05-001781 Boca Raton Resort And Club vs. Palm Beach County, Tax Collector
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, June 1, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to demonstrate that the assessment of the amount of the local option tourist development tax by Respondent was incorrect. Recommend that the assessment be affirmed.





15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1781





34Respondent. )



39Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was hel d in this case

51on October 11, 2005, by video teleconference with connecting

60sites in West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before Errol

70H. Powell, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division

80of Administrative Hearings.


84For Petitio ner: Joseph C. Moffa, Esquire

91Law Offices of Moffa & Gainor, P.A.

98One Financial Plaza, Suite 2202

103Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394

107For Respondent: Usher L. Brown, Esquire

113Brown, Garganes e, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A.

120Post Office Box 2873

124Orlando, Florida 32802 - 2873


133The issue for determination is whether Petitioner is liable

142for the Local Option Tourist Development Tax assessment as s et

153forth by Respondent's Notice of Reconsideration and Notice of

162Final Assessment, dated March 10, 2005, for the audit period

172October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2003.


181By Notice of Final Assessment, dated March 10, 2005, the

191Tax Col lector of Palm Beach County (Tax Collector) notified Boca

202Raton Resort and Club (Resort) that the Resort owed Local Option

213Tourist Development Tax (TDT), for the audit period October 1,

2232000 through September 30, 2003, inclusive, in the amount of

233$88,775.2 8, plus penalties ($44,387.64) and interest through

243March 31, 2005 ($29,081.06) minus overpayment ($19,583.64),

252resulting in an assessment totaling $142,660.34. The Resort

261disputed the assessment and requested a hearing. On May 17,

2712005, this matter was referred to the Division of Administrative


282At hearing, the Resort presented the testimony of four

291witnesses and entered nine exhibits (Petitioner’s Exhibits

298numbered 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, and 18) 1 into evidence.

312The Tax Collector presented t he testimony of two witnesses and

323entered nine exhibits into evidence (Respondent's Exhibits

330numbered 1 - 9).

334A transcript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of

345the parties, the time for filing post - hearing submissions was

356set for more than ten days following the filing of the

367transcript. The Transcript, consisting of one volume, was filed

376on December 6, 2005. The Resort filed its post - hearing

387submission on January 19, 2006, and the Tax Collector filed its

398post - hearing submission on January 20, 200 6. Subsequently, on

409January 25, 2006, the Tax Collector requested leave to file a

420supplement to its post - hearing submission, filing the supplement

430together with its request. The Tax Collector's supplement was

439accepted, as filed, and the Resort was grante d leave to file a

452supplement to its post - hearing submission, as well. The Resort

463filed its supplement on February 24, 2006.

470The parties' post - hearing submissions and supplements have

479been considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


4921. At all times material hereto, the Resort operated as a

503hotel licensed under the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida

512Statutes, and was located at 501 East Camino Real, Boca Raton,

523Palm Beach County, Florida 33432.

5282. At all times material hereto, the Resort’s taxpayer

537identification number was 65 - 0762249 and Florida tax

546registration number was 60 - 03 - 1871843 - 99.

5563. No dispute exists that Palm Beach County e nacted the

567TDT , authorized by Section 125.0204, Florida Statutes. No

575dispute exists that T DT is levied on room rental revenues in

587Palm Beach County pursuant to Section 125.0104, Florida


5964. The Resort is subject to and is a dealer under the TDT.

609Pursuant to an ordinance enacted by Palm Beach County, the

619Resort is obligated to collect and remit to Palm Beach County

630the TDT due on taxable transactions.

6365. A TDT audit of the Resort’s business was performed by

647the Tax Collector covering the period from October 1, 2000

657through September 30, 2003. The Tax Collector relied upon the

667informa tion and documents provided by the Resort in performing

677the audit.

6796. During the audit period, guests desiring to reserve and

689book a room at the Resort were required to pay a deposit, which

702guaranteed the reservation, of one night’s room within 10 days

712of making the reservation. No matter what the length of stay,

723the deposit did not vary. The Resort did not collect any sales

735tax or TDT on the deposits.

7417. A deposit confirmation form (Confirmation Form) always

749confirmed the deposit.

7528. The front of the Confirmation Form contained the

761abbreviation “Guar” for guaranteed and, among other things,

769referred the guest to the reverse side of the Confirmation Form

780for important information (“PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR

788IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION”). The gu arantee, as indicated

796on the back of the Confirmation Form, was that the

806accommodations were guaranteed to the confirming - guest from the

816scheduled date of arrival through 2:00 a.m. of the next day.

8279. The back of the Confirmation Form provided in pertinen t


839DEPOSITS – A deposit of one night’s room

847revenue is required within 10 days of making

855a reservation. Advance deposits made via

861credit card will be billed at the time of

870booking. Your deposit will hold a room

877until 2 A.M. of the day following your

885scheduled arrival date. Upon arrival, the

891deposit is applied to your last confirmed

898night of the reservation. In the event of

906an early departure, the deposit is non -

914refundable unless the Resort is notified

920prior to or at check - in.

927CANCELLATIONS – Depos its are refundable in

934the event of cancellation, providing notice

940is received at least 14 days prior to

948scheduled arrival date between January 4th

954to April 30th, 7 days between May 1st to

963May 27th and October 1st to December 19th,

971and 72 hours between May 28th to

978September 30th. Cancellations, without

982penalty, for the Holiday/Christmas period

987(December 19th through January 3, 2004),

993must be received prior to November 30, 2003

1001or deposit will be subject to full

1008forfeiture, in accordance with established

1013res ort policies. Please be sure to record

1021your cancellation number to insure proper


1028ACCOMMODATIONS – We will make every effort

1035to meet requests for specific room types,

1042views, and bedding preferences, however, on

1048occasion, we cannot always accomplis h such

1055requests, and reserve the right to provide

1062alternate accommodations.

106410. For the majority of the audit period, forfeited

1073deposits were identified as “no - show” revenue.

108111. A block of rooms may be held available and reserved

1092for a group. Fees are charged for unused rooms within a

1103reserved room block. These fees are “attrition fees.”

111112. The Resort was unable to separately identify no - show

1122revenue attributable to reservations for which persons failed to

1131check - in by the cutoff day and time, as opp osed to reservations

1145for which persons canceled but failed to cancel within the

1155required time - period. Furthermore, the Resort was unable to

1165separately identify the general category of no - show revenue

1175attributable to unused rooms within a reserved room blo ck.

118513. For the first four months of the audit period, the

1196Resort asserted that it mistakenly included attrition fees in

1205the no - show revenue. For the remainder of the audit period, the

1218Resort asserts that attrition fees were not included in the no -

1230show r evenue. The Resort was unable to separately identify

1240attrition fees in the no - show revenue. Therefore, the attrition

1251fees could not be separately factored out of the no - show

1263revenue. Consequently, an inference is drawn and a finding of

1273fact is made that , as to the first four months of the audit

1286period , all revenue shown as no - show revenue is considered as

1298no - show revenue.

130214. During the audit period, the Resort identified no - show

1313revenue in its monthly financial reports totaling $2,139,252.00.

132315. No TDT was collected by the Resort on the no - show

1336revenue of $2,139,252.00 collected during the audit period.

134616. No dispute exists that, during the audit period, the

1356TDT was due on the rental of the Resort’s rooms and that the TDT

1370was collected and remitted to the Tax Collector by the Resort.

138117. Having conducted the audit, on March 1, 2004, the Tax

1392Collector issued a “DRAFT” Notice of Intent to Make Audit

1402Changes (Draft Notice). The Draft Notice indicated, among other

1411things, that $88,775.28 in TDT was du e, which included TDT in

1424the amount of $85,570.08 on the no - show revenue of $2,139,252.00

1439and included denied exempt rental in the amount of $3,205.20;

1450and that a credit in the amount of $19,583.64 was due, as an

1464overpayment of tax, discovered by the audit or. Furthermore, the

1474Draft Notice indicated that, as a result, a proposed total tax

1485assessment was due in the amount of $149,252.07, which included

1496penalties in the amount of $44,387.64 and interest in the amount

1508of $35,672.79 as of March 31, 2004, with a dditional interest of

1521$57.74 per day through the date of the Resort’s payment.

153118. After the issuance of the Draft Notice, the Tax

1541Collector’s auditor met with a representative of the Resort.

1550Of particular interest to the Resort was to return to its

1561mon thly financial reports and to separately indicate in the

1571monthly financial reports the categories of no - show revenue

1581representing failure to check - in, failure to timely cancel, and

1592failure to use rooms in block (attrition revenue).

160019. However, the Resort was unable to identify and

1609separately indicate these categories of revenue.

161520. Subsequently, the Resort was to provide the Tax

1624Collector’s auditor with an eight - month sample of financial

1634records “to address the issue of no show revenues versus

1644cancellat ion fees.” The eight - month sample would “represent the

1655transactions for the entire audit period.” However, the Resort

1664was unable to provide data that would allow for the separation

1675of the categories. The sample was not provided.

168321. After the sample wa s not provided by the Resort, the

1695Resort took the position that none of its no - show revenue was

1708subject to the TDT.

171222. On June 7, 2004, after the Resort changed its

1722position, the Tax Collector issued a Notice of Intent to Make

1733Audit Changes (Notice). Th e Notice indicated, among other

1742things, that, as of June 21, 2004, the tax assessment for the

1754audit period was in the amount of $153,986.75, which represented

1765TDT on no - show rentals in the amount of $85,570.08, a denial of

1780exempt rentals in the amount of $ 3,205.20, a credit for

1792overpayment of TDT in the amount of $ 19,583.64, penalties in the

1805amount of $44,387.64, and interest in the amount of $40,407.47,

1817plus additional interest of $57.74 per day through the date of


182923. As to no - show revenues, the Notice indicated that such

1841revenues were taxable and also cited, as supporting authority,

1850Florida Administrative Code Rules 12A - 1.061(5)(b) and 12A -

18601.061(5)(b)2. Citing Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A -

18681.061(5)(b), the Notice provided the following:

1874“Rental charges or room rates include

1880deposits or prepayments that guarantee the

1886guest or tenant the use or possession, or

1894the right to the use or possession, of

1902transient accommodations during a specified

1907rental period under the provisions of an

1914agreement with the owner or owner’s

1920representatives of transient accommodations.

1924The owner or owner’s representative is

1930required to provide transient accommodations

1935to any guest or tenant that enters into such

1944an agreement and pays the required

1950prepayment or depos it, even when the guest

1958or tenant does not occupy the


1965Citing Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A - 1.061(5)(b), the

1974Notice provided the following:

1978“Example: A hotel guarantees that it will

1985provide room accommodations on a designated

1991date to potential guests that make

1997reservations and pay a required room

2003deposit. To receive a refund of the

2010required room deposit, the potential guest

2016must cancel his or her reservation by 4:00pm

2024of the designated date. A potential guest

2031that has made reserva tions and has paid the

2040required room deposit fails to arrive at the

2048hotel on the designated date to use the

2056reserved room accommodations. Because the

2061potential guest fails to cancel the

2067reservations, the guest forfeits the room

2073deposit. Even though the g uest did not

2081occupy a room at the hotel, the forfeited

2089room deposit is subject to tax.”

2095Further, the Tax Collector indicated in the Notice that the

2105“stated policy of [the Resort] that a guest’s deposit will hold

2116a room (which is a guarantee to the guest t hat they will have a

2131room available) until the day following their scheduled arrival

2140date. . . whether or not the guest shows up. It is irrelevant

2153whether the guest shows up or not on the scheduled date of

2165arrival, their deposit has paid for a room and th is is a taxable


218024. As to attrition and cancellation fees, the Notice

2189indicated that such fees were considered "penalties" and were,

2198therefore, "not taxable" revenue “because if a guest cancels

2207their reservation too late, their deposit is no t refunded even

2218though a room is not held for them.”

222625. The Resort requested an audit conference. On

2234August 6, 2004, an audit conference was held at which the

2245parties were unable to reach an agreement.

225226. On August 9, 2004, the Tax Collector issued a Notice

2263of Proposed Assessment (Proposed Assessment). The Proposed

2270Assessment indicated that the total assessment, including tax,

2278penalty and interest accrued through August 20, 2004, was in the

2289amount of $157,451.15. Additionally, the Proposed Assessmen t

2298contained, among other things, a re - citation of Florida

2308Administrative Code Rules 12A - 1.061(5)(b) and 12A - 1.061(5)(b)2.

2318The Resort protested the Proposed Assessment.

232427. By letter dated August 8, 2004, the Resort requested

2334from the Department of Revenu e (DOR) a Letter of Technical

2345Advice (LTA) regarding the taxation of cancellations and no -

2355shows. 2 By letter dated October 27, 2004, a representative of

2366DOR issued a LTA on the facts and circumstances presented to DOR

2378by the Resort, providing that the LTA was “not an official

2389statement or opinion of this Department [DOR] but, instead,

2398represents the opinion of the writer” and that if the Resort

2409wished “an official binding statement on the issues, you may

2419file a written request for a Technical Assistance Adv isement

2429. . . .” 3

243428. A finding of fact is made that the LTA was not binding

2447on the parties. The LTA was not an opinion of DOR or a

2460statement of policy by DOR on the taxation of cancellations and

2471no - shows.

247429. The Resort did not request a Technical Ass istance

2484Advisement from DOR.

248730. On January 4, 2005, the Tax Collector issued a Notice

2498of Decision (Decision) denying the Resort’s protest and a Notice

2508of Final Assessment (Final Assessment).

251331. The Decision contained, among other things, a part of

2523the provision of Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A -

25321.061(3)(a) — “ Rental charges or room rates for the use or

2544possession, or the right to the use or possession, of transient

2555accommodations are subject to tax . . . ” — and the provisions of

2569Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A - 1.061(5)(b).

257632. The Final Assessment indicated that the total

2584assessment was in the amount of $141,515.48, plus additional

2594interest of $19.40 per day, as of January 1, 2005, through the

2606date of payment. The total assessment was reduced due to the

2617Tax Collector discovering an error in the calculation of the


262833. The Resort requested a reconsideration of the Final

2637Assessment. The Tax Collector denied the request for


264634. The Resort requested a hearing pursuant to C hapter

2656120, Florida Statutes (2005) .


266435. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2671jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

2681parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

2689Florida Statutes (200 6 ).

26943 6. Taxing statutes are strictly construed against a

2703taxing authority. See Department of Revenue v. Anderson , 403

2712So. 2d 397, 399 (Fla. 1981). Doubtful language in taxing

2722statutes should be resolved in favor of the taxpayer. United

2732States Gypsum Co. v. Green , 110 So. 2d 409, 413 (Fla. 1959).

274437. The Resort, as challenger to the assessment, has the

2754burden of proof in showing by a preponderance of the evidence

2765that the assessment is improper, whether in whole or in part.

2776Homer v. Dadeland Shopping Center , Inc. , 229 So. 2d 834, 837

2787(Fla. 1969); § 120.57(j), Fla. Stat. (2005). A tax assessment

2797has a presumption of correctness and, in its proof, the Resort

2808must exclude every reasonable hypothesis of a valid assessment,

2817i.e., it must show that the assessment is so unreasonable as to

2829be arbitrary and capricious. Homer , supra ; District School

2837Board of Leon County v. Askew , 278 So. 2d 272, 277 (Fla. 1973).

285038. Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, entitled "Tourist

2857development tax; procedure for levying; authori zed uses;

2865referendum; enforcement," provides in pertinent part: 4

2872(1) SHORT TITLE . -- This section shall be

2881known and may be cited as the "Local Option

2890Tourist Development Act."


2896(a) Application. -- The provisions contained

2902in chapter 212 apply to the administration

2909of any tax levied pursuant to this section.

2917(b) Definitions . -- For purposes of this


2926* * *

29292. "Tourist" means a person who

2935participates in trade or recreation

2940activities outside the county of his or her

2948permanent residence or who rents or leases

2955transient accommodations as described in

2960paragraph (3)(a).



2968(a) It is declared to be the intent of the

2978Legislature that every person who rents,

2984leases, or let s for consideration any living

2992quarters or accommodations in any hotel,

2998apartment hotel, motel, resort motel,

3003apartment, apartment motel, roominghouse,

3007mobile home park, recreational vehicle park,

3013or condominium for a term of 6 months or

3022less is exercising a privilege which is

3029subject to taxation under this section,

3035unless such person rents, leases, or lets

3042for consideration any living quarters or

3048accommodations which are exempt according to

3054the provisions of chapter 212.

3059(b) Subject to the provisions of t his

3067section, any county in this state may levy

3075and impose a tourist development tax on the

3083exercise within its boundaries of the

3089taxable privilege described in paragraph

3094(a), except that there shall be no

3101additional levy under this section in any

3108cities or towns presently imposing a

3114municipal resort tax as authorized under

3120chapter 67 - 930, Laws of Florida, and this

3129section shall not in any way affect the

3137powers and existence of any tourist

3143development authority created pursuant to

3148chapter 67 - 930, Laws of Flo rida. . .

3158* * *

3161(f) The tourist development tax shall be

3168charged by the person receiving the

3174consideration for the lease or rental, and

3181it shall be collected from the lessee,

3188tenant, or customer at the time of payment

3196of the consideration for such l ease or


3205(g) The person receiving the consideration

3211for such rental or lease shall receive,

3218account for, and remit the tax to the

3226Department of Revenue at the time and in the

3235manner provided for persons who collect and

3242remit taxes under s. 212.03. The same

3249duties and privileges imposed by chapter 212

3256upon dealers in tangible property,

3261respecting the collection and remission of

3267tax; the making of returns; the keeping of

3275books, records, and accounts; and compliance

3281with the rules of the Department of Revenue

3289in the administration of that chapter shall

3296apply to and be binding upon all persons who

3305are subject to the provisions of this

3312section. . . .

3316* * *

3319(k) The Department of Revenue shall

3325promulgate such rules and shall prescribe

3331and publish s uch forms as may be necessary

3340to effectuate the purposes of this section.

3347* * *


3355(a) The tourist development tax shall be

3362levied and imposed pursuant to an ordinance

3369containing the county tourist development

3374plan prescribed under paragraph (c), enacted

3380by the governing board of the county. . .

3389* * *


3397(a) A county levying a tax under this

3405section or s. 125.0108 may be exempted from

3413the requirements of the respective section


34201. The tax collected be remitted to the

3428Department of Revenue before being returned

3434to the county; and

34382. The tax be administered according to

3445chapter 212,

3447if the county adopts an ordinance providing

3454for the local collection and administration

3460of the tax.

3463* * *

3466(c) A county adopting an ordinance

3472providing for the collection and

3477administration of the tax on a local basis

3485shall also adopt an ordinance electing

3491either to assume all responsibility for

3497auditing the records and accounts of

3503dealers , and assessing, collecting, and

3508enforcing payments of delinquent taxes, or

3514to delegate such authority to the Department

3521of Revenue. If the county elects to assume

3529such responsibility, it shall be bound by

3536all rules promulgated by the Department of

3543Revenu e pursuant to paragraph (3)(k), as

3550well as those rules pertaining to the sales

3558and use tax on transient rentals imposed by

3566s. 212.03. The county may use any power

3574granted in this section to the department to

3582determine the amount of tax, penalties, and

3589int erest to be paid by each dealer and to

3599enforce payment of such tax, penalties, and

3606interest. The county may use a certified

3613public accountant licensed in this state in

3620the administration of its statutory duties

3626and responsibilities. . . .

363139. Section 2 12.03, Florida Statues, entitled "Transient

3639rentals tax; rate, procedure, enforcement, exemptions," provides

3646in pertinent part: 5

3650(1) It is hereby declared to be the

3658legislative intent that every person is

3664exercising a taxable privilege who engages

3670in the business of renting, leasing,

3676letting, or granting a license to use any

3684living quarters or sleeping or housekeeping

3690accommodations in, from, or a part of, or in

3699connection with any hotel, apartment house,

3705roominghouse, or tourist or trailer camp.

3711However, any person who rents, leases, lets,

3718or grants a license to others to use,

3726occupy, or enter upon any living quarters or

3734sleeping or housekeeping accommodations in

3739apartment houses, roominghouses, tourist

3743camps, or trailer camps, and who exclusively

3750enters into a bona fide written agreement

3757for continuous residence for longer than 6

3764months in duration at such property is not

3772exercising a taxable privilege. For the

3778exercise of such taxable privilege, a tax is

3786hereby levied in an amount equal to 6

3794percent of and on the total rental charged

3802for such living quarters or sleeping or

3809housekeeping accommodations by the person

3814charging or collecting the rental. Such tax

3821shall apply to hotels, apartment houses,

3827roominghouses, or tourist or trailer camps

3833whether or no t there is in connection with

3842any of the same any dining rooms, cafes, or

3851other places where meals or lunches are sold

3859or served to guests.

386340. DOR promulgated Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A -

38721.061, entitled "Rentals, Leases, and Licenses to Use Tra nsient

3882Accommodations," which addresses the TDT and provides in

3890pertinent part: 6

3893(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)

3900through (d), every person is exercising a

3907taxable privilege when engaging in the

3913business of renting, leasing, letting, or

3919granting licenses to others to use transient

3926accommodations, unless the rental charges or

3932room rates are specifically exempt.

3937* * *

3940(2) DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this

3947rule, the following terms are defined:

3953* * *

3956(e) "Rental charges or room rat es" means

3964the total consideration received solely for

3970the use or possession, or the right to the

3979use or possession, of any transient

3985accommodation. See subsection (3) of this


3992(f) "Transient accommodation" means each

3997living quarter or sleeping or h ousekeeping

4004accommodation in any hotel, motel, apartment

4010house, multiple unit structure (e.g.,

4015duplex, triplex, quadraplex, condominium),

4019roominghouse, . . or other structure, place,

4026or location held out to the public to be a

4036place where living quarters or sleeping or

4043housekeeping accommodations are provided to

4048transient guests for consideration. Each

4053room or unit within a multiple unit

4060structure is an accommodation.

4064* * *


4073(a) Rental charges or room rates for the

4081u se or possession, or the right to the use

4091or possession, of transient accommodations

4096are subject to tax, whether received in

4103cash, credits, property, goods, wares,

4108merchandise, services, or other things of


4115* * *



4124(a) The following deposits or prepayments

4130paid by guests or tenants to the owner or

4139owner's representative of transient

4143accommodations are NOT rental charges or

4149room rates and are not subject to tax:

41571.a. Deposits or prepayments th at are

4164required to be paid to secure a potential

4172guest or tenant the right to rent, lease,

4180let, or license a transient accommodation by

4187a time certain. Such deposits do not

4194guarantee the transient guest or tenant the

4201use or possession, or the right to the use

4210or possession, of transient accommodations.

4215* * *

4218c. Example: A potential guest makes

4224reservations at a hotel for a designated

4231night. The hotel requires a deposit equal

4238to the room rate to hold a room until a time

4249certain, such as 6:00 p.m., o n the

4257designated night. The guest does not arrive

4264at the hotel and fails to cancel the

4272reservation. The hotel retains the deposit.

4278Because payment of the deposit did not

4285provide the potential guest the right to the

4293use of the room and the hotel did not

4302collect any tax from the potential guest,

4309the room deposit is not subject to tax.

4317* * *

4320(b) Rental charges or room rates include

4327deposits or prepayments that guarantee the

4333guest or tenant the use or possession, or

4341the right to the use or possession, of

4349transient accommodations during a specified

4354rental period under the provisions of an

4361agreement with the owner or owner's

4367representative of transient accommodations.

4371The owner or owner's representative is

4377required to provide transient accommodations

4382to any guest or tenant that enters into such

4391an agreement and pays the required

4397prepayment or deposit, even when the guest

4404or tenant does not occupy the accommodation.

4411* * *

44142. Example: A hotel guarantees that it will

4422provide room accommodations on a designated

4428date to potential guests that make

4434reservations and pay a required room

4440deposit. To receive a refund of the

4447required room deposit, the potential guest

4453must cancel his or her reservations by 4:00

4461p.m. of the designated date. A potential

4468guest that has made reservations and has

4475paid the required room deposit fails to

4482cancel the reservations and fails to arrive

4489at the hotel on the designated date to use

4498the reserved room accommodations. Because

4503the potential guest fails to cancel the

4510reservatio ns, the guest forfeits the room

4517deposit. Even though the guest did not

4524occupy a room at the hotel, the forfeited

4532room deposit is subject to tax.

453841. No dispute exists that Palm Beach County decided that

4548it would collect the TDT and took the appropriate steps to do

4560so. Furthermore, no dispute exists that Palm Beach County is

4570authorized to collect the TDT.

457542. No dispute exists that, as a result of Palm Beach

4586County assuming all responsibility for the TDT, Palm Beach

4595County was bound by the rules promulg ated by DOR pertaining to

4607the TDT and the sales and use tax on transient rentals.

461843. No dispute exists that the Resort rents hotel

4627accommodations for a term of six months or less.

463644. The evidence demonstrates that, during the audit

4644period, the Resort w as exercising a taxable privilege by

4654engaging in the business of renting hotel/transient

4661accommodations. §§ 212.03 and 125.0104(3), Fla. Stat.

466845. The Resort disputes that the deposits collected under

4677its circumstances of renting hotel/transient accommod ations are

4685subject to the TDT.

468946. In Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A - 1.061, DOR

4699addresses deposits or prepayments of transient accommodations

4706and deposits or prepayments that are not rental charges or room

4717rates and are not subject to tax and that a re rental charges or

4731room rates and are subject to tax. The evidence demonstrates

4741that the rental charges or room rates include the deposits

4751collected by the Resort as no - shows and are, therefore, subject

4763to tax pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rul es 12A -

47741.061(5)(b) and 12A - 1.061(5)(b)2. The deposits guarantee the

4783potential guests the use or possession or right to the use or

4795possession of the Resort's transient accommodations. The Resort

4803guarantees to provide room accommodations on a designated da te

4813to potential guests who make a reservation and pay a required

4824room deposit. To receive a refund of the deposit, potential

4834guests must cancel the reservation by a time certain of the

4845designated date; but, if guests fail to cancel the reservations

4855and fa il to arrive at the Resort on the designated date in

4868accordance with the Resort's requirements, such potential guests

4876forfeit the deposit. The forfeited deposits are subject to tax.

488647. During the audit period, the forfeited deposits were

4895reflected by th e Resort as no - show revenue. The Resort asserts

4908that attritions were also reflected as no - show revenue in its

4920monthly financial reports during the first four months of the

4930audit period. In its Notice, the Tax Collector indicated that

4940attrition and cancel lation fees were considered penalties and

4949were, therefore, not taxable revenue. But, the Resort was

4958unable to identify the attritions and factor them out of the no -

4971show revenue. Consequently, all no - show revenue reflected by

4981the Resort's financial record s, during the audit period, and

4991provided to the Tax Collector by the Resort were taxable.

500148. In order for the Resort's no - show revenue, during the

5013audit period, not to be subject to the TDT, the Resort must show

5026that it falls within an exemption from the tax. A tax exemption

5038is to be strictly construed against the claimer of the

5048exemption. Capital City Country Club, Inc. v. Tucker , 613 So.

50582d 448 (Fla. 1993); State ex rel. Szabo Food Services, Inc. v.

5070Dickinson , 286 So. 2d 529 (Fla. 1973); Asphalt Paver s, Inc. v.

5082Department of Revenue , 584 So. 2d 55 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

5093Moreover, doubtful language in exemption statutes is construed

5101against the taxpayer. United States Gypsum Co. v. Green , supra.

511149. The Resort has the burden to demonstrate its

5120entitlem ent to the exemption. Green v. Pederson , 99 So. 2d 292

5132(Fla. 1957).

513450. The Resort attempted to present evidence to

5142demonstrate that the forfeited deposits fell within Florida

5150Administrative Code Rule 12A - 1.061(5)(a), were not taxable and

5160were, therefore , not subject to the TDT. As set forth above,

5171the evidence demonstrates to the contrary. The evidence fails

5180to demonstrate that the Resort is exempt from the TDT tax.

5191Furthermore, the evidence fails to demonstrate that the

5199forfeited deposits are exempt from the TDT tax.


5208Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5218Law, it is

5221RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County Tax Collector enter

5230a final order affirming the final assessment of Local Option

5240Tourist Development Tax against B oca Raton Resort and Club, for

5251the audit period October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2003, in

5262the total amount of $141,515.48 (which includes tax, penalties,

5272and interest), plus additional interest of $19.40 per day, as of

5283January 1, 2005, through the day of payment .

5292DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of June , 2006, in

5302Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5311Administrative Law Judge

5314Division of Administrative Hearings

5318The DeSoto Building

532112 30 Apalachee Parkway

5325Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5330(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5338Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5345Filed with the Clerk of the

5351Division of Administrative Hearings

5355this 1st day of June , 2006.


53621/ As to Petitio ner's Exhibit 7, by Order dated October 4, 2005,

5375as a result of the Tax Collector filing a Motion in Limine and

5388Motion for Protective Order, limitations were placed on the use

5398of the Letter of Technical Advice from the Department of Revenue

5409during discover y and at hearing.

54152/ Petitioner’s Exhibits 6 and 9 were admitted for the limited

5426purpose to show that the Resort sought the guidance from the

5437Department of Revenue through a Letter of Technical Advice.

54463/ Id.

54484/ The pertinent provisions of Section 12 5.0104, Florida

5457Statutes, did not change for the years 2000 through 2003 of the

5469audit period. Consequently, the citing of Section 125.0104,

5477Florida Statutes, is applicable for the years 2000 through 2003.

54875/ The pertinent provisions of Section 212.03, F lorida Statutes,

5497did not change for the years 2000 through 2003 of the audit

5509period. Consequently, the citing of Section 212.03, Florida

5517Statutes, is applicable for the years 2000 through 2003.

55266/ The pertinent provisions of Florida Administrative Code Rule

553512A - 1.061 did not change for the years 2000 through 2003 of the

5549audit period. Consequently, the citing of Florida Administrative

5557Code Rule 12A - 1.061 is applicable for the years 2000 through



5572Joseph C. Moffa, Esquire

5576Law Offi ces of Moffa & Gainor, P.A.

5584One Financial Plaza, Suite 2202

5589Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394

5593Usher L. Brown, Esquire

5597Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A.

5603Post Office Box 2873

5607Orlando, Florida 32802 - 2873


5618All par ties have the right to submit written exceptions within

562915 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

5640to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5651will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/01/2007
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 06/01/2007
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 05/02/2007
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 07/19/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/19/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Final Order) filed.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/01/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/01/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 11, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/01/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/24/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplement to Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/06/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to Supplement Proposed Recommended Order to Both Parties (Respondent`s supplement is accepted as filed; Petitioner shall file its supplement no later than February 24, 2006).
Date: 01/25/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to File Respondent`s Supplement to Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/20/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/07/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 12/06/2005
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 12/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Transcript) filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from U. Brown regarding the Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 10/12/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from J. Moffa enclosing the last page of Petitioner`s Exhibit 15 filed.
Date: 10/11/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Original Depositions of J. Silvey and S. Shaffer filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Clerk from U. Brown enclosing case law cited by Respondent in its Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Clerk from U. Brown enclosing copies of slides intended for use at hearing filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (S. Shaffer) filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Deposition (J. Silvey) filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Clerk of the Court from J. Moffa enclosing Petitioner`s Exhibit Binder filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/07/2005
Proceedings: (Corrected) Exhibit Index filed.
Date: 10/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibits filed (exhibits not availablefor viewing).
Date: 10/05/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing scheduled for October 11, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to video and location).
Date: 10/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent, Palm Beach County Tax Collector, Supplemental Response to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent, Palm Beach County Tax Collector, Supplemental Response to Petitioner`s First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 10/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Supplement to Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/04/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting in Part Motion in Limine and Protective Order.
Date: 10/04/2005
Proceedings: Respondent, Tax Collector`s Pre-hearing Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 09/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s Signed Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/27/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness List filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s Unsigned Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/17/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 11, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 08/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request To Produce filed.
Date: 08/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request To Produce filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from U. Brown regarding corrected dates of unavailability filed.
Date: 08/08/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from U. Brown advising of dates available for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/04/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 4, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 08/02/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 08/01/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List filed.
Date: 07/29/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Response to Respondent`s First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 07/29/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/29/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Response to Respondent`s First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 07/28/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion In Limine and Motion For Protective Order filed.
Date: 07/28/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion In Limine and Motion For Protective Order filed.
Date: 07/22/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion in Limine and Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 07/22/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 07/22/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/11/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 07/11/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/21/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 15, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Answer to Petition filed.
Date: 05/23/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s Reply to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/18/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Final Assessment Audit Authority: Section 213-34, F.S. filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Reconsideration filed.
Date: 05/17/2005
Proceedings: Petition for a Chapter 120 Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):