05-002265 Douglas J. Weiland And Elizabeth C. Sirna vs. Community Development Board, City Of Clearwater And Spinecare Properties, Llc
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, October 31, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: The City departed from the essential requirements of law by not requiring the parking lot be screened from adjacent residential properties. Approval of the project is otherwise supported by the evidence and should be approved with a parking lot added.






18Appellants , )


21vs. ) Case No. 05 - 2265






43Appellees . )



49This case involves an appeal of the Development Order

58issued by the City of Clearwater (City) authorizing SpineCare

67Properties, LLC (SpineCare), to construct a two - story medical

77office building with an adjacent 225 - space parking lot (the

88Project) on a 4.5 acre parcel on the west side of McMullen - Booth

102Road (the Property). The appeal was brought by Douglas J.

112Weiland and Elizabeth C. Sirna (Appellants), who live

120immediately to the west of t he Property .

129The Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), by contract

137and pursuant to Sections 4 - 501.B.1 and 4 - 505 of the City’s

151Community Development Code (Code), has jurisdiction over this

159appeal. Oral argument was held in this case on October 12,

1702005, before Administrative Law Judge T. Kent Wetherell, II.

179At oral argument, the record before the Community

187Development Board (Board) was received and argument was

195presented by the parties. See Code § 4 - 505.B. 1 The parties

208submitted briefs detailing their respec tive positions, and they

217were also afforded the opportunity to submit proposed final

226orders, which they did. See Code § 4 - 505.D. Due consideration

238has been given to the parties’ written submittals and oral


249Code Section 4 - 505.D was recently ame nded to eliminate the

261requirement that th is Final Order include findings of fact. See

272City Ordinance No. 7413 - 05, § 21 (effective May 5, 2005). The

285Final Order is only required to include “conclusions of law and

296a determination approving, approving with conditions, or denying

304the requested development application.” Code § 4 - 505.D. A

314brief procedural history and overview of the Project are

323included to provide the context necessary to evaluate the issues

333raised by Appellants in this appeal.

339I. Procedural History and Project Overview

345On April 29, 2005, SpineCare filed a sworn flexible

354development application seeking approval of the Project as a

363“comprehensive infill redevelopment project.” The Project

369requires Level Two approval because it proposes reduct ions in

379the minimum setbacks and an increase in the maximum height

389specified in the Code and because the parking lot will be

400located on property that will be zoned Low Medium Density

410Residential (LMDR).

412In addition to the flexible development application,

419SpineCare filed an application to annex 0.358 acres of the

429Property along McMullen - Booth Road i nto the City, an application

441to change the designation of the Property on the f uture land use

454map (FLUM), and an application to rezone the property. The

464partie s represented at oral argument that the City Council has

475deferred final action on those matters (as well as the

485Development Agreement discussed below) pending resolution of

492this appeal.

494If th e FLUM change and rezoning applications are approved

504by the City Council , the western 2.06 acres of the Property will

516be designated Residential Low (RL) on the FLUM and LMDR on the

528z oning map, and the eastern 2.44 acres of the Property along

540McMullen - Booth Road (including the 0.358 acres being annexed)

550will be designate d Institutional on the FLUM and the zoning map.

562The development currently on the Property consist s of a 13 -

574unit low - income apartment complex in two one - story buildings and

587a single - wide trailer with s everal ancillary sheds. One of the

600neighboring property owners who spoke at the hearing referred to

610the existing development on the Property as a “blighted low - cost

622housing area that we’ve had to call the police on many times.” 2

635The existing structures on the Property will be demolished to

645construct the Proje ct.

649The proposed two - story medical office building will be

659located on the portion of the Property that will be zoned

670Industrial. The parking lot for the building and a sto r mwater

682retention pond will be located on the portion of the Property

693that will be z oned LMDR .

700McMullen - Booth Road is a six - lane , divided arterial

711highway . T he parcels across McMullen - Booth Road from the

723Property , which a re in the City of Safety Harbor, are zoned

735Hospital Facility (HF) and are developed with medical office

744buildings. Th e parcel to the south of the eastern half of the

757Property is also zoned HF and is developed with a single - story

770assisted living facility. The parcels to the south of the

780western half of the Property are zoned Low Density Residential

790(LDR) and are develope d with single - family residences. The

801parcels to the north and west of the Property are zoned LMDR and

814LDR and are developed with single - family residences.

823SpineCare negotiated a Development Agreement with the City

831and the homeowners’ associa tion that inc ludes the residen ts to

843the north of the Property . The Development Agreement includes

853operational restrictions for the medical office building and

861buffering requirements that exceed the requirements in the Code.

870For example, the Development Agreement requ ires SpineCare to

879construct and maintain a “6 - foot concrete wall (with stucco

890finish)” and “vegetation no less than 10 feet in height” along

901the north property line and a “6 - foot privacy fence” along the

914south property line. The Development Agreement also limits the

923number of parking spaces along the north property line,

932restricts the hours of operation of the medial office building,

942requires imaging equipment to be located on the south side of

953the building, and requires SpineCare to “attempt to preserve

962s eventy percent (70%) of all existing trees over 12 inches in

974diameter.” The restrictions in the Development Agreement will

982be recorded as restrictive covenants on the Property , and the

992homeowner s ' association will have standing to enforce the

1002restrictions .

1004The buffers provided for in the Development Agreement are

1013primarily on the north and south property lines. There is no

1024wall or fence required on the west property line, which is

1035adjacent to Appellants’ property . However, the Development

1043Agreement spec ifically requires SpineCare to “reduce or

1051eliminate lighting on the West side of the Property during non -

1063peak times, consistent with safety concerns.”

1069There will be approximately 160 feet between the western

1078property line of the Property (which abuts Appel lants’ property)

1088and the parking lot. Th e only development in that area will be

1101a wet stormwater retention pond. The landscape plan for the

1111Project shows most of the existing trees in that area being

1122retained and additional trees being planted , primarily around

1130the stormwater retention pond. The dense stand of trees shown

1140on the tree survey between the area where the stormwater

1150retention pond will be located and the existing buildings on the

1161P roperty will be removed to construct the parking lot, but the

1173landscape plan shows a number of new trees and shrubs

1183surrounding the parking lot as well as trees on the islands that

1195are interspersed throughout the parking lot.

1201City planning department staff recommended approval of the

1209flexible development application for the Project. A detailed

1217Staff Report was prepared by Mark Parry, Consulting Planner.

1226Among other things , the Staff Report states that “[t]he

1235proposed, two story building design and architectural style is

1244similar in character with regard to size and scale of other

1255buildings in the area”; that the “[p]roposed landscaping

1263mitigates setback reductions, buffering adjacent uses, adhering

1270to neighborhood character”; and that the “development is

1278compatible with the surrounding area and will enhance other

1287red evelopment efforts.” As reflected in the checklists

1295contained in the Staff Report, the planning department staff

1304found the Project to be consistent with the each of the

1315flexibility criteria in Code Sections 2 - 204 3 and 2 - 1204, as well

1330as the general criter ia in Code Section 3 - 913.

1341The Board held a quasi - judicial hearing on the flexible

1352development application for the P roject on May 17, 2005. The

1363Board also considered the FLUM change and the Development

1372Agreement at that hearing.

1376Mr. Parry's testimony at the Board's hearing referenced and

1385was consistent with the Staff Report. Specifically, h e

1394testified that the City planning department staff found the

1403Project to be consistent with the Code based upon its review of

1415the site plan and, also, the Development Agreement .

1424An attorney representing SpineCare also gave testimony at

1432the hearing. His testimony focused on the additional

1440restrictions governing the Project that are contained in the

1449Development Agreement.

1451Appellants were granted “party status” and tes tified in

1460opposition to the Project. Their testimony focused on the

1469incompatibility of the proposed medical office building and

1477parking lot with the surrounding neighborhood because of the

1486building’s height and bulk and also because of the noise

1496generated by the patients coming and going throughout the day

1506and into the night .

1511The witness testimony was sworn, 4 and the opportunity for

1521cross - examination was provided. Neither Mr. Parry nor any of

1532the other witnesses w as cross - examined .

1541In addition to the in dividuals who testified and were

1551subject to cross - examination, several individuals spoke on the

1561P roject during the “public comment” portion of the hearing. The

1572individuals who spoke in opposition to the P roject were

1582neighbors who, like Appellants, had con cerns about the

1591compatibility o f the Project with the adjacent residential uses.

1601A representative of the homeowners’ association to the

1609north of the Property spoke in favor of the Project and focused

1621on the various concessions agreed to by SpineCare in t he

1632Development Agreement. A representative of the homeowners’

1639association to the south of the Property also spoke in favor of

1651the Project , and he stated that the assisted living facility has

1662been a “great neighbor[]”; that the facility’s lighting has

1671help ed to eliminate trespassers in the area; and that the

1682Project would be an improvement on the “blighted” uses currently

1692on the Property.

1695At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board unanimously

1704voted to approve the flexible development application for the

1713P roject. The Board also unanimously voted to recommend approval

1723of the Deve lopment Agreement and the FLUM change. (The Board

1734apparently was not required to take action on the rezoning or

1745the annexation .)

1748The Board’s approval of the flexible development

1755ap plication was memorialized in the Development Order dated

1764May 27, 2005, which approves the Project with conditions.

1773Consistent with the Staff Report, t he Development Order

1782expressly finds/concludes that the Project complies with the

1790criteria in Code Secti ons 2 - 1204.A, 2 - 204.C, and 3 - 913, and that

1807“[t]he development is compatible with the surrounding area and

1816will enhance other redevelopment efforts.” Although not

1823explicitly stated in the Development Order, it is clear from the

1834S taff R eport and the testimo ny before the Board that the

1847approval of the Project is also implicitly conditioned on the

1857City Council’s approval of the related annexation, FLUM change,

1866rezoning, and Development Agreement. 5

1871On or about May 31, 2005, Appellants timely filed an Appeal

1882Ap plication contesting the Development Order and the Board’s

1891approval of the Project. The appeal was transferred to DOAH on

1902June 22, 2005.

1905II. Scope of Appeal and Standards of Review

1913In this appeal, the burden is on Appellants to show that:

1924[1] the decisio n of the [Board] cannot be

1933sustained by substantial competent evidence

1938before the board, or [2] that the decision

1946of the board departs from the essential

1953requirements of law.

1956Code § 4 - 505.C.

1961The scope of review in this appeal is limited to those two

1973issue s. See Belniak v. Top Flight Development, LLC , Case No.

198404 - 2953, at 14 - 15 (DOAH Nov. 23, 2004).

1995When used as an appellate standard of review (as is the

2006case in Code Section 4 - 505.C), competent substantial evidence

2016has been construed to be “legally suffic ient evidence” or

2026evidence that is “sufficiently relevant and material that a

2035reasonable mind would accept it as adequate to support the

2045conclusion reached.” DeGroot v. Sheffield , 95 So. 2d 912, 916

2055(Fla. 1957).

2057In determining whether the Board’s decisio n is supported by

2067competent substantial evidence, the undersigned is not permitted

2075to second - guess the wisdom of the decision, reweigh conflicting

2086testimony presented to the Board, or substitute his judgment for

2096that of the Board as to the credibility of w itnesses. See ,

2108e.g. , Haines City Community Development v. Heggs , 658 So. 2d

2118523, 530 (Fla. 1995); Belniak , supra , at 13 - 15. Moreover, it is

2131immaterial that the record contains evidence supporting the view

2140of the Appellants so long as there is competent s ubstantial

2151evidence supporting the findings (both implicit and explicit)

2159made by the Board in reaching its decision. See , e.g. , Florida

2170Power & Light Co. v. City of Dania , 761 So. 2d 1089, 1093 (Fla.

21842000); Collier Medical Center, Inc. v. Dept. of Health &

2194Rehabilitative Servs. , 462 So. 2d 83, 85 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985);

2205Belniak , supra , at 15.

2209On these points, the Florida Supreme Court has admonished


2219the ‘competent substantial evidence’

2223standard cannot be used by a reviewing court

2231as a mechanism for exe rting covert control

2239over the policy determinations and factual

2245findings of the local agency. Rather, this

2252standard requires the reviewing court to

2258defer to the agency’s superior technical

2264expertise and special vantage point in such

2271matters. The issue be fore the court is not

2280whether the agency’s decision is the ‘best’

2287decision or the ‘right’ decision or even a

2295‘ wise ’ decision, for these are technical and

2304policy - based determinations properly within

2310the purview of the agency. The circuit

2317court has not trai ning or experience -- and

2326is inherently unsuited -- to sit as a roving

2335‘super agency’ with plenary oversight in

2341such matters.

2343Dusseau v. Metropolitan Dade County , 794 So. 2d 1270, 1275 - 76

2355(Fla. 2001).

2357The issue of whether the Board’s decision departs from the

2367essential requirements of law is synonymous with whether the

2376Board applied the correct law. See , e.g. , Haines City Community

2386Development Corp. , 658 So. 2d at 530; City of Deerfield Beach v.

2398Valliant , 419 So. 2d 624, 626 (Fla. 1982); Belniak , supra , a t


2411III. Analysis of Appellants’ Arguments

2416and Conclusions of Law

2420First, Appellants argue that the Board departed from the

2429essential requirements of law by failing to consider Goal 2,

2439Objective 2.2, and Policy 2.2.1 of the Future Land Use Element

2450(FLU E) of the City’s comprehensive plan in reaching its

2460decision. Those provisions state:

2464Goal 2








2500Objective 2.2

2502The City of Clearwater shall continue to

2509support innovative planned development and

2514mixed use development techniques in order to

2521promote infill development that is

2526consistent and compatible with the

2531surrounding environment.

2533Policy 2.2.1

2535On a continuing basis, the Community

2541Development Code and the site plan approval

2548process shall be utilized in promoting

2554infill development and/or planned

2558develo pments that are compatible.

2563A determination of the consistency of the Project with the

2573FLUE (or any other portion of the City’s comprehensive plan) is

2584beyond the scope of this appeal. That issue must be litigated

2595in a “de novo action for declaratory, inj unctive or other

2606relief” filed pursuant to Section 163.3215, Florida Statutes.

2614The fact that such an action need not be filed until after this

2627“local administrative appeal” is exhausted, see § 163.3215(3),

2635Fla. Stat., does not change the fact that a civil action is the

2648“exclusive method[] . . . to appeal and challenge the

2658consistency of a development order with a comprehensive plan . .

2669. .” § 163.3215(1), Fla. Stat.

2675Nevertheless, the Board’s failure to consider the

2682“compatibility” of the Project with surr ounding development

2690(which is the crux of Appellants’ argument related to the

2700comprehensive plan provisions) is cognizable in this appeal

2708because Code Section 3 - 913 requires that issue to be considered

2720by the Board. See , e.g. , Code § 3 - 913 (Criteria No s . 1 and 5 ) .

2739However, contrary to Appellants’ argument, the record reflects

2747that the Board did consider the compatibility issue in approving

2757the Project . For example, the completed checklists in the Staff

2768R eport show that staff considered each of the criter ia in Code

2781Sections 2 - 204 .C, 2 - 1204.A, and 3 - 913; the Staff Report states

2797that “[p]roposed landscaping mitigates setback reductions,

2803buffering adjacent uses, adhering to neighborhood character” and

2811that the “development is compa tible with the surrounding a rea ” ;

2823and Mr. Parry testified that staff took into account the

2833surrounding uses in its review of the Project.

2841It appears that what Appellants are actually arguing on

2850this issue is not that the Board failed to consider the

2861compatibility of the Project with surrounding development, but

2869rather that the evidence presented to the Board on this issue

2880establishes that the Project is not compatible wi th the

2890surrounding residential development. See , e.g. , Initial Brief,

2897at 6 - 8. The fact that there was testimony be fore the Board

2911supporting Appellants’ position that the Project is incompatible

2919with the surrounding development is immaterial for purposes of

2928the undersigned’s review. See Florida Power & Light , 761 So. 2d

2939at 1093. As long as the record contains compete nt substantial

2950evidence to support the Board’s decision that the Project is

2960compatible with surrounding properties, the decision mu st be

2969affirmed. Id .

2972The record contains competent substantial evidence

2978supporting the Board’s conclusion that the Project is compatible

2987with the surrounding development. The proposed medical office

2995building will be located on the far east side of the Property,

3007adjacent to McMullen - Booth Road and is similar to the other

3019institution al uses along that road . T he parking lot is

3031ad equately buffered from the adjacent residential uses with a

3041six - foot high wall and trees along the north property line, a

3054six - foot high privacy fence along the south property line, and

3066approximately 160 - feet of open space with trees and a stormwater

3078retent ion pond between the west property line and the parking


3090Next, Appellants argue that the Board departed from the

3099essential requirements of law with respect to its approval of

3109the parking lot as part of the Project within the LMDR zoning

3121district . Appe llants rely primarily on Code Section 2 - 204.C .3 ,

3134which provides that off - street parking spaces in the LMDR zoning

3146district are to be “screened by a wall or fence of at least

3159three feet in height which is landscaped on the external side

3170with a continuous he dge or non - deciduous vine.”

3180Appellees contend that Appellants waived this issue by not

3189raising it before the Board. Th at contention is rejected. Even

3200though Code Section 2 - 2 04.C.3 was not specifically mentioned

3211during Appellants’ presentations to the Boa rd, the issues of the

3222parking lot’s incompatibility with the adjacent residential uses

3230and the insufficiency of the buffer area to minimize the

3240incompatibility were generally raised by Appellants and the

3248other individuals who spoke in opposition to the Pro ject .

3259Appellees also contend that Code Section 2 - 204 must be read

3271together with Code Section 2 - 1204 because the Project was

3282approved as a “comprehensive infill redevelopment project.”

3289Specifically, Appellees cite Code Section 2 - 1204.A.7, which

3298allows flex ibility “in regard to lot width, required setbacks,

3308height and off - street parking [if] justified by benefits to the

3320community character and the immediate vicinity of the parcel

3329proposed for development and th e City of Clearwater as a whole”

3341(emphasis suppl ied).

3344Code Section 2 - 1204 .A establishes the flexibility criteria

3354for development in the Institutional zoning district. By

3362contrast, Code Section 2 - 204 .C establishes the flexibility

3372criteria for development in the LMDR zoning district. The

3381medical office building is to be located in the Institutional

3391zoning district, whereas the parking lot is to be located in the

3403LMDR zoning district. As reflected in the Staff Report (and as

3414acknowledged at oral argument) , Level Two approval is required

3423for both aspects of the Project even though the Project was

3434con sidered and approved as a whole.

3441T he flexibility criteria in Code Section 2 - 204.C (not those

3453in Code Section 2 - 1204.A ) govern the approval of the parking

3466lot. T he checklist in the Staff Report indicated that t he

3478Project is “ consistent ” with the above - quoted requirement in

3490Code Section 2 - 204.C.3, but the basis of that finding as it

3503relates to the west property line appears to be the buffering

3514provided by the stormwater retention area because it is

3523undisputed tha t no fence or wall is proposed along the west

3535property line. On this point, the Staff Report states:

3544The residential uses to the west will be

3552buffered from the parking lot by

3558approximately 150 [sic] feet in which will

3565be located a stormwater retention fac ility.

3572Residential uses to the north and south will

3580be buffered by solid fencing and walls six

3588feet in height.

3591Appendix III, Exhibit 7, at 3.

3597Similarly, Appellees contend on appeal that the 160 - foot

3607buffer area satisfies the “purpose” of Code Section 2 - 2 04.C.3,

3619which they assert is to “provide a buffer between non -

3630residential off - street parking and adjacent properties. " See

3639Joint Response to Initial Brief, at 14. While that may be true,

3651there is nothing in Code Section 2 - 204.C that authorizes the

3663Board to approve off - street parking spaces in the LMDR zoning

3675district without a fence or wall even if an expansive buffer

3686area is provided. Thus, t o the extent that the Board’s approval

3698of the parking lot was based upon its determination that the

3709160 - foot buff er area is a reasonable substitute for a fence or

3723wall and/or th at the approval of the parking lot is governed by

3736Code Section 2 - 1204.A , rather than Code Section 2 - 204.C , the

3749Board departed from t he essential requirements of law.

3758Next, Appellants argue th at the Board departed from the

3768essential requirements of law by not imposing conditions on the

3778approval of the Project as required by Code Section 3 - 913. That

3791Code section no longer requires conditions to be imposed, but it

3802does require the Project to mee t “each and every one of” the

3815following criteria to be approved :

38211. The proposed development of the land

3828will be in harmony with the scale, bulk,

3836coverage, density, and character of adjacent

3842properties in which it is located.

38482. The proposed develop ment will not

3855hinder or discourage the appropriate

3860development and use of adjacent land and

3867buildings or significantly impair the value


38743. The proposed development will not

3880adversely affect the health or safety of

3887persons residing or working i n the

3894neighborhood of the proposed use.

38994. The proposed development is designed

3905to minimize traffic congestion.

39095. The proposed development is consistent

3915with the community character of the

3921immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed

3927for development.

39296. The design of the proposed development

3936minimizes adverse effects including visual,

3941acoustic and olfactory and hours of

3947operation impacts, on adjacent properties.

3952Code § 3 - 913, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7413 - 05, § 18

3968(effective May 5, 2005).

3972There is competent substantial evidence in the record to

3981support the Board’s determination that the Project meets the

3990criteria in Code Sec tion 3 - 913 , including the three criteria

4002(Nos. 1, 5 and 6) specifically contested by Appellants. See

4012Initial Brief, at 10. F or example, in addition to the evidence

4024referenced above relating to the “compatibility” issue, there is

4033competent substantial evidence in the record that the Project

4042will not generate traffic congestion; that adverse effects on

4051the surrounding pr operties have been minimized through the

4060additional buffering requirements and operational restrictions

4066in the Development Agreement; that the medical use to the south

4077of the Property ( i.e. , the assisted living facility) enhances

4087safety on the surrounding residential properties; and that the

4096Project will similarly enhance the area by removing the

4105“blighted” low - income housing complex that is currently on the


4117The conclusion that there is competent substantial evidence

4125to support the Board’s finding that the Project meets the

4135criteria in Code Section 3 - 913 is not inconsistent with the

4147conclusion that the Board departed from the essential

4155requirements of law in approving the parking lot in the LMDR

4166zoning district without a fence or wall along the wes t property

4178line . The latter conclusion was based upon the Code Section 2 -

4191204.C.3, which, as noted above, unambiguously requires t he

4200parking lot to be screened by a wall or fence even though there

4213is competent substantial evidence that the parking lot will be

4223adequately buffered from the residential uses to the west of the


4235Finally, Appellants argue that the Board’s decision is not

4244supported by competent substantial evidence to the extent that

4253it is based upon the testimony of Mr. Parry because ( 1) he did

4267not provide his resume to the Board as experts are required to

4279do under Code Section 4 - 206 and (2) his testimony “consisted

4291only of simple conclusory statements.” This argument is


4300On the first point, it has be en held that an expert’s

4312f ailure to submit a resume in accordance with Code Section 4 - 206

4326is the nature of a due process violation that is beyond the

4338scope of this appeal. See Belniak , supra , at 16. Moreover,

4348because Appellants did not object at the hearing regarding Mr.

4358Parry’s failure to submit a resume, they may not raise the issue

4370on appeal. Id. at 19 n.2. Accord Clear Channel Communications,

4380Inc. v. City of North Bay Village , 2005 WL 2219617, at *1 (Fla.

43933d DCA Sept. 14, 2005) (concluding that circuit court sitting in

4404its appellate capacity over a local government’s resolution did

4413not misapply the law “in holding that petitioners failed to

4423preserve legal challenges for appellate review by not filing

4432proper objections before the city commission”) . In light of

4442these conclusi ons, it is not necessary to reach the Appellees’

4453contention that Mr. Parry has been designated as a “standing

4463expert” and, therefore, is not required to submit a resume each

4474t ime he appears before the Board. See Joint Response to Initial

4486Brief, at 18 - 19 ( relying on Supplemental Appendix Exhibits 3 - 5,

4500which were not received as part of the record in this appeal).

4512On the second point, that portion of Mr. Parry’s testimony

4522that was specifically directed to the flexible development

4530application must be consider ed in conjunction with the detailed

4540Staff Report on the application and Mr. Parry’s testimony on the

4551interrelated FLUM change and Development Agreement that were

4559being considered by the Board at the same time. Indeed, Mr.

4570Parry began his presentation to t he Board stating that he

4581intended to address all of the pending applicati ons related to

4592the Property in “ one presentation” and the Board agreed to that

4604procedure. See Supplemental Appendix, Exhibit 1, at 8 - 9.

4614In any event, contrary to Appellants’ argument , Mr. Parry’s

4623testimony at the hearing consisted of more than just “simple

4633conclusory statements .” H e specifically testified regarding the

4642consistency of the Project with the other institutional uses

4651along McMullen - Booth Road , and h e also t estified that s taff

4665reviewed the site plan, took into account the surrounding uses,

4675and considered the provisions of the Development Agreement in

4684formulating the Staff Report that recommended approval of the

4693Project. In that regard, Mr. Parry’s testimony was fact - based

4704and is similar to that which was found sufficient to support the

4716local government’s decision in City of Hialeah Gardens v. Miami -

4727Dade Charter Foundation, Inc. , 857 So. 2d 202 (Fla. 3d DCA


4739In sum, Appellants failed to show that the Board’s decision

4749i s not supported by competent substantial evidence , but they did

4760show that the Board departed from the essential requirements of

4770law when it approved the parking lot in the LMDR zoning district

4782without requiring a fence or wall along the west property line.

4793IV. Determination

4795As noted above, Code Section 4 - 505.D authorizes the

4805undersigned “approv[e], approv[e] with conditions, or deny[] the

4813requested development application.” The Code does not

4820specifically authorize a remand of the matter to the Board for

4831a dditional fact - finding, as suggested by the parties at oral

4843argument. In any event, a remand is not necessary under the

4854circumstances of this case.

4858In approving the flexible development application for the

4866Project, the only area in which the Board departe d from the

4878essential requirements of law w as its approval of the parking

4889lot without a wall or fence along the west property line as

4901required by Code Section 2 - 204.C.3. That error can be cured by

4914conditioning the approval of the Project on a requirement t hat

4925SpineCare construct and maintain “a wall or fence of at least

4936three feet in height which is landscaped on the external side

4947with a continuous hedge or non - deciduous vine” along the west

4959property line. The Board could have imposed such a condition as

4970p art of its approval of the Project, see Code § 4 - 404 (last

4985sentence) , and such a condition is a minor revision that does

4996not require additional Board review . See Code § 4 - 406.A.

5008Additionally, the approval of the f lexible development

5016application should be expressly conditioned on the City

5024Council’ s approval of the related annexation, FLUM change,

5033rezoning, and Development Agreement. Th e parties agreed at oral

5043argument that th is condition is implicit in the Board’s approval

5054of the Project , but the condition should be made explicit.

5064Based upon the foregoing, the Board’s decision approving

5072the flexible development application for the Project is

5080affirmed, and the application is approved subject to:

50881. the cond itions set forth in the Development Order;

50982. the City Council’s approval of the related annexation,

5107FLUM change, rezoning, and Development Agr eement; and

51153. a requirement that SpineCare construct and maintain a

5124wall or fence of at least three feet in height , which is

5136landscaped on the external side with a continuous hedge or non -

5148deciduous vine , along the west property line.

5155DONE AND ORDER ED this 31st day of October, 2005, in

5166Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5175Administrative Law Judge

5178Division of Administrative Hearings

5182The DeSoto Building

51851230 Apalachee Parkway

5188Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5193(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5201Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5208Filed with the Clerk of the

5214Division of Administrative Hearings

5218this 31st day of October, 2005.


52251/ The “record before the community development board” is

5234defined by Code Section 4 - 505.A, but with the agreement of the

5247parties, the record received at oral argument also includes

5256transcripts of the Board’s hearing on the application (Appendix

5265I and Supplemental Appendix, Exhibit 1) and the Development

5274Agreement considered by the Board in conjunction with the

5283flexible development application for the Project (Supplemental

5290Appendix, Exhibit 6). Exhibits 3, 4, and 5 in the S upplemental

5302Appendix were not received because those exhibits were not part

5312of the record before the Board and no timely motion to

5323supplement the record was filed. See Code § 4 - 505.A.

53342/ Board Member Coates made a similar comment prior to making

5345the mo tion to approve the application. He stated:

5354I just wanted to make one comment addressed

5362to safety issues as regards what is out

5370there right now. And having a parking lot

5378that’s well lit at nigh t , I would take the

5388parking lot, frankly. Having been out t here

5396and seen the place and driven around, I’ll

5404take an open parking lot any day.

5411Supplemental Appendix, Exhibit 1, at 58 - 59.

54193/ The checklist on pages 4 and 5 of the Staff Report refers to

5433Code Section 2 - 20 3 , but th e correct reference is Code Section 2 -

544920 4 .

54524/ The transcripts of the Board’s hearing d o not reflect that

5464any of the witnesses w as sworn immediately prior to giving their

5476testimony. However, it was represented at oral argument that

5485the Board’s practice is to swear all individuals who intend to

5496make presentations to the Board en masse at the outset of the

5508hearing , and there i s no dispute that the policy was followed in

5521this case.

55235/ Counsel for each of the Appellees confirmed at oral argument

5534that if those items are not approved by the City Council, th en

5547development of the Project cannot go forward.


5557Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk

5561Official Records and Legislative Services

5566Clearwater City Hall, Second Floor

5571112 South Osceola Avenue

5575Clearwater, Florida 33756

5578Leslie K. Dougall - Sides, Esquire

5584City of Clearwater

5587Post Office Box 4748

5591Clearwater, Florida 33758 - 4748

5596David A. Theriaque, Esquire

5600Theriaque Vorbeck & Spain

56041114 East Park Avenue

5608Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 2651

5613Gina K. Grimes, Esquire

5617Hill Ward & Henderson

56213700 Bank o f America Plaza

5627101 East Kennedy Boulevard

5631Tampa, Florida 33602 - 5195

5636Alan S. Zimmet, Esquire

5640Zimmet, Unice, Salzman,

5643Heyman & Jardine, P.A.

5647Post Office Box 15309

5651Clearwater, Florida 33766


5660This decision is final a nd is subject to judicial review by

5672filing a petition for common law certiorari with the appropriate

5682circuit court in accordance with Section 4 - 505.D of the City of

5695Clearwater Community Development Code.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: Final Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: Final Order (oral argument held on October 12, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/12/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/07/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from S. Spain enclosing Oral Argument Notebook filed.
Date: 09/26/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Oral Argument (hearing set for October 12, 2005; 1:00 p.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 09/23/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherall from S. Spain advising of available dates for oral argument filed.
Date: 09/22/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by September 28, 2005).
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Respondent Spinecare Properties, LLC`s Unopposed Motion for Continuance of Hearing Scheduled for September 22, 2005 filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from D. Theriaque enclosing a cd of Joint Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Respondents/Appellees` Joint Proposed Final Order filed (without certificate of service or signature page).
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondents/Appelles` Joint Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Appellants` Reply Brief filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Appellants` Proposed Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law filed.
Date: 09/13/2005
Proceedings: Appellants` Proposed Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law filed.
Date: 09/12/2005
Proceedings: Amended Order Granting Extensions of Time. (Petitioners` reply brief shall be filed on or before September 13, 2005, parties` PFO`s shall be filed on or before September 13, 2005).
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extensions of Time (Petitioners` reply brief shall be filed on or before November 13, 2005, parties` PRO`s shall be filed on or before November 13, 2005).
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioners`/Appellants` Response to Respondents/Appellee` Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Final Orders filed.
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Petitioners`/Appellants` Response to Respondents/Appellee` Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Final Orders filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Petitioners`/Appellants` Motion for One (1) Day Extension of Time to File Reply Brief filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Respondents/Appellees` Joint Motion for an Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Final Orders filed.
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: Supplemental Appendix to Joint Response to Initial Brief filed.
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Brief filed.
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (parties shall have until September 1, 2005, to file their Joint Response to Initial Brief).
Date: 08/31/2005
Proceedings: Respondents/Appellees` Joint Motion for One (1) Day Extension of Time filed.
Date: 08/24/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 08/19/2005
Proceedings: Order (parties may but are not required to file proposed final orders on or before September 12, 2005, in addition to any briefs or similar documents).
Date: 08/16/2005
Proceedings: Appendix to Initial Brief (vol I-III) filed.
Date: 08/15/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Initial Brief filed.
Date: 08/04/2005
Proceedings: Order (appellants shall file their initial brief or similiar document on or before August 15, 2005; the appellees shall file their answer brief or similar document on or before August 31, 2005; and appellants may file a reply brief or similar document on or before September 12, 2005).
Date: 08/03/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Oral Argument (oral argument set for September 22, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 07/29/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
Date: 07/26/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Oral Argument (oral argument set for July 29, 2005; 10:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL; amended as to time).
Date: 07/05/2005
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from A. Zimmet regarding dates for the Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/01/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Oral Argument (oral argument set for July 29, 2005; 1:00 p.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 06/30/2005
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 06/23/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Spinecare Properties, LLC Zoning District:LDR Land Use:RS filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Consent Agenda - Community Development Board filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Agenda - Community Development Board filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Comprehensive Landscape Program Requirements filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Flexible Development Application filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: City of Clearwater Notice of Community Development Board Public Hearings filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Appeal Application filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: City of Clearwater Planning Department Staff Report filed.
Date: 06/22/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida
Contract Hearings


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):