05-001651PL Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Real Estate vs. Omari Murray
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, August 30, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent may not accept payment for and prepare appraisals without the consent and supervision of the registered appraiser for whom he is to work.







22Petitioner, )


25vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1651PL




37Respondent. )



43Pursuant to notice a formal hearing was held in this case

54on July 14, 2005, in West Palm Beach, Florida, before J. D.

66Parrish, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division

75of Administrative Hearings.


79For Petitioner: Alpheus C. Pa rsons, Esquire

86Senior Attorney

88Division of Real Estate

92Department of Business and

96Professional Regulation

98400 West Robinson Street, Suite N - 801

106Orlando , Florida 32801

109For Respondent: Omari Murray, pro se

115201 Southwest Eleventh Avenue

119Boynton Beach, Florida 33435


127Whether the Respondent, Omari Murray, committed the

134violations alleged in the Ad ministrative Complaint and, if so,

144what penalty should be imposed.


151On September 21, 2004, the Petitioner, Department of

159Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate

167(Department or Petitioner), filed an Administrative Complaint

174against the Respondent, Omari Murray (Respondent). The

181Complaint alleged that the Respondent had violated six

189provisions of the real estate license laws in connection with

199an appraisal report for an individual named Cesar. More

208specifically, t he Complaint alleged that the Respondent was

217guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false

223promises, false pretenses, dishonest conduct, culpable

229negligence, or breach of trust in any business transaction in

239violation of Section 475.624(2), Florid a Statutes (2004); that

248the Respondent had violated the standards for the development

257or communication of a real estate appraisal (the ethics rules)

267in violation of Section 475.624(14), Florida Statutes (2004);

275that the Respondent had obstructed or hindere d the enforcement

285of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, by failing to respond to an

296authorized representative of the Petitioner in violation of

304Section 475.626(1)(f), Florida Statutes (2004); that the

311Respondent had received payment directly from the recipient of

320an appraisal report in violation of Section 475.6221(3),

328Florida Statutes (2004); that the Respondent had failed to

337communicate an appraisal without good cause in violation of

346Section 475.624(16), Florida Statutes (2004); and that the

354Respondent had fa iled to comply with the disclosure and

364display requirements in violation of Section 475.624(4)(e),

371Florida Statutes (2004). The Respondent filed an Election of

380Rights disputing the allegations.

384The case was referred to the Division of Administrative

393Hear ings for formal proceedings on May 9, 2005, and was

404promptly scheduled for hearing. A Notice of Hearing was

413entered on May 19, 2005, and was mailed to the Respondent at

425his address of record. The hearing was scheduled for West

435Palm Beach, Florida.

438In ad dition to the Notice of Hearing, an Order of Pre -

451Hearing Instructions was provided to the parties. Such order

460contemplated that the parties would confer prior to the

469hearing to discuss the case, explore settlement possibilities,

477and disclose witnesses and exhibits to be offered at trial.

487The Petitioner filed a Response to Order of Pre - hearing

498Instructions on June 27, 2005. The Respondent filed a letter

508on July 13, 2005, seeking a continuance in order to retain an

520attorney. That motion was denied.

525At th e hearing, the Respondent renewed his motion for a

536continuance and alleged that he needed additional time to

545retain an attorney to represent him in the matter. The

555Respondent alleged that he had spoken with an attorney

564(unnamed in the record) but was unab le to reach an agreement

576regarding representation because he was “not a hundred percent

585comfortable with the attorney.” Prior to the taking of

594evidence, the Respondent was afforded a second opportunity (in

603addition to the procedures granted in the Order o f Pre - hearing

616Instructions) to review the evidence to be presented in the

626matter. The Respondent was advised that the burden of proof

636in the case was with the Petitioner and that he would be

648entitled to cross - examine any and all witnesses called by the

660De partment. A recess was provided to give the Respondent

670sufficient time to review the documents the Petitioner

678intended to offer into evidence.

683Despite the foregoing, the Respondent continued to

690maintain he required a continuance and could not proceed

699with out counsel. The Respondent was advised that his

708objection to the proceedings and renewed Motion for

716Continuance were denied. After the Respondent was advised

724that his request was denied he announced he would not

734participate in the proceedings. In fact, the Respondent

742refused to participate without counsel. The Respondent was

750advised that proceedings would continue with or without his

759participation and he was encouraged to participate. When

767questions were posed to the Respondent, he stated, “I’m not

777an swering any questions or participating in the hearing. I’m

787just listening. I’ll seek counsel after the hearing is over

797and I’ll see if I can appeal.” Thereafter, if the Respondent

808answered by shaking his head (an inaudible response) his


818was no ted for the record. Eventually, the Respondent left the

829hearing room and did not return.

835The Petitioner called the following witnesses: Michael

842Slade, a real estate appraiser and consultant with the firm of

853Callaway & Price; Harvel Gray, a real estate ap praiser;

863Kenneth Drummond, a real estate appraiser; Mona Cesar, the

872owner of a vacant lot located at 4229 Southwest Jarmer Road,

883in Port St. Lucie, Florida; and Jonathan Platt, an

892investigator employed by the Petitioner. The Petitioner’s

899Exhibits numbered 1 - 11 were admitted into evidence.

908The transcript of the proceeding was filed with the

917Division of Administrative Hearings on July 29, 2005.

925Thereafter, the Petitioner filed a Proposed Recommended Order

933that has been considered in the preparation of this order. A

944letter addressed to the Petitioner’s counsel filed by Timothy

953A. Smith (an attorney retained to represent the Respondent

962subsequent to the hearing) has not been considered a request

972for relief of any type. Thus the Objection to Motion to

983Extend Time filed by the Petitioner has been deemed premature.


9961. At all times material to the allegations of this

1006case, the Petitioner was the state agency charged with the

1016responsibility to administer and enforce the real estate

1024licensing laws found in Chapter 475, Florida Statutes (2004).

10332. At all times material to the allegations of this

1043case, the Respondent was a registered trainee appraiser who

1052was subject to the provisions of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes

1062(2004). As an appraiser trainee , the Respondent was required

1071to perform appraisal services through a fully registered real

1080estate appraiser licensed pursuant to Florida law.

10873. On or about December 21, 2002, Ms. Cesar paid the

1098Respondent $550.00 to perform an appraisal for her vacant lot

1108located at 4229 Southwest Jarmer Road, Port St. Lucie,

1117Florida. Ms. Cesar paid the Respondent by check drawn on her

1128personal bank account. The check was payable to the

1137Respondent individually. The check was negotiated and the

1145account was debited in the full amount of the check. At the

1157time she tendered the check to the Respondent Ms. Cesar was

1168under the impression that the Respondent was an appraiser who

1178could lawfully perform the appraisal sought.

11844. The Respondent did not advise Ms. Cesar that he was

1195only a trainee appraiser and that his supervisor would have to

1206sign any appraisal report generated in connection with the

1215Cesar property.

12175. Additionally, at that time, the Respondent’s

1224supervising appraiser, Harvel Gray, was not aware of the

1233appra isal assignment from Ms. Cesar, did not authorize the

1243Respondent to accept the job, and did not authorize the

1253Respondent to accept payment for the appraisal in his

1262individual name. The funds for the Cesar appraisal were not

1272forwarded to Mr. Gray.

12766. When Ms. Cesar asked the Respondent for the appraisal

1286she had paid for, the Respondent told her it was illegal for

1298him to give her a copy of the appraisal. She did not

1310understand why she had paid $550.00 and was not provided with

1321a copy of the appraisal.

13267. Ms. Cesar had planned to build a house on the vacant

1338lot. She believed the Respondent could facilitate that

1346project as he represented to her that he could get plans

1357drawn, perform the appraisal, and help her through the entire

1367process. In total Ms. Cesar paid the Respondent over $2000.00

1377to further the construction of the house.

13848. On or about July 7, 2003, an authorized

1393representative of the Department, Jonathan Platt, contacted

1400the Respondent and requested that the Respondent provide a

1409copy of the appr aisal performed for Ms. Cesar.

14189. On or about August 11, 2003, the Respondent produced

1428a “comparative market analysis” report (the report) dated

1436December 27, 2002, for the subject property (Ms. Cesar’s

1445vacant lot).

144710. The report was on a Uniform Residen tial Appraisal

1457Report form and identified the Respondent as the appraiser.

1466Additionally, the form noted the Respondent’s license number

1474as 0005168. The report did not indicate that the report had

1485been reviewed or approved by a licensed appraiser.

149311. Th e report claimed the analysis was both “as is” and

1505subject to the completion of work as specified in plans and

1516specifications. There were no plans or specifications

1523attached or included with the report.

152912. The report was not signed by a licensed real estate


154113. After review of the report, Mr. Platt asked the

1551Respondent for the work file that supported the appraisal

1560report. Requests for the work file were made on August 12,

15712003, September 30, 2003, and October 1, 2003. As of the time

1583of hearing the Respondent had not made such file available to

1594the Department.

159614. Harvel Gray is a licensed real estate appraiser.

1605Mr. Gray appraises real estate and equipment and knows the

1615Respondent. Mr. Gray met the Respondent when he applied to

1625become a trainee appraiser about five years ago. For

1634approximately three or four months Mr. Gray was technically

1643the Respondent’s supervisor but performed no appraisals with

1651the Respondent. In fact, Mr. Gray terminated his relationship

1660with the Respondent befo re any appraisals could be performed.

1670Mr. Gray did not know anything about the appraisal that was to

1682be performed for Ms. Cesar.

168715. Ken Drummond is also a licensed real estate

1696appraiser. Mr. Drummond knows the Respondent from a Gold

1705Coast continuing ed ucation class. Mr. Drummond has never been

1715the Respondent’s

1717supervising appraiser. Mr. Drummond has not performed

1724appraisals with the Respondent.

172816. According to licensing records, the only supervising

1736appraiser with whom the Respondent was listed du ring the

1746pertinent period of time as an appraiser trainee was Mr. Gray.

175717. Neither Gray nor Drummond authorized the Respondent

1765to perform an appraisal or complete the report for Ms. Cesar.

177618. Neither Gray nor Drummond authorized the Respondent

1784to accep t payment from Ms. Cesar for any work.

179419. Jonathan Platt, the investigator assigned to this

1802case, spoke with the Respondent and exchanged written

1810information with him. The Respondent did not provide

1818information requested by Mr. Platt and did not explain how the

1829report was generated. According to Mr. Platt the Respondent

1838maintained that Mr. Drummond was his supervising appraiser

1846during the time the Cesar report was performed.


185720. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1864jurisdictio n over the parties to and the subject matter of

1875these proceedings. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.


188421. The Petitioner bears the burden of proof in this

1894matter. The Petitioner must establish by clear and convincing

1903evidence the allegations a gainst the Respondent. Ferris v.

1912Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

191922. Clear and convincing evidence “requires more proof

1927than a ‘preponderance of the evidence’ but less than ‘beyond

1937and to the exclusion of a reasonable doubt.’” In re Graziano ,

1948696 So. 2d 744 (Fla. 1997). In this case, the witnesses

1959presented testimony that was precise, explicit, and unclouded.

1967The evidence is of such weight that the findings reached

1977herein have been established without hesitancy or uncertainty.

1985Accordingly, it i s concluded the Petitioner has met the burden

1996of proof required to establish the allegations against this

2005Respondent. See In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398 (Fla. 1994).

2016Additionally, it is concluded the allegations are fully

2024supported by the record in this cas e.

203223. Section 475.624, Florida Statutes (2004), provides,

2039in pertinent part:

2042The board may deny an application for

2049registration, licensure, or certification;

2053may investigate the actions of any

2059appraiser registered, licensed, or

2063certified under this part; may reprimand or

2070impose an administrative fine not to exceed

2077$5,000 for each count or separate offense

2085against any such appraiser; and may revoke

2092or suspend, for a period not to exceed 10

2101years, the registration, license, or

2106certification of any such appr aiser, or

2113place any such appraiser on probation, if

2120it finds that the registered trainee,

2126licensee, or certificateholder:

2129* * *

2132(2) Has been guilty of fraud,

2138misrepresentation, concealment, false

2141promises, false pretenses, dishonest

2145conduct, culpable ne gligence, or breach of

2152trust in any business transaction in this

2159state or any other state, nation, or

2166territory; has violated a duty imposed upon

2173her or him by law or by the terms of a

2184contract, whether written, oral, express,

2189or implied, in an appraisal a ssignment; has

2197aided, assisted, or conspired with any

2203other person engaged in any such misconduct

2210and in furtherance thereof; or has formed

2217an intent, design, or scheme to engage in

2225such misconduct and committed an overt act

2232in furtherance of such intent, design, or

2239scheme. It is immaterial to the guilt of

2247the registered trainee, licensee, or

2252certificateholder that the victim or

2257intended victim of the misconduct has

2263sustained no damage or loss; that the

2270damage or loss has been settled and paid

2278after discov ery of the misconduct; or that

2286such victim or intended victim was a

2293customer or a person in confidential

2299relation with the registered trainee,

2304licensee, or certificateholder, or was an

2310identified member of the general public.

2316* * *

2319(4) Has violated any of the provisions of

2327this section or any lawful order or rule

2335issued under the provisions of this section

2342or chapter 455.

2345* * *

2348(14) Has violated any standard for the

2355development or communication of a real

2361estate appraisal or other provision of the

2368Unif orm Standards of Professional Appraisal


2375* * *

2378(16) Has failed to communicate an

2384appraisal without good cause.

238824. Section 475.626, Florida Statutes (2004), provides,

2395in part:

2397(1) VIOLATIONS. --

2400(a) No person shall operate or attempt to

2408ope rate as a registered trainee appraiser

2415or licensed or certified appraiser without

2421being the holder of a valid and current

2429registration, license, or certification.

2433* * *

2436(c) No person shall commit any conduct or

2444practice set forth in s. 475.624 .

2451* * *

2454(f ) No person shall obstruct or hinder in

2463any manner the enforcement of this section

2470or the performance of any lawful duty by

2478any person acting under the authority of

2485this section, or interfere with,

2490intimidate, or offer any bribe to any

2497member of the board or any of its employees

2506or any person who is, or is expected to be,

2516a witness in any investigation or

2522proceeding relating to a violation of this


253025. Section 475.6221, Florida Statutes (2004), provides:

2537(1) A registered trainee real estate

2543appr aiser must perform appraisal services

2549under the direct supervision of a licensed

2556or certified appraiser who is designated as

2563the primary supervisory appraiser. The

2568primary supervisory appraiser may also

2573designate additional licensed or certified

2578appraiser s as secondary supervisory

2583appraisers. A secondary supervisory

2587appraiser must be affiliated with the same

2594firm or business as the primary supervisory

2601appraiser and the primary or secondary

2607supervisory appraiser must have the same

2613business address as the r egistered trainee

2620real estate appraiser. The primary

2625supervisory appraiser must notify the

2630Division of Real Estate of the name and

2638address of any primary and secondary

2644supervisory appraiser for whom the

2649registered trainee will perform appraisal

2654services, and must also notify the division

2661within 10 days after terminating such

2667relationship. Termination of the

2671relationship with a primary supervisory

2676appraiser automatically terminates the

2680relationship with the secondary supervisory


2686(2) A registere d trainee real estate

2693appraiser may only receive compensation

2698through or from the primary supervisory


270526. Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J1 - 8.002 sets

2714forth the disciplinary guidelines applicable to this case.

2722The rule provides, in pertin ent part:

2729(1) Pursuant to Section 455.2273, F.S.,

2735the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board

2741sets forth below a range of disciplinary

2748guidelines from which disciplinary

2752penalties will be imposed upon licensees

2758guilty of violating Chapter 455 or Part II,

2766Chap ter 475, F.S. (For purposes of this

2774rule, the term licensee shall refer to

2781registrants, license holders or certificate

2786holders.) The purpose of the disciplinary

2792guidelines is to give notice to licensees

2799of the range of penalties which normally

2806will be im posed for each count during a

2815formal or an informal hearing. For

2821purposes of this rule, the order of

2828penalties, ranging from lowest to highest,

2834is: reprimand, fine, probation, suspension,

2839and revocation or denial. Pursuant to

2845Section 475.624, F.S., combi nations of

2851these penalties are permissible by law.

2857Nothing in this rule shall preclude any

2864discipline imposed upon a licensee pursuant

2870to a stipulation or settlement agreement,

2876nor shall the ranges of penalties set forth

2884in this rule preclude the probable cause

2891panel from issuing a letter of guidance

2898upon a finding of probable cause, where


2906(2) As provided in Section 475.624, F.S.,

2913the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board

2919may, in addition to other disciplinary

2925penalties, place a licensee on pr obation.

2932The placement of the licensee on probation

2939shall be for such a period of time and

2948subject to such conditions as the Board may

2956specify. Standard probationary conditions

2960may include, but are not limited to,

2967requiring the licensee: to attend pre -

2974li censure courses; to satisfactorily

2979complete a pre - licensure course; to attend

2987and satisfactorily complete continuing

2991education courses; to submit to

2996reexamination through the state -

3001administered examination, which must be

3006successfully completed; to be subje ct to

3013periodic inspections and interviews by an

3019investigator of the Department of Business

3025and Professional Regulation.

3028(3) The penalties are as listed unless

3035aggravating or mitigating circumstances

3039apply pursuant to subsection (4):

3044* * *

3047(e) Secti on 475.624(2), F.S.

3052Guilty of fraud, misrepresentation,

3056concealment, false promises, false

3060pretenses, dishonest dealing by trick,

3065scheme or device, culpable negligence or

3071breach of trust. . . In the case of fraud,

3081misrepresentation and dishonest dealing

3085d ishonest dealing, the usual action of the

3093Board shall be to impose a penalty of


3102In the case of concealment, false promises

3109and false pretenses, the usual action of

3116the Board shall be to impose a penalty of a

31263 to 5 year suspension and an

3133admin istrative fine of $1000.00.

3138In the case of culpable negligence and

3145breach of trust, the usual action of the

3153Board shall be to impose a penalty from a

3162$1000 fine to a 1 year suspension.

3169* * *

3172(g) Section 475.624(4), F.S. Violated any

3178of the provisions o f this section or any

3187lawful order or rule issued under the

3194provision of this section or Chapter 455,

3201F.S. . . . The usual action of the Board

3211shall be to impose a penalty up to

3219revocation and an administrative fine up to


3228* * *

3231(q) Section 475. 624(14), F.S. Has

3237violated any standard for the development

3243or communication of a real estate appraisal

3250or other provision of the Uniform Standards

3257of Professional Appraisal Practice...The

3261usual action of the Board shall be to

3269impose a penalty from a 5 ye ar suspension

3278to revocation and an administrative fine of


328627. It is concluded that the Respondent is not and was

3297not at any time material to this case, a licensed real estate

3309appraiser. At all times material to this case he was a

3320trainee and was only authorized to perform appraisal services

3329in conjunction with his registered supervising appraiser. The

3337Respondent accepted payment for, but did not deliver to, the

3347client, Ms. Cesar, an appraisal for her property. Ms. Cesar

3357paid for the appraisal be lieving the Respondent to be an

3368appraiser and she expected the Respondent to deliver a valid

3378appraisal for her vacant lot. Not only did the Respondent not

3389deliver the appraisal, he was unable to support the report he

3400prepared when the Petitioner investiga ted this matter.

3408Moreover, no licensed appraiser (neither the appraiser of

3416record for the Respondent nor the one identified by the

3426Respondent as his supervisor) acknowledged that the report was

3435performed under the authority of their licenses.

344228. It is concluded the Respondent is guilty of

3451misrepresentation. The Respondent misrepresented himself to

3457Ms. Cesar and accepted payment for an appraisal he could not

3468and did not prepare in accordance with applicable laws.

3477Further, the Respondent is guilty of v iolating the standards

3487for the development or communication of a real estate

3496appraisal in that he did not have authority to prepare an

3507appraisal and did not comply with real estate standards in

3517preparing the report. Finally, the Respondent failed to

3525coope rate with the investigation of this matter, did not

3535provide information to the Department’s representative, and

3542did not truthfully respond to inquiries made by the

3551Petitioner. For example, Mr. Drummond never supervised the

3559Respondent. The collective acti vities of the Respondent

3567demonstrate he is not trust worthy to perform real estate


357829. Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.210


3587The presiding officer may grant a

3593continuance of a hearing for good cause

3600shown. Except in cases of emergency,

3606requests for continuance must be made at

3613least five days prior to the date noticed

3621for the hearing.

362430. In this case the Respondent filed an untimely

3633request for a continuance. Respondent maintained he needed

3641additional time to obtain the ser vices of an attorney. It is

3653concluded that the Respondent proffered no credible

3660explanation for why he was unable to obtain an attorney prior

3671to the hearing. The investigation of this case began long

3681before the Administrative Complaint was forwarded to t he

3690Division of Administrative Hearings. It is concluded the

3698Respondent had sufficient time to obtain the services of an

3708attorney prior to hearing.


3713Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3722of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and

3733Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate, enter a

3741Final Order that finds the Respondent guilty of the violations

3751outlined by the Administrative Complaint and revokes his

3759license as a real estate appraiser trainee.

3766DONE AN D ENTERED this 30th day of August, 2005, in

3777Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3786Administrative Law Judge

3789Division of Administrative Hearings

3793The DeSoto Building

37961230 Apalachee Parkway

3799Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3804(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3812Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3819Filed with the Clerk of the

3825Division of Administrative Hearings

3829this 30th day of August 2005.


3837Elizabeth Vieira, Director

3840Division of Real Esta te

3845400 West Robinson Street

3849Suite 802 North

3852Orlando, Florida 32801

3855Leon Biegalski, General Counsel

3859Department of Business and

3863Professional Regulation

3865Northwood Centre

38671940 North Monroe Street

3871Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

3876Alpheus C. Parsons, Esq uire

3881Department of Business and

3885Professional Regulation

3887Hurston Building, North Tower, Suite N801

3893400 West Robinson Street

3897Orlando, Florida 32801

3900Omari Murray

3902201 Southwest 11th Avenue

3906Boynton Beach, Florida 33435


3917All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

392715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

3937exceptions to this Recommended Order should be filed with the

3947agency that will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 01/05/2007
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appeal dismissed.
Date: 04/07/2006
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case, DCA Case No. 5D06-1146 filed.
Date: 03/17/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 03/10/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 14, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/25/2005
Proceedings: Objection to Motion to Extend Time for Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/25/2005
Proceedings: Letter to A. Parsons from T. Smith enclosign an August 16, 2005 letter advising the firm represents O. Murray and request documents filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2005
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 07/14/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance.
Date: 07/13/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from Respondent requesting a continuance to retain an attorney to help review the material and for representation filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Response to Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Sartin from A. Parsons enclosing original bound version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (2002) filed.
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Intent to Offer Evidence of Other Acts and Offenses filed.
Date: 06/27/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Judicial Notice of the 2002 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, Florida Statutes Chapter 120.455 and 475 and Florida Statute 20.165 filed.
Date: 06/27/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 05/20/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 14, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL; amended as to time of hearing).
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 14, 2005; 0:30 p.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 05/16/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/09/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):