05-003341 Robert J. Bopp, Jr. vs. Department Of Financial Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, January 9, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to disclose a felony conviction on the application for an adjuster`s license and to prove that the omission was unintentional. There is insufficient mitigation to reduce the waiting period.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3341





32Respondent. )



37Pursua nt to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

48case before Daniel M. Kilbride, Administrative Law Judge of the

58Division of Administrative Hearings , on November 8, 2005 , in

67Orlando, Florida .


71For Petitioner: Robert J. Bopp, Jr. , pro se

791534 Jaguar Circle

82Apopka, Florida 32712

85For Respondent: R. Terry Butler, Esquire

91Angelique Knox, Qualified Representative

95Department of Financial Services

99200 East Gaines Street

103Room 612 Larson Building

107Tallah assee, Florida 32399


115Whether Petitioner , Robert J. Bopp, Jr. 's , application for

124licensure as a r esident i ndependent all lines insurance adjuster

135should be approved or denied by Respondent , Department of

144Financial Services .


150On or about May 18, 2005, Robert J. Bopp, Jr. ( Petitioner),

162filed an application with the Department of Financial Services

171(Respondent) seeking licensure as a resident independent all

179lines insurance adjuster, Code 05 - 20. By letter dated

189August 18, 2005, Respondent advised Petitioner that his

197application was denied. Petitioner timely requested a formal

205hearing , and this cause was thereafter transferred to the

214Division of Administrative Hearings on September 14, 2005, to

223conduct an eviden tiary proceeding. The hearing was scheduled

232and discovery ensued.

235At the formal hearing, Petitioner testified on his own

244behalf, called one witness to testify , and submitted one exhibit

254into evidence without objection. Respondent offered no direct

262testi mony and offered four exhibits into evidence without

271objectio n . Respondent's Exhibit s : 1) Certified copy of

282application for licensure submitted by Petitioner; 2) Certified

290copy of Notice of Denial issued August 18, 2005; 3) Composite

301Exhibit of Petitione r's criminal court records; 4) Certified

310copy of two letters submitted to Respondent by Petitioner.

319Respondent also cross - examined Petitioner and his witness .

329The Transcript of the hearing was filed on December 2,

3392005. Respondent timely filed its P roposed Recommended Order on

349December 15, 2005. Petitioner submitted a letter dated

357November 21, 2005, as his post - hearing submittal.


3691. Respondent is the state agency responsible for the

378licensure of insurance agents in the State of F lorida pursuant

389to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes (2005) . 1/

3972. On May 18, 2005, Petitioner filed an on - line

408application with Respondent seeking licensure as a resident

416independent all lines insurance adjuster . Petitioner had

424recently completed all prereq uisites for an adjuster's license.

4333. The on - line application form , filled out by Petitioner ,

444included the following screening question:

449Have you ever been convicted, found guilty,

456or pled guilty or nolo contendere (no

463contest) to a felony or crime punis hable by

472imprisonment of one (1) year or more under

480the laws of any municipality, county, state,

487territory or country, whether or not

493adjudication was withheld or judgment of

499conviction was entered?

502Petitioner answered in the negative.

5074. The criminal h istory records obtained by Respondent

516during the application review process revealed that on or about

526March 29, 1994, Petitioner was charged , via I nformation , with

"536Fraudulently Making Application for a Florida Driver's License

544or Identification Card," a t hird - degree felony, in violation of

556Subsection 322.212(5), Florida Statutes ( 1993 ), in the Circuit

566Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in

578and for Lake County, Florida, Case No. 94 - 362 - CFA - DS.

5925. On or about May 31, 1994, Petitione r pled guilty to the

605charge, as set forth in the I nformation. Subsequently, a

615judgment was entered placing Petitioner on probation for a

624period of 30 months supervised by the Department of Corrections,

634ordering Petitioner to perform 50 hours of Community Service,

643pay $250 in court costs, as well as $250 into the F ine and

657Forfeiture Fund of Lake County , and withholding adjudication of

666guilt. Petitioner successfully completed probation, which was

673then terminated.

6756. The criminal charges in question arose when Petitioner,

684then age 25, supplied a friend, Patrick C. Ruddell, then age 20,

696with Petitioner's S ocial S ecurity card and B irth C ertificate for

709the purpose of obtaining a false identification card for Ruddell

719to enable Ruddell to gain access to bars.

7277 . In explaining his " N o" response to the criminal history

739question on his license application, Petitioner asserts that he

748inadvertently provided a negative response because he had to

757submit the on - line application approximately eight times because

767of a pr oblem with the programming and/or transmission. In

777addition, he testified that he had not realized that the charge

788was a felony , but assumed that it was a misdemeanor . At the

801time, he did not realize the seriousness of the charge .

812Petitioner also testif ied that at the time he was signing up for

825the adjustor's course, he asked the instructor whether his prior

835conviction would prevent him from obtaining a license and was

845informed that it would not. He relied on th at statement and

857completed the course.

8608. Petitioner and his witness testified that he is of good

871moral character , is fit , and can be trusted to hold this

882license. He has learned from his mistake. No additional

891criminal charges have been filed against Petitioner.

8989. Petitioner has failed t o meet his burden to demonstrate

909that he is fit and trustworthy to engage in the business of



92510. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

932jurisdiction over the parties hereto and the subject matter

941thereof , pursuant to Sec tion 120.569 and Subsection 120.57(1),

950Florida Statutes.

9521 1 . As the applicant, Petitioner bears the ultimate burden

963of proving entitlement to a license. Florida Department of

972Transportation v. J.W.C. Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA

9841981). Furthe rmore, Petitioner bears this burden at each and

994every step of the licensure proceedings. Department of Banking

1003and Finance v. Osborne Stern & Co ., 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996) .

1018Petitioner must show that he meets all of the relevant statutory

1029criteria in or der to satisfy this burden.

10371 2 . In its Notice of Denial, Respondent alleged that

1048various Florida Statutes were applicable to Petitioner's

1055application for licensure, specifically Petitioner's criminal

1061history and his failure to disclose the same.

10691 3 . Sect ion 626.611, Florida Statutes, states , in

1079pertinent part:

1081The department shall deny an application

1087for . . . license . . . of any applicant,

1098. . . if it finds that as to the applicant,

1109. . . any one or more of the following

1119applicable grounds exist:

1122(1) Lack of one or more of the

1130qualifications for the license or

1135appointment as specified in this code.

1141(2) Material misstatement,

1144misrepresentation, or fraud in obtaining the

1150license or appointment or in attempting to

1157obtain the license or appointme nt.

1163* * *

1166(7) Demonstrated lack of fitness or

1172trustworthiness to engage in the business of


1180* * *

1183(14) Having been found guilty of or

1190having pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to

1197a felony or a crime punishable by

1204imprisonment of 1 year or more under the law

1213of the United States of America or of any

1222state thereof or under the law of any other

1231country which involves moral turpitude,

1236without regard to whether a judgment of

1243conviction has been entered by the court

1250having jurisdiction of such cases.

12551 4 . Section 626.621, Florida Statutes, states, in

1264pertinent part:

1266The department may, in its discretion,

1272deny an application for . . . the license

1281. . . of any applicant . . . if it finds

1293that as to the applicant, licensee, or

1300appointee any on e or more of the following

1309applicable grounds exist under circumstances

1314for which such denial . . . is not mandatory

1324under s. 626.611:

1327* * *

1330(8) Having been found guilty of or having

1338pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a

1345felony or a crime punishable by imprisonment

1352of 1 year or more under the law of the

1362United States of America or of any state

1370thereof or under the law of any other

1378country, without regard to whether a

1384judgment of conviction has been entered by

1391the court having jurisdiction of such case s.

13991 5 . Pursuant to Subsections 626.611(14) and 626.821(8),

1408Florida Statutes, an applicant's criminal history is relevant to

1417Respondent's decision regarding the licensure of an applicant.

14251 6 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(2) makes

1436clear a n applicant's duty with regard to disclosure of criminal

1447history records , stating :

1451Every applicant shall disclose in writing to

1458the Department the applicant’s entire law

1464enforcement record on every application for

1470licensure, as required therein, whether fo r

1477initial, additional, or reinstatement of

1482licensure. This duty shall apply even

1488though the material was disclosed to the

1495Department on a previous application

1500submitted by the applicant.

15041 7 . Petitioner's answer to the criminal history question

1514on his ap plication for licensure was false. Petitioner must

1524prove that he did not have knowledge that his answer to the

1536criminal history question was not true and that his untrue

1546answer was unintentional. Munch v. Department of Professional

1554Regulation , 592 So. 2d 1136 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992). Petitioner has

1565acknowledged that his answer to the criminal history question

1574was not true. Additionally, Petitioner has asserted that,

1582because the internet application did not go through, he had to

1593re - do it eight times before i t finally went through . I n

1608re submitting it each time, he did not change his answer to the

1621question, although he reviewed it each time.

162818. The testimony produced at the hearing calls

1636Petitioner's assertion that the omission was unintentional into

1644questio n. By completing the application from beginning to end

1654approximately eight times, Petitioner was very familiar with the

1663contents of the application and the questions therein.

1671Additionally, Petitioner had enough knowledge of his criminal

1679history to inquir e once , prior to purchasing the pre - licensing

1691course , and a second inquiry being that of the instructor of the

1703pre - licensing course as to whether there would be a denial of

1716the license Petitioner sought. Further, knowing his criminal

1724history and its poten tially negative impact on his application,

1734h e made no inquiry with the circuit court as to the nature of

1748the charge (whether it was a felony or misdemeanor) before

1758answering the question and submitting the application.

1765Furthermore, there were no other dis crepancies with Petitioner's

1774application which was submitted to Respondent, notwithstanding

1781Petitioner's assertions.

178319. His application failed to disclose that he had

1792committed a felony. In providing a false answer to the criminal

1803history question, Peti tioner made a "material misstatement,

1811misrepresentation, or fraud in . . . [his] attempt to obtain the

1823license or appointment" and demonstrated a "lack of fitness or

1833trustworthiness to engage in the business of insurance . "

1842§ 626.611( 2 ) and (7) , Fla . Stat.

185120. Subsection 626.207(1), Florida Statutes, states, in

1858pertinent part:

1860(1) The department shall adopt rules

1866establishing specific waiting periods for

1871applicants to become eligible for licensure

1877following denial . . . The waiting periods

1885may be adjuste d based on aggravating and

1893mitigating factors established by rule and

1899consistent with this purpose.

190321 . Respondent has promulgated a rule providing guidelines

1912and waiting periods for individuals with criminal histories and

1921for determini n g fitness and tr ustworthiness for licensure.

1931Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.404, et seq. , became

1941effective October 17, 2002, which was before Petitioner filed

1950his application and before the Notice of Denial was issued by

1961Respondent. This rule is applicable to the present case.

19702 2 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.041(11)


1981(11) " Trigger Date " is the date on which an

1990applicant was found guilty, or pled guilty,

1997or pled nolo contendere to a crime; or,

2005where that date is not ascertainable, the

2012date of the charges or indictment.

20182 3 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(3)(a)


2029(3) Policy Specifically Concerning Effect

2034of Criminal Records.

2037(a) The Department interprets Sections

2042626.611(14) and 626.621(8), Florida

2046Statutes, which subsections relate to

2051criminal records, as applying to license

2057application proceedings. The Department

2061interprets those statutes as not limiting

2067consideration of criminal records to those

2073crimes of a business - related nature or

2081committed in a business cont ext. More

2088specifically, it is the Department’s

2093interpretation that these statutes include

2098crimes committed in a non - business setting,

2106and that such crimes are not necessarily

2113regarded as less serious in the license

2120application context than are crimes rela ted

2127to business or committed in a business


21352 4 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(4)(a)


2146(4) Effect of Failure to Fully Disclose

2153Law Enforcement Record on Application.

2158(a) The Department finds that all matters

2165that are pa rt of an applicant’s law

2173enforcement record are material elements of

2179the application, and finds that the omission

2186of any part of the law enforcement record

2194required to be disclosed on the application

2201is a material misrepresentation or material

2207misstatement in and of itself. The

2213applicant shall have violated Section

2218626.611(2) or 626.621(1), Florida Statutes,

2223if the applicant fails to provide the

2230Department with the documentation required

2235by this rule.

22382 5 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042 (4) (b ) 1.

2252and 4.a. states:

2255(4) Effect of Failure to Fully Disclose

2262Law Enforcement Record on Application.

2267* * *

2270(b)1. If an applicant fails to fully and

2278properly disclose the existence of law

2284enforcement records, as required by the

2290application, the appli cation will be denied

2297and a waiting period will be imposed before

2305the applicant may reapply for any license.

2312* * *

23154. Waiting periods shall be calculated as


2323a. Class A or B crime omitted, where the

2332trigger date was more than 10 years befo re

2341time of application, add 1 year. If the

2349trigger date was 10 years prior, or less

2357than 10 years prior, to the time of

2365application, add 2 years.

23692 6 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(8)(a)


2380(8) Required Waiting Periods for a Single

2387Felony Crime. The Department finds it

2393necessary for an applicant whose law

2399enforcement record includes a single felony

2405crime to wait the time period specified

2412below (subject to the mitigating factors set

2419forth elsewhere in this rule) before

2425licensure. A ll waiting periods run from the

2433trigger date.

2435(a) Class A Crime. The applicant will

2442not be granted licensure until 15 years have

2450passed since the trigger date.

24552 7 . On or about May 31, 1994, Petitioner pled guilty to

2468the felony charge of "F raudulentl y Making Application for a

2479Florida Driver's License or Identification Card ." Respondent

2487has the duty of protecting the public of the State of Florida.

2499Therefore, it is Respondent's duty to inquire as to the criminal

2510history of license applicants. Additi onally, Respondent is

2518required by law to have rules that require an applicant to wait

2530for a period of time prior to becoming licensed if that

2541applicant has a felonious criminal record. See generally

2549Chapter 626, Fla . Stat . , and Fla . Admin . Code Chap . 69B.

25642 8 . While the rules do not provide for Petitioner's

2575specific felony, it is analogous to the crime of Fraud. ( See

2587Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(7)(d)), which

2595provides that when a particular crime is not expressly listed in

2606the rule, Respon dent is to analogize the crime to the most

2618similar crime listed .) Pursuant to Subsection 322.212(5),

2626Florida Statutes, "[i]t is unlawful for any person to use a

2637false or fictitious name in any application for a driver's

2647license or identification card or k nowingly to make a false

2658statement, knowingly conceal a material fact, or otherwise

2666commit a fraud in any such application. "

26732 9 . Here, Petitioner supplied Ruddell with Petitioner's

2682S ocial S ecurity card and B irth C ertificate for the purpose of

2696obtaining a false identification car d for Ruddell to enable

2706Ruddell to gain access to bars.

271230 . Respondent defines f raud as a "Class A" crime ,

2723pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(21).

2732Based upon his criminal record and the failure to disclose it ,

2743Petitioner is subject to a 16 - year waiting period from his

2755trigger date, less any mitigation, to have commenced on May 31,

27661994, before Petitioner may be eligible for licensure. See

2775generally Fla . Admin . Code R . 69B - 211.042(4) and (8).

2788Therefore, absen t any mitigating or further aggravating factors,

2797Petitioner would be eligible for licensure on May 31, 2010.

28073 1 . Petitioner filed one exhibit and called one witness as

2819evidence to consider mitigat ion of Petitioner's waiting period.

2828Pursuant to Florida Ad ministrative Code Rule 69B - 211.042(10)(b),

2838the burden is on Petitioner to prove mitigating circumstances.

2847Character arguments alone are insufficient to meet the burden to

2857prove mitigating circumstances. None of the information in

2865Petitioner's exhibit or the testimony provided by Janet Garmont,

2874Petitioner's witness, serves as any effective mitigation. The

288216 - year waiting period should stand.


2890Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of

2900Law, it is

2903RECOMMENDED that a final o rdered be entered : 1) finding

2914Petitioner has not met his burden to prove entitlement to a

2925license; 2) denying the application for licensure of Petitioner

2934as a resident independent all lines insurance adjuster (Code

294305 - 20); and 3) finding that the 16 - year waiting period from

2957Petitioner's trigger date should not be reduced.

2964DONE AND ENT ERED this 9th day of January , 2006 , in

2975Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2983Administrative Law Judge

2986Division of Administ rative Hearings

2991The DeSoto Building

29941230 Apalachee Parkway

2997Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3002(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3010Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3017Filed with the Clerk of the

3023Division of Administrative Hearings

3027this 9th day of Jan uary , 2006 .


30361/ Unless otherwise indicated, all citations are to Florida

3045Statutes (2005).


3050Honorable Tom Gallagher

3053Chief Financial Officer

3056Department of Financial Services

3060The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3065Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 0300

3071Carlos G. Mu ñ iz, General Counsel

3078Department of Financial Services

3082The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3087Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

3092Robert J. Bopp, Jr.

30961534 Jaguar Circle

3099Apopka, Florida 32712

3102Angelique Knox , Qualified Representative

3106Department of F inancial Services

3111200 East Gaines Street

3115Room 612, Larson Building

3119Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

3124R. Terry Butler, Esquire

3128Department of Financial Services

3132200 East Gaines Street

3136Room 612 , Larson Building

3140Tallahassee, Florida 32399


3149All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

315915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3170to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3181will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/08/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 02/07/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/09/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/09/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 8, 2005). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/09/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/15/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 11/23/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kilbride from R. Bopp regarding Petitioners` Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/19/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Terry Butler).
Date: 10/14/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Appearance as Qualified Representative.
Date: 10/14/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by D. Busch).
Date: 10/13/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Appear as Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 10/13/2005
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Submission of Names of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/07/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Submission of Names of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 09/23/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/23/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 8, 2005; 1:00 p.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 09/22/2005
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/19/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/15/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/14/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Denial filed.
Date: 09/14/2005
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding Form filed.
Date: 09/14/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):