05-003149 Marino M. Green vs. Department Of Health
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, March 28, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove discrimination based on race in a job placement or in retaliation.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3149




29Respondent. )



34Notice was prov ided and on January 2 7 , 200 6 , a formal hearing

48was held in this case. Authority for conducting the hearing is set

60forth in Sections 120.569 , 1 20.57(1), and 760.11(7), Florida

69Statutes (2005 ). The hearing location was the offices of the

80Division of Admini strative Hearings , the DeSoto Building, 1230

89Apalachee Parkway, T all ahasse e, Florida . The hearing was conducted

101by Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law Judge.


109For Petitioner: Marino M. Green, pro se

1163023 Golden Pond Boulevard

120Orange Park , Florida 32 073

125For Respondent: Stephen M. Foxwell, Esquir e

132Department of Health

1354052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A - 02

143Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1703


153Did Respondent engage in unlawful employment practices against

161Petitioner in violation of Section 760.10(1) and (7), Florida

170Statutes , in e ffect at the time of the alleged acts, contrary to

183the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (the Act)?


194On January 31 , 200 5 , the Florida Commission on Human Relations

205(FCHR) received an employment complaint of discrimination from

213Petitioner . It named Respondent as the alleged employer

222responsible for discrimination. The basis of t he claim was race in

234relation to the failure to promote and retaliation for complaining

244about the choice by R espondent not to promote Petitioner , to the

256extent that Petitioner was terminated for complaining.

263The race referred to in the employment co mplaint of

273discrimination was Black, in the sense that Petitioner claimed to

283be within that protected class.

288FCHR investigated the complaint finding that Respondent was

296indeed an employer within the meaning of the Act. FCHR also found

308that the complaint o f discrimination was timely and other

318jurisdictional requirements had been met. In view of the

327Investigative Memorandum provided by the Office of Employment

335Investigations within FCHR, it was determined by FCHR that no cause

346existed to believe that an unl awful employment practice occurred.

356This decision was made on July 21, 2005 . Petitioner was separately

368noticed of the determination finding no cause , advising Petitioner

377of his right to petition for relief within 35 days of the date of

391the Notice of Det ermination: No Cause. The notice was dated

402July 21, 2005 .

406Consistent with his opportunity Petitioner filed a Petition

414for Relief with FCHR , which was received by that agency on

425August 25, 2005 .

429The Petition for Relief continued to refer to alleged

438di scrimination based upon race, in that Petitioner was alleged to

449be a black male. It referred to the position of B iological

461A dministrator II (BA II) to which Petitioner was denied promotion.

472It also referenced a position referred to as Bio Response Team

483( BRTR), a supervisory position that Petitioner was alleged not to

494have been hired to fill. That la t ter position was one not referred

508to in the earlier employment complaint of discrimination . The

518Petition for Relief referred to a white male being hired in the BA

531II position and a white non - Hispanic male being hired to fill the

545BRTR position. 1/ The Petition for Relief continued to advance the

556allegation that Petitioner having filed a complaint within the

565Respondent 's grievance process , Respondent allegedly retaliated

572against Petitioner by terminating him from employment.

579On August 30, 2005 , the Division of Administrative Hearings

588(DOAH) received the Petition for Relief and a request that an

599a dministrative l aw j udge be assigned to conduct necessary

610proceed ings to resolve the dispute between the parties. Stephen F.

621Dean, Administrative Law Judge , was assigned to conduct tho s e

632proceedings in DOAH Case No. 05 - 3149.

640The case was noticed to be heard by video - teleconference

651between Jacksonville and Tallahassee , Florida, on November 14,

6592005 .

661Petitioner moved to continue the hearing scheduled for

669November 14, 2005 . Respondent replied to t h e motion. On

681November 8, 2005 , an order was entered requiring th e parties to

693provide dates for rescheduling. An order was entered rescheduling

702the hearing for January 27, 2006 .

709Petitioner filed a "Petition for Determination" arguing that

717FCHR had failed to conciliate or determine reasonable cause in the

728case. Respondent answered that motion and by its answer opposed

738the motion. On January 5, 2006 , an order was entered denying

"749Petition for Determination" based upon the conclusion that the

758relief requested was beyond the jurisdiction of the forum ,

767referring to DOAH .

771After the January 5, 2006 o rder was entered , the p resent

783a dministrative l aw j udge was substituted for Stephen F. Dean,

795Administrative Law Judge , in recognition that Administrative Law

803Judge Dean would be retired before this case could be concluded at


816Petitioner moved to continue the hearing schedu led January 27,

8262006 . The motion was opposed in writing. On January 25, 2006 , a

839telephone hearing was conducted to consider the motion. On that

849same date an order was entered denying the motion to continue.

860At hearing Petitioner testified in his own b ehalf.

869P etitioner's Exhibits numbered 4 through 9 , 11, 13 through 16, 18,

88119, 25 through 29, 31 and 45 were admitted as evidence.

892Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1 through 3, 10, 12, 17, 20 through

90324, 30, 32 through 44, 46 through 48, and 50 through 54 w ere denied

918admission. Petitioner 's Exhibit numbered 56 was not offered but

928remained with exhibits that have been identified.

935Respondent presented Dr. Dean Willis, Susanne Crowe, Dr. David

944Stuart Beall, Caroll David Fulgher and Dr. Ming S. Ch an as its

957wi tnesses. Respondent 's Exhibits numbered 1 through 8, and 10 were

969admitted as evidence. Respondent 's Exhibit numbered 9 was denied


980The exhibits by the parties both those admitted, denied

989admission, and left with the record , are transmitted wi th this

1000Recommended Order .

1003There was an indication that a transcript might be ordered and

1014filed for consideration by the a dministrative l aw j udge . Later a

1028decision was made not to order the t ranscript . Petitioner filed a

"1041Notice of Intent to File a Rec ommended Order ." This pleading w as

1055responded to in writing by Respondent . Having considered the

1065Notice of Intent and response , a post - hearing scheduling conference

1076was held by telephone on February 21, 2006 , and a post - hearing

1089scheduling order entered fo llowing that conference .

1097The parties filed p roposed r ecommended o rder s which have been

1110considered in preparing the Recommended Order .


11201. Petitioner a s an "aggrieved person" filed a complaint with

1131FCHR. § 760.02(10), Fl a . Stat . ( 20 05 ).

11432. Given the posture of this case, Respondent is an

"1153employer" employing 15 or more employees in each of 20 or more

1165calendar weeks within the period contemplated by Petitioner 's

1174complaint. It is so inferred. § 760.02(7), Fl a . Stat . ( 2005 )

11893. P etitioner 's race as he describes it, and it is found, is


12044 . In October 2003 Petitioner began employment with

1213Respondent in its Bureau of Laboratory Services, Jacksonville,

1221Florida , as a Medical Laboratory Scientist III (Scientist III) .

1231His stat us was as a probationary employee. He remained in that

1243status throughout his employment with Respondent .

12505. Before beginning employment with Respondent , Petitioner

1257had earned a bachelor of science in micro biology in 1982 from the

1270University of Alabama. In 1989 he earn ed a m aster ' s of science in

1286micro biology from that same institution. In 1996 he was awarded a

1298Ph . D . in microbiology from the University of Alabama.

13096 . Upon achieving his m aster ' s degree , Petitioner served as a

1323research assistant for t he University of Alabama at Birmingham from

1334September 1, 1989 through December 31, 1992. Part of that

1344employment overlapped his employment as a graduate researcher from

1353September 1, 1992 through May 29, 1996 , at the University of

1364Alabama in Tus caloosa , Al abama. There was overlapping service at

1375the University of Alabama at Tus caloosa in the period of

1386September 2, 1992 through April 29, 1996 , when Petitioner had a

1397position as a teaching assistant.

14027 . Between September 5, 1996 and February 25, 2000,

1412Pet itioner worked as a research fellow for the National Institute

1423of Health at the University of Florida in Gainesville , Florida ,

1433where , as he indicated in an employment application , " Petitioner

1442was responsible for developing new recombinant Interferon Gamma

1450li gands and receptors for the treatment of viral disease and cancer

1462(accomplished). Responsible for supervision [sic] (two) graduate

1469students i n molecular techniques. "

14748 . Following the work with the National Institute of Health ,

1485Petitioner took a posi tion with ELISA Technologies, Inc. , in

1495Gainesville , Florida , as a laboratory director for the period

1504March 1, 2000 through February 5, 2003 , in which his application

1515for a job position indicated that Petitioner was: "R esponsible for

1526directing laboratory t esting of customer samples and supervising a

1536five - member staff. Responsible for developing, performing, and

1545directing new test development for the CDC and WHO (accomplished).

1555All other research and development projects (accomplished). "

15629 . Petitioner n ext worked at Jacksonville University in

1572Jacksonville , Florida , as a adjunct assistant professor from what

1581is perceived the date of January 6, 2003 through his employment

1592with Respondent in its Bureau of Laboratory Services. While

1601serving as an adjunct a ssistant professor Petitioner in his job

1612application recounts that he was : " Responsible for teaching

1621nursing and biology majors microbiology courses. Responsible for

1629teaching general - clinical laboratory techniques. "

163510. In his role as Scientist III w ith Respondent , Petitioner

1646was expected to meet the following expectations:

16531) Will learn DNA fingerprinting methods for

1660salmonella and tuberculosis as well as 16S

1667sequencing. Will learn techniques sufficiently

1672to act as a back - up as needed.

1681Tim eframe: November - January

16862) Will oversee development of universal

1692procedural manual for all testing in molecular

1699section. Will produce master copy by end of


1708Timeframe: November - February

17123) Will oversee the development and

1718docu mentation of quality control, quality

1724assurance and proficiency testing procedures

1729in the molecular section. Will incorporate all

1736into a single document by the end of March.

1745Timeframe: November - March

17494) Will eventually be responsible for the

1756ordering of all equipment and reagents for the

1764molecular section. Duties to include monthly

1770reconciliation reports.

1772Timeframe: November - April

17765) Will represent the molecular section in the

1784development of BOLIMS. Will become familiar

1790with repo rting and date management of all

1798reports generated in the molecular section .

1805Timeframe: November - Ongoing

18096) Will act as back - up for BT testing. Will

1820learn all procedures once security clearance

1826has been granted.

1829Timeframe: January - Ongoing

18337) Will assist in implementation of VNTR - MIRU

1842and PCR testing for malaria.

1847Timeframe: January - Ongoing

1851The months reflected in thi s statement of expectations bega n in

1863November 2003 and extended into 2004 .

18701 1 . In his role as a Scie ntist III Petitioner had no

1884supervisory duties. He was given projects to do. He was provided

1895an appraisal task form in relation to his responsibilities.

1904Petitioner also worked on a QA/QC manual (quality assurance and

1914quality control).

191612. Initially Petitioner was supervised by Dennis Nolan.

1924Mr. Nolan left his employment with Respondent to take another

1934position. Dr. Dean Willis, who has a doctorate in public health ,

1945became Petitioner 's supervisor with Mr. Nolan's departure.

19531 3 . The interaction be tween Petitioner and other members of

1965the laboratory at Jacksonville is reflected in the Petitioner 's

1975Exhibits numbered 4, 5, 6, 11, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 and 45.

1990This series of e - mail s are an indication of Petitioner 's

2003participation in the organizat ion a n d inclusion in the efforts of

2016that organization in carrying forward its du t ies.

20251 4 . Petitioner during his employment in the Scientist III

2036position worked on a malaria project. In addition h e w orked on a

2050whooping cough test.

20531 5 . Earlier in his e mployment Petitioner under went a

2065performance appraisal or review of his work.

20721 6 . In February 2004 when Mr. Nolan resigned from the

2084laboratory in Jacksonville , h is position as B A II , an SES -

2097classified position in the personnel system in Florida govern ment ,

2107came open. In that month Respondent advertised to fill the

2117position. In that solicitation Petitioner was the only applicant

2126to replace Mr. Nolan . As a consequence the position was re -


214017. The initial advertisement for BA II positio n closed on

2151February 16, 2004 . The second advertisement for that position

2161closed on March 15, 2004 . The information concerning the position

2172was the same in both instances.

21781 8 . Dr. Willis as the responsible person at the Jacksonville

2190laboratory , decide d to re - advertise the position to try and attract

2203additional applicants. The position was re - advertised and more

2213candidates expressed an interest by applying for the position.

2222Petitioner was among the applicants applying du r ing the re -

2234advertisement. Unl ike the circumstance in the first advertisement,

2243on t his occasion there was the expectation that someone would be

2255hired for the BA II position. Ultimately Dr. Ming S. Chan, Chief

2267of La boratory Services, also referred to as a Bureau Chief for

2279Respondent at its Jacksonville office , condoned the re -

2288advertisement. Dr. Chan holds a Ph.D. in chem istry .

22981 9 . Among the candidates for the BA II position , four had

2311their applications considered and were interviewed for the

2319position. Petitioner was among the candid ates who se applications

2329were reviewed and who underwent an interview. The applications

2338were considered and interviews conducted by Dr. Willis and by

2348Susanne Crowe, another BA II at the Jacksonville laboratory . She

2359holds a master ' s in health and an underg raduate degree in biology.

237320. Ms . Crowe was chosen to interview candidates for the

2384available BA II position as a person who was in a similar position

2397within the organization.

240021. Th e result of the process for ranking the candidates

2411whose applicatio ns were considered and who underwent an interview

2421for the job placement w as that Dr. David Stuart Beall, a non -

2435Hispanic white male, was selected to fill the BA II position as the

2448top ranked candidate, with Petitioner placing second among the four


245922. The other two persons interviewed for the BA II were

2470interviewed by phone . I t is not perceived that any advantage was

2483created for those persons interviewed by phone compared to the live

2494interviews afforded Petitioner and Dr. Beall , given the ranking of

2504the candidates.

250623. When Dr. Beall applied for the BA II position he was

2518working for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) and

2531was housed in the offices of the Bureau of L aboratory Services in

2544Jacksonville , Florida . Dr. Beall decided to apply for the BA II

2556position without prompting from anyone employed by Respondent . He

2566was not given any special training to allow him to gain the BA II

2580position nor allowed any other form of preference that could be

2591considered discriminatory when compa red to the opportunities made

2600available to Petitioner . The office that Dr. Beall was placed in

2612before he became an employee with Respondent in the BA II position ,

2624was based upon space available and not in furtherance of a

2635preference that aided Dr. Beall i n gaining the BA II position.

264724 . By comparison to Petitioner in the application process,

2657the details within the Petitioner 's application , which have already

2667been described as to education and work history, the following

2677information was provided by Dr. Beall in his application for the

2688BA II position. He graduated from the University of Fl orida in

27001986 with a bachelor of science in microbiology and cell science.

2711He received a masters in microbiology and cell science from that

2722instit ution in 1992. He earned a Ph.D. i n microbiology and cell

2735science in 1995 from the University of Florida .

274425 . Dr. Beall served as a graduate assistant at the

2755University of Florida from June 1, 1989, through August 1, 1995.

2766During that time , as he indicated in his app lication he:

2777E xecuted several lab projects including the

2784study of ethanol fermentation by recombinant

2790Escherichia coli expressing Zymomonas mobilis

2795pdc and ad hb genes for the conversion of x y lose

2807and other bio mass carbohydrates to fuel

2814ethanol. Also iso lated and genetically

2820engineered several novel strengths of Erwinia

2826for the production of fuel ethanol from waste

2834plant biomass.

283626 . From November 1, 1996 , through March 31, 19 99, Dr. Beall

2849worked as a post - doctorial research associate with the CDC. During

2861that time as the application described he :

2869Designed and executed experiments that resulted

2875in the identification of several differentially

2881expressed gene products that are associated

2887with the induction of latency in Mycobacterium

2894. Inco rporated design improvements to the

2901shift - down model for MTB growth. Part of this

2911with TB lead to the issuance of a U . S . for an

2925assay to detect antigens associated with latent

2932tuberculosis infections. Attempted to identify

2937Mycobacterium tuberculosis viru lence factors

2942using RNA subtractive hybridizationained

2946new laboratory technicians how to work safely

2953inside a BSL - 3 containment facility.

296027 . From April 5, 1999, through April 30, 2000, Dr. Beall

2972worked as a guest researcher for the CDC , during wh ich time he as

2986the application described:

2989H elped organize and contributed work to several

2997lab projects including the development of novel

3004assays for bacterial meningitis detection in

3010clinical samples using TaqMan and Light Cycler

3017technologies and the seq uencing of t he variable

3026loop regions of the porA gene from several

3034hundred clinical i solates of Neisseria

3040meningitidis .

304228 . From August 4, 2000, until March 12, 2004 , Dr. Beall

3054acted as a visiting professor of biology at the University of North

3066Flori da in Jacksonville , Florida , during which time as his

3076application relates:

3078My duties involve instruction of approximately

3084three to four hundred students in lecture and

3092laboratory sections per semester along with

3098organizing and coordinating the presentation of

3104each courseA, A's materials and tests.

3110Additionally, I provide recommendations for

3115students entering professional programs and

3120mentor students for their senior presentations.

3126Beyond my teaching responsibilit ies I help

3133administer and the development of the Masters

3140degree program as well as participate search

3147committees to fill vacancies. This past summer

3154seme ster I developed and instructed the

3161Pathogenic Bacteriology course.

316429. The applications for the BA II position executed by

3174Petitioner an d Dr. Beall had a section which called upon the

3186applicants to set forth in their own words the

3195knowledge/skills/abilities that they believed they would bring to

3203the position. In that context Petitioner said about himself:

3212Knowledge and skills needed to isolation [sic]

3219and identification [sic] (biochemical and

3224Molecular procedures ) pathogenic and medically

3230important bacteria and some viruses. Knowledge

3236and skills need ed to identify Mycobacterium

3243tuberculosis complex (biochemical and Molecular

3248procedures) . Experience in supervising testing

3254staff and directing basic and applied research

3261projects. Working and written knowledge of

3267CLIA, CAP, GMP, and ISO 2000 requirements for

3275QA/QC. Ability to generate, analyze, present

3281and publish (independently and colla boratively)

3287data in referred scientific Journals. Ability

3293to implement, direct, and complete simple and

3300complex projects.

330230. In contrast, Dr. Beall related his knowledge/skills/

3310abilities as being:

3313My formal training has afforded me a wide range

3322of technical skills. My graduate school

3328projects focused on the genetic engineering and

3335development of novel, environmental benign

3340methods of producing fuel ethanol from waste

3347pla nt material. These studies reli ed heavily

3355on knowledge of m ole c ula r biology , bacterial

3365genetics, and cellular physiology. My

3370postdoctoral training as an ASM/NCID fellow at

3377the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

3384in Atlanta provided me invaluable experience in

3391fields of Public Health and bacterial

3397pathogenesis. This wor k in volved the

3404development of mo del growth systems and nucleic

3412acid based assays for detecting pathogenic

3418bacteria such as N. meningitides, H.

3424influenzae, and M. tuberculosis. There I

3430adapted traditional assays for use with the

3437latest generation PCR machines TaqmanA, A and

3444Light CyclerA, A. I have also trained and

3452supervised numerous laboratory personnel in the

3458techniques of molecular biology and advanced

3464laboratory safety practices. I managed and

3470supervised the projects of a variety of

3477associates including visiting researchers, lab

3482technicians, and student interns.

34863 1 . The occupation profile related to the BA II position , for

3499which the candidates contended, indicated in the way of Ex amples of

3511W ork:

3513Plans laboratory serv ices according to

3519statewide program needs. Consults with county

3525health officers and staff regarding laboratory

3531procedures and program planning related to

3537laboratory testing. Coordinates state and

3542federal laboratory services in outbreaks or

3548situations whe n testing by specialized

3554laboratory units is required. Consult to

3560physicians and private hospital laborato ries.

3566Plans and participates in special research

3572projects. Performs comparative evaluation of

3577new and existing laboratory procedures.

3582Prepares rep orts and provides information to

3589the director, assistant director and program


359632 . Further , the occupation profile set out examples of job

3607characteristics when it stated:

3611Provide Consultation and Providing consultation and expert

3618Advice t o Others advice to management or other

3627g roups on technical, systems -

3633r elated, or process related


3639Communicating With Pro viding informat ion to

3646Other Workers fellow workers, and subordinates.

3652This information can be exchanged

3657face - to - face, in writing, or via

3666telephone/electroni c transfer.

3669Documenting/Recording Entering, transcribing, recording,

3673Information storing, or maintaining information

3678in either written form or by

3684electronic/magnetic recording.

3686Getting Information Needed Observing, receiving, and otherwise

3693To Do The Job obtaining information from all

3701relevant sources.

3703Developing and Encouraging and build ing mutual

3710Building Teams trust, respect, and cooperation

3716a mong team members.

3720Analyzing Data Identifying underlying principles,

3725or Information reasons, or fac ts by breaking down

3734information or data into separate


3740Updating and Using Keeping up - to - date and knowing

3751Job - Relevant Knowledge one's own jobs' and related jobs'

3761and related jobs' functions.

3765Communicating With Persons Communicating with persons outside

3772Outside Organization the organization, representing the

3778organization to customers, the

3782public, government, and other

3786external sources. This information

3790can be exchanged face - to - face, in

3799writing, or via telephone/electronic


3804Establishing and Developing constructive and

3809Maintaining Relationships cooperative working relationships

3814with others.

3816Developing Objectives Establishing long range objectives

3822and Strategies and specifying the strategies and

3829actions to achieve these objectives.

383433 . Within BA II position examples of knowledge, skills, and

3845abilities were to the following e ffect:

3852Coordination Adjusting actions in relation to

3858others' actions

3860Reading Comprehension Understanding written sentences and

3866paragraphs in work related documents

3871Critical Thinking Using logic and analysis to identify

3879the strengths and weaknesses of

3884different approaches

3886Speaking Talking to others to effectively

3892convey information

3894Judgment and Decision Weighing the relative costs and

3902Making benefits of a potential action

3908Time Management Managing one's own time and the time

3917of others

3919Implementation Planning Developing approaches for

3924implementing an idea

3927Management of Personnel Motivating, developing, and dire cting

3935Resources people as they work, identifying the

3942best people for the job

3947Identification of Identifying the things that must be

3955Key Causes changed to achieve a goal

3962Visioning Developing an image of how a system

3970Should work under ideal conditions

3975Administration Knowledge of principles and processes

3981and Manageme nt involved in business and

3988organizational planning,

3990coordination, and execution. This

3994may include strategic planning,

3998resource allocation, manpower

4001modeling, leadership techniques, and

4005production methods.

4007English Language Knowledge of the structure and

4014content of th e English language

4020i ncluding the meaning and spelling

4026of words, rules of composition, and


4033Mathematics Knowledge of numbers, their

4038operations, and interrelations

4041including one or more of the

4047following: arithmetic, algebra,

4050geometry, calculus, statistics,

4053and their applications

4056Chemistry Knowledge of the composition,

4061structure, and properties of sub -

4067stances and of the chemical

4072pro cesses and transformations

4076that they undergo. This includes

4081uses of chemical s and their inter -

4089actions, danger signs, production

4093techni ques, and disposal methods

4098Economics and Accounting Knowledge of economic and accounting

4106principles and practices, the

4110fi nancial markets, banking, and the

4116analysis and reporting of financial


4122Law, Government Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court

4130and Jurisprudence procedures, precedents, government

4135regulations, executive orders, agency

4139rules, and the democratic political


414534 . The job description for BA II stated that the employee

"4157must be licensed or eligible for a clinical/public health

4166laboratory license at the supervisor level ." Petitioner held a

4176clinical laboratory technician's license issued by the State of

4185Florida , Department of Health, Divisio n of Medical Qualit y

4195Assurance. He did not, and neither did Dr. Beall , hold a license

4207as a clinical/public health laboratory licensee at the supervisory


421735 . Both Petitioner and Dr. Beall met the education

4227requirements for BA II that called upon the candidate to have a

4239masters or equivalent work exper ience. Both candidates had Ph.D. s.

425036 . The candidates for the BA II position were scored in

4262relation to their application s through a matrix. Within th e ma trix

4275was the consideration of education, experience, to include years of

4285experience, supervisory experience, and management experience .

4292There was a potential score for veterans' preference. Neither

4301candidate , Petitioner nor Dr. Beall was entitled to vete rans '

4312points. There was a score for licensure in a supervisor s or

4324directors capacity, as to eligibility as well as licensure . There

4335was a score for writing ability and a score for public health lab

4348experience. Th e matrix scores for Dr. Beall and Petitio ner

4359respectively are found within Respondent 's Exhibits numbered 5 and

43696 admitted as evidence. In the last analysis, Dr. Beall received a

438168 on his application. Petitioner received a 61. The differences

4391in the scores pertain to a two point difference fo r ability to

4404communicate in writing , in which Dr. Beall received a score of 8

4416out of 10 and Petitioner received a score of 6 out of 10 possible

4430points. Dr. Beall received 10 points maximum for having worked at

4441least three years in a public health lab, whe re as Petitioner did

4454not receive points in that category. Apparently the basis for

4464assigning the points for p ublic health lab experience was in

4475relation to Dr. Beall 's experience with the CDC referred to in his

4488application. Petitioner scored 15 points fo r work experience and

4498Dr. Beall received 10 points.

450337 . Petitioner and Dr. Beall were interviewed by Dr. Willis

4514and Ms. Crowe, with each interviewer assigning scores for the

4524interview to the respective candidates. Dr. Willis assigned

4532Dr. Beall a score of 73.5 and Petitioner a score of 65 for the

4546interview. Ms. Crowe assigned Dr. Beall a score of 72 and

4557Petitioner a score of 64 for the interview. The scores in relation

4569to the interviews were averaged. That average was added to the

4580score received for the application review , t he result being that

4591Dr. Beall received an overall score of 138.25 and Petitioner a

4602score of 125.50 when finally concluded . In fact, the chart

4613reflecting these scores and averages is such that the actual score

4624for Dr. Beall by tha t process could have been somewhat higher than

4637is reflected in the chart. The chart is Respondent 's Exhibit

4648numbered 7 admitted as evidence .

46543 8 . Ms . Crowe in her testimony established that Petitioner

4666was disorganized during his interview session to ob tain the BA II


46793 9 . The ranking of the candidates for the BA II position was

4693first assigned on April 13, 2004 . Petitioner was not satisfied

4704with the outcome in which he was not offered the job. He refers to

4718an April 14, 2004 discussion pertaining to the interview score he

4729received aside from the assignment of points during the application

4739evaluation. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 14 admitted as evidence

4747is constituted of an e - mail sent from Petitioner to Dr. Willis , the

4761subject being the April 14, 2004 discussion of the interview score.

4772It also refers to a meeting on the morning May 4, 2004 , between

4785Petitioner and Dr. Willis on the decision that had been reached to

4797hire Dr. Beall . The emphasis in this communication related to

4808Petitioner 's backgro und and his complaints about the score received

4819in the interview. At the end of this communication Petitioner

4829described how he stood on professional principle and was seeking

4839reciprocation of those principles in what he refers to as "this

4850grievance proces s and in the future." In the e - mail to Dr. Willis

4865Petitioner referred to, "elimination of a candidate based on race

4875is especially frightening when the minority candidate is more

4884qualified than the individual offered the position." The e - mail

4895was sent fro m Petitioner to Dr. Willis on May 18, 2004 , as amended

4909on that same date by a separate E - mail . On May 24, 2004 ,

4924Dr. Willis acknowledged receipt of the E - mail .

493440. The effect of Petitioner 's complaints about the scoring

4944directed to Dr. Willis led to f urther review by Dr. Willis . The

4958outcome was that 5 points Dr. Beall received for manageme nt

4969experience in relation to his application were deducted , while 15

4979points were added for eligibility for licensure as a director.

4989This ad jus tment is reflected in the scoring matrix previously

5000described. Petitioner was not assigned any points for management

5009experience and received the same 15 points for eligibility to be

5020licensed as laboratory director that were assigned to Dr. Beall in

5031his application. This outco me i s also reflected in the scoring

5043matrix previously described.

504641. The decision to hire Dr. Beall for the BA II position was

5059not based upon race or a decision contrary to Petitioner 's race.

507142 . Sometime in the latter part of May 2004 , Dr. Beall

5083assumed the BA II position and became Petitioner 's superv isor by

5095virtue of being hired in the position.

510243. At about the same time Petitioner made an internal

5112complaint, a complaint within the Respondent Agency claiming

5120discrimination on the basis of race , pertaining to the manner in

5131which Dr. Beall was selected for the BA II position to the

5143exclusion of Petitioner . The internal complaint which Petitioner

5152filed was with Respondent 's EEOC Office.

515944 . Petitioner was not satisfied with the internal proce ss

5170for resolving his complaint of discrimination through the

5178Respondent and decided to file a complaint with FCHR , which forms

5189the basis for the present case.

519545 . After Dr. Beall became Petitioner 's supervisor he

5205reviewed Petitioner 's work. He observed that Petitioner was aloof,

5215difficult, recalcitrant, obstructive, and had a questionable

5222demeanor. He found Petitioner 's work to be unorganized. He met

5233several times with Petitioner to address the question of

5242organization. Responses required from Petiti oner to Dr. Beall were

5252not prompt or clear when made. There was a problem about failure

5264to contact Dr. Beall as supervisor when Petitioner decided to take

5275leave. Petitioner claimed to have been at work when he was not at

5288work, as Dr. Beall perceived the situation.

529546 . Dr. Willis , who supervised Dr. Beall at that time , was

5307aware of Dr. Beall 's concerns about Petitioner 's performance , i n

5319particular, his lack of cooperation and the inability to find

5329Petitioner at the office, in t h at Petitioner would leave the

5341premises without advising Dr. Beall .

53474 7 . By comparison, d uring the time that Dr. Willis supervised

5360Petitioner there was a situation concerning a county health

5369d epartment and tests for rabies. Petitioner became involved and

5379gave a response to the i nquiry by the c ounty h ealth agency that

5394Dr. Willis considered to be inaccurate or misleading. This lead to

5405a sit ua tion in which the person within the Bureau of Laboratory

5418Services who properly should have responded to the county agency

5428inquiry , being addr essed by Petitioner in a manner that Dr. Willis

5440found troubling , as to Petitioner 's ability to work with other

5451persons within Respondent agency.

54554 8 . Eventually Dr. Beall recommended that Petitioner be

5465dismissed from his position before completing hi s probationary

5474period. The reason for this recommendation related to Petitioner 's

5484demeanor, to include his willingness to cooperate w h i le undergoing

5496th e review of his work. The re were issues with reports rendered by

5510Petitioner , considered to be lacking i n professionalism, problems

5519with attendance and leave and a lack of progress in the list of

5532expectations that have been referred to earlier. Dr. Willis

5541concurred with the recommendation that Petitioner be dismissed.

5549Linda Boutwell, who was personnel offi cer within the Bureau of

5560L aboratory Services in Jacksonville , was also consulted concerning

5569the dismissal. Concerning the disposition of Petitioner 's

5577employment, Caroll David Fulgher was consulted as an employee of

5587Respondent 's Office of Human Resources i n Tallahassee . It was

5599explained to Mr. Fulgher that Petitioner tended to ignore his

5609supervisor Dr. Beall and to do w hat Petitioner preferred , contrary

5620to the wishes of his supervisor . It was explained to Mr. Fulgher

5633that the quality of Petitioner 's w ork was not satisfactory and that

5646difficulties were experienced in relation to Petitioner 's

5654attendance and leave. Following discussion with Mr. Fulgher , it

5663was suggested that the matter be considered by the Bureau Chief,

5674Dr. Chan . Mr. Fulgher prepared a lett er dismissing Petitioner from

5686his employment. This letter was dated October 13, 2004. It was

5697signed by Dr. Chan indicating his agreement with the choice to

5708dismiss Petitioner . Respondent 's Exhibit numbered 10 is a copy of

5720that letter. It was presented to Petitioner , thus terminating his

5730employment with Respondent .

57344 9 . The supervision of Petitioner , to include supervision by

5745Dr. Beall , evidenced no discriminatory intent based upon race, n or

5756was the choice to dismiss Petitioner one motivated by any des ire to

5769retaliate against Petitioner for his complaint concerning the

5777decision to hire Dr. Beall in preference to Petitioner for the

5788BA II position.


579450 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

5803over the parties and the su bject matter of this proceeding i n

5816accordance with Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 760.11 ( 7 ), Florida

5827Statutes (200 5 ) .

58325 1 . Petitioner is an "aggrieved person" within the meaning of

5844Section 760.02 (10) , Florida Statutes ( 200 5 ). Respondent is an

"5856empl oyer" within the meaning of Section 760.02(7), Florida

5865Statutes ( 200 5 ).

58705 2 . As Petitioner 's employer Respondent is accused of an

5882unlawful employment practice for failing to promote (hire) to the

5892BA II position as a black male , instead hiring Dr. Beall , a non -

5906Hi spanic white male to the BA II position. This action is

5918allegedly in violation of Section 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes

5926( 2003 ), which makes it unlawful for an employer:

5936To . . . fail or refuse to hire any individual,

5947or otherwise to discrimina te against any

5954individual with respect to compensation, terms,

5960conditions, or privileges of employment,

5965because of such individual's race. . . . .

59745 3 . In addition , Petitioner has accused Respondent of

5984retaliation for discharging Petitioner from his posit ion as a

5994Scientist III because Petitioner complained when he was not hired

6004for the BA II position. By his action Respondent is accused by

6016Petitioner of violating Section 760.10(7), Florida Statutes ( 2004 ),

6026which states:

6028It is an unlawful employment pra ctice for an

6037employer . . . to discriminate against any

6045person because that person has opposed any

6052practice which is an unlawful employment

6058practice under this section, or because that

6065person has made a charge, testified, assisted,

6072or participated in any m anner in an

6080investigation, proceeding, or hearing under

6085this section.

60875 4 . The provisions of Chapter 760 , Florida Statutes , related

6098to this case are comparable to those of Title VII of the Civil

6111Rights of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e, et seq. Consequently , those

6122cases which interpret Title VII are applicable to Chapter 760,

6132Florida Statutes . School Board of Leon County v. Hargis , 400

6143So. 2d 103 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Brand v. Florida Power Corp. , 633

6156So. 2d 504 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994); and Florida Department of Community

6168Affairs v. Bryant , 586 So. 2d 1205 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

61795 5 . In filing his complaint of discrimination with FCHR

6190Petitioner has complied with a time requirement set out in Section

6201760.11(1), Florida Statutes ( 2004 ). In turn , Petitioner ha s timely

6213complied with the time requir ement set forth for filing his

6224P etition for R elief in association with his request f or an

6237administrative hearing as called for in Section 760.11(7), Florida

6246Statutes ( 2005 ).

62505 6 . Concerning the failure to hire or pro mote Petitioner to

6263the BA II position, while choosing Dr. Beall , Petitioner is

6273alleging d isparat e treatment based upon his race. Petitioner bears

6284the burden of proof to establish those claims as recognized in

6295McDonnell Douglass v. Green , 411 U.S. 792 (197 3); Texas Department

6306of Community Affairs v. Burdine , 450 U.S. 248 (1981) and St. Mary's

6318Honor Center v. Hicks , 509 U.S. 502 (1993).

63265 7 . Petitioner must m e et the initial burden of establishing a

6340prima facie cas e of discrimination. Should Petitioner mee t that

6351initial burden, the burden then shifts to Respondent to articulate

6361a legitimate, non - discriminatory explanation for its decision to

6371hire Dr. Beall and not Petitioner . Department of Corrections v.

6382Chandler , 582 So. 2d 1183 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991). The nature of

6394Petitioner 's burden is one of production not persuasion. It need

6405only be shown that Petitioner 's decision in its hiring choice for

6417BA II was non - discriminatory. Alexander v. Fulton County, Georgia ,

6428207 F.3d 1303 (11th Cir. 2000). Where Respond ent meets it burden

6440of production, then Petitioner must be persuasive in his effort to

6451demonstrate that Respondent 's proffered reason for choosing

6459Dr. Beall is a pretext for intentional discrimination against

6468Petitioner .

64705 8 . Going forward , to establish a prima facie case of racial

6483discrimination based upon the disparate treatment of not hiring

6492Petitioner for the BA II position, while favoring Dr. Beall for

6503that job, Petitioner must show : (1) that he is a member of a

6517protected minority; (2) that he was qu alified an d applied for the

6530promotion to BA II ; (3) that he was rejected despite those

6541qualifications; and (4) that someone equally or less qualified to

6551fill the position and not a member of a protected minority was

6563promoted. Lee v. GTE Florida, Inc. , 226 F.3d 1249 , 1253, (11th

6574Cir. 2000), relying upon Taylor v. Rynon 175 F.3d 861, 866 (11th

6586Cir. 1999).

65885 9 . Petitioner as a black male is member of a protected

6601minority, who applied for and was qualified to fill the BA II

6613position. He was rejected de sp i t e the qualifications and

6625Dr. Beall , not a member of the protected minority , was placed in

6637the BA II position with equal qualifications.

664460 . Notwithstanding the prima facie showing concerning the

6653treatment Petitioner received in relation to the BA II pos ition ,

6664Respondent 's explanation of its decision to promote to hire

6674Dr. Beall is not a matter of pretext. There was a legitimate

6686reason articulated for re - advertising the BA II position due to the

6699lack of competition in the first advertisement , with the

6708ex pectation that more applicants would improve the process for

6718hiring. Concerning the second advertisement Petitioner was not

6726discriminated against on any basis, race included , when being

6735considered for the BA II position under the pro cess established for

6747a ssessing application s and interviewing other candidates.

6755Respondent 's reasons for ranking Dr. Beall first and Petitioner

6765second and choosing Dr. Beall for the position based on that

6776ranking , does not evidence any form of discriminatory intent in the

6787hirin g process. Respondent having met its burden of production of

6798proof that the decision it reached to hire Dr. Beall and not

6810Petitioner was non - discriminatory, it was left t o Petitioner to be

6823persuasive in proving that the proffered reason was pretext for

6833in tentional discrimination. Petitioner has failed to offer proof

6842that establishes the explanation given by Respondent constitutes

6850pretext for intentional discrimination.

68546 1 . Petitioner also alleges retaliation when Respondent

6863decided to separate him from his employment as a Scientist III , to

6875terminate the employment, a decision which Petitioner alleges was

6884motivated by his complaint when Petitioner was not hired/promoted

6893to the BA II position. To prove a prima facie case of retaliation

6906Petitioner must sh ow: (1) he engaged in statutorily protected

6916expression; (2) he suffered an adverse employment action ; and

6925(3) the adverse employment action was causally related to the

6935protected activity. See Harper v. Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. ,

6943139 F.3d 1385, 1 388 (11th Cir. 1998). In the event that Petitioner

6956established a prima facie case of retaliation, it is incumbent upon

6967Respondent to present evidence of a legitimate non - discriminatory

6977reason for terminating Petitioner 's employment with Respondent .

698662. Petitioner proved that he engaged in protected activity

6995when complaining about the failure to promote or to hire him for

7007the BA II position. Beyond that time he was separated from his

7019employment in the Scientist III position, terminated , a n employment

7029ac tion adverse to his interest. There was no connection between

7040the complaint and the termination. There was n o prima facie

7051showing of retaliation . Moreover , Respondent had a legitimate

7060reason for the separation that terminated Petitioner 's employment.

7069R espondent engaged in the process of evaluating Petitioner 's

7079performance as a probationary employee without discriminatory

7086intent directed to Petitioner based upon race ; rather, the basis

7096for deciding the issue was in relation to his performance as a

7108probat ionary employee. This process was as recognized in Chapter

7118110, Florida Statutes ( 2004 ) , in particular in view of the

7130discussion of probation as reflected in Section 110.227, Florida

7139Statutes ( 2004 ).


7144Upon consideration of the facts foun d and the conclusions of

7155law reached, it is


7160That a final order be entered dismissing Petitioner 's claims

7170of discrimination and retaliation based upon race.

7177DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of Ma rch , 200 6 , in Tallahassee,

7190Leon Co unty, Florida.




7199Administrative Law Judge

7202Division of Administrative Hearings

7206The DeSoto Building

72091230 Apalachee Parkway

7212Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7217(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

7225Fax Filing (85 0) 921 - 6847


7233Filed with the Clerk of the

7239Division of Administrative Hearings

7243this 28th day of March, 2006 .


72511 / Petitioner did not advance his request for relief in relation

7263to the B RTR position calling for a disposition of that subject.


7278Marino M. Green

72813023 Golden Pond Boulevard

7285Orange Park , Florida 32 073

7290Stephen M. Foxwell, Esquire

7294Department of Health

72974 052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

7306Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

7311Cecil Howard, General Counsel

7315Florida Commission on Human Relations

73202009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

7325Tallahassee, Florida 32301

7328Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

7332Florida Commission on Human Re lations

73382009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

7343Tallahassee, Florida 32301


7352All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

7363days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

7374this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

7385issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appeal dismissed.
Date: 07/24/2006
Proceedings: Certified Appeal of a Recommended Order mailed to the First District Court of Appeal.
Date: 07/24/2006
Proceedings: Letter requesting Indigency filed (attachment, income tax information, not available for viewing).
Date: 07/24/2006
Proceedings: Certificate of Indigency.
Date: 07/14/2006
Proceedings: Appeal of a Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/14/2006
Proceedings: Docketing Statement and Notice of Appearance of Counsel filed.
Date: 07/03/2006
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant shall within 30 days from the date of this order, either file a certified copy of the lower tribunal`s order of insolvency for appellate pruposes.
Date: 07/03/2006
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant is directed to file within 10 days from the date of this order conformed copies of the order of the order of the lower tribunal from which the appeal is taken.
Date: 07/03/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Ann Cole from Jon Wheeler acknowledging receipt of notice of appeal, DCA Case No. 1D06-3308.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 27, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/03/2006
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/02/2006
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/22/2006
Proceedings: Post-hearing Scheduling Order (deadline for filing proposed recommended orders by the parties is March 2, 2006; deadline for entering the recommended order is March 22, 2006).
Date: 02/16/2006
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner`s Notice of Intent to File a Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/16/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to File a Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/27/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/25/2006
Proceedings: Order (motion is denied and the hearing shall proceed as scheduled).
Date: 01/23/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/05/2006
Proceedings: Order (relief requested is beyond the jurisdiction of this forum to grant).
Date: 12/21/2005
Proceedings: Answer to Petition for Determination filed.
Date: 12/16/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Determination filed.
Date: 11/17/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 11/15/2005
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 27, 2006, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by November 15, 2005).
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 11/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Supplement to Witness List filed.
Date: 11/01/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witnesses filed.
Date: 09/23/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for November 14, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination fled.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):