05-001599 Laniger Enterprises Of America, Inc. vs. Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, September 19, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner`s application to renew its wastewater treatment plant permit should be approved. Respondent`s basis for denying the permit application was without lawful authority.




13INC. , )


16Petitioner , )


19vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1599





34Respondent . )



40A formal administrative hearing in this matter was held on

50July 10, 2006, in Stuart, Martin County, Florida, before

59Bram D. E. Canter, a duly - appointed Administrative Law Judge of

71the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


79For Petitioner: Brian J. Cross, Esquire

85Department of Environmental Protection

893900 Commonwealth Boulevard

92M ail S tation 35

97Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

102For Respondent: Martin S . Friedman, Esquire

109Rose, Sundstrom & Bentley, LLP

1142180 West State Road 434, Suite 2118

121Longwood, Florida 32779


128The issue in this case is whether Respondent Laniger

137Enterprises of America, Inc. (Laniger), is entitled to the

146renewal of its domestic wastewater facility permit that was

155denied by Petitioner Department of Environmental Protection



165On April 6, 2005, the Department issued a Notice of De nial,

177indicating that it was denying Laniger's application to renew

186its permit to operate a domestic wastewater treatment plant

195(WWTP) in Jensen Beach, Martin County, Florida. Laniger timely

204filed a petition challenging the Department's action, and the

213ca se was referred to DOAH to conduct an evidentiary hearing.

224Upon the joint request of the parties, this permit case was

235consolidated for hearing with an enforcement case (DOAH Case

244No. 06 - 1245EF) arising from the Department's Notice of

254Violation, Orders for Corrective Action, and Administrative

261Penalty Assessment issued on August 12, 2005 (NOV). The NOV

271contains three counts against Laniger for operating without a

280permit, failure to submit certain semi - annual progress reports,

290and for the Department's enfor cement costs. In the enforcement

300case, the Department seeks to impose administrative penalties in

309the amount of $9,000 and to require Laniger to cease operation

321of its WWTP.

324Under applicable law, the undersigned must issue a final

333order in the enforcement case and a recommended order in the

344permit case. Therefore, the two orders are being issued


354At the hearing, the Department presented the testimony of

363William Thiel; Timothy Powell; and Joseph May, accepted as an

373expert in hydrology. The Depa rtment's Exhibits 1 through 17 and

38420 were admitted into evidence. Laniger presented the testimony

393of Reginald Burge; John Whitmer, accepted as an expert in design

404and permitting of wastewater treatment plants; and James Herin,

413accepted as an expert in th e evaluation of groundwater flow and

425the evaluation of the transport of constituents in groundwater.

434Laniger's Exhibits 1 through 6 were admitted into evidence.

443The two - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed

454with DOAH. Laniger and the Departmen t timely filed post - hearing

466submittals that have been carefully considered in the

474preparation of this Recommended Order.


482The Parties

4841. The Department is the administrative agency of the

493State of Florida having the power and duty to prote ct Florida's

505air and water resources and to administer and enforce the

515provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (2005), 1 and the

525rules promulgated in Florida Administrative Code Title 62.

5332. Laniger is a Florida corporation that owns and operates

543the W WTP that is the subject of this case, located at

5551662 Northeast Dixie Highway, Jensen Beach, Martin County,

563Florida. The WWTP is referred to in the Department permit

573documents as the Beacon 21 WWTP.

579The WWTP

5813. Laniger acquired the WWTP in 1988 in a fore closure

592action. At that time, the WWTP was in a "dilapidated" condition

603and was operating under a consent order with the Department.

613After acquiring the WWTP, Laniger brought it into compliance

622with the Department's requirements.

6264. Laniger's WWTP is com monly referred to as a "package

637plant." 2 The WWTP's treatment processes are extended aeration,

646chlorination, and effluent disposal to percolation ponds. The

654WWTP does not have a direct discharge to surface water. It was

666permitted to treat 99,000 gallons per day (gpd) of wastewater.

677Its average daily flow during the past year was about 56,000


6905. The east side of the WWTP site is adjacent to Warner

702Creek. On the north side of the WWTP site, an earthen berm

714separates the WWTP's percolation ponds from a drainage ditch

723that connects to Warner Creek. Warner Creek is a tributary to

734the St. Lucie River. The St. Lucie River is part of the Indian

747River Lagoon System.

750The Indian River Lagoon Act

7556. In 1989, the St. Johns River Water Management Distri ct

766and the South Florida Water Management District jointly produced

775a Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan for the

785Indian River Lagoon System ("the lagoon system"). For the

796purpose of the planning effort, the lagoon system was defined as

807c omposed of Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River Lagoon, and Banana

817River Lagoon. It extends from Ponce de Leon Inlet in Volusia

828County to Jupiter Inlet in Palm Beach County, a distance of

839155 miles.

8417. The SWIM Plan identified high levels of nutrients as a

852majo r problem affecting water quality in the lagoon system.

862Domestic wastewater was identified as the major source of the


8738. The SWIM Plan designated 12 problem areas within the

883lagoon system and targeted these areas for "research,

891restoration and conservation projects under the SWIM programs."

899Department Exhibit 2 at 11 - 13. Neither Warner Creek nor the

911area of the St. Lucie River that Warner Creeks flows into is

923within any of the 12 problem areas identified in the SWIM Plan.

9359. With regard to p ackage plants, the SWIM Plan stated:

946There are numerous, privately operated,

"951package" domestic WWTPs which discharge

956indirectly or directly to the lagoon. These

963facilities are a continual threat to water

970quality because of intermittent treatment

975process failure, seepage to the lagoon from

982effluent containment areas, or overflow to

988the lagoon during storm events.

993Additionally, because of the large number of

"1000package" plants and the lack of enforcement

1007staff, these facilities are not inspected or

1014monitored as regularly as they should be.

1021Where possible, such plants should be phased

1028out and replaced with centralized sewage

1034collection and treatment facilities.

1038Department Exhibit 2 at 64.

104310. In 1990, the Legislature passed the Indian River

1052Lagoon Act, Chap ter 90 - 262, Laws of Florida. Section 1 of the

1066Act defined the Indian River Lagoon System as including the same

1077water bodies as described in the SWIM Plan, and their

1087tributaries. Section 4 of the Act provided:

1094(1) Before July 1, 1991, the Department of

1102E nvironmental Regulation shall identify

1107areas served by package sewage treatment

1113plants which are considered a threat to the

1121water quality of the Indian River Lagoon


112911. In response to this legislative directive, the

1137Department issued a report in July 1991, entitled " Indian River

1147Lagoon System: Water Quality Threats from Package Wastewater

1155Treatment Plants." The 1991 report f ound 322 package plants

1165operating within the lagoon system and identified 155 plants as

1175threats to water quality.

117912. The 1991 report described the criteria the Department

1188used to determine which package plants were threats:

11961. Facilities that have direct discharges

1202to the system were considered threats.

12082. Facilities with percolation ponds,

1213absorption fields, or other sub - surface

1220disposal; systems located within 100 feet of

1227the shoreline or within 100 feet of any

1235canal or drainage ditch that discharges or

1242may discharge to the lagoon system during

1249wet periods were considered threats.

1254* * *

12573. Facilities with percolat ion ponds,

1263absorption fields, or other sub - surface

1270disposal systems located more than 100 feet

1277from surface water bodies in the system were

1285evaluated case - by - case based on [operating

1294history, inspection reports, level of

1299treatment, and facility reliability ].

130413. Laniger's package plant was listed in the 1991 report

1314as a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system because it

1327was within 100 feet of Warner Creek and the drainage ditch that

1339connects to Warner Creek.

134314. Laniger's WWTP was not determin ed to be a threat based

1355on its wastewater treatment performance. There was no evidence

1364presented that Laniger's WWTP had ever had intermittent

1372treatment process failure, seepage to the lagoon system from

1381effluent containment areas, or overflow during stor m events.

1390Those were the concerns related to package plants that were

1400described in the SWIM Plan and the Department's 1991 report.

141015. Laniger's WWTP was not determined to be a threat based

1421on evidence that it was causing or contributing to excess

1431nutri ents in Warner Creek or in that part of the St. Lucie River

1445nearest to Laniger's WWTP. No evidence was presented that there

1455are excess nutrients in Warner Creek or in that part of the

1467St. Lucie River nearest to Laniger's WWTP.

147416. The Department's 1991 r eport concluded that the

1483solution for package plants threats was to eliminate the package

1493plants and connect their wastewater flow to c entralized sewage

1503collection and treatment facilities. To date, over 90 of the

1513155 package plants identified in the Depa rtment's 1991 report as

1524threats to the water quality of the lagoon system have been

1535connected to centralized sewage collection and treatment


1543The 1999 Permit and Administrative Order

154917. On August 26, 1999, the Department issued Domestic

1558Wastewate r Facility Permit No. FLA013879 to Laniger for the

1568operation of its WWTP. Attached to and incorporated into

1577Laniger's 1999 permit was Administrative Order No. AO 99 - 008 -

1589DW43SED. The administrative order indicates it was issued

1597pursuant to Section 403.088 (2)(f), Florida Statutes. That

1605statute pertains to discharges that "will not meet permit

1614conditions or applicable statutes and rules" and requires that

1623the permit for such a discharge be accompanied by an order

1634establishing a schedule for achieving compli ance.

164118. The administrative order contains a finding that the

1650Beacon 21 WWTP is a threat to the water quality of the lagoon

1663system and that the WWTP "has not provided reasonable

1672assurance . . . that operation of the facility will not cause

1684pollution in contravention of chapter 403, F.S., and

1692Chapter 62 - 610.850 of the Florida Administrative Code." The

1702cited rule provides that "land application projects shall not

1711cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in

1721surface waters."

172319. The ad ministrative order required Laniger to connect

1732its WWTP to a centralized wastewater collection and treatment

1741[facility] "within 150 days of its availability . . . or provide

1753reasonable assurance in accordance with Chapter 620.320(1) of

1761the Florida Administ rative Code that continued operation of the

1771wastewater facility is not a threat to the water quality of the

1783Indian River Lagoon System."

178720. As a result of an unrelated enforcement action taken

1797by the Department against Martin County, and in lieu of a

1808mo netary penalty, Martin County agreed to extend a force main

1819from its centralized sewage collection and treatment facility so

1828that the Laniger WWTP could be connected. The extension of the

1839force main was completed in April 2003.

184621. On April 10, 2003, the Department notified Laniger by

1856letter that a centralized wastewater collection and treatment

1864system "is now available for the connection of Beacon 21." In

1875the notification letter, the Department reminded Laniger of the

1884requirement of the administrative o rder to connect within

1893150 days of availability.

189722. On May 9, 2003, Laniger's attorney responded, stating

1906that the administrative order allowed Laniger, as an alternative

1915to connecting to the centralized wastewater collection and

1923treatment system, to pro vide reasonable assurance that the WWTP

1933was not a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system, and

1946Laniger had provided such reasonable assurance. Laniger's

1953attorney also stated, "due to the location of Martin County's

1963wastewater facilities, such fac ilities are not available as that

1973term is defined in the [administrative] order."

198023. On September 29, 2003, the Department issued a warning

1990letter to Laniger for failure to connect to the Martin County

2001force main and for not providing reasonable assuranc e that the

2012WWTP will not cause pollution in contravention of Chapter 403,

2022Florida Statutes. The Department took no further formal action

2031until it issued the NOV in August 2005. Laniger's challenge of

2042the NOV was consolidated with this permit case.

2050The Pe rmit Renewal Application

205524. In an "enforcement meeting" between Laniger and the

2064Department prior to the expiration of 1999 permit, the

2073Department told Laniger that it would not renew Laniger's WWTP

2083permit. Later, when Laniger filed its permit renewal

2091ap plication, the Department offered to send the application back

2101so Laniger would not "waste" the filing fee, because the

2111Department knew it was not going to approve the application.

212125. Laniger submitted its permit renewal application to

2129the Department on February 15, 2005. The Department considered

2138Laniger's permit application to be complete, but proceeded to

2147prepare the Notice of Denial without any technical review of the

2158application. The Department denied the application on April 6,


216826. The Dep artment's Notice of Permit Denial stated that

2178the permit was denied because Laniger had not connected to the

2189available centralized wastewater collection and treatment system

2196nor provided reasonable assurance that the WWTP "is not

2205impacting water quality wi thin the Indian River Lagoon System."

2215The record evidence showed that the "reasonable assurance" that

2224would have been necessary to satisfy the Department was more

2234than the reasonable assurance the Department usually requires

2242for package plants, and more t han the Department would have

2253required if Laniger's WWTP was 100 feet from Warner Creek.

226327. Competent substantial evidence was presented that

2270Laniger's WWTP is capable of being operated in accordance with

2280the statutes and rules of Department generally ap plicable to

2290package wastewater treatment plants.

229428. Laniger's 1999 permit expired on August 25, 2004.

2303Laniger has operated the plant continuously since the permit


2313Whether the Martin County Facility is Available

232029. As discussed below in the Co nclusions of Law, it is

2332concluded that the Department did not have authority to require

2342Laniger to connect the WWTP to the Martin County force main or

2354to require assurance beyond the reasonable assurance generally

2362required for package treatment plants in o rder to obtain a

2373permit. However, because considerable evidence and argument was

2381directed to whether the force main was available, that issue

2391will be addressed here.

239530. The Martin County force main was not extended to the

2406boundary of the Laniger WWTP si te. The force main terminates

2417approximately 150 feet north of the Laniger WWTP site and is

2428separated from the WWTP site by a railroad and railroad

2438right - of - way.

244331. Laniger presented undisputed evidence that the cost to

2452connect to the Martin County forc e main would be approximately

2463$490,000 and that cost was prohibitively high, given the

2473relatively small number of households served by the WWTP.

248232. The Laniger WWTP is subject to rate regulation by the

2493Public Service Commission (PSC). Laniger presented evidence

2500suggesting that connection to the Martin County force main would

2510result in rates that would not be approved by the PSC. The

2522evidence was speculative and not competent to support a finding

2532regarding PSC action. The evidence does show, however, th at PSC

2543rate regulation was not a factor that the Department considered

2553when it determined that the Martin County force main was


256433. There is no Department rule that defines when a

2574centralized sewage collection and treatment facility is

"2581availab le."

258334. The determination that the Martin County force main

2592was available to Laniger was made informally by members of the

2603Department's compliance staff in the Department's St. Lucie

2611office. Mr. Thiel testified that he considered the force main

2621to be av ailable because it was "in close proximity" to Laniger's

2633WWTP. However, Mr. Thiel admitted that there is a difference of

2644opinion within DEP as to when a facility is available and

2655reasonable persons could disagree about whether a facility was


26653 5. Mr. Thiel thought that the cost to connect is a factor

2678to be considered in determining whether a facility is available,

2688but another Department employee did not think cost should be

2698considered. There was no evidence that the Department took into

2708accoun t Laniger's cost to connect in determining that the Martin

2719County force main was available. The Department simply assumed

2728that the Martin County force main was close enough to the

2739Laniger WWTP site that the cost to Laniger would not be

2750prohibitive. In ad dition, the Department was aware of other

2760package plants that had connected to centralized sewage

2768collection and treatment facilities that were the same distance

2777or a greater from the package plant, and the Department did not

2789hear from the owners of the pa ckage plants that the costs were


280336. Timothy Powell of the Department stated that force

2812mains are usually made available by extending the force main so

2823that it is "abutting the property as much as possible." He also

2835stated that he assumed th at Martin County would extend its force

2847main under the railroad and to the boundary of the Laniger WWTP

2859site after Laniger agreed to connect. However, there was no

2869evidence to show that this is Martin County's intent, and the

2880Department did not tell Lanig er that Laniger did not have to

2892connect to the force main unless Martin County brought the line

2903to the boundary of the WWTP site.

291037. If the Department had authority to require Laniger to

2920connect to the Martin County force main when it became

2930available, and in the absence of any rule criteria to determine

2941when a centralized sewage collection and treatment facility is

2950available, the determination would have to be based on

2959reasonableness. Reasonableness in this context must take into

2967account the cost of th e connection. Cost is the inherent reason

2979that Laniger was not required to connect to the Martin County

2990centralized sewage collection and treatment facility without

2997regard to whether the facility was available. Laniger showed

3006that the cost of connecting to the force main is unreasonably

3017high due to the need to construct a line beneath the railroad.

3029Therefore, Laniger proved by a preponderance of the evidence

3038that the Martin County force main is not available.


305038. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

3060subject matter in this proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569

3069and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

307339. The Department has regulatory authority over Laniger's

3081WWTP under Sections 403.087 and 403.088, Florida Statutes, and

3090Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62 - 610.

309740. Laniger bears the burden of proof in this case to show

3109by a preponderance of the evidence that it is entitled to the

3121renewal of its operating permit. Department of Transportation

3129v. J. W. C. Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1979).

314341. Laniger presented a prima facie case of its

3152entitlement to the permit. The burden then shifted to the

3162Department to demonstrate that reasonable assurance had not been

3171provided. Id. In order to overcome Laniger's prima faci e case

3182for entitlement to the permit renewal, it was incumbent on the

3193Department to demonstrate its authority to require Laniger to

3202connect to a centralized sewage collection and treatment

3210facility or provide assurance over and above the reasonable

3219assuran ce generally required for package sewage treatment

3227plants. The Department failed to show it has such authority.

323742. There is no Department statute or rule that expressly

3247addresses circumstances under which package sewage treatment

3254plants must connect to centralized sewage collection and

3262treatment facilities. The sole authority upon which the

3270Department relies for requiring Laniger to connect to the Martin

3280County force main is Chapter 90 - 262, Laws of Florida. 3

329243. The only relevant authority granted to t he Department

3302by Chapter 90 - 262, Laws of Florida, was to "identify areas

3314served by package sewage treatment plants which are considered a

3324threat to water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System." The

3335law did not create new standards or permitting requir ements for

3346package plants. The law did not specify what action the

3356Department was to take with regard to package plants identified

3366as threats.

336844. It is a well - established principle recognized by the

3379courts of Florida that an administrative agency posses ses no

3389power not granted by statute and any reasonable doubt as to the

3401lawful existence of a particular power must be resolved against

3411the exercise thereof. State ex rel. Greenberg v. Florida State

3421Board of Dentistry , 297 So. 2d 628 (Fla . 1st DCA 1974), c ert.

3435dismissed, 300 So. 2d 900 (Fla. 1974); City of Cape Coral v. GAC

3448Utilities, Inc. of Florida , 281 So. 2d 493 (Fla. 1973).

345845. The Department's reliance on Section 403.088(2)(f),

3465Florida Statutes, to issue the administrative order in 1999 was

3475misplaced because that section pertains to discharges that "will

3484not meet permit conditions or applicable statutes and rules." 4

3494The Department had no basis to believe that Laniger's WWTP would

3505not meet any permit condition, statute, or rule. This section

3515does not provide the Department with authority to impose a

3525compliance schedule solely because the Department identified

3532Laniger's WWTP as a "threat" in a report.

354046. The Department denied Laniger's permit application

3547because it contends Laniger failed to provide reasonable

3555assurance that Laniger's WWTP, although operating in compliance

3563with standards generally applicable to package wastewater

3570treatments plants, would not cause or contribute to excess

3579nutrients in the lagoon system. The Department has authority t o

3590act to prevent a violation of water quality standards. However,

3600the Department had no factual basis to believe there was an

3611excess nutrient problem in Warner Creek or the area of the

3622St. Lucie River into which Warner Creek flows. Neither the SWIM

3633Plan nor Chapter 90 - 262, Laws of Florida, established that there

3645were excess nutrients in every part of the 155 - mile - long lagoon

3659system. In fact, the SWIM Plan showed that Laniger's WWTP was

3670not within any of the "problem areas" of the lagoon system.

3681Therefor e, the Department had no basis to require additional

3691assurance from Laniger in order to obtain a permit for its WWTP. 5


3705Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3715Law, it is

3718RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental P rotection

3726enter a final order granting Laniger Enterprises of America,

3735Inc., a renewal of its wastewater treatment plant operating

3744permit. The permit should contain the same conditions as were

3754contained in the 1999 permit, with the exception of those

3764cond itions derived from Administrative Order No. AO 99 - 008 -


3777DONE AND ENTER ED this 1 9 th day of September , 2006 , in

3790Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3799Administrative Law Judge

3802Division of Administrat ive Hearings

3807The DeSoto Building

38101230 Apalachee Parkway

3813Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3818(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3826Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3833Filed with the Clerk of the

3839Division of Administrative Hearings

3843this 1 9 th day of Septe mber , 2006 .


38541/ Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the Florida

3863Statutes are to the 2005 codification.

38692/ The term "package plant" is not defined in any statute or

3881rule of the Department. However, in the 1991 report of the

3892Departme nt, discussed later in this Recommended Order, the

3901Department defined a package plant as "a manufactured treatment

3910facility that is prefabricated or has a modular design. It

3920typically has a design capacity of less than 1.0 mgd [million

3931gallons per day] an d is intended to serve small areas."

39423/ No part of the Indian River Lagoon Act of 1990 was codified

3955in the Florida Statutes.

39594/ Laniger's failure to comply with the administrative order

3968was subject to enforcement and was the basis for imposing

3978penaltie s in the Final Order in the companion case because

3989Laniger waived its right to challenge the administrative order.

39985/ Whether the Department has a sufficient basis to require

4008additional assurance from any other package plant identified as

4017a threat to the lagoon system is not at issue here.


4031Martin S. Friedman, Esquire

4035Rose, Sundstrom & Bentley, LLP

40402180 West State Road 434, Suite 2118

4047Longwood, Florida 32779

4050Ronda L. Moore, Esquire

4054Department of Environmental Protection

40583900 Commonwe alth Boulevard

4062Mail Station 35

4065Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

4070Brian J. Cross, Esquire

4074Department of Environmental Protection

40783900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4081Mail Station 35

4084Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

4089Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk

4093Department of Environm ental Protection

4098Douglas Building, Mail Station 35

41033900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4106Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

4111Greg Munson, General Counsel

4115Department of Environmental Protection

4119Douglas Building, Mail Station 35

41243900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4127Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

4132Colleen M. Castille, Secretary

4136Department of Environmental Protection

4140Douglas Building, Mail Station 35

41453900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4148Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000


4159All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

416915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4180to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4191will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 02/22/2007
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 11/03/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 11/01/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 10, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/18/2006
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2006
Proceedings: Respondent, Department of Environmental Protection`s, Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2006
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/10/2006
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (Volume I and II) filed.
Date: 08/10/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Transcript of Proceedings) filed.
Date: 07/10/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/30/2006
Proceedings: Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Notice of Filing Excerpts from the Deposition of Joe May in Support of its Emergency Motion to Exclude Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 06/29/2006
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/29/2006
Proceedings: Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/29/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/29/2006
Proceedings: Laniger Enterproises of America, Inc.`s Emergency Motion to Exclude Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 06/21/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/13/2006
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 06/12/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/09/2006
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/01/2006
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Second Request for Production of Documents to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc. filed.
Date: 06/01/2006
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s First Request for Admissions to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc. filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 05-1599 and 06-1245EF).
Date: 05/22/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing Responses to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s, First and Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Address filed by M. Friedman.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Second Set of Request for Admissions to Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Second Set of Request for Admissions to Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 04/21/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Co-counsel for Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 04/14/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 10 and 11, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Stuart, FL; amended as to dates of hearing).
Date: 04/13/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/13/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 11 and 12, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Stuart, FL).
Date: 04/11/2006
Proceedings: Status Report and Request to Set for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 01/17/2006
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by April 13, 2006).
Date: 01/13/2006
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 11/04/2005
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by January 13, 2006).
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 08/31/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by November 1, 2005).
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Motion for 60-day Continuance filed.
Date: 08/24/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc., First Request for Admissions to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s First Request for Admissions to Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 08/05/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/05/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s Responses to Florida Department of Environmental Protection`s First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-9) filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department`s First Request for Production to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc. filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department`s First Request for Production to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc. filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing Responses to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing Answers to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing Responses to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing Answers to Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/16/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/16/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 14 and 15, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Stuart, FL).
Date: 05/11/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Documents to Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Nos. 1-13) filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories to Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Nos. 1-12) filed.
Date: 05/04/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/03/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Permit Denial filed.
Date: 05/03/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/03/2005
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Stuart, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):