioner challenges the validity of Florida Administrative

4667Code Rules 64 B8 - 9.0092(2)(f), 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a), and 64B8 -


4680Section 120.52(8)(b), Florida Statutes

468446. FLACS argues that the Board exceeded its rulemaking

4693authority contrary to Section 120.52(8)(b), Florida Statutes, in

4701the following ways: (a) in Florid a Administrative Code Rule

471164B8 - 9.0092(2)(f) by requiring an application to include

4720incident reports; (b) in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 -

47309.0092(4)(a) by mandating an requirement for an approved quality

4739assurance program; and (c) in Florida Admini strative Code Rule

474964B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) by requiring that an applicant have ongoing

4759anesthesia - related processes involving the active participation

4767of anesthesiologists.

476947. The Board does not cite to Section 458.309(1), Florida

4779Statu t es, as specific autho rity for the challenged rules.

4790Section 458.309(1), Florida Statutes, states as follows:

4797458.309 Rulemaking authority. --

4801(1) The board has authority to adopt

4808rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54

4815to implement the provisions of the chapt er

4823conferring duties upon it.

4827Instead, the Board cites the specific authority of Section

4836458.309(3), Florida Statutes, which states as follows:

4843(3) All physicians who perform level 2

4850procedures lasting more than 5 minutes and

4857all level 3 surgical pr ocedures in an office

4866setting must register the office with the

4873department unless that office is licensed as

4880a facility pursuant to chapter 395. The

4887department shall inspect the physician's

4892office annually unless the office is

4898accredited by a nationally r ecognized

4904accrediting agency or an accrediting

4909organization subsequently approved by the

4914Board of Medicine. The actual costs for

4921registration and inspection or accreditation

4926shall be paid by the person seeking to

4934register and operate the office setting in

4941which the office surgery is performed.

494748. Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes, states as


4955120.54 Rulemaking. --



4970(a) Rulemaking is not a matter of

4977agency discretion. Each agency statement

4982defined as a rule by s. 120.52 shall be

4991adopted by the rulemaking procedure provided

4997by this section as soon as feasible and


500649. Any standards that the Board uses to approve or

5016disapprove applicants would constitute rules as defined by

5024Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes, which states as follows in

5033relevant part:

5035(15) "Rule" means each agency

5040statement of general applicability that

5045implements, interprets, or prescribes law or

5051policy or descri bes the procedure or

5058practice requirements of an agency and

5064includes any information not specifically

5069required by statute or by an existing rule.

5077. . .

508050. By locating Section 458.309(3), Florida Statutes, in a

5089statutory section entitled "Rulemaking Auth ority," the

5096Legislature has necessarily given the Board explicit authority

5104to promulgate the challenged rules. Any other interpretation of

5113the statute would mean that the Board could not establish the

5124standards to be employed when granting or denying appr oval of

5135office surgery accrediting organizations without violating

5141Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

5145Section 120.52(8)(c) and the "Flush Left" Language

515251. FLACS argues that Florida Administrative Code Rules

516064B8 - 9.0092(2)(f), 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a) an d 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c)

5171enlarge, modify, or contravene the specific provisions to be

5180implemented contrary to Section 120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes,

5187and the "flush left" language, quoted above. The challenged

5196rules cite Section 458.309(3), Florida Statutes, as the law


520652. Specifically, FLACS asserts that Section 458.351(4),

5213Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 -

52229.001(1)(a), quoted above in the Findings of Fact, require

5231physicians to file adverse incident reports. FLACS t akes the

5241position that Section 458.309(3), Florida Statutes, does not

5249refer to incident reports or give the Board the power or duty to

5262force accrediting organizations to comply with Section

5269458.351(4), Florida Statutes, by requiring them to file copies

5278of incident report with their applications.

528453. FLACS also asserts that Section 458.309(3), Florida

5292Statutes, does not give the Board the power or duty to mandate

5304the implementation of quality assurance programs or the active

5313participation of anesthesiolog ist in anesthesia - related

5321accreditation and quality assurance processes.

532654. In Section 458.309(3), Florida Statutes, the

5333Legislature did not limit the Board's discretion to decide what

5343applicants must include with their applications or what they

5352must s how to achieve approval of their accreditation processes.

5362The Legislature's decision not to spell out the contents of

5372applications or to list all standards the Board must apply

5382before approving applications does not mean that the challenged

5391rules violate Section 120.58(c), Florida Statutes. Section

5398458.309(3), Florida Statutes, gives the Board the specific power

5407and duty to exercise its discretion in this regard.

5416Section 120.52(8)(d), Florida Statutes

542055. FLACS argues that Florida Administrative Code R ules

542964B8 - 9.0092(2)(f), 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(a) and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c)

5439violate Section 120.58(8)(d), Florida Statutes, because they are

5447vague, fail to establish adequate standards for agency

5455decisions, and vest unbridled discretion upon the Board.

546356. As to Fl orida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 -

54739.0092(2)(f), FLACS is correct that the rule does not

5482specifically identify incident reports as defined in Section

5490458.351(4), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code

5497Rule 64B8 - 9.001(1)(a). However, FLACS had no trouble

5506identifying the incident reports when it filed two such reports

5516with its application. There is nothing vague about the term

"5526incident reports" in the medical community.

553257. The requirement for applicants to file incident

5540reports is very stra ightforward. If the reports are filed, the

5551accreditation organization meets the requirement and the Board

5559would have no discretion to find otherwise.

556658. The requirement for an applicant to include incident

5575reports with its application does not violate Section 120.58(d),

5584Florida Statutes. In fact, FLACS did not assert this argument

5594in its Proposed Final Order.

559959. In considering whether Florida Administrative Rules

560664B8 - 9.0092(4)(a) and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) are vague, one must

5617construe the terms "quali ty assurance program" and "ongoing

5626anesthesia - related accreditation and quality assurance processes

5634involving the active participation of anesthesiologist" in

5641accordance with the meaning assigned to the terms by the class

5652of persons within the purview of t he rule and within the context

5665of the subject matter of the rule. See Southwest Florida Water

5676Management Dist. v. Charlotte County , 774 So. 2d 903, 915 - 916

5688(Fla. 2nd DCA 2001). Given that the challenged rules are meant

5699to regulate office surgery accredit ation organizations, the

5707terms must be given the meaning assigned them by individuals who

5718operate such organizations.

572160. During the hearing, the Board presented expert

5729testimony that the term "quality assurance program" is judged by

5739a national standard , which originates from CMS and its deemed

5749national healthcare accrediting programs (AAAASF, AAAHC, and

5756JACHO). The Board's expert also opined that the national

5765accrediting agencies express the national standards for quality

5773assurance in different ways. In other words, they do not mirror

5784each other in every detail.

578961. It might be possible to determine the national

5798standard for quality assurance programs of office surgery

5806facilities by examining the programs that national accrediting

5814agencies require o f their accredited practices. One cannot use

5824the same process to determine the national standard for an

"5834internal quality assurance program" or "ongoing anesthesia -

5842related accreditation and quality assurance processes involving

5849the active participation of anesthesiologists" because the

"5856internal" quality assurance programs and processes of the

5864national accrediting agencies are proprietary.

586962. In any event, having a national standard, implemented

5878by national accrediting agencies in different ways, does not

5887eliminate the problem here. In Section 458.309(3), Florida

5895Statutes, the Legislature created three inspection methods for

5903office surgery facilities: (a) inspection by DOH; (b)

5911inspection by a nationally recognized accrediting agency; and

5919(c) inspecti on by an accrediting organization approved by the

5929Board. In making a distinction between national agencies and

5938state - approved organizations, the Legislature authorized the

5946Board to establish office surgery inspection standards, i.e.

5954something other than t he national experience per se . However,

5965the challenged rules do not inform applicants whether the Board

5975wants them to use the quality assurance program and processes of

5986a particular national agency as a model, to select parts of the

5998programs and processes from each of the named national agencies,

6008or to design quality assurance programs and processes based

6017entirely on Florida's experience and independent of the national


602763. The challenged rules are open - ended and do not provide

6039sufficient infor mation for applicants to know whether their

"6048internal" quality assurance programs and processes are

6055adequate. Accordingly, Florida Administrative Code Rules 64B8 -

60639.0092(4)(a) and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) are vague and enable the

6073Board to exercise unbridled discr etion in violation of Section

6083120.52(8)(d), Florida Statutes.

6086Section 120.52(8)(e), Florida Statutes

609064. FLACS argues that Florida Administrative Code Rule

609864B8 - 9.0092(2)(f) is arbitrary and capricious because it

6107requires applicants to file incident rep orts in violation of

6117Section 120.52(8)(e), Florida Statutes. FLACS asserts that the

6125rule is invalid for the following reasons: (a) the rule enables

6136the Board to deny an application for failing to include incident

6147reports , even though the Board is in poss ession of the reports

6159and knows which agency or organization accredited the office;

6168(b) there is no statutory requirement for an accrediting

6177organization to file such report; and (c) there is no way for an

6190applicant to know for certain when a physician's o ffice has

6201filed an incident report.

620565. FLACS's argument that it is arbitrary or capricious to

6215require applicants to file incident reports is without merit for

6225several reasons. First, the Board uses the requirement as a

6235cross - reference to ensure that p hysicians are filing the reports

6247with the state. The requirement is important to ensure that

6257every adverse incident reported to an accrediting organization

6265is also reported to CSU.

627066. Second, accrediting organizations need to be aware of

6279adverse event s that occur in the offices they inspect. Without

6290such knowledge, accrediting organizations would not be aware of

6299the need to take action to prevent reoccurrence of the event.

6310Regardless of the type of quality assurance programs or

6319processes that applica nts employ "internally" or impose on their

6329accredited offices, a minimal requirement would be knowledge of

6338adverse events occurring in those offices.

634467. Third, the challenged rule is not arbitrary or

6353capricious because there is no statutory requirement for

6361applicants to file physicians' adverse incident reports. As

6369discussed above, the Board has the power and duty to decide the

6381contents of applications, including incident reports, where

6388consideration of such documents is an important part of

6397evaluating applications, i.e . to ensure that applicants are

6406aware of what is going on in their accredited offices.

641668. FLACS has requested an award of fees and costs

6426pursuant to Section 120.595(3), Florida Statutes, which states

6434as follows:


6441RULES PRUSUANT TO section 120.56(3). -- If the

6449court or administrative law judge declares a

6456rule or portion of a rule invalid pursuant

6464to s. 120.56(3), a judgment or order shall

6472be rendered against the agency for

6478reasonable costs and reas onable attorney's

6484fees, unless the agency demonstrates that

6490its actions were substantially justified or

6496special circumstances exist which would make

6502the award unjust. An agency's are

"6508substantially justified" if there was a

6514reasonable basis in law and fac t at the time

6524the actions were taken by the agency. If

6532the agency prevails in the proceedings, the

6539court or administrative law judge shall

6545award reasonable costs and reasonable

6550attorney's fees against a party if the court

6558or administrative law judge deter mines that

6565a party participated in the proceedings for

6572an improper purposed as defined by paragraph

6579(1)(e). No award of attorney's fees as

6586provided by this subsection shall exceed


659469. The undersigned reserves jurisdiction to determine the

6602que stion of an award of fees and costs in this case, pending a

6616motion for such relief and the opportunity for the parties to

6627present facts related to the request.


6634Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6644Law, it is


66481. That the challenge to Florida Administrative Code Rule

665764B8 - 0092(2)(f) is dismissed.

66622. That Florida Administrative Code Rules 64B8 -

66709.0092(4)(a) and 64B8 - 9.0092(4)(c) are invalid exercises of

6679delegated legislative authority.

6682DONE AND ORDERED this 8th day of August , 2005 , in

6692Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6700Administrative Law Judge

6703Division of Administrative Hearings

6707The DeSoto Building

67101230 Apalachee Parkway

6713Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6718(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

6726Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6733Filed with the Clerk of the

6739Division of Administrative Hearings

6743this 8th day of August , 2005 .


67511/ The Exhibits and Transcript in DOAH Case No. 04 - 3249 are

6764located with the re cord in DOAH Case No. 05 - 0402RX.


6779Alfred W. Clark, Esquire

6783Post Office Box 623

6787Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0623

6792Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel

6797Department of Health 6400

68014052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6807Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6812Edward A. Tellochea, Esquire

6816Office of Attorney General

6820Department of Legal Aff airs

6825The Capitol , Plaza Level 01

6830Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6835Dr. John O. Agwunobi, Secretary

6840Department of Health

68434052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6849Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


6860A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

6871entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

6880Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

6889of Ap pellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

6898filing the original Notice of Appeal with the agency clerk of

6909the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied

6918by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

6929Appeal, First D istrict, or with the District Court of Appeal in

6941the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

6951appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

6964be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/29/2008
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 12/20/2005
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 10/26/2005
Proceedings: Amended Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 10/26/2005
Proceedings: Statement of Service Preparation of Record filed.
Date: 10/21/2005
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case, DCA Case No. 5D05-3062 filed.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal sent to the Fifth District Court of Appeal.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Street Address filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held April 26, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Proposed Final Order filed in DOAH Case No. 05-0402RX.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed in DOAH Case No. 04-3249.
Date: 06/21/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed in DOAH Case No. 04-3249
Date: 06/21/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed in DOAH Case No. 05-0402RX.
Date: 06/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (on or before June 22, 2005, parties shall have an opportunity to file proposed orders, on or before July 22, 2005, the undersigned shall issue a recommended order in DOAH Case No. 04-3249 and a final order in DOAH Case No. 05-0402RX).
Date: 06/13/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order and Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 06/01/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Late Filing of Deposition Transcript filed.
Date: 06/01/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (R. Palladino) filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (J. Cohen) filed.
Date: 05/27/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript filed.
Date: 05/27/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (R. Gregory Smith, M.D.) filed.
Date: 05/26/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Agreed Motion for Extension of Time (on or before May 31, 2005, parties` shall file all post-hearing transcripts and exhibits, on or before June 13, 2005, parties` shall have an opportunity to file proposed final orders, on or before July 13, 2005, the undersigned shall issue the final order).
Date: 05/18/2005
Proceedings: Agreed Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (C.E. Graper) filed.
Date: 05/13/2005
Proceedings: Transcript of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 04/26/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/25/2005
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/18/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Hood from A. Clark regarding hearing length and rescheduling filed.
Date: 04/15/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Subpoena ad Testificandum for Charles Graper, M.D., D.D.S filed.
Date: 02/17/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (original hearing set for April 25 and 26, 2005; 10:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL; April 25th hearing date cancelled on April 20, 2005, and parties were notified that hearing is set for April 26, 2005 only).
Date: 02/15/2005
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (consolidated cases are: 04-3249 and 05-0402RX).
Date: 02/14/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent).
Date: 02/07/2005
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 02/04/2005
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Ann Cole copying Scott Boyd and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 02/04/2005
Proceedings: Petition for an Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Rule 64B8-9.0092, Florida Administrative Code filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Health


Related Florida Statute(s) (11):