05-003831 Department Of Financial Services, Division Of Workers&Apos; Compensation vs. Christopher Curry, D/B/A Curry Land Service
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 28, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner properly imputed the payroll to determine a penalty.







20Petitioner, )


23vs. ) Case No. 0 5 - 38 31





42Respondent. )



47Notice was provided and on M ay 5 , 200 6, a formal hearing

60was held in this case. Authority for conducting the hearing is

71set forth in Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes

80(200 5 ). The hearing location was the Department of

90Transportation District Office, 1109 South Marion Avenue, Lake

98C i ty, Florida. Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law Judge,

108conducted the hearing.


112For Petitioner: H. F. Rick Mann , Esquire

119Departm ent of Financial Services

124Division of Legal Services

128200 East Gaines Street

132Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

137For Respondent: Christopher Curry , pro se

1431259 Southwest County Road 252B

148L a ke City , Florida 32 024


159Has Respondent failed to secure payment of workers'

167compensation for his employees, Section 440.107(2), Florida

174Statutes (200 5 ), justifying the entry of a stop - work order,

187S ubs ection 440.107(7)(a), Flo rida Statutes (200 5 ), and the entry

200of a financial penalty against Respondent, S ubs ection

209440.107(7)(d), Florida Statutes (200 5 ) , as imputed, S ubs ection

220440.107(7)(e), Florida Statutes ( 2005 ) ?


228On August 11 , 200 5 , Petitioner s e rv ed a stop - work order on

244Respondent for the alleged failure to pay workers' compensation

253in violation of Section 440.107(2), Florida Statutes (200 5 ). At

264the sa m e time , an Order of Penalty Assessment was served in

277accordance with S ubs ection 440.107(7)(d), F lorida Statutes

286(200 5 ). Respondent was also noticed of his rights to be h eard

300in association with the stop - w ork o rder under procedures set

313forth in Section s 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes ( 2005 ),

325u pon the filing of a petition in a form consistent wi th Florida

339Administrative Code Chapter 28 - 106.

345On August 11, 2005 , Petitioner requested that Respondent

353produce business records to support its calculation of a penalty

363assessment. The request for production was made consistent with

372S ubs ection 440.107(7 )(d), Florida Statutes ( 2005 ), with the

384various categories of information sought being detailed in the

393request for production.

396Proceeding without the benefit Respondent 's business

403records, Petitioner imputed weekly payroll amounts and

410established a penal ty calculation for the period August 11,

4202002 , through August 11, 2005 . § 440.107(7)(e), Fla. Stat.

430( 2005 ).

433On September 1, 2005 , Respondent was notified of the

442Penalty Assessment in an Amended Order of Penalty Assessment

451totaling $121,039.00 . The serv ice of the Amended Order of

463Penalty Assessment on that date informed Respondent of the right

473to contest the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment .

482Respondent p etition ed for a hearing pursuant to Section

492120.57, Florida Statutes ( 2005 ) , and Florida Administr ative Code

503Chapter 28 - 106, to challenge the stop - work order and the Amended

517Order of Penalty Assessment .

522On October 17, 2005 , Petitioner forwarded the pe tition for

532formal administrative hearing , requesting the assignment of an

540a dministrative l aw j udge to conduct a formal hearing before the

553Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , pursuant to Sections

561120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes ( 2005 ). The case became

572DOAH Case No. 05 - 3831 , and an a dministrative l aw j udge was

587assigned to conduct necessary proceedings. Eventually the

594formal hearing was held before the undersigned in substitution

603for prior a dministrative l aw j udge s .

613Respondent 's counsel moved to withdraw based upon a lack of

624cooperation by his client in meeting appointments to produce

633info rmation concerning this case. On April 14, 2006 , an order

644was entered allowing the withdrawal of counsel. Beyond that

653point , Respondent proceeded pro se .

659Pending the final hearing in this case , Petitioner sought

668production of Respondent 's business reco rds , employing the

677Florida Rules of Civil Procedure . Those records were not

687produced in response to the discovery request , and order s were

698entered requiring production.

701At hearing , Petitioner presented Michael Robinson , an

708investigator for the Petition er 's Bureau of Compliance as its

719witness. Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1 through 6 were


728Respondent offered Respondent 's Exhibits numbered 1 through

7367. Ruling was reserved on Respondent 's Exhibit numbered 1. It

747is denied admission. Respond ent 's Exhibits numbered 2 through 7

758were denied admission at hearing. Respondent 's Exhibit numbered

7672 is a W - 2 wage and tax statement for Co l lin Grimes , the year

7842005. Respondent 's Exhibits 3 through 7 are constituted of

794Schedule C, Form 1040, the propri etorship of Christopher and

804Michelle L. Curry, the year 2003; Schedule C, Form 1040,

814proprietorship of Christopher Curry, the year 2004; Schedule C,

823Form 1040, proprietorship of Christopher Curry, the year 2005;

832Schedule E, Form 1040, proprietorship of Chr istopher and

841Michelle L. Curry, the year 2005; and Form 1120S U . S . Income Tax

856Return for an S corporation the year 2005 for Curry Land

867Services, Inc. 1/

870Respondent did not testif y nor present witnesses in his


881At hearing Petitioner requested th at official r ecognition

890be made of Florida Administrative Code Rules 69L - 6. 021 and 69L -

9046.028. That motion was g ranted. Petitioner 's post - hearing

915Motion for Official Recognition of Florida Administrative Code

923Rule 69L - 6.015 is also granted.

930On May 24 , 200 6 , the hearing transcript was filed with

941DOAH. Proposed recommended order s by the parties ha ve been

952considered in preparing the Recommended Order.


9611. Michael Robinson is a n investigator for Petitioner 's

971Bureau of Compliance . His duties include job site visits to

982determine whether individuals on the site are employees, by who m

993those persons are employed and whether the employer has secured

1003the payment of workers' compensation by obtaining necessary

1011insurance coverage. Some site v isits are made on a random

1022basis. That wa s the case here.

10292. On August 11, 2005 , Mr. Robinson went to an address in

1041Lake City, Florida , referred to as 223 NW Sylvi Drive. There he

1053observed three individuals laying sod in the yard of the private

1064resid en ce located at the address.

10713. Respondent , a fourth individual, was transporting sod

1079from a trailer to the yard using equipment described as a

1090B obcat.

10924. The sod had been cut in squares and the squares were

1104being matched and placed on the ground in the yard , where it was

1117stepped on to secure it in the ground in a checker board

1129pattern. Approximately three - quarters of the yard had sod

1139p lac e d .

11445. Mr. Robinson consider ed the activities on the site as

1155involving a construction industry , with a classifi cation,

1163according to the National Council on Compensation, Inc. (NCCI) ,

1172as class code 0042, landscape gardening and drivers , as

1181reflected in Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L - 6.021 (1) (a).

1192The NCCI classification code s for job descriptions were adopted

1202by the rule.

12056. Mr. Robinson observed a permit board erected in the

1215front yard of the property . There was no evidence that he saw

1228which would indicate anyone was living in the home. The garage

1239door was open. There was nothing in the garage. No blinds were

1251on the windows. No evidence of any kind was observed that would

1263indicate the house had been occupied.

12697. Altogether four persons were working at the site.

1278Mr. Robinson interviewed each individual.

12838. After introducing himself , Mr. Robinson expl ained to

1292Respondent the reason for the site visit and determined that

1302Respondent was the employer for the other individuals, in

1311addition to work ing o n the job. Res pondent told Mr. Robinson

1324that h e was a sub - contractor working for Earth Scapes , and had

1338bee n hired to lay new sod in the yard. Respondent described his

1351position as that of a sole proprietor. Respondent identified

1360two of the other individuals as being his step - sons and the

1373remaining individual was a family friend. Respondent explained

1381that the basis for compensating the other employees was that

1391Respondent "gave them running around money on Friday's." The

1400other individuals indicated that they worked for Respondent

1408part - time when he needed their help.

14169 . T o verify Respondent's statement that he was a sub -

1429contractor assigned to the job, Mr. Robinson contacted the owner

1439of Earth Scapes , who agreed with Respondent's recount of his

1449assignment at the job location. Mr. Robinson was told Earth

1459Scapes is a nursery that lays new sod and plants trees.

147010 . Mr. Robinson inquired of Mr. Curry concerning workers'

1480compensation coverage for the three employees. The answer was

1489that Respondent did not have workers' compensation coverage

1497through an insurance policy or through a leasing company or

1507temporar y labor service. Research in to coverage and compliance

1517through a Coverage and Compliance Automated System (CCAS) data

1526base available to Petitioner did not reveal any information

1535concerning Respondent and his business at 1259 SW County Road,

1545252 - B, Lake Ci ty, Florida, that would relate to workers'

1557compensation coverage. A similar search of a data base

1566maintained by Petitioner in association with exemptions from the

1575requirement to obtain workers' compensation coverage did not

1583reveal any exemption for Respon dent from the need for workers'

1594compensation coverage.

159611 . Having discovered the activity on the construction

1605site in which work was done without workers' compensation

1614coverage, Mr. Robinson discussed his findings with Robert

1622Lambert, Petitioner's distri ct supervisor in the Bureau of

1631Compliance. Following that conversation Mr. Lambert authorized

1638Mr. Robinson to issue a s top - work order to Respondent. A s top -

1654work order was prepared on August 11, 2005 . The s top - work order

1669was served on Respondent on that date . The basis for its entry

1682was the failure to secure payment of workers' compensation in

1692violation of Section 440.107(2), Florida Statutes (2005), by

1700failing to obtain coverage that would meet the requirement s set

1711forth in Chapter 440, Florida Statutes , and provision s of the

1722Florida Insurance Code (the Insurance Code) . On that same date ,

1733an Order of Penalty Assessment was served on Respondent under

1743authority set for in Section 440.107(7)(d), Florida Statutes

1751(2005). The Order of Penalty Assessment als o reminded

1760Respondent that the penalty might be amended based upon other

1770information obtained, including the production of business

1777records held by Respondent. These orders advise d Respondent

1786that he had the right to contest material facts in the s top - wor k

1802order by filing a written petition for hearing under Section s

1813120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2005).

181912 . On August 11, 2005, by a written document ,

1829Mr. Robinson requested production of business records maintained

1837by Respondent that would assist i n the calculation of a penalty

1849assessment for the period August 11, 2002 , through August 11,

18592005, as contemplated by Section 440.107(7), Florida Statutes.

1867The written request for production reminded Respondent that he

1876must produce those records within fi ve business days after

1886receipt , to allow examination and copying , and that the failure

1896to do so by quality of information sufficient to allow the

1907determination of the payroll for the period in question , would

1917allow the Petitioner to impute weekly payroll f or the three

1928employees and Respondent pursuant to the information derived

1936using Section 440 .12(2), Florida Statutes (2005), multiplied by

19451 .5. The document served on Respondent set out the various

1956categories of information requested for production. These

1963categories c omport with Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L -

19736.015. Respondent did not honor this request at any time. 2/

198413 . Mr. Robinson not only provided the list of categories

1995of information sought for production , he explained the

2003categories found on the list to Respondent. Examples of

2012information sought and explained included timesheets, time

2019cards, payroll check stubs, check ledgers, income tax returns

2028that would reflect the amount of remuneration paid or payable to

2039each employee.

204114 . On Sept ember 1, 2005, Mr. Robinson served Respondent

2052with an Amended Order of Penalty Assessment that set forth an

2063assessed penalty of $121,039.00 , by imputation under S ubs ection

2074440.107(7)(d) and (e) , Florida Statutes (2005) , and by resort to

2084Florida Administrat ive Code Rule 69L - 6.028. That rule allows

2095the imputation of payroll calculations after 15 business days

2104f ollowing receipt by the employer of a written request to

2115produce business records and the method will not be set aside

2126after 45 days from receipt . Th e Amended Order of Penalty

2138Assessment reminded Respondent that the s top - work order would

2149remain in effect unless th at o rder was released by Petitioner's

2161further order. The necessary steps to set aside the s top - work

2174order depended on obtain ing coverage und er the workers'

2184compensation law and the payment of the penalty assessment . The

2195a pproach for serving the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment was

2206by certified mail return receipt request ed. The receipt was

2216returned following service. The Amended Order of Penalty

2224Assessment provided the Respondent with the opportunity to

2232dispute the material facts associated with the Amended Order of

2242Penalty Assessment under procedures found in Sections 120.569

2250and 12 0.57, Florida Statutes (2005). A s indic ated , Respondent

2261took advantage o f the right to contest matters leading to the

2273final hearing.

227515 . The Amended Order of Penalty Assessment as set forth

2286in Petitioner's E xhibit number six also reflects a worksheet

2296that applies to the overall period in question. It demons t rates

2308the calculations imputed r elated to Respondent, Tony Joe Brown,

2318Collin Grimes, and Josh Grimes, persons on the job site when the

2330random inspection took place on August 11, 2005. The

2339calculations in the matrix for all parts , were in relation to

2350the four workers under class code 0042 , without the benefit of

2361actual information provided by Respondent. The job class codes

2370are derived from the Scopes Manual, an insurance industry



23831 6 . The Division of Administrative Hear ings has

2393jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties to this action

2403consistent with Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes

2411(200 5 ).

241417. Having concluded that Respondent failed to secure the

2423payment of workers' compensation , in that Responde nt did not

2433obtain coverage meeting the requirements of Chapter 440, Florida

2442Statutes (2005) and the Insurance Code, Petitioner issued a

2451s top - work order at the work site described as 223 NW Sylvi

2465Drive, Lake City, Florida. § 440.107(2) and (3), Fla. Stat.

2475(2005). Petitioner intends to continue with the s top - work order

2487in effect , pending compliance by the Respondent with coverage

2496requirements of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes , and the payment

2505of a penalty that has been assessed in this case.

2515§ 440.107(7)(a), Fla. Stat. (2005).

252018. Proof that Respondent failed to secure payment of

2529workers' compensation as required , that authorized issuance of

2537the s top - work order and the Amended Penalty Assessment , must be

2550by clear and convincing of evidence. Se e Section 120.57(1)(j),

2560Florida Statutes (2005) , and Department of Banking and Finance

2569Division of Secur i ties and Investor Pro tection v. Osborne Stern

2581and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996) .

259019 . The nature of the activities being performed by

2600Respondent a nd the other workers on the job site in Lake City,

2613Florida was i n association with the "construction industry" as

2623defined at Section 440.02(8), Florida Statutes (2005), which


2632' Construction industry ' means for - profit

2640activities involving any buildin g, clearing,

2646filling, excavation, or substantial

2650improvement in the size or use of any

2658structure or the appearance of any land.

2665However, ' construction ' does not mean a

2673homeowner's act of construction or the

2679result of a con s tr u ction upon his or her own

2692pre mises, provided such premises are not

2699intended to be sold, resold, or leased by

2707the owner within 1 year after the

2714commencement of construction. The division

2719may, by rule, establish standard industrial

2725classification codes and definitions thereof

2730which mee t the criteria of the term

2738'construction industry' as set forth in this


2746The nature of the construction undertaken by Respondent and his

2756employees at the job site was landscaping under class code 0042.

2767Fla. Admin. Code R. 69L - 6.021(1)(a).

277420 . Th e persons working with Respondent at the work site

2786and the Respondent himself , were employees as defined in Section

2796440.02(15)(a) and (c), Florida Statutes (2005), which states:

2804(a) 'Employee' means any person who

2810receives remuneration from an employer for

2816the performance of any work or service while

2824engaged in any employment under any

2830appointment or contract for hire or

2836apprenticeship, express or implied, or oral

2842or written, whether lawfully or unlawfully

2848employed, and includes, but is not limited

2855to, aliens and minors.

2859* * *

2862(c) 'Employee' includes:

2865* * *

28682. All persons who are being paid by a

2877construction contractor as a subcontractor,

2882unless the subcontractor has validly elected

2888an exemption as perm itted by this chapter,

2896or has otherwise secured the payment of

2903compensation coverage as a subcontractor,

2908. . .

2911* * *

29144. A sole proprietor who engages in the

2922construction industry and a partner or

2928partnership that is engaged in the

2934construction industry.

"2936Sole proprietor" is defined at Section 440.02(25),

2943Florida Statutes ( 2005 ).

294821 . Respondent was the employer of the other three persons

2959on the work site as defined in Section 440.02(16)(a), Florida

2969Statutes (2005), w hich states:

2974(16)(a) ' Employer ' means . . . every

2983person carrying on any employment . . .

29912 2 . The nature of the activities performed by Respondent

3002and the other three employees on August 11, 2005, at the work

3014site , constituted employment as defined in Section 440.02(17)(a)

3022and (b), Florida Statutes (2005), which states:

3029(17)(a) ' Employment, ' subject to the other

3037provisions of this chapter, means any

3043service performed by an employee for the

3050person employing him or her.

3055(b) 'Employment' includes:

3058* * *

30612. All private employments in which four or

3069more employees are employed by the same

3076employer or, with respect to the

3082construction industry, all private

3086employment in which one or more employees

3093are employed by the same employer .

3100* * *

310323 . Respon dent and the three persons on the work site are

"3116persons" as defined in Section 440.02(23), Florida Statutes

3124(2005), which states:

3127(23) ' Person ' means individual,

3133partnership, association, or corporation,

3137including any public service corporation.

314224 . R espondent's liability to provide workers'

3150compensation coverage for himself and the other employees on the

3160job site is identified in S ubs ection 440.10(1)(a), Florida

3170Statutes (2005), which states:

3174(1)(a) Every employer coming within the

3180provisions of this chapter shall be liable

3187for, and shall secure, the payment to his or

3196her employees, or any physician, surgeon, or

3203pharmacist providing services under the

3208provisions of s. 440.13, of the compensation

3215payable under ss 440.13, 440.15, and 440.16.

3222Any contra ctor or subcontractor who engages

3229in any public or private construction in the

3237state shall secure and maintain compensation

3243for his or her employees under this chapter

3251as provided in s. 440.38.

3256Respondent's obligation is in relation to his work as a

3266sub contractor on the project he was engaged in on August 11,


327925 . Respondent was obligated to secure the payment for

3289compensation in the manner described in Section 440.38, Florida

3298Statutes (2005) . Records review performed by the Petitioner

3307revealed t hat Respondent had failed to secure payment of

3317compensation as contemplated by Section 440.38, Florida Statutes


33262 6 . On August 11, 2005, when Mr. Robinson performed his

3338random inspection of the job site, he did so under authority set

3350forth in Section 440.107(3), Florida Statutes (2005). The

3358subsequent investigation, issuance of a s top - work order ,

3368issuance of Penalty Assessment Orders and request to examine

3377Respondent's business records concerning employees a n d the

3386amount paid to the e mployees were consistent with that


339727 . Knowing that Respondent , as an employer required to

3407secure payment to him and his employees of workers' compensation

3417provided for under Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, had failed to

3427secure that payment , th e s top - work order was issued on

3440August 11, 2005, under authority set forth in Section

3449440.107(7)(a), Florida S tatutes (2005). U nder that same

3458authority the s top - work order remains in effect because

3469Respondent has yet to demonstrate compliance with the cov erage

3479requirements for workers' compensation. Similarly, the

3485outstanding penalty assessment under that provision precludes

3492the release of the s top - work order .

350228 . The penalty assessment in place properly covers the

3512period August 11, 2002 , through August 11, 2005. This is in

3523recognition that Respondent had not provided workers'

3530compensation at any time in that period for his business at 1259

3542SW County Road 252 - B, Lake City, Florida. As a consequen ce ,

3555Respondent is subject to the penalty assessment calcu lations

3564under the formula contemplated in S ubs ection 440.107(7)(d)1. ,

3573which states:

3575In addition to any penalty, stop - work order,

3584or injunction, the department shall assess

3590against any employer who has failed to

3597secure the payment of compensatio n as

3604required by this chapter a penalty equal to

36121.5 times the amount the employer would have

3620paid in premium when applying approved

3626manual rates to the employer's payroll

3632during periods for which it failed to secure

3640the payment of workers' compensation

3645re quired by this chapter within the

3652preceding 3 - year period or $1,000, whichever

3661is greater.

36632 9 . The calculations must also take into account the

3674expectation for periods prior to October 1, 2003, representing

3683August 11, 2002 , through September 30, 2003, o f a $100 dollar

3695per diem for each day in that period pursuant to Section

3706440.107(5), Florida Statues (2002) , and they did .

37143 0 . Respondent did not timely comply with the r equest to

3727p roduce necessary business records. § 440.107(5), Fla. Stat.

3736( 2005 ) , and Fla. Admin. Code R . 69L - 6.015 and 6.028. In fact,

3752Respondent never produced the business records sufficient to

3760enable Petitioner to determine Respondent's payroll for the

3768period in question. This led Petitioner to impute the amount

3778pursuant to Florida Ad ministrative Code Rule 69L - 6.028 and

3789Section 440.107(7)(e), Florida Statutes (2005), which states:

3796When an employer fails to provide business

3803records sufficient to enable the department

3809to determine the employer's payroll for the

3816period requested for the c alculation of the

3824penalty provided in paragraph (d), for

3830penalty calculation purposes, the imputed

3835weekly payroll for each employee, corporate

3841officer, sole proprietor, or partner shall

3847be the statewide average weekly wage as

3854defined in s. 440.12(2) multip lied by 1.5.

386231 . Respondent's argument that Petitioner sho uld have

3871issued a Notice of Non - Compliance, as if this case represents a

3884minor violation of an agency rule is unpersuasive . § 120.695,

3895Fla. Stat. (2005). The violation here is fundamental and h a s

3907been recognized by the Legislature as serious. A Notice of Non -

3919Compliance would not be appropriate.


3925Upon the consideration of the facts found and the

3934conclusions of law reached, it is


3941That a Final Order be entered kee ping the stop - work order

3954in effect pending Respondent's proof that he has obtained

3963necessary workers' compensation coverage and the payment of the

3972Amended Penalty Assessment in the amount of $121,039.00 .

3982DONE AND ENTERED this 28 th day of June , 200 6 , in

3994T allahassee, Leon County, Florida.




4004Administrative Law Judge

4007Division of Administrative Hearings

4011The DeSoto Building

40141230 Apalachee Parkway

4017Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4022(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4030Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4037Filed with the Clerk of the

4043Division of Administrative Hearings

4047this 2 8 th day of June , 200 6 .


40591/ The exhibits were denied admission as untimely, incomplete,

4068and in the case of Respondent 's nu mbered 2, irrelevant. See

4080§ 440.107(3)(c) , (5) and (7), Fla . Stat . ( 2005 ), and Fla . Admin .

4097Code R . 69L - 6.015.

41032/ Information which Respondent attempted to present at hearing

4112was not of a ki nd to enable Petitioner to determine his payroll

4125for the period in question.


4133H. F. Rick Mann , Esquire

4138Department of Financial Services

4142Division of Legal Services

4146200 East Gaines Street

4150Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

4155Christopher Curry

41571259 Southwest County Road 252B

4162Lake City, Florida 32024

4166Honorable Tom Gallagher

4169Chief Financial Officer

4172Department of Financial Services

4176The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

4181Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

4186Carlos G. Mu ? niz, General Counsel

4192Department of Financial Services

4196The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

4201Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300


4212All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

422215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4233to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agen cy that

4245will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/22/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 5, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/20/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/19/2006
Proceedings: (Proposed) Final Order filed.
Date: 06/15/2006
Proceedings: Supplement to Motion for Official Recognition to be made of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.015 filed.
Date: 06/14/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Official Recognition to be Made of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.015 filed.
Date: 06/12/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Corrected First Page of Transcript filed.
Date: 05/30/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Corrected First Page of Transcript filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript filed.
Date: 05/10/2006
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 05/05/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Statement of Reasons why no Agreement was Reached on a Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Proposed Pre-hearing Statement of the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation filed.
Date: 04/28/2006
Proceedings: Request to Produce filed.
Date: 04/27/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation`s List of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Order on Amended Motion to Enforce.
Date: 04/20/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Withdraw (filed with signature).
Date: 04/14/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Withdraw and Imposing Deadline.
Date: 04/13/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Amended Motion to Enforce Order Granting Motion to Compel and to Impose Sanctions for Discovery Violations filed.
Date: 04/10/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Motion to Enforce Order Granting Motion to Compel and to Impose Sanctions for Discovery Violations filed.
Date: 04/06/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Withdraw (filed via facsimile unsigned).
Date: 03/24/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 5, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Lake City, FL).
Date: 03/24/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Compel (responses to all discovery requests due on or before April 7, 2006) .
Date: 03/13/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Production of and Responses to the Department`s First Interlocking Discovery Request filed.
Date: 02/22/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 7, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Lake City, FL).
Date: 02/21/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/03/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 7, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Lake City, FL).
Date: 01/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 01/12/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department of Financial Services First Interlocking Discovery Request filed.
Date: 01/04/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation, First Interlocking Discovery Request filed.
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by January 13, 2006).
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation`s List of Witnesses and Exhibits filed.
Date: 12/30/2005
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 12/29/2005
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation`s Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 11/15/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/15/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 5, 2006; 10:15 a.m.; Lake City, FL).
Date: 10/26/2005
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/18/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/17/2005
Proceedings: Amended Order of Penalty Assessment filed.
Date: 10/17/2005
Proceedings: Stop Work Order filed.
Date: 10/17/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Hearing and Challenge to Amended Order of Penalty Assessment and Stop Work Order filed.
Date: 10/17/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lake City, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):