05-003245 Department Of Health vs. James L. Smith
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 6, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Clear and convincing evidence indicates that Respondent repaired a sewage treatment and disposal system without a permit or a required inspection.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3245




29Respondent. )



34A formal hearing was conducted in this case on November 22,

452005, by video teleconference between Tallahassee, Florida, and

53Jacksonville, Florida, before Suzanne F. Hood, Administrative

60Law Judge with the Division of Administrative Hearings.


69For Petitioner: Ca therine Berry, Esquire

75Department of Health

78515 West Sixth Street, MC33

83Jacksonville, Florida 32206

86For Respondent: James Smith, pro se

92All Florida Septic Tank Serv ice, Inc.

998300 West Beaver Street

103Jacksonville, Florida 32220


110The issues are whether Respondent violated Florida

117Administrative Code Rules 64E - 6.022(1)(b)2., 64E - 6.022(1)(d),

126and 64E - 6. 022(1)(p) by repairing an onsite sewage disposal

137system without a permit, resulting in missed inspections, and if

147so, what penalty should be imposed.


155On March 10, 2004, Petitioner Department of Health

163(Petitioner) issued a Cita tion for Violation against Respondent

172James L. Smith (Respondent). The citation alleged that

180Respondent had violated the standards for an onsite sewage

189disposal system by completing contract work without a permit,

198resulting in missed inspections. On Marc h 30, 2004, Respondent

208requested an administrative hearing to dispute material facts

216alleged in the citation.

220On June 22, 2004, Petitioner referred the case to the

230Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). The case was

238assigned to Administrative Law Judge Charles A. Stampelos as

247DOAH Case No. 04 - 2226.

253DOAH issued an Initial Order on June 23, 2004. Because the

264parties did not file a written response to the Initial Order,

275Judge Stampelos issued an Order dated July 16, 2004. Said o rder

287direc ted the parties to respond to the Initial Order on or

299before July 23, 2004.

303Respondent and Petitioner filed unilateral responses to

310Judge Stampelos's Order on July 22, 2004, and July 23, 2004,

321respectively. Subsequently, DOAH transferred the case to the


330A Notice of Hearing dated July 30, 2004, scheduled the case

341for hearing on October 5, 2004. Thereafter, it became obvious

351that DOAH Case No. 04 - 2226 was factually related to DOAH Case

364No. 04 - 2020, which was scheduled for hearing on November 16,

3762004. Accordingly, an Order dated September 27, 2004,

384rescheduled DOAH Case No. 04 - 2226 for hearing on November 16,


397On November 12, 2004, Petitioner filed a Notice of

406Settlement and Request for Dismissal. Pursuant to Petitioner 's

415request, the undersigned issued an Order Closing File on

424November 16, 2004.

427On September 8, 2005, Petitioner issued a Re - Notice,

437stating that the case had not settled as expected and requesting

448DOAH to re - assign the matter to an Administrative Law Judg e.

461DOAH assigned the case to the undersigned as DOAH Case

471No. 05 - 3245.

475On September 14, 2005, the undersigned issued an Order Re -

486Opening Case and Requiring Status Report. Said o rder required a

497written response from the parties on or before September 28 ,


508On October 10, 2005, the undersigned issued a Notice of

518Hearing by Video Teleconference. The notice scheduled the

526hearing for November 22, 2005.

531During the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

539one witness and offered four exhib its, which were accepted as

550evidence. Respondent testified on his own behalf, but offered

559no exhibits as evidence. On November 22, 2005, Petitioner filed

569copies of its exhibits.

573The parties did not file a transcript of the proceeding.

583Petitioner filed a Proposed Recommended Order on December 2,

5922005. As of the date that this Recommended Order was issued,

603Respondent had not filed proposed findings of fact and

612conclusions of law.


6181. Petitioner is the state agency charged with enforci ng

628the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to the

636practice of septic tank installations and repairs in Florida.

645See § 381.0065(3), Fl a. Stat . (2003).

6532. Repair of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems

662must be performed under the supervi sion and control of a

673registered septic tank contractor. Respondent is the qualifying

681registered septic tank contractor for All Florida Septic Tank

690Service, Inc . , having been issued the registration number

699SR00011389. Respondent has 15 years of experienc e in the field

710of septic system construction and repair.

7163. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for

724Simmons Septic and Tractor Service, Inc. , is Joey Wayne Simmons.

734The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for AA Septic

743Tank Servi ce, Inc. , is Billy Wayne Joyner. However,

752Mr. Simmons, Mr. Joyner, and Respondent work closely together,

761sometimes working together on a job and/or acting as the

771qualifying registered septic tank contractor on each other's


7804. On September 2, 2 003, the septic disposal system at the

792residence of Jack Young was not functioning properly. Mr. Young

802contracted with one of the above - referenced septic tank services

813to repair the system.

8175. On September 2, 2003, Respondent and another employee

826of A ll Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., along with two

837employees from AA Septic Tank Service, Inc. , went to Mr. Young's

848residence to repair Mr. Young's onsite sewage disposal system.

857No one applied for a permit to make any repairs to Mr. Young's


8716 . With Respondent acting as the registered septic tank

881contractor, the men used a backhoe to dig up the septic tank,

893which was buried three feet in the ground. Respondent then

903repaired the pump and ran a new one and one - quarter force main

917line to the exi sting header because the old line had been

929compromised by roots. Respondent also cleaned roots from inside

938the distribution box. Respondent then sealed the tank and

947directed the men to cover it up. No one called Petitioner's

958local office, the Duval Coun ty Health Department, to request an

969inspection of the repair before covering the tank.

9777. The work on Mr. Young's septic system involved the

987replacement of an effluent transmission line. It required a

996permit because it constituted more than a minor rep air to the

1008pump and distribution box. Respondent should not have performed

1017the work without a permit from the Duval County Health

1027Department. Because there was no permit, there was no request

1037for inspection by the Duval County Health Department.

10458. Wh en the work was completed, Mr. Young gave Respondent

1056a check in the amount of $1,000, payable to Mr. Simmons. The

1069check reflected payment for repair to the filter bed, otherwise

1079known as the drainfield. Respondent indicated his receipt of

1088the check by si gning the AA Septic Tank Service, Inc.'s Daily

1100Truck Log and Maintenance Report.

11059. In February 2004, Mr. Young's septic system began to

1115fail once again due to root blockage in the lines. Respondent

1126advised Mr. Young that a permit would be required in order to

1138make any further repairs. Mr. Young refused to pull a permit or

1150to pay for any additional costs.

115610. On February 17, 2004, Mr. Young contacted Petitioner

1165to report the failure of his system's drainfield. On

1174February 18, 2004, Petitioner's ins pector confirmed that

1182Mr. Young's drainfield had failed and was causing a sanitary


119311. During the hearing, Respondent admitted that there are

1202no disputed issues of material facts in this case. He stated

1213that he agreed with everything. Howeve r, he did not agree that

1225the work he performed for Mr. Young required a permit from and

1237inspections by Petitioner's Duval County Health Department.


124712. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject

1257matter of this proceeding p ursuant to Sections 120.569 and

1267120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2005).

127113. Petitioner has the burden of proving by clear and

1281convincing evidence that Respondent violated Florida

1287Administrative Code Rules 64E - 6.022(1)(b)2., 64E - 6.022(1)(d),

1296and 64E - 6.022(1)(p ). See Ferris V. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

1309(Fla. 1987).

131114. Section 381.0065(4), Florida Statutes (2003), states

1318as follows in pertinent part:


1327CONDITIONS. -- A person may not construct,

1334repair, modify, abandon, or ope rate an

1341onsite sewage treatment and disposal system

1347without first obtaining a permit approved by

1354the department. . . . A person may not

1363contract to construct, modify, alter,

1368repair, service, abandon, or maintain any

1374portion of an onsite sewage treatment an d

1382disposal system without being registered

1387under part III of chapter 489.

139315. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E6.002 states as

1401follows in relevant part:

1405(18) Drainfield -- a system of open -

1413jointed or perforated perforated piping,

1418approved alter native distribution units, or

1424other treatment facilities designed to

1429distribute effluent for filtration,

1433oxidation and absorption by the soil within

1440the zone of aeration.

1444* * *

1447(47) Repair -- replacement of or

1453modifications or additions to a failing

1459system which are necessary to allow the

1466system to function in accordance with its

1473design or must be made to eliminate a public

1482health or pollution hazard. Servicing or

1488replacing with like kind mechanical or

1494electrical parts of an approved onsite

1500sewage tr eatment and disposal system; or

1507making minor structural corrections to a

1513tank, or distribution box, does not

1519constitute a repair. The use of any

1526treatment method that is intended to improve

1533the functioning of any part of the system,

1541or to prolong or susta in the length of time

1551the system functions, shall be considered a

1558repair. The use of any non - prohibited

1566additive by the system owner, through the

1573building plumbing, shall not be considered a

1580repair. Removal of the contents of any tank

1588or the installation of an approved outlet

1595filter device, where the drainfield is not

1602disturbed, shall not be considered a repair.

1609Replacement of a broken lid to any tank

1617shall not be considered a repair.

162316. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.003 states as

1633follows i n relevant part:

1638(1) System Construction Permit -- No

1644portion of an onsite sewage treatment and

1651disposal system shall be installed,

1656repaired, altered, modified, abandoned or

1661replaced until an "Onsite Dewage Treatment

1667and Disposal System Construction Pe rmit" has

1674been issued on Form DH 4016. . . . Servicing

1684or replacing with like kind mechanical or

1691electrical parts of an approved onsite

1697sewage treatment and disposal system;

1702pumping of septage from system; or making

1709minor structural corrections to a tank, or

1716distribution box, does not constitute a


1723* * *

1726(3) Repair Inspections -- A system

1732repair shall be inspected by the department

1739or a master septic tank contractor to

1746determine compliance with construction

1750permit standards prior to final cover ing of

1758the system. . . .

176317. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.015 states as

1773follows in pertinent part:

1777All repairs made to a failing onsite

1784sewage treatment and disposal system shall

1790be made only with prior knowledge and

1797written approval for the DOH county health

1804department having jurisdiction over the

1809system. . . .

1813* * *

1816(6) . . . Any failing system shall, at

1825a minimum, be repaired in accordance with

1832the following criteria:

1835* * *

1838(e) Where the cause of system failure

1845is determ ined to be from root clogging of

1854the distribution box or drainfield line of a

1862system, and where removal of the root mass

1870and replacement of damaged drainfield

1875material will restore the system to its

1882original design function, upon inspection

1887and verificatio n of the repair work by the

1896health unit, permit satisfaction will be

1902considered to be achieved.

190618. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.022 states as

1916follows in pertinent part:

1920(1) It shall be the responsibility of

1927person registered under this rule to see

1934that work for which they have contracted and

1942which has been performed by them or under

1950their supervision is carried out in

1956conformance with the requirement of all

1962applicable Florida Statutes and Chapter 64E -

19696, F.A.C. The following actions by a person

1977included under this rule shall be deemed

1984unethical and subject to penalties as set

1991forth in this section. The penalties listed

1998shall be used as guidelines in disciplinary

2005cases, absent aggravating or mitigating

2010circumstances and subject to other

2015provisions of this section.

2019* * *

2022(b) Permit violations.

2025* * *

20282. Contracted work is completed

2033without a permit having been issued, or no

2041permit application is received until after

2047contracted work was completed, resulting in

2053missed inspect ion or inspections. First

2059violation, letter of warning or fine up to

2067$1,000; repeat violation, revocation.

2072* * *

2075(d) Failure to call for required

2081inspection. First violation, letter of

2086warning or fine up to $500; repeat

2093violation, letter of war ning or fine up to

2102$500 and 90 day suspension or revocation.

2109* * *

2112(p) Installation, modification, or

2116repair of an onsite sewage treatment and

2123disposal system in violation of the

2129standards of Section 381.0065 or 381.00655,

2135F.S. or Chapter 64E - 6, F. A.C. First

2144violation, letter of warning or fine up to

2152$500 per specific standard violated;; repeat

2158violation, 90 day suspension, revocation.

216318. In this case, there is clear and convincing evidence

2173that Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 64E -

21826.022(1)(b)2., 64E - 6.022(1)(d), and 64E - 6.022(1)(p) by repairing

2192an onsite sewage disposal system without a permit, resulting in

2202missed inspections. Respondent should have requested a permit

2210and an inspection of the repair work because he replac ed the

2222main line to the header, which had been compromised by roots,

2233and he removed roots from the distribution box.

224119. In mitigation, there is no evidence that Respondent

2250has a prior history of violating the standards of practice. The

2261only aggravatin g factor is that Respondent had 15 years of

2272experience and knew or should have known that he needed a permit

2284to repair Mr. Young's septic system and inspections of the

2294completed work.


2297Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2307Law, it is


2311That Petitioner enter a final order, finding that

2319Respondent violated the standards of practice and imposing an

2328administrative fine in the amount of $1,000.

2336DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December , 2005 , in

2346Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2354Administrative Law Judge

2357Division of Administrative Hearings

2361The DeSoto Building

23641230 Apalachee Parkway

2367Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2372(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2380Fax Filing (850 ) 921 - 6847


2388Filed with the Clerk of the

2394Division of Administrative Hearings

2398this 6th day of December , 2005 .


2408Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

2412Department of Health

2415515 West Sixth Street

2419Jacksonville, Florida 32206 - 4311

2424James L. Smith

2427All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc.

24338300 West Beaver Street

2437Jacksonville, Florida 32220

2440R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2445Department of Health

24484052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2454Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2459Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel

2464De partment of Health

24684052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2474Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2479Dr. John A. Agwunobi, Secretary

2484Department of Health

24874052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

2493Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


2504All parties hav e the right to submit written exceptions within

251515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2526to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2537will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/28/2005
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/06/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/06/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 22, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/06/2005
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/22/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s Exhibits 1-4 filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 11/22/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/10/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for November 22, 2005; 10:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/14/2005
Proceedings: Order Re-opening Case and Requiring Status Report (on or before September 26, 2005, parties shall file a joint written status report).
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Smith from R. Power requesting more information to proceed with administrative hearing filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Citation for Violation Onsite Sewage Program/Sanitary Nuisance filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Ms. Berry from R. Power enclosing a copy of petition filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Re-notice (formerly DOAH case number 04-2226) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):