05-004131 James L. Smith vs. Department Of Health
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, March 30, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner, a registered septic system contractor charged with supervision and repair work, and obtaining a permit and associated inspections, did not carry out the charge when repairing the system at issue. Recommend a $2,500 fine per rule provisions.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. )

18) Case No. 05 - 41 31



30Respondent. )



35This cause came on for for mal proceeding and hearing before

46P. Michael Ruff, a duly - designated Administrative Law Judge of

57the Division of Administrative Hearings. The formal hearing was

66conducted in Jacksonville , Florida, on January 25 , 200 6 . The

77appearances were as follows:


83For Petitioner: James L. Smith , pro se

908300 West Beaver Street

94Jacksonville, Florida 3 22 20

99For Respondent: Catherine R. Berry , Esquire

105Department of Health

108515 West Sixth Street

112Jacksonville , Florida 32206 - 4 311


122The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concern s

132whether the Petitioner violated Florida Administrative Code

139Rules 64E - 6.022(1)(b)2, 64E - 6.022(1)(d), and 64E - 6.022(1)(p) by

151making repairs to an on - site sewage dispo sal system without a

164permit, and by missing required inspections of the system, as

174outlined in the citation issued by the Respondent Agency dated

184August 29, 2005.


189This cause arose when the Respondent Department of Health

198issued a cit ation to Petitioner on August 29, 2005, seeking to

210impose an administrative fine up to $2,500.00 for violation of

221the above - cited rules. The citation informed the Petitioner of

232his right to a formal proceeding in accordance with Chapter 120,

243Florida Statu tes , and the Petitioner requested a formal

252proceeding and hearing. The proceeding was forwarded to the

261Division of Administrative Hearings and ultimately to the

269undersigned Administrative Law Judge .

274In essence the dispute concern s whether the Petit ioner, as

285the qualifying registered septic tank contractor for All Florida

294Septic Tank Service, Inc., performed repairs to an on - site

305sewage treatment system (septic tank and drain field) without a

315permit, and without obtaining the required inspections.

322T he cause came on for hearing as noticed. At the hearing

334the Department presented the testimony of three witness es and

344offered one composite exhibit , which was admitted into evidence

353without objection. The Petitioner testified on his own behalf

362and offere d one exhibit , which was admitted into evidence

372without objection. Upon conclusion of the hearing the parties

381were accorded the opportunity to file proposed recommended

389orders. The Respondent Agency filed a Proposed Recommended

397Order , which has been cons idered in the rendition of this

408Recommended Order.


4131. The State of Florida , Department of Health and Duval

423County Health Department (Department) is an Agency of the State

433of Florida , charged with enforcing the statutory and regulatory

442pr ovisions regarding septic tank and drain field installations

451and repairs , in Florida , in accordance with Section 381.0065,

460Florida Statutes , and Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter

46864E - 6.

4712. The Petitioner is the qualifying registered septic tank

480co ntractor for All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. (All

490Florida). He holds registration number SR00011389. He has 15

499years of experience in the field of septic tank system

509construction and repair. All repairs of on - site sewage

519treatment and disposal sys tems (septic systems) , are required to

529be performed under the supervision and control of a registered

539septic tank contractor.

5423. Mr. David Adeeb is president of United Properties of

552North Florida, Inc. He owned property (a residen ce ) at 375

564North Cahoon Road, in Duval County Florida. He was informed by

575his tenants at that residence that the septic tank and drain

586field were malfunctioning and needed to be repaired or replaced ,

596sometime in April 2004. He therefore contacted All Florida ,

605asking them to i nspect the septic system at that residence and

617advise what repairs might be needed. He was advised by some

628representative of All Florida that the drain field needed to be

639replaced and was quoted a price of $2,000.00. All Florida

650requested that payment be made before the work was performed.

660Since Mr. Adeeb was out - of - town at the time he asked his tenant

676to temporarily pay All Florida for the cost of the repairs

687and/or installation , which they agreed to do.

6944. All Florida then issued a contract/proposal to United

703Properties on April 12, 2004. It was signed by a representative

714of All Florida, Michael Carver. Mr. Carver was an employee of

725All Florida. The contract/proposal indicated that a 360 square

734foot drain field would be installed at 375 Cahoon Road , for a

746price of $2,000.00 , to be paid in cas h . The contract/proposal

759was on All Florida letterhead and included a warranty.

768Mr. A d ee b was told by his tenant that the Petitioner , who is

783personally known to that tenant , was on the property while the

794work was being performed. No one applied for a permit to make

806any repairs to th e septic system and the work was completed

818without a permit being obtained.

8235 . Some five months later the system began leaking sewage

834from the new drain field. It had malfunction ed. Mr. Adeeb

845therefore again called All Florida to demand that they repair

855any malfunctions pursuant to the warranty. All Florida informed

864Mr. Adeeb that a new drain field with a mounded system and pump

877was needed. When Mr. Adeeb told a representative of All Florida

888that they had just replaced the drain field in April of that

900year , he was told that another $2,000.00 would be required to

912correct the drain field problem.

9176 . Mr. Adeeb had just recently entered into a contract to

929sell the property at 375 Cahoon Road so, time being of the

941essence in closing the sale of the property, he felt he had no

954choice but to ask All Florida to go ahead with the repair work

967on the system which All Florida had been asked by him to repair

980five months previously in April of 2004. After the new system

991was installed Mr. Adeeb found that a permit had never been

1002obtained for the first drain field work which he had requested

1013from All Florida and that All Florida had done the work


10257 . Mr. Adeeb objected to payin g another $2,000.00 for the

1038second repair job , performed in approximately September of 200 4

1048and after much discussion with All Florida's representatives

1056agreed to pay $1,000.00 dollars for the second stint of repair

1068work. He made the payment and he receiv ed a warranty from All

1081Florida for one year , good through September 22, 2005. The

1091warranty was signed by Mr. Wayne Joyner, operations man a ger for

1103All Florida. Mr. Joyner is also the qualifying registered

1112septic tank contractor for AA Septic Tank Service, Inc.,

1121apparently a second corporation domiciled at the same facility

1130and address as All Florida Septic Service, Inc.

11388 . In May of 2005 Mr. Adeeb was again contacted by the now

1152former tenant who had purchased the property from Mr. Adeeb . He

1164was thus inf ormed that the system had failed again and sewage

1176was leaking on to the surface of the property from the drain

1188field. Mr. Adeeb again contacted All Florida on May 23, 2005.

1199A representative of All Florida informed him that he should fax

1210a copy of the paid receipt and the warrant y to them and that

1224they would take care of the problem.

12319 . On June 20, 2005, the home owner again contacted

1242Mr. Adeeb and told him that no one from All Florida had repair ed

1256the drain field as yet. A faxed copy of the paid recei pt and

1270warranty was requested once again by All Florida. After

1279numerous phone calls with representatives of All Florida, Mr.

1288Adeeb was told that the problem was not due to All Florida's

1300repair work and that Mr. Adeeb would need to get someone else to

1313repa ir the system.

131710 . The Petitioner, James L. Smith, the registered

1326qualifying septic tank contractor for All Florida, testified

1334that Michael Carver had performed the initial repair job in

1344April of 2004 for Mr. Adeeb without the knowledge of the

1355Petition er or All Florida. He claims that Michael Carver never

1366worked for All Florida. He introduced into evidence a letter

1376purported to be from Michael Carver which was dated

1385September 30, 2005, but signed on October 5, 2005. That letter

1396states that Mr. Carver performed the first drain field repair

1406job without the knowledge of All Florida and that he had created

1418the receipt form which was apparently given to either the

1428tenants at the residence in question , or to Mr. Adeeb, on All

1440Florida letterhead without the knowledge of any officer ,

1448employee, or representative of All Florida. That letter,

1456however, was not authenticated because Mr. Carver was not

1465present at the hearing and could not be examined concerning it ,

1476or the details of Mr. Carver's involvement with th e initial

1487repair project. Moreover, the Petitioner was unable to explain

1496how Mr. Carver would have known about the job at all if he had

1510never worked for All Florida. This is because Mr. Adeeb

1520established that in obtaining all of the repair work during

153020 04 - 2005 he had only contacted representatives of All Florida.

1542He had never had contact with Mr. Carver.

155011. The Petitioner denied ever telling counsel for the

1559Department in a telephone conversation that Michael Carver had

1568worked for him during the week (i.e. All Florida) but that he

1580let Mr. Carver do "side jobs" on his own on weekends. He

1592claimed that Mr. Carver did the job in question in April of 2004

1605because the tenants knew him personally and arranged for him to

1616do the work.

161912 . The testimony of Mr. Adeeb and the Department's

1629evidence in the form of its composite exhibit, is accepted as

1640more credible than the self - serving testimony of the Petitioner ,

1651and it is found that All Florida and the Petitioner were

1662responsible for the repair jobs at is sue in this case because

1674Mr. Adeeb contracted with All Florida for the work in question.

1685Even if the initial job was performed by Mr. Carver, it is

1697determined that he did so as employee or agent of All Florida

1709and the Petitioner. Under the authority cite d herein the

1719Petitioner was responsible , as the qualifying , registered septic

1727system contractor for All F l orida , with performance and

1737supervision of the work in question.


174613. The Division of Administrative Hearing s has

1754jurisdiction o f the subject matter of and the parties to this

1766proceeding. § § 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. (2005).

177514 . The Department of Health has authority pursuant to

1785Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, to issue permits, inspect

1793sites, issue citations and impose fines for violation of Rules

1803which govern repair and installation of on - site sewage treatment

1814and disposal systems.

181715 . Section 381.0065(3)(c), Florida Statutes, authorizes

1824the Department to :

1828. . . conduct enforcement activities,

1834including imposing fines, issuing citations,

1839suspensions, revocations, injunctions, and

1843emergency orders for violation of this

1849Section, P art I of Chapter 386, or P art III

1860of Chapter 489 or for a violation of any

1869rule adopted under this Section, Part I of

1877Chapter 386 , or Part IV of Chapter 489.

188516 . Section 381.0065(4), Florida Statutes (2005),

1892provides in pertinent part, as follows:

1898(4) Permit; installation; and conditions. -

1904A person may not construct, repair, modify,

1911abandon, or operate an on - site sewage

1919t reatment and disposal system without first

1926obtaining a permit approved by the

1932Department. . . .

193617 . The violations charged are set forth in the August 29,

19482005, citation issued by the Department. The first one is for

1959violation of Florida Administra tive Code Rule 64E -

19686.022(1)(b)(2) , which provides that it is a violation of that

1978provision for contracted work being completed without a permit

1987having been applied for or issued which results in missed

1997inspection or inspections. A fine of $1,000.00 dollar s is

2008provided for for a first violation of that provision. Florida

2018Administrative Rule 64E - 6.022(1)(d) makes it a violation for

2028failing to request required inspections. It provides that a

2037fine of $500.00 dollars is required for a first violation of

2048that provision. The Petitioner failed to request any of the

2058required inspections. The third violation charged is for

2066Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.022(1)(p), which

2074violation concerns the installation, modification, or repair of

2082an on - site sewage trea tment and disposal system in violation of

2095the standards in Section 381.0065 or 381.00655, Florida

2103Statutes , or in Florida Administrative Code Chapter of 64E - 6. A

2115$500.00 dollar fine is provided for the first violation of that

2126provision for each specific s tandard violated.

213318 . The repair of on - site sewage treatment and disposal

2145systems must be performed under the supervision and control of a

2156registered septic tank contractor. Fla. Admin. Code R. 64E -

21666.022(1)(a). The Petitioner is the qualifying reg istered septic

2175tank contractor for All Florida. Through Mr. Adeeb's testimony

2184it was established that the Petitioner, personally known to the

2194tenant of the residence in question , was on the property while

2205the work was being performed in April of 2004. No t only was the

2219work performed improperly , but the Petitioner failed to obtain

2228the required permit and failed to obtain the required

2237inspections .

223919 . Persuasive , clear and convincing evidence has

2247established , as shown by the above findings of fact, that the

2258repair work at issue was performed improperly and below relevant

2268standards ; that no permit was applied for or obtained for the

2279work ; and that the required inspections were never requested or

2289obtained. The Petitioner is thus responsible for the v iolations

2299which have been proven.


2304H aving considered the foregoing Findings of Fact,

2312Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and

2322demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of

2332the parties, it is, therefore,

2337RECOM MENDED that a final order be entered by the Respondent

2348Department finding that the violations charged have been

2356established and that a fine of $2,500.00 dollars be imposed for

2368the violations.

2370DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of March , 200 6 , in

2381Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2390Administrative Law Judge

2393Division of Administrative Hearings

2397The DeSoto Building

24001230 Apalachee Parkway

2403Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2408(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2416Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2423Filed with Clerk of the

2428Division of Administrative Hearings

2432this 30th day of March , 200 6 .


2444James L. Smith

24478300 West Beaver Street

2451Jacksonv ille, Florida 32220

2455Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

2459Department of Health

2462515 West Sixth Street

2466Jacksonville, Florida 32206 - 4311

2471R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2476Department of Health

24794052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2485Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2490Timothy M. Cerio , General Counsel

2495Department of Health

24984052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2504Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


2515All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

252515 days from the date of this Recommended Ord er. Any exceptions

2537to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2548will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/04/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/30/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/30/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 25, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/30/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/09/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/25/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/23/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Composite Exhibits filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 01/23/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 25, 2006; 11:00 a.m.; Jacksonville, FL).
Date: 11/14/2005
Proceedings: Citation for Violation filed.
Date: 11/14/2005
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 11/14/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):