05-003385 Department Of Children And Family Services vs. Sherlane Craig, D/B/A Sunniland Preschool And Nursery
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 27, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Numerous violations of staff-to-children ratios and lack of supervision justify the denial of a license.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3385





38Respondent. )



43Notice was provided and on January 4, 2006, a formal

53hearing was held in this case. Authority for conducting the

63hearing is set forth in Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

73Statutes (2005). The hearing locati on was the DeSoto Building,

831230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060.

91Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law Judge, conducted the



101For Petitioner: Lee Dougherty, Esquire

106Department of Children

109and Family Services

1122639 North Monroe Street, Suite 104

118Tallahassee, Florida 32399

121For Respondent: Deveron Brown, Esquire

126Brown and Associates, LLC

130223 East Virginia Street

134Tallahassee, Florida 32301


141Should Respondent have her application to renew her child

150care facility license denied by Petitioner for reasons set forth

160in the Administrative Complaint brought by Petitioner?

167§§ 402.308 and 402.310, Fla. Stat. (2005).


176On July 6, 2005, Petitioner brought an Administrative

184Complaint against Respondent as the owner of Sunniland Nursery

193and Preschool for alleged violations at the child care facility

203(the facil ity) as set forth in Sections 402.301 - 402.319, Florida

215Statutes (2005), and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 65C - 22.

225In addition to the "current violations," the Administrative

233Complaint detailed what was described as a "past history of

243violations" at the facility.

247In correspondence received by Petitioner on July 27, 2005,

256Petitioner requested an administrative hearing to contest

263allegations in the Administrative Complaint. On August 4, 2005,

272Respondent through counsel executed and served a petition

280r equesting a formal hearing before the Division of

289Administrative Hearings (DOAH). Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 106.201.

299The petition by Respondent set forth issues of material fact in

310dispute in relation to the "current violations," while admitting

319paragraphs 1, 2, and 4 found at the beginning of the

330Administrative Complaint.

332On September 21, 2005, DOAH received a request by

341Petitioner for assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to

350conduct a formal proceeding and issue a Recommended Order.

359Consistent with that request, the case was assigned to Diane

369Cleavinger, Administrative Law Judge in DOAH Case No. 05 - 3385.

380Later the case was transferred to the undersigned.

388Initially the case was set to be heard December 8, 2005.

399On Respondent's motion, the case was continued and heard on

409January 4, 2006.

412Petitioner filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings or

422in the alternative to determine material facts in dispute based

432on the pleadings. On December 20, 2005, an order was entered

443denying that motion.

446On Dec ember 30, 2005, Respondent filed an emergency motion

456to continue the hearing. Petitioner filed a response in

465opposition to the motion. On January 3, 2006, that motion was

476denied by a written order.

481Petitioner filed a motion for sanctions and for an ord er

492for Respondent to pay witness fees. Respondent answered that

501motion. At hearing, Respondent was ordered to pay the witness'

511fees in dispute in full. No other forms of sanctions were

522imposed. It was reiterated that the case would proceed to

532hearing o n the scheduled date. These rulings and that

542discussion are reflected in the hearing transcript which has

551been prepared.

553The present case proceeded with the knowledge of the court

563case, State of Florida, Department of Children and Family

572Services , Plaintiff, vs. Sherlane Craig, d/b/a Sunniland

579Preschool and Nursery, Defendant in the Circuit Court of the

589Second Judicial Circuit, in and for Leon County, Florida, Case

599No. 2005CA3012 before Janet E. Ferris, Circuit Judge. In the

609court case, an emerge ncy temporary injunction order had been

619entered against that defendant enjoining the operation of the

628facility. Judge Ferris went on in her order to state:

638This injunction will be dissolved on motion

645of the Plaintiff [Respondent] if the

651Administrative Law Judge in DOAH 05 - 2285

659[DOAH Case No. 05 - 3385] finds against

667revocation of Plaintiff's [Respondent's]

671childcare license.

673At hearing, Petitioner presented Dannie Williams and Joseph

681Alexander as its witnesses. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit

688numbered 1 an d Exhibits numbered 2 and 3 were admitted.

699Respondent testified and called Dinah Gallon and Joseph

707Alexander as her witnesses. Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1

715through 3, and Composite Exhibits numbered 4 and 5 were


726The hearing transcript was filed with DOAH on January 24,

7362006. The parties timely submitted proposed recommended orders,

744which have been considered in preparing the Recommended Order.


7561. The Department of Children and Family Services has

765jurisdiction over Re spondent by virtue of the provisions set

775forth in Sections 402.301 - 402.319, Florida Statutes (2005).

7842. The Respondent, Sherlane Craig, is licensed to operate

793Sunniland Nursery and Preschool, as a child care facility in

803compliance with Chapter 402, Flo rida Statutes (2005), and

812Florida Administrative Code Chapter 65C - 22.

8193. Petitioner is the administrative agency of the State of

829Florida, charged with the duty to enforce and administer the

839provisions of Chapter 402, Florida Statutes (2005).

8464. Pet itioner issued a child care facility certificate of

856license to Respondent for the Sunniland Nursery and Preschool

865effective June 1, 2004, through June 1, 2005.

8735. Petitioner issued Respondent a child care facility

881certificate of license that was provisi onal for the period

891June 1, 2005, through August 1, 2005. The provisional license

901was sent to Respondent on June 7, 2005, and was received by

913Respondent later in June 2005.

9186. In addition to the license itself, the transmittal

927letter to Respondent stat ed:

932Enclosed is the provisional license from

938the Department of Children and Families to

945operate a childcare facility. A provisional

951license is being issued at this time based

959on the facility's continued non - compliance

966with the state's minimum standards.

971Specifically the facility was cited five

977times during the last licensing year for

984non - compliance regarding the maintenance of

991fall zone material on the playground. The

998Department has offered suggestions on

1003creating a framing system to hold fall zone

1011mat erial in place. As of today the

1019Department has been unable to verify


1026This license is valid until August 1, 2005.

1034An annual license will be issued when all of

1043the above requirements have been met. The

1050license is not transferable to another owner

1057or any other location. If at some point in

1066the future you discontinue operation of your

1073facility, we would appreciate you notifying

1079our childcare licensing office.

1083* * *

10867. In advance of the decision to provide Respond ent with a

1098provisional license, Petitioner had performed inspections of the

1106facility on May 2, 18, and 24, 2005. On June 8 and June 10,

11202005, additional inspections were made at the facility.

11288. The May 18 and May 24, 2005 inspections revealed

1138problems with the fall zone on the playground that was the

1149subject of the letter informing Respondent that she had been

1159issued a provisional license. The May 24, 2005, investigative

1168report referred to as a reinspection checklist made mention of

1178the citation for t he fall zone during previous inspections.

11889. The June 8, 2005, inspection continued to note a

1198problem with the playground area and the fact that Petitioner

1208had issued Respondent a provisional license for continued non -

1218compliance by the failure to maintain the proper cover or

1228protective surface in the fall zone area on the playground .

123910. The June 10, 2005, report on the inspection did not

1250mention the fall zone on the playground . More importantly,

1260Respondent testified without being refuted that the fall z one

1270area on the playground was corrected on a date beyond June 8,

12822005, the more recent inspection date noting non - compliance for

1293conditions on the playground . To that end, during a visit on

1305June 29, 2005, Dinah Gallon and Kathy Schmitz Petitioner's

1314emplo yees found the conditions of the outdoor play area with the

1326addition of the sand to be satisfactory. Dinah Gallon is a

1337license counselor for Leon County, employed by Petitioner.

134511. Respondent also presented evidence in the form of an

1355invoice from Es posito's Nursery concerning the purchase of "2/3

1365cu yd of coarse sand" and for its installation. That invoice

1376was dated June 22, 2005.

138112. On July 8, 2005, Respondent wrote Joseph Alexander,

1390Childcare Services Supervisor, District Two, Department of

1397Ch ildren and Family Services, concerning the status of the

1407playground called into question under the terms of the

1416provisional license. That correspondence was received at

1423District Two on July 11, 2005. It stated:

1431Responding to previous instruction from y our

1438office to pad our playground with sand in an

1447effort to add protection, in the way of

1455ground cushioning, for our attendants; I

1461have five loads of large gravel, beach sand

1469delivered and spread through our outdoor

1475play area.

1477In the instruction I receiv ed it was

1485suggested that barriers be placed around the

1492areas where sand was necessary in an attempt

1500to prevent its erosion. Upon purchasing the

1507large gravel, beach sand from Esposito's,

1513I was informed that barriers for this

1520particular sand was not neces sary due to the

1529fact that the sand would absorb the water

1537therefore would not wash away.

1542* * *

154513. Although Respondent explained the difficulty

1551experienced in providing resilient and proper cover for the fall

1561areas near the play ground equipment, she has not denied the lack

1573of compliance over time with the requirement to maintain a safe

1584fall zone by providing appropriate cover material in those

1593areas. In response to the problem, the type of sand more

1604recently placed has been less prone to erode.

161214. Aside from the lack of adequate maintenance of fall

1622zone material on the playground , it is the failure to meet child

1634ratio standards and the failure to provide adequate supervision

1643as observed in the more recent inspections that has led

1653Petitioner to bring the Administrative Complaint, which could

1661lead to the denial of the annual license renewal. The

1671Administrative Complaint is also drawn in recognition of the

1680past history by the Respondent of violations of various kinds.

169015 . In the category of what is described in the

1701Administrative Complaint as "current violations," the May 2,

17092005, inspection of the facility revealed non - compliance with

1719Section 402.305(4), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative

1726Code Rule 65C - 22.001( 4)(a) and (b). In particular, the one 1:4

1739ratio of staff to children for 0 - to - 12 - month - old children

1755required was not met, in that the ratio found was 1:6. The two -

1769year - old category which called for a 1:11 ratio was not complied

1782with, in that the ratio wa s 1:12 at the facility. Two of the

1796three rooms in which the children were found were out of

1807compliance with the ratio requirement. These problems were

1815corrected on the date of inspection.

182116. On May 18, 2005, in a return visit to the facility,

1833the ins pection revealed continuing problems in relation to staff

1843to children ratios under the statutory and rule provisions that

1853have been previously described. In this visit, the 0 - 12 month

1865category calling for a ratio of 1:4 was in actuality 1:5. The

1877mixed gr oup involving 1 - to - 5 - year - olds was not in compliance in

1895that it had a ratio 2:23. In a second observation involving the

19070 - to - 12 - months - age group, the ratio was then 1:6, instead of the

1925called for 1:4. Every classroom was found out of compliance

1935with the needed ratio upon this re - inspection. The problem was

1947corrected when additional staff arrived to cover the classes.

195617. On May 24, 2005, when the facility was inspected there

1967were continuing ratio problems contrary to the statute and rule.

1977Among the observations, there was one in the initial contact

1987calling for a 1:4 ratio for infants. The ratio found was 1:5.

1999A mixed group of one to five - year - olds calling for a ratio of

20151:6, in fact had a ratio of 2:21. All rooms observed were out

2028of compliance wi th the ratio standards during the first

2038observation. Upon the last observation of the rooms,

2046corrections had been made and the rooms were in compliance. On

2057that same visit, the facility was not compliant with Florida

2067Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(5 )(a), (b), and (d). It was

2079noted that there was "A classroom of two - year - old children that

2093had no direct supervision. There were three napping in a room

2104and no adult was present." These conditions related to

2113supervision were corrected at the time of the inspection.

212218. On June 8, 2005, when an inspection was made at the

2134facility there was a problem found in relation to Florida

2144Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(5)(a), (b), and (d). It was

2155observed that the children had gone to Levy Park with one ad ult

2168present, when an additional adult was needed to supervise the


217919. On June 10, 2005, at the next inspection of the

2190facility continuing problems with ratios were found contrary to

2199the statute and rule. On this occasion, two of the three

2210class rooms observed were out of compliance during the initial

2220observation. During a second observation, the infant room

2228remained out of compliance with the ratio standards. The

2237initial observation for the 0 - to - 12 - month - old infants showed a

2253ratio of 1:5, when the ratio called for was 1:4. On the second

2266observation for that age group, the ratio found was 1:4. There

2277was also a problem related to non - compliance with Florida

2288Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(5)(a), (b), and (d), in that

"2299Direct supervision of c hildren in the [2 year old] group was

2311inadequate in that [while the provider of the two year old group

2323assisted children in the bathroom, the remainder of her [sic]

2333was left unattended]."

233620. By way of history, as far back as July 31, 2000,

2348problems wer e observed at the facility in relation to non -

2360compliance with standards pertaining to direct supervision.

2367Over time, problems of compliance with ratio standards were also

2377found. A similar pattern was found on August 4, 2000,

2387December 8, 2000, August 7, 2 001, April 2, 2002, August 6, 2002,

2400January 30, 2004, and April 27, 2005. Other forms of violation

2411were also found on those dates and additional dates as well.

242221. Significantly, in the past, formal discipline has been

2431imposed against Respondent. On A pril 8, 2002, a $100.00 fine

2442was imposed against Respondent by the Leon County Health

2451Department, predecessor to Petitioner. The basis for that

2459administrative fine was "Your center was found operating over

2468capacity with 46 children (19 children at the cen ter and 26

2480children at Levy Park). Your current capacity is 45." That was

2491as of August 10, 2001. On April 2, 2002, a visit had also been

2505made in which it was discovered that the number of children

2516present was 48 as opposed to the capacity of 45.

252622. On June 3, 2002, the Leon County Health Department

2536imposed a $50.00 fine associated with the May 28, 2002,

2546inspection in which it was found that one of the rooms had

2558children in which the ratio of staff to children was not in


257123. On October 31, 2002, the Leon County Health Department

2581imposed a $100.00 fine premised upon non - compliance with ratio

2592standards on September 30, 2002.

259724. On February 6, 2004, Petitioner brought an

2605Administrative Complaint against Respondent. This was premised

2612upon non - compliance with ratio standards on January 30, 2004,

2623and February 6, 2004. A $1,000.00 fine was imposed, consistent

2634with the proposed administrative fine suggested in the

2642Administrative Complaint.

264425. In each instance recounted, the administra tive fines

2653were paid by the Respondent.

265826. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit numbered 1, which sets

2666out the inspection reports during the period contemplated by the

2676overall Administrative Complaint, demonstrates that Petitioner

2682through its employees explained the nature of the problems to

2692Respondent and provided her copies of the inspection reports.

2701By these arrangements, Respondent was reminded of the need to

2711comply with the requirements related to the license. Given the

2721findings made during the in spections, those reminders were

2730frequently stated, to the extent that Respondent could not

2739reasonably contend that she was unaware of her obligation to

2749comply with the law.

275327. Concerning the internal process within the Petitioner

2761Agency as to the class ification of violations, there is no

2772formal rule. The response to the violations from the policy

2782perspective is to perceive the staff ratio and supervision

2791issues as being more serious than other forms of violations.

2801Class 1 violations are those posing a more immediate threat to

2812safety and harm to the children in a facility. Under

2822Petitioner's internal policy staff ratio and supervision,

2829violations fall within Class 1.


283728. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2844jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties pursuant to

2853Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2005).

286029. Petitioner through the Administrative Complaint

2866intends to take action against Respondent that is penal in

2876nature. Therefore the proof necessary to establish the "current

2885violations" must be by clear and convincing evidence. See

2894Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Investor

2902Protection v. Osborne Stern and Company , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla.

29131996); and Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2 005). Clear

2922and convincing evidence is defined in In re: Davey , 645 So. 2d

2934398,404 (Fla. 1994), quoting, with approval from Slomowitz v.

2944Walker , 429 So. 2d 797 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

295330. Respondent is the owner of Sunniland Preschool and

2962Nursery, a child care facility operated under requirements set

2971forth in Sections 402.301 - 402.319, Florida Statutes (2005).

298031. As a licensee, Respondent must adhere to licensing

2989standards established by Petitioner under authority set forth in

2998Section 402.305, Flo rida Statutes (2005). Those standards are

3007designed to address, according to Section 402.305(1)(a), Florida


3016(a) The health, sanitation, safety, and

3022adequate physical surroundings for all

3027children in child care.

3031(2) The health and nutrition of all

3038children in child care.

3042(3) The child development needs of all

3049children in child care.

305332. Minimum standards for child care facilities are

3061promoted by rule adoption in accordance Section 402.305(1)(c),

3069Florida Statutes (2005).

307233. More sp ecifically, Section 402.305(4)(a), Florida

3079Statutes (2005), establishes mandatory staff - children ratios, in

3088association with the rule adoption process wherein it is stated:


3106(a) Minimum standards for the care of

3113children in a licensed child care facility

3120as established by rule of the department

3127must include:

31291. For children from birth through 1 year

3137of age, there must be one child care

3145personnel for every four children.

31502. For children 1 year of age or older, but

3160und er 2 years of age, there must be one

3170child care personnel for every six children.

31773. For children 2 years of age or older,

3186but under 3 years of age, there must be one

3196child care personnel for every 11 children.

32034. For children 3 years of age or older ,

3212but under 4 years of age, there must be one

3222child care personnel for every 15 children.

32295. For children 4 years of age or older,

3238but under 5 years of age, there must be one

3248child care personnel for every 20 children.

32556. For children 5 years of ag e or older,

3265there must be one child care personnel for

3273every 25 children.

32767. When children 2 years of age and older

3285are in care, the staff - to - children ratio

3295shall be based on the age group with the

3304largest number of children within the group

331134. Flori da Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(4)

3320pertaining to staff - to - children ratios states:

3329(a) The staff - to - children ratio, as

3338established in s. 402.305(4), F.S., is based

3345on primary responsibility for the direct

3351supervision of children and applies at all

3358times while children are in care.

3364(b) Mixed Age Groups

33681. In groups of mixed age ranges, where

3376children under 1 year of age are included,

3384one staff member shall be responsible for no

3392more than 4 children of any age group.

34002. In groups of mixed age ranges, where

3408children 1 year of age but under 2 years of

3418age are included, one staff member shall be

3426responsible for no more than 6 children of

3434any age group.

343735. Allegations in the Administrative Complaint are

3444related to problems with staff - to - children ratios being


345636. Another violation alleged in the Administrative

3463Complaint relates to the adequacy of supervision. Florida

3471Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(5) in discussing the

3480requirements for supervision states:

3484(a) Direct supervision means watching and

3490directing children's activities within the

3495same room or designated outdoor play area

3502and responding to each child's need. Child

3509care personnel at a facility must be

3516assigned to provide direct supervision to a

3523specif ic group of children and be present

3531with that group of children at all times.

3539When caring for school age children, child

3546care personnel shall remain responsible for

3552the supervision of the children in care and

3560capable of responding to emergencies, and

3566are accountable for children at all times,

3573which includes when children are separated

3579from their groups.

3582(b) During nap time, supervision means

3588sufficient staff in close proximity, within

3594sight and hearing of all the children. All

3602other staff to meet the r equired staff - to -

3613children ration shall be within the same

3620building on the same floor and be readily

3628accessible and available to be summoned to

3635ensure the safety of the children.

3641* * *

3644(d)1. In addition to the number of staff

3652required to meet the staff to child ratio,

3660one additional adult must be present on all

3668field trips away from the child care

3675facility, for the purpose of safety, to

3682assist in providing direct supervision.

3687* * *

36903. A telephone or other means of

3697communication shall be available to staff

3703responsible for children during all field

3709trips. Cell phones, two - way radio devices,

3717citizen band radios, and other means of

3724instant communication are accepted.

372837. The final category of violation contemplated in

3736the Administrative Complaint relates to the playground area.

3744The requirements set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule

375365C - 22.002(9)(b)3, state:

37573. Permanent playground equipment must have

3763a ground cover or other protective surface

3770under the equipment which provides

3775resilience and is maintained to reduce the

3782incidence of injuries to children in the

3789event of falls.

379238. The "current violations" contemplated by the

3799Administrative Complaint in the categories set f orth above

3808allegedly took place on May 2, 18, and 24 and June 8 and 10,


382339. Generally stated, the Administrative Complaint under

"3830current violations" alleges:

383326. A subsequent inspection on May 2, 2005

3841revealed that the facility remained out of

3848compliance regarding sufficient staff to

3853child ratio standards.

385627. Another subsequent inspection on

3861May 18, 2005 revealed that the facility

3868remained out of compliance regarding staff

3874to child ratio standards and maintenance of

3881fall zone material o n the facility


388928. On May 24, 2005 during a licensing re -

3899inspection, your facility was found out of

3906compliance with supervision, ratio, and

3911outdoor equipment safety standards.

3915* * *

391829. On June 8, 2005 during a complaint

3926investigation, your facility was found out

3932of compliance with supervision standards.

3937* * *

394030. On June 10, 2005 during a complaint

3948investigation, your facility was found out

3954of compliance with supervision and ratio

3960stan dards.

396240. Pertaining to the importance of any violation

3970described in the Administrative Complaint, Section 402.308,

3977Florida Statutes (2005), deals with the issuance of licenses for

3987a child care facility wherein it states:

3994(1) ANNUAL LICENSING. -- Ever y child care

4002facility in the state shall have a license

4010which shall be renewed annually.

4015* * *


4025any county in which the department has the

4033authority to issue licenses, the following

4039proc edures shall be applied:

4044(a) Application for a license or for a

4052renewal of a license to operate a child care

4061facility shall be made in the manner and on

4070the forms prescribed by the department. The

4077applicant's social security number shall be

4083included on the form submitted to the

4090department. Pursuant to the federal

4095Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity

4100Reconciliation Act of 1996, each applicant

4106is required to provide his or her social

4114security number in accordance with this

4120section. Disclosure of social security

4125numbers obtained through this requirement

4130shall be limited to the purpose of

4137administration of the Title IV - D program for

4146child support enforcement.

4149(b) Prior to the renewal of a license, the

4158department shall reexamine the child care

4164fa cility, including in that process the

4171examination of the premises and those

4177records of the facility as required under s.

4185402.305 , t o determine that minimum standards

4192for licensing continue to be met.

4198(c) The department shall coordinate all

4204inspections of child care facilities. A

4210child care facility is not required to

4217implement a recommendation of one agency

4223that is in conflict wit h a recommendation of

4232another agency if such conflict arises due

4239to uncoordinated inspections. Any conflict

4244in recommendations shall be resolved by the

4251secretary of the department within 15 days

4258after written notice that such conflict


4265(d) The d epartment shall issue or renew a

4274license upon receipt of the license fee and

4282upon being satisfied that all standards

4288required by ss. 402.301 - 402.319 have been

4296met. A license may be issued if all the

4305screening materials have been timely

4310submitted; however, a license may not be

4317issued or renewed if any of the child care

4326personnel at the applicant facility have

4332failed the screening requi red by ss.

4339402.305 (2) and 402.3055 .

434441. The last annual license held by Respondent expired

4353June 1, 2005. Its renewal depended on a consideration of the

4364merits of that renewal. It was not merely a matter of having

4376the Petitioner perform a ministerial act. Respondent was not

4385granted an annual license after June 1, 2005. Instead,

4394Petitioner exercised its authority under Section 402.309,

4401Florida Statutes (2005) to grant the Respondent a provisional

4410license. That section states:

4414(1) The local licensing agency or the

4421department, whichever is authorized to

4426license child care facilities in a county,

4433may issue a provisional license to

4439applicants for a license or to licensees who

4447are unable to conform to all the standards

4455provided for in ss. 402.301 - 402.319.

4462(2) No provisional license may be issued

4469unless the operator or owner makes adequate

4476provisions for the health and safety of the

4484child. A provisional license may be issued

4491if all of the screening materials have been

4499timely submitted; however, a provisional

4504license may not be issued unless the child

4512care facility is in compliance with the

4519requirements for screening of child care

4525personnel in ss. 402.305 and 402.3055 .

4532(3) The provisional license shall in no

4539event be issued for a period in excess of 6

4549months; however, it may be renewed one time

4557for a period not in excess of 6 months under

4567unusua l circumstances beyond the control of

4574the applicant.

4576(4) The provisional license may be

4582suspended if periodic inspection made by the

4589local licensing agency or the department

4595indicates that insufficient progress has

4600been made toward compliance.

460442. A t the time the provisional license was issued,

4614Petitioner had determined that Respondent had not complied with

4623the requirement for maintenance of fall zone material on the

4633playground which relates to Florida Administrative Code Rule

464165C - 22.002(9)(b)3. in i ts expectation that the groundcover or

4652other protective surface beneath the playground equipment be

4660resilient and maintained to reduce problems of injuries to

4669children if they fell from the equipment.

467643. Respondent remedied the problem with the fall zo ne.

4686Had that been the only concern, Petitioner would have been in a

4698position to convert the Respondent's status from holder of a

4708provisional license to an annual license but that was not the

4719only problem. On the dates that have been described under the

4730c ategory "current violations" to the Administrative Complaint

4738and as discussed in the Findings of Fact, Respondent had

4748numerous ratio problems of staff to children in violation of

4758Section 402.305(4), Florida Statutes (2005), and Florida

4765Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(4), as well as problems with

4776supervision in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule

478465C - 22.001(5), holding over from the period of the end of the

4797annual license that expired on June 1, 2005, and continuing

4807through June 10, 2005. Thos e violations were similar to

4817violations found in the past, in a setting in which Respondent

4828had been fined on numerous occasions.

483444. Under the circumstances, Petitioner is empowered to

4842deny Respondent a further child care license. This authority is

4852fo und in Section 402.310(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2005),

4860allowing denial for violation of statutory provisions set forth

4869in Sections 402.301 through 402.319 or rules adopted thereunder.

487845. In determining the appropriate response to

4885Respondent's failure to comply with the statute and rules

4894related to staff to children ratios and supervision, Section

4903402.310(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2005), offers guidance where it


4912(b) In determining the appropriate

4917disciplinary action to be taken for a

4924violation a s provided in paragraph (a), the

4932following factors shall be considered:

49371. The severity of the violation, including

4944the probability that death or serious harm

4951to the health or safety of any person will

4960result or has resulted, the severity of the

4968actu al or potential harm, and the extent to

4977which the provisions of ss. 402.301 - 402.319

4985have been violated.

49882. Actions taken by the l icensee to correct

4997the violation or to remedy complaints.

50033. Any previous violations of the licensee.

501046. Here there was the probability of harm to the health

5021and safety of the children in Respondent's care given the nature

5032of the violations. Respon dent made corrections when the

5041violations were discovered in the category of "current

5049violations," but the pattern of violations persisted. There had

5058been numerous violations of this kind in the past.


5068Upon the consideration of the f acts found and the

5078conclusions of law reached, it is


5085That a Final Order be entered denying Respondent's child

5094care facility license.

5097DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2006, in

5107Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


5112_____________ ______________________


5117Administrative Law Judge

5120Division of Administrative Hearings

5124The DeSoto Building

51271230 Apalachee Parkway

5130Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5135(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5143Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5150Filed with the Clerk of the

5156Division of Administrative Hearings

5160this 27th day of February, 2006.


5169Lee Dougherty, Esquire

5172Department of Children

5175and Family Services

51782639 North Monroe Street, Suite 104

5184Tallahassee, Florida 32399

5187Deveron Brown, Esquire

5190Brown and Associates, LLC

5194223 East Virginia Street

5198Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5201Gregory Venz, Agency Clerk

5205Department of Children

5208and Family Services

5211Building 2, Room 204B

52151317 Winewood Boulevard

5218Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

5223John Slye, Acting General Counsel

5228Department of Children

5231and Family Services

5234Building 2, Room 204

52381317 Winewood Boulevard

5241Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


5252All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

526215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5273to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5284will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/11/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/07/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/27/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/27/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 4, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/27/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/06/2006
Proceedings: (Respondent`s Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/24/2006
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes 1 and 2) filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Order (Respondent`s Emergency Motion for Continuance is denied).
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Amended Prehearing Statement which includes List of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Answer to Petitioner`s Motion for Sanctions, for Order for Respondent to Pay Witness Fees, and Other Relief filed.
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Emergency Motion for Continuance filed with attached (Proposed) Order on Respondents` Emergency Motion for Continuance.
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Response to Respondent`s Emergency Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 12/28/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Prehearing Statement which Includes List of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 12/28/2005
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 12/20/2005
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner`s Motion for Judgement on the Pleadings in the Alternative to Determine Material Facts in Dispute Based on the Pleadings denied).
Date: 12/14/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Sanctions and for Order for Respondent to Pay Witness Fees filed.
Date: 12/08/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings in the Alternative to Determine Material Facts in Dispute Based on the Pleadings filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 11/22/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 4, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/21/2005
Proceedings: Respondents` First Motion for Continuance with attached (Proposed) Order on Respondents` First Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 8, 2005; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/03/2005
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Availibilty Notice filed.
Date: 10/03/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by L. Dougherty).
Date: 09/22/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint Nature of the Case filed.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Formal Hearing before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 09/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):