05-003726N Vanel Jocelyn And Claudette Lafleur, Individually, And As Parents And Natural Guardians For Job Jocelyn, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, May 23, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Indisputably the infant`s impairments were not caused by a brain or spinal cord injury during birth and, whatever the cause, the infant was not substantially mentally and physically impaired. The motion for summary final order of dismissal is granted.




13LAFLEUR, individually, and as )

18parents and natural guardians )

23for JOB JOCELYN, a minor, )


30Petitioner s , )


34vs. ) Case No. 05 - 3726N






55Respondent, )


58and )









93Intervenor s . )



103This cause came on for consideration of Respondent's Motion

112for Summary Final Order, served January 24, 2006.


1241. On October 11, 2005, Vanel Jocelyn and

132Claudette Lafleur, individually, and as parents and natural

140guardians of Job Jocelyn (Job), a minor, filed a petition

150(claim) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) to

159resolve whether Job suffered an injury compensable under the

168F lorida Birth - Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan


1782. DOAH served the Florida Birth - Related Neurological

187Injury Compensation Association (NICA) with a copy of the claim

197on October 12, 2005, and on December 29, 2005, following an

208extension of time within which to do so, NICA filed its response

220to the claim , denied that Job suffered an injury compensable

230under the Plan, and requested a hearing be scheduled to resolve

241the issue of compensability. Such a hearing was duly - noticed

252for June 19 an d 20, 2006.

2593. In the interim, on January 24, 2006, NICA served a

270Motion for Summary Final Order, pursuant to Section

278120.57(1)(h), Florida Statutes. 1 The predicate for NICA's motion

287was its assertion that, indisputably, Job's physical impairment ,

295a left Erb's Palsy , was caused by an injury to his left brachial

308plexis, not the brain or spinal cord; that his expressive

318language delay was most likely developmentally based and not

327related to a birth injury; and that Job did not suffer a

339substantial mental or physical impairment. Attached to NICA's

347motion was an affidavit of Michael Duchowny, M.D., a pediatric

357neurologist, who evaluated Job on January 25, 200 5 .

3674. Dr. Duchowny reported the results of his neurologic

376evaluation, as follows:


386alert cooperative and socially interactive.

391He displays an age appropriate level of

398curiosity and is quite playful. His

404behavior seemed appropriate and he had a

411good attention span for age. He spoke in

419only single words. He kn ew body parts but

428could not identity colors. I could not

435evaluate his speech articulation. Cranial

440nerve examination revealed full visual

445fields to direct confrontation testing. The

451pupils are 3 mm and react briskly to direct

460and consensually presented light. Job

465blinks to threat from directions. The

471funduscopic examination was brief but

476appeared normal. The extraocular movements

481are full and conjugate. Visual fields are

488intact bilaterally. There are no facial

494asymmetries. The uvula is midline. Th e

501pharyngeal folds are symmetric. The tongue

507is moist and papillated and moves well in

515all directions. There is no drooling.

521Motor examination reveals an obvious

526asymmetry of the upper extremities. There

532is loss of muscle bulk at the left shoulder

541and arm to a lesser degree the left forearm.

550The hands and fingers appear symmetric. Job

557cannot elevate the left arm more than 10

565degrees above the horizontal plane and

571apparently cannot raise it over his head.

578He tends to maintain a posture of adduction,

586i nternal rotation and flexion at the

593shoulder with elbow and to a lesser degree

601wri st flexion. The r e is slight ulnar

610deviation of the left hand. He has

617difficulty supinating the left hand. There

623is a good individual finger dexterity

629bilaterally. Job can grasp a cube with

636either hand using fine motor coordination

642and transfer s readily. He tends to

649repeatedly prefer the right and will cross

656the midline. He is able to build a tower of

666cubes using the right hand with the left

674providing support. In contras t there are no

682asymmetries of strength, bulk or tone of the

690lower extremities. There is a healed

696cutaneous burn scar over the dorsum of the

704left foot. Sensory examination revealed

709suspected diminished left arm movement in

715response to painful stimulation of the left

722arm in the C5 and C6 dermatomes. His hand

731and reflexes are asymmetric and that the

738left biceps and brachioradialis are trace

744compared to 2 on the righticeps are

751bilaterally 1 and knee jerks and ankle

758jerks are 2 bilaterally. Both plan tar

765responses are downgoing. The stance is

771relatively narrowly based and Job walks in a

779stable fashion with an obvious upper

785extremity asymmetry of movement. There is

791decreased muscle bulk in the medial scapular

798region with mild left scapular winging. I

805could not formally assess cerebellar

810coordination. Neurovascular examination

813reveals no cervical, cranial or ocular

819bruits and no temperature or pulse


826In SUMMARY, Job's neurologic examination

831demonstrates findings consistent with a left

837Erb 's Palsy involving the C5 and C 6 roots of

848the brachial plexus. He has left upper

855extremity and left shoulder atrophy and

861probably loss of sensation in the C5 and C6

870dermatomes . I regard the findings to be

878most likely permanent and agree that

884surgical the rapy would have little to offer

892at this point. Job also manifests

898expressive language delay that in all

904likelihood is developmentally based. I

909suspect that this will improve significantly

915in the future.

9185. B ased on his neurologic evaluation and review of the

929medical records, Dr. Duchowny opined that:

9355. It is my opinion that JOB JOCELYN

943suffers from neither a substantial mental

949nor motor impairment originating within the

955central nervous system. (The central

960nervous system is commonly understood to

966mea n that portion of the nervous system

974consisting of the brain and spinal cord).

981Rather, his neurologic impairment originates

986in the left brachial plexus and constitutes

993a peripheral nerve injury. He has a left

1001Erb's Palsy involving the C - 5 and C - 6 nerve

1013r oots, and his deficits are the probable

1021loss of sensation in the C - 5 and C - 6

1033dermatomes. These findings are most likely

1039permanent and would not be considered


10466. JOB also manifests expressive language

1052delay that in all likelihood is

1058developm entally based, and does not derive

1065from any birth - related neurological injury.

1072I expect that this will improve

1078significantly in the future. I do not

1085believe that this mental impairment is

1091either permanent [] or substantial.

10967. As such, it is my opinion that JOB

1105JOCELYN is not permanently and substantially

1111mentally and physically impaired due to

1117oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury

1122occurring during the course of labor,

1128delivery or the immediate post - delivery

1135period in the hospital during the birth of


11466 . On February 3, 2006, Intervenor University of Miami

1156filed a Response in Opposition to NICA's Motion for Summary

1166Final Order, noting it had not had an opportunity to obtain

1177discovery on the issue of compensability , and requested that

1186NICA's motion be summarily denied. NICA's motion and the

1195University of Miami's response were addressed by Order of

1204February 13, 2006, as follows:

12091. Ruling on Respondent's Motion for

1215Summary Final Order is deferred until

1221April 14, 2006, to accord the parties t he

1230opportunity to complete any discovery they

1236feel appropriate, and to file any further

1243response to Respondent's Motion for Summary

1249Final Order they feel may be appropriate.

1256Thereafter, Respondent's motion will be

1261addressed without further delay.

12652. Int ervenor's request that Respondent's

1271motion be "summarily denied" is DENIED.

1277Thereafter, at the University of Miami's request, ruling on

1286NICA's motion was deferred until May 18, 2006. 2

12957. On May 17, 2006, the University of Miami filed its

1306Response to NICA 's Motion for Summary Final Order, and on

1317May 19, 2006, a copy of Dr. Duchowny 's deposition, taken May 2,

13302006. Petitioners and the Public Health Trust did not respond

1340to NICA's motion, and no further evidence was offered (by

1350affidavit, deposition, or oth erwise) to address the issues

1359raised by NICA's motion.

13638. With regard to Dr. Duchowny 's deposition, it is noted

1374that the opinions expressed by Dr. Duchowny were wholly

1383consistent with those expressed in his affidavit and report of

1393neurologic evaluation, h eretofore discussed. Briefly stated,

1400based on his evaluation and review of the medical records,

1410Dr. Duchowny opined that there was no evidence that Job suffered

1421a n injury to the brain or spinal cord (the central nervous

1433system) during birth; that the only physical impairment Job

1442evidence d was a left Erb's Palsy (which likely resulted from an

1454injury to the left brachial plexus during delivery); that the

1464only evidence of mental impairment was an expressive language

1473delay, that was likely developmentally base d (related to brain

1483immaturity, as opposed to injury) , and w ould likely improve; and

1494that Job was neither substantially mentally nor substantially

1502physically impaired.

15049. With regard to Dr. Duchowny's opinions and the

1513University of Miami's position on NIC A's motion, the University

1523of Miami noted the following in its response:

15315. On May 2, 2006, Dr. Duchowny's

1538deposition was taken, wherein he reiterated

1544his opinion that Job did not suffer any

1552substantial mental impairment and that any

1558injuries suffered by Job related to the

1565peripheral nervous system, not the central

1571nervous system . . . . Dr. Duchowny also

1580refuted the Petitioners' allegation [in

1585their petition] that Job suffered from

1591hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, which he

1596defined as "[b]rain damage caus ed by lack of

1605oxygen, lack of blood supply or both."

1612. . . Dr. Duchowny testified that, although

1620the physicians at Jackson Memorial Hospital

1626might have suspected that there was a

1633central nervous system injury such as

1639hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, s uch

1644suspicions were inconsistent with his

1649findings after his evaluation of the patient

1656and the records of the physical therapists

1663and subsequent treaters whose records he

1669reviewed. . . . Dr. Duchowny further

1676testified that, had Job sustained a brain

1683injur y, such injury would have manifested

1690itself when he evaluated Job at age 2 and

1699would not manifest later in time. . . . As

1709no structural brain injury was found during

1716this evaluation of Job, Dr. Duchowny was

1723confident that Job did not sustain any such

1731inju ry as a result of the labor and delivery

1741process. . . .

17456. The University of Miami agrees with

1752Dr. Duchowny's determination that Job did

1758not sustain any significant neurological

1763injuries, including hypoxic ischemic

1767encephalopathy, at or around the tim e of his

1776birth. The Petitioners, however, maintain

1781[in their petition] that Job did suffer such

1789injuries and rely on Jackson Memorial

1795Hospital's medical records as a basis for

1802that contention. To the extent that the

1809DOAH determines that the references in the

1816medical records to neurological injuries

1821contain any evidentiary value, the DOAH

1827should find there are genuine issues of

1834material fact and elect to resolve the issue

1842of compensability at the final hearing. If,

1849on the other hand, the DOAH agrees with Dr.

1858Duchowny that the references merely reflect

1864the physicians unconfirmed suspicions

1868regarding Job's diagnosis and that the

1874evidence in the record does not otherwise

1881support a finding of compensability, NICA's

1887motion should be granted . . . .

189510. The hospital records the University of Miami

1903refer enced, were attached to Dr. Duchowny's deposition and are

1913the only hospital records submitted in this case . Of note,

1924those records consist of three consultation reports (of

1932September 26, 2002, September 27, 20 02, and September 30, 2002) ,

1943which reflect a diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia and

1951hypoxic/ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) , as the likely cause of

1959Job's difficulties immediately following birth. As for Job's

1967subsequent development, there is no evidence to con tradict the

1977opinions of Dr. Duchowny that Job's current presentation fails

1986to reveal any evidence of an injury to his central nervous

1997system or that Job is not substantially mentally or physically

2007impaired. Consequently, given the record, it is in disputab le

2017that, while Job evidences some neurologic impairment, it was not

2027related to a brain or spinal cord injury that occurred during

2038labor, delivery, or resuscitation. Moreover, regardless of the

2046origin of his impairments, Job is not permanently and

2055substant ially mentally and physically impaired. Therefore,

2062NICA's Motion for Summary Final Order is well - founded. 3

2073§§ 120.57(1)(h), 766.302(2), and 766.309, Fla. Stat.


208311 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2091jurisdiction over the part ies to, and the subject matter of,

2102these proceedings. § 766.301, et seq ., Fla. Stat.

211112 . The Florida Birth - Related Neurological Injury

2120Compensation Plan was established by the Legislature "for the

2129purpose of providing compensation, irrespective of fault, for

2137birth - related neurological injury claims" relating to births

2146occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

215713 . The injured "infant, her or his personal

2166representative, parents, dependents, and next of kin," may seek

2175compensation un der the Plan by filing a claim for compensation

2186with the Division of Administrative Hearings. §§ 766.302(3),

2194766.303(2), 766.305(1), and 766.313, Fla. Stat. The Florida

2202Birth - Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association,

2209which administers the Pla n, has "45 days from the date of

2221service of a complete claim . . . in which to file a response to

2236the petition and to submit relevant written information relating

2245to the issue of whether the injury is a birth - related

2257neurological injury." § 766.305(3), Fl a. Stat.

22641 4 . If NICA determines that the injury alleged in a claim

2277is a compensable birth - related neurological injury, it may award

2288compensation to the claimant, provided that the award is

2297approved by the administrative law judge to whom the claim has

2308bee n assigned. § 766.305(6), Fla. Stat. If, on the other hand,

2320NICA disputes the claim, as it has in the instant case, the

2332dispute must be resolved by the assigned administrative law

2341judge in accordance with the provisions of C hapter 120, F lorida

2353Statutes. §§ 766.304, 766.309, and 766.31, Fla. Stat.

23611 5 . In discharging this responsibility, the administrative

2370law judge must make the following determination based upon the

2380available evidence:

2382(a) Whether the injury claimed is a

2389birth - related neurological in jury. If the

2397claimant has demonstrated, to the

2402satisfaction of the administrative law

2407judge, that the infant has sustained a brain

2415or spinal cord injury caused by oxygen

2422deprivation or mechanical injury and that

2428the infant was thereby rendered permanently

2434and substantially mentally and physically

2439impaired, a rebuttable presumption shall

2444arise that the injury is a birth - related

2453neurological injury as defined in s.


2460(b) Whether obstetrical services were

2465delivered by a participating physician i n

2472the course of labor, delivery, or

2478resuscitation in the immediate post - delivery

2485period in a hospital; or by a certified

2493nurse midwife in a teaching hospital

2499supervised by a participating physician in

2505the course of labor, delivery, or

2511resuscitation in the immediate post - delivery

2518period in a hospital.

2522§ 766.309(1), Fla. Stat. An award may be sustained only if the

2534administrative law judge concludes that the "infant has

2542sustained a birth - related neurological injury and that

2551obstetrical services were delive red by a participating physician

2560at birth." § 766.31(1), Fla. Stat.

25661 6 . Pertinent to this case, "birth - related neurological

2577injury" is defined by Section 766.302(2), to mean:

2585injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live

2595infant weighing at least 2,500 gra ms for a

2605single gestation or, in the case of a

2613multiple gestation, a live infant weighing

2619at least 2,000 grams at birth caused by

2628oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury

2633occurring in the course of labor, delivery,

2640or resuscitation in the immediate

2645postdeli very period in a hospital, which

2652renders the infant permanently and

2657substantially mentally and physically

2661impaired. This definition shall apply to

2667live births only and shall not include

2674disability or death caused by genetic or

2681congenital abnormality.

26831 7 . Here, indisputably, Job' s neurologic impairment was

2693not caused by an injury to the brain or spinal cord , caused by

2706oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the c ourse

2716of labor, delivery, or resuscitation, and, whatever the cause,

2725he is not pe rmanently and substantially mentally and physically

2735impaired. Consequently, given the provisions of Section

2742766.302(2), Florida Statutes, Job does not qualify for coverage

2751under the Plan. See also Florida Birth - Related Neurological

2761Injury Compensation As sociation v. Florida Division of

2769Administrative Hearings , 686 So. 2d 1349 (Fla. 1997)(The Plan is

2779written in the conjunctive and can only be interpreted to

2789require both substantial mental and physical impairment.);

2796Humana of Florida, Inc. v. McKaughan , 652 So. 2d 852, 859 (Fla.

28082d DCA 1995)("[B]ecause the Plan . . . is a statutory substitute

2821for common law rights and liabilities, it should be strictly

2831construed to include only those subjects clearly embraced within

2840its terms."), approved , Florida Birth - Rela ted Neurological

2850Injury Compensation Association v. McKaughan , 668 So. 2d 974,

2859979 (Fla. 1996).

28621 8 . Where, as here, the administrative law judge

2872determines that ". . . the injury alleged is not a birth - related

2886neurological injury . . . he [is required to] enter an order [to

2899such effect] and . . . cause a copy of such order to be sent

2914immediately to the parties by registered or certified mail."

2923§ 766.309(2), Fla. Stat. Such an order constitutes final agency

2933action subject to appellate court review. § 766 .311(1), Fla.



2945Based on the foregoing Statement of the Case and

2954Conclusions of Law, it is

2959ORDERED that Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order is

2968granted, and the petition for compensation filed by

2976Vanel Jocelyn and Claudette Lafleur, individually and as parents

2985and natural guardians of Job Jocelyn, a minor, be and the same

2997is dismissed with prejudice.

3001It is further ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for

3010June 19 and 20, 2006, is cancelled.

3017D ONE AND ORDERED this 23rd day of May, 2006 , in

3028Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3036Administrative Law Judge

3039Division of Administrative Hearings

3043The DeSoto Building

30461230 Apalachee Parkway

3049Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3054(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3062Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3069Filed with the Clerk of the

3075Division of Administrative Hearings

3079this 23rd day of May, 2006 .


30871 / Pertinent to this case, Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida

3096Statutes, provides:

3098(h) Any party to a proceeding in which an

3107administrative law judge of the Division of

3114Administrative Hearings has final order

3119authority may move for a summary final order

3127when there is no genuine issue as to any

3136material fact. A summary final order shall

3143be rendered i f the administrative law judge

3151determines from the pleadings, depositions,

3156answers to interrogatories, and admissions

3161on file, together with affidavits, if any,

3168that no genuine issue as to any material

3176fact exists and that the moving party is

3184entitled as a matter of law to the entry of

3194a final order . . . .

32012 / On April 10, 2006, the University of Miami filed an Agreed

3214Motion to Defer Ruling on NICA's Motion for Summary Final Order.

3225That motion was addressed by Order of April 12, 2006 , as


3237ORDERE D that Intervenor's motion is granted

3244and ruling on Respondent's Motion for

3250Summary Final Order is deferred until

3256May 12, 2006, to accord the parties the

3264opportunity to complete any discovery they

3270feel appropriate, and to file any further

3277response to Respo ndent's Motion for Summary

3284Final Order. Thereafter, Respondent's

3288motion will be addressed without further


3295On May 12, 2006, the University of Miami filed a Motion for

3307Extension of Time to Respond to NICA's Motion for Summary Final

3318Order. That moti on was addressed by Order of May 18, 2006, as


3332ORDERED that Intervenor's motion is granted

3338and the parties are granted until May 17,

33462006, to file any response to NICA's Motion

3354for Summary Final Order. Thereafter, NICA's

3360motion will be addressed without further


33673/ Notably, when, as here, the "moving party presents evidence

3377to support the claimed non - existence of a material issue, he . .

3391. [is] entitled to a summary judgment unless the opposing party

3402comes forward with some evidence which w ill change the result;

3413that is, evidence to generate an issue of material fact. It is

3425not sufficient for an opposing party merely to assert tha t an

3437issue does exist." Turner Produce Company, Inc. v. Lake Shore

3447Growers Cooperative Association , 217 So. 2d 856, 861 (Fla. 4th

3457DCA 1969). Accord , Roberts v. Stokley , 388 So. 2d 1267 (Fla. 2d

3469DCA 1980); Perry v. Langstaff , 383 So. 2d 1104 (Fla. 5th DCA

3481198 0 ).


3486(Via C ertified Mail)

3490Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

3494Florida Birth Related Neuro logical

3499Injury Compensation Association

35022360 Christopher Place, Suite 1

3507Tallahassee, Florida 32308

3510(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5418)

3518Jon M. Herskowitz, Esquire

3522The Herskowitz Law Firm

3526One Datran Center, Suite 1404

35319100 South Dadeland Boulev ard

3536Miami, Florida 33156

3539(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5425)

3547David W. Black, Esquire

3551Frank, Weinberg & Black, P.L.

35567805 Southwest Sixth Court

3560Plantation, Florida 33324

3563(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5432)

3571Ronald J. Bernstein, Esquire

3575Stephen P. Clark Center

3579111 Northwest 1st Street, Suite 2810

3585Miami, Florida 33128

3588(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5449)

3596James D. DeChurch, Esquire

3600Fowler, White, Burnett, P.A.

3604Espirito Santo Plaza, 14th Floor

36091395 Brickell Avenue

3612Miami, Florida 33131 - 3302

3617(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5456)

3625Victor Gonzalez - Quintero, M.D.

36301611 Northwest 12th Avenue

3634Miami, Florida 33136

3637(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5463)

3645Jackson Memorial Hospital

3648University of Miami

36511611 Northwest 12th Ave nue

3656Miami, Florida 33136

3659(Certified Mail No. 7002 2030 0006 4479 5470)

3667Charlene Willoughby, Director

3670Consumer Services Unit - Enforcement

3675Department of Health

36784052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 75

3686Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3275

3691(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9192 8079)


3705A party who is adversely affected by this F inal O rder is entitled

3719to judicial review pursuant to Sections 120.68 and 766.311,

3728Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida

3737Rules of A ppellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3747filing the original of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk

3759of the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy,

3768accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

3777appropriate District Court of Appeal. See Section 766.311,

3785Florida Statutes, and Florida Birth - Related Neurological Injury

3794Compensation Association v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st

3804DCA 1992). The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of

3817rendition of the order to be re viewed.

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Date: 06/05/2006
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/23/2006
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 05/23/2006
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/23/2006
Proceedings: Final Summary Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/19/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of Michael Duchowny, M.D. filed.
Date: 05/18/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; Deposition of M. Duchowny, M.D. filed.
Date: 05/18/2006
Proceedings: Order (Intervenor`s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order is granted, parties are granted until May 17, 2006, to file response).
Date: 05/17/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Response to NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/17/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Second Motion to Compel better Answers to Contention Interrogatories and Requests for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/15/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Amended Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Nica`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/12/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Petitioners` Supplemental Response to Intervenor`s Contention Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Petitioners` Supplemental Response to Intervenor`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Petitioners` Supplemental Response to Intervenor`s Requests for Admission filed.
Date: 04/24/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Absence from Jurisdiction or Unavailability filed.
Date: 04/21/2006
Proceedings: Order (Intervenor`s Motion to Compel Better Answers to Contention Interrogatories; Motion to Compel Better Responses to Requests for Production; Motion to Compel Better Answers to Requests for Admission 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 are granted; Requests for Admission 21 and 22, Intervenors` motion denied).
Date: 04/19/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 04/12/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Motion to Compel Better Answers to Contention Interrogatories and Requests for Admission and Better Responses to Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/12/2006
Proceedings: Order (University of Miami`s Agreed Motion to Defer Ruling on NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order granted).
Date: 04/10/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Agreed Motion to Defer Ruling on NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 04/10/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (M. Duchowny, M.D.) filed.
Date: 04/07/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/22/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Intervenor, University of Miami`s Contention Interrogatories to Petitioners filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Requests for Admission to Petitioners filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Intervenor, University of Miami`s Request for Production to Petitioners filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Intervenor, University of Miami`s Expert Witness Interrogatories to Petitioners; University of Miami`s Expert Witness Interrogatories to Petitioners filed.
Date: 02/20/2006
Proceedings: Order (Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County , d/b/a Jackson Memorial Hospital, a/k/a Jackson Health System`s Petition for Leave to Intervene granted).
Date: 02/13/2006
Proceedings: Order (Ruling on Respondent`s Motion for Summary Final Order is deferred until April 14, 2006; Intervenor`s request that Respondent`s motion be "summarily denied" is denied).
Date: 02/13/2006
Proceedings: Petition for Leave to Intervene (Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, d/b/a Jackson Memorial Hospital a/k/a Jackson Health System) filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: University of Miami`s Response in Opposition to NICA`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed
Date: 01/27/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 01/23/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order of January 3, 2006 filed.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/19/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for June 19 and 20, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/11/2006
Proceedings: Response to Order of January 3, 2006 filed by Respondent.
Date: 01/11/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by D. Black).
Date: 01/11/2006
Proceedings: University of Miami`s Response to Order of January 3, 2006 filed.
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 12/29/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; report of M. Duchowny, M.D filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 12/29/2005
Proceedings: Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 12/01/2005
Proceedings: Order (motion granted, Respondent shall have up to and including December 29, 2005, to file its response to the Petition).
Date: 11/30/2005
Proceedings: Order (Motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 11/15/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Act as Qualified Representative before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 10/31/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention (University of Miami).
Date: 10/19/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Leave to Intervene (University of Miami) filed.
Date: 10/18/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 10/12/2005
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipt stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 10/12/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Ann Cole enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 10/12/2005
Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Date: 10/11/2005
Proceedings: Nica Filing Fee rec`d (not available for viewing).
Date: 10/11/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Determination of Availability of Nica Coverage filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related Florida Statute(s) (11):