05-003667 Delena R. Stringfield vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, January 3, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner, an African-American, failed to prove that her dismissal was based on racial discrimination and not her misuse of the State SunCom system to make 711 personal long-distance calls.





13Petitioner , )


16vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3667




29Respondent . )



35A formal administ rative hearing in this case was held on

46September 12 , 2006, in Orlando , Florida, before Bram D. E.

56Canter, an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

65Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


69For Petitioner: Garth J. Milazzo, Esquire

7537 North Orange Avenue, Suite 500

81Orlando, Florida 32801

84For Respondent: Cindy Horne, Esquire

89Department of Revenue

92Post Office Box 6668

96Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0100


105The issue in this case is whether Petitioner was dismissed

115from her employment with Respondent on the basis of racial



128On March 25, 2005, Petitioner filed a Complaint of

137Discriminati on with the Florida Commission on Human Relations

146(Commission). The complaint alleged race and age discrimination

154by the Department of Revenue (Department). Following its

162investigation of the complaint, the Commission issued a

170Determination of No Cause o n September 1, 2005. Petitioner

180filed a petition to dispute the Commission's action, and the

190matter was referred to DOAH to conduct an evidentiary hearing.

200At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on her own

209behalf and also presented the testimony of Be tty Tanner and

220Henry McKinney. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 and 2 were admitted

229into evidence. The Department presented the testimony of Mark

238Kellerhals, Lillie Bogan, and Nancy Kelly. The Department's

246E xhibits 1 through 5 were admitted into evidence. The

256u ndersigned requested and, without objection, admitted into

264evidence a document from the Department's public records as

"273Judge's Exhibit 1."

276The two - volume T ranscript of the hearing was filed with

288DOAH . The Department timely filed a Proposed Recommended Or der

299that w as considered in the preparation of this Recommended

309Order. No post - hearing submittal was filed by Petitioner.


3221. Petitioner is an African - American female. She was

332employed as a Revenue Specialist I by the Department's Child

342Support Enforcement Program for a little over four years, from

352September 20, 2000 , until January 28, 2005.

3592. On January 24, 2005, the Department notified Petitioner

368by letter that her employment would be terminated, effective

377January 28, 2005, for violat ing three Disciplinary Standard

386Rules and the Department's policies related to "loafing,"

394conduct unbecoming an public employee, and the misuse of state

404property and equipment.

4073. The Department charged Petitioner with using the

415State's SunCom system to m ake 711 personal long - distance calls

427totaling 5,483 minutes in the 18 - month period from December 1,

4402002 , to May 31, 2004. 1 Petitioner claimed that some of calls,

452totally about 700 minutes, were not personal calls. 2 Petitioner

462admitted that the balance o f the calls, totaling about 4,783

474minutes, were personal calls.

4784. When Petitioner began employment with the Department,

486she signed a form acknowledging that she read and understood the

"497Department of Revenue Personnel Disciplinary Procedures and

504Standard s Rule (#12 - 3.011, F.A.C., effective July 1999)." This

515rule includes a prohibition against personal use of state

524property or equipment without authorization. The rule further

532provides that the disciplinary action for a violation of this

542prohibition range s from oral reprimand to dismissal for the

552first occurrence, suspension to dismissal for the second

560occurrence, and dismissal for the third occurrence.

5675. Petitioner did not receive authorization to use the

576SunCom system for personal long - distance calls.

5846. Petitioner admitted that she knew it was wrong to use

595the SunCom system to make personal long - distance calls, but she

"607really didn't think that it was something that [she] would be

618terminated for."

6207. Petitioner believes her co - workers also used the S unCom

632system to make personal long - distance calls. Even if this claim

644were relevant to the issue of whether the disciplinary action

654taken against Petitioner was discriminatory, she presented no

662evidence to support the claim.

6678. Petitioner argues that her dismissal for misuse of the

677SunCom system was a pretext for her dismissal and that racial

688discrimination was the true reason. Petitioner did not pursue

697at the final hearing her initial claim that age discrimination

707was another basis for her dismissal.

7139. Petitioner presented no evidence of written or oral

722statements made by Department supervisors or administrators

729indicating a racial motive for her dismissal. The sole basis

739for Petitioner's claim of racial discrimination is that other

748Department employe es who were not African - Americans were not

759dismissed for their misuse of the SunCom system.

76710. In determining what disciplinary action to take

775against an employee, the Department considers mitigating

782factors, including the quality of the employee's work

790performance and his or her length of employment.

79811. On December 3, 2003, Petitioner received an oral

807reprimand from her immediate supervisor, Betty Tanner, for

815tardiness. On February 25, 2004, Petitioner received another

823oral reprimand from Ms. Tanner f or tardiness. On January 5,

8342005, Petitioner received an oral reprimand from Ms. Tanner for

844an absence without leave and a "Memo of Concerns" because of

855unsatisfactory work performance issues.

85912. Respondent's Exhibit 4 is a compilation of information

868ab out 25 cases of SunCom misuse by Department employees from

8791996 through 2006. The list of employees is organized according

889to the number of minutes of SunCom misuse in an 18 - month period.

903Of the 25 cases reported, Petitioner ranks third highest in

913total minutes of SunCom system misuse.

91913. Respondent's Exhibit 4 indicates that the worst SunCom

928abuser was M.D., an African - American male, who had 15,000

940minutes of SunCom misuse. In the case of M.D., the Department's

951human resources administrator recommende d that M.D. be

959dismissed, but he was ultimately demoted, instead. According to

968the Department's witness, Nancy Kelly, the decision not to

977dismiss M.D. was because of his length of service (7 years) and

989good work record.

99214. The next worse case of SunCom abuse by a Department

1003employee involved L.W., an African - American female who had

101313,186 minutes of SunCom system misuse. L.W. had 18 years of

1025service and a good work record. Dismissal was recommended for

1035L.W., but she was suspended, instead.

104115. Dismiss al was recommended for a Caucasian male

1050employee, F.S., who had 11 years of service and who had misused

10624,574 minutes on the SunCom system. He resigned before his


107416. An African - American female, L.C., with nine years of

1085service, was allowed to refund the value of 3,551 minutes of

1097personal use of the SunCom system.

110317. The Department's disciplinary actions in the 25 cases

1112of SunCom system misuse do not indicate a pattern of racial


112418. It should be noted that the director of the Child

1135Support Enforcement Program in which Petitioner works, Lilly

1143Bogan, is also an African - American.

115019. In considering mitigating factors, the Department

1157determined that Petitioner's past incidents of unsatisfactory

1164work performance and her relatively short length of service did

1174not provide a basis for taking disciplinary action other than

1184dismissal for her extensive misuse of the SunCom system.

119320. The Department followed the procedures set forth in

1202Subsection 110.227(5)(a), Florida Statutes (2005), that are

1209required before an agency can dismiss a Career Service employee,

1219including giving written notice of the proposed disciplinary

1227action, providing an opportunity to appear before the Department

1236official taking the action, and providing an appeal to t he


124821. Petitioner failed to prove that racial discrimination

1256was the reason for her dismissal. The more persuasive evidence

1266in the record shows that the reason Petitioner was dismissed was

1277the reason given to her by the Department's Employee Relations

1287Manager, "It was the minutes and they were just way too high."


13022 2 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1311jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

1322proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsecti on s 120.57(1)

1332and 760.10(1)(a) , Florida Statutes (2006).

133723 . S ubs ection 760.10(1), Florida Statutes (200 4 ) , states

1349that it is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to

1360discharge or otherwise discriminate against an individual on the

1369basis of race .

137324 . In discrimination cases alleging disparate treatment,

1381the complainant generally bears a burden of proof that was

1391established by the United States Supreme Court in McDonnell

1400Douglas v. Green , 411 U.S. 792 (1973), and Texas Department of

1411Community Aff airs v. Burdine , 450 U.S. 248 (1981). Under this

1422well established standard of proof, the complainant bears the

1431initial burden of establishing a prima facie case of

1440discrimination. When the complainant m ake s out a prima facie

1451case, the burden to go forwar d shifts to the employer to

1463articulate a legitimate, non - discriminatory explanation for the

1472employment action. See Department of Corrections v. Chandler ,

1480582 So. 2d 1183 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991). The employer has the

1492burden of production, not persuasion, and need only persuade the

1502finder of fact that the decision was non - discriminatory. Id.

1513The complainant must then come forward with specific evidence

1522demonstrating that the reasons given by the employer are a

1532pretext for discrimination. "The employee must s atisfy this

1541burden by showing directly that a discriminatory reason more

1550likely than not motivated the decision, or indirectly by showing

1560that the proffered reason for the employment decision is not

1570worthy of belief." Department of Corrections v. Chandler , 582

1579So. 2d 1186.

158225. To establish her prima facie case, Petitioner had to

1592prove that (1) s he is a member of a protected c lass; (2) s he was

1609subject to an adverse employment action; (3) her employer

1618treated similarly situated employees, who are not member s of the

1629protected class, more favorably; and (4) s he was qualified for

1640the job or benefit at issue. See McDon nell , supra ; Gillis v.

1652Georgia Department of Corrections, 400 F. 3d 883 (11th Cir.

16622005) .

166426 . Petitioner did not prove all of the elements to

1675est ablish a prima facie case of discrimination. S he did not

1687prove that the Department treated similarly situated employees

1695who are not African - Americans more favorably in other cases of

1707SunCom system abuse .

171127 . The Department demonstrated a legitimate, non -

1720discriminatory reason for dismissing Petitioner. Petitioner

1726failed to prove that the non - discriminatory reason for

1736dismissing her was a pretext for discrimination. She also

1745failed to show that the Department's explanation is not worthy

1755of belief.

175728. In summary, Petitioner failed to carry h er burden of

1768proof that the Department engaged in racial discrimination

1776against Petitioner when it dismissed her from employment.


1785Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

1794of Law set fort h herein, it is


1803That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a

1812final order dismissing the Petition for Relief.

1819DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of January , 2007, in

1829Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1838Administrative Law Judge

1841Division of Administrative Hearings

1845The DeSoto Building

18481230 Apalachee Parkway

1851Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1856(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1864Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1871Filed with the Cler k of the

1878Division of Administrative Hearings

1882this 3rd day of January , 2007 .


18901 / It is the Department's policy to confine its investigation of

1902SunCom system abuses to telephone records for the 18 - month

1913period preceding the allegation of misuse.

19192/ Petitioner signed an affidavit in which she stated that the

19305,483 minutes were all personal calls, but at the hearing she

1942said her affidavit statement was incorrect.


1951Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

1955Florida Commission on Human Relati ons

19612009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

1966Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1969Cindy Horne, Esquire

1972Department of Revenue

1975Post Office Box 6668

1979Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0100

1984Garth J. Milazzo, Esquire

198837 North Orange Avenue, Suite 500

1994Orlando, Florida 32801

1997Cecil Howard, General Counsel

2001Florida Commission on Human Relations

20062009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

2011Tallahassee, Florida 32301


2020All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

203015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2041to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2052will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 03/16/2007
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 03/15/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/03/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/03/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 12, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/03/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/14/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/05/2006
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes I and II) filed.
Date: 10/16/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/28/2006
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner shall deliver to Respondent all documents requested by Respondent no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2006).
Date: 09/28/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Pre-hearing Order filed.
Date: 09/28/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/25/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Letter to G. Milazzo from C. Horne requesting for items to be produced filed.
Date: 09/18/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 09/15/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 16, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Request for Mediation filed.
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Mediation filed.
Date: 09/06/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Prehearing Order filed.
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: Letter to G. Milazzo from C. Horne regarding the Request for Production from July 6, 2006 filed.
Date: 07/06/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/06/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 05/26/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 12, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 05/17/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Availability for Evidentiary Hearing filed.
Date: 04/27/2006
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by May 12, 2006).
Date: 04/25/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by G. Milazzo).
Date: 04/18/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request for Hearing Date filed.
Date: 03/21/2006
Proceedings: Letter to M. Kellerhals from D. Stringfield regarding the Florida Statutes Chapter 119 Public Records Requests filed.
Date: 03/07/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding public records request filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by May 1, 2006).
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield requesting the Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/22/2006
Proceedings: (Amended) Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 02/22/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Amended Response to the Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 02/17/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 6, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Palm Bay, FL; amended as to date of hearing).
Date: 02/17/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 02/15/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 3, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Palm Bay, FL).
Date: 02/14/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield regarding availability of dates for Hearing filed.
Date: 02/13/2006
Proceedings: Request for Hearing Date filed.
Date: 02/13/2006
Proceedings: Mediation Report filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding February 6, 2006 Mediation with Laurance L. Mancuso, Mediator filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Mediation filed.
Date: 01/31/2006
Proceedings: Letter to M. Kellerhals from D.Stringfield regarding public records requests filed.
Date: 01/27/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding date of Mediation and additional public records requests filed.
Date: 01/20/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding mediation and appointment confirmation filed.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding review of related suncom abuse cases, request of minutes and mediation filed.
Date: 01/18/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Dr. Zingale from D. Stringfield regarding Public Records Requests filed.
Date: 01/17/2006
Proceedings: Letter to B. Hoffman from D. Stringfield regarding Mediation and Public Records Requests filed.
Date: 01/13/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding Public Records Requests, Certification of Cases and Selection of Mediator filed.
Date: 01/11/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by February 14, 2006).
Date: 01/11/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s Amended court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 01/10/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/10/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 01/06/2006
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding Candidate for Mediation filed.
Date: 01/06/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 26, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Palm Bay, FL; amended as to location).
Date: 12/29/2005
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding second public records request and request for minutes filed.
Date: 12/20/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield regarding Witness List filed.
Date: 12/15/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield regarding decision of Mediation filed.
Date: 12/15/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 26, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Palm Bay, FL).
Date: 12/13/2005
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding initial response to the offer of mediation filed.
Date: 12/13/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield regarding offer of mediation filed.
Date: 12/09/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 12/09/2005
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding Defendant`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 12/07/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to the Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 12/07/2005
Proceedings: Witness List filed.
Date: 12/07/2005
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield requesting records related to suncom abuse filed.
Date: 12/02/2005
Proceedings: Letter to C. Horne from D. Stringfield regarding response to Defendant`s Initial Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff filed.
Date: 10/25/2005
Proceedings: Defendant`s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff filed.
Date: 10/18/2005
Proceedings: (Amended) Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 10/18/2005
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 10/14/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/14/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 20, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Palm Bay, FL).
Date: 10/14/2005
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Initial Order/Notice of Appearance (filed by C. Horne).
Date: 10/11/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from D. Stringfield responding to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Amended Employment Complaint of Discrimination fled.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.
Date: 10/06/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):