05-001774PL Department Of Business And Professional Regulation vs. Stephen Wesley Williams
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 11, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent`s failure to complete the work as specified in the contract constituted misconduct. Recommend that Respondent be fined.








23Petitioner, )


26vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1774PL




40Respondent. )

42_________________ _______________)


46Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held on July 19,

572005, by video teleconference in Tallahassee and Jacksonville,

65Florida, before the Division of Admini strative Hearings by its

75designated Administrative Law Judge, Barbara J. Staros.


83For Petitioner: Brian Elzweig, Esquire

88Department of Business and

92Professional Regulation

941940 North Monroe Stre et

99Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

104For Respondent: Stephen Wesley Williams, pro se

1113146 Brachenbury Lane

114Jacksonville, Florida 32225


121At issue is whether Respondent committed the offenses set

130forth in the Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, what

140penalty should be imposed.


146Petitioner, Department of Business and Professional

152Regulation, Construction Indu stry Licensing Board

158(Department), filed an Amended Administrative Complaint on

165December 29, 2004, which contained five counts of professional

174violations against Respondent, Stephen Wesley Williams.

180Specifically, the Department charged Respondent with

186vio lations of Subsections 489.129(1)(j), (i) and (m), Florida

195Statutes, by abandoning a construction project in which the

204contractor is engaged or under contract as a contractor; by

214failing to put the registration or certification number of

223each contractor on each offer of service, business proposal,

232bid, contract or advertisement used by that contractor in

241violation of Section 489.119(6)(b), Florida Statutes; by

248failing to include in a contract a written statement

257explaining the consumer's rights under the Co nstruction

265Industries Recovery Fund as required by Section 489.1425,

273Florida Statutes; by failing to apply for a certificate of

283authority for Superior Design Construction Company, Inc., as a

292qualified business organization as required by Section

299489.119(2) , Florida Statutes; and by committing incompetency

306or misconduct in the practice of contracting.

313Respondent disputed the allegations of the Amended

320Administrative Complaint and requested an administrative

326hearing. The case was referred to the Division o f

336Administrative Hearings on or about May 17, 2005. A formal

346hearing was set for July 19, 2005.

353At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of Thomas

361Shinn. Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1 through 12 were

369admitted into evidence.

372Respondent testif ied on his own behalf and did not offer

383any exhibits.

385A Transcript, consisting of one volume, was filed on

394July 25, 2005. On August 3, 2005, the Department timely filed

405a Proposed Recommended Order, which has been considered in the

415preparation of t his Recommended Order. Respondent did not

424file any post - hearing submission. All citations are to

434Florida Statutes (2004) unless otherwise indicated.


4431. Petitioner, the Department, is the state agency

451charged with the duty and respons ibility of regulating the

461practice of contracting pursuant to Chapters 20, 455 and 489.

4712. At all times material to the allegations of the

481Amended Administrative Complaint, Stephen Wesley Williams,

487d/b/a Superior Design Construction, Co. Inc., was license d as

497a Florida State Certified Building Contractor and a Florida

506State Certified Pool/Spa Contractor, having been issued

513license numbers CRC 045849 and CPC 56443 respectively. His

522licensure status for the Residential Contractor license is

530designated as "C urrent, Active." His licensure status for the

540Pool/Spa Contractor license is designated as "Delinquent,


5483. On or about December 19, 2001, Respondent, doing

557business as Superior Design Construction Company, Inc.,

564entered into a contract with Thom as and Denise Shinn (the

575Shinns) for construction of a residential swimming pool and

584pool enclosure to be located at 4050 Retford Drive,

593Jacksonville, Florida. The contract price was $40,000.00.

6014. Respondent obtained a building permit for the job in

611que stion as "Superior Design Const Co."

6185. The contract does not contain a written statement

627explaining the consumer's rights under the Construction

634Industries Recovery Fund.

6376. The Department's records establish that Respondent's

644Certificate of Authority f or Superior Design and Construction

653as a Contractor Qualified Business was issued on May 9, 1997,

664but has been null and void since August 31, 1999.

6747. Construction on the project began around January

6822002. Work on the project ceased in or around March 20 02.

6948. The construction was substantially completed when

701work ceased on the pool. Mr. Shinn described it as "98

712percent of it was finished except for the heater." Other than

723the heater not being installed, Mr. Shinn considered the few

733other items that w ere not completed as minor.

7429. The contract specified the installation of a heat

751pump called an Ice Breaker. This type of pump was specified

762because it can both heat and cool a pool, which is what the

775Shinns wanted.

77710. Mr. Shinn paid Respondent a tot al of $38,050 for the

790job. According to Mr. Shinn, he withheld the final payment of

801$1,950 because the Ice Breaker heat pump was not installed.

812According to Respondent, he did not put in the heat pump

823because he had not been paid the remaining $1,950.

83311 . The portion of the contract entitled Contract Price

843& Payment Schedule requires a payment of $1,000 at contract

854execution and four subsequent payments:

859Payment #1 - 35% due at Excavation;

866Payment #2 - 30% due at Gunite;

873Payment #3 - 30% due at Deck;

880Pa yment #4 - 5% due at Plaster.

888The amount listed for payment number 4 is $1,950.

89812. Included in the General Terms and Conditions portion

907of the contract is the following:


917reserves the right to stop work at any time

926past due payment occurs. Owner hereby

932expressly agrees to such work stoppage and

939any such work stoppage shall not constitute

946a breach of contract by contractor. If

953collection is required of any amounts due

960under the terms of this contract, or any

968subsequ ent approved schedule, owner

973expressly agrees that he shall be

979responsible for 18% interest and reasonable

985attorney's fees for trial, appeal and all


99313. Mr. Shinn contacted Respondent several times

1000regarding completion of the contract. While Respondent did

1008not answer many of Mr. Shinn's calls, he did come to the

1020Shinn's home at one point to resolve the situation. However,

1030the heat pump issue remained unresolved.

103614. Out of frustration, Mr. Shinn contacted an attorney

1045who wrote a demand lette r to Respondent. On or about October

105731, 2002, the City of Jacksonville, Department of Public

1066Works, Building Inspection Division, sent a letter to Mr.

1075Shinn notifying him that Respondent had not obtained any

1084inspections for 180 days and that state law co uld consider

1095this project abandoned. The letter suggested that he contact

1104Respondent immediately to attempt to rectify this situation.

1112Mr. Shinn continued to attempt to contact Respondent but was


112315. Respondent did not notify the Shinns in writing that

1133he was canceling the contract. He did not go to the city to

1146cancel the permit.

114916. One work item that was not completed when Respondent

1159ceased working on the job was an unfinished electrical socket

1169near the pool. Mr. Shinn hired Thompson Electric to complete

1179this electrical work that was contemplated by the contract.

1188As a result, Mr. Shinn paid $207.50 to Thompson Electric to

1199have this work completed.

120317. In January of 2004, Mr. Shinn contracted with Pinch -

1214A - Penny to install a heater i n the pool as one had never been

1230installed. He paid Pinch - A - Penny $3,777.09 to install a pool

1244heater. Mr. Shinn chose to install only a pool heater and not

1256the heating and cooling system specifically referenced in the

1265contract (Ice Breaker) because the I ce Breaker would have cost

1276him $5,500 from Pinch - a - Penny.

128518. The amount needed to complete the job as contracted

1295totaled was $5,707.50, which includes $207.50 for Thompson

1304Electric and $5,500.00 for the Ice Breaker heat pump, which is

1316what Pinch - a - Penny charges. Subtracting the $1,950 that the

1329Shinns never paid Respondent leaves a balance of $3,757.50

1339that the Shinns paid or would have to pay to get the completed

1352pool as contemplated by the contract.

135819. As of June 2, 2005, the Department's costs of

1368inv estigation and prosecution, excluding legal costs, totaled


137720. Respondent's construction company went out of

1384business on a date that is not clear from the record although

1396Respondent described this job as "about the last pool I

1406built." Clearly, h e was no longer in the construction

1416business on the date of the hearing.


142621. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1433jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter in this case.

1443§§ 120.569, 120.57(1), and 120.60(5), Fla. Sta t. (2002)

145222. Petitioner has the burden of proving by clear and

1462convincing evidence the specific allegations of the Amended

1470Administrative Complaint. See Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So.

14782d 292 (Fla. 1987); Department of Banking and Finance v.

1488Osborne Ste rn & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).

149923. Section 489.129(1) reads in pertinent part as


1508(1) The board may take any of the

1516following actions against any

1520certificateholder or registrant: place on

1525probation or reprimand the licensee,

1530revoke, suspen d, or deny the issuance or

1538renewal of the certificate, registration,

1543or certificate of authority, require

1548financial restitution to a consumer for

1554financial harm directly related to a

1560violation of a provision of this part,

1567impose an administrative fine not to exceed

1574$5,000 per violation, require continuing

1580education, or assess costs associated with

1586investigation and prosecution, if the

1591contractor, financially responsible

1594officer, or business organization for which

1600the contractor is a primary qualifying

1606agent , a financially responsible officer,

1611or a secondary qualifying agent responsible

1617under s. 489.1195 is found guilty of any of

1626the following acts:

1629* * *

1632(i) Failing in any material respect to

1639c omply with the provisions of this part

1647or violating a rule or lawful order of

1655the board.

1657(j) Abandoning a construction project in

1663which the contractor is engaged or under

1670contract as a contractor. A project may be

1678presumed to be abandoned after 90 days if

1686the contractor terminates the project

1691without just cause or without proper

1697notification to

1699the owner, including the reason for

1705termination, or fails to perform work

1711without just cause for 90 consecutive days.

1718* * *

1721(m ) Committing incompetency or misconduct

1727in the practice of contracting.

173224. Section 489.119 reads in pertinent part as follows:

1741489.119 Business organizations; qualifying

1745agents. --

1747* * *

1750(2) If th e applicant proposes to engage in

1759contracting as a business organization,

1764including any partnership, corporation,

1768business trust, or other legal entity, or

1775in any name other than the applicant's

1782legal name or a fictitious name where the

1790applicant is doing business as a sole

1797proprietorship, the business organization

1801must apply for a certificate of authority

1808through a qualifying agent and under the

1815fictitious name, if any.

1819* * *

1822(6)(b) The registration or certification

1827number of each contractor or certif icate of

1835authority number for each business

1840organization shall appear in each offer of

1847services, business proposal, bid, contract,

1852or advertisement, regardless of medium, as

1858defined by board rule, used by that

1865contractor or business organization in the

1871pra ctice of contracting.

1875* * *

1878(6)(e) The board shall issue a notice of

1886noncompliance for the first offense, and

1892may assess a fine or issue a citation for

1901failure to correct the offense within 30

1908days or for any subsequent offense, t o any

1917contractor or business organization that

1922fails to include the certification,

1927registration, or certificate of authority

1932number as required by this part when

1939submitting an advertisement for

1943publication, broadcast, or printing or

1948fails to display the ce rtification,

1954registration, or certificate of authority

1959number as required by this part.

196525. Section 489.1425 reads in pertinent part as follows:

1974489.1425 Duty of contractor to notify

1980residential property owner of recovery

1985fund. --

1987(1) Any agreement or contract for repair,

1994restoration, improvement, or construction

1998to residential real property must contain a

2005written statement explaining the consumer's

2010rights under the [Construction Indust ries

2016Recovery Fund], except where the value of

2023all labor and materials does not exceed

2030$2,500. . . .

2035* * *

2038(2)(a) Upon findings a first violation of

2045subsection (1), the board may fine the

2052co ntractor up to $500, and the moneys must

2061be deposited into the recovery fund.

206726. The Amended Administrative Complaint charges

2073Respondent with violating Section 489.129(1)(j), Florida

2079Statutes, by abandoning a construction project in which the

2088contra ctor is engaged or under contract. While Respondent

2097takes the position that the Shinns were in default by not

2108paying the final payment of $1,950, the project was abandoned

2119by operation of law. § 489.129(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

2127Accordingly, the Departmen t has met its burden of proof

2137regarding this allegation.

214027. The Amended Administrative Complaint charges

2146Respondent with violating Section 489.129(1)(i), Florida

2152Statutes, by failing in any material respect to comply with

2162the applicable statutes and rules by doing business as

2171Superior Design Construction Company, Inc., but not having a

2180valid certificate of authority for Superior Design

2187Construction Company, Inc., as a qualified business

2194organization as required by Section 489.119(2)(b), Florida

2201Statutes. As Respondent's certificate of authority has been

2209null and void since August 1999, Respondent was not in

2219compliance with Section 489.119(2)(b), Florida Statutes, and

2226the Department met its burden regarding this allegation.

223428. The Amended Administrative C omplaint charges

2241Respondent with violating Section 489.129(1)(i), Florida

2247Statutes, by failing to include Respondent's registration or

2255certification number on the contract as required by Section

2264489.119(6)(b), Florida Statutes. As the contract does not

2272co ntain Respondent's license certificate number, the

2279Department has met its burden in proving that allegation.

228829. The Amended Administrative Complaint charges

2294Respondent with violating Section 489.129(1)(i), Florida

2300Statutes, by failing in any material res pect to comply with

2311applicable statutes and rules by failing to include in the

2321contract with the Shinns a written statement explaining the

2330consumer's rights under the Construction Industries Recovery

2337Fund as required by Section 489.1425, Florida Statutes.

2345Respondent did not include any such written statement in the

2355contract with the Shinns. Accordingly, Petitioner has met its

2364burden that Respondent violated this provision.

237030. The Amended Administrative Complaint charges

2376Respondent with violating Sectio n 489.129(1)(m), Florida

2383Statutes, by committing incompetency or misconduct in the

2391practice of contracting. The Department takes the position

2399that Respondent's abandonment of the job; failure to have a

2409valid certificate of authority for Superior Design

2416Co nstruction Company, Inc., as a qualified business

2424organization; failure to put his license certification numbers

2432on the contract; and failure to include notice of the

2442Construction Industries Recovery Fund in the contract,

2449constitute misconduct. The Depart ment has met its burden

2458regarding this allegation.

246131. Regarding Respondent's failure to include a

2468registration or certification number of the contractor or

2476certificate of authority of the business organization, Section

2484489.119(6), Florida Statutes, speci fies that the Board shall

2493issue a notice of noncompliance for the first offense, and may

2504assess a fine or issue a citation for failure to correct the

2516offense within 30 days. Accordingly, this appearing from the

2525record to be Respondent's first offense, the only appropriate

2534penalty is the issuance of a notice of noncompliance by the

2545Construction Industry Licensing Board.

254932. The Department, pursuant to Florida Administrative

2556Code Rule 61G4 - 17.001 (2003), seeks imposition of fines in the

2568total amount of $2 ,600.00, restitution, and a requirement that

2578Respondent obtain a valid certificate of authority within 30

2587days of the Final Order. The fines sought by the Department

2598are as follows: $1,500 for abandonment of the job (from a

2610range of $500 to $2,000); $700 for misconduct (from a range of

2623$500 to $1,000); $100 for failure to put license number in the

2636contract; and $300 for failure to inform the consumer of the

2647Construction Industry Recovery Fund (from a range of $100 to


265833. Florida Administrative C ode Rule 61G4 - 17.001, sets

2668forth guidelines referenced above, for the imposition of

2676fines, absent aggravating or mitigating circumstances.

2682Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G4 - 17.002 sets forth

2691circumstances which may be considered for the purpose of

2700mit igation or aggravation of penalty. Included are: danger to

2710the public; the number of complaints filed against the

2719licensee; the effect of the penalty on the licensee's

2728livelihood; and any other mitigating or aggravating

2735circumstances. Respondent is out o f the construction

2743business. He presents no danger to the public. There is no

2754evidence of any prior complaints filed against Respondent.

2762Any penalty will cause a hardship on Respondent as he has gone

2774out of business. And, while Respondent abandoned the job

2783through operation of law, it is equally clear that the amount

2794of the contract was not paid in full by the Shinns. The final

2807payment of $1,950 was required under the contract to be paid

2819at time of plaster. Obviously, this did not happen.

2828Accordingly , lesser fines are more appropriate here.

283534. As to restitution, the evidence supports restitution

2843in the amount of $3,757.50, to reimburse the Shinns for moneys

2855paid and will have to be paid to receive the products and

2867services specified in the contract.

287235. As to requiring Respondent to apply for a new

2882certificate of authority within 30 days of the Final Order,

2892Respondent's company is out of business. Thus, requiring him

2901to obtain a new certificate of authority is unnecessary and

2911not appropriate under this circumstance.


2917Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2926of Law set forth herein, it is


2934That the Construction Industry Licensing Board enter a

2942final order imposing a $100.00 fine to be deposited in th e

2954Construction Industries Recovery Fund for a violation of

2962Section 489.1425; issue a notice of noncompliance pursuant to

2971Section 489.119(6)(e); impose fines in the amount of $500 for

2981abandonment of a construction job; $500 for misconduct; and

2990$100 for fail ure to put his license number on the contract;

3002pay $3,757.50 in restitution; and require Respondent to pay

3012$614.77 in costs of investigation and prosecution.

3019DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of August, 2005, in

3029Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3038Administrative Law Judge

3041Division of Administrative Hearings

3045The DeSoto Building

30481230 Apalachee Parkway

3051Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3056(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3064Fax Filing (850) 92 1 - 6847


3072Filed with the Clerk of the

3078Division of Administrative Hearings

3082this 11th day of August, 2005.


3090Brian Elzweig, Esquire

3093Department of Bu siness and

3098Professional Regulation

31001940 North Monroe Street

3104Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

3109Stephen Wesley Williams

31123146 Brachenbury Lane

3115Jacksonville, Florida 32225

3118Tim Vaccaro, Executive Director

3122Construction Industry Licensing Board

3126Department of Business and

3130Professional Regulation

31321940 North Monroe Street

3136Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

3141Leon Biegalski, General Counsel

3145Department of Business and

3149Professional Regulation

31511940 North Monroe Street

3155Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


3166All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

317615 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

3187to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

3198w ill issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/28/2005
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 11/28/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/22/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/11/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/11/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/11/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 19, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/05/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/25/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/25/2005
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 07/19/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/07/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Witnesses filed.
Date: 06/28/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 05/27/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/27/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for July 19, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):