05-000950 Miami-Dade County School Board vs. Tanweer I. Malik
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, September 13, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent should be suspended without pay for 30 days for failing to file a pre-trip inspection form and post-accident report.





16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 05 - 0950




32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to noti ce, a fina l hearing was conducted on

48June 9, 2005, at Miami, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

58Claude B. Arrington of the Division of Administrative Hearings



69For Petitioner: Denise Wallace, Esquire

74M iami - Dade County Public Schools

811450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400

87Miami, Florida 33132

90For Respondent: Madelin Gonzalez, Qualified Representative

96AFSCME Council 79

9999 Northwest 183 Street, Suite 224

105Miami, Florida 33169

108Steven H. Malone, Esquire

112Suite 1650, Esperante

115222 Lakeview Avenue

118West Palm Beach, Florida 33401


127Whether Respondent committed the offenses alleged in the

135Notice of Specific Charges (NSC) filed by Petitioner and the

145penalties, if any, that should be imposed.


154At all times relevant t o this proceeding, Respondent has

164been employed by Petitioner as a school bus driver. At its

175regularly scheduled meeting of February 16, 2005, Petitioner

183voted to suspend Respondent’s employment without pay for a

192period of 30 days. Respondent timely chal lenged Petitioner’s

201proposed action, the matter was referred to DOAH, and this

211proceeding followed.

213On April 7, 2005, Petitioner filed its NSC, which

222constitutes the charging document in this proceeding. The NSC

231alleged certain facts pertaining to an acci dent Respondent had

241on August 20, 2004, while driving a school bus (the bus). Based

253on those facts, Petitioner charged Respondent with three

261offenses. Count I alleged that Respondent failed to bring

270credit upon himself and the School Board in violation o f School

282Board Rule 6Gx13 - 4A - 1.21, which is captioned “Responsibilities

293and Duties of Employees.” Count II alleged that Respondent

302violated School Board Rule 6Gx13 - 3E - 1.10, which is captioned

314“Transportation – Specific Procedures,” by failing to follow

323re quired pre - trip inspection procedures, failing to make a

334required inspection following an accident, and failing to

342immediately report an accident. Count III alleged that

350Respondent failed to perform his job responsibilities, which

358subjects him to discipli ne pursuant to the provisions of Article

369XI, Section 4C of the applicable collective bargaining agreement

378between the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal

387Employees (AFSCME), Local 1184 and Petitioner (the AFSCME


396At the final he aring, Petitioner presented the testimony of

406Mary Carter (school bus attendant), Gwendolyn Cone (Field

414Operations Specialist for Petitioner’s Transportation

419Department), Mary Sweeting (an Area Director for Petitioner’s

427Transportation Department), Barbara M oss (a District Director

435for Petitioner’s Office of Professional Standards), and

442Respondent. Petitioner presented seven sequentially - numbered

449exhibits, each of which was admitted into evidence. Respondent

458presented the testimony of Greg Allen (a school b us driver and

470union officer). Respondent had two exhibits marked for

478identification purposes, but neither exhibit was admitted into


487A Transcript of the proceedings was filed on August 8,

4972005. Each party filed a Proposed Recommended Order, wh ich has

508been duly considered by the undersigned in the preparation of

518this Recommended Order.


5241. At all times, Petitioner has been a duly constituted

534School Board pursuant to Article IX, Florida Constitution, and

543Section 1001.32, Florid a Statutes (2005). 1

5502. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent

559has been a member of AFSCME and, as such, has been entitled to

572the benefits of the AFSCM E Contract.

5793. Since November 15, 2002, Respondent has been employed

588by Petitioner as a school bus driver and assigned to the North

600Regional Transportation Center (NRTC). Until this incident,

607Respondent had not been disciplined by Petitioner.

6144. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Carter

624was a school bus attendant assigned to the NRTC.

6335. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Cone was

644a Field Operations Specialist assigned to the NRTC and had

654supervisory authority over Ms. Carter and Respondent.

6616. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Sweeting

671was the Dire ctor of Petitioner’s NRTC and had supervisory

681authority over Ms. Cone.

6857. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Moss was

696a District Director in the Office of Professional Standards and

706assisted with performance and discipline of employees. She

714en sured that Petitioner complied with applicable due process

723requirements during a disciplinary proceeding.

7288. School Board Rule 6Gx13 - 4A - 1.21 states in pertinent

740part that:

742All persons employed by The School Board

749of Miami - Dade County, Florida are

756rep resentatives of the Miami - Dade County

764Public Schools. As such, they are expected

771to conduct themselves, both in their

777employment and in the community, in a manner

785that will reflect credit upon themselves and

792the school system.

7959. School Board Rule 6Gx13 - E - 1.10 incorporate s by

807reference Petitioner’s Handbook for School Bus Drivers, Aides,

815and Operations Staff (Handbook).

81910. Section 3 of the Handbook is captioned “School Bus

829Driver Guidelines and Procedures.” Section 3.4 of the Handbook,

838captioned “Du ties,” imposes the following duties on a school bus


851. . . Drivers must report defective

858equipment to their Dispatch Office in

864writing on the “Driver’s Request for Repair

871(DRR)” form. The report must be made as

879soon as possible after the prob lem is

887detected. . . . If the driver encounters a

896problem while operating the vehicle, the

902Dispatch Office must be notified immediately

908and the driver must wait for instructions

915from the garage.

91811. Section 3.3 of the Handbook, captioned “Regulations,”

927imp oses the following responsibilities on a school bus driver:

937“. . . Prepare immediately an accident

944report after every accident involving the

950bus or bus passenger. This report must be

958completed with the driver’s supervisor.

96312. Section 10 of the Hand book is captioned “Operating

973Procedures and Safe Driving Principles.” Section 10.1 of the

982Handbook, captioned “School Bus Operation,” provides as follows:

991Drivers must perform a complete pre - trip

999inspection of their assigned buses at least

1006twice daily. The pre - trip inspection must

1014be accomplished before the driver departs

1020the compound with the bus. Pre - trip

1028inspection results must be documented on the

1035f orm provided for this purpose. . . .

104413. On August 20, 2004, Respondent was assigned to drive

1054the b us along school bus Route 22.

106214. There is a bridge on Northwest 42 nd Avenue between

1073Northwest 179 and 183 Streets (the 42 nd Avenue Bridge). On

1084August 20, 2004, the 42 nd Avenue Bridge was undergoing

1094construction work. There were barricades, constructi on cones,

1102and other warning devices that were visible to approaching

1111drivers. Because of the construction, the NRTC had informed

1120school bus drivers not to cross the 42 nd Avenue Bridge.

1131Respondent testified that he did not hear that warning, but that

1142he k new the bridge was undergoing construction work.

115115. On the morning of August 20, 2004, Ms. Carter was the

1163bus attendant on the bus driven by Respondent. At the time of

1175the accident described below, there were four students on the


118616. On the mo rning of August 20, 2004, Respondent drove

1197the bus across the 42 nd Avenue Bridge.

120517. There was a dispute between the parties as to what, if

1217anything, occurred while Respondent was driving the bus across

1226the 42 nd Avenue Bridge. The greater weight of the competent

1237evidence established that the bus collided with an object on the

124842 nd Avenue Bridge or with the 42 nd Avenue Bridge itself. This

1261accident caused minor damage to the bus. 2

126918. Respondent did not immediately stop to inspect the

1278bus. After Respon dent crossed the 42 nd Avenue, he continued on

1290his route, picked up students, and stopped at North Dade Middle

1301School (NDMS) to drop off students. While stopped at NDMS,

1311Respondent inspected the bus and noticed that the outer tire on

1322the right rear of the bus was flat. Respondent testified that

1333the inner tire on the right rear of the bus did not appear to be

1348damaged. Respondent did not contact or make any report to the

1359transportation dispatch office at that time. Respondent drove

1367the bus with the damaged tire to the NRTC bus parking area.

1379Respondent made the determination that it was safe to drive the

1390bus with the damaged tire without consulting anyone. 3

139919. After Respondent returned to the NRTC bus compound, he

1409completed a Driver’s Request for Repair (DRR) form, which

1418indicated that the right rear outer tire needed repair.

142720. Because of Respondent’s DRR, the bus was taken from

1437the bus parking area to the garage.

144421. After Ms. Carter returned to the bus compound with

1454Respondent, she reported to Ms. Cone that the bus had had an

1466accident as it crossed the 42 nd Avenue Bridge. The report was

1478in the form of a message left for Ms. Cone on her voicemail.

149122. Ms. Cone received Ms. Carter’s message on August 20,

15012004, and promptly went to the parking area and then to the

1513garage. She inspected the bus at the garage. Ms. Cone, who has

1525had extensive experience and training in accident investigation,

1533observed that bus’ right rear tire rim was bent and disfigured

1544and that the bus’ door was damaged.

155123. After inspecting the bus, Ms. Cone informed

1559Ms. Sweeting of Ms. Carter’s report and of her own observations.

1570Ms. Sweeting and Ms. Cone immediately thereafter went to the

158042 nd Avenue Bridge , where they observed markings on the bridge

1591that were consistent with a vehicle coming in contact with the

1602bridge. The white stony color of the damaged area of the bridge

1614was consistent with the white stony color Ms. Cone had observed

1625on the damaged tire rim. Although the markings on the bus and

1637on the bridge were con sistent with one another, there was no

1649conclusive proof that the markings observed on the bridge were

1659caused by the bus.

166324. Ms. Cone took photographs of the bus and th e bridge on

1676August 20, 2004. M s . Cone subsequently delivered the

1686photographs and a rep ort of the accident to Ms. Sweeting. Prior

1698to the final hearing in this matter, Ms. Sweeting was reassigned

1709to the East Regional Transportation Center. When she left the

1719NRTC, Ms. Sweeting left the photographs in a file on her desk.

1731The photographs were subsequently lost or misplaced.

1738Respondent’s qualified representative made a public record’s

1745request for the photographs and was informed that they had been

1756lost. 4

175825. A Conference for the Record (CFR) was conducted on

1768August 23, 2004, with Ms. Sweeting presiding. Also present were

1778Respondent and an AFSCME representative. Ms. Sweeting

1785recommended further disciplinary action.

178926. A second CFR was condu cted October 29, 2004, with

1800Ms. Moss presiding. Also present were Jerry Klein (Petitioner’s

1809Director of Transportation), Ms. Sweeting, two AFSCME

1816representatives, and Respondent. Following the second CFR,

1823Respondent was required to submit to a fitness - for - duty

1835evaluation. Thereafter, Petitioner’s staff made the

1841disciplinary recommendation that was subse quently adopted by


185027. The photographs taken by Ms. Cone were available for

1860review at both CFRs.

186428. The Handbook does not define the term “accident . ”

1875School bus drivers employed by Petitioner are required to

1884undergo training when they a re first hired. During training, a

1895driver is taught to immediately report to the transportation

1904dispatcher if his or her bus hits an object and damage to the

1917bus results. A driver is taught that such an incident is an

1929accident. Despite that training, Re spondent denied that there

1938had been an accident and explained that he defined an accident

1949as being when someone gets hurt on the bus, when he hits or

1962kills someone, or when he damages the property of another. He

1973would not acknowledge that an accident also includes damaging

1982the bus by hitting a bridge or an object on a bridge.

199429. It is undisputed that Respondent failed to document

2003pre - trip inspections on August 18, 19 and 20, 2004. Respondent

2015testified that he actually performed the pre - trip inspections ,

2025but that he did no documentation because he could not find the

2037pencil he usually kept on the bus after he returned from sick

2049leave. Respondent’s testimony that he completed the pre - trip

2059inspection but failed to complete the required paperwork,

2067although self - serving, was not refuted. Consequently, it is

2077found that Petitioner failed to prove that Respondent did not

2087conduct a pre - trip inspection, but it did prove that Respondent

2099failed to complete the pre - trip inspection report. 5

210930. The parties agree that Petitioner has the authority to

2119discipline Respondent for just cause consistent with the

2127principles of progressive discipline. Article XI, Section 1A of

2136the AFSCME Contract provides, under the caption “Due Process”,

2145in relevant part, as follows:

2150. . . Progressive discipline steps should

2157be followed, however in administering

2162discipline, the degree of discipline shall

2168be reasonably related to the seriousness of

2175the offense and the employees [sic] record.

2182Therefore, disciplinary steps may include:

21871. verbal warning;

21902. written warning (acknowledged);

21943. letter of reprimand;

21984. suspension/demotion;

22005. dismissal.

220231. Article XI, Section 1B of the AFSCME Contract

2211provides, in part, as follows:

2216. . . [I]t is agreed that disciplinary

2224a ction(s) taken against AFSCME . . . members

2233shall be consistent with the concept and

2240practice of progressive or corrective

2245discipline and that in all instances the

2252degree of discipline shall be reasonably

2258related to the seriousness of the offense

2265and the e mployee’s record.

227032. Article XI, Section 4C of the AFSCME Contract provides

2280that termination of employment may occur if a member is guilty

2291of non - performance of job responsibilities. Article XI, Section

23013 of the AFSCME Contract provides as follows:

2309If those cases where any employee has not

2317complied with Board Policies and/or

2322department regulations, but the infraction

2327is not deemed serious enough to recommend

2334dismissal, the department head may recommend

2340suspension up to 30 calendar days without

2347pay. All suspensions must be approved by

2354the Superintendent.


235933. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2366jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this

2377case pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

2385Statut es.

238734. Pursuant to Section 1012.40(2)(b), Florida Statutes,

2394and the AFSCME Contract, Petitioner has the authority to

2403discipline Respondent’s employment for "just cause." The School

2411Board has the burden of proving the allegations in the N SC by a

2425preponde rance of the evidence. Allen v. School Board of Dade

2436County , 571 So. 2d 568, 569 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990); Dileo v. School

2449Board of Lake County , 569 So. 2d 883 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990). The

2462AFSCME Contract does not impose a more stringent burden of proof

2473on the Scho ol Board.

247835. This is a de novo proceeding, not an appeal of a

2490decision by Petitioner or its staff. See § 120.57(1)(k), F la .

2502S tat . Consequently, the fact that the missing photographs were

2513considered at the CFRs but were not available at the final

2524hear ing does not dictate a finding of not guilty on all charges

2537as argued by Respondent. Whether Respondent is guilty or not

2547guilty of the charges must be determined based solely on the

2558preponderance of the competent evidence presented at the final

2567hearing. See § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

257336. Petitioner proved by the requisite evidentiary

2580standard that Respondent failed to immediately report the

2588accident on the 42 nd Avenue Bridge, that he failed to

2599immediately inspect the bus following the accident, and that he

2609failed to follow the pre - trip inspection procedures by

2619documenting the inspection. These acts are in violation of the

2629Handbook as alleged in Count II of the NSC.

263837. The foregoing acts also constitute non - performance of

2648job duties within the meaning of Article XI, Section 4C of the

2660AFSCME Contract as alleged in Count III of the NSC.

267038. The foregoing acts further constitute a violation of

2679School Board Rule 6Gx13 - 4A - 1.21, as alleged in Count I of the


269539. Other than the provision for progres sive discipline,

2704there are no disciplinary guidelines applicable to this

2712proceeding. Consideration should be given to the fact that

2721Respondent has no previous discipline against his employment

2729with Petitioner. Consideration should also be given to the fa ct

2740that his employment could be terminated for the offenses

2749established by Petitioner in this proceeding. The testimony

2757presented by Petitioner established that the penalty of

2765suspension for 30 calendar days without pay is reasonable under

2775the circumstanc es.


2779Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of

2789Law, it is RECOMMENDED that. Based on the foregoing Findings of

2800Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner

2810enter a final order that adopts the Findings of Fact and

2821Conclusions of Law set forth in this Recommended Order and

2831sustains the suspension of Respondent's employment for 30

2839calendar days without pay.

2843DONE AND ENTERED this 13 th day of September, 2005 , in

2854Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2862Administrative Law Judge

2865Division of Administrative Hearings

2869The DeSoto Building

28721230 Apalachee Parkway

2875Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2880(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2888Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2894www.doah.stat e.fl.us

2896Filed with the Clerk of the

2902Division of Administrative Hearings

2906this 13 th day of September, 2005 .


29151 / Unless otherwise indicated, statutory references are to

2924Florida Statutes (2005). Rule references are to the version of

2934the rule admi tted into evidence as an exhibit.

29432 / In reaching these findings, the undersigned has considered

2953Respondent’s testimony that he did not have an accident on

2963August 20, 2004. The undersigned has further considered

2971Respondent’s argument based on the theor y of spoliation of

2981evidence, as discussed below. That argument pertains to

2989photographs that were taken on the date of the incident but had

3001been lost or misplaced. The undersigned has also considered the

3011testimony of the witnesses who inspected the subjec t bus after

3022Respondent completed his route. Petitioner’s witnesses are

3029found to be more credible than Respondent’s denial that no

3039accident had occurred. The Respondent’s definition of the term

3048“accident , ” which is discussed in a subsequent paragraph of t his

3060Recommended Order, is one reason that his denial is given little


30723 / In its NSC, Petitioner cites the following excerpt from

3083Section 10.1 of the Handbook:

3088Drivers must at all times, operate their

3095buses in a safe, prudent, lawful, and

3102courteous manner. Drivers must, at all

3108times, observe the principles of defensive

3114driving. Drivers must always remember that

3120the main goal of our transportation system

3127is a safe ride for the students.

3134In its Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioner argue s that

3143Respondent violated the cited provision by driving the bus with

3153a damaged tire. Because the NSC does not contain that factual

3164allegation, no consideration has been given that argument in

3173recommending the penalty that follows.

31784 / The public reco rds request was made by Ms. Gonzalez while

3191this matter was pending before DOAH before Mr. Malone entered

3201his appearance, but while Petitioner was being represented by

3210Ms. Wallace. No formal discovery request was made by Respondent

3220for the photographs and neither Respondent’s qualified

3227representative or his counsel asked Ms. Wallace for the

3236photographs prior to the hearing. The undersigned denied

3244Respondent’s motion to treat the unavailability of the

3252photographs as a discovery violation based on the argume nt that

3263the absence of the photographs constituted the spoliation of

3272evidence. Respondent’s motion to infer that there was no damage

3282to the bus based on the unavailability of the photographs was

3293also denied. Respondent was granted a continuing o bjection to

3303the testimony from M s. Cone and Ms. Sweeting as to the damages

3316they had observed to the bus and/or the 42 nd Avenue Bridge.

33285 / The failure to complete the pre - trip inspection report

3340established that Respondent did not comply with the pre - trip

3351inspect ion procedures as alleged in Paragraph 9 of the NSC.


3365Denise Wallace, Esquire

3368Miami - Dade County Public Schools

33741450 Northeast Second Avenue,

3378Suite 400

3380Miami, Florida 33132

3383Madelin Gonzalez , Qualified Representative

3387AFSCME Council 79

339099 Northwest 183 Street, Suite 224

3396Miami, Florida 33169

3399Steven H. Malone, Esquire

3403Suite 1650, Esperante

3406222 Lakeview Avenue

3409West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

3414Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent

3419Miami - Dade County School Board

34251450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912

3431Miami, Florida 33132 - 1394

3436Honorable John L. Winn

3440Commissioner of Education

3443Department of Education

3446Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3450Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3455Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel

3460Department of Education

34631244 Turlington Bu ilding

3467325 West Gaines Street

3471Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3482All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

349215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3503to this Recommended Orde r should be filed with the agency that

3515will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/08/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order of the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida filed.
Date: 11/23/2005
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case, DCA Case No. D05-2675.
Date: 10/19/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 9, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Proposed Recommended Order of Tanweer Malik filed.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order of Respondent Tanweer I. Malik filed.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Proposed Recommended Order of Tanweer Malik filed.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 07/06/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Agreed Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (parties shall have 30 days from the date the Transcript is filed with DOAH in which to file their proposed recommended Orders).
Date: 07/05/2005
Proceedings: Agreed Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 06/09/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion in Limine to Exclude any Documents or Testimony Related to Marcial Mendez`s Disciplinary File filed.
Date: 06/03/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 06/03/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Representative Motion to Qualify filed.
Date: 06/01/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Amended Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/24/2005
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Continuance.
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/04/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 9, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 04/22/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Availability filed.
Date: 04/21/2005
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 04/18/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by M. Gonzalez, Esquire).
Date: 04/07/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/07/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Specific Charges filed.
Date: 03/31/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/31/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 26, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 03/23/2005
Proceedings: Amended Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/22/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/14/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/11/2005
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/11/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Suspension without pay filed.
Date: 03/11/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


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