05-004109 Department Of Financial Services, Division Of Workers&Apos; Compensation vs. Krashco, Inc., D/B/A J. Krash`s Sports Bar
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, January 8, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to have workers` compensation coverage and continued operating in spite of a Stop Work Order. Recommend a fine of a lesser amount because in a de novo context, Respondent proved compliance by December 15, 2005, not April 28, 2006.







20Petitioner, )


23vs. ) Case No. 0 5 - 4109


32KRASHCO, INC., d/b/a J. KRASH'S )



42Respondent. )



47Pursuant to notice this cause came on for formal proceeding

57and hearing before P. Michael Ruff, duly - designated

66Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

74Hearings in Panama City, Fl orida, on August 25, 2006 . The

86appearances were as follows:


91For Petitioner: H.F. Rick Mann, Esquire

97Department of Financial Services

101200 East Gaines Street

105Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

110For Respondent: Janis K. Porter - Kra sh c o, pro se

122Krashco, Inc., d/b/a

125J. Krash's Sports Bar

129521 East 4th Street

133Panama City, Florida 32401


142The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns

151whether the Respondent was operating its bu siness without

160workers' compensation coverage for employees in violation of the

169below - referenced provisions of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes,

178whether it continued its business operations in violation of a

188Stop Work Order issued August 11, 2005, in purporte d violation

199of Section 440.107(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2005), and what , if

208any, penalty is warranted.


214This cause arose when the Department issued a Stop Work

224Order against the Respondent on August 11, 2005. The Stop Work

235Order was issued pursuant to Section 440.107(7), Florida

243Statutes (2005), charging the Respondent with violating Sections

251440.10 and 440.38, Florida Statutes, by failing to secure the

261payment of workers' compensation for employees , as defined in

270Section 440.107 (2), Florida Statutes (2005) . The Respondent

279elected to dispute the Stop Work Order and to seek a formal

291proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida

299Statutes, by filing a Petition. Also on August 11, 2005, the

310Department served on the Res pondent a request for production of

321business records for Penalty Assessment Calculation. On

328September 14, and September 19, 2005, Respondent produced

336business records to the Department's investigator. On

343September 26, 2005, an Amended Order of Penalty As sessment was

354issued by the Department (Amended Order) , which imposed on the

364Respondent a penalty of $49,979.79. This aggregate penalty

373represented a penalty of $11,979.79 pursuant to Section

382440.107(7)(d)1 . , Florida Statutes (2005) , for failure to secure

391payment of workers' compensation and a penalty of $38,000.00

401pursuant to Section 440.107(7)(c), Florida Statutes (2005) , for

409conducting business operations in violation of the Stop Work


419The Respondent timely filed a Petition in opposition to th e

430entry of the Stop Work Order and the Amended Order. The

441Petition was forwarded to the Division of Administrative

449Hearings and ultimately to the undersigned Administrative Law

457Judge for the conduct of a formal proceeding.

465There was substantial diffi culty in the Department 's

474obtaining responses to discovery requests throughout the course

482of this proceeding. On January 12, 2006, the Department noticed

492the Respondent , and subpoena ed the sole officer of the

502Respondent , for a deposition duce tecum . On J anuary 17, 2006,

514the Department had to move to continue the January 20, 2006,

525hearing because discovery had not been responded to , and the

535documents requested in conjunction with the deposition had not

544been supplied. Two more hearings set in April and May 2006 had

556to be continued for the same sort of intransigence by the

567Respondent concerning its discovery obligations.

572T he Administrative Law Judge issued an Order that deemed

582the Department's request for admission s, which had not been

592responded to, be admit ted and directed the Respondent to produce

603responses to all remaining outstanding discovery requests. Even

611so, on June 5, 2006, the Department had to move to enforce the

624earlier Orders which ad dressed the original Motion to Compel .

635In the meantime, o n May 11, 2006, based upon information

646obtained by deposition by the Respondent on April 28, 2006, the

657Department moved to amend the Amended Order , with leave being

667granted on May 16, 2006, by the Administrative Law Judge.

677Thereafter, on July 6, 2006, the Department ultimately filed a

687Second Amended Order of Penalty Assessment (Second Amended

695Order) seeking an additional penalty of $222,000.00 for

704violation of the Stop Work Order issued August 11, 2005. This

715resulted in an aggregate penalty assessment aga inst Krasco,

724Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar in the amount of $271,979.79.

736Th e cause came on for final hearing on August 25, 2006. At

749the hearing the Respondent Krashco, Inc., stipulated to the

758original Amended Order, that is, it indicated that it did not

769dispute that it had employed at least four employees without

779securing payment of workers' compensation and had violated the

788Stop Work Order as of the date of September 26, 2005, when the

801Amended Order of Penalty Assessment was issued.

808Upon con vening of the final hearing on August 25, 2006, in

820Panama City, it developed that the Department's investigator,

828Patricia Krossman, was unable to attend due to illness. The

838Department presented the testimony of Investigator Supervisor

845William Dorney. The Department's Exhibits 1 through 13 and its

855cross - examination E xhibits 14A, 14B, 14C, and 14D through 20D

867were admitted into evidence.

871On August 30, 2006, the Department filed a n un - opposed

883Motion to admit a s a Department cross - examination exhibit, the

895t rans cript of the deposition of the Respondent's designated

905representative, its accountant, Mr. McDo nough , which had been

914taken before the final hearing. This transcript was admitted.

923On August 31, 2006, the Department filed a suppl ement to E xhibit

9369 to b e admitted to the hearing record , which was without

948objection and was admitted. On September 1, 2006, with prior

958leave from the Administrative Law Judge, the Department deposed

967its Investigator Patricia Krossman and on September 7, 2006,

976pursuant to the j udge's earlier ruling , submitted the transcript

986of her deposition to be admitted into the evidential record,

996which it was. Thereafter, on September 8, 2006, with leave of

1007the Administrative Law Judge by ruling at hearing, the

1016Department submitted a late - f iled exhibit consisting of

1026discovery responses belated ly received from the Respondent after

1035the final hearing . These comprised Krashco, Inc.'s checking

1044account statements, check register, and "expenses by vendor

1052summary," and which was identified as "A," "B," and "C." This

1063exhibit was a lso admitted.

1068The president of Krashco, Inc., did not testify. Rather

1077the Respondent offered the testimony of one witness, Krashco,

1086Inc.'s Accountant, Mr. Matthew McDonough. The Respondent

1093offered no exhibits into evide nce either on direct or cross -


1106A Transcript was obtained and filed with the Administrative

1115Law Judge . The Petitioner Department submitted a Proposed

1124Recommended Order which has been considered in the rendition of

1134this Recommended Order.


11411. The Department of Financial Services, Division of

1149Workers' Compensation (Department) is an agency of the State of

1159Florida charged with enforcing the statutory requirements

1166requiring employers to secure the payment of workers'

1174compensation benefits by obtaining insurance coverage therefor

1181for employees , as mandated by Section 440.107, Florida Statutes

1190(2005) . The Respondent, Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash ' s Sports

1202Bar (Krashco, Inc.) is a Florida corporation domiciled in Panama

1212City , Florid a . On August 11, 2005, it was engaged in the

1225business of operating J. Krash ' s Sports Bar at 1508 Calhoun

1237Avenue in Panama City , Florida .

12432. Patricia Krossman is a Workers' Compensation

1250Investigator for the Department. She conducts investigations

1257into all types of business to verify that they have required

1268workers' compensation insurance coverage or are statutorily

1275exempt. She visited J. Krash's Sports , Bar accompanied by her

1285supervisor, William Dorney, and another investigator on

1292August 11, 2005. J. Krash's Sports Bar is a business owned by

1304the Respondent Krashco, Inc. Upon entering the bar, Ms.

1313Krossman, observed several customers and a bartender. She

1321inquired of the bartender whether the owner was present. She

1331was then introduced to Mr. Matthew M cDonough who identified

1341himself as the accountant for Krashco, Inc. Mr. Dorney was

1351present and witnessed this encounter with Mr. McDonough.

13593. Mr. Krossman interviewed Mr. McDonough who stated that

1368he handled all the business for Krashco, Inc., and that Krashco,

1379Inc., had one full - time employee and six hourly employees.

1390Mr. McDonough provided the names of those employees to

1399Ms. Krossman and told her that Krashco, Inc., had no workers'

1410compensation insurance policy to cover those employees. This

1418revelati on was corroborated by Mr. Dorney who was also present.

14294 . Mr. McDonough identified Ms. Janis Kay Porter - Krasno as

1441the sole officer of the corporation, Krashco, Inc. He provided

1451the telephone number for Ms. Krasno and Investigator Krossman

1460telephoned Ms. Krasno . She confirmed the number and the names

1471of the employees of Krashco, Inc., and J. Krash's Sports Bar.

1482She also confirmed that Krashco, Inc. , had no workers'

1491compensation coverage.

14935 . In accordance with Chapter 440, Florida Statutes,

1502insurance ca rriers report to the Department the issuance to

1512businesses of workers' compensation insurance policies. The

1519Department issues workers' compensation insurance exemptions

1525also. The Department maintains an electronic database of

1533employer coverage and exempt ions in its Coverage and Compliance

1543Autom ated System (CCAS) , which allows investigators to determine

1552whether an employer has secured workers' compensation insurance

1560coverage or whether that employer has an exemption from

1569coverage. This database is used in the normal course of the

1580Department's investigations. Ms. Krossman utilized the CCAS

1587data base in the subject investigation. This database confirmed

1596that the Respondent ha d no workers' compensation coverage and no

1607exemption from coverage from any office r of the Respondent

1617corporation at the time of the investigation. ( See Department

1627exhibits three and four in evidence).

16336. The Department has a policy or statutory interpretation

1642which it carries out , concerning its duties under Section

1651440.107(7)(a), Fl orida Statutes (2005), requiring that if an

1660employer who is required to secure payment of workers'

1669compensation benefits has failed to do so , that failure is

1679deemed an immediate serious danger to public health safety or

1689welfare and results in the issuance of a "Stop Work Order" by

1701the Department.

17037 . In view of her investigation as described, Investigator

1713Krossman determined that the Respondent was in violation of the

1723workers' compensation law. This was because it employed more

1732than four individuals, for whom the Respondent was required to

1742secure the payment of workers' compensation and yet had no

1752workers' compensation for any of its employees. Investigator

1760Krossman's supervisor, Mr. Dorney, reviewed the results of

1768Ms. Korssman's investigation and agreed with her and authorized

1777her to issue a Stop Work Order to the Respondent due to its

1790failure to comply with the relevant requirements of Chapter 440,

1800Florida Statutes. Indeed, the Respondent ultimately stipulated

1807its liability for the charge that it viola ted Section

1817440.107(7), Florida Statutes (2005) , by not securing the payment

1826of workers' compensation for the employees in question.

18348 . The Stop Work Order was served on Krashco, Inc., on

1846August 11, 2005, alerting that employer in accordance with

1855Section 440.107(7)(d), Florida Statutes (2005), that a penalty

1863would be assessed and that the penalty might be amended based on

1875further information obtained, including the production of

1882business records by the employer. The Stop Work Order also

1892advised that if th e employer conduct ed any business operations

1903in violation of the Stop Work Order that a penalty of $1,000.00

1916per day of violation would be assessed.

19239 . Under the mandate of Section 440.107(5), Florida

1932Statutes (2005) , and Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L - 6.015,

1942Florida employers are required to maintain business records that

1951enable the Department to determine whether an employer is

1960complying with the workers' compensation law. On August 11,

19692005, Ms. Krossman issued and hand served on Krashco, Inc. , a

1980written request for production of business records for purposes

1989of a penalty assessment calculation.

199410 . On September 14 and 19, 2005, the Respondent's

2004accountant provided business records to the Department. After

2012reviewing those business records , Investigator Krossman again

2019consulted with her supervisor Mr. Dorney, who authorized her to

2029issue an Amended Order of Penalty Assessment. The Amended Order

2039of Penalty Assessment is the Department's E xhibit 9 in evidence.

2050The Amended Order was issued an d served on Respondent on

2061September 26, 2005, and assessed a total penalty of $49,979.79

2072under the authority of Section 440.107(7)(d)1 . and (c), Florida

2082Statutes (2005) . The penalty calculations pertaining to each of

2092the employees listed appeared in a thr ee page worksheet attached

2103and incorporated as part of Department's exhibit nine in

2112evidence. Investigator Krossman selected the appropriate NCCI

2119class code for Krashco Inc.'s business , and its corresponding

2128premium rate , in order to apply that to each em ployee ' s wages.

2142The Department relies on these premium rates and the

2151classification codes for these purposes in the normal course of

2161its regulation of such matters. 1/ Ultimately, at hearing, the

2171Respondent stipulated that it did not dispute the charge in the

2182Amended Order and does not dispute the accuracy of the penalty

2193calculation. 2/

219511 . In light of the requirements of Section

2204440.107(7)(d)1 . , Florida Statutes (2005) , Investigator Krossman

2211calculated the penalty for the period of non - compliance back t o

2224September 1, 2002, pursuant to the three year "reach back

2234standard" in the statute. The premium which had thus been

2244evaded which the Respondent would have paid had it secured

2254workers' compensation insurance was thus shown to be $7,986.43.

2264The statutori ly provided penalty on that amount of evaded

2274premium multiplied by the statutory standard of 1.5 times

2283resulted in a penalty amount of $11,979.79.

229112 . Respondent also stipulated at the hearing that it had

2302violated the Stop Work Order issued on August 11, 2005, by

2313continuing to conduct its business operations of J. Krash's

2322Sports Bar through September 19, 2005. This engendered an

2331additional penalty as provided in Section 440.107(7)(a) and (c),

2340Florida Statutes (2005) . Investigator Krossman calculated the

2348additional penalty at $1,000.00 per day of violation time from

2359August 12, 2005 through September 19, 2005, at $38,000.00. This

2370results in a total aggregate assessed penalty , pursuant to the

2380Amended Order , of $49,979.79.

238513 . The business of Respondent Kra shco, Inc. , is J.

2396Krash's Sports Bar. Its principal place of business is 1508

2406Calhoun Avenue, Panama City, Florida 32405. Section

2413440.107(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2005), requires a cessation of

2421all business operations by an employer when a Stop Work Orde r is

2434issued by that employer by the Department. The Stop Work Order

"2445shall remain in effect until the Department issues an o rder

2456releasing the Stop Work Order upon a finding that the employer

2467has come into compliance with the coverage requirements of this

2477Chapter and has paid a ny penalty assessed under this s ection. " 3/

249014 . Krashco, Inc. , has never paid any part of the assessed

2502penalty pursuant to the Amended Order or the Second Amended

2512Order filed later. The Department has never issued a n Order of

2524Relea se from the Stop Work Order .

253215 . Nevertheless, the Respondent Krashco, Inc., after

2540September 19, 2005, continued the business operation s of J.

2550Krash's Sports Bar.

255316 . Officers of corporations may elect an exemption from

2563coverage under the workers' comp ensation law as an employee ( see

2575Section 440. 05). This exemption is effective, however, only for

2585the corporation listed in the eligible officer ' s Notice of

2596Election to be Exempt and which is paying that officer's salary

2607or wages.

260917 . Three new corporatio ns were formed whereby the

2619previous employees of Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar

2629became officers of Krashco, Inc., and those three new

2638corporations. This is because Krashco, Inc., needed people to

2647operate the bar on its behalf to buy goods and services to sell

2660and dispense at its business , J. Krash's Sports Bar. Krashco,

2670Inc.'s former employees became officers of these three newly

2679created corporations and two of the former employees became

2688officers of the Respondent Krashco, Inc.

269418 . Krashco, Inc. , d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar verbally

2704contracted with these new officers of the new corporation s to

2715perform the same services for its business , J. Krash's Sports

2725Bar, that those same individuals had been performing before

2734becoming officers of these co rporations, performing security,

2742catering, and bartending services. Krashco, Inc. 's , principals

2750were of the belief that it was necessary to secure the services

2762in this manner in order to continue the operation of its

2773business, without employees , so that i t would no longer be

2784required to have workers' compensation coverage for them .

279319 . After August 11, 2005, and through most of the

2804remainder of 2005, Ms. Janis Krasno, the President of Krashco,

2814Inc. , continued to pay these new officers, the former employee s,

2825directly with checks d rawn on Krashco Inc.'s account and made

2836payable to the individual officers as payees (not to their

2846corporation) for the same services they had performed for the

2856benefit of J. Krash's Sports Bar. 4/

286320 . Keith Larson, an employee of Krashco, Inc., became an

2874officer of the original Krashco, Inc. , as well as Crashco, Inc. ,

2885one of the three newly created corporations. Keith Larson

2894elected an exemption from Chapter 440 as an officer of Krashco,

2905Inc. Larson's election of exemption with K rashco, Inc.,

2914however, did no t become effective until November 2, 2005.

2924Consequently, Keith Larson continued to be paid by Krashco,

2933Inc. , as an employee through at least November 1, 2005.

294321 . Six other Krashco, Inc., employees were granted

2952exemptions (as officers of the other corporations) by the

2961Petitioner from the requirement of workers' compensation

2968coverage, which were all effective on August 22, 2005. This

2978reduced the number of employees of record to less than the

2989compliment of four (or more) for wh ich coverage is required.

3000This would seem, under only these circumstances, to represent

3009the expiration of liability by the Respondent for failure to

3019secure payment of workers' compensation and to also be the date

3030the Stop Work Order should be rescinded an d further penalties

3041to l led.

304422. The fact is, however, that Ms. Krasno and the

3054Respondent, Krashco, Inc., as found below , continued to pay

3063these "former employees" with Krashco, Inc., checks made to them

3073individually (not to their corporations), for the sa me job

3083duties, until December 15, 2005. Thus they continued to

3092function as employees of the Respondent, Krashco, Inc., until

3101that date. After that date they were paid by a new corporation,

3113Crashco, Inc.

31152 3 . Ms. Janis Krasno, President of Krashco, Inc.,

3125continued to operate and run J. Krash's Sports Bar as an officer

3137of and on behalf of Krashco, Inc., through April 28, 2006. This

3149included payment of Krashco's expenses occasioned in the

3157operation of the business.

31612 4 . Ms. Krasno, President of Krashco, I nc. , wrote checks

3173through December 15, 2005, drawn on Krashco, Inc. 's bank account

3184to pay for Krashco, Inc.'s business operation expenses , all of

3194which were for the benefit of operating J. Krash's Sports Bar.

32052 5 . Ms. Krasno as President of Krashco, Inc. , issued

3216checks through December 15, 2005, drawn on that corporation's

3225account to pay the individual officers of the three new

3235corporations which had been formed, and of Krashco , Inc., for

3245those officers ' bartending, security, and catering services, all

3254of w hich were performed to continue and perpetuate the operation

3265of J. Krash's Sports Bar.

32702 6 . Ms. Krasno issued checks through December 15, 2005, on

3282Krashco, Inc.'s account, to promote sales , by the promotion of

3292upcoming activities to be held at the bar , or to purchase goods

3304for sale at J. Krash's Sports Bar , from various vendors , for

3315non - alcoholic drinks, restaurant supplies, food and other goods

3325for parties . Such payments were also used to pay vendors such

3337as Goldring Gulf Distributing Company and other di stributors for

3347alcoholic beverages to be sold in the operation of J. Krash's

3358Sports Bar , and for incidental expenses.

336427 . From August 12, 2005 through December 15, 2005 , and

3375through April 28, 2006, J. Krash's Sports Bar was generally open

3386for business s even days a week from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

339928 . Since September 19, 2005 through April 28, 2006,

3409Ms. Krasno still controlled the management and operations of

3418Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar. On December 21,

34282005, however, Krashco, Inc.'s, p resident, Ms. Krasno , who also

3438became president of Crashco, Inc., beg a n issuing checks drawn on

3450the bank account of Crashco, Inc., to pay for expenses

3460occasioned in the operation of the Respondent's business J.

3469Krash's Sports Bar. These were payments to t he same officers

3480she had been paying since September 19, 2005, for their

3490bartending, security, and catering services , as well as to

3499essentially the same vendors for purchases of alcoholic

3507beverages , etc. for sale at J. Krash's Sports Bar. Through the

3518dat e of the final hearing Ms. Krasno, with checks drawn on the

3531account of Crashco, Inc., purchased alcoholic beverages on

3539behalf of Krashco, Inc., the holder of liquor license

3548BEV1301819 , in order to continue the business operations of

3557Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar.

356429 . After December 21, 2005 and through April 28, 2006,

3575income of sales at J. Krash's Sports Bar was deposited in

3586Crashco, Inc. 's account .

359130. After entry of the Amended Order on September 26,

36012005, the Respondent timely filed its re quest for a formal

3612proceeding on October 14, 2005. This rendered the initial

3621agency action to be non - final , to await the outcome of this de

3635novo , proceeding.


364030 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3648jurisdiction of the sub ject matter of and the parties to this

3660proceeding. § § 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. (2006).

366931 . The Department has the burden of proof in this case.

3681It must demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the

3691Respondent violated the workers' compensation law during the

3699relevant periods of time and that the penalty assessments are

3709correctly calculated and imposed. Department of Banking and

3717Finance Division of Secur i ties and Investor Pro tection v.

3728Osborne Stern and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 199 6).

373932 . Every employer is required to secure workers'

3748compensation insurance for its employees.

3753§§ 440.10(1)(a) and 440.38(1), Fl a. Stat. (2005).

376133 . Employers are subject to the requirement of providing

3771workers' compensation coverage a s set forth in Section

3780440.02(16), Florida Statutes (2005), which states in pertinent


3789(a) "Employer" means the state and all

3796political subdivision s thereof, all public

3802and quasi - public corporations therein, every

3809person carrying on any employment, and the

3816legal r epresentative of a deceased person or

3824the receiver or trustees of any person.

"3831Employer" also includes employment

3835agencies, employee leasing companies, and

3840similar agents who provide employees to

3846other persons. If the employer is a

3853corporation, parties i n actual control of

3860the corporation, including, but not limited

3866to, the president, officers who exercise

3872broad corporate powers, directors, and all

3878shareholders who directly or indirectly own

3884a controlling interest in the corporation,

3890are considered the em ployer for the purposes

3898of §§ 440.105, 440.106, and 440.107

390434 . The nature of employment that is being considered here

3915is defined at Sections 440.02(17)(a) and (b) (2005) , where it


3926(a) 'Employment,' subject to the other

3933provisions of this chapt er, means any

3940service performed by an employee for the

3947person employing him or her.

3952(b) 'Employment' includes:

3955* * *

39582. All private employments in which four or

3966more employees are employed by the same

3973employer or, with respect to the

3979construction indu stry, all private

3984employment in which one or more employees

3991are employed by the same employer.

3997(Emphasis supplied).

399935 . Certain categories of employees are subject to the

4009protection of the workers' compensation law. Relevant to this

4018case, "Employee" is defined at Section 440.02(15) , as:

4026(a) any person who receives remuneration

4032from an employer for the performance of any

4040work or service while engaged in any

4047employment under any appointment or contract

4053of hire or apprenticeship, express or

4059implied, oral or written, whether lawfully

4065or unlawfully employed, and includes, but is

4072not limited to, aliens and minors.

4078(b) "Employee" includes any person who is

4085an officer of a corporation and who performs

4093services for remuneration for such

4098corporation within this state, whether or

4104not such services are continuous.

4109* * *

411236 . The liability for employers to provide workers'

4121compensation is set forth in Section 440.10(1)(a), which states:

4130440.10 Liability for compensation. --

4135(1)(a) Every employer coming within th e

4142provisions of this chapter shall be liable

4149for, and shall secure, the payment to his or

4158her employees, or any physician, surgeon, or

4165pharmacist providing services under s.

4170440.13, of the compensation payable under

4176ss. 440.13, 440.15, and 440.16. Any

4182con tractor or subcontractor who engages in

4189any public or private construction in the

4196state shall secure and maintain compensation

4202for his or her employees under this chapter

4210as provided in s. 440.38.

421537 . Respondent Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar

4225was engaged in "employment" as defined in Sections 440.02(17)(a)

4234and (b)2 , Florida Statutes (2005) .

424038 . Respondent Krashco, Inc., d/b/a J. Krash's Sports Bar

4250was obligated to secure the payment of workers' compensation for

4260its "employees," as that term i s defined in Sections

4270440.02(15)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes (2005) . See §§

4279440.10(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2005).

428339 . Respondent Krashco, Inc., was obligated to secure the

4293payment of compensation in the manner described in Section

4302440.38, Florida Statutes (2 005). The Respondent, Krashco, Inc.,

4311failed to do so.

431540 . Section 440.107(3) explains the Department's authority

4323to enforce workers' compensation coverage requirements where it


4332The department shall enforce workers'

4337compensation coverage requirem ents,

4341including the requirement that the employer

4347secure the payment of workers' compensation,

4353and the requirement that the employer

4359provide the carrier with information to

4365accurately determine payroll and correctly

4370assign classification codes. In additio n to

4377any other powers under this chapter, the

4384department shall have the power to:

4390(a) Conduct investigations for the purpose

4396of ensuring employer compliance.

4400* * *

4403(c) Examine and copy business records.

4409* * *

4412(g) Issue stop - work orders, penalty

4419as sessment orders, and any other orders

4426necessary for the administration of this


443341 . On August 11, 2005, Investigator Krossman properly

4442conducted an investigation of Respondent pursuant to Section

4450440.107(7)(3), Florida Statutes (2005) .

445542 . Recor ds requested by Investigator Krossman from

4464Respondent were in keeping with Sections 440.107(3)(c) and

4472440.107(5) , Florida Statutes (2005) , and Florida Administrative

4479Code Rule 69L - 6.015.

448443 . Section 440.107(5), Florida Statutes (2005) , provides

4492that every employer is required to maintain and produce business

4502records to comply with Section 440.107. Florida Administrative

4510Code Rule 69L - 6.015, promulgated pursuant to the authority of

4521Section 440.107(5), Florida Statutes, identifies records that

4528are included in such business records.

453444 . In relation to the Stop Work Order and the Amended

4546Order, Section 440.107(7)(a) and (d) , Florida Statutes (2005),

4554state s in pertinent part:

4559(a) Whenever the department determines that

4565an employer who is required to secure th e

4574payment to his or her employees of the

4582compensation provided for by this chapter

4588has failed to secure the payment of workers'

4596compensation required by this chapter or to

4603produce the required business records under

4609subsection (5) within 5 business days af ter

4617receipt of the written request of the

4624department, such failure shall be deemed an

4631immediate serious danger to the public

4637health, safety, or welfare sufficient to

4643justify service by the department of a stop -

4652work order on the employer, requiring the

4659cess ation of all business operations. If

4666the department makes such a determination,

4672the department shall issue a stop - work order

4681within 72 hours. The order shall take

4688effect when served at that worksite. In

4695addition to serving a stop - work order at a

4705particu lar worksite which shall be effective

4712immediately, the department shall

4716immediately proceed with service upon the

4722employer which shall be effective upon all

4729employer worksites in the state for which

4736the employer is not in compliance. A stop -

4745work order may be served with regard to an

4754employer's worksite by posting a copy of the

4762stop - work order in a conspicuous location at

4771the worksite. The order shall remain in

4778effect until the department issues an order

4785releasing the stop - work order upon a finding

4794that th e employer has come into compliance

4802with the coverage requirement of this

4808chapter and has paid any penalty assessed

4815under this section. . . .

4821* * *

4824(d)1. In addition to any penalty, stop - work

4833order, o r injunction, the department shall

4840assess against any employer who has failed

4847to secure the payment of compensation as

4854required by this chapter a penalty equal to

48621.5 times the amount the employer would have

4870paid in premium when applying approved

4876manual rates to the employer's payroll

4882during periods for whic h it failed to secure

4891the payment of workers' compensation

4896required by this chapter within the

4902preceding 3 - year period or $1,000, whichever

4911is greater.

491345 . Investigator Krossman was authorized to seek the

4922production of the Respondent's business records. The Respondent

4930had four or more employees who were entitled to payment of

4941workers' compensation and that payment was not secured by the


495246 . Investigator Krossman and the Department were

4960justified in issuing the Stop Work Order on August 11, 2 005, in

4973accordance with Section 440.107(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2005).

4980Under that statutory authority the Stop Work Order remain ed in

4991effect until the Respondent, Krashco, Inc., might demonstrate

4999compliance with the coverage requirement for workers'

5006comp ensation.

500847 . The penalty assessment proposed for Respondent

5016Krashco, Inc.'s failure to comply with the coverage requirements

5025f or workers' compensation properly covers the period of

5034September 1, 2002 through September 19 , 2005 , as to the Amended

5045Order . This is in recognition that the Respondent had not

5056provided workers' compensation coverage at anytime during that

5064period for its business known as J. Krash's Sports Bar. Thus

5075the Respondent is subject to the penalty assessment calculations

5084under the form ula contemplated in Section 440.107(7)(d)1 .,

5093Florida Statutes (2005).

509648 . The Department appropriately issued the Amended Order

5105of Penalty Assessment on September 26, 2005, and appropriately

5114used the payroll figures provided by the Respondent for

5123calculat ion of the penalty assessment.

512949 . The Department satisfied its burden of proving by

5139clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to secure

5148the payment of workers' compensation as defined in Section

5157440.107(2), Florida Statutes (2005), and that it correctly

5165assessed the penalty described in Section 440.107(7)(d)1 . ,

5173Florida Statutes (2005), as to the Amended Order, for that

5183failure. Additionally, the Respondent stipulated that it did

5191not dispute the charge and penalty assessed in the original

5201Amend ed Order issued September 26, 2005.

520850 . The Department also proved that the Respondent

5217continued its business operations after the Stop Work Order was

5227issued on August 11, 2005, and did so continuously through

5237September 19, 2005, and beyond.

524251 . The pr eponderant evidence shows that the exemptions

5252accorded the six employees, effective August 22, 2005, reduced

5261the compliment of employees for the Respondent corporation below

5270the threshold, above which workers' compensation coverage is

5278required, by the abov e - referenced statute.

528652 . The Respondent corporation, however, with check s drawn

5296on its account by its president, continued to pay these people

5307individually for the same duties, in the same manner, as before

5318August 22, 2005, the date of these exemptions. Thus for factual

5329and legal purposes, in light of the above authority, they still

5340functioned, and were paid as employees of the Respondent,

5349Krashco, Inc . This means that the Respondent was still liable

5360under the above - referenced authority, for securing wo rkers'

5370compensation coverage through December 15, 2005. After that

5378date the personnel were paid by the separate corporation,

5387Crashco, Inc., so that the Respondent corporation no longer had

5397an employment relationship with sufficient employees so that

5405worke rs' compensation coverage would be required.

541253 . Section 440.107(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2005), quoted

5420above, provides that a Stop Work Order will remain in effect

5431until the employer is in compliance with coverage requirements

" 5440. . . and has paid any p enalty assessed under this section. .

5454. ." The Respondent filed its request for formal proceeding and

5465hearing on October 14, 2005. When that was done the coverage

5476issue, the Stop Work Order and the question of penalty became

5487non - final agency action until this de novo proceeding could be

5499con ducted , evidence taken and legal authority considered in

5508arriving at a determination of the coverage question, the

5517validity of the Stop Work Order and whether any penalty is

5528warranted, its manner of assessment, and its scope and amount.

553854 . That determination can now be made. The preponderant,

5548persuasive evidence supporting the above findings of fact

5556establishes that the Respondent, Krashco, Inc., was in violation

5565of the above - referenced workers' compensation coverage

5573requirements, the Stop Work Order and is liable for the related

5584penalty assessment for the period charged to, and including,

5593December 15, 2005.

559655 . The preponderant evidence shows that after that date,

5606during the pendency of this de novo proceeding, that the

5616Respondent sufficiently altered its operation and its manner of

5625securing and paying for services and goods necessary to

5634operation of the business so as to comply with the referenced

5645legal authority.

564756 . It has therefore been established that, as to th e

5659Amended Order, the proposed aggregate penalty of $49,979.79 is

5669appropriate. In addition to this, a portion of the penalty for

5680violation of the Stop Work Order, represented by the Second

5690Amended Order, for the period from September 19, 2005 through

5700Decem ber 15, 2005, should be imposed for an additional amount of

5712$87,000.00 in penalty , a total of $136,979.80. Additionally, an

5723assessment for the lack of coverage for the period of

5733September 19, 2005 through December 15, 2005, at 1.5 times the

5744amount the Res pondent would have paid in premium , based on the

5756formula depicted in Subsection 440.107(7)(d)1 , Florida Statutes

5763(2005), should be imposed.


5768Having considered the foregoing findings of fact , the

5776conclusions of law, the evidence of record , the candor and

5786demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of

5796the part ies , it is, therefore ,

5802RECOMMENDED that a final ord er be entered by the Department

5813of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation

5820assessing , under the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment, the

5829Second Amended Order of Penalty Assessment and the Stop - Work

5840Order , a penalty in the total amount of $ 136,979.80, together

5852with an additional assessment for failure to secure coverage for

5862the period of September 19, 2005 th rough December 15, 2005, in

5874the manner provided in Subsection 440.107(7)(d)1 . , Florida

5882Statutes (2005).

5884DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of January , 200 7 , in

5895Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5903Admini strative Law Judge

5907Division of Administrative Hearings

5911The DeSoto Building

59141230 Apalachee Parkway

5917Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5922(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5930Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5937Filed with the Clerk of the

5943Division of Admi nistrative Hearings

5948this 8th day of January , 200 7 .


59581/ See , e.g. , Department of Labor and Employment Security,

5967Division of Workers' Compensation v. Bobby Cox, Sr., d/b/a C.H.

5977Well Drilling , DOAH Case No. 99 - 3854 (Recommended Order

5987March 20, 200 0 ) , Final Order June 8, 2000, adopting in part:

6000Department of Labor and Employment Security, Division of

6008Workers' Compensation v. Eastern Personnel Services, Inc. , DOAH

6016Case No. 99 - 2048 (Final Order entered November 30, 1999).

60272/ See also Order entered May 15 , 2006, deeming these matters

6038admitted as to the charge and the accuracy of the penalty

6049calculation concerning the amended order.

60543/ See § 440.107(7)(a), Fla . Stat . (2005).

60634/ See § 440.107(02)(15)(a), Fla . Stat . (2005).


6075H.F. Rick Mann, Esquire

6079Department of Financial Services

6083200 East Gaines Street

6087Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4229

6092Honorable Alex Sink

6095Department of Financial Services

6099The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

6104Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

6109Carlos G. Mu ñ iz, General C ounsel

6117Department of Financial Services

6121The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

6126Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

6131Janis K. Porter - Krash c o, President

6139Krashco, Inc., d/b/a

6142J. Krash's Sports Bar

6146521 East 4th Street

6150Panama City, Florida 32401


6161All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

617115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6182to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6193will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/12/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/09/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/08/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/08/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/08/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 25, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/02/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Ruff from M. McDonough filed.
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Late-filed Exhibit Pursuant to Presiding Officer`s Ruling at Final Hearing.
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Deposition of Patricia Krossman filed.
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Deposition of Patricia Krossman Taken on September 1, 2006 filed.
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/07/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Final Hearing Held on August 25, 2006 filed.
Date: 09/05/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Ruff from H. Mann regarding the deposition of a Department witness filed.
Date: 08/31/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Take Judical Notice of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code filed.
Date: 08/31/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Supplement to Department`s Exhibit Number 9 at Final Hearing on August 25, 2006.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Admit into the Hearing Record the Deposition Transcript of Matthew McDonough, Designated Representative of Krashco, Inc. filed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services` Division of Workers` Compensation Notice of Taking Deposition by Telephone filed.
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/23/2006
Proceedings: Emergency Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing Currently Scheduled for August 25, 2006 filed.
Date: 08/23/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation`s Amended Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 08/21/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Department`s Intent to Offer into Evidence Business Records of Goldring Gulf Distributing filed.
Date: 08/21/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Deem Admitted for Purposes of this Proceeding Department`s Second Request for Admissions Numbers 1 through 13 filed.
Date: 08/18/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Motion to Compel Production of Documents at Deposition Duces Tecum and Impose Sanctions and Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 08/16/2006
Proceedings: Order (information requested and referenced in the Motion concerning payroll and employment records from August 11, 2002 through April 28, 2006, be furnished to the Petitioner in legible form within five days of the date hereof).
Date: 08/01/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services` Division of Workers` Compensation Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum by Telephone filed.
Date: 07/17/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services Division of Workers` Compensation`s Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/06/2006
Proceedings: Amended Order of Penalty Assessment filed.
Date: 07/06/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Department`s Second Amended Order of Penalty Assessment filed.
Date: 06/28/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Motion to Enforce Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum and Impose Sanctions, and Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 06/07/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 25, 2006; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 06/05/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Motion to Enforce Order and to Impose Sanctions on Respondent filed.
Date: 05/26/2006
Proceedings: Second Amended Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 05/24/2006
Proceedings: Amended Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 05/22/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 05/16/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 22, 2006).
Date: 05/15/2006
Proceedings: Order (if any outstanding discovery requests and provision of documents to the Petitioner has not been answered and complied with within five days of the date of this Order sanctions will be imposed).
Date: 05/11/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Amend the Department`s Amended Order of Penalty Assessment and Requesting Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/24/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services` Division of Workers` Compensation Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/21/2006
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Compel Production of and Responses to the Department`s First Interlocking Discovery Request and to Deem Requests for Admission as Admitted for Purposes of this Proceeding filed.
Date: 04/17/2006
Proceedings: Department`s Motion for Expedited Hearing Regarding Renewed Motion to Compel and for Sanctions and Motion to Compel Production of and Responses to the Department`s First Interlocking Discovery Request filed.
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 19, 2006; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL; amended as to DATE).
Date: 03/27/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Oral Grant of Continuance filed.
Date: 03/15/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing Currently Scheduled for April 6, 2006 filed.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 6, 2006; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 03/13/2006
Proceedings: Renewed Motion to Compel and for Sanctions and Motion to Compel Production of and Responses to the Department`s Interlocking Discovery Request filed.
Date: 01/27/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 01/20/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by January 26, 2006).
Date: 01/17/2006
Proceedings: Supplemental Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing and Motion to Compel and for Sanctions filed.
Date: 01/13/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 01/09/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers` Compensation`s Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 01/06/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Expedite Discovery Response filed.
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services` Division of Workers` Compensation Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/03/2006
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services` Division of Workers` Compensation Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 11/21/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 20, 2006; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 11/16/2005
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/09/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Petition for Hearing filed.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Amended Order of Penalty Assessment filed.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Stop Work Order; Notice of Rights filed.
Date: 11/08/2005
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Panama City, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):