05-001786 Miami-Dade County School Board vs. Ismael Delgado
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, March 2, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: The evidence is insufficient to prove that two students engaged in oral sex in Respondent`s classroom. Petitioner is not entitled to dismiss Respondent for just cause based mainly on the allegation that he failed to stop or prevent the alleged sex act.





16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1786




31Respondent. )



36This case c ame before Administrative Law Judge John G.

46Van Laningham for final hearing on October 6 and 7, 2005, in

58Miami, Florida.


61For Petitioner: Luis M. Garcia, Esquire

67Miami - Dade County School Board

731450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400

79Miami, Florida 33132

82For Respondent: Mark Herdman, Esquire

87Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

912595 Tampa Road, Suite J

96Palm Harbor, Florida 34684


104The issue in this case is whether a d istrict school board

116is entitled to dismiss a teacher for just cause based

126principally upon the allegation that he failed to prevent or

136stop two students from engaging in oral sex in his classroom.


149At its regular meeting on May 18, 2005, Petitioner School

159Board of Miami - Dade County suspended Respondent Ismael Delgado

169without pay pending his dismissal as a member of the district's

180instructional staff. This action resulted from the allegation

188that on December 6, 2004, Mr. Delgado had failed to prevent or

200stop two students from engaging in oral sex in his classroom.

211Having been notified in advance of Petitioner's likely

219decision, Mr. Delgado's legal counsel already had requested a

228formal hearing, by letter dated May 12, 2005. Thus, on May 19,

2402005, the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative

250Hearings ("DOAH") for further proceedings. Thereafter, on

259June 20, 2005, the School Board filed its Notice of Specific


271At the final hearing, which took place on October 6 and 7,

2832005, Petitioner called the following witnesses: Detective Lisa

291Rodriguez; Pamela Garman; Victor Lopez; Rosann Sidener; Aaron

299Roberts; La'Shan Coglin; Carl Smith; Lucy Iturrey; and four

308students, whose names are being kept confidential. With the

317u ndersigned's permission, Petitioner filed the deposition of

325Telicia McQueen after the hearing, and her testimony was made

335part of the evidentiary record. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through

34420 were received in evidence. 1

350Mr. Delgado testified on his own beh alf, and he presented

361the testimony of Thomas Wright as well. In addition,

370Mr. Delgado offered Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 3, and these

380were admitted.

382The two - volume final hearing transcript was filed on

392January 17, 2006. Each party timely file d a Proposed

402Recommended Order before the established deadline, which was

410enlarged to February 3, 2006.

415Unless otherwise indicated, citations to the Florida

422Statutes refer to the 2005 Florida Statutes.


4321. The Miami - Dade County School Bo ard ("School Board"),

445Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized

454to operate, control, and supervise the Miami - Dade County Public

465School System.

4672. As of the final hearing, Respondent Ismael Delgado

476("Delgado") had been employed as a teacher in the Miami - Dade

490County Public School System for approximately 12 years. At all

500times relevant to this case, Williams was assigned to Booker T.

511Washington Senior High School, where he taught students with


5213. The alleged events giv ing rise to this case allegedly

532occurred on December 6, 2004. The School Board alleges that on

543that date, during Delgado's fourth - period class, a female

553student named R. B. fellated a male student named D. B., while

565Delgado busied himself on the computer, paying no attention to

575the brazen carnality on display in his presence. The School

585Board charges that at about 11:15 a.m., a young man named

596K. M. —— who was not a student of Delgado's —— chanced to enter

610Delgado's locked classroom (somehow without attracti ng Delgado's

618attention) to check up on R. B. at precisely the moment she

630happened to be orally stimulating D. B.'s penis. K. M. was

641purportedly shocked to see this behavior —— too shocked,

650evidently, to mention anything about it to Delgado, who

659allegedly re mained glued to his computer, oblivious. K. M.

669later reported the alleged incident to another teacher,

677investigations ensued, and Delgado ended up being accused

685effectively of causing the students' sexual misconduct, for

693which the School Board now wants t o fire him.

7034. Delgado consistently has maintained —— and testified at

712hearing —— that nothing extraordinary occurred in his classroom on

722December 6, 2004. He claims that he neither saw nor heard R. B.

735and D. B. engage in any sexual activity; indeed, Delg ado insists

747that such behavior could not possibly have taken place in his

758presence. The undersigned fact - finder believes Delgado's

766testimony in this regard, which is more credible and persuasive

776than the evidence to the contrary, and finds, on the record as a

789whole, that the evidence is insufficient to establish that R. B.

800and D. B. engaged in oral sex in Delgado's presence, as charged.

8125. Because Delgado witnessed nothing of the sort alleged,

821it is difficult to make affirmative findings concerning wha t, if

832anything unusual, occurred in Delgado's classroom on December 6,

8412004. Compounding this difficulty, the students who testified

849were poor witnesses.

8526. The School Board called four purported eyewitnesses to

861the alleged sexual act: R. B. and D. B ., the alleged

873participants; K. M., the student who serendipitously caught the

882two flagrante delicto; and A. S., another student in Delgado's

892class. Each one individually came across as an unreliable

901witness. None seemed to possess (or was able to articu late) a

913clear and precise memory of the remarkable alleged events, yet

923each recounted details that struck the undersigned as being

932implausible at best. Moreover, taken together, their stories

940are inconsistent and, in material respects, irreconcilable. In

948support of these general observations, the undersigned will add

957the following particular findings, to underscore the care with

966which the evidence has been weighed.

9727. As mentioned, the students who testified gave

980conflicting accounts about what occurre d. The points in

989conflict are not mere minor details, as the School Board argues,

1000but rather involve material facts, such as when the alleged

1010sexual act took place and what Delgado was doing at that time.

1022The details are critical because it is not enough for the School

1034Board to prove that R. B. and D. B. engaged in oral sex on

1048December 6, 2004. In addition, the School Board alleged and

1058must prove that the sex act took place in Delgado's classroom,

1069while he was present; that Delgado knew or should have kn own

1081what was going on; and that Delgado failed to take reasonable

1092steps to prevent or stop the students from having oral sex.

11038. The following table presents a summary of the

1112eyewitness testimony regarding six basic questions raised at


1121R. B. D . B. A. S. K. M.

1130When did In the morning, right In the middle of Before lunch; Before the bell

1145act occur? before, and continuing class. the bell rang rang. Between

1156after, the bell rang. at 11:50 a.m., 11 a.m. and

1166It was at the so between 11 11:15 a.m.

1175end of class, a.m. and 11:30 Before 12:15

1183when the bell a.m., but p.m.

1189rings. Class witness is

1193was over. unsure.

1196K. M. came after

1200the class was


1204Where did At R. B.'s desk, in the At the front of At the At a desk.

1221act occur? front of the class. the room. teach er's desk

1232in the back.

1235(A. S. had to

1239turn around to


1243Where was Before the bell rang, At the board, on At the board. Behind the

1258Delgado? at his desk, in the one side of the computer.

1269back of the room. classroom,

1274After the bell, he was facing away from

1282in hallway. the stu dents.

1287What was Before the bell, Writing on the Writing a Busy looking at

1300Delgado looking at "perfume" on board with a science the computer.

1311doing? the computer; he didn't marker; he problem (or

1320see the act. After the didn't know that something) on

1330bell, Delgado was in students were the board.

1338the hallway, watching having sex.

1343students. He didn't see

1347Not looking at what was

1352the computer. happening.

1355He didn't see

1358any sexual


1361R. B. D . B. A. S. K. M.

1370What did No one said Students were

1377other anything. not standing up

1382students Students were to block

1387do? standing up to Delgado's view.

1393shield R. B. and

1397D. B., so They were

1402Delgado couldn't playing cards or

1407see the act. something.

1411Were other Yes, K. W. & S. J. Yes. T. H. did Doesn't Didn't see that.

1427students Their pants were down som ething remember;

1435having sex at their ankles. They (unclear). didn't see

1444too? stood by the wall, Also, K. W. that.

1453having regular sex. "jacked" S. J.

1459Students told hem to while they were

1466stop. Delgado couldn’t sitting down at

1472see the couple, but one of the

1479heard the students and teacher's desks.

1485told S. to get off K. No one said

1494They ignored Delgado anything.

1498and continued.

15009. Although many discrepancies are obvious, focus on the

1509question of Del gado's whereabouts. Two students placed Delgado

1518behind his computer at the relevant moment. Two others recalled

1528that he was writing on the board. The School Board insists that

1540Delgado was engrossed in his computer; it became invested in

1550this theory duri ng the investigative phase when an examination

1560of the cookies on the hard drive of Delgado's classroom computer

1571turned up electronic evidence that the Yahoo website might have

1581been opened at 11:37 a.m. 2 If Delgado were at the computer,

1593however, then both D. B. and A. S. gave unreliable testimony on

1605this significant point. 3 Conversely, if D. B. and A. S. were

1617believed, then the reliability of the accounts of R. B. and

1628K. M. would be brought into question. The inconsistencies

1637ultimately undermine the cred ibility of each of the student


164810. Apart from the testimonial inconsistencies, none of

1656the students, considered individually, impressed the undersigned

1663as being a trustworthy witness. R. B.'s testimony was vague and

1674childlike, offering little on which the fact - finder could get

1685any traction. Her story, in a nutshell, is that D. B. and some

1698other students goaded her into performing oral sex on D. B., to

1710which she reluctantly consented in the vain hope that compliance

1720would put an end to persist ent prodding. R. B. also testified

1732that while she was sucking on D. B.'s penis, two other students

1744(S. J. and K. W., a male and female) were standing by the wall,

1758their pants down at their ankles, having regular sex. This

1768latter is beyond belief and sugg ests to the undersigned that

1779R. B. has difficulty distinguishing fantasy from fact. That

1788being the case, the undersigned considers her testimony

1796unreliable and has discounted it accordingly.

180211. D. B.'s version of the alleged event differs from

1812R. B .'s in one immediately apparent respect: as D. B. tells it,

1825he was practically the victim, R. B. the aggressor who pulled

1836down his pants and commenced sucking on his penis against his

1847wishes. This is unlikely —— almost absurd, the undersigned

1856thinks —— but D . B.'s testimony in this regard is notable insofar

1869as it exposes a desire (also evident, incidentally, in R. B.'s

1880testimony) to shift the blame —— for whatever happened —— to someone

1892else. Like R. B., D. B. testified that other students also

1903engaged in sexual activity that morning in Delgado's classroom.

1912In particular, D. B. asserted that K. W. had "jacked" S. J.

1924( i.e. masturbated his penis) while the couple had been sitting

1935down at one of the teacher's desks. The undersigned believes

1945that D. B.'s testimony about K. W. and S. J. is most likely a

1959fabrication. 4 Having given testimony that is probably untrue,

1968D. B.'s credibility is suspect and his testimony as a whole must

1980be discounted.

198212. A. S. testified that on the morning in question, he

1993turned around a nd saw R. B. and D. B. at the teacher's desk in

2008the back of room, R. B.'s mouth on D. B.'s penis. Apparently

2020witnessing two classmates openly engaging in a sexual act was

2030not a remarkable event for A. S., for he claims to have looked

2043away and said nothing to the teacher (who was, according to

2054A. S., writing a problem on the board at the time). The

2066undersigned considers this to be implausible. He can scarcely

2075believe that a student in A. S.'s supposed position would react

2086in the blasé manner that A. S. d escribed. The testimony as a

2099whole is not credible.

210313. K. M.'s testimony is full of improbabilities. To

2112begin, the undersigned is skeptical that K. M. just happened to

2123be running an errand for his teacher in the middle of fourth

2135period, allowing him t o detour to Delgado's classroom to check

2146up on R. B. —— whom , he said, he treated "like a sister" —— at the

2162very moment she was performing fellatio on D. B. This is too

2174contrived to be believable. Second, the undersigned does not

2183believe that K. M. could hav e entered Delgado's classroom ——

2194which, it is undisputed, was locked while class was in session ——

2206without Delgado knowing about it, which is what K. M. claims

2217occurred. Third, the undersigned rejects as incredible K. M.'s

2226testimony that he stood watching R. B. suck on D. B.'s penis for

2239a considerable period of time (several minutes), unobserved by

2248Delgado, without saying anything to the teacher. Fourth, the

2257undersigned disbelieves K. M.'s testimony that he slipped out of

2267the secure classroom unnoticed by Del gado. Finally, K. M.

2277testified at hearing with some certainty that he had reported

2287the incident the next day, after carefully considering whether

2296to do so. Yet, the contemporaneous written record reflects that

2306he reported the matter within hours after it s alleged

2316occurrence. Standing alone, this latter would be a relatively

2325minor discrepancy. But viewed in the light of other facially

2335improbable details, this discrepancy is more troubling. All

2343things considered, the undersigned harbors genuine doubt

2350reg arding K. M.'s reliability as a witness.

235814. The School Board offered the unsworn written

2366statements of eight students, including the four who testified

2375at hearing. These are hearsay and hence can be used, if at all,

2388only to supplement or explain othe r admissible evidence. 5 To

2399give a flavor of the nature and quality of the evidence

2410presented in support of the charges against Delgado, the

2419undersigned will reproduce the statements of the non - testifying

2429students below. 6

243215. S. J. 7 gave a statement dat ed December 8, 2004,

2444wherein he recounted: 8

2448it happen when [R. B.] was siting between

2456[D. B.] legs and when I went to get my paper

2467from the printer and I turn around I seen

2476[R. B.] sucking [D. B.] penis I was not the

2486only one seen them [K. M.] seen them al so

2496this happen 2 minutes before the bell rang

2504that how the other person which is [K. M.]

2513seen them when he walk into the room and

2522seen them thats how everything started. I

2529was not involved with them.

2534S. J. signed another statement, dated December 14, 2004 , in

2544which he wrote:

2547When the problem happen the teacher was

2554right in front of them but he told her to

2564stop but she wouldnt. He told her plenty of

2573times to go down stairs to see Ms. Thomas

2582but she wouldnt. but when they were doing

2590it in the corner in he see them crowed

2599around he gets up to see what's going on

2608thats the only time he gets up to see. the

2618problem doesn't occur now scense she not in

2626the class anymore.

262916. K. W.'s 9 December 7, 2004, statement provides as


2640when she came in she starte d to play with

2650[nickname deleted] and he said to leave him

2658and still cap playing with and he got up

2667side on the other side of the classroom and

2676teacher her to stop she cap on playing with

2685him and I when to sleep after that I does

2695not know that they had sex or not.

270317. T. H. gave two written statements. The first, dated

2713December 7, 2004, states:

2717I was seating down on the char in I sha [D.

2728B.] in [R. B.] [R. B.] was sukin [D. B.]

2738penis two times.

2741T. H.'s second statement is dated December 10, 2004. Ther ein he


2754Mr. Dilgado trys to stop hus from having six

2763bet we keep on going in he call ower house

2773bet we cap on going.

277818. N. H. provided two statements, neither of which is

2788dated. In one he wrote:

2793[D. B.] in [R. B.] was having sex in the

2803classroom . I was go to the computer lab.

2812In the other, N. H. added:

2818I feel I Mr. Delgado did not see [R. B.] in

2829[D. B.] have sex in the class.

283619. These written statements do not explain or supplement

2845the admissible evidence; to the contrary, if accepted they would

2855create additional inconsistencies. Thus, the undersigned has

2862not based any findings of fact on their contents. The

2872undersigned has taken note, however, that out of 15 - 17 students

2884in Delgado's fourth - period class, fewer than half (seven, to be

2896exac t) testified at hearing and/or signed a written statement

2906about the alleged incident that was produced at hearing. This

2916causes the undersigned to wonder what, if anything, the other 8 -

292810 students in the class witnessed on December 6, 2004.

293820. Given t he paucity of persuasive evidence, the

2947undersigned is better able to find what was not proved to have

2959happened, than to find what likely happened in Delgado's

2968classroom on December 6, 2004, if anything out of the ordinary.

2979To repeat the key finding above, the School Board failed to

2990prove that R. B. and D. B. engaged in oral sex in Delgado's

3003classroom while he was present.

300821. While these students probably did not engage in oral

3018sex, the undersigned believes that there is a slightly better

3028than even chanc e, and thus he finds, that D. B. briefly exposed

3041his penis in Delgado's classroom after the bell had rung and

3052class had been dismissed, when Delgado was outside of the room

3063monitoring the hallway, which is what he was supposed to be

3074doing at the time. 10 Th e undersigned thinks, based on the

3086evidence presented, that it is reasonably possible (the

3094probability being between, roughly, 25 percent and 35 percent)

3103that R. B. might have placed her mouth on D. B.'s penis, but he

3117cannot make this finding because he is not persuaded that this

3128likely occurred. What is likely, and what the undersigned

3137finds, is that D. B.'s exhibition was a type of taunting,

3148teasing, or sexually harassing behavior directed at R. B.

315722. It is found that K. M. likely did enter Delg ado's

3169classroom, not during the class period as K. M. claimed, but

3180after fourth period had ended, when Delgado was properly in the

3191hallway and the door to his room was unlocked. It is found

3203that, more likely than not, K. M. then learned about D. B.'s

3215hara ssment of R. B. It is possible that the incident was

3227already being exaggerated in discussions about what had

3235happened. At any rate, by the time K. M. reported the incident,

3247the facts had become distorted.

325223. There is no persuasive evidence that Delgad o saw or

3263knew about, or reasonably should have seen or known about,

3273D. B.'s misbehavior, which occurred while Delgado was properly

3282monitoring the hallway between classes. There is no persuasive

3291evidence that Delgado reasonably should have foreseen D. B.' s

3301misconduct or that he reasonably could have stopped or prevented

3311it. 11 There is no persuasive evidence that Delgado was in any

3323way the cause of, or responsible for, D. B.'s bad behavior.

333424. In sum, the undersigned determines as a matter of

3344ultimate f act that, to the extent anything unusual occurred on

3355December 6, 2004, in Delgado's classroom, it was student

3364misbehavior that took place outside the teacher's presence and

3373beyond the reach of his senses. Delgado neither knew nor should

3384have known that an ything untoward was occurring. The student or

3395students who engaged in the misbehavior should have been

3404punished, not the teacher.


341125. DOAH has personal and subject matter jurisdiction in

3420this proceeding pursuant to Sections 1012.33(6 )(a)2., 120.569,

3428and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

343226. In an administrative proceeding to suspend or dismiss

3441a teacher, the school board, as the charging party, bears the

3452burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, each

3462element of the charged of fense(s). See McNeill v. Pinellas

3472County School Bd. , 678 So. 2d 476, 477 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996);

3484Sublett v. Sumter County School Bd. , 664 So. 2d 1178, 1179 (Fla.

34965th DCA 1995); MacMillan v. Nassau County School Bd. , 629 So. 2d

3508226 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993).

351327. Delgado's guilt or innocence is a question of ultimate

3523fact to be decided in the context of each alleged violation.

3534McKinney v. Castor , 667 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995);

3546Langston v. Jamerson , 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

355828. In its Not ice of Specific Charges served on June 20,

35702005, the School Board advanced four theories for dismissing

3579Delgado: Misconduct in Office (Counts I); Gross Insubordination

3587or Willful Neglect of Duty (Count II); Violation of School Board

3598Rules (Count III); and Conduct Unbecoming a School Board

3607Employee (Count IV). 12

361129. Each of the School Board's several counts depends on

3621the alleged facts that, on December 6, 2004, two students

3631engaged in oral sex in Delgado's classroom, and that Delgado,

3641though present, was inattentive and failed properly to respond

3650to the situation. 13 The School Board, however, failed to prove

3661these essential allegations. Thus, all of the charges against

3670Delgado necessarily fail, as a matter of fact. Due to this

3681dispositive failure of proo f, it is not necessary to render

3692additional conclusions of law.


3697Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3707Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order: (a)

3719exonerating Delgado of all charges brought against him in this

3729proceeding; (b) providing that Delgado be immediately reinstated

3737to the position from which he was suspended without pay; and (c)

3749awarding Delgado back salary, plus benefits, that accrued during

3758the suspension period, together with interest thereo n at the

3768statutory rate.

3770DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of March, 2006, in

3780Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3790Administrative Law Judge

3793Division of Administrative Hearings

3797The DeSoto Building

38001230 Apalachee Parkway

3803Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3808(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3816Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3823Filed with the Clerk of the

3829Division of Administrative Hearings

3833this 2nd day of March, 2006.


38401 / There was, at hearing, considerable controversy ove r the

3851admissibility of a videotape of the forensic interview of R. B.,

3862the female student who allegedly performed fellatio on a male

3872classmate. The School Board argues that this videotape —— which

3882is part of Petitioner's Exhibit 9 —— is admissible under the

3893h earsay exception for the statements of child victims. See §

390490.803(23), Fla. Stat. This raises an interesting evidentiary

3912question, which the undersigned declines to resolve because the

3921videotape —— which the undersigned has viewed —— is cumulative

3931evidence. R. B.'s out - of - court statements, as captured on the

3944videotape, are consistent with, and add nothing of substance to,

3954her sworn testimony at hearing. Thus, whether the videotape is

3964considered independent, substantive evidence pursuant to

3970§ 90.803(23), F la. Stat., or, alternatively, corroborative

3978hearsay under § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat., makes no difference:

3987the findings and conclusions herein are the same, either way.

39972 / The testimony about this cookie and its import was

4008unimpressive. The bottom line is that the cookie's presence in

4018Delgado's machine shows, at most, that his computer was on and a

4030browser open at 11:37 a.m.; it does not establish that Delgado

4041was actually viewing the Internet at that time, much less prove

4052that he was so engaged in surf ing the Web that he could ignore

4066two students having oral sex in his classroom.

40743 / Delgado's location at the time of the alleged sex act is

4087clearly a material fact. The School Board naturally urges that

4097Delgado was at the computer as opposed to the boar d because the

4110resulting image is that of an indifferent, neglectful teacher

4119who was not even instructing his students, let alone controlling

4129the classroom. If, however, he were busy writing problems on

4139the board, as both D. B. and A. S. testified, then De lgado at

4153least would have been engaged in a proper pedagogic activity,

4163raising the question whether he reasonably could have missed the

4173alleged sex act, assuming the latter occurred. And if Delgado

4183were in the hallway (as R. B. suggested) when the alleged sex

4195act took place, then he reasonably might not have seen the

4206alleged sex act, assuming it occurred —— a situation which would

4217constitute an exculpatory alternative to the School Board's


42264 / This testimony —— insinuating everyone was doing it —— strik es

4239the undersigned as tactical blame shifting.

42455 / See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat.

42526 / The written statements of the students who testified are

4263cumulative evidence.

42657 / This is the same S. J. who, according to R. B. and D. B.,

4281either had regular sex wit h, or was masturbated by, K. W. on the

4295morning in question.

42988 / The spelling and grammar are poor throughout the students'

4309written statements. Rather than attempt to clean them up or

4319point out each mistake with a " sic ," the undersigned simply has

4330reprodu ced the contents of the students' respective statements

4339as they appear in the record.

43459 / K. W. is the student who supposedly engaged in some sort of

4359sexual activity with S. J. in Delgado's classroom on December 6,

43702004, according to R. B. and D. B.

437810 / D. B.'s penis, it is found, was exposed for a matter of

4392seconds at most. To be very clear, moreover, the evidence

4402persuades the undersigned that D. B. did not ejaculate.

441111 / At some point before December 6, 2004, Delgado had

4422disciplined R. B. for "grabbin g" the boys, sending her to the

4434office, where nothing was done about her misbehavior. The

4443evidence is sketchy as to what R. B. actually did to warrant the

4456referral, but it is reasonable to infer that her misconduct

4466entailed acting out in a sexually inappr opriate way. It is not

4478reasonable to infer, however, that her previous misconduct

4486signaled a propensity to engage in oral sex in class, which

4497deviant behavior would be not only different in degree but also

4508in kind. Further, the fact that Delgado actively disciplined R.

4518B. when she merely "grabbed" the boys suggests that he would not

4530passively have allowed her to perform fellatio on a student in

4541his classroom.

454312 / The School Board based some of its charges, in part, on the

4557allegation that Delgado had brou ght "false and frivolous

4566complaints" against school district personnel. The School Board

4574abandoned this allegation at hearing, however, and thus no

4583findings or conclusions pertaining to the "false claims" theory

4592have been made in this Recommended Order.

459913 / The School Board also contends that Delgado failed to attend

4611some training sessions as directed by the principal of a school

4622where he had worked in the year 2000 (not Booker T. Washington),

4634and that this alleged failure constituted gross insubordinatio n.

4643The evidence, however, does not establish that Delgado

4651constantly and willfully disobeyed reasonable directives. See

4658Fla. Admin. Code. R. 6B - 4.009(4). Consequently, this particular

4668allegation does not merit further consideration.


4678Mark Herdman, Esquire

4681Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

46852595 Tampa Road, Suite J

4690Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

4694Luis M. Garcia , Esquire

4698Miami - Dade County School Board

47041450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400

4710Miami, Florida 33132

4713Daniel J. Woodring, Gen eral Counsel

4719Department of Education

4722325 West Gaines Street, Room 1244

4728Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

4733John L. Winn, Commissioner

4737Department of Education

4740Turlington Building, Suite 1514

4744325 West Gaines Street

4748Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

4753Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent

4758Miami - Dade County School Board

47641450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912

4770Miami, Florida 33132 - 1394


4781All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

479115 days from the date of this R ecommended Order. Any exceptions

4803to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4814will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 03/21/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from I. Delagado regarding compensation payments filed (signed).
Date: 03/19/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from I. Delagado regarding compensation payments filed (unsigned).
Date: 05/12/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/08/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/02/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/02/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/02/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 6 and 7, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/26/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Enlargement of Time (parties shall serve and file their respective Proposed Recommended Orders on or before February 3, 2006).
Date: 01/25/2006
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 01/18/2006
Proceedings: Order Regarding Proposed Recommended Orders (proposed recommended orders shall be filed on or before January 27, 2005).
Date: 01/17/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of T. McQueen filed.
Date: 01/17/2006
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes I and II) filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 11/23/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from L. Garcia responding to the Order Compelling Production of Videotape filed.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Order Compelling Production of Videotape.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/29/2005
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 6 and 7, 2005; 11:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Unopposed Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 08/18/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner School Board`s Witness List filed.
Date: 08/18/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 06/20/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Specific Charges filed.
Date: 06/10/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Enlarge Time (no later than June 20, 2005, Petitioner shall file and serve a charging document setting forth with reasonable specificity the factual and legal bases for Petitioner`s proposed action).
Date: 06/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Unopposed Motion for an Enlargement of Time to File Petitioner`s Notice of Specific Charges filed.
Date: 05/26/2005
Proceedings: Order Requiring Notice of Charges (no later than June 10, 2005, the School Board shall file and serve a charging document setting forth with specificity the factual and legal bases for the School Board`s proposed action).
Date: 05/26/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/26/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 7 and 8, 2005; 11:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 05/25/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Suspension filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/19/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):