05-001982PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Jose A. Gutierrez, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 12, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Physician failed to comply with license renewal requirements.






17Petitioner , )


20vs. ) Case No. 05 - 1982PL




34Respondent . )



40On February 7, 2006, an administrative hearing in this case

50was held in Orlando, Florida, before William F. Quattlebaum,

59Administrative Law Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings.


67For Petitioner: Patrick L. Butler, Esquire

73Katharine B. Heyward, Esquire

77Department of Health

804052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

88Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

93F or Respondent: George F. Indest, III, Esquire

101Joanne Kenna , Esquire

104The Health Law Firm

108220 East Central Parkway, Suite 2030

114Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701


123The issue s in the case are whether the allegations of the

135Administrative Compl aint are correct, and , if so, what penalty

145should be imposed.


150By Administrative Complaint dated November 15, 2004, the

158Department of Health (Petitioner) alleged that Jose A.

166Gutierrez, M.D. (Respondent) , was in violation of vario us

175statutes and rules related to licensure of his medical practice.

185The Respondent disputed the allegations. Attempts to

192resolve the dispute were unsuccessful, and the Petitioner

200forwarded the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings ,

209which rec eived the request on May 31, 2005.

218At the hearing, the Petitioner presented the testimony of

227two witnesses and had E xhibits numbered 1 through 9 and 11

239admitted into evidence. The Respondent testified on his own

248behalf, presented the testimony of one witn ess, and had E xhibits

260numbered 1 through 21 admitted into evidence.

267The one - volume T ranscript of the hearing was filed on

279March 16, 2006. Both parties filed Proposed Recommended Orders ,

288which were considered in the preparation of this Recommended



3011. The Petitioner is the State of Florida agency

310responsible for regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to

319Section 20.43 and Chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes (2004) .

3302. A s set forth herein , the Respondent was a physician

341licensed to practice medicine in the area of critical need

351(ACN), and holding F lorida license number ACN144 .

3603. A physician holding an ACN licensed must practice in a

371facility that meets certain statutory requirements or which is

380designated by the State H ealth Officer as an entity providing

391health care to an indigent population, and must submit

400documentation establishing employment at an ACN - designated

408facility for licensing.

4114. The s ecretary of the Florida Department of Health is

422the s tate h ealth o ffic er .

4315. Prior to the events at issue in this proceeding, the

442Respondent practiced medicine as m edical d irector at " Mariner ' s

454Medical Center " (Mariner ' s), which closed in October 2002.

464Mariner ' s was an approved ACN facility.

4726. After the closure of the Mariner ' s facility, the

483Respondent accepted a position in Miami at Jackson Memorial

492Hospital (Jackson) in October 2002; however, prior to commencing

501his employment, circumstances at Jackson changed and the

509Respondent ' s position at Jackson was eliminated. The

518Respondent ' s employment contract at Jackson was terminated and ,

528he received payment under the terms of the agreement.

5377. The Respondent subsequently returned to central

544Florida, apparently intent on opening a medical practice.

5528. By letter to " Sandy Condo, " from the Respondent dated

562July 17, 2003, the Respondent sought responsibility for

570Mariner ' s medical records. The letter did not further identify

581Sandy Condo, but the address was that of the Petitioner.

5919. The letter, which identified the practice as an entity

601called " Boriquen Healthcare Plus, " stated as follows:

608This is to certify my desire for the

616responsibility of the medical records of

622Mariner ' s Medical Center, where I was the

631Medical Director until October 24, 2002.

637I am willing to be the custodian of these

646medical records and I would like the

653computer data base (sic) be transferred to

660my care. I intend to follow up on the care

670of all these patients.

67410. In August 2003, the Respondent opened a private

683practice at 931 West Oak St reet, Suite 103, Kissimmee, Florida,

694and began treating patients. The practice was initially named

" 703Boriquen Health Care " ( reflecting the historica l name for

713Puerto Rico) , but within a few days of opening was renamed

" 724Physician ' s Health Care Plus. "

73011. Towards the end of August 2003 , t he Respondent made

741efforts to acquire the ACN designation for his practice.

750M aterials seeking the designation were submitted by Glenda E.

760Gonzalez - Cortes, M.D., the Medical Director for Physician ' s

771Healthcare Plus, to the Board of Medi cine (Board). Although the

782materials were received by the Board, the Board was not the

793agency responsible for ACN facility designations.

79912. It is unclear whether the Board forwarded the

808materials to the appropriate office within the Depa rtment of

818Health for processing. It is likewise unclear whether the

827Respondent understood the distinction between the " Department of

835Health " and the " Department of Health, Board of Medicine. " In

845any event, the fact that materials were submitted seeking

854ACN designation for the practice clearly establishes that the

863Respondent was aware that the practice was not designated as an

874ACN facility.

87613. A memo dated October 2, 2003 , from Melinda K. Gray,

887Regulatory Supervisor of the Board of Medicine, to Larry

896McPherson, Jr., Executive Directo r of the Board of Medicine,

906stated as follows:

909Attached please find a letter dated July 17,

9172003, from Dr. Jose A. Gutierrez, expressing

924his desire to take responsibility for the

931medical records of Mariner ' s Medical Center.

939Based on my conversation today with

945Dr. Gutierrez, he again expressed his desire

952to take responsibility of the medical

958records and to follow - up on the care of

968these patients who received medical

973treatment at Mariner ' s Medical Center

980Please be advised of the following:

9861. Mariner ' s Medical Center is closed.

9942. Mariner ' s Medical Center is owned by a

1004non - health care licensee.

10093. The medical records located at Mariner ' s

1018Medical Center are currently inaccessible

1023and are being maintained by a leasing

1030compa ny.

10324. Dr. Gutierrez or the patients do not

1040have access to these medical records.

10465. Dr . Gutierrez is willing to take custody

1055of these records, which are located on a

1063computer hard drive, and paper records. The

1070hard drive is necessary to be able to link

1079between the patient ' s name and patient

1087identification numbers.

10896. Dr. Gutierrez indicated he intends to

1096follow the care of these patients.

11027. Dr. Gutierrez holds a clear active

1109medical license in the area of critical need

1117in the state of Florida and ref lects no

1126prior discipline.

1128Dr. Gutierrez indicated that either the

1134leasing company or the owner of Mariner ' s

1143Medical Center would not release these

1149records to him until the Board of Medicine

1157reviews his request to take custody of the

1165records and the Board grants his request.

1172Dr. Gutierrez agrees, accepts and

1177acknowledges the responsibility to maintain

1182the medical records and follow - up patient

1190care of the patients who received medical

1197treatment at Mariner ' s Medical Center,

1204beginning July 17, 2003.

120814. By letter dated October 7, 2003, from the e xecutive

1219d irector of the Board of Medicine, the custodial request was

1230approved. The letter stated as follows:

1236It is my pleasure to advise you that,

1244pursuant to your request, the Board of

1251Medicine voted on October 4 , 2003, to

1258permanently appoint you as the Custodian of

1265Records for the former Mariner ' s Medical


1274This appointment is pursuant to

1279Section 456.057(19), Florida Statutes, which

1284authorizes the Board of Medicine to

1290permanently appoint a person as a cust odian

1298of medical records in the event of the death

1307of a practitioner, the mental or physical

1314incapacitation of the practitioner, or the

1320abandonment of medical records by a

1326practitioner. The custodian appointed shall

1331comply with all provisions of this sect ion,

1339including the release of patient records.

134515. The Respondent suggests that the release of the

1354records to his custody constituted approval of his July 17

1364request to provide treatment; however, the October 7 letter

1373clearly did not address issues reg arding provision of patient

1383care. The statutory citation referenced in the letter addresses

1392only custody, maintenance , and use of medical records.

140016. There is no credible evidence that the ongoing

1409dialogue between the Respondent and representatives of t he

1418Petitioner constituted approval of the Respondent ' s request to

1428provide medical care to Mariner ' s patients. Further, there is

1439no evidence that the Respondent ' s practice at " Boriquen Health

1450Care " or " Physician ' s Health Care Plus " was limited solely to

1462pa tients who had received care at Mariner ' s.

147217. By letter dated November 25, 2003 , to Kimberly Rivers,

1482Regulatory Supervisor for the Department of Health, Board of

1491Medicine, the Respondent referenced a conversation of

1498November 21, 2003 , wherein a discuss ion allegedly occurred

1507regarding the requirements for ACN designation . The letter

1516clearly establishes that the Respondent was aware that the

1525practice had not yet received the ACN designation .

153418. The Respondent ' s ACN licens e was due to expire on

1547Januar y 31, 2004 . On January 30, 2004, the Respondent submitted

1559his ACN re - licensure application. Because he was not practicing

1570at an ACN facility as of the expiration date, the ACN license

1582was not automatically renewed.

158619. By letter dated February 5, 2004 , the Petitioner

1595notified the Respondent that his ACN license renewal could not

1605be completed until submission of a letter from " your employer in

1616an area of critical need. " The letter referenced an enclosure

1626that allegedly identified the ACN - designated fac ilities.

163520. An email dated February 16, 2004, from Joanne

1644Davis - Trexler to the Respondent references a prior conversation

1654and advises that the Respondent ' s license can not be renewed

1666without " proof of employment in a facility approved as an Area

1677of Cr itical Need. " The email further advises that the

1687Respondent ' s license is " delinquent " and that " practice with a

1698delinquent license is a violation of Florida Statutes. "

170621. An exchange of email between the parties indicates

1715that subsequent to February 16, 2004, additional information ,

1723including Medicaid/Medicare billing records , was submitted by

1730the Respondent to the Petitioner to document the patient

1739population being served by the Respondent.

174522. On March 8, 2004, the s ecretary of the Department of

1757He alth, acting as the s tate h ealth o fficer, approved Physician ' s

1772Health C are Plus as an ACN - designated facility based on the

1785staff ' s recommendation.

178923. O n March 24, 2004 , following the facility ' s ACN

1801designation , t he Respondent ' s ACN licensure was renewed .

181224. Between August 2003 (when the Respondent ' s practice

1822began operating absent the ACN designation ) and March 8 , 2004,

1833the Respondent failed to comply with licensure requirements

1841limiting his practice to ACN - designated facilities.

184925. Between Februa ry 1 and March 24 , 2004, the Respondent

1860failed to comply with requirements related to timely renewal of

1870his ACN licensure.

187326. The Respondent has moved to Texas, is no longer

1883practicing medicine in Florida, and has placed his Florida

1892license into a " ret ired " status.


190127. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1908jurisdiction over the parties to and subject matter of this

1918proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57, Fla . Stat . (2005) .

192928. The Petitioner has the burden of establishing the

1938al legations of the Administrative Complaint by clear and

1947convincing evidence. Department of Banking and Finance v.

1955Osborne Stern and Company , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v.

1967Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987). Clear and convincing

1977evidence is tha t which is credible, precise, explicit, and

1987lacking confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

1998be of such weight that it produces in the mind of the trier of

2012fact the firm belief of conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2023truth of the allegati ons. Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797,

2035800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983). The Petitioner has met the burden

2046relative to the f indings of f act set forth herein.

205729. There are two counts in the Administrative Complaint

2066filed in this cas e; however, the counts ar e essentially

2077inseparable and have been treated as a single offense for

2087purposes of the recommended penalty.

209230. S ubs ection 458.331(1) (nn) , Florida Statutes (2003,

21012004), provides in part that violation of Chapters 456 or 458 ,

2112Florida Statutes, or any ru les adopted pursuant thereto

2121constitute grounds for denial of a license or disciplinary

2130action as specified at S ubs ection 456.072(2), Florida Statutes.

214031. Count One of the Administrative Complaint alleges

2148that the Respondent violated Florida Administr ative Code

2156Rule 64B8 - 3.003(1 ) by failing to " timely renew his ACN license

2169prior to seeing, treating and/or examining patients at the

2178Physician ' s Health Care Plus, located at 931 West Oak Street,

2190Suite 103, Kissimmee, Florida. " The referenced rule states

" 2198[l] icenses shall be renewed biennially in accordance with the

2208rules of the Department . "

221332. Count Two of the Administrative Complaint alleges that

2222the Respondent " operated his private practic e as a Facility for

2233Area of Critical Need without approval by the " State Health

2243Officer " in violation of Section 458.315(1), Florida Statutes

2251(2003). " The referenced statute provides as follows:

2258458.315 Temporary certificate for practice

2263in areas of critical need. -- Any physician

2271who is licensed to practice in any o ther

2280state, whose license is currently valid, and

2287who pays an application fee of $300 may be

2296issued a temporary certificate to practice

2302in communities of Florida where there is a

2310critical need for physicians. A certificate

2316may be issued to a physician who will be

2325employed by a county health department,

2331correctional facility, community health

2335center funded by s. 329, s. 330, or s. 340

2345of the United States Public Health Services

2352Act, or other entity that provides health

2359care to indigents and that is approved by

2367the State Health Officer. The Board of

2374Medicine may issue this temporary

2379certificate with the following restrictions:

2384(1) The board shall determine the areas of

2392critical need, and the physician so

2398certified may practice in any of those areas

2406for a time to be determined by the board.

2415Such areas shall include, but not be limited

2423to, health professional shortage areas

2428designated by the United States Department

2434of Health and Human Services.

2439(a) A recipient of a temporary certificate

2446for practice in areas of critical need may

2454use the license to work for any approved

2462employer in any area of critical need

2469approved by the board.

2473(b) The recipient of a temporary

2479certificate for practice in areas of

2485critical need shall, within 30 days after

2492accepting em ployment, notify the board of

2499all approved institutions in which the

2505licensee practices and of all approved

2511institutions where practice privileges have

2516been denied. ( e mphasis supplied)

252233. The statute indicates that a physician holding an ACN

2532license is required to work at a specif ically identified or

2543otherwise approved ACN facility .

254834. The Respondent asserts that the s tatute requires that

2558federally designated " health professional shortage areas " must

2565be likewise defined as areas of critical need. T he issue in the

2578case is not whether the practice met the requirements for such

2589designation. The essential issue is whether the Respondent met

2598the requirements of practicing at a properly designated facility

2607under the terms of his license. The evidence es tablishes that

2618he did not.

262135. The Respondent suggests that Florida Administrative

2628Code Rule 64B8 - 4024(1) defines " Areas of Critical Need " so as to

2641negate the requirement that the Respondent ' s practice receive

2651State Health Officer approval. An administ rative rule cannot

2660invalidate a clear statutory requirement regardless of the

2668rule ' s intent.

267236. The evidence presented establishes a violation of

2680licensing requirements. Although the Respondent made efforts to

2688acquire the ACN designation for the facil ity in August 2003, the

2700facility was not designated as an ACN facility at the time

2711operations began and did not receive the ACN designation until

2721March 8, 2004.

272437. The Respondent ' s ACN licensure expired on January 31,

27352004 . Because the Respondent coul d not meet the requirements

2746for renewal of the ACN license, the license was not renewed upon

2758its expiration. T he Respondent ' s ACN licensure was renewed on

2770March 24, 2004 , following the facility ' s ACN designation .

278138. The evidence establishes that betwe en August 2003 and

2791March 8, 2004, the facility at which the Respondent practiced

2801was not an approved ACN facility. The evidence establishes that

2811between August 2003 and March 24, 2004, the Respondent ' s

2822practice of medicine was not in compliance with licen sure


283339. S ubs ection 456.072(2), Florida Statutes (2003) ,

2841provides as follows:

2844When the board, or the department when there

2852is no board, finds any person guilty of the

2861grounds set forth in subsection (1) or of

2869any grounds set forth in the a pplicable

2877practice act, including conduct constituting

2882a substantial violation of subsection (1) or

2889a violation of the applicable practice act

2896which occurred prior to obtaining a license,

2903it may enter an order imposing one or more

2912of the following penaltie s:

2917(a) Refusal to certify, or to certify with

2925restrictions, an application for a license.

2931(b) Suspension or permanent revocation of a


2939(c) Restriction of practice or license,

2945including, but not limited to, restricting

2951the licensee from pra cticing in certain

2958settings, restricting the licensee to work

2964only under designated conditions or in

2970certain settings, restricting the licensee

2975from performing or providing designated

2980clinical and administrative services,

2984restricting the licensee from prac ticing

2990more than a designated number of hours, or

2998any other restriction found to be necessary

3005for the protection of the public health,

3012safety, and welfare.

3015(d) Imposition of an administrative fine

3021not to exceed $10,000 for each count or

3030separate offense . If the violation is for

3038fraud or making a false or fraudulent

3045representation, the board, or the department

3051if there is no board, must impose a fine of

3061$10,000 per count or offense.

3067(e) Issuance of a reprimand or letter of


3076(f) Placement of the licensee on probation

3083for a period of time and subject to such

3092conditions as the board, or the department

3099when there is no board, may specify. Those

3107conditions may include, but are not limited

3114to, requiring the licensee to undergo

3120treatment, attend c ontinuing education

3125courses, submit to be reexamined, work under

3132the supervision of another licensee, or

3138satisfy any terms which are reasonably

3144tailored to the violations found.

3149(g) Corrective action.

3152(h) Imposition of an administrative fine in

3159accor dance with s. 381.0261 for violations

3166regarding patient rights.

3169(i) Refund of fees billed and collected

3176from the patient or a third party on behalf

3185of the patient.

3188(j) Requirement that the practitioner

3193undergo remedial education.

3196In determining wh at action is appropriate,

3203the board, or department when there is no

3211board, must first consider what sanctions

3217are necessary to protect the public or to

3225compensate the patient. Only after those

3231sanctions have been imposed may the

3237disciplining authority con sider and include

3243in the order requirements designed to

3249rehabilitate the practitioner. All costs

3254associated with compliance with orders

3259issued under this subsection are the

3265obligation of the practitioner.

326940. The Petitioner ' s disciplinary guidelines ar e set

3279forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001(2). The

3289rule provides no specific guideline for a violation of

3298S ubs ection 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2003) , however the

3307minimum disciplinary action for an otherwise unspecified first

3315offen se relating to failure to perform a legal obligation is a

3327letter of concern and an administrative fine of $1,000. See

3338Fla . Admin . Code R . 64B8 - 8.001(2) (g) .

335041. Florida Administ rative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001(3) sets

3360forth circumstances permitting the Petit ioner to deviate from

3369the guidelines and provides as follows:

3375Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances.

3379Based upon consideration of aggravating and

3385mitigating factors present in an individual

3391case, the Board may deviate from the

3398penalties recommended abo ve. The Board

3404shall consider as aggravating or mitigating

3410factors the following:

3413(a) Exposure of patient or public to injury

3421or potential injury, physical or otherwise:

3427none, slight, severe, or death;

3432(b) Legal status at the time of the

3440offense: no res traints, or legal


3447(c) The number of counts or separate

3454offenses established;

3456(d) The number of times the same offense or

3465offenses have previously been committed by

3471the licensee or applicant;

3475(e) The disciplinary history of the

3481applicant or licensee in any jurisdiction

3487and the length of practice;

3492(f) Pecuniary benefit or self - gain inuring

3500to the applicant or licensee;

3505(g) The involvement in any violation of

3512Section 458.331, F.S., of the provision of

3519controlled substances for trade, barter o r

3526sale, by a licensee. In such cases, the

3534Board will deviate from the penalties

3540recommended above and impose suspension or

3546revocation of licensure.

3549(h) Where a licensee has been charged with

3557violating the standard of care pursuant to

3564Section 458.331(1)(t ), F.S., but the

3570licensee, who is also the records owner

3577pursuant to Section 456.057(1), F.S., fails

3583to keep and/or produce the medical records.

3590(i) Any other relevant mitigating factors.

359642. An aggravating factor in this case is that the

3606Respondent cle arly understood from the beginning of operations

3615that his practice had not received the ACN designation . The

3626Respondent ' s assertion that the October 7, 2003 , letter granting

3637custody of the Mariner 's records constituted blanket approval of

3647his request to p rovide medical care to Mariner 's patients is not

3660reasonable. Further, even assuming that such approval could be

3669presumed, there is no evidence that the only patients served by

3680Physician ' s Health C are Plus were former Mariner ' s patients.

3693Although his desi re was to provide medical care to a population

3705in need, he knowingly failed to comply with licensure


371543. There are also mitigating factors in this case. The re

3726is no evidence that the Respondent ' s practice exposed any

3737patient to injury or potential injury of any kind. The evidence

3748establishes that the Respondent ' s interest in continuing to

3758operate the facility was primarily to provide medical care to

3768the relevant population, as opposed to pecuniary benefit or

3777self - gain. There is no eviden ce of prior disciplinary action

3789against the Respondent. There are no issues related to standard

3799of care or to controlled substance provision. There appears to

3809have been confusion related to the responsibilities of various

3818government offices involved in t he facility ' s ACN designation

3829and the Respondent ' s license.

383544. Consideration of the aggravating and mitigating

3842factors indicates that the penalty imposed in this case, if one

3853is imposed at all, should be minimal.

386045. At the time of the hearing, the Respondent testified

3870that he was seeking to serve as a volunteer medical missionary

3881in foreign countries on behalf of the Assemblies of God, Church

3892of Chaplain Ministries, Inc., and expressed concern that any

3901adverse finding in this matter would preclude h is service. It

3912should be noted that the allegations in this case raised no

3923issues related to quality of care or whether the Respondent met

3934applicable professional practice standards. There was no

3941evidence presented that the Respondent was not capable of

3950providing appropriate medical care to those in need.


3959Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3969Law, it is

3972RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of

3980Medicine, enter a f inal o rder issuing a letter of concern to t he

3995Respondent related to the licensing violations cited herein.

4003DONE AND ENTER ED this 12th day of May , 2006 , in

4014Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4022Administrative Law Judge

4025Division of Administr ative Hearings

4030The DeSoto Building

40331230 Apalachee Parkway

4036Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4041(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4049Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4056Filed with the Clerk of the

4062Division of Administrative Hearings

4066this 12th day of May , 2006 .


4076Patrick L. Butler, Esquire

4080Katharine B. Heyward, Esquire

4084Department of Health

40874052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

4095Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

4100George F. Indest, III, Esquire

4105Joanne Kenna, Esquire

4108The Health Law Firm

4112220 East Central Parkway, Suite 2030

4118Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701

4122Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel

4127Department of Health

41304052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

4136Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

4141Larry McPherson, Executive Director

4145Board of Medicine

4148Department of Healt h

41524052 Bald Cypress Way

4156Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


4167All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

417715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4188to this Recommended Order shou ld be filed with the agency that

4200will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/17/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Exceptions to Conclusions of Law and Motion to Increase Penalty to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/17/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/12/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/12/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 7, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/12/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/31/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/30/2006
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/16/2006
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 02/07/2006
Proceedings: Respondent Jose Gutierrez, M.D.`s Notice of Filing and Request for Judicial Notice/Official Recognition filed.
Date: 02/07/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/06/2006
Proceedings: Respondent Dr. Gutierrez`s Unilateral Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 02/06/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Compel filed.
Date: 01/30/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of Joanne Davis-Trexler filed.
Date: 01/30/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of Chandra Prine filed.
Date: 01/30/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of Larry G. McPherson, Jr. filed.
Date: 01/30/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Deposition Transcripts filed.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Deposition (of A. Griggs, D.O.) filed.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Filing of Original Transcript of Deposition of Adam L. Griggs, D.O., Taken on December 30, 2005 filed.
Date: 01/06/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for February 7, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 01/05/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Unilateral Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 01/05/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Requst for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/29/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Service of Amended Ansers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories (as to Interrogatory Number 3) filed.
Date: 12/14/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Taking Videotaped Deposition filed.
Date: 12/12/2005
Proceedings: Deposition of Richard Kenneth Shipley filed.
Date: 12/12/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Filing of Original Transcript of Deposition of Richard Kenneth Shipley, taken on November 1, 2005 filed.
Date: 12/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 12/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 12/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 12/01/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 12/01/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Second Request for Admissions to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 10/28/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 12, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 10/25/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Harrell from G. Indest, III regarding dates available to reschedule the Hearing filed.
Date: 10/21/2005
Proceedings: Agreed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Postponement of Depositions Pending Continuance filed.
Date: 10/20/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Cross-notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 10/17/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Amended Notice of Taking Video Taped Deposition filed.
Date: 10/05/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/22/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Respondent filed.
Date: 09/14/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Respondent filed.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Deposition filed.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 14, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Service of Unsigned Answers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Second Request for Production to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Response to Petitioner`s Discovery filed.
Date: 08/26/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Taking Videotaped Deposition filed.
Date: 08/25/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 08/23/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Co-counsel (filed by K. Heyward).
Date: 08/10/2005
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 5 and 6, 2005, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 08/01/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Harrell from P. Butler suggesting dates and times for the Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/15/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 1, 2005).
Date: 07/14/2005
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/05/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Admissions to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed (exhibit not available for viewing).
Date: 06/24/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 06/13/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/13/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 8 and 9, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 06/08/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Service of Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Date: 06/01/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner`s First Request for Production, First Request for Interrogatories, and First Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Date: 05/31/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):