05-002445 Linda Parah And Andrew Loveland, Sr. vs. Donna Morrison, Randy Morrison And Hillside Mobile Home Park
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, March 16, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners failed to demonstrate a request for reasonable accommodation was made before their eviction on the basis of other grounds. Recommend that the petition be dismissed.






17Petitioner s , )


21vs. ) Case No. 05 - 2445





41Respondent s . )



49Pursuant to notice and in accordance with Section 120.57,

58Florida Statutes (2004) , a final hearing was held in this case

69on September 1 , 2005, in Dade City, Florida, before Fred L.

80Buckine, a designated Administr ative Law Judge of the Division

90of Administrative Hearings.


94For Petitioners: Linda Parah, pro se

100Andrew Loveland, Sr., pro se

10536928 Happy Days Drive, Lot 120

111Zephyrhills, Flo rida 33541 - 2892

117For Respondents: Matthew J. Schlichte, Esquire

123Law Office of Ray A. Schlichte, Jr., P.A.

1312134 Hollywood Boulevard

134Hollywood, Florida 33020


141Whet her Respondents, Donna and Randy Morrison, managers of

150Hillside Mobile Home Park, discriminated against Petitioners,

157Linda Parah and Andrew Loveland, Sr., by failing to make

167reasonable accommodation for Petitioners' service animal

173necessary to afford equal opportunity to use and enjoy the

183rental premises in violation of the Fair Housing Act, Sections

193760.20 through 760.37, Florida Statutes (2004) . 1


203On April 25, 2005, Petitioners filed a Housing

211Discrimination Complaint with the Florida Commission on Human

219Relations (Commission), alleging:

222The complainant [Linda Parah] possesses a

228mental impairment that qualifies her as a

235disabled person within the meaning of the

242Fair Housing Act, and therefore belongs to a

250class of persons whom the law protects from

258unlawful discrimination. Hillside Mobile

262Home Park [Respondent] knew o r should have

270known that the Complain ant was a disabled

278person. The Complain ant requested a

284reasonable accommodation for her service

289animal. The requested accommodation was

294necessary to afford the Complainant an equal

301opportunity to use and enjoy her premises.

308The Respondent denied the Complainant's

313request for a reasonable accommodation.

318On July 8, 2005, Petitioners filed a timely request for

328hearing pursuant to Sectio n 120.569 and Subsection s 120.57(1)

338and 760.11(7), Florida Statutes . On July 8, 2005, the

348Commission referred this matter to the Division of

356Administrative Hearings, and, on that date, the Initial Order

365was entered.

367On July 14, 2005, Respondents ' R esponse to the Initial

378Order was filed.

381On July 20, 2005, a Notice of Hearing, scheduling the final

392hearing for August 26, 2005, in Dade City, Florida, and an Order

404of Pre - hearing Instructions were entered.

411On August 15, 2005, Respondents ' Witness and Exhibit Lis t

422and Notice of Demand for Attorney's Fees and Cost s against the

434Petitioners were filed .

438On August 24, 2005, Respondent s filed a Motion for

448Continuance, and, on August 25, 2005, an Order Granting

457Continuance and Re - scheduling Hearing, re - scheduling the fin al

469hearing for September 1, 2005, in Dade City, Florida, was


480On September 1, 2005, Petitioner, Linda Parah, testified in

489the narrative and was given opportunity to cross - examine

499Respondent s ' solo witness, Donna Morrison. Petitioner, Andrew

508L o vela nd, Sr., though present, did not testify. Petitioners'

519Exhibits A through C , E through I, and O were accepted in to

532evidence. Petitioners' Application for Tenancy to Hillside

539Mobile Home Park, Inc., dated June 24, 2004, and signed only by

551Petitioner, Andr ew Loveland, Sr., was marked as ALJ Exhibit 1

562and was accepted in to evidence. Respondents presented only the

572testimony of Donna Morrison. Respondent, Randy Morrison, though

580present, did not testify. Respondents' Exhibits 1 through 7

589were accepted in to e vidence.

595Neither party ordered a transcript of this proceeding.

603Though advised of the opportunity, Petitioners elected not to

612file a proposed recommended order. The undersigned considered

620Respondents' Proposed Recommended Order filed on September 6,

6282005 , t o include m anagement 's request for assessment of

639attorney ' s fees and cost s against Petitioners pursuant to

650Section 57.105, Florida Statutes .


658Based upon observation of the witnesses' demeanor and

666manner while testifying, character of the testimony, internal

674consistency, and recall ability ; documentary materials received

681in evidence ; stipulations by the parties ; and evidentiary

689ruling s during the proceedings , the following relevant and

698material facts are found :

7031. On June 24, 2004, Andrew Loveland, Sr., made

712application for tenancy at Hillside Mobile Home Park, Inc.

721(Hillside), 39515 Bamboo Lane, Zephyrhills, Florida 33542, when

729he completed and signed Respondents' "Application for Tenancy"

737form. The prospective tenants listed were Andrew Loveland, Sr.,

746and Linda Parah. Ms. Parah did not sign the application. As of

758June 24, 2005, Petitioners listed their then - current address as

7695824 23rd Street, Lot 1, Zephyrhills, Florida 33542.

7772. The application for tenancy form listed Ms. Parah as

787one of the persons to reside in the rental dwelling and, as

799such, was a "person associated with the intended renter,"

808Mr. Loveland. The tenancy application signed by Mr. Loveland

817contained the following acknowledgement :

822[U]nder penalty of perjury, I de clare that I

831have read the foregoing and the facts

838alleged are true to the best of my knowledge

847and belief. I hereby acknowledge that I

854have received a copy of the Prospectus and

862Rules and Regulations of Hillside Mobile

868Home Park, Inc.

871Mr. Loveland, thou gh present at the proceeding, chose not to

882challenge his written acknowledgment of receiving a copy of the

892Prospectus and the Rules and Regulations of Hillside, and the

902undersigned accordingly find s that Mr. Loveland received a copy

912of the Prospectus and t he Rules and Regulations of Hillside on

924June 24, 2004 , and was fully informed of his duties and

935obligations as a tenant of Hillside therein contained .

9443. On June 24, 2004, neither Mr. Loveland nor Ms. Parah

955informed or advised management of any medical d isability(s)

964suffered, requiring companionship (living in the trailer) of a

973dog (comfort or service) . Petitioners did not, at that time,

984request Respondents to make any reasonable accommodations for

992any mental and/or physical disability(s) that required t he

1001presence of their service dog in the rented premises. N o copy

1013of management's park prospectus or rules was offered in

1022evidence, and, accordingly, a finding of receipt thereof is

1031made , b ut no findings herein are based on the specific content


10444. On or after June 24, 2004, Petitioners and their dog

1055occupied the leased premises 6528 Pecan Drive, Hillside Mobile

1064Home Park, Zephyrhills, Florida 33542. The credible evidence of

1073record convincingly demonstrated management had knowledge that

1080Petitioner s and several other park tenants owned dogs. Tenants,

1090oft en time s together, walked their dogs about the trailer park

1102in sight of management and other residents. Based upon the

1112above, it is concluded that management was or should have been

1123aware that othe r tenants, includ ing Petitioners, had dogs in the

1135trailer park.

11375. On October 21, 2004, management, by and through its

1147attorney, by certified mail, made demand upon Petitioners to

1156cure noncompliance within seven days (October 28, 2004) or

1165vacate premises for noncompliance with the park prospectus or

1174rules, to wit:

1177You have been driving your golf cart behind

1185and between mobiles . Residents must govern

1192themselves in a manner that does not

1199unreasonably disturb or annoy other

1204residents. We have had several co mplaints

1211regarding this issue. Please drive and walk

1218on the streets only. ( Emphasis added )

12266. Ms. Parah acknowledged the golf car incident ,

1234explaining that Mr. Loveland occasionally drove his golf cart

1243through the trailer park and not always on the wal kways during

1255the evening hours. She insisted, however, that after receipt of

1265the October 21, 2004, notice to cease from management, Mr.

1275Loveland discontinued driving his golf cart behind and between

1284mobile homes during the evenings and nights and, during the day,

1295restricted his cart driving to only the park roadways.

13047. By letter dated November 5, 2004, to Mr. Loveland ,

1314Respondent s issued a "Notice of Termination of Tenancy," for

1324failure to correct the (October 21, 2004, notice of violation --

1335driving golf cart ) within seven days. Accordingly, his tenancy

1345was to be terminated 35 days from the postmarked date of

1356delivery of th e n otice.

13628. On November 11, 2004, S. D. Hostetler, a tenant whom

1373m anagement did not call to testify, allegedly filed the

1383following hand - written complaint letter to m anagement:

1392On 11 - 3 - 04 at around 3 am I was awaken by a

1407loud sound. I got up to see what it was and

1418it was an older red golf cart going through

1427the camping section, it must not have a

1435muffler on it, that morning I did com plain

1444to the management about some one going

1451around the Park that early in the morning

1459with such a noisey [ sic ] scooter. I later

1469found out it was Andrew Loveland.

14759. The above - written document was not notarized; the

1485author was not made available and sub ject to cross - examination.

1497This document therefore is unsupported hearsay and insufficient

1505to support and establish the factual content therein to wit:

" 1515[O] n 11 - 3 - 04 around 3 a . m . , Mr. Loveland was driving his golf

1534cart through the camping section and , t hus , failed to correct

1545the October 21, 2004, notice of violation -- driving golf cart ,

1556within 7 days." This complaint did, however, establish the fact

1566that management received a complaint about Mr. Loveland from

1575another tenant after having given him notice to cease and


158610. On November 18, 2004, two weeks after the golf cart

1597notice of noncompliance termination, Respondents, by certified

1604mail delivered on November 22, 2004, made demand upon

1613Petitioner s to cure noncompliance within seven days or v acate

1624p remises for a second noncompliance with the p ark p rospectus or

1637r ules, to wit: "( A) You have a dog and dogs are not allowed in

1653the park. "

165511. The November 22, 2004, c opy of the n otice to cure

1668noncompliance was received by Mr. Loveland as evidenced by a

1678copy of a U.S. Certified Mail delivery receipt signed by

1688Mr. Loveland.

169012. In the December 13, 2004, l etter from Attorney

1700Schlichte addressed to Andrew Loveland (only) , Re: Notice of

1709Termination of Tenancy (reference November 18, 2004, 1st Notice

1718of Rule Violation; i.e. you have a dog and dogs not allowed ) ,

1731Petitioners were given 30 days to vacate the premises. It is

1742significant and noted that as of December 13, 2004, Ms. Parah

1753had not made a demand or request upon management for "reasonable

1764accommodatio ns for her service animal necessary to afford the

1774Petitioner an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the rental

1784premises , " as alleged in the administrative complaint.

1791U ltimate F actual D eterminations

179713. On February 28, 2005, 76 days after receipt of

1807managem ent's December 13, 2004, first No tice of Rule Violation

1818(no dog allowed) and filing of Eviction Compliant in Pasco

1828County C ourt, 2 Petitioners made their first written request to

1839management for reasonable accommodation under the American

1846Disabilities Act as follows:

1850Dear Sir:

1852I am requesting reasonable accommodation

1857under the American with Disability Act to

1864have rules and regulations of the Park

1871(Hillside) sent to me. On my pet. I have

1880documentation from my physician Joseph

1885Nystrom, M.D. on my service, my comfort dog.

1893And this can be furnished upon request!

1900Rules and Regulations were not clear to fact

1908that Mr. Andrew Loveland, Sr. never had them

1916unless you can show pictures on the grass

192410/21/2004. I feel that your violating

1930Mr. Loveland and my civil ri ght under fair

1939housing rules. [ sic ] Please acknowledge

1946our reasonable accommodation as stated above

1952by Tuesday of next week 3/8/2005.


1959Linda Alan Parah

1962A ndrew Alton Loveland, Sr.

1967c c: C.J. Miles Deputy Dir. Fair Housing

1975Continu [ sic ] , Inc. , 1 - 888 - 264 - 5619.

198714. Having provided a copy of the P rospectus and the R ules

2000and R egulations of Hillside on June 24, 2004, to Mr. Loveland ,

2012m anagement's refusal to provide a second copy was a reasonable

2023nondiscriminatory business decision. The offer to provide

"2030documentation from my physician Joseph Nystrom, M.D. on my

2039service, my comfort dog," imposed no obligation upon management

2048to accept such offer. Within the totality of circumstances then

2058present, ignoring Petitioners' offer to provide medical and /or

2067willingness statement s regarding their medical, physical , and

2075mental disabilities , requiring the presence of a service/comfort

2083dog by Respondent s, is not fou nd to have been discriminatory.

20951 5 . On or about May 19, 2005, Pasco County Court entered

2108Fina l Judgment of Eviction against Andrew Loveland and Unknown

2118Tenant ( i.e. Linda Parah). The Pasco County Sheriff 's O ffice,

2130pursuant to Final Judgment of Eviction for Removal of Tenant

2140entered by the Pasco County Court , evicted Petitioners from

2149Respondents ' rented premises of Hillside, 39515 Bamboo Lane,

2158Zephyrhills, Florida 33542 .

21621 6 . Petitioners submitted an abundance of credible

2171evidence relating to the ir physical and mental health

2180conditions. As to Mr. Loveland, Dr. Nystrom 's written and

2190signed notation concluded that Mr. Loveland's condition

2197required: "Motorized wheelchair multi - level spinal stenosis -

2206medically necessary and due to his illness, the presence of his

2217little Dog is medically necessary." The document contained

2225hearsay evidence to which c oun sel f or Respondent s did not raise

2239an objection and is , thus , accepted by the undersigned. This

2249document was dated after the date Mr. Loveland received his

2259second notice regarding failure to correct and the filing of the

2270complaint for eviction.

22731 7 . As to Ms. Parah, Tracey E. Smithey, M.D., East Pasco

2286Medical Group, reported her medical conclusion stating in part

2295that: " Linda Parah, was seen in my office on 11 - 20 - 03, 01 - 19 - 04

2314and today (April 8, 2004). She had been diagnosed with Bipolar

2325Disorder, Depres sed type. She is prescribed Paxi, Xanax, and

2335Ambien. She has been referred for psychotherapy also."

2343Dr. Smithey did not include in her written document that

2353Ms. Parah had to have a dog for her condition. Dr. Smithey, as

2366had Dr. Nystrom , signed the do cument. The document contained

2376hearsay evidence to which c ounsel f or Respondent s did not raise

2389an objection and is , thus , accepted by the undersigned.

23981 8 . Had Petitioners made their request for reasonable

2408accommodations and presented their medical repor ts, evidencing

2416their medical conditions and limitations, to include the need of

2426Mr. Loveland for his comfort dog, to Respondent s on or before

2438June 24, 2004, or even as late as on or about November 18, 2004,

2452Petitioners would have, arguably, established the requisite

2459basis for finding of a request for reasonable accommodation.

2468There is, however, insufficient evidence of record to support a

2478finding that Petitioners , Mr. Loveland nor Ms. Parah, made a

2488reasonable accommodation request to Respondents for the ho using

2497of the comfort dog for Mr. Loveland . The sequence of dated

2509events and documented evidence is an inference that after

2518receiving the notice t o vacate for the two alleged rule

2529violation(s) , Petitioners did not make a reque st for reasonable

2539accommodatio n to management for Mr. Loveland's dog, but rather

2549offered to provide medical support of Mr. Loveland's need for a

2560comfort dog should Respondent s request such proof. Respondent s

2570w ere under no duty or obligation to do so and did not make such

2585a request. 3

25881 9 . Petitioners failed to establish that either

2597Mr. Loveland or Ms. Parah: (1) made a reque st for reasonable

2609accommodation based upon the demonstrated disability of

2616Mr. Loveland ; (2) the animal in question was a medically

2626required service (comfort dog) a nimal for M r . Loveland ; (3) the

2639requested accommodation was necessary to permit full enjoyment

2647by Mr. Loveland of the rental premises ; and (4) t hereafter ,

2658management denied their reasonable accommodation request for

2665Mr. Loveland .

26682 0 . In short , and based upon the findings of fact herein,

2681Respondent did not unlawfully discriminate against Petitioners;

2688rather, management terminated Petitioners' tenancy for

2694legitimate, nondiscriminatory reasons, to wit: off - road driving

2703of a golf cart and unapproved dog wit hin the rental unit in

2716violation of park rules and regulations after written notice to

2726c orrect the noted violation s .

2733Management 's Counsel's Motion for A ttorney 's Fees and Cost s

27452 1 . T here is not a scintilla of evidence to substantiate a

2759finding that Petiti oner, Mr. Loveland, who did not testify, knew

2770or should have known that his claim and defense presented during

2781this proceeding was not supported by material facts. Likewise,

2790Respondent made no query of Ms. Parah (referred to in the

2801eviction complaint as " unnamed tenant") that elicited statements

2810or acknowledgements from which reasonable inference could be

2818drawn to demonstrate that within the situational circumstances

2826Ms. Parah knew or should have known the claim herein made was

2838not supported by material fa cts. 4


284822. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2855jurisdiction of the parties to and the subject matter of this

2866proceeding. §§ 120.569 , 120.57(1), 760.20 , and 760.35(3)(b),

2873Fla . Stat . (2005) .

287923 . Under Florida’s Fair Housing Act ( Act),

2888Sections 760.20 through 760.37, Florida Statutes, it is unlawful

2897to discriminate in the sale or rental of housing. Among other

2908prohibited practices:

2910(1) It is unlawful to refuse to sell or

2919rent after the making of a bona fide offer,

2928to refuse to negotiate for the sale or

2936rental of, or otherwise to make unavailable

2943or deny a dwelling to any person because of

2952race, color, national origin, sex, handicap,

2958familial status, or religion.

2962* * *

2965(7) It is unlawful to discriminate in the

2973sal e or rental of, or to otherwise make

2982unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any buyer

2990or renter because of a handicap of:

2997(a) That buyer or renter;

3002(b) A person residing in or intending to

3010reside in that dwelling after it is sold,

3018rented, or made availab le; or

3024(c) Any person associated with the buyer

3031or renter.

3033§ 760.23(1) and (7), Fla . Stat .

30412 4 . For purposes of S ubsection (7) above, the term

3053“discrimination” includes:

3055(a) A refusal to permit, at the expense

3063of the handicapped person, reasonable

3068modifications of existing premises occupied

3073or to be occupied by such person if such

3082modifications may be necessary to afford

3088such person full enjoyment of the premises;


3096(b) A refusal to make reasonable

3102accommodations in rules, policies,

3106practices, o r services, when such

3112accommodations may be necessary to afford

3118such person equal opportunity to use and

3125enjoy a dwelling.

3128§ 760.23(9), Fla . Stat .

313425 . In the instant case, Petitioners h ave alleged, in

3145effect, that Hillside 's management discriminated agai nst them by

3155declining to make a reasonable accommodation with respect to

3164Ms. Parah's service dog.

316826 . In cases involving a claim of rental housing

3178discrimination on the basis of handicap, such as this one, the

3189complainant has the burden of proving a pr ima facie case of

3201discrimination by a preponderance of the evidence. A prima

3210facie showing of rental housing discrimination can be made by

3220establishing that the complainant applied to rent an available

3229unit for which he or she was qualified, the applicati on was

3241rejected, and, at the time of such rejection, the complainant

3251was a member of a class protected by the Act. See Soules v.

3264U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development , 967 F.2d 817, 822

3275(2d Cir. 1992). 5 Failure to establish a prima facie case of

3287di scrimination ends the inquiry. See Ratliff v. State , 666 So.

32982d 1008, 1012 n.6 (Fla. 1st DCA), aff’d , 679 So. 2d 1183

3310(1996)( citing Arnold v. Burger Queen Systems , 509 So. 2d 958

3321(Fla. 2d DCA 1987) ) .

332727 . If, however, the complainant sufficiently establis hes

3336a prima facie case, the burden then shifts to the respondent to

3348articulate some legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its

3355action. If the respondent satisfies this burden, then the

3364complainant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence

3373that t he reason asserted by the respondent is, in fact, merely a

3386pretext for discrimination. See Massaro v. Mainlands Section 1

3395& 2 Civic Ass’n, Inc. , 3 F.3d 1472, 1476 n.6 (11th Cir. 1993),

3408cert. denied , 513 U.S. 808, 115 S. Ct. 56, 130 L. Ed. 2d 15

3422(1994)(“Fa ir housing discrimination cases are subject to the

3431three - part test articulated in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green ,

3442411 U.S. 792, 93 S. Ct. 1817, 36 L. Ed. 2d 668 (1973).”);

3455Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, on

3464Behalf of Herron v. Bla ckwell , 908 F.2d 864, 870 (11th Cir.

34761990)(“We agree with the ALJ that the three - part burden of proof

3489test developed in McDonnell Douglas [for claims brought under

3498Title VII of the Civil Rights Act] governs in this case

3509[involving a claim of discrimination in violation of the federal

3519Fair Housing Act].”).

352228 . In this case, Petitioners f ailed to make a prima facie

3535showing of discrimination. Although Ms. Parah has some medical

3544issues and Mr. Loveland is handicapped and , thus , protected by

3554the Act, Ms. Parah never made a direct request or written

3565application to m anagement requesting accommodation for her

3573comfort dog. Ms. Parah's testimony established that after

3581receiving notice of eviction she wrote management , not

3589requesting accommodation for her comfort do g, but rather

3598offering to supply medical support of her need for a comfort dog

3610should management require. Petitioners were tenants who, in the

3619recent past, violated p ark r ules found in the Prospectus and the

3632Rules and Regulations of Hillside, given them b y management when

3643their application was approved and before they moved into the

3653mobile home park, by the failure of Mr. Loveland to cease and

3665desist from driving his golf cart around and between mobile

3675homes after written warning from management.

368129 . But even if Petitioners had made a prima facie showing

3693of discrimination, m anagement satisfied its burden to articulate

3702a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for evicting Mr. Loveland

3710and Ms. Parah , namely, the repeated violation of the park's

3720r ules and r egul ations after written warning and notice to

3732correct. Petitioners failed to present persuasive evidence that

3740their eviction was merely a pretext for discrimination by the

3750denial of accommodation for Ms. Parah's comfort dog , a request

3760that was, in fact, not made to management before receiving

3770notice to vacate for violation of park rules .

3779Attorney ' s Fees and Cost s

378630 . Counsel for Respondents, in his response to the

3796A dministrative C ompliant filed herein, included a claim for

3806attorney's fees and cost s pursuant to Section 57.105, Florida

3816Statutes , which provides:

3819( a) The provisions of this subsection are

3827supplemental to, and do not abrogate, other

3834provisions allowing the award of fees or

3841costs in administrative proceedings.

3845(b) The final order in a proceedi ng

3853pursuant to s. 120.57 (1) shall award

3860reasonable costs and a reasonable attorney's

3866fee to the prevailing party only where the

3874no prevailing adverse party has been

3880determined by the administrative law judge

3886to have participated in the proceeding for

3893an im proper purpose.

3897( c) In proceedings pursuant to s.

3904120.57 (1), and upon motion, the

3910administrative law judge shall determine

3915whether any party participated in the

3921proceeding for an improper purpose as

3927defined by this subsection. In making such

3934determinat ion, the administrative law judge

3940shall consider whether the no prevailing

3946adverse party has participated in two or

3953more other such proceedings involving the

3959same prevailing party and the same project

3966as an adverse party and in which such two or

3976more proce edings the no prevailing adverse

3983party did not establish either the factual

3990or legal merits of its position, and shall

3998consider whether the factual or legal

4004position asserted in the instant proceeding

4010would have been cognizable in the previous

4017proceedings. In such event, it shall be

4024rebuttably presumed that the no prevailing

4030adverse party participated in the pending

4036proceeding for an improper purpose.

4041( d) In any proceeding in which the

4049administrative law judge determines that a

4055party participated in the proceeding for an

4062improper purpose, the recommended order

4067shall so designate and shall determine the

4074award of costs and attorney's fees.

4080(e) For the purpose of this subsection:

40871. "Improper purpose" means

4091participation in a proceeding pursuant to s .

4099120.57 (1) primarily to harass or to cause

4107unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose

4113or to needlessly increase the cost of

4120litigation, licensing, or securi ng the

4126approval of an activity.

41302. "Costs" has the same meaning as the

4138costs allowed in civil a ctions in this state

4147as provided in chapter 57.

41523. " No prevailing adverse party" means a

4159party that ha s failed to have substantially

4167changed the outcome of the proposed or final

4175agency action which is the subject of a

4183proceeding. In the event that a p roceeding

4191results in any substantial modification or

4197condition intended to resolve the matters

4203raised in a party's petition, it shall be

4211determined that the party having raised the

4218issue addressed is not a no prevailing

4225adverse party. The recommended orde r shall

4232state whether the change is substantial for

4239purposes of this subsection. In no event

4246shall the term " no prevailing party" or

"4253prevailing party" be deemed to include any

4260party that has intervened in a previously

4267existing proceeding to support the p osition

4274of an agency.

42773 1. The burden to show that sanctions should be imposed

4288under S ubs ection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, is on the moving

4299party. See Friends of Nassau County , 752 So. 2d at 52. Under

4311the circumstances of this case, that burden has no t been met.

4323Based upon c ounselor's reasonable inquiry of Ms. Parah during

4333this proceeding , it cannot be concluded that Ms. Parah or

4343Mr. Loveland (of whom no inquiry was made) filed their

4353A dministrative C omplaint for improper or frivolous purposes ,

4362primar ily to harass Respondent s . In accordance with the above

4374statutory restriction, the threshold issue is whether this

4382record reflect s evidence that Petitioners, no n - prevailing

4392party (s), participated in this proceeding for an improper

4401purpose . "Improper purp ose" means primarily to harass or to

4412cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to

4421needlessly increase the cost of litigation . Attorney's fees and

4431cost s incurred during the course of the eviction proceeding in

4442Pasco County Court were independentl y accrued separate and apart

4452from the Ad ministrative C omplaint filed in this proceeding.

44623 2. As stated above, t here is not a scintilla of evidence

4475to substantiate a finding of fact that Petitioners , Ms. Parah

4485and Mr. Loveland, who did not testify, knew o r should have known

4498their claim was not substantiated by material facts.

4506Respondent s made no query of Petitioners , and Ms. Parah made no

4518statement or acknowledgement from which a reasonable inference

4526could be drawn to demonstrate she knew or should have kn own

4538their claim was not supported by material facts. Accordingly,

4547for the want of evidence in support of the motion , Respondent s '

4560counsel 's motion for attorney 's fees and cost s, pursuant to

4572Section 57.105, Florida Statutes, is denied.


4579Based on the foregoing f indings of f act and c onclusions of

4592l aw, it is

4596RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order :

4605(1) D ismissing Petitioners ' , Linda Parah and Andrew

4614Loveland 's , Petition for Relief ; and

4620(2) Den y i ng Respondents ' c ounsel 's motion for an award of

4635attorney 's fees and cost s .

4642D ONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of March , 2006, in

4653Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4661Administrative Law Judge

4664Division of Administrative Hearings

4668The DeSoto Buildin g

46721230 Apalachee Parkway

4675Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4680(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4688Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4695Filed with the Clerk of the

4701Division of Administrative Hearings

4705this 16th day of March , 2006 .


47131/ All ref erences are to Florida Statutes 2004 , unless

4723otherwise specified.

47252 / The circumstances surrounding the c ounty c ourt eviction

4736proceedings are unclear. It is clear that Petitioners'

4744documentary evidence regarding their respective medical

4750condition s was da ted after the Pasco County Court entered the

4762Order of Eviction.

47653 / This eviction action was filed against Petitioner s on or

4777about February 25, 2005. Eviction - - Matter styled Hillside

4787Mobile Home Park, Inc. vs. Andrew Loveland and Unknown Tenant,

4797if any , Case No. 51 - 2005CC - 547(ES). This one - count eviction

4811complaint alleged : (A) October 21, 200 4 , 7 - day notice to cure,

4825i.e. "driving your golf cart behind and between mobiles, " and

4835(B) November 5, 2004, 7 - day notice to cure, i.e. "A. You have a

4850dog and dogs are not allowed in the park."

48594 / Counsel for Respondent and co - owner of Hillside Mobile Home

4872Park, Inc., pursuant to Section 723.068, Florida Statutes

4880(2005), filed his Motion for Award of Attorney Fees and Costs

4891for 12.8 hours devoted at $225.00 per hou r for a total of

4904$2,880.00 fees and $282.00 cost in the Pasco County eviction

4915proceeding and not in the Chapter 120, Administrative

4923proceeding. Counsel offered no evidence in this Section 120.57,

4932Florida Statutes, fact - findings proceeding reflecting Pasco

4940County Court's ruling on his Motion for Fees and Cost.

4950Counsel's Motion for Attorney Fees and Costs against Petitioners

4959was filed pursuant to Section 57.105, Florida Statutes. The

4968burden to show that sanctions should be imposed under Section

4978120.57, Flo rida Statutes , is upon the party seeking the attorney

4989award. Counsel offered no evidence in support of his motion ,

4999and the motion is denied.

50045 / Alternatively, complaints' burden may be satisfied with

5013direct evidence of discriminatory intent. See Tans W orld

5022Airlines, Inc. v. Thurston , 105 S. Ct. 613, 621 (1985)( " [T]he

5033McDonnel Douglas test is inapplicable were the plaintiffs direct

5042evidence of discrimination " inasmuch as " [t]he shifting burdens

5050of proof set forth in McDonnel Douglas are designed to assur e

5062that the ' plaintiff [has] his day in court despite the

5073unavailability of direct evidence.' " ).


5081Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

5085Commission on Human Relations

50892009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5094Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5097Linda Parah

5099Andr ew Loveland, Sr.

510336928 Happy Days Drive, Lot 120

5109Zephyrhills, Florida 33541 - 2892

5114Matthew J. Schlichte, Esquire

5118Law Office of Ray A. Schlichte, Jr., P.A.

51262134 Hollywood Boulevard

5129Hollywood, Florida 33020

5132Cecil Howard, General Counsel

5136Florida Commission on Human Relations

51412009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5146Tallahassee, Florida 32301


5155All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

516515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5176to thi s Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5188will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/07/2006
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from L. Parah responding to agency final order filed.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from a Discriminatory Housing Practice filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/16/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/16/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/16/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 1, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/07/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Buckine from M. Schlichte enclosing a copy of the Pasco County Eviction Matter filed.
Date: 09/16/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/01/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/29/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 08/25/2005
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipt (USPS).
Date: 08/25/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 1, 2005; 10:00 a.m.; Dade City, FL).
Date: 08/24/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 08/15/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Demand and for Attorney`s Fees and Costs Against the Petitioners filed.
Date: 08/15/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 07/22/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 07/20/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/20/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 26, 2005; 10:00 a.m.; Dade City, FL).
Date: 07/18/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/14/2005
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Housing Discrimination Complaint filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Determination filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Determination of No Reasonable Cause
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Dade City, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):