05-001973PL Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board vs. Robert Neal Davis
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, September 30, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to apply for a permit, record a Notice of Commencement, and obtain the required inspections. Recommend a fine of $400.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1973PL




32Respondent. )



37Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Daniel Manry conducted the

45administrative hearing of this case telephonically on

52September 2, 2005, on behalf of the Division of Administrative

62Hearings (DOAH).


65For Petitioner: Donald S. Crowell, Esquire

71Pinellas County Attorney

74315 Court Street, Six th Floor

80Clearwater, Florida 33756

83For Respondent: Robert Neal Davis, pro se

909770 130th Avenue, North

94Largo, Florida 33773


101The issues presented are whether Petitioner should

108discipline Respondent's license as a roofing contractor for

116kno wingly and willfully performing roof repairs without first

125obtaining a permit and recording a Notice of Commencement and

135without obtain ing interim and final inspections of the work ,

145and, if so, whether the proposed penalty is reasonable.


156On March 30, 2005, Petitioner filed a two - count

166Administrativ e Complaint against Respondent. Respondent timely

173r equested an administrative hearing. Petitioner referred the

181matter to DOAH to assign an ALJ to conduct the hearing.

192At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of two

201witnesses and submitted no exhibits for admission into evidence.

210Respondent did n ot testify, called no witnesses, and submitted

22023 exhibits for admission into evidence. The identity of the

230witnesses and exhibits, and the rulings regarding each, are

239reported in the official record of the hearing. Neither party

249requested a transcript o f the hearing.

256Petitioner timely filed its proposed recommended order

263(PRO) on September 12, 2005. Respondent filed post - hearing

273submissions on September 12 and 13, 2005.


2831. Petitioner is the local agency responsible for

291disciplining c ontractors licensed by Petitioner . At all times

301material to this proceeding, Petitioner licensed Respondent as a

310roofing contractor pursuant to license number C - 2779.

3192. Sometime after October 8, 2004, Respondent knowingly

327and willfully repaired the roof (roof repair) of a private

337residence located in the City of Dunedin (the City) without

347first obtaining a permit and recording a Notice of Commencement,

357both of which are required by the City. Respondent performed

367the work, valued at approximately $4,200, on a residence located

378at 778 San Christopher Drive, Dunedin, Florida.

3853. Respondent failed to obtai n interim and final

394inspections of the roof repair . Respondent did not request the

405City Building Department (the Department) to perform interim

413inspect ions or final inspections, and the Depa rtment did not

424perform any inspections of the roof repair .

4324. Respondent met with Rodney S. Fischer, Executive

440Director for Petitioner, to discuss the allegations against

448Respondent . During that conversation, Resp ondent admitted to

457performing the relevant roof repair without a permit.

4655. Respondent offered several reasons for the failure to

474obtain a permit and recording a Notice of Commencement prior to

485performing the roof repair . The work performed was to repa ir

497damage from a previous hurricane. Time was of the essence

507because another hurricane was approaching. T he homeowner was in

517the hospital and was not able to replace Respondent with another

528roof contractor.

5306. Respondent objects to the disclosure of inf ormation

539required by the City in the permit application and Notice of

550C ommencement . Respondent claims that requirements for

558disclosure of the value of the work to be performed discloses to

570competitors the pricing structure utilized by Respondent and

578provi des an unfair competitive advantage for large roofing


5887. The evidence is insufficient to support a finding that

598the unauthorized roof repair caused harm to the homeowner or to

609any other member of the public. Neither the homeowner nor a

620priv ate citizen filed a complaint against Respondent. The

629homeowner obtained a permit after Respon dent completed the roof

639repair and is not subject to penalty.

6468. The evidence is insufficient to support a finding that

656any previous discipline has been imposed on Respondent's

664license. As Petitioner admits in its PRO, Respondent has had

674similar complaints against his license in the past relating to

684the failure to pull permits for jobs requiring permits.

693Complaints are not synonymous with convictions and discip line.

7029. The purpose of the relevant requirement for a permit is

713to protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons that come

724into contact with the work. The requirement is also imposed to

735ensure the integrity of the structure through interim

743inspecti ons. There is no evidence that the roof repair is

754faulty or is likely to harm the health, safety, and welfare of

766the homeowner or others.

77010. The City requires a Notice of Commencement to be filed

781prior to the issuance of a permit in order to ensure that all

794material suppliers and subcontractors are put on notice that

803notices to the owner of a property must be provided in

814accordance with the construction lien provisions o f Chapter 713,

824Florida Statutes (2004). The requirement ensures that a

832property owne r will not be required to pay twice for materials

844or services rendered. There is no evidence that the homeowner

854paid twice for the roof repair.


86311. Respondent does not challenge the validity of a rule

873promulgated by Petitioner. Howeve r, Respondent does challenge

881the validity of rules pro mulgated by the City that interpret

892relevant law to impose the contested permitting requirements on

901roofing contractors. The challenged rules include unpromulgated

908rules contained in forms such as the permit application form

918that the City requires Respondent to complete in order to obtain

929a permit .

93212. DOAH has no jurisdiction over the City. The City is

943not a party to this proceeding. Chapter 120, Florida Statutes

953(2004), does not authorize a proce dure similar to impleader by

964which Respondent would be able to join the City in this


97613. Respondent did not file a petition seeking an

985administrative determination o f the validity of the relevant

994C ity rules in accordance with Section 120.56 , Florida Statutes

1004(2004). Nor did Respondent show that the City is an agency,

1015within the meaning of Subsection 120.52(1), Florida Statutes

1023(2004) , that would be subject to the relevant rule challenge


103414. Subsection 120.57(1)(e), Florida Stat utes (2004),

1041authorizes Respondent to challenge an unadopted rule in a

1050proceeding conducted pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida

1057Statutes. Assuming arguendo that the basis of the proposed

1066agency enforcement action is comprised, in part or in whole, o f

1078unadopted rules, the City, rather than Petitioner, is the

"1087agency" required to satisfy the requirements in Subsection

1095120.57(1)(e), Florida Statutes (2004). As previously noted,

1102however, the City is not a party to this proceeding.

111215. If it were dete rmined that Subsection 120.57(1)(e),

1121Florida Statutes (2004), requires Petitioner to "prove - up" the

1131prescribed statutory requirements, the evidence shows that the

1139contested permitting requirements satisfy the statutory

1145definition of a rule. § 120.52(15), Fla. Stat. (2004). The

1155City requirements for a permit, Notice of Commencement, and

1164interim and final inspections satisfy the statutory test of

1173general applicability. The contested requirements implement

1179statutory requirements discussed hereinafter and do not fall

1187within any exception in Subsections 120.52(15)(b) and (c),

1195Florida Statutes (2004).

119816. The contested requirements do not exceed the powers,

1207functions, and duties delegate d by the legislature to

1216Petitioner , within the meaning of Subsection 120.5 7(1)(e)2.a . ,

1225Florida Statutes (2004). Nor do the contested requirements

1233violate any prohibition in Subsections 120.57(1)(e)2 . b. - f . ,

1244Florida Statutes (2004). Ch. 75 - 489, §§ 10, 23(2), and (3)(a)

1256and (g), Laws of Fla .

126217. Petitioner is the agency respon sible for disciplinary

1271enforcement of construction licensing requirements in Pinellas

1278County , Florida . Ch. 75 - 489, §§ 10 , 23(2)(a), and 24 , Laws of

1292Fl a . Respondent is a licensee subject to the proposed

1303disciplinary action. Ch. 75 - 489, §11(1) and (1)(c), Laws of


131518. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject

1325matter of this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.

1335(2004) ; Ch. 75 - 489, § 12(6) , Laws of Fl a . DOAH provided the

1350parties with adequate notice of the administrative heari ng.

135919. Petitioner has the burden of proof in this proceeding.

1369Petitioner must prove by clear and convincing evidence that

1378Respondent committed the acts alleged in the Administrative

1386Complaint and the reasonableness of the proposed penalty.

1394Ferris v. Tu rlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

140420. Petitioner satisfied its burden of proof. Petitioner

1412showed by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent

1420performed the roof repair within Pinellas County without first

1429applying for and obtaining a permit, rec ording a Notice of

1440Commencement, and completing required inspections in violation

1447of Sectio ns 104.1, 104.1.9, and 105.6, The Florida Building

1457Code, and Section 713.13, Florida Statutes (2004). Ch. 75 - 489,

1468§ 23(3)(a) and (g), Laws of Fla.

147521. Peti tioner 's PRO proposes to impose an administrative

1485fine of $ 1,000 per count pursuant to Chapter 75 - 489, § 23(4 )(c),

1501Laws of Florida . However, the authorized fine is limited to

1512$500 per count. Ch. 75 - 489, § 23(4)(c), Laws of Fla.

15242 2. There is no evidence of agg ravating circumstances in

1535this proceeding. The evidence shows that Respondent willfully

1543committed the alleged acts, but willfulness is a definitional

1552requirement rather than an aggravating circumstance.

155823. Several mitigating circumstances are evidence d in the

1567record. The record reveals no prior convictions , for similar

1576offenses or other offenses . Testimony from City officials that

1586Respondent has engaged in prior consistent acts, i.e . , roof

1596repair without the requisite permit or inspections , is not cl ear

1607and convincing evidence of prior convictions and discipline .

161624. Other mitigating factors includ e the hospitalization

1624of the homeowner , the need to repair prior hurricane damage, and

1635an impending second hurricane. The evidence demonstrates that

1643Res pondent reduced the harm that otherwise would have resulted

1653to the homeowner if the roof had not been repaired before the

1665second hurricane. The homeowner is not the complaining witness,

1674and there is no evidence of harm to the public.


1685Base d upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

1695of Law , it is

1699RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order finding

1707that Respondent is guilty of the violations alleged in the

1717Administrative Complaint and i mposing an administrative fine in

1726the tota l amount of $4 00.

1733DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of September, 2005, in

1743Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1750Administrative Law Judge

1753Division of Administrative Hearings

1757The DeSoto Building

17601230 Apalachee P arkway

1764Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1769(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1777Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1784Filed with the Clerk of the

1790Division of Administrative Hearings

1794this 30th day of September, 2005.


1803Robert Neal Dav is

18079770 130th Avenue, North

1811Largo, Florida 33773

1814Donald S. Crowell, Esquire

1818Pinellas County Attorney

1821315 Court Street, Sixth Floor

1826Clearwater, Florida 33756

1829Rodney S. Fischer, Executive Director

1834Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board

183911701 Belche r Road, Suite 102

1845Largo, Florida 33773 - 5116


1856All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

186615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

1877to this Recommended Order should be filed w ith the agency that

1889will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 12/05/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/19/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 2, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/30/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/26/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Compel filed.
Date: 09/20/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Strike Respondent`s Post Hearing Submittals filed.
Date: 09/19/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Deny Petitioners Motion to Strike Post Hearing Submittals filed.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Post Hearing Submittals filed.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Crowell from Judge Manry enclosing Respondent`s exhibits numbered 1 through 23.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: List of Documents filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Final Hearing (telephonic final hearing set for September 2, 2005; 9:35 a.m.).
Date: 08/31/2005
Proceedings: Amended Motion for Administrative Law Judge to Relinquish Jurisdiction to the PCCLB filed.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Affidavits of Rodney S. Fischer, Kevin Campbell and Dennis Gullo filed.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Affidavit of Dennis Gullo filed.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Affidavit of Kevin Campbell filed.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Affidavit of Rodney S. Fischer filed.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 08/24/2005
Proceedings: Interrogatories to Rodney Fischer filed.
Date: 07/13/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 2, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; Largo, FL).
Date: 07/11/2005
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 07/07/2005
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance without Prejudice .
Date: 07/07/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 06/27/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/27/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 21, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Largo, FL).
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Harrell from R. Davis objecting to the use of the title Respondent filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Largo, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):